Sliding Install
Sliding Install
Sliding Install
The "buck stops" at steel shop primary datums are right, there is
drawings. Steel shop drawings cannot little chance of a major mistake.
be interpreted, as working drawings 2. Check secondary building datums
are. They are specialized, precise,
instructions to the fabricator. 2.1 Column, Rafter, Bracing member
Checking is therefore very important, sizes
as the entire building geometry is
generally in the control of only one
2.2 Bracing setout
steel detailer. The Checker reduces the
chance of individual error to a
2.3 Purlin member sizes and spacing
commercially acceptable level.
2.4 Bolt size
1. The Checker marks up the drawings, 1. Is all the information in the title
as described above block correct?
5.2 For engineer’s compliance 10.2 Do the columns have the correct
direction orientation?
5.3 For code compliance
10.3 Is there a "North Arrow" on the
5.4 For erection clearance. plan?
6. Did I read the specs? 10.4 Are all necessary dimensions shown
correct on the plan / elevation
6.1 Is the grade of the material noted views?
correctly for all material?
10.5 Are all member sizes shown correct
6.2 site weld testing required? for each member?
6.3 Are there special cleaning and 10.6 Is all field welding that is
painting requirements? required shown correctly?
6.4 Is shop inspection required: NDT, 10.7 Are elevations at top of floors,
Radiograph, MagParticle etc? roofs, landings etc. shown
6.5 Are weld procedures required?
11. Are the bolts sizes, grades, and
6.6 Should any members or parts of quantities correct?
members be noted "no paint"?
11.1 Are oversize washers required for
6.7 Is special testing required for the the holding down bolts?
11.2 Is there and special bolt
6.8 Load indicator washers required? requirements?
6.9 Is shop assembly required? 12. Did I thoroughly study all the
design drawing to see if all the
6.10 Is Cambering required? members in the in the scope of the
fabricators contract have been
12.1 Lintels. parts connecting to them. (any
component that is not straight or
12.2 Deck support angles. level
14.1 Are bend lengths and thickness 22.2 If galvanizing is involved confirm
within machine capacity? max sizes for shipping. Is there
adequate drainage holes?
14.2 Shop splices shown where required
due to machine/material