SAP - SD - Whitepaper-Down Payment Request With Billing Plan
SAP - SD - Whitepaper-Down Payment Request With Billing Plan
SAP - SD - Whitepaper-Down Payment Request With Billing Plan
Issue Description – SAP Invoices with reference to Contract to be created Regular timelines and in Future
timelines to reflect the Media and Entertainment Renewal/Subscription Business.
a. Billing EUR from UK Entity with GBP functional currency creates FX exposure between
invoice date and the payment date
b. Deferred Revenue should not be recorded until payment is received or subscription
period has started
Fix –
Current Functionality
The Subscription orders in the system are with the current start date as billing date and if any future date
orders are processed in the system will have a billing in future.
There is no functionality of Down payment request in the current system or any deferred revenue possibility.
Desired Functionality
3) Billing Date logc in User-Exit “EXIT_SAPLV60F_001” to populate the “Billing Plan – Billing date”
field (FPLT-AFDAT)
a. For all Contract Orders with Sales office Billing Plan -Billing date will be Current date of
Order Creation even if the Contract date is in Past or Future. Billing plan –Billing date will
be VBKD-FKDAT from the Billing Tab instead of Order Creation logic )
b. Identify the payment based on the down payment FAZ. No checking on the Payment
during the Order creation . Once the Payment if receivedd from Customer against the FAZ
the Order needs to be updated with Billing Plan Date as Payment receipt date.
4) RAR Billing
AWZR condition type copy from order to down payment request and ZF2 (AR)
· Condition type “AWZR” should be copied from Contract order to Down payment request (FAZ)
Down Payment request (FAZ) uses billing Rule (milestone billing) “4 or 5”. Update the Billing rule during
the FAZ and ZF2 creation as “ 4 - Down payment in milestone billing on percentage basis” from “6”.
No Changes to configuration - Routine 023 and 008 are used.
When Customer Pays the Down Payment request it includes the Tax amount . One Source updates the
Tax amount on the Down Payment in Fixed Feed Condition. Since it’s a fixed fee and Tax GL is similar to
Billing GL implement below Logic.
If TAXIT = X then copy the Account Key from ZF2 – Tax line to Down Payment line.
If the Tax Amount ZIFT = 0 then no chages to KBERT else Update the KBERT to 100%.