Civil Law Q&a Sample

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CIVIL LAW 2 Code; Concepcion v. People, 74 Phil. 63; Gonzales v.

Disclaimer: 2014-2017 BAR questions compiled and arranged by 66 Phil. 369; dicussed in pp. 70-72, Vol. 2, Rabuya’s Civil
topic under Civil Law Review 2 subjects only. No Civil Law Review Law Reviewer]
1 subjects included. Source: UPLC and Atty. Rabuya’s suggested
Answers to 2017 Bar Exam.
BAR2015Q12 (Solidary Obligation):
A) Iya and Betty owed Jun P500, 000 for advancing their
Law on Obligations and Contracts
equity in a corporation they joined as incorporators. Iya
BAR2015Q13A (Obligation to do): A) X and Y are partners
and Betty bound themselves solidarily liable for the debt.
in a shop offering portrait painting. Y provided the capital
Later, Iya and Jun became sweethearts so Jun condoned
and the marketing while X was the portrait artist. They
the debt of P500,000. May Iya demand from Betty P250,000
accepted the P50,000 payment of Kyla to do her portrait
as her share in the debt? Explain with legal basis. (2%)
but X passed away without being able to do it. Can Kyla
demand that Y deliver the portrait she had paid for
B) Juancho, Don and Pedro borrowed P150,000 from their
because she was dealing with the business establishment
friend Cita to put up an internet café orally promising to
and not with the artist personally? Why or why not? (3%)
pay her the full amount after one year. Because of their
lack of business know-how, their business collapsed.
Suggested Answer:
Juancho and Don ended up penniless, but Pedro was able
A) UPLC: No, Kyla cannot validly demand that Y deliver the
to borrow money to put up a restaurant which did well.
portrait. Although she may be correct that it is the
Can Cita demand that Pedro pay the entire obligation
partnership that she contracted with, Kyla cannot demand
since he, together with the two others, promised to pay the
that Y deliver the portrait if the intention of the parties was
amount in full after one year? Defend your answer. (2%)
that the portrait should be done by X and this is precisely
why the obligation was constituted. With the death of X, the
Suggested Answer:
obligation was extinguished because it is a purely
A) UPLC: No, Iya cannot demand reimbursement from
personal obligation which is extinguished upon the death
Betty. The remission of the whole obligation, obtained by
of X. Finally, the obligation is an obligation to do. To oblige
one of the solidary debtors, does not entitle him/her to
the surviving partner, Y, to deliver the painting (do the
reimbursement from his co-debtors (Article 1220 Civil
painting) would be tantamount to involuntary servitude,
which is against the law.

B) UPLC: No, Cita cannot demand payment of the entire

Alternative answer:
obligation from Pedro. The concurrence of 2 or more
A) UPLC: Yes, Article 1768 of the Civil Code states that a
creditors or of 2 or more debtors in one and the same
partnership has a juridical personality separate and
obligation does not imply that each one of the former has
distinct from that of each of the partners. The facts do not
a right to demand, or that each one of the latter is bound
allege that Kyla contracted for a purely personal service,
to render, entire compliance with the prestation. There is
hence the partnership is the entity which she contracted
solidary liability only when the obligation expressly so
with, so even upon the death of X, she can demand that Y
states, or when the law or the nature of the obligation
as the remaining partner deliver the portrait in fulfillment of
requires solidarity (Article 1207 Civil Code). In this case,
the obligation of the partnership to her.
there is no indication that they bound themselves solidarily
to pay Cita, nor does the law or nature of the obligation
BAR2017Q11 (Obligation to Fix the Term): Zeny and Nolan
require solidarity. Hence, Juancho, Don and Pedro’s
were best friends for a long time already. Zeny borrowed
obligation is joint, and Cita can only demand payment of
310,000.00 from Nolan, evidenced by a promissory note
1/3 of the obligation from Pedro, which is presumed to be
whereby Zeny promised to pay the loan “once his means
his share in the obligation in the absence of stipulation to
permit.” Two months later, they had a quarrel that broke
the contrary (Article 1208 Civil Code).
their long-standing friendship. Nolan seeks your advice on
how to collect from Zeny despite the tenor of the
BAR2016Q9 (Dacion en pago): Butch got a loan from
promissory note. what will your advice be? Explain your
Hagibis Corporation (Hagibis) but he defaulted in the
answer. (3%)
payment. A case for collection of a sum of money was
filed against him. As a defense, Butch claims that there was
Suggested Answer:
already an arrangement with Hagibis on the payment of
RABUYA: I will advice Nolan to file first an action to fix the
the loan. To implement the same, Butch already
term or period because the fulfillment of the obligation
surrendered five (5) service utility vehicles (SUVs) to the
itself cannot be demanded unti after the court has fixed
company for it to sell and the proceeds to be credited to
the period for compliance therewith, and such period has
the loan as payment. Was the obligation of Butch
arrived. Any action to compel performance brought
extinguished by reason of dacion en pago upon the
before that would be premature.
surrender of the SUVs? Decide and explain. (5%)

Under the Civil Code, when the debtor binds himself when
Suggested Answer:
his means permit to do so, the obligation shall be deemed
UPLC: No, the obligation of Butch to Hagibis was not
to be one with a period, but which period shall be fixed by
extinguished by the mere surrender of the SUV’s to the
the court. In such a situation, the court is authorized to fix
latter. Dation in payment, whereby property is alienated to
the period because the duration of the period depends
the creditor in satisfaction of a debt in money, shall be
exclusively upon the will of the debtor. Any action filed
governed by the law of sales. (Article 1245). In dacion en
prior to the expiration of the period to be fixed by the court
pago, as a special mode of payment, the debtor offers
would be premature. [Basis: Articles 1180 and 1197, Civil
another thing to the creditor who accepts it as equivalent
Bar Question By-topic for Purposes for CIVREV2 Bar Questions 2014 – 2017 Page 1 of 15
of payment of an outstanding debt. The undertaking really claims there is no novation of the Construction Contract.
partakes in one sense of the nature of sale, that is, the Decide the case and explain. (5%)
creditor is really buying the thing or property of the debtor,
payment for which is to be charged against the debtor’s Suggested Answer:
debt. As such, the essential elements of a contract of sale UPLC: I will decide in favour of Jerico as there is no
namely, consent, object certain, and cause or novation of the Construction Contract. Novation is never
consideration must be present. In dacion en pago there is presumed, and may only take place when the following
in reality an objective novation of the obligation where the are present: (1) a previous valid obligation; (2) the
thing offered as an accepted equivalent of the agreement of all the parties to the new contract; (3) the
performance of an obligation is considered as the object extinguishment of the old contract; and (4) validity of the
of the contract of sale, while the debt is considered as the new one. There must be consent of all the parties to the
purchase price. In any case, common consent is an substitution, resulting in the extinction of the old obligation
essential prerequisite, be it sale or innovation to have the and the creation of a new valid one. In this case, the
effect of totally extinguishing the debt or obligation revision of the work schedule of Ivan and the
(Filinvest Credit Corporation v. Philippine Acetylene subcontractors is not shown to be so substantial as to
Company, Inc., G.R. No. L-50449, January 30, 1982). There extinguish the old contract, and there was also no
being no mention in the facts that Hagibis has given its irreconcilable incompatibility between the old and new
consent to accept the SUVs as equivalent payment, the obligations. It has also been held in jurisprudence that a
obligation of Butch is not thereby extinguished by mere surety may only be relieved of his undertaking if there is a
delivery of the SUVs material change in the principal contract and such would
make the obligation of the surety onerous. The principal
BAR2014Q9 (Consignation): Dorotea leased portions of her contract subject of the surety agreement still exists, and
2,000 sq. m. lot to Monet, Kathy, Celia, and Ruth for five (5) Jojo is still bound as a surety.
years. Two (2) years before the expiration of the lease
contract, Dorotea sold the property to PM Realty and (Alternative answer, please see Law on Credit
Development Corporation. The following month, Dorotea Transactions)
and PM Realty stopped accepting rental payments from
all the lessees because they wanted to terminate the lease BAR2014Q12 (Novation): J.C. Construction (J.C.) bought
contracts. steel bars from Matibay Steel Industries (MSI) which is
owned by Buddy Batungbacal. J.C. failed to pay the
Due to the refusal of Dorotea to accept rental payments, purchased materials worth P500,000.00 on due date. J.C.
the lessees , Ruth, et al., filed a complaint for consignation persuaded its client Amoroso with whom it had
of the rentals before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of receivables to pay its obligation to MSI. Amoroso agreed
Manila without notifying Dorotea. and paid MSI the amount of P50,000.00. After two (2) other
payments, Amoroso stopped making further payments.
Is the consignation valid? (4%)
Buddy filed a complaint for collection of the balance of
Suggested Answer: the obligation and damages against J.C. J.C. denied any
UPLC: The consignation is not valid. Article 1257 of the Civil liability claiming that its obligation was extinguished by
Code provides that in order that the consignation of the reason of novation which took place when MSI accepted
thing due may release the obligor, it must first be partial payments from Amoroso on its behalf.
announced to the persons interested in the fulfilment of the
obligation. Moreover, Article 1258 of the same Code Was the obligation of J.C. Construction to MSI extinguished
provides that consignation having been made, the by novation? Why? (4%)
interested parties shall also be notified thereof. In this case
Dorotea, an interested party, was not notified of the Suggested Answer:
consignation. The consignation is therefore not valid for UPLC: No, the onligation of J. C. Construction to MSI was
non-compliance with Article 1257. not extinguished by Novation.

Alternative answer: Under Article 1292 of the Civil Code, in order that an
The consignation may be valid. Had the lessees been obligation may be extinguished by another which
informed of the transfer of the property to PM Realty, notice substitute the same, it is imperative that it be so declared
to Dorotea under Article 1257 may no longer be necessary, in unequivocal terms, or that the old and the new
but is it notice to PM Realty which is required. obligations be on every point incompatible with wach
other. Novation by substitution of debtor requires the
BAR2016Q10 (Novation): Jerico, the project owner, consent of the creditor as provided in Article 1293 of the
entered into a Construction Contract with Ivan for the Civil Code. This requirement is not present in this case. In
latter to construct his house. Jojo executed a Surety Magdalena Estates, Inc. v. Rodriguez (G.R. No. L-18411,
undertaking to guarantee the performance of the work by December 17, 1966), it was ruled that the mere fact that the
Ivan. Jerico and Ivan later entered into a Memorandum of creditor received payment from a third person does not
Agreement (MOA) revising the work schedule of Ivan and constitute novation and does not extinguish the obligation
the subcontractors. The MOA stated that all the stipulations of the original debtot. Since there was no novation, the
of the original contract not in conflict with said agreement obligation of the original debtor is not extinguished. Thus,
shall remain valid and legally effective. Jojo filed a suit to the obligation of J.C. Construction to MSI subsists.
declare him relieved of his undertaking as a result of the
MOA because of the change in the work schedule. Jerico
Bar Question By-topic for Purposes for CIVREV2 Bar Questions 2014 – 2017 Page 2 of 15
BAR2016Q15a (Rescission): Peter and Paul entered into a
Contract to Sell whereby Peter, the lot owner, agreed to Suggested Answers:
sell to Paul his lot on November 6, 2016 for the price of Pl RABUYA: Rescissible. Under the Civil Code, a contract
,000,000.00 to be paid at the residence of Peter in Makati undertaken in fraud of creditors is rescissible when the
City at 1 :00 p.m. If the full price is paid in cash at the latter cannot in any other manner collect the claims due
specified time and place, then Peter will execute a Deed them. [Basis: Article 1381 (3), Civil Code; discussed in p.
of Absolute Sale and deliver the title to Paul. 256, Vol. 2, Rabuya’s Civil Law Reviewer]

On November 6, 2016, Paul did not show up and was not Bar2017Q10a: (Voidable Contract): Briefly explain whether
heard of from that date on. In view of the nonperformance the following contracts are valid, rescissible,
by Paul of his obligation, Peter sent a letter to Paul that he unenforceable, or void: (a) A contract of sale between
is expressly and extra-judicially declaring the Contract to Lana and Andy wherein 16-year old Lana agreed to sell
Sell rescinded and of no legal and binding effect. Peter her grand piano for 25,000.00. (2%)
further stated that failure on the part of Paul to contest the
rescission within thirty (30) days from receipt of said letter Suggested Answers:
shall mean that the latter agreed to the rescission. RABUYA: Voidable. Under the Civil Code, a contract where
one of the parties is incapable of giving consent to a
Paul did not reply to this letter for five (5) years. Thus, Peter contract is voidable. A minor, like Andy in this case, is
decided to sell his lot to Henry in 2021. After hearing that incapable of giving consent to a contract. Hence, the
Henry bought the lot, Paul now questions the sale of the lot contract is voidable. [Basis: Articles 1390(1) and 1327, Civil
to Henry and files a complaint for nullification of the sale. Code; discussed in p. 278, Vol. 2, Rabuya’s Civil Law
[a] Is the exercise by Peter of his power to rescind extra-
judicially the Contract to Sell the proper and legal way of BAR2015Q11 (Voidable Contract; Principle of Estoppel;
rescinding said contract? Explain. (2.5%) Prescription): Jackie, 16, inherited a townhouse. Because
she wanted to study in an exclusive school, she sold her
Suggested Answer: townhouse by signing a Deed of Sale and turning over
UPLC: As a general rule, the power to rescind an obligation possession of the same to the buyer. When the buyer
must be invoked judicially and cannot be exercised solely discovered that she was still a minor, she promised to
on a party’s own judgment that the other has committed a execute another Deed of Sale when she turns 18. When
breach of the obligation. This is so because rescission of a Jackie turned 25 and was already working, she wanted to
contract will not be permitted for a slight or casual breach, annul the sale and return the buyer’s money to recover the
but only for such substantial and fundamental violations as townhouse. Was the sale contract void, voidable or valid?
would defeat the very object of the parties in making the Can Jackie still recover the property? Explain. (4%)
agreement. However, rescission as a remedy for breach is
applicable only to an obligation which is extant. Be it Suggested Answer:
noted that the contract between the parties is a contract UPLC: The contract of sale is voidable. Where one of the
to sell and not a contract of sale and in a contract to sell, parties is incapable of giving consent to a contract, the
there is a reservation of ownership on the part of the seller contract is voidable (Article 1390 Civil Code). It appears
and his obligation to convey title will only arise upon full that only Jackie is incapacitated by virtue of her minority.
payment of the purchase price. Nonetheless, Peter may
validly cancel the contract to sell (Olivares v. Castillo, G.R. Jackie cannot recover the property. First, since the
No. 196251, July 9,2014). contract is voidable, Jackie had only 4 years from the time
she attained the age of majority to bring the action for
Alternative Answers from UPLC: annulment of the contract (Article 1391 Civil Code). In this
(1) Yes, Peter validly rescinded the contract to sell his lot to case, Jackie should have brought the action for
Paul for the latter’s failure to comply with his prestation to annulment of the contract within 4 years after turning 18
pay P1, 000, 000. 00 on November 6, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. at years old, or up until the age of 22. Since she is already 25
the residence of Peter so that Peter will execute the Deed years old, the period for bringing the action has
of Absolute Sale. The rescission is actually the resolution of prescribed. Second, Jackie may be considered to have
the reciprocal obligation. actively misrepresented her age. Thus, she will be bound
to the contract under the principle of estoppel.
(2) In UP v. De los Angeles (G.R. No. L-28602, September 29,
1970, 35 SCRA 102), the Supreme Court ruled that the Bar2017Q10d: (Ratification): Briefly explain whether the
injured party may consider the contract as rescinded and following contracts are valid, rescissible, unenforceable, or
act accordingly, even without prior court action. His void: (d) a sale entered by Barri and Garri, both minors,
unilateral determination however, is provisional, since the which their parents later ratified. (2%)
other party may challenge it by suing him in court. It is then
the court which will finally determine if the rescission should Suggested Answers:
be set aside or affirmed. RABUYA: Valid. Under the Civil Code, while both parties to
the contract are minors and, therefore, incapable of giving
Bar2017Q10e: (Rescissible contract): Briefly explain consent, the ratification made by the parents of both the
whether the following contracts are valid, rescissible, contracting parties shall nonetheless validate the contract
unenforceable, or void: (e) Jenny’s sale of her car to from the inception. [Basis: Article 1407, Civil Code;
Celestine in order to evade attachment by Jenny’s discussed in p. 297, Vol. 2, Rabuya’s Civil Law Reviewer]
creditors. (2%)
Bar Question By-topic for Purposes for CIVREV2 Bar Questions 2014 – 2017 Page 3 of 15
Bar2017Q10c: (Unenforceable Contract): Briefly explain made upon the expiration of the 6-month period. Thus,
whether the following contracts are valid, rescissible, Sara cannot be considered in delay, and is not liable to
unenforceable, or void: (c) A barter of toys executed by pay compensatory interest. There being no obligation to
12-year old Clarence and 10-year old Czar (2%) pay compensatory interest, Julia must return the interest
mistakenly paid since she was not entitled thereto, and
Suggested Answers: delivery was made merely through mistake. If something is
RABUYA: Unenforceable. Under the Civil Code, a contract received when there is no right to demand it, and it was
where both parties are incapable of giving consent to a unduly delivered through mistake, the obligation to return
contract is unenforceable. Here, both parties to the it arises (Article 2154 Civil Code).
contract are minors and, therefore, incapable of giving BAR2015Q15B (Civil Obligations v. Natural Obligations):
consent to a contract. [Basis: Articles 1403(3) and 1327, Distinguish civil and natural obligations (2%)
Civil Code; discussed in p. 278, Vol. 2, Rabuya’s Civil Law
Reviewer] Suggested Answer:
B) UPLC: Civil obligations give a right of action to compel
Bar2017Q10b: (Void Contract): Briefly explain whether the their performance. Natural obligations, not being based on
following contracts are valid, rescissible, unenforceable, or positive law but on equity and natural law, do not grant a
void: (b) A contract of lease of the Philippine Sea entered right of action to enforce their performance, but after
by and between Mitoy and Elsa. (2%) voluntary fulfillment by the obligor, they authorize the
retention of what has been delivered or rendered by
Suggested Answers: reason thereof (Article 1423 Civil Code).
RABUYA: Void. Under the Civil Code, a contract whose
cause, object or purpose is contrary to law, morals, good BAR2014Q14 (Negligence; Quasi Delict): A pedestrian,
customs, public order or public policy is void. The who was four (4) months pregnant, was hit by a bus driver
Philippine Sea is either a property of public dominion (if while crossing the street. Although the pedestrian survived,
within Philippine territory) or a common thing (if outside of the fetus inside her womb was aborted. Can the
Philippine territory) and, therefore, outside the commerce pedestrian recover damages on account of the death of
of men. Hence, it cannot be made the object of a contract. the fetus? (1%)
[Basis: Articles 1409(1) and 1347, Civil Code; discussed in
pp. 217-218, Vol. 2, Rabuya’s Civil Law Reviewer] (A) Yes, because of Article 2206 of the Civil Code which
allows the surviving heirs to demand damages for mental
BAR2015Q17 (Illegal Consideration; Gambling; Void Deed anguish by reason of the death of the deceased.
of Sale): Z, a gambler, wagered and lost P2 Million in (B) Yes, for as long as the pedestrian can prove that she
baccarat, a card game. He was pressured into signing a was not at fault and the bus driver was the one negligent.
Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of the winner covering a (C) No, because a fetus is not a natural person.
parcel of land with improvements worth P2 Million. One (D) No, if the fetus did not comply with the requirements
month later, the supposed vendee of the property under Article 41 of the Civil Code.
demanded that he and his family vacate the property
subject of the deed of sale. Was the deed of sale valid? Suggested Answer:
What can Z do? (4%) UPLC: (B) Yes, for as long as the pedestrian can prove that
she was not at fault and the bus driver was the one
Suggested Answer: negligent.
UPLC: No, the Deed of Sale was not valid. Under Article
2014 of the Civil Code, no action can be maintained by the [Note: Letter "A" may also be considered correct on
winner for the collection of what he has won in a game of account of Article II, Section 12 of the 1987 Constitution,
chance. In this case, the Deed of Sale represents the which provides, in part, that "The State ... shall equally
winnings in the baccarat game. Hence, it was made for protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from
illegal consideration, and is void. conception ..." C and D may also be considered correct.]

BAR2015#Q15A (Solutio Indebiti):

(A) Sara borrowed P50,000 from Julia and orally promised
to pay it within 6 months. When Sara tried to pay her debt
on the 8th month, Julia demanded the payment of interest
of 12% per annum because of Sara’s delay in payment.
Sara paid her debt and the interest claimed by Julia. After
rethinking, Sara demanded back from Julia the amount
she had paid as interest. Julia claims she has no obligation
to return the interest paid by Sara because it was a natural
obligation which Sara voluntarily performed and can no
longer recover. Do you agree? Explain. (4%)

Suggested Answer:

A) UPLC: No, I do not agree with Julia. For a creditor to be

entitled to compensatory interest, the debtor must be in
delay. As a rule, in order for delay to exist, demand must
have been made. In this case, there was no demand
Bar Question By-topic for Purposes for CIVREV2 Bar Questions 2014 – 2017 Page 4 of 15
Law on Sales and Lease BAR2014Q4 (Perfected Contract of Sale; Contract of Sale v.
Contract to sell): Nante, a registered owner of a parcel of
BAR2015Q7 (Perfected Sale; Consensual Contract): Mr. land in Quezon City, sold the property to Monica under a
and Mrs. X migrated to the US with all their children. As they deed of sale which reads as follows:
had no intention of coming back, they offered their house
and lot for sale to their neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. A (the "That for and in consideration of the sum of
buyers) who agreed to buy the property for P8 Million. P500,000.00, value to be paid and delivered to
Because Mr. and Mrs. A needed to obtain a loan from a me, and receipt of which shall be acknowledged
bank first, and since the sellers were in a hurry to migrate, by me to the full satisfaction of Monica, referred to
the latter told the buyers that they could already occupy as Vendee, I hereby sell, transfer, cede, convey,
the house, renovate it as it was already in a state of and assign, as by these presents, I do have sold,
disrepair, and pay only when their loan is approved and transferred, ceded, conveyed and assigned a
released. While waiting for the loan approval, the buyers parcel of land covered by TCT No. 2468 in favor of
spent P1 Million in repairing the house. A month later, a the Vendee."
person carrying an authenticated special power of
attorney from the sellers demanding that the buyers either After delivery of the initial payment of P100,000.00, Monica
immediately pay for the property in full now or vacate it immediately took possession of the property. Five (5)
and pay damages for having made improvements on the months after, Monica failed to pay the remaining balance
property without a sale having been perfected. of the purchase price. Nante filed an action for the
recovery of possession of the property. Nante alleged that
(a) What are the buyers’ options or legal rights with respect the agreement was one to sell,which was not
to the expenses they incurred in improving the property consummated as the full contract price was not paid. Is
under the circumstances? (3%) the contention of Nante tenable? Why? (4%)

(b) Can the buyers be made to immediately vacate on Suggested Answer:

the ground that the sale was not perfected? Explain UPLC: No, contention of Nante that it is one to sell is
briefly. (3%) untenable. There is a perfected contract of sale in this case
when Nante agreed to sell and Monica agreed to buy the
Suggested Answer: subject parcel of land at its agreed price. Under Article
(a) UPLC: The sale was perfected and Mr. and Mrs. A 1475 of the Civil Code, there is a perfected contract of sale
acquired ownership over the house and lot upon delivery. at the moment there is a meeting of the minds upon the
Payment of the price was subject to an indefinite period, things which is the object of the contract and upon the
that is, after the approval of the bank loan. As owners, they price. Ownership was transferred upon delivery. The
have the right to make improvements on the said non0payment of the full price affects the consummation of
properties, and to retain the same. Even assuming for the the contract of sale and not its perfection.
sake of argument that the sale was not perfected and
Spouses A had not acquired ownership over the house and The case of Heirs of Atienza v. Espidol (G.R. No. 180665,
lot because of a notarized deed of sale, or in case of August 11, 2010), differentiated a contract of sale and a
rescission, they may be considered builders in good faith contract to sell. In a contract of sale, the title to the
since they entered into the property believing in good faith property passes to the buyer upon the delivery of the
that they were the owners of the property in question. As ownership is, by agreement, retained by the seller and is
builders in good faith, they are entitled to reimbursement not to pass to the vendee until full payment of the purchase
for necessary and useful expenses incurred upon the price. In the contract of sale, the buyer’s non-payment of
property and may retain the property until reimbursement the price is a negative resolutory condition; in the contract
therefore (Articles 448 and 546 Civil Code). The to sell, the buyer’s full payment of the price is a positive
improvements in question are necessary and useful since suspensive condition to the coming into effect of the
the house was already in a state of disrepair. agreement. In the first case, the seller has lost and cannot
recover the ownership of the property unless he takes
(b) UPLC: No, the buyers may not be made to vacate the action to set aside the contract of sale. In the second case,
properties. A contract of sale is a consensual contract the title simply remains in the seller if the buyer does not
which is perfected at the moment there is a meeting of the comply with the condition precedent of making payment
minds upon the thing which is the object of the contract at the time specified in the contract.
and upon the price (Article 1475 Civil Code). In this case,
the sale was already perfected since there was already a The agreement in this case is not a contract to sell because
meeting of the minds as to the object of the sale, which is nothing in the facts shows that the parties agreed that
the house and lot, and as to the price, which is P8 Million. ownership is retained by Nante (seller) and is not to pass to
The fact that there was no payment yet is immaterial since Monica (buyer) until full payment of the purchase price.
it is not a requisite for the perfection of the contract.
BAR2016Q15b (Contract to Sell; Down payment): Peter and
Even assuming that the sale was rescinded, the buyers Paul entered into a Contract to Sell whereby Peter, the lot
may still not be made to vacate the properties. Since the owner, agreed to sell to Paul his lot on November 6, 2016
buyers made necessary and useful improvements upon for the price of Pl ,000,000.00 to be paid at the residence
the properties, they have the right to retain the properties of Peter in Makati City at 1 :00 p.m. If the full price is paid in
in question until the full reimbursement of such expenses cash at the specified time and place, then Peter will
(Articles 448 and 546 Civil Code). execute a Deed of Absolute Sale and deliver the title to
Bar Question By-topic for Purposes for CIVREV2 Bar Questions 2014 – 2017 Page 5 of 15
On November 6, 2016, Paul did not show up and was not
heard of from that date on. In view of the nonperformance The case of Heirs of Atienza v. Espidol (G.R. No. 180665,
by Paul of his obligation, Peter sent a letter to Paul that he August 11, 2010), differentiated a contract of sale and a
is expressly and extra-judicially declaring the Contract to contract to sell. In a contract of sale, the title to the
Sell rescinded and of no legal and binding effect. Peter property passes to the buyer upon the delivery of the
further stated that failure on the part of Paul to contest the ownership is, by agreement, retained by the seller and is
rescission within thirty (30) days from receipt of said letter not to pass to the vendee until full payment of the purchase
shall mean that the latter agreed to the rescission. price. In the contract of sale, the buyer’s non-payment of
the price is a negative resolutory condition; in the contract
Paul did not reply to this letter for five (5) years. Thus, Peter to sell, the buyer’s full payment of the price is a positive
decided to sell his lot to Henry in 2021. After hearing that suspensive condition to the coming into effect of the
Henry bought the lot, Paul now questions the sale of the lot agreement. In the first case, the seller has lost and cannot
to Henry and files a complaint for nullification of the sale. recover the ownership of the property unless he takes
action to set aside the contract of sale. In the second case,
(b) In case Paul made a downpayment pursuant to a the title simply remains in the seller if the buyer does not
stipulation in the Contract to Sell, what is the legal remedy comply with the condition precedent of making payment
of Peter? (2.5%) at the time specified in the contract.

Suggested Answer: The agreement in this case is not a contract to sell because
UPLC: If Paul made a down payment, Peter may still cancel nothing in the facts shows that the parties agreed that
the contract because in a contract to sell, the seller does ownership is retained by Nante (seller) and is not to pass to
not yet agree to transfer ownership to the buyer. The non- Monica (buyer) until full payment of the purchase price.
payment of the price in a contract to sell is not a breach
for which the remedy of rescission may be availed of, but BAR2017Q7 (Contract to Sell; Double Sale): Alice agreed
rather it is considered as failure to comply with a positive to sell a parcel of land with an area of 500 square meters
suspensive condition which will prevent the obligation of registered in her name and covered by TCT No. 12345 in
the seller to convey title from acquiring obligatory force favor of Bernadette for the amount of P900,000. Their
(Ursal v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 142411, October 14, agreement dated October 15, 2015, reads as follows:
2005, 473 SCRA 52, citing Chua v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
No. 144881, October 16, 2003, 401 SCRA 54). I, Bernadette, agree to buy the lot owned by Alice
covered by TCT No. 12345 for the ammount of P900,000
BAR2014Q4 (Perfected Contract of Sale; Contract of Sale v. subject to the following schedule of payment:
Contract to sell): Nante, a registered owner of a parcel of
land in Quezon City, sold the property to Monica under a Upon signing of agreement – P100,000
deed of sale which reads as follows:
November 15, 2015 – P200,000
"That for and in consideration of the sum of
P500,000.00, value to be paid and delivered to December 15, 2015 – P200,000
me, and receipt of which shall be acknowledged
by me to the full satisfaction of Monica, referred to January 15, 2016 – P200,000
as Vendee, I hereby sell, transfer, cede, convey,
and assign, as by these presents, I do have sold, February 15, 2016 – P200,000
transferred, ceded, conveyed and assigned a
parcel of land covered by TCT No. 2468 in favor of Title to the property shall be transferred upon full payment
the Vendee." of P900,000 on or before February 15, 2016.

After delivery of the initial payment of P100,000.00, Monica After making the initial payment of P100,000 on october
immediately took possession of the property. Five (5) 15, 2015, and the second installment of P200,000 on
months after, Monica failed to pay the remaining balance November 15, 2015, Bernadette defaulted despite
of the purchase price. Nante filed an action for the repeated demands from Alice.
recovery of possession of the property. Nante alleged that
the agreement was one to sell,which was not In December 2016, Bernadette offered to pay her balance
consummated as the full contract price was not paid. Is but Alice refused and told her that the land was no longer
the contention of Nante tenable? Why? (4%) for sale. Due to the refusal, Bernadette caused the
annotation of her adverse clalm upon TCT No. 12345 on
Suggested Answer: December 19, 2016.
UPLC: No, contention of Nante that it is one to sell is
untenable. There is a perfected contract of sale in this case Later on, Bernadette discovered that Alice had sold the
when Nante agreed to sell and Monica agreed to buy the property to Chona on February 5, 2016, and that TCT No.
subject parcel of land at its agreed price. Under Article 12345 had been cancelled and another one issued (TCT
1475 of the Civil Code, there is a perfected contract of sale No. 67891) in favor of Chona as the new owner.
at the moment there is a meeting of the minds upon the
things which is the object of the contract and upon the Bernadette sued Alice and Chona for specific
price. Ownership was transferred upon delivery. The performance, annulment of sale and cancellation of TCT
non0payment of the full price affects the consummation of No. 67891. Bernadette insisted that she had entered into a
the contract of sale and not its perfection. contract of sale with Alice; and that because Alice had
Bar Question By-topic for Purposes for CIVREV2 Bar Questions 2014 – 2017 Page 6 of 15
engaged in double sale, TCT No. 67891 should be On March 19, 2011, Tess sent a letter to Ruth, part of which
cancelled and another title be issued in Bernadette’s reads as follows:
"I am offering you to buy the property you are
a. Did Alice and Bernadette enter into a contract of sale presently leasing at P5,000.00 per sq. m. or for a
of the lot covered by TCT No. 12345? Explain your answer. total of P7,500,000.00. You can pay the contract
(4%) price by installment for two (2) years without
Suggested Answer:
RABUYA: No, because in the agreement between Alice I will give you a period of one (1) year from receipt
and Bernadette the ownership is reserved in the vendor of this letter to decide whether you will buy the
and is not to pass to the vendee until full payment of the property."
purchase price, which makes the contract one of contract
to sell and not a contract of sale. After the expiration of the lease contract, Tess sold the
property to her niece for a total consideration of P4 million.
Distinctions between a contract to sell and a contract of Ruth filed a complaint for the annulment of the sale,
sale are well-established in jurisprudence. In a contract of reconveyance and damages against Tess and her niece.
sale, the title to the property passes to the vendee upon Ruth alleged that the sale of the leased property violated
the delivery of the thing sold; in a contract to sell, her right to buy under the principle of right of first refusal.
ownership is, by agreement, reserved in the vendor and is Is the allegation of Ruth tenable? (4%)
not to pass to the vendee until full payment of the purchase
price. Otherwise stated, in a contract of sale, the vendor Suggested Answer:
loses ownership over the property and cannot recover it UPLC: The allegation of Ruth is untenable. There was no
until and unless the contract is resolved or rescinded; right of refusal offered to her, the wording of the letter can
whereas, in a contract to sell, title is retained by the vendor at most be considered a mere offer to sell or lease with an
until full payment of the price. In the latter contract, option to buy.
payment of the price is a positive suspensive condition,
failure of which is not a breach but an event that prevents In Sanchez v. Rigos (G.R. No. L-25494, June 14, 1972), the
the obligation of the vendor to convey title from becoming Court held that in order that an unilateral promise to buy or
effective. [Saberon v. Ventanilla, Jr., 722 SCRA 287 (2014); to sell may be binding upon the promisor, Article 1479 of
Spouses Torrecampo v. Alindogan, 545 Phil. 686 (2007); the Civil Code requires that said promise be supported by
discussed in pp. 363-366, Vol. 2, Rabuya’s Civil Law a consideration distinct from the price. The promisor
Reviewer] cannot be compelled to comply with the promise, unless
the existence of a consideration distinct from the price is
In the case at bar, the contract entered between the established. In the present case, there was no valuable or
parties is a contract to sell because ownership is retained independent consideration, thus it cannot be classified as
by the vendor and is not to pass to the vendee until full a unilateral promise to sell, but is only a mere offer to sell.
payment of the purchase price. Since there was no valuable or independent
consideration, it was not an option contract but a mere
b. Did Alice engage in double sale of the property? Explain option to buy, which may be withdrawn at any time.
your answer. (4%)
Suggestion for additional credit:
Suggested Answer: UPLC: The option to buy or the offer to sell given to Ruth is
RABUYA: NO, because there was no previous sale of the one year from receipt of Tess’ letter by Ruth. The lease is for
same property prior to its sale to Chona. Despite the earlier three (3) years from January 2010 to February 2013. Tess
transaction of Alice with Bernadette, the former is not guilty sent the letter on March 19, 2011. The right has already
of double sale because the previous transaction with expired when Tess sold the ost to her niece.
Bernadette is charactrerized as a contract to sell. In a
contract to sell, there being no previous sale of the BAR2015Q16B (Purchases made in a merchant's store):
property, a third person buying such property despite the Donna pledged a set of diamond ring and earrings to
fulfillment of the suspensive condition such as the full Jane for P200,000. She was made to sign an agreement
payment of the purchase price, for instance, cannot be that if she cannot pay her debt within 6 months, Jane
deemed a buyer in bad faith and the prospective buyer could immediately appropriate the jewelry for herself.
cannot seek the relief of reconveyance of the property. After 6 months, Donna failed to pay. Jane then displayed
There is no double sale in such case. Title to the property the earrings and ring set in her jewelry shop located in a
will transfer to the buyer after registration because there is mall. A buyer, Juana, bought the jewelry set for P300,000.
no defect in the owner-sellers title per se, but the latter, of
course, may be sued for damages by the intending buyer. B) Can Donna redeem the jewelry set from Juana by
[Basis: Coronel v. CA, 263 SCRA 15 (1996); discussed in pp. paying the amount she owed Jane to Juana? Explain with
363-366, Vol. 2, Rabuya’s Civil Law Reviewer] legal basis. (2%)

BAR2014Q8 (Unilateral promise to buy or to sell; Right of Suggested Answer:

refusal): Tess leased her 1,500 sq. m. lot in Antipolo City to B) UPLC: No, Donna cannot redeem the jewelry set from
Ruth for a period of three (3) years, from January 2010 to Juana because there is no privity of contract between
February 2013. Donna and Juana. Moreover, Juana is a 3rd person who
purchased the thing in good faith from a merchant store.
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Under Article 1505, even if the seller does not have the right offered to pay the unpaid balance which Honorio refused
to sell, the buyer acquires absolute ownership over the to accept.
thing if he bought it in a merchant store in good faith, the
owner neither having been unlawfully deprived thereof, The spouses filed a complaint for specific performance
nor was the thing lost (Sun Brothers v. Perez GR L-17527 April against Honorio invoking the application of the Maceda
30, 1963). Law. If you are the judge, how will you decide the case?
BAR2016Q12 (Equitable Mortgage): On March 13, 2008,
Ariel entered into a Deed of Absolute Sale (DAS) with Noel Suggested Answer:
where the former sold his titled lot in Quezon City with an I will dismiss the complaint. The invocation fo the Maceda
area of three hundred (300) square meters to the latter for Law by the spouse is misplaced. Section 3 of R.A. 6552
the price of P300,000.00. The prevailing market value of the (Maceda law) provides that is it applicable in all
lot was P3,000.00 per square meter. On March 20, 2008, transactions or constracts involving the sale or financing of
they executed another "Agreement To Buy Back/Redeem real estate on instalment payments, including residential
Property" where Ariel was given an option to repurchase condominium apartments but excluding industrial lots,
the property on or before March 20, 2010 for the same commercial buildings and sales to tenants. Since the
price. Ariel, however, remained in actual possession of the subject of the case is an industrial land, Maceda Law is not
lot. Since Noel did not pay the taxes, Ariel paid the real applicable.
property taxes to avoid a delinquency sale.
BAR2015Q10 (Contract of Piece of Work): X, a dressmaker,
On March 21, 2010, Ariel sent a letter to Noel, attaching accepted clothing materials from Karla to make two
thereto a manager's check for P300,000.00 manifesting dresses for her. On the day X was supposed to deliver
that he is redeeming the property. Noel rejected the Karla’s dresses, X called up Karla to say that she had an
redemption claiming that the DAS was a true and valid urgent matter to attend to and will deliver them the next
sale representing the true intent of the parties. Ariel filed a day. That night, however, a robber broke into her shop and
suit for the nullification of the DAS or the reformation of said took everything including Karla’s two dresses. X claims she
agreement to that of a Loan with Real Estate Mortgage. is not liable to deliver Karla’s dresses or to pay for the
He claims the DAS and the redemption agreement clothing materials considering she herself was a victim of
constitute an equitable mortgage. Noel however claims it the robbery which was a fortuitous event and over which
is a valid sale with pacto de retro and Ariel clearly failed to she had no control. Do you agree? Why? (3%)
redeem the property.
Suggested Answer:
As the RTC judge, decide the case with reasons. (5%) UPLC: Yes, I agree that X is not liable. The contract between
the parties is a contract for a piece of work wherein the
Suggested Answer: contractor, X, bound herself to execute a piece of work for
UPLC: I will decide in favour of Ariel and allow the the employer, Karla, in consideration of a certain price or
reformation of the agreement. The DAS and the compensation (Article 1713 Civil Code). Article 1717 of the
redemption agreement constitute an equitable mortgage Civil Code provides that if the contractor bound himself to
and Ariel may ask for the reformation of the agreement to furnish the material, he shall suffer the loss if the work
that of a Loan with Real Estate Mortgage as allowed by should be destroyed before its delivery, save when there
Article 1605 of the Civil Code (CC). The circumstances has been delay in receiving it. Since the contractor X did
clearly show that the agreement is an equitable mortgage, not furnish the material, she shall not suffer the loss of the
such as the: a) price of the lot was inadequate since it was work which took place before its delivery. There was no
only sold at P300, 000 when the prevailing market value of delay in the receipt of the work since the parties agreed
such was P900, 000; b) the vendor, Ariel, remained in on the delivery of the dresses on the day after the original
actual possession of the property after the purported sale; date of delivery. Hence, X is not bound to suffer the loss,
and c) Ariel was the one who paid the real property taxes. and is liable for neither the delivery of the dresses nor the
Under the circumstances, a presumption arises under cost of the materials.
Article 1602 C.C. that what was really executed was an
equitable mortgage. Moreover, Article 1603, C.C. provides Alternative answer:
that in case of doubt, a contract purporting to be a sale No, I do not agree. The obligation involved in this case is
with right to repurchase shall be construed as an equitable an obligation to do, since X’s obligation is to make dresses
mortgage. for Karla. Under Article 1167 of the Civil Code, if a person
obliged to do something fails to do it, the same shall be
BAR2014Q9 (Maceda Law; Exclusion): Spouses Macario executed at his cost. Although X may not be compelled to
and Bonifacia Dakila entered into a contract to sell with deliver the dresses to Karla, she may be held liable for the
Honorio Cruz over a parcel of industrial land in Valenzuela, cost of having another person to make the dresses for
Bulacan for a price of Three Million Five Hundred Thousand Karla, which includes the cost of the materials.
Pesos (P3,500,000.00). The spouses would give a
downpayment of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos BAR2014Q26 (Subleasing): Isaac leased the apartment of
(P500,000.00) upon the signing of the contract, while the Dorotea for two (2) years. Six (6) months after, Isaac
balance would be paid for the next three (3) consecutive subleased a portion of the apartment due to financial
months in the amount of One Million Pesos (P1,000,000.00) difficulty. Is the sublease contract valid? (1%)
per month. The spouses paid the first two (2) installments
but not the last installment. After one (1) year, the spouses (A) Yes, it is valid for as long as all the elements of a valid
sublease contract are present.
Bar Question By-topic for Purposes for CIVREV2 Bar Questions 2014 – 2017 Page 8 of 15
(B) Yes, it is valid if there is no express prohibition for (b) In accordance with your answer to the preceding
subleasing in the lease contract. question, state the degree of diligence to be observed by
(C) No, it is void if there is no written consent on the part of Jovencio, and the consequences thereof. Explain your
the lessor. answer. (3%)
(D) No, it is void because of breach of the lease contract.
Suggested Answer:
Suggested Answer: (b) RABUYA: Being a common carrier, Jovencio is required
UPLC: (B) Yes, it is valid if there is no express prohibition for to observe extraordinary diligence, and is presumed to be
subleasing in the lease contract. at fault or to have acted negligently in case of the loss of
the effects of passengers, or the death or injuries to
BAR2017Q16a&b: (Common Carrier): Jovencio operated passengers.
a school bus to ferry his two sons and five of their
schoolmates from their houses to their school, and back. In this case, Jovencio is liable for the death of the student
The parents of the five schoolmates paid for the service. because, acting as a common carrier, he is already
One morning, Porfirio, the driver, took a short cut on the presumed to be negligent at the time of the accident
way to school because he was running late, and drove because death had occurred to the passenger. Here,
across an unmanned railway crossing. At the time, Porfirio Jovencio failed to fend off liability because he failed to
was wearing earphones because he loved to hear loud prove that he observed extraordinary diligence in ensuring
music while driving. As he crossed the railway tracks, a the safety of the passengers. [Basis: Perena v. Zarate, 679
speeding PNR train loudly blared its horn to warn Porfirio, SCRA 208 (2012); discussed and posted on my FB wall as
but the latter did not hear the horn because of the loud early as October 23, 2017]
music. The train inevitably rammed into the school bus. The
strong impact of the collision between the school bus and Law on Partnership, Agency and Trust
the train resulted in the instant death of one of the
classmates of Jovencio’s younger son. BAR2014Q29 (Contract of Partnership): Timothy executed
a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Kristopher
The parents of the fatality sued Jovencio for damages setting up a business venture covering three (3) fastfood
based on culpa contractual alleging that Jovencio was a stores known as "Hungry Toppings" that will be established
common carrier; Porfirio for being negligent; and the PNR at Mall Uno, Mall Dos, and Mall Tres.
for damages based on culpa aquiliana.
The pertinent provisions of the MOA provides:
Jovencio denied being a common carrier. He insisted that 1. Timothy shall be considered a partner with thirty
he had exercised the diligence of a good father of a family percent (30%) share in all of the stores to be set up
in supervising Porfirio, claiming that the latter had had no by Kristopher;
history of negligence or recklessness before the fatal 2. The proceeds of the business, after deducting
accident. expenses, shall be used to pay the principal
amount of P500,000.00 and the interest therein
(a) Did his operation of the school bus service for a limited which is to be computed based on the bank rate,
clientele render Jovencio a common carrier? Explain your representing the bank loan secured by Timothy;
answer. (3%) 3. The net profits, if any, after deducting the
expenses and payments of the principal and
Suggested Answer: interest shall be divided as follows: seventy
(a) RABUYA: Yes, because a common carrier is one who is percent (70%) for Kristopher and thirty percent
engaged in the business of carrying or transporting (30%) for Timothy;
passengers or goods or both, or one who holds himself or 4. Kristopher shall have a free hand in running the
itself out to the public as being engaged in said business. business without any interference from Timothy, his
agents, representatives, or assigns , and should
In Perena v. Zarate [679 SCRA 208 (2012)], the Court such interference happen, Kristopher has the right
definitively ruled that the operators of a school bus service to buy back the share of Timothy less the amounts
are common carriers even if they are catering to a limited already paid on the principal and to dissolve the
clientele because of the following reasons: (1) they are MOA; and
engaged in transporting passengers generally as a 5. Kristopher shall submit his monthly sales report in
business, not just as a casual occupation; (2) they are connection with the business to Timothy.
undertaking to carry passengers over established roads by
the method by which the business was conducted; and (3) What is the contractual relationship between Timothy and
they are transporting students for a fee. Kristopher? (4%)

The Court additionally explained that despite catering to a Suggested Answer:

limited clientèle, they operate as common carriers
because they held themselves out as a ready UPLC: The contractual relationship between Timothy and
transportation indiscriminately to the students of a Kristopher is that of Partnership. Article 1767 of the Civil
particular school living within or near where they operated Code provides that under a contract of partnership, two or
the service and for a fee. [Discussed and posted on my FB more persons bind themeselves to contribute money,
wall as early as October 23, 2017] property or industry to a common fund, with the intention
of dividing the profits among themeselves. Moreover,
Article 1769 of the Civil Code states in part that receipt by
Bar Question By-topic for Purposes for CIVREV2 Bar Questions 2014 – 2017 Page 9 of 15
a person of a share of the profits of a business is prima facie contract of partnership and his removal from the
evidence that he is a partner in the business, provided that management is unjustifiable. In this case, if the lawyer
said profits were not received in payment for debt, as could sell his client’s property, the lawyer will be entitled
wages, annuity, interest on a loan, or as consideration for not only to his commission, but also to his attorney’s fees.
a sale. In this case, the MOA between Timothy and These attorney’s fees were already owed by the client to
Kristopher stipulated that theu shall share in the profits of his lawyer before the SPA was executed. The agency is a
the business 30-70. The contributions of the partners means of fulfilling an obligation already contracted.
include a bank loan obtained by Timothy and industry in
the form of managing the properties by Kristopher. Thus, BAR2014Q30 (Termination of Agency; Recovation): Joe
the requisites for establishing a contract of partnership are Miguel, a well-known treasure hunter in Mindanao,
complied with. executed a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) appointing his
nephew, John Paul, as his attorney-in-fact. John Paul was
BAR2015Q13B (Joint Venture): B) In this jurisdiction, is a joint given the power to deal with treasure-hunting activities on
venture (a group of corporations contributing resources for Joe Miguel’s land and to file charges against those who
a specific project and sharing the profits therefrom) may enter it without the latter’s authority. Joe Miguel
considered a partnership? (3%) agreed to give John Paul forty percent (40%) of the
treasure that may be found on the land.
Suggested Answer:
Thereafter, John Paul filed a case for damages and
B) UPLC: Yes. The Supreme Court has ruled that a joint injunction against Lilo for illegally entering Joe Miguel’s
venture may be considered a species of partnership land. Subsequently, he hired the legal services of Atty.
(Aurbach v. Sanitary Wares Manufacturing Corp. GR 75875 Audrey agreeing to give the latter thirty percent (30%) of
December 15, 1989; Philex Mining v. CIR GR 148187 April Joe Miguel’s share in whatever treasure that may be found
16, 2008). It has also ruled that “a joint venture is hardly in the land.
distinguishable from, and may be likened to, a partnership
since their elements are similar i.e., community of interests Dissatified however with the strategies implemented by
in the business and sharing of profits and losses. Being a John Paul, Joe Miguel unilaterally revoked the SPA granted
form of partnership, a joint venture is generally governed to John Paul.
by the law on partnerships” (Litonjua v. Litonjua GR 166299-
300 December 13, 2005). Is the revocation proper? (4%)

Alternative answer: Suggested answer:

B) UPLC: No, a joint venture is not considered a partnership. UPLC: Yes, the revocation is proper. Article 1920 provides
Although the Supreme Court has recognized that for that the principal may expressly or impliedly revoke the
certain purposes, a joint venture is a form of partnership agency at will, and compel the agent to retrun the
and should be governed by the law on partnerships, it has document evidencing the agency. Joe Miguel may
also recognized a distinction between the two business however be held liable for damages if he abused his right
forms, and has held that although a corporation cannot in revoking the agency.
enter into a partnership contract, it may however engage
in a joint venture with others (Aurbach v. Sanitary Wares Alternative answer:
Manufacturing Corp. GR 75875 December 15, 1989).
UPLC: No, the revocation is not proper. Under Article 1927,
BAR2015Q18 (Agency coupled with Interest): A lawyer was an agency cannot be revoked of a bilateral contract
given an authority by means of a Special Power of depends upon it, or if it is the means of fulfiing an obligation
Attorney by his client to sell a parcel of land for the amount already contracted, ot if a partner is appointed manager
of P3 Million. Since the client owed the lawyer P1 Million in of a partnership in the contract of partnership and his
attorney’s fees in a prior case he handled, the client removal from the management us unjustifiable.
agreed that if the property was sold, the lawyer was
entitled to get 5% agent’s fee plus P1 Million as payment In the case of Republic v. Evangelista (G.R. No. 156015,
for his unpaid attorney’s fees. The client, however, August 11, 2005), which has similar facts as the present
subsequently found a buyer of his own who was willing to case, it was held that "an exception to the revocability of
buy the property for a higher amount. Can the client a contract of agency is when it is coupled with interest, i.e.,
unilaterally rescind the authority he gave in favor of his if a bilateral contract depends upon the agency. The
lawyer? Why or why not? (4%) reason for its irrevocability is because the agency
becomes part of another obligation or agreement. It is not
Suggested Answer: solely the rights of the principal but also that of the agent
and third persons which are affected. Hence, the law
UPLC: No, the client cannot unilaterally rescind the provides that is such cases, the agency cannot be
authority he gave in favor of his lawyer because the revoked at the sole will of the principal."
agency is coupled with interest, the interest being the
attorney’s fees which the client owed the lawyer. Under In this case, the interest of John Paul and Atty. Audrey in
Article 1927 of the Civil Code, an agency cannot be the agency is the treasure that may be found in the land.
revoked if a bilateral contract depends upon it, or if it is the The contract with the lawyer depends on the agency
means of fulfilling an obligation already contracted, or if a which renders wuch agency as one coupled with an
partner is appointed manager of a partnership in the
Bar Question By-topic for Purposes for CIVREV2 Bar Questions 2014 – 2017 Page 10 of 15
interest. Therefore, Joe Miguel cannot unilaterally revoke
the agency. [a) when the obligation is breached and it consists in the
payment of a sum of money like a loan or forbearance of
BAR2015Q19 (Implied Trust): Mr. A, a businessman, put money; (2.5%)
several real estate properties under the name of his eldest
son X because at that time, X was the only one of legal Suggested Answer:
age among his 4 children. He told his son he was to hold
those assets for his siblings until they become adults UPLC: When the obligation is breached and it consists in
themselves. X then got married. After 5 years, Mr. A asked the payment of a sum of money like a loan or forbearance
X to transfer titles over three properties to his 3 siblings, of money, in the absence of stipulations, the rate of interest
leaving 2 properties for himself. To A’s surprise, X said that shall be the legal rate of 6% per annum (Article 2209 of the
he can no longer be made to transfer the properties to his Civil Code), which was increased to 12% per NB Circular
siblings because more than 5 years have passed since the No. 905 (Series of 1982), to be computed from default. The
titles were registered in his name. Do you agree? Explain. twelve percent 12% per annum legal interest shall apply
(4%) only until June 30, 2013. From July 1, 2013, the new rate of
six percent (6%) per annum shall be the prevailing rate of
Suggested Answer: interest when applicable (Nacar v. Gallery Frames, G.R.
No. 189871, August 13, 2013, 703 SCRA 439, applying BSP-
UPLC: No, I don’t agree with X. This is a clear case of an MB Circular No. 799)
implied trust provided in Article 1453 of the Civil Code
which states that “when the property is conveyed to a [NOTE: It is suggested that credit also be given in the event
person in reliance upon his declared intention to hold it for, that the examinees cite Tañada v. Tuvera to support the
or transfer it to another or the grantor, there is an implied conclusion that publication is unnecessary in the case of
trust in favor of the person for whose benefit it is interpretative regulations and those merely internal in
contemplated.” In this case, A is the trustor, X is the trustee nature, as the language of the problem may be interpreted
and the 3 other children of A are the beneficiaries. A by the examinees to refer only to mere guidelines or
and/or his 3 children may file an action to compel X to directory matters].
transfer title in favor of his 3 siblings within 10 years from the
time the cause of action accrues upon an obligation The examinee should be given credit if he mentions that
created by law – when the children attains the age of the actual base for computing the interest due on the loan
majority (Article 1144 Civil Code). or forbearance of money, goods or credit is the amount of
the loans, forbearance, plus whatever interest is stipulated
Law on Credit Transactions in writing; otherwise no interest may be charged for using
the money (Art. 1956 of the Civil Code)].
BAR2017Q4b (Commodatum; Mutuum): Distinguish
commodatum from mutuum. (3%) [b] When the obligation does not constitute a loan or
forbearance of money. (2.5%) Consider the issuance of
Suggested Answer: BSP-MB Circular No. 799, which became effective on July
1, 2013.
RABUYA: They are distinguished, as follows:
Suggested Answer:
(1) As to subject matter: The subject matter of
commodatum is ordinarily non-consumable while the UPLC: The interest on the amount of damages awarded
subject matter of mutuum is either money or consumable; may be imposed at the discretion of the court at the rate
of 6% per annum. No interest, however, shall be adjudged
(2) As to compensation: Commodatum is essentially on unliquidated claims or damages, except when or until
gratuitous while mutuum may be gratuitous or with a the demand can be established with reasonable certainty,
stipulation to pay interest; the interest shall begin to run from the time the claim is
made judicially or extra-judicially, but when such certainty
(3) As to right in subject matter: In commodatum, there is cannot be so reasonably established at the time the
no transmission fo ownership of the thing loaned while in demand is made, the interest shall begin to run only from
mutuum, the borrower acquires ownership of the thing the date the judgment of the court is made (at which time
borrowed. the quantification of damages may be deemed to have
been reasonably ascertained). The actual base for the
(4) As to duty of borrower: In commodatum, the same thing computation of legal interest shall, in any case, be on the
borrowed is required to be returned while in mutuum, the amount finally adjudged (Nacar v. Gallery Frames, G.R.
borrower discharges himself, not by returning the identical No. 189871, August 13, 2013, 703 SCRA 439).
thing loaned, but by paying its equivalent in kind, quality
and quantity. [Discussed in pp. 725-726, Vol. 1, Rabuya’s BAR2014Q7 (Contract of Deposit): Due to the continuous
Civil Law Reviewer] heavy rainfall, the major streets in Manila became
flooded. This compelled Cris to check-in at Square One
BAR2016Q2 (Legal Interest): With regard to an award of Hotel. As soon as Crisgot off from his Toyota Altis, the Hotel’s
interest in the concept of actual and compensatory parking attendant got the key of his car and gave him a
damages, please state the guidelines regarding the valet parking customer’s claim stub. The attendant parked
manner of computing legal interest in the following his car at the basement of the hotel. Early in the morning,
Bar Question By-topic for Purposes for CIVREV2 Bar Questions 2014 – 2017 Page 11 of 15
Cris was informed by the hotel manager that his car was UPLC: (A) depositary until full payment of what may be due
carnapped. (4%) him in deposit.

(A) What contract, if any, was perfected between Cris and [Note Letter "C" will also be correct if "owes him something"
the Hotel when Cris surrendered the key of his car to the refers to damages 9Article 1944 in relation to Art. 19510]
Hotel’s parking attendant?
BAR2016Q10 (Guaranty; Benefit of Excussion): Jerico, the
(B) What is the liability, if any, of the Hotel for the loss of Cris’ project owner, entered into a Construction Contract with
car? Ivan for the latter to construct his house. Jojo executed a
Surety undertaking to guarantee the performance of the
Suggested Answer: work by Ivan. Jerico and Ivan later entered into a
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) revising the work
(A) UPLC: A Contract of deposit was perfected between schedule of Ivan and the subcontractors. The MOA stated
Cris and the Hotel when Cris surrendered the key of his car that all the stipulations of the original contract not in
to the Hotel’s parking attendant. In Triple-V Food Services conflict with said agreement shall remain valid and legally
v. Filipino Merchants Insurance Company (G.R. No. effective. Jojo filed a suit to declare him relieved of his
160544, February 21, 2005), it was ruled that when a car is undertaking as a result of the MOA because of the change
entrusted to a valet attendant there is a contract of in the work schedule. Jerico claims there is no novation of
deposit. Article 1962 of the Civil Code provides that a the Construction Contract. Decide the case and explain.
deposit is constituted from the moment a person receives (5%)
a thing belonging to another, with the obligation of safely
keeping it and of returning the same (Durban Apartments Alternative Answer:
v. Pioneer Insurance, G.R. No. 179419, March 30, 2011).
Furthermore, Article 1998 of the Civil Code provides that UPLC: I will decide against Jerico. The provisions of the Civil
the deposit of effects made by travelers in hotels or inns Code (CC) on Guarantee, other than the benefit of
shall be regarded as necessary, and that the keepers of excussion Article 2059 (2) CC), are applicable and
hotels and inns are responsible for the effects deposited as available to the surety because a surety is a guarantor who
depositaries subject to their being notified of the effects binds himself solidarily (Article 2047 2nd par. CC). The
being brought in by the travelers and the taking by the Supreme Court has held that there is no reason why the
travelers of such precautions which the hotel or inn- provisions of Article 2079 would not apply to a surety
keepers or their substitutes advised relative to the care and (Autocorp Group v. Intra Strata Assurance Corporation,
vigilance of such effects. Article 1999 of the Civil Code also G.R. No. 166662, June 27, 2008, 556 SCRA 250). Article 2079
provides for the liability of the hotel-keeper for vehicles of the Civil Code provides that an extension granted to the
introduced or placed in the annexes of the hotel, which in debtor by the creditor without the consent of the guarantor
this case is the basement of the hotel. extinguishes the guaranty. The changes in the work
schedule amount to an extension granted to the debtor
(B) UPLC: The Hotel was constituted as a depositary in this without the consent of the surety. Hence, Jojo’s obligation
case. Thus, it has the obligation to safely keep the car as a surety is extinguished. If the change of work schedule,
which is expected by Cris to be returned to him. With the on the other hand, shortens the time of completion of the
loss of the car, the Hotel is liable for the cost of the car as project, it will amount to a novation. The old obligation,
Actual Damages. where Jojo was obligated as a surety is extinguished
relatively as to him, leaving Ivan as still bound.
Suggestion for additional credit:
(Suggested answer, please see Law on Obligations and
UPLC: Art. 2001 of the Civil Code provides that the act of a Contracts)
thief or robber, who has entered the hotel is not deemed
force majeure, unless it is done with the use of arms or BAR2017Q15 (Surety; Continuing Guaranty): Kevin signed a
through an irresistible force. In this case, there is no loan agreement with ABC Bank. To secure payment, Kevin
indication that the carnapping was done with the use of requested his girlfriend Rosella to execute a document
arms or though irresistible forc; hence, the hotel cannot entitled “Continuing Guaranty Agreement” whereby she
claim that it is not liable for the loss of Cris’ car. expressly agreed to be solidarily liable for the obligation of
Kevin. Can ABC Bank proceed directly against Rosella
BAR2014Q19 (Right of retention; Deposit): Who enjoys the upon Kevin’s default even without proceeding against
Right of Retention? (1%) Kevin first? Explain your answer. (3%)

(A) Depositary until full payment of what may be due him Suggested Answer:
in deposit.
(B) Lessee if he advances the expenses for the repair of the RABUYA: Yes, ABC Bank may proceed directly against
leased premises. Rosella upon Kevin’s default even without proceeding
(C) Bailee if bailor owes him something. against Kevin first because Rosella is a surety after she
(D) Builder in bad faith for the recovery of necessary and bound herself solidarily with the principal debtor.
useful expenses.
Notwithstanding the use of the word “guaranty”
Suggested Answer: circumstances may be shown which convert the contract
into one of suretyship. Under the Civil Code, when the
guarantor binds himself solidarily with the principal debtor,
Bar Question By-topic for Purposes for CIVREV2 Bar Questions 2014 – 2017 Page 12 of 15
the contract becomes one of suretyship and not of deed of mortgage (De Lara v. Ayroso, G.R. No. L-6122, May
guaranty proper. In a contract of suretyship, the liability of 31, 1954, 95 Phil. 185). It is not a mortgage in good faith.
the surety is direct, primary and absolute. He is directly and
equally bound with the principal debtor. Such being the BAR2015Q16A (Pactum commisorium): Donna pledged a
case, a creditor can go directly against the surety set of diamond ring and earrings to Jane for P200,000. She
although the principal debtor is solvent and is able to pay was made to sign an agreement that if she cannot pay
or no prior demand is made on the principal debtor. [Basis: her debt within 6 months, Jane could immediately
Article 2047, Civil Code; Ong v. PCIB, 448 SCRA 705; appropriate the jewelry for herself. After 6 months, Donna
discussed in pp. 810-812, Vol. 2, Rabuya’s Civil Law failed to pay. Jane then displayed the earrings and ring set
Reviewer] in her jewelry shop located in a mall. A buyer, Juana,
bought the jewelry set for P300,000.
In this case, since Rosella is a surety, ABC Bank can go
directly against her even without proceeding against the A) Was the agreement which Donna signed with Jane
principal debtor because the surety insures the debt, valid? Explain with legal basis. (2%)
regardless of whether or not the principal debtor is
financially capable to fulfil his obligation. Suggested Answer:

BAR2016Q11 (Mortgagee in Good Faith): Ellen entrusted A) UPLC: No, the agreement that if Donna cannot pay her
her title over the lot where she is residing to Patrick, her debt within 6 months, Jane could immediately appropriate
nephew, for safekeeping because of her poor eyesight. the jewelry for herself is void as it constitutes pactum
Patrick, a gambler, prepared a Special Power of Attorney commisorium, which is void under the law. Under Article
empowering him to mortgage the lot. Ellen's signature was
2088, pactum commisorium is a provision in a pledge or
forged. With the help of Julia who represented herself as
Ellen, Mega Bank granted a loan to Patrick secured by a mortgage agreement where the property pledged or
mortgage on Ellen's lot. Due to non-payment, Mega Bank mortgaged by the debtor automatically becomes the
foreclosed the mortgage and was declared the highest property of the creditor in the event the debtor fails to pay
bidder. Title was later registered in the name of the bank. the debt or commits a breach of the loan agreement.
When Ellen was notified that she should vacate the
premises, she filed a complaint to nullify the loan with BAR2015Q16C (Legal Pledge):
mortgage, the auction sale and the title of Mega Bank on
(C) Give an example of a pledge created by operation of
the ground that the bank is not a mortgagee in good faith.
Decide the case with reasons. (5%) law. (2%)

Suggested Answer: Suggested Answer:

UPLC: I will decide in favour of Ellen. Banks, their business UPLC: [Any of the following answers should be given full
being impressed with public interest, are expected to credit]
exercise more care and prudence than private individuals 1. Article 546 states: Necessary expenses shall be refunded
in their dealings, even those involving registered lands. The to every possessor; but only the possessor in good faith
highest degree of diligence is expected, and high may retain the thing until he has been reimbursed therefor.
standards of integrity and performance are even required Useful expenses shall be refunded only to the possessor in
of it. good faith with the same right of retention, the person who
has defeated him in the possession, having the option of
A mortgagee- usually, can rely on what appears on the refunding the amount of the expenses or of paying the
certificate of title presented by the mortgagor and an increase in value which the thing may have acquired by
innocent mortgagee is not expected to conduct an reason thereof.
exhaustive investigation on the history of the mortgagor’s 2. Article 1731 states: He who has executed work upon a
title. This rule is, however, strictly applied against banking movable has a right to retain it by way of pledge until he is
institutions. Mega Bank cannot be considered a paid.
mortgagee in good faith as it failed to inspect the disputed 3. Article 1994 states: The depositary may retain the thing
property when offered to it as security for the loan, which in pledge until the full payment of what may be due him
could have led it to discover the forged Special Power of by reason of the deposit.
Attorney. 4. Article 1914 states: The agent may retain in pledge the
things which are the object of the agency until the
Alternative answer: principal effects the reimbursement and pays the
indemnity set forth in the two preceding articles.
UPLC: I will decide in favour of Ellen, the victim of a forged
document. Section 52 of P.D. No. 1529 provides that after BAR2017Q4a (Antichresis): Distinguish antichresis from
the entry of a decree of registration, any subsequent usufruct. (3%)
registration procured by a forged deed shall be null and
void, even if accompanied by the owner’s duplicate Suggested Answer:
certificate of title. In this case, the registered owner, Ellen,
did not lose her title, and neither did the mortgagee, Mega RABUYA: They are distinguished as follows:
Bank, acquire any right to the property (Joaquin v. Madrid,
G.R. No. L-13551, January 30, 1960, 106 Phil. 1060). The (1) Antichresis is always a contract while usufruct need not
bank was defrauded because it believed the imposter arise from a contract because it may also be constituted
who had, without authority, gained possession of Ellen’s by law or by other acts inter vivos, such as donation, or in
certificate of title, and who then forged her signature to the a last will and testament, or by prescription.
Bar Question By-topic for Purposes for CIVREV2 Bar Questions 2014 – 2017 Page 13 of 15
preclude the possibility that the trial court found gross
(2) The subject matter of antichresis is always a real negligence (equivalent to bad faith) on the part of RPP.
property while the subject matter of usufruct may either be Under Article 2220 of the Civil Code, moral damages may
real property or personal property. be awarded in cases of breaches of contract where the
defendant acted fraudulently or in bad faith. Likewise,
(3) Antichresis is an accessory contract or contract of Article 2232 provides that the court may award exemplary
security while usufruct is a real right. damages in conctracts if the defendant acted in a wanton,
fraudulent reckless, oppressive or malevolent manner.
(4) While in both, the fruits do not pertain to the owner, the
usufructuary is entitled to enjoy the fruits while the BAR2015Q14 (Vicarious Liability of Employers; Subsidiary
antichretic creditor has the obligation to apply the fruits to Liability of Employers): A driver of a bus owned by
the payment of the interest, if owing, and therefatre to the company Z ran over a boy who died instantly. A criminal
principal of the credit. case for reckless imprudence resulting in homicide was
filed against the driver. He was convicted and was
Law on Torts and Damages ordered to pay P2 Million in actual and moral damages to
the parents of the boy who was an honor student and had
BAR2016Q13 (Moral Damages): Peter, a resident of Cebu a bright future. Without even trying to find out if the driver
City, sent through Reliable Pera Padala (RPP) the amount had assets or means to pay the award of damages, the
of P20,000.00 to his daughter, Paula, for the payment of her parents of the boy filed a civil action against the bus
tuition fee. Paula went to an RPP branch but was informed company to make it directly liable for the damages.
that there was no money remitted to her name. Peter
inquired from RPP and was informed that there was a A) Will their action prosper? (4%)
computer glitch and the money was credited to another
person. Peter and Paula sued RPP for actual damages, B) If the parents of the boy do not wish to file a separate
moral damages and exemplary damages. The trial court civil action against the bus company, can they still make
ruled that there was no proof of pecuniary loss to the the bus company liable if the driver cannot pay the award
plaintiffs but awarded moral damages of P20,000.00 and of damages? If so, what is the nature of the employer’s
exemplary damages of P5,000.00. On appeal, RPP liability and how may civil damages be satisfied? (3%)
questioned the award of moral and exemplary damages.
Is the trial court correct in awarding moral and exemplary Suggested Answer:
damages? Explain. (5%)
A) UPLC: Yes, the action will prosper. The cause of action
Suggested Answer: against the company is different from the cause of action
against the driver in the criminal case. The civil action
UPLC: No, the trial court is not correct in awarding moral against the employer is rooted on the fact that employers
and exemplary damages. The damages in this case are are vicariously liable for the damage caused by their
prayed for based on the breach of contract committed by employees while in the performance of their functions. The
RPP in failing to deliver the sum of money to Paula. Under vicarious liability of the employers under Article 2180 of the
the provisions of the Civil Code, in breach of contract, Civil Code does not require as a condition sine qua non
moral damages may be recovered when the defendant that the driver should have been declared insolvent or
acted in bad faith or was guilty of gross negligence unable to pay the award of damages. The cause of action
(amounting to bad faith) or in wanton disregard of his against the driver, on the other hand, is rooted in Article
contractual obligation. In the same fashion, to warrant the 2176, which defines a quasi-delict. Moreover, if
award of exemplary damages, the wrongful act must be negligence was proven in the criminal case which requires
accomplished by bad faith, and an award of damages proof beyond reasonable doubt, then it can likewise be
would be allowed only if the guilty party acted in a wanton, proven in a civil action which requires only
fraudulent, reckless or malevolent manner (Article 2232 of preponderance of evidence.
the Civil Code).
B) UPLC: Yes, the employer may still be held subsidiarily
Bad faith does not simply connote bad judgement or liable under Article 103 of the Revised Penal Code. In order
negligence. I t imports a dishonest purpose or some moral that an employer may be held subsidiarily liable for the
obliquity and conscious doing of a wrong, a breach of employee’s civil liability in the criminal action, it should be
known duty through some motive or interest or ill will that shown 1) that the employer is engaged in any kind of
partakes of the nature of fraud. In this case, however, RPP’s industry 2) that the employee committed the offense in the
breach was due to a computer glitch which at most can discharge of his duties and 3) that he is insolvent. The
be considered as negligence on its part, but definitely subsidiary liability of the employer, however, arises only
does not constitute bad faith or fraud as would warrant the after the conviction of the employee in the criminal action.
award of moral and exemplary damages. If all these requisites are present, the employer becomes
ipso facto subsidiarily liable upon the employee’s
Alternative Answer: conviction and upon proof of the employee’s insolvency
(Carpio v. Doroja GR 84516 December 5, 1989). For these
UPLC: If the trial court finds that there was gross negligence requisites to be established adequately, however, there
on the part of RPP, the award of moral damages and must be a hearing which will determine the sufficiency or
exemplary damages would be proper. RPP merely alleged insufficiency of the properties of the employee to
that the failure to remit the money to Paula was caused by compensate the plaintiffs, as well as to allow the employer
a computer glitch, but this bare assertion does not to present his defenses.
Bar Question By-topic for Purposes for CIVREV2 Bar Questions 2014 – 2017 Page 14 of 15
relation to the patient; hence, the failure of St. Vincent’s
BAR2016Q18 (Corporate Negligence; Principle of Hospital to fulfil its duties as a hospital corporation gave rise
Ostensible Agency): Dr. Jack, a surgeon, holds clinic at the to a direct liability to Marta distinct from that of Dr. Jack.
St. Vincent's Hospital and pays rent to the hospital. The fees
of Dr. Jack are paid directly to him by the patient or BAR2017Q16c: (Loss of Earning Capacity): Jovencio
through the cashier of the hospital. The hospital publicly operated a school bus to ferry his two sons and five of their
displays in the lobby the names and specializations of the schoolmates from their houses to their school, and back.
doctors associated or accredited by it, including that of The parents of the five schoolmates paid for the service.
Dr. Jack. Marta engaged the services of Dr. Jack because One morning, Porfirio, the driver, took a short cut on the
of recurring stomach pain. It was diagnosed that she is way to school because he was running late, and drove
suffering from cancer and had to be operated on. Before across an unmanned railway crossing. At the time, Porfirio
the operation, she was asked to sign a "consent for hospital was wearing earphones because he loved to hear loud
care," which reads: music while driving. As he crossed the railway tracks, a
speeding PNR train loudly blared its horn to warn Porfirio,
"Permission is hereby given to the medical, nursing and but the latter did not hear the horn because of the loud
laboratory staff of the St. Vincent's Hospital to perform such music. The train inevitably rammed into the school bus. The
procedures and to administer such medications and strong impact of the collision between the school bus and
treatments as may be deemed necessary or advisable by the train resulted in the instant death of one of the
the physicians of this hospital for and during the classmates of Jovencio’s younger son.
The parents of the fatality sued Jovencio for damages
After the surgery, the attending nurses reported that two based on culpa contractual alleging that Jovencio was a
(2) sponges were missing. Later, Marta died due to common carrier; Porfirio for being negligent; and the PNR
complications brought about by the sponges that were for damages based on culpa aquiliana.
left in her stomach. The husband of Marta sued the hospital
and Dr. Jack for damages arising from negligence in the Jovencio denied being a common carrier. He insisted that
medical procedure. The hospital raised the defense that he had exercised the diligence of a good father of a family
Dr. Jack is not its employee as it did not hire Dr. Jack nor in supervising Porfirio, claiming that the latter had had no
pay him any salary or compensation. It has absolutely no history of negligence or recklessness before the fatal
control over the medical services and treatment being accident.
provided by Dr. Jack. Dr. Jack even signed an agreement
that he holds the hospital free and harmless from any (c) Assuming that the fatality was a minor of only 15 years
liability arising from his medical practice in the hospital. of age who had no earning capacity at the time of his
Is St. Vincent's Hospital liable for the negligence of Dr. death because he was still a student in high school, and
Jack? Explain your answer. (5%) the trial court is minded to award indemnity, what may
possibly be the legal and factual justifications for the
Suggested Answer: award of loss of earning capacity? Explain your answer.
UPLC: Yes, St. Vincent’s Hospital is liable. In the case of
Professional Services v. Agana (G.R. No. 126297, January Suggested Answer:
31, 2007, 513 SCRA 478), the Supreme Court held that the
hospital is liable to the Aganas, not under the principle of RABUYA: The basis for the computation of the deceased’s
respondeat superior for lack of evidence of an employer- earning capacity should be the minimum wage in effect at
employee relationship with Dr. Ampil but under the the time of his death, pursuant to the ruling of the Court in
principle of ostensible agency for the negligence of Dr. Perena v. Zarate [679 SCRA 208 (2012)]. In the same case,
Ampil and, pro hac vice, under the principle of corporate the Court also ruled that the computation of the victim’s life
negligence for its failure to perform its duties as a hospital. expectancy rate should not be reckoned from his age of
15 years at the time of his death, but on 21 years, his age
While it is true that there was insufficient evidence that St. when he would have graduated from college.
Vincent’s Hospital exercised the power of control or
wielded such power over the means and the details of the In the same case, the Court justified the indemnification of
specific process by which Dr. Jack applied his skills in the victim’s loss of earning capacity despite him having
Marta’s treatment, there is ample evidence that St. been unemployed because compensation of this nature is
Vincent’s Hospital held out to the patient, Mata, that Dr. awarded not for loss of time or earnings but for loss of the
Jack was not its agent (principle of ostensible agency). The deceased’s power or ability to earn money.
two factors that determine apparent authority are present:
(1) the hospital’s implied manifestation to the patient which
led the latter to conclude that the doctor was the hospital’s
agent; and (2) the patient’s reliance upon the conduct of
the hospital and the doctor, consistent with ordinary care
and prudence.

The corporate negligence ascribed to St. Vincent’s

Hospital is different from the medical negligence attributed
to Dr. Jack. The duties of the hospital are distinct from those
of the doctor-consultant practicing within its premises in
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