Imp 3
Imp 3
Imp 3
7, 2015
Abstract: Current energy consumption trends lead to rapidly growing consumption of local
renewable energy sources. Such installations bring new requirements on energy
consumption profiles. Due to the massive multiplication of the results, one of the most
interesting elements of the power grid, in this respect, is formed by households. Smart
profiling of household energy consumption may be crucial for the adaptability of the global
grid. In this article, we present the design and usage of a demand-side, consumption
profiling system named the Priority-driven Appliance Control System (PAX). We describe
the main features of the PAX system and show its application using real-world data. The
main benefits are presented as direct economic assets in connection with various household
energy sources (energy grid and photovoltaic panels) and efficient usage with regard to
government energy grants.
1 Introduction
A significant shift from traditional energy generation systems, to energy systems
with distributed energy production and widespread integration of renewable
energy sources in modern power systems, often called “smart grids”, present new
challenges for research and development. Balancing power demand and supply in
a distributed energy system, with a large number of installed types of renewable
energy sources (RES), is an important aspect of a smart grid systems.
Power demand-side management (DSM) techniques and other balancing methods,
under the smart grid environment, are generally successful with optimization
issues at various energy levels [20]. In this paper, we focus our research on the
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smallest of the smart grid unit, a “smart home”. The smart home concept as a
smart grid elementary unit was chosen here to describe the principles,
interconnections and relationships of DSM. The application of DSM techniques to
the optimization of smart home appliance switching scheme according to local
renewable energy production is one of the main goals of this paper.
The demand-side management techniques have been used for various purposes.
The output of renewable energy generators (such as wind and photovoltaic) varies
with weather conditions and generally it is not straightforward to modulate the
output of RES to follow a particular load shape. An overview of current methods
for the demand-side management can be found in [1], [18], [19]. The main DSM
techniques include night-time heating with load switching, direct load control,
load limiters, commercial/industrial programs, frequency regulation, time-of-use
pricing or demand bidding [13], [14].
A DSM technique presented in [12] reshapes the demand profile by applying a
heuristic optimization algorithm and a Genetic Algorithm Optimization.
Evolutionary soft-computing methods are applied in [2]. Another AI technique, an
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), is used to implement a short-term load
forecasting module integrated with the proposed DSM technique to estimate the
load profile for a 24 hour period. Neural networks are applied in [9] for the
demand-side management in a household, with an installed photovoltaic (PV)
system. The control system is composed of two modules: a scheduler and a
coordinator, both implemented via neural networks. The control system enhances
the local energy performance, scheduling home appliances switching and
maximizing the use of PV system.
In [7], the demand-side management for smart home is introduced in three
different approximations: in a Round Robin scheduling scheme, in a Highest
Power Next (HPN) priority scheme and in a Reciprocal Fair Management (RFM)
approximation. Both the Round Robin and the HPN scheme incorporate sorting
algorithms and thus, need high computational complexity. In, a combination of
real-time pricing with the inclining block rate model is used by adopting a
combined pricing model. The proposed power scheduling method reduces the
electricity cost and the “Peak to average ratio.” Since these kinds of optimization
problems are usually nonlinear, genetic algorithms are used. A game theory was
used in [11] to formulate an energy scheduling game, where the players are the
users and their strategies are the daily usage of their household appliances and
An appliance commitment algorithm that schedules thermostatically controlled
household loads based on price and consumption forecasts is introduced in [5].
The formulation of an appliance commitment problem is described using an
electric water heater load. The thermal dynamics of heating and coasting of the
water heater load is modeled by physical models; random hot water consumption
is modeled using statistical methods. The work in [8], presents a load management
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Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 12, No. 7, 2015
technique for the air conditioner loads in large apartment complexes, based on
systematic aggregations and load factor controls of the air conditioner loads based
on a queuing system model and the Markov birth and death process. The proposed
technique can offer effective and convenient load management measures to power
companies and large customers. Techniques based on the multi-agent approach are
exploited in [4].
Finally, our approach, focuses on a DSM technique for optimizing the daily load
profile of a smart home, where various types of home appliances are installed. The
primarily aim of this work is to demonstrate that intelligent demand-side
consumption control, is not just a theoretical concept, but of practical importance
and has a significant positive financial impact.
Advantages of our approach, are in the application of Erlag, especially because of
flexibility of this language and possibility for the use of inexpensive devices for
DSM. The main focus of this paper is to present results of the application of PAX
on Green premium policy. The daily load optimization is processed according to
the actual production of the installed photovoltaic system in order to achieve a
maximum financial surplus. The details of the computation of the economic
aspects of the system management are explicated with a particular example
connected with the government photovoltaic subsidy named Green Premium.
Details for this economic model and are presented in Section 4.
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Long-period measurements (more than one year) were performed to collect actual
household data to test the PAX system functionality. Each household appliance in
selected real households was monitored using power network analyzer MDS-U [6]
during a long time period. MDS-U is a power analyzer which is able to measure
voltage, current and power factors and calculate electrical quantities like active,
reactive and apparent power for selected a time interval. In this case, a one minute
time interval was used for data collection. Averaged power consumption curves
were defined, based on long time power consumption data, for the 20 most
common household appliances (refrigerator, cook top, wall oven, personal
computer, washer, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, etc.). During the long-term
measurement, the switching scheme was evaluated for all monitored household
appliances. Usual power consumption for any daytime can be defined based on
averaged power consumption curves and the switching scheme for the most com-
mon household appliances. The power consumption curves of household
appliances are the fundamental data for PAX testing.
Together with household appliances monitoring, selected renewable power
sources were monitored during a one year time period. According to the actual
trends in renewable energy sources utilization, photovoltaic (PV) and wind power
plants (WPP) were chosen. PV consists of mono crystalline panels Aide Solar
(PMAX = 180 W, IMP = 5 A, UMP = 36 V, ISC = 5.2 A, UOS = 45 V, and 5 kWp rated
power). WPP uses synchronous generator with permanent magnets of 12 kV∙A,
voltage 560 V, current 13.6 A, torque 780 N∙m and 180 rpm. A detailed
description of the small off-grid power system test bed can be found in [10] or
[14]. Scenario II was applied for PV system with mono crystalline panels BENQ
Green-Triplex PM245P00 (PMAX = 250 W, IMP = 8.17 A, UMP = 30.6 V, ISC = 8.69
A, UOS = 37.4 V, and 5 kWp rated power).
In the current PAX experiment, two data sources were used - a data set of power
consumption and a data set of power production. Both the mentioned data sets are
based on the one year measurements of real data.
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natural way and can run easily on multicore processors or even separate machines.
The parallelization scalability is almost linear.
Erlang also has very good support for runtime code compilation and knowledge
base changes which is used extensively for particular virtual appliance control in
the PAX system and for the user interface adaptations.
The grid appliances are classified into several types according to their control
mechanism, user expectations and power consumption profiles.
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An Interactive Appliance (IA) is directly controlled by the user and the IA's
reaction cannot be deferred. Also the power consumption is mostly constant and
cannot be controlled.
A typical example of such an appliance is electric light, electric kettle, cook top,
garage doors, gate, iron, lights, microwave oven, mixer, vacuum cleaner.
Intelligent Interactive Appliance (IIA) is a special case of the previous type. The
main difference lies in the IIA's power control. The appliance can have more
power consumption profiles that can be applied according to the current situation.
The appliance can be also driven by special extra communication/control
treatment (e.g. a server computer power cannot be cut off immediately, instead a
control signal must be emitted and the computer will undergo the internal shut
down process as soon as possible).
A typical example of an IIA is a computer.
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A generalization of the FCA model in PAX is based on the assumption that the
boundaries of the appliance operation should not be defined as hard limits that
cannot be exceeded but rather as gradually increasing measures of the power
demand priority (see the next section for details). From this point of view, a FCA
can be seen, as a highly flexible device whose power consumption can be
efficiently planned to fit together with a power consumption profile of other less-
controllable devices. From the most general point of view it can be seen as a
power storage device. Of course, FCA cannot store arbitrary amount of power -
extreme values of stored power would have unintended consequences such as e.g.
food going to rotten in an under-cooled refrigerator. A typical example of a FCA
is a gas boiler, refrigerator, oven or steam cooker.
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The exact measured data are represented by the grey line. However, for model
development, the data are transformed to a “cleaned” curve (the black line).
Figure 1
Measured power consumption and preprocessed profiles of a boiler (left) and a TV set (right).
The main objective of the data cleaning is to identify the consumption level
breaking points which are then translated to consumption-change events with
specific time values. Such events are included into the model communication
flow, either in a form of a repeating pattern or (after statistical analysis)
reproduced on a (partly) random basis.
The consumption data preprocessing algorithm is as follows:
1. Set a relative threshold value (typically, 1/5 of the maximum
2. Find the next time point where the difference between the last mean value
and an actual consumption exceeds the threshold… This is the next
breaking point
3. Compute the mean value between the last two breaking points
4. Repeat until end of data
The number of breaking points (and thus the similarity of the original and
preprocessed curves) is determined by the chosen threshold, which is manually
tuned to achieve the desired accuracy of the model.
The power consumption profile of a boiler consists of periodic repeating peaks of
the same height (consumption) and a covariate length and distance. This behavior
is caused by the thermostat, which keeps the inner temperature of the boiler within
given limits. Generally, we consider the boiler to be an instance of a feedback-
controlled device which acts like a perpetual energy accumulator. Whenever the
accumulated energy falls below a given value, the device consumes the electrical
power from the grid and accumulates it up to the upper limit value.
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Table 1
Events generated from preprocessed measured data for the boiler model: {{{date}, {time}}, {message:
action, appliance, priority, consumption}}
{{{2013,03,04}, {0,34,0}}, {set_consumption, boiler1, 4, 1.984}}
{{{2013,03,04}, {2,25,0}}, {set_consumption, boiler1, 0, 0}}
{{{2013,03,04}, {3,03,0}}, {set_consumption, boiler1, 4, 1.979}}
{{{2013,03,04}, {3,10,0}}, {set_consumption, boiler1, 0, 0}}
{{{2013,03,04}, {4,41,0}}, {set_consumption, boiler1, 4, 1.970}}
{{{2013,03,04}, {4,49,0}}, {set_consumption, boiler1, 0, 0}}
A conventional boiler does not communicate with its environment and follows the
accumulation cycle forever in the safe range. Such behavior brings three main
1. If there are several appliances with a similar behavior, they produce
unwanted random consumption peaks when their accumulation phases
2. In case of an emergency state of the grid (blackout or brownout), such a
device can only be switched off. There is no intermediate state which
would not substantially impact the function of the device (to keep the water
hot) while lowering the load on the power grid
3. The appliance does not allow, in advance, for the scenerio of an
anticipated/planned power loss
To fully exploit the potential of the smart grid concept, the PAX model of a smart
boiler derived from real data is presented further. The smart boiler changes its
behavior according to the state of the grid and cooperates with other power
consuming devices.
In a virtual intelligent boiler model, based on real data, we must first identify the
breaking points in the measured power profile of a real boiler and fit the profile to
the fluctuation of the controlled value (the inner water temperature, i.e. the
accumulated energy). The measured boiler water temperature oscillates between
49 °C and 58 °C. At 49 °C the heating system is switched on and works for 5-110
minutes until the temperature of 58 °C is reached (see Figure 1). The idle phase
then lasts 30-90 minutes. Moreover, in the measured household, the boiler
operation is limited by the time period of low-tariff energy lasting approximately
from 20:30 till 6:30 (with flexible gaps summing to two hours in between). The
heating speed can be approximated as 0.0017 °C per second. Of course, the real
speed of heating is not linear but a linearization is a sufficient approximation in
this case.
As mentioned above, the PAX system consumption scheduling is based on
priorities of particular power consumption requests and sources (for details see
[17]). The conventional nonintelligent boiler operates steadily in the given
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temperature range and therefore its consumption requests have only one given
priority P, where P is a high priority, e.g. P = 4 in our model. The appliance agent
then periodically asks for power consumption of 1982 W with the priority 4 for 5-
90 minutes (depending on the preceding idle period length). In the model input
data, the measured values from Figure 1 correspond to the events presented in
Table 1. For each time moment, the actual consumption of the appliance boiler1 is
set to the value of ≈ 1982 watts with constant priority 4 or to the value of 0 watts
(with 0 priority).
We have obtained a model of a standard boiler. With the inter-appliance
communication ability brought by the PAX smart grid, we turn it into a flexible
model of boiler behavior. The new model is based on the idea that with a decrease
of the accumulated energy value (in the boiler case it equals the decrease of the
inner temperature), the urgency of the power consumption increases because of a
risk of boiler malfunction. In the PAX model this means that the priority of the
consumption requests is inversely proportional to the boiler water temperature.
The temperature range is divided into priority zones, according to the risk that the
device could miss its primary purpose (i.e. the risk of the water to cool down). If
we approximate the temperature change function as stated above, the device agent
can in each time interval estimate the time when the temperature crosses the
priority border (if the actual consumption does not change). The priority ranges
and the consumption prediction, is illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2
Priority ranges for boiler
At start, the agent requests the standard consumption time frame from the
scheduler. If this request is denied, the agent computes the time when (with no
power supplied) the temperature will cross the next lower priority limit and
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requests the consumption from that time with a new (increased) priority. If the
requested consumption frame is granted, the temperature crosses the priority
boundary and the next request will have a decreased priority.
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In the presented optimization task, the first possibility is to operate the household
using standard feed-in tariffs. The feed-in tariffs for electric energy produced by
PV systems are defined by national regulations. The current tariffs in Czech
Republic (where the measurements are performed) are defined by Energy
Regulatory Office (ERU) price decision number 4/2012 (See Table 2), which
includes a detailed specification of the government financial support for
renewable energy sources.
Table 2
Feed-in tariff and Green Premium for photovoltaic (PV) system
The feed-in tariff for the analyzed households is 3 410 CZK per 1 MWh, while
standard electricity tariff (of a major energy distributor) for residential sector is
5723.82 CZK per 1 MWh (Value added Tax (VAT) included). The difference
between the feed-in and standard tariffs is fixed and does not leave space for local
consumption optimizations.
The other possibility is the Green Premium policy that is based on the assumption
that the more renewable energy is consumed in the house, the higher is the overall
financial profit of such setup. When a PV system works within the Green
Premium regime, two electric meters are wired into the system. The first electric
meter measures only the energy produced by the PV system and the second
electric meter (4Q electric meter) measure bi-directional power flow from and to
the power distribution network. The energy cost savings when following the
Green Premium policy are twofold. First, the Green Premium subsidy is computed
from the overall energy produced by the PV system. The current Green Premium
(in the second half of 2013) for the measured households PV installation is 2440
CZK per 1 MWh. The second part of the Green Premium savings consists in the
fact that the PV energy can be used as a part of the household energy consumption
and the rest of if (the surplus energy) is sold under specific feed-in tariff for
surplus energy, which is currently 640 CZK per 1 MWh.
4.2 Discussion
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Figure 3
The make-up of the price of generated (from photovoltaic) and consumed (from grid) power. If a) the
consumed power exceeds the generated power then the difference must be purchased for the standard
price from the grid, otherwise b) the surplus power can be solved to the grid for the subsidized price.
In the time of lack of self-generated power, each kilowatt hour costs 4.70 CZK
when purchased from the grid. The surplus energy can be thus processed in two
possible ways: a) it can be sold for the prize of 0.64 CZK, or b) it can be
consumed by an in house appliance that would otherwise consume expensive
energy from the grid. This operation requires a time shift in the appliance
operation. Each such kilowatt hour of consumption, when moved from the deficit
to the surplus hour yields 4.70 – 3.08 = 1.62 CZK.
Therefore, the Green Premium policy offers a good opportunity for consumption
profile optimization. The pressure for in-house consumption is here, even higher
than the motivation for an energy savings (in the surplus hours).
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Figure 4
Comparison of the measured family house consumption profile with its optimized version
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The outcome of the optimization heavily depends on the inputs - especially on the
number of the appliances in the household and their types. The type of the
appliances varies significantly between particular households and substantially
affects the consumption profile. The most influential, are the devices with high
and steady power consumption such as e.g. electric heating. Such devices multiply
the household power consumption and so there are special financial programs for
households using these appliances. Therefore, the results presented in this paper
cannot be generalized to such households.
Figure 4 shows the results of one day optimizations, of an analyzed household.
The colored bars represent momentary consumption of particular appliances. The
black line in the chart shows the daily course of the power from the PV system
and the red line denotes the amount of energy either purchased from the global
grid (> 0) or sold to the grid (< 0). We can see that most of a standard household
consumption, does not follow the peak of the photovoltaic source. The aim of the
optimization task thus lies in equalizing this discrepancy.
Table 3
Optimization Results
Genera Consumed Purchased Sold Sold Overall PV energy Cost
ted [kW∙h] [kW∙h] [kW∙h] [CZK] Cash consumed redu
[kW∙h] flow ction
Org. I 2865 5243 4027 1649 1055 10890 42% 0%
Opt. I 2865 5243 3770 1392 891 9847 51% 11%
Satur. I 2865 5243 2378 0 0 4190 100% 68%
Org. II 3156 5761 3952 1347 808 10074 57% 0%
Opt. II 3156 5761 3500 895 537 8220 72% 25%
Satur. II 3156 5761 2327 0 0 3241 100% 40%
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of PAX, with the goal being, to purchase the least amount of energy, sell the least
amount, in other words use as much energy from PV for one's own consumption.
Optimization by means of PV has higher effectiveness for this kind of day, which
is given by the possibility of shifting, first and foremost, DOAs to the area of the
maximum performance curve of PV. All of the appliances from DOAs are
characterized by simple predictable cycles, and this including the stream profile
and the length of duration. These can be fastened as the same time without
actually significantly influencing the usual functioning of the household. These
also consist of appliances which are energy demanding as they make up almost
70% of the appliances overall in the framework of the daily cycle. By means of
appliances from the category DOAs, the profile under the power curve PV is
thereby practically fulfilled at the time of its operations with a maximum
effectiveness and a maximum performance. This fact results from the result of the
amount of energy either purchased from the global grid (>0) or sold to the grid
(<0), where there is an evident minimum amplitude within the period (12-16), in
the afternoon.
Table 4
The electrical energy produced by the photovoltaic system (Ed means daily average during the month,
Em is overall power production in the month)
This is of course given by the fact that the majority of energy from PV is
consumed whereby it is covered by the consumption of energy dominant
appliances (dishwasher, washing machine, dryer). Apart from DOA appliances,
the overall effectiveness of the energy system with the optimization of FCE can be
increased, where the main representative in the analyzed case is a boiler.
For selected locality, the PV energy naturally varies not only during the day, but
the variations also follow the course of seasons in the year. For the particular PV
system the yearly history of average produced energy per month is shown in
Table 4. Total energy production is 2865 kW∙h.
The results of the PAX optimization of one-year consumption of the analyzed
households are summed up in the Table 3. In the first row, there are original
values taken from the measurement of the given household consumption profile.
As we can see, the PV power is about one half of the household consumption but
nearly 75% of the consumed power must be purchased from the grid operator at
high price and more than a half of the PV production is sold for eight times lower
market purchase price. The overall cost of the consumed power if it were
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completely purchased from the global grid (i.e. without the PV installation),
would be 24654 CZK (scenario I) and 27077 CZK (scenario II). The PV
installation alone reduced this amount with the Green Premium subsidy of
6991 CZK (7701 CZK scenario II.), the 5718 CZK (6893 CZK scenario II)
reduction in the energy purchased from the grid and the surplus PV power sold for
the price of 1055 CZK (808 CZK scenario II). The overall cost with the PV
installation thus drops to 10890 CZK (10074 CZK in scenario II).
These figures also show that in such typical household with the given PV size, the
Green Premium subsidy makes the PV investment mostly, a partial coverage of
the electrical power costs. This is consistent with the stress the subsidy puts on the
local energy consumption, making it a good solution for individual family
investment rather than for for-profit photovoltaic farms. From this point of view,
the Green Premium program is surely a better solution over other kinds of PV
subsidy programs.
The rows “Opt. I” and “Opt. II” of Table 3 shows the results of the model PAX
optimization. As we can see, the amount of the purchased energy was lowered
thus increasing the profitability of the PV installation. Time-shifting operations
computed by PAX priority rules allowed an increase in the local consumption of
the PV power to more than 51% (72% in scenario II). As described above, this
number would be different for households with a different appliance structure, like
Scenario II (more DOA appliances, such as a dryer used much more often because
of care of 3 children).
Due to the PAX system ability to combine the real and virtual appliances, the
financial impact of the appliances control system application is highly predictable.
The predictability of the outcome is surely an important property for an overall PV
investment/breakeven/profitability decision.
The results obtained by means of the PAX model reveal yet another possibility for
increasing the PV investment profitability substantially under the Green Premium
subsidy. The crucial figure here is the gap between the power purchase and sale
prices. The part of the generated power that is left unused even after the
consumption optimization represents a next big opportunity for the PV
profitability improvement. This surplus power can be utilized by the last type of
the appliance - the Intelligent Interactive Appliance (IIA). We can estimate the
maximum financial effect of such an appliance in this way: let us suppose that we
have a device which can be switched on in the time of the surplus power, has a
scalable, power consumption and its activity has a positive financial effect. For the
conservative estimation, we can suppose the financial effect is the same as the
price of the consumed power - i.e. under standard circumstances; its action has
zero profitability. But with the Green Premium subsidy, such a device will
substantially improve the PV financial balance. Thanks to the PAX model, we can
estimate the overlap between the power production and the consumption and thus
estimate the remaining unused power to be sold to the network. The financial
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effect of using all such energy by the described intelligent device is presented in
Table 3, in the “Satur. I” row and Satur. II row. We can see that the financial
potential of such energy usage is huge even with our conservative “normal zero
profitability” assumption. Based on this, we can conclude that the development of
such intelligent devices can be of high importance to Czech households using the
Green Premium (or similar) subsidy programmer. Besides the above mentioned
personal computer, a device of such kind can be represented by e.g. electric car
charging stations, for-profit computation clusters or energy back-ups.
This paper introduced an application of the demand-side power consumption
management principles that reshapes the demand profile by applying load shifting
and load shedding, to reach a maximum financial benefit for the consumer.
The load shifting and load shedding operations are computed by the presented
demand-side management system named PAX (Priority-driven Appliance Control
System). The PAX system searches for runtime flexible optimal switching scheme
for the household appliances according to appliance operation priority and energy
sources availability.
We have presented, in detail, an application of the PAX system to the Smart Grid
concept. As a particular example of direct exploitation of such a system, we have
built a real-world model for optimizing the energy costs of a household equipped
with a small on-roof photovoltaic system, operated under the Czech Republic
government subsidy program called the Green Premium. This subsidy scheme is
based on a principle that motivates the household owner to consume as much
photovoltaic energy as possible, locally.
We have enumerated the energy costs, for an example household, in several
analyzed scenarios. In the analyzed cases, the PAX system allowed savings of 9%
of the photovoltaic power, without any negative effect on the user experience
resulting in 11% for scenario I and 25% for scenario II. Application of the PAX
system saved 1.043 CZK (11%) in scenario I and 1.854 CZK (25%) in scenario II.
We have also discussed a possible setup directing photovoltaic power
exploitations of up to a 68% (Scenario I) and 40% (Scenario II) reductions from
the original costs.
In future research, we want to extend the application of PAX from Smart Homes
to Smart Villages, where we suppose better utilization of the PAX advantages, due
to more available appliances in FCA group and the related economies of scale.
This paper was supported by the project LO1404: Sustainable development of
ENET Centre, Students Grant Competition project reg. no. SP2015/170 and
SP2015/178, project LE13011 and project TACR: TH01020426.
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