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International Journal of Textile Science 2012, 1(6): 69-77

DOI: 10.5923/j.textile.20120106.03

The Salt-Free Dyeing on Cotton: An Approach to Effluent

Free Mechanism; Can Chitosan be a Potential Option?
Kunal Singha1,* , Subhankar Maity1 , Mrinal Singha2

Department of Textile Technology, Panipat Institute of Engineerin g & Technology, Harayana, India
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, CU Shah College of Pharmacy & Research, Gujarat, India

Abstract The present study utilizes salt free dyeing on cotton which would not con tribute to environmental pollution an
undertaken to explore pro mising approach to reduce cost of dye process. The salt free dyeing used to dye cotton. In
conventional Method of dyeing of cotton with reactive dyes, alkali P H is should maintain in the dye bath. This method
requires more electrolytes for exhaustion and alkali for fixation. In this paper the fibre modification technique based on
polyacrylamide was discussed. When the fabric is treated with polyacrylamide (chitosan), the primary hydro xyl groups of
cellu lose is (part ially) modified into amide groups, which intern leads the cellulose to act like as wool fibre and hence rea ctive
dyes can be dyed on cotton at neutral PH in the absence of electrolyte and alkali.

Keywords Salt Free Dyeing, Reactive Dye, PH, Po lyacrylamide (Chitosan), Cellulose, A mide Groups

focus on introducing Salt-free/lo w-salt dyeing technology

1. Introduction for react ive dyes.
Cotton fibres are widely applied in text ile industry due to 1.1. Advantages of the Salt-Free Cotton Dyeing over the
its excellent properties of hygroscopicity, air permeability, Conventi onal Way
biodegradab ility, no static electricity, etc. The dyeing of
these fibres are generally done with reactive dyes due to its Chitosan will be used for modificat ion of cotton fabric and
brillian cy, variety of hue, h igh wet fastness, convenien t then fabric will be dyed with conventional dyeing procedure
usage and high applicability. These reactive dyes contain a without use of salt[2,3]. There are certain advantages in salt
react iv e g roup, either a haloheterocycle o r an act iv ated free dyeing over the conventional dyeing technique, for
double bond, that, when applied to a fibre in an alkaline dye example;
bath, forms a chemical bond with hydro xy l g roup on the ● Elimination of salts an electrolyte.
cellu losic fibre [1]. In recent years, reactive dyes maintain the ● Maximu m fixation of dyes.
largest annual consumpt ion in the wo rld among the dyes ● Minimu m hydrolysis of dyes.
used for which establishes its important status in the dye ● Low volu me of water requirement during the wash off
manufacture industry. But some problems, such as low dye process.
utilizat ion, large amount of electrolyte used and high volume ● To increase the reactivity of react ive dyes.
of wastewater discharged, always exist in the application of ● To increase the wash fastness and rubbing fastness of
reactive dyes. The dyeing of one kilogram o f cotton with pretreated sample.
reactive dyes demands from 70 to 150 litre water, 0.6-0.8 Kg ● To increase the fabric crease recovery and flexu ral
NaC1 and fro m 30 to 60 g dy estuffs [2]. Du e to these rig idity environ mentally friendly.
problems this class of dyes is the most unfavorable one from ● Significant savings in process costs.
the ecological point of view, these effluents produced gives
1.2. Techni ques Used for Salt-Free Dyeing Process
high values of BOD/ COD (Bio log ical o xygen demand /
Chemical o xygen demand ) and increases salin ity o f the The follo wing way are generally used to achieve the
rivers affects the delicate b iochemistry of aquatic life. More salt-free dyeing over cotton fabric using reactive dyes by
t han 80,000 t o ns o f react iv e dy es are p ro du ced and modifying the cotton surface after introducing some new
consumed each year, making it possible to quantify the total functional group with having reactive dye-affin ity.
amount of pollution caused by their use. So, most researchers

* Corresponding author: 2. Modification of Reactive Dyes

kunalsingha28@gmail.com (Kunal Singha)
Published online at http://journal.sapub.org/textile It is reported that by using reactive dyes containing two or
Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved more reactive groups rather than one reactive group per dye
70 Kunal Singha et al.: The Salt-Free Dyeing on Cotton: An Approach to Effluent Free
M echanism;Can Chitosan be a Potential Option?

mo lecule fixation can be increase fro m 60% to 80%. In ● Dyeing time is less.
practice this method can be productive owing to the ● Less effluent problem
detrimental effect that additional group can have on ● Eco-friendly in nature
migrat ion, lead ing to lower fixation, especially at h igher
depths. Most suitable of this type of dye is Cibacron LS
range. Two hetrobifunctional groups mixed to form 3. Modification of cellulose or
mu ltifunctional reactive dye. It utilizes several different Cationization of cotton: Using
types of reactive groups. Monoflourotriazine and Chitosan (polyacrylamide)
monochlorotriazine in co mb ination with sulphone can be
In this process a new fiber modification technique based
used. Due to h igher mo lecular weight of this dye it function
on cationic acrylic copoly mer is retreated with cotton fiber
effectively In presence of reduce amount of salt but its
because it believed that pre-treated of cellulosic fiber with
mo lecular weight is high so migration capacity is lo w. So it is
Poly mer to offer an opportunity for increasing both the
applied in p resence of small amount of electrolyte for only
substantivity and reactivity of fibers towards reactive dyes
30 minutes at neutral condition for 90⁰C followed by
under neutral conditions. The nature o f a react ive poly mer
addition of alkali to effect fixation, generally over 60
resin is such that it may react with nucleophilic sites in
minutes but at 70⁰C to p ro mote fixat ion. M igration and
cellu losic fibers or in the poly mer itself, thus fixing the
leveling occur in higher temperature but the fixation occurs
polymer to the substrate. During subsequent dyeing, further
slowly at lower temperature. In present days novel
reactions between the polymer and the dyestuff, the fiber and
bis-sulphatoethyl sulphone are vailable in the market which
the dyestuff, and the fibre and the poly mer and can be
consists of two ureido groups. Build up well in absence of
expected to take place, forming cross -lin k within the fibers.
electrolyte, here ureido group help to increase substantively
leading to lower use of salts [3,4]. 3.1. Processing of Chitosan
2.1. Advantages The preparation of chitosan is very easy as shown by fig 1
● Low amount of salt required. and fig 2.

Figure 1. Steps invoved in the processing of chitosan[2,14]

International Journal of Textile Science 2012, 1(6): 69-77 71

Figure 2. Chemical structure of chitosan

4. Properties of Chitosan low as (No rmally at 60-80℃) that used in the conventional
dyeing process. Further increases in temperature may
● Linear polyamine improve dye bath exhaustion, but only to a limited extent.
● Reactive A mino Groups However higher temperature (90-100 ℃ ) are generally
● Reactive Hydro xyl Groups are available recommended for dyeing modified fabrics to obtain better
● Water soluble and positively charge at acidic P H penetration and fixation of dye[5,6].
4.1. Princi ple Invol ved In Chitosan Dyeing Process on 4.2. Advantages
Cotton Fabric
● Pretreat ment of cotton with polyacrylamide enhances
The pretreated cotton with poly mer is generally used for the possibility of dyeing cotton at neutral pH.
the chitosan dyeing process for a cotton fabric. The ● Such pretreatment, as applied through pad – dry – cure
pretreatment of cotton fabric with polyacrylamide process, brings about some chemical changes in the treated
demonstrates the introduction of functional amino groups fabric.
which increase the substantivity and also the reactivity of ● Fastness properties are adequate and quite comparable
cotton. The cationic charged amino groups may be involved with conventionally dyed samples.
in the adsorption of anionic chro mophore of react ive dyes. ● The wrinkle resistance of the dyed fabric also
The improved dye ability is postulated due to the presence of improves.
amide groups (-CONH2 ) available fro m the polyacrylamide ● The dyeing of cotton with reactive dyes using
which also tents to imp rove the reactivity of cellulosic polyacrylamide in the dye bath improves the dye ability of
substrate. The attachment of the dye molecules onto the cellu losic fabrics with reactive dyes and reducing effluent
partially-modified cellu losic substrate is by covalent discharge[7].
bonding since no dyes strips out from the dyed sample (fig.
3). This is also indicative through the fastness properties 4.3. Using CHPTAC
wash fastness. The fastness values of all such dyed samples
are quite satisfactory and comparable with those of Chemically cationized cotton is usually produced by the
conventional dyed samples. The dry crease recovery angle etherifying reaction of cotton with the tert iary amino or
values of the polymer treated samples are 80o while that of quaternary ammoniu m cationizing reagents, especially
conventional dyed sample is 68o . Therefore, as expected, the quaternary ammoniu m cationizing reagents (fig. 4), such as
polymer treated dyed samples indicate an improvement in 2,3-epo xypropyltrimehtylammoniu m chloride. This
the wrin kle recovery. compound is usually formed in situ fro m the reaction of
A high level of dye exhaustion on the treated fabric can be sodium hydro xide with 3-chlo ro-2-hydro xypropyltrimethyla
achieve in the absence of salt and alkali at a temperature as mmon iu m chlo ride (CHPTAC)[12].
72 Kunal Singha et al.: The Salt-Free Dyeing on Cotton: An Approach to Effluent Free
M echanism;Can Chitosan be a Potential Option?

Figure 3. Reaction of cellulose with polyacrylamide

Figure 4. Reactions occurred during the cationization process of cotton

International Journal of Textile Science 2012, 1(6): 69-77 73

Figure 5. Chemical structure of CHPTMAC and its cross-linking reaction with cotton

4.4. Pre-treatment of Cotton wi th CHPTMAC for the most dyes on the treated cotton is higher than those on
the untreated cotton. The fixation values varied from dye to
The solution consisting of 35 g/l of 3-chloro -2-hydroxy dyes. In these dyeing systems, the strong attraction between
propyl trimethyl ammoniu m chloride (CHPTMAC) (65 % the cationic dye sites on the modified cotton and the anionic
w/w) and 15 g/l of sodium hydro xide was applied to the dyes existed which led to obtain a very high exhaustion rates
well-p repared cotton fabric. The wet pick up was 100 % and without addition of electrolytes to the dye-bath. The color
to min imize the hydrolysis of reactant, the alkali was added strength of most of the dyeing on the treated cotton was often
to the bath just before application. The fabric was stored at twice and in some cases up to four times of untreated
room temperature fo r 24 hr, and then rinsed several times cotton[8,9]. However, these high color strength values might
with water and finally neutralized with a d ilute acet ic acid be partially attributed to surface dyeing or ring dyeing. The
(1g/l). Reaction of CHPTMA C with Cellu lose 2,3- wash fastness of the cat ionized dyed cotton was similar to
epoxypropyltrimethylammoniu m ch loride (CHPTMAC) that of the untreated dyed fabrics and the cross staining
was prepared in situ by the reaction of results were good The excellent light fastness of the
3-chlo ro-2-hydro xypropyltrimethylammon iu m chloride reported dyeing on cationic cotton is particularly striking,
(EPTMA C) with alkali as shown in Scheme 1. EPTMAC since cationic pretreat ments, as a general rule, are known to
will react with alcohols under alkaline conditions to form impair light fastness. The cationic pretreatment used here is
ethers (step 2) and will thus produce a modified fiber when it nonpolymeric in nature and can be expected to penetrate the
reacts with cotton as shown in step 3. As a result, cotton will cotton fiber prior to fixation. The rubbing fastness of both
have cationic dye sites covalently bound to the poly mer sets of samp les was good. The observation of the dyed
chains. These dye sites will strongly attract anionic reactive samples also showed a good level of uniformity. An
dyes, enabling the use of these dyes without the large amount enhancement of the color strength is expected when the dye
of electrolyte (fig. 5). concentration is increased, since a greater nu mber o f dye
mo lecules would be availab le in the vicinity of the cotton
cellu lose at higher concentrations. Unlike untreated cotton,
5. Dyeing of Fabric with CHPTMAC however, the dye build-up on the treated cotton is limited by
Dyeing of pre-t reated cotton was carried out in the its saturation adsorption value which is related to the amount
absence of salt by the conventional method. The results of EPTMAC applied during pretreatment. It can be seen
showed that all of the dyes gave an excellent exhaustion with fro m Figure 1 that the cotton treated with EPTMA C obtained
1% o.w.f. and most of them showed a high fixat ion with good color strength (fig. 6) at all depth of shades below
good levelness exhaustion, fixat ion and color strength values 4.5 % o.w.f. Above this level, there is no increase in color
74 Kunal Singha et al.: The Salt-Free Dyeing on Cotton: An Approach to Effluent Free
M echanism;Can Chitosan be a Potential Option?

strength with increasing the dye concentration. However, the concentration[10] and for the 2 % o.w.f. Cibacron Red HF,
color strength on the treated fiber dyed with 5 % o.w.f. dye is the treated cotton gave 60 % exhaustion of anionic dye in the
similar to that of the co lor strength of an 8 % o.w.f. absence of electrolyte, but the exhaustion droped to 45 %
conventional dyeing. after adding 20 g/l of sodium sulphate. This unfavorable
effect was because of the sulphate anions which have a
significant affinity for qurternized cellu lose and they were
able to compete with dye anions for the quaternary sites in
the modified fibers with increase in salt concentration[11], as
nearly all the quaternary sites are occupied and the fiber
became neutrally or even negatively charged (fig.7). In this
way dye adsorption was the same as the untreated cotton.

6. Grafting of Cellulosic Material: Using

Graft poly merization of the cationic mono mer
methacrylo l amino propyltrimethyl ammoniu m chloride
(MAPTAC), on to scoured cellulose onto scoured cellulose
Figure 6. Build-up properties of Cibacron Red HF for treated and was carried out in bleaching process, aiming to modify the
untreated cotton fabric influence of Electrolyte in Dyebath fibre using a single bath. The extent of MAPTAC fixat ion on
cellu lose was measured .The bleaching performance of
hydrogen peroxide in presence of the modify ing agent was
found to slightly reduce. The modified b leached cotton
fabric was then dyed with a commercial react ive dye in the
absence of salt. The dye uptake and colour strength of the
modified fabric was markedly increased with an increase in
concentration of MAPTAC. Th is was attributed to the
presence of cationic group of MAPTAC which play a crucial
role in attracting the an ionic dyes fro m the dye bath [12].
Cationic mono mer wh ich contains C-C double bond can be
grafted using redox init iator. Fixation of MAPTAC achieved
by graft poly merizat ion using potassium per sulphate as
redox init iator, it o xidizes the cellulose hydroxyl group,
produce cellulose hydroxyl free rad ical, wh ich in itiate the
Figure 7. Effect of electrolyte concentration on exhaustion of Cibacron graft poly merization, the enhanced dye ability of the
Red HF for treated cotton fabrics
modified cotton fabrics were attributed to the presence of
The effect of salt on the dyeing of the quarternized cotton cationic groups which have large affin ity for anionic dyes.
is shown in Figure 4. In the dye concentrations applied to the
fabrics well belo w the saturation limit of the treated fibers,
the degree of exhaustion decreased with increasing salt

Figure 8. Pretreatment of Cotton Fabrics for Grafting

International Journal of Textile Science 2012, 1(6): 69-77 75

Firstly cotton fabric is treated with different applications as are conventional linear poly mers; generally,
concentrations of MAPTAC ranging fro m 0 -50g/l in dendrimers are viscous liquids at room temperature.
presence of potassium persulphate as redox init iator (fig. 8). Functional end groups impart to the dendrimer characteristic
The treatment occurs at 75℃ and MLR is 1:20 for 45mins, physical and chemical properties, such as solubility,
5g/l hydrogen peroxide,2g/l NAOH,1g/l sodiu m silicate compatibility with plastics, uptake of guest molecules and
added and the temperature raised to 95℃ . This temperature surface activity[10, 11].
is maintained for 30min before fab ric is removed fro m the
7. Application of Dendrimer
6.1. Disadvantages of this Process
Samples of cotton were t reated with the den-drimer (fig. 9)
● Colour Fastness to Light
at 90℃ at three different pH values (4, 7 and 9) and at four
Light fastness decreases with an increase in the amount of
different concentrations (0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% o.w.f.),
modifying agent, cat ionic g roup may act as photocatalyst
using a 15:1 liquor rat io[11].
because of lack of deactivating nitro group on the dye
chromophore comb ine with prevention of dye aggregation
by the presence of cationic groups, leading to acceleration of
chromophore decomposition under the light[13].
● Ring Dyeing
Since the compound carries the cationic group, the
substantivity towards cotton fiber should be high enough to
force the modifying agent to diffuse into inner portion of the Figure 9. Application of dendrimer on fabric
fiber. By graft copoly merization we get high molecular
weight poly mer. If the grafted co mpound will be high 7.1. Dyeing
mo lecular weight its mig ration will be low but substantivity To highlight differences in dye uptake between the
is high as results such compound remain on yarn surface and pre-treated and untreated cotton samples, the majority of
lead to ring dyeing. dyeing were carried out using a competitive dyeing method
● Using dendrimers on cotton fabric surface (Fig. 8) in which a sample of dendrimer-t reated cotton and a
In contrast to linear poly mers, dendrimers are highly sample of untreated cotton were dyed competitively in the
branched, fractal-like macro molecules of well-defined, same dye bath. All dyeing were carried out using a liquor
three-dimensional structure, shape and topology. Fro m their ratio of 20:1. A fter dyeing, the samples were
shapes are derived names such as arborols, cascade, or washed-off[10]. In addit ion, a modified method of dye
star-burst polymers. The synthesis typically proceeds in application was used to investigate the application of dye
stages or generations in which both the extent of branching without salt and/or alkali. Accordingly, these modified
and the size of the dendrimer increase; synthesis can be dyeing processes were carried out both unbuffered as well as
closely controlled to achieve a given size, shape and internal at a buffered pH of 4.0 and 7.4.
structure. Dendrimers cannot engage in chain entanglements
as do linear poly mers and thus are not useful in mechanical

Figure 10. Schematic process of the dyeing method

76 Kunal Singha et al.: The Salt-Free Dyeing on Cotton: An Approach to Effluent Free
M echanism;Can Chitosan be a Potential Option?

Figure 11. Dependence of color strength on pretreatment on cotton with dendrimers

Figure 12. Effect of pretreatment with varying amounts of dendrimer on color strength

It shows that for each of the three pH values used for electrolyte was co mpared with sodium sulphate. Also, using
dendrimer application, the color strength of the pretreated this electrolyte for reactive dye fixat ion was evaluated in
cotton was considerably higher than that of the comparison with sodium carbonate[14].
corresponding untreated cotton (fig. 10).
7.3. Dyeing Conditions
The effect of p retreatment with varying amounts of
dendrimer on color strength is shown in Fig. 11 and In a dyebath containing different amounts of SE (50 g/l)
generally, color strength increased with increasing amount of and 2% shade of CI Reactive Blue 19 o r CI Reactive Black 5
dendrimer applied, although the observed increase (fig. 12) with liquor ratio 40:1, cotton fabric was added at 35℃ and
in color strength was small[10]. the temperature was raised to 60℃ or 80℃ over 20 min for
vinyl sulphone or monochlorotriazine dyes, respectively.
7.2. Use of Org anic Salt: Sodi um Edate (S E) After wh ich t ime the dyeing was continued at 60℃ for 30
min (mig ration phase). Then 20 g/l of sodium carbonate was
Sodiu m edate was used in the dyeing of cotton fabrics with added portion wise and the dyeing was maintained at 60℃
reactive dyes. Exhaustion behaviour of this organic for further 45 min[15].
International Journal of Textile Science 2012, 1(6): 69-77 77

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