Revised National Plumbing Code of The Philippines PDF
Revised National Plumbing Code of The Philippines PDF
Revised National Plumbing Code of The Philippines PDF
The birth of the plumbing profession in the Philippines is traced back to the 17th
century. The WALI .ED CITY known as Intramuros was established by the Spaniards as
a model conununity. The Friar Engineers who built the government buildings, residential
and other structures. incorporated European standards in their plumbing installations.
During the 18th and 1cJh centuries, the Filipino plumbers were assigned the task of
maintaining, repairing and/or remodeling plumbing systems in all "pueblos" or towns
including churches, convents and government buildings.
The recognized plumbers then were called upon by the ''ilustrados" or the elite
group to act as consultants of plumber journeymen on matters pertaining to plumbing
installations in villas and mansions.
PLUMBING took a great lr.-ap at the tum of the 20th century with theo arrival of
the American soldiers, engineers, Thomasite teachers, doctors and evangelists. Health
and hygiene became priority when epidemics including cholera, leprosy. schistosomiasis
and other contagious diseases engulfed the Philippines. Alanned, Governor General
Harrison issued a letter of instruction on proper waste disposal in all municipalities.
Sometime in 1902, the PLUMBING TRADE was duly recognized by the
government. The City of Manila was the model community. Master Plumber John F.
Hass became the first Chief of the Division of Plumbing Construction and Inspection.
Through the initiative of the Filipino Master Plumbers, a plumbing code based on
the Plumbing Code of the United States was incorporated into the Building Code for the
City of Manila. 17 Plumbers
In 1935, Francisco Geronimo, Mariano de Ocampo, lgmidio Suarez, Eusebio
Mina. Jose Rivera, Raymundo Reyes, Sr., Roberto Feliciano, Gregorio Lazaro,
Raymundo Gumapac, John Jones, Trinitario Ortiz, Valentin Casupanan, Catalino
Casupanan. Crispin F11Ulcisco, Teodoro Pastor, Cornelio Odvina and Jesus Tangbal Dera
organized the National Master Plumbers Association of the Philippines (NAMP AP) and
had it registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Initiated by N AMP AP, the Department of Public Services of the City of Manila
was created by an Act of Congress. City Ordinance 2411, otherwise known as "the
Plumbing ~ode forth~ City of Manila" was enacted in consultation with NAMPAP. The
practice of plumbing was eventually placed under the Department of Public Services,
The National Government, through the Bureau of Public Works, and other cities
and municipalities adopted the Plumbing Code of Manila. NAMP AP spearheaded the
enactment of a law regulating the practice of master plumbing in the Philippines.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
In 1954, the Third Congress of the Republic of the Philippines in its Second
Session, approved after the third reading House Bill No. 962. This became Republic Act
No.l378. On June 18, 1955, R.A. 1378, otherwise known as the "PLUMBING LAW OF
THE PlillJPPINES" was signed by President Ramon Magsaysay.
On January 28, 1959, the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines prepared by
the NAMPAP was promulsated and approved by Malacai\ang. NAMPAP also assisted in
the passage of the law creating the National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority
In 1966-1969, the Board of Examiners for Master Plumbers and the NAMPAP
prepared a Cuniculum for Plumbing Engineering that was approved by the Department
of Education and was first introduced at the Feati University. ·
On November 28, 1967, the First Amendment to the National Plumbing Code was
approved, which effected the inclusion of "Asbestos·Cement Pipe" as an approved
plumbing material.
Before Martial Law in 1972, Republic Act No. 6541 otherwise known as the
•Building Code of the Philippines" was passed with the "National Plumbing Code of
1959" as referral code in full text.
In 1996, NAMPAP President JAIME M. CABASE spearheaded the updating of
the Revised National Plumbing Code. Finally, in October 1999, NAMPAP submitted the
Draft Code to the Board of Master Plumbers (BOMP) Chaired by Engr. FORTIJNATO
H. AMOSCO. After careful review, the Professional Regulation Commission under
Chairman HERMOGENES POBRE adopted the Revised Plumbing Code of 1999 wruch
His Excellency, President JOSEPH EJERCITO ESTRADA approved last December 21,
1999 pursuant to Section 4 ofR.A. 1378 known as the Plumbing Law.
In order to continuously upgrade the technical expertise of Master Plumbers and
propagate the growth of the plumbing industry; NAMPAP have caused the holding of
regular National Convention as well as Regional Conferences such as LUZON,
VJSAYAS and MINDANAO, as well as the Midyear Forum where manufacturers,
dealers and suppliers of plumbing tools, equipment, materials and services are given the
opportunity to conduct product presentations for the benefit of the plumbing practitioners.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
NAMPAP National President
Principle No.3 Plumbing shall be designed and adjusted to use the minimum
quantity of water consistent with proper perfonnance and cleaning.
Principle No. 4 Devices for heating and storing water shall be so designed and
installed as to prevent dangers from explosion through overheating.
Principle No. 5 Every building having plumbing fixtures installed and intended for
human habitation, occupancy or usc on premises abutting on a street, alley or
easement where there is a public sewer, shall be connected to the sewer system.
Principle No.6 Each frunily dwelling unit on premises abutting on a sewer or with
a private sewage-disposal system shall have at least one water closet and one kitchen-
type sink. Further, a lavatory and bathtub or shower shall be installed to meet the
basic requirements of sanitation and personal hygiene .
Priaciple No. 8 - The drainage system shall be designed, constructed and maintained
to safeguard against fouling, deposit of solids, clogging and with adequate cleanouts
so arranged that the pipes may be readily cleaned.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Principle No. 11 • The drainage piping system shall be designed to provide adequate
circulation of air free from siphonage, aspiration or forcing of trap seals under
ordinary use.
Principle No. 12 - Vent terminals shall extend to the outer air and installed to preempt
clogging and the return of foul air to the building.
Principle No. 13 - Plumbing systems shall be subjected to such tests to effectively
disclose all leaks and defects in the workmanship.
Principle No. 14 - No substance which will clog the pipes, produce explosive
mixture~ destroy the pipes or their joints or interfere unduly with the sewage-disposal
process shall be allowed to enter the building drainage system.
Principle No. 15 - Proper protection shall be provided to prevent contamination of
food, water, sterile goods and similar materials by backflow of se\vage. When
necessary, the fixture, device or appliance shall be connected indirectly with the
building drainage system.
Principle No. 16 - No water closet shall be located in a room or compartment which
is not properly lighted and ventilated.
Principle No. 17 - If water closets or other plumbing fixtures are installed in buildings
where there is no sewer within a reasonable distance, suitable provision shall be made
for disposing of the building sewage by some accepted method of sewage treatment
and disposal, such as a septic tank.
Principle No. 18 - Where a plumbing drainage system may be subject tb backflow of
sewage, suitable provision shall be made to prevent its overflow in the building.
Principle No. 19 - Plumbing systems shall be maintained in serviceable condition by
Registered Master Plumbers. ·
Principle No. 20 - All plumbing fixtures shall be installed properly spaced, to be
accessible for their intended use.
Principle No. 11 - Plumbing shall be installed by Registered Master Plumbers with
due regard to the preservation of the strength of structural members and the
prevention of damage to walls and other surfaces through fixture usage.
Principle No. 22 - Sewage or other waste from a plumbing system which may be
deleterious to surface or sub-sutface waters shall not be discharged into the ground or
into any waterway, unless first rendered innocuous through subjection to some
acceptable form of treatment.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
There are 7 code of ethics.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Chapter 1
• Stction 100- PERMIT REQUIRED
102.1. 1 IdentifY and describe the plumbing work to be covered by the pem1it
for which an application is made;
102.1.2 Describe the land upon which the proposed plumbing work !s to be
done, legal description, street address or similar description that will
readily identify and locate the proposed building or work;
102.1.3 Indicate the use or occupancy for which the proposed plumbing work
is intended~
102.1.7 Be signed and sealed by the Registered and Licensed Master Plumber.
102.2 Plans and SpKifications - All plumbing plans, drawings. diagrams, design
analyses/computations as required, technical sp~cifications, bills of materials and
other required documents for all types of occupancy shall be prepared, signed and
sealed by a Registered and Licen§e(i Master Plumber. without limitations.
pursuant to Republi~ Act 1378, as amended. and shall be submitted in six (6) sets
of the aforementioned requirements with each application for a permit.
102.3 Information on Plans and Specifications- shall be drawn to scale on tracing paper
or cloth and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent
of the work proposed showing in detail, conformance with the provisions of this
Code, relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
I 03 .I. 1 The application, plans> technical specifications and other required docwnents
filed by an applicant for a permit shall be reviewed by the Administrative
Authority. Other concerned departments which verify compliance with other
applicable Jaws may review such plans. If the Administrative Authority finds
that the work described in an appHcation for permit and the plans, specifications
and other documents filed therewith conform to the requirements of the
Plumbing Code and other pertinent laws and ordinances, and upon payment of
the fees specified in Section I 05, a permit shaH then be issued to the Applicant.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
103 .1.2 When the Administrative Authority issues the permit he shall endorse in
writing or stamp the plans and specifications as "APPROVED". Such
approved plans and specifications shaH not be changed, modified or
altered without authorization from the Administrative Authority and aU
works shall be done in accordance with approved plans and
103 .1.3 The Administrative Authority may issue a Partial Permit for the
construction of a part of a large and/or complicated plumbing system
before the entire plans and specifications for the whole system have been
submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed
statements have been filed, complying with all pertinent requirements of
this Code. The holder of such partial permit may proceed at his ovm risk
without assurance that the final permit for the entire building, structure
or plumbing system will be granted.
103.2 Retention of Plans- One set of approved plans, specifications, computations and
related data shall be retained by the Administrative Authority. Two (2) sets of
approved plans, specifications and data shall be returned to the applicant a!ld
Owner, one ( 1) set of which shall be kept at the jobsite at all times while the work
is in progress.
103.4 Expiration- A plumbing permit issued under the provisions of this Code shall
expire and become null and void if the plumbing work authorized therein is not
commenced within one year from the date of such permit or if the plumbing work
so authorized is suspended or abandoned at any time after having been
commenced for a period of 120 days .
104.2 Changes in Building Occupancy- Plumbing systems which are a part of any
building or structure undergoing a change in use or occupancy, as defined in the
National Building Code, shall comply with all requirements of this Code
applicable to the changed use or occupancy.
104.3 Maintenance - All plumbing systems, materials and appurtenances, both existing
and new, and all parts thereof shall be maintained in proper operating condition.
All devices or safeguards required by this Code shall be maintained in
conformance with the existing Code edition at the time the plumbing system was
installed. The owner or his designated agent shall be responsible for the
maintenance of plumbing systems. To detennine compliance with this
subsection, the Administrative Authority may cause the re-inspection of any
plumbing system.
104.4 Moved Buildings -·- Plumbing systems, which are part of buildings or structures
in one place and moved into another Jurisdiction. shall comply with the
provisions of this Code for new installation.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
105.1 General - All plumbing systems for which permits are required by this Code
shall be inspected by the Administrative Authority. No portion of any plumbing
svstem shall be concealed until inspected and approved. The Administrative
Authority or his representative shalt not be liable for expenses incurred in the
removal and replacement of materials required to warrant proper inspection.
When the installation of a plumbing system is complete, an additional and final
inspection shall be made. Plumbing systems regulated by this Code shall not be
connected to the water and energy fuel supplies nor to the sewer system tAntil
authorized by the Administrative Authority and other Agencies concerned.
105 3 Testing of Systems - All plumbing systems shall be tested and approved as
required by this Code or the Administrative Authority.
105 4 lnspec.tion Requests - It shaH be the duty of the person doing the plumbing work
authorized by a permit to notify the Administrative Authority that such work is
ready for inspection. The Administrative Authority requires that every request for
inspection be filed at least three (3) working days before such inspection is
intended. Such request shall be in writing and jointly signed by the Owner and
the Registered and Licensed Master Plumber- Contractor.
It shall be the duty of the person requesting inspections required by this Code to
provide access to and means t{)r proper inspection of such work as well as provide
all the equipment. the tools, power and water required tor the test.
J(i5 5 Other lnspe-{tions - ln addition to the inspections required by this Code, the
Administrative Authority may require othet mspections of the plumbing work to
comply with the other provisions of this Code, other pertinent laws and
ordinances enforced by the Administrative Authority.
l05.6 Rtiospedions
105.6.1 A fee will be charged on the Applicant for each inspection or re-
insp~tion when a portion of the plumbing work for inspection is caJled
for is not completed.
105.6.2 This provision shall not be interpreted as requiring re-inspection fees for
the first time a job is rejected for failure to comply with the requirements
of this Code, but as deterrent on the practice of calling for inspections
before the job is ready for inspection or re-inspection.
105.6.3 Re-inspection fees shall be charged when the approved plans arc not
readily available to the Inspector, for failure to provide access and
facility on the date when the inspection is requested, or for deviating
fro m plans requiring the approval of the Administrative Authority.
105.6.5 In instances where re-inspection fees have been assessed, but pending
payment of required fees, no re-inspection of the work will . be
107.1 All Licensed Master Plumbers registered in accordance with the provisions of
Republic Act No. 1378 shall secure for themselves a seal of the standard size and
type as required. The same shall be used on all plumbing applications for pemtitlJ
and all plumbing plans prepan~d by Registered and Licensed Master Plumbers as
well as on all documents required in the practice of their profession. The seal
shall be round in shape and shall be inscribed with the following:
107. 1. I Registered and Licensed Master Plumber at upper portion of the round
107.1 .2 Name of Registered and Licensed Master Plumber at the upper center.
107.1.3 The registration number shall appear at the center below the name.
Each building shall be provided with sanitary facilities in accordance with best
practice for mobility of disabled persons as provided in the National Building
Code of the Philippines or by other government departments having jurisdiction.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Chapter 2
For the purpose of this Code, the following tenns shall bear the meanings
indicated in this Chapter.
Since the primary purpose is to define tenns in general rather than nouns, th~
definitions are arranged alphabetically according to the first word of the term
rather than the noun.
Section 202
ALLEY - any public space. public park or thoroughfare less than three (3)
meters but not less than two (2) meters in width dedicated or deeded for
public use.
202.5 AIRBREAK_-· a physical separation. which may be a low inlet into the
indirect waste receptor from the fixture, appliance or device indirectly
202 6 AIR GAP, DRAINAGE - the unobstructed vertical distance through the
free atmosphere between the lowest opening fiom any pipe, plumbing
fixture, appliance or apputtenance conveying waste to the tlood level rim
ofthe rcc~ptor.
Section 203
• 203.1 BACKFLOW- the flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances
into the distributing pipes of a potable wpply of water from any source
other than from its intended source.
203.2 BACKFLOW CONNECTION - condition or any arrangement whereby
reverse flow can occur.
• • 203 .3 BACKPRESSURE BACKFLOW - occurs due to an increased reverse
pressure above the supply pressure. This may be due to pumps, boilers,
gravity or other sources of pressure.
203.4 BACKFI.,OW PREVENTER - device or means to prevent flow of liquid
from retuming to the source of supply. Also called vacuum breaker.
... 203.5 BACK-SiPHONAGE - the flowing back of used, contaminated or ·
polluted water from a plumbing fixture or vessel into a water supply pipe
due to a negative pressure in such pipe. See backflow.
203.6 BACKWATER VALVE - a device installed iri a drainage system to
prevent reverse flow .
• ** • 203.7 BACKVENT PIPE - the part of a vent line, which connects directly with
an individual trap underneath or behind the fixture and extends to the
branch or main vent pipe at any point higher than the fixture or fixture traps
it serves. This is sometimes called an individual vent. See Revent pipe.
..... 203.8 BALL COCK - a valve opened and closed by the fall and rise,
respective!y, of an attached ball floating on the surface of the liquid.
.... 203 .9 BALI, JOINT- a type of pipe connection in which a ball-shaped end is
held in a cuplike shell and allows movements in every direction.
203.10 BATHROOM- a room equipped with a shower stall or bathtub.
••• 203.11 BAITERY OF FIXTURES - any of two or more similar adjacent t! xtures
which discharge into a common horizontal soil or waste branch.
203.12 BELL OR HUB - that portion of a pipe which, for a short distance, is
suffi ciently enlarged to rt.~ceive the end of another pipe of the same
diameter for the purpose of making rt caulked or push-on joi nt
• 203.13 BENDING PIN (or IRON)- a tool for straightening or bending lead pipe.
•• 203.14 BIBB- synonymous with faucet, cock, tap, plug, etc. The word "faucet" is
u • 203.15 BIDET - A plumbing fixtures used for washing the middle private part of
the body, especially the genitals. Also called a "sitz" bath.
•••• 203.16 BLANK H.,ANGE- A pipe tlange that is not drilled for bolt holes.
••••• 203.17 BLIND FLANGE- a flange that closes the end of a pipe. There is no
opening for the passage of liquid or gas.
.... 203.22 BRANCH INTERVAL- a length of soil or waste stack corresponding in
general to a story height, but in no case less than 2.43 meters within which
the horizontal branches from one floor or story of a building are connected
to the stack
203.26 BRAZED JOINT - any joint obtained by joining of metal parts with
alloys which melt at temperatures higher than 449 degrees centigrade, but
lower than t.he melting temperature of the parts to be joined.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
203.27 B & S- Brown and Sharpe (Specification) or Bell and Spigot (Ends of
• 203.28 BUILDING -a structure built, erected and framed of component structural
pat1s designed for the housing. shelter, enclosure or support of persons>
animals or prope11y of any kind.
•• 203.29 BUILDING DRAIN - that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a
drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste and other
drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the
building sewer beginning 0.6 meter outside the building waH.
... 203.30 BUILDING SEWER - that pat1 of the horizontal piping of a drainage
system which starts from the end of the building drain and which ref.:eives
the discharge of the building drain and conveys it to a public sewer, private
sewer, individual sewage disposal system or other point of disposal.
..... 203.31 BUILDING SUBDRAIN - that portion of an underground system, which
cannot drain by gravity into the building sewer.
203.32 BUILDING SUPPLY - the pipe carrying potable water from the water
meter or other source of water supply to a building or other point of use or
distribution on the lot. Building supply shall also mean water service
Section 204
•• 204.1 CAULKING ·- plugging an opening with oakum, lead or other materials
that are pounded into the annular space. Also, the material pounded into
the annular opening .
••• 204.2 CAP-- a fitting, screwed or caulked over the end of a pipe for closing the
pipe end. Female threaded.
... 204.3 CATCH BASIN - a receptacle in which liquids are retained for ~
suflicient period of time to allow settleable material to deposit.
shown compct('ncc to test and maintain backtlow assemblies to the
satisfaction of the Administratiw Authority having jurisdiction.
•• 204.7 CHECK VAl.VE- a valve that automatically closes to prevent the flow
of liquid or gas in a reverse direction
... 2048 CIRCUIT VENT - a group vent pipe which starts in front of the extreme
fixture connection on a h01izontal branch and connects to the vent stack.
Sec loop' vent, also .
204.10 CODF. -The word ''Code" or "this Code," when U5ed alone, shall mean
these regulations, subsequent amendments thereto or any emergency rule
or regulation which the Administrative Authority having jurisdiction may
lawfully adopt .
•• 204.11 COMMON VENT- sec unit vent and dual vent.
204.16 CONFINED SPACE·- a mom or space having a volume less than I 4 cu.
m with 250 kilogram calorie of the aggregate input rating of all fuel-
bmning applianc~s installed in that space
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
.... 204.21 CORPORATION COCK - a stop valve placed at the connection of the
water service pipe to the water main.
•• 204.22 COURT- an open, unoccupied space, bounded on two (2) or more sides
by the walls of the building. An inner court is a court entirely within the
exterior walls of a building. All other courts are outer courts.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
·~·:· •••• f ••• ··~·
~evised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
Section 205
• 205.1 DEAD-END - the extended portion of a pipe that is closed at o ne end to
which no councctions arc made on the exl.cndcd portion, thus permitting the
stagnation of liquid or air therein.
.... 205 .I0
wastewater into a building drainage system .
••••• 205.11 DRY VENT ·- a vent that does not carry liquid or water-borne wastes.
••••• 205. I2 DUAL VENT sec Cnit Vent.
•Sec. 3H NPC 1959 • ••• .. St'c. 4.' XPC' /95 9 ... •••••• .\ec -16 Nl'C /959
.,. .\c>c. 39 :\PC /959 •u••• -"ec. -13 .\PC /95<i ...... ••••• St·c ..J7 ,\ PC 1959
.,.. 't'c. -10 .\'PC 1959 ••••••• .\i.·c. -I.J \PC I\J5 V ••••••• •**• Sec. -IH SI'C 1959
.,.. .vc. -I f .\'PC /959 ****••u Set . .f.S .\PC 19.59
I 'i
205.13 DURHAM SYSTEM- a term used to describe soil or waste system where
all pipings are of threaded pipe, tubing or other such rigid construction using
recessed drainage fittings to con·espond to the types of piping.
Section 206
206.1 EFFECTIVE OPENING --is the minimum cross-sectional area at the point
of water supply discharge measured or expressed in terms of: ( 1) diameter of
a circle; (2) if the opening is not circular, the diameter of a circle of
equivalent cross-sectional area. (This is applicable also to air gap
Section 207
** 207.1 FAMILY - one pers<ln living alone or a group Jiving together, whether
related to each other by birth or not.
*** 207.2 FAUCET- a valve located at the end of a water pipe through of which water
can be drawn from or held within the pipe.
** 207.3 FERRULE -- a metallic sleeve, caulked or joined to an opening in a pipe,
into which a plug is screwed that can be removed for cleaning or examining
the interior of the pipe.
.. 207.4 FIXTURE - a receptacle other than a trap attached to a plumbing system in
which water or wastes may be collected or retained for ultimate discharge
into the plumbing system.
... 207.5 FIXTURE BRANCH -the water supply pipe between the fixture supply
pipe and the water-distributing pipe.
*** 207.6 FlXTlJRF. DRAIN - the drainpipe from the trap of a fixture to the junction
of that drain with any other drainpipe.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Co<le o1 the Philippines
207.7 ft'IXTlJRl: StJJ•J'LY - a water supply pipe connecting the fi xture with the
fh.ture branch.
• :!07 8 fi'IXTli RE liN IT - is an arbitrary quantity in terms of which the load-
producing efTects or water requirements on the plumbing system of different
kinds of plumbing fixtures are cxpres~cd in some arbitrarily chosen scale.
One fixture unit is equivalent to a rate of flow at 28.3 liters per minute ( l cu.
ft./minute). 7.5 gpm
•• 207.9 FLOOD LEVF..L - the level in a fixture at which water begins to overflow
ovc:r the top or rim of the fixture.
~07 . 10 FLOOD LEVEL RIM -is the top edge of a receptacle from where water
107.ll FLOODEU - a fixture is flooded when the liquid therein rises to the flood
level rim.
... :07.12 FLOOR AREA - the area included within surrounding walls of a building
(or portion thc1eof), exclusive of vent shafts and courts.
207.13 FLUSH TANK·- a tank located above or integral with water closet, urinal or
similar fixtures for flushing or removing excrements in the fixture.
- :.07. 14 FLUSH VALVE - is a device located at the bottom of the tank for the
purpose of flushing waster closet and similar fixtures.
207. 15 FLUSHOMETER TANK- is integrated within an air accumulator ve:Bel
which is designed to discharge a predetermined quantity of water into
fixtures for flushing purposes.
~07 . 16 FLUSHOMETER VALVE- is a device, which discharges a predetennined
quantity of water into fixtures for flushing purposes and is actuated by direct .
water pressure.
Section 208
.. 108.1 GATE VALVE- a valve in which the flow ofwater is cut off by means
of a circular disc fitted against machine-smoothed faces, at righl angles to
the direction of flow. The disk is raised or lowered by means of a
threaded stern connected to the handle of the valve. The opening in the
valve is usually as large as the full bore of the pipe.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
• 208.2 GWBE VALVE- a valve in which the flow of fluid is cut off by means of
a circular disc that fits over and against the horizontal valve seat. The
movement of the plane of disc is parallel to the nonnal direction of flow of
water through the orifice resulting to a tortuous passage which offers a high.
pressure loss.
.. 208.3 GOOSENECK - a return bend of small-sized pipe, one end of which is
about 30 em. long and the other end is about 7. 5 em. long. It is commonly
used as a faucet for a pantry sink. Also, the term means the flexible tubing
connection between a service pipe and a water main.
*** 208.4 GRADE - is the slope or fall of a line of pipe with reference to a horizontal
plane. In drainage, it is usually expressed as the fall in centiEleters per
meter or percentage slope of pipe.
208.5 GREASE INTERCEPTOR - an interceptor of at least 3 c.ubic meters
capacity to serve one or more fixtures and which is remotely located.
208.6 GREASE TRAP - a device designed to retain grease from one to a
maximum of tour fixtures .
.. 208.7 GROUND \VATER - the water that stands in or passes through the ground.
•• 208.8 GROUP VENT- a branch vent that performs its functions for two (2) or
more traps.
s~ction 209
209.1 HANGERS - see Supports.
HEIGHT OF BUILDING - the vertical distance from the "Grade Line" to
the highest point of the coping of a tlat roof or to the top line of n n~:"J1?.<itt
roof or to the average height of the highest gable of a pitch or hip-roof
209.3 HIGH HAZARD - see Contamination.
... 209.4 HORIZONTAL BRANCH - is a drain pipe extending laterally from a soil
or waste stack or building drain with or without vertical sections or
branches, which receives the discharge from one or more fixture drains and
conducts it to the soil or waste stack or to the building drain.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Coda of the Philippines
• 209.6 lJOUSE DRAIN- is that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a plumbing
system which receives the dischaiges from soil, waste and other drainage
pipes inside of a building and conveys it to the house sewer outside of the
lJOlJSE SEWER- is that part of a plumbing system extending from the
house drain at a point 0.60 meters from the outside face of the foundation
walt of a building to the junction with the street sewer or to any point of
discharge, and conveying the drainage of one building site.
···109.8 HOUSE STORM SEWER- is the pipeline from the building to the public
or street storm drainage system.
209.9 HURLESS PIPES ··- are cast iron soil pipes with plain ends connected
together with bolted stainless steel bands and neoprene gaskets.
Section 210
•• 210.1 INDIRECT WASTE PIPE - is a pipe that does not connect directly with
the drainage system but conveys liquid wastes by discharging into a
plumbing fixture, interceptor or receptacle d irectly connected to the
drainage system.
•• 210.2 IN.DIVIDUAL VENT- is a pipe installed to vent a fixture trap and which
COIUlects with the vent system above the fixtu re se1ved or terminates in the
open air. Also called a Backvent Pipe.
••• 210.3 INDUSTRIAL \VASTE - any and aJI liquid or water-borne waste from
industrial or commercial processes, except domestic sewage.
••• 210.5 INSANITARY · a condition contrary to sanitary principles or injurious to
h~alth .
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Conditions where the word "insanitary" shall apply include the following:
210.5.1 Any trap which does not maintain a proper trap seal;
210.5.2 Any opening in a drainage system. except where lawful, which is not
provided with an approved water-sealed trap;
210.5.3 Any plumbing fixture or other waste-discharging receptacle or device. not
supplied wit h water sufftcient to flush it and maintain it in a clean condition;
210.5.4 Any defective fixture, trap, pipe or fitting;
210.5.5 Any trap, except where exempted in this Code, directly connected to a
drainage system, the seal of which is not protected against siphonage and
backpressure by a vent pipe~
210.5.6 Any connection, cross-connection, construction or condition, temporary or
permanent, which permit or make possible, by any means whatsoever, for
any unapproved foreign matter to enter into a water distribution system used
for domestic purposes; and
210.5.7 The foregoing enumeration of conditions which the term "insanitary"
applies, shaH not preclude the application of that term to conditions that are,
in fact, insanitary.
• 210.6 INTERCEPTOR (CLARIFIER) - is a device designed and installed to
separate and retain deleterious, hazardous or undesirable matters from
normal wastes and permits normal sewage or liquid wastes to discharge into
the disposal terminal by gravity.
.. 210.7 INVERT - The lowest portion of the interior part of any pipe or conduit
that is not vertical.
Section :Z 11
211.1 JURISDICTION - the Administrative Authority under the Department of
Health, the Department of Public Works & Highways, the Department of
Interior and Local Government, the City Mayors of Chartered Cities,
Environmeatal Management Bureau (D.E.N.R) and other government:
entities that regulate the practice of Registered & Licensed Master
Section 212
No Definitions
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
····-··· ~ . . .... ····-·--···· -·-·---·- --- . ..
Revised National Plumbing Code of tho Philippines
St-rtion 213
213.4 LA VATORY - a fixture designed for the washing of the hands or face.
Sometimes called a wash basin.
1136 LEADER - (See Conductor) - a pipe connected from building gutter to the
downspout or conductor.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Defi nitions
*213 . 11 WCAL VENT - a pipe or shaft to convey foul air from a plumbing fixture
or a room to the outer air.
213.13 LOT - a single area of land legally recorded or validated by other means
acceptable to the Administrative Authority where a building is situated or
site of any work regulated by this Code, together with the yard, court, and
unoccupied space legally required for the building or works; and which i!
owned by or in the lawful possession of the owner of the building or works.
Section 214
••• 214. 1 MAIN - any system of continuous piping, which is the principal artery of
the system where branches are connected.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
214 7 MODiLl: HOME PARK SF.WER- that part of the horizontal piping of
sanilary drainage system which measures 0.6 meter downstream from the last
mobile home site and conveys sewage to a public sewer, private sewer,
individual sewage disposal system or other points of disposal.
Section 215
:IS.l NAMPAP- National Master Plumbers Association of the Philippines.
Section 216
~216.1 OAKUM - hemp or old hemp rope soaked in oil or tar to make it
Section 217
PERSON - a natural person, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns;
and also includes a firm, partnership or corporation, its or their successors or
assigns or agents of any of the aforesaid
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
217.2 PB - Polybutylene. Tube made of plastic material and colored black. The
cross-sectional shape is nonnally oval and is denoted by its outside diameter
or 0.0. Nom1ally used as water service connection from main to meter.
217.3 PE - Polyethylene. Tube made of plastic material and colored black. The
cross-sectional shape is cir~lar and is denoted by its outside diameter or
217.4 PIPE - a cylindrical conduit or conductor conforming to the particular
dimensions commonly known as ..pipe size, and is denoted by its interior
diameter or l.D.
• 217.5 PITCH - see Grade.
•• 217.6 PLUMBING- the Nt and t~hnique of installing pipes, fixtures and other
apparatuses in buildings for bringing in the supply, liquids, substances and/or
ingredients and removing them~ and such water, liquid and other carried-
wastes hazardous to health, sanitation, life) property~ also the pipes and
fixtures after installation i.e., the plumbing system.
217.7 PLUMBING APPLIANCE -· any one of a special class of device or
equipment intended to perform a speciaf plumbing function. Its operation
and/or control may be dependent upon one or more energ~ components,
such as motors, controls, heating elements and pressure-temperature-sensing
elements. Such device or equipment may operate automatically through one
or more of the following actions: a time cycle, a temperature range, a
pressure range, a measuted volume or weight~ or the device or equipment
may be manually adjusted or controlled by the user or operator.
217.8 PLUMBING APPURTENANCE - a manufactured device or a prefabricated
assembly or an on-the-job assembly of component parts, and serves as adjunct
to the basic piping sy~tem and plumbing fixtures. An appurtenance demands
no additional water supply nor does it add any discharge load to a fixture or
the drainage system. It performs some useful functions in the operation,
maintenance, servicing, eccnomy or Sclfety of the plumbing system.
217.9 PLUMBING FIRM- a sole proprietorship or corporation composed of
Registered and Licen:)ed Master Plumbers together with allied professionals, the Master Plumbers composing the majority of the members~ip,
incorporators, directors and/or executive officers and Licensed Master
Plumber only render work and services within the cognizance of a Registered
Master PJumber and members of the allied professions also only render work
and services within the cognizance of their respective professions.
••• 211.12 PLUMBING SYSTEM - includes all potable water supply and distribution
pipes, ali plumbing fix.tures and traps; all sanitary and storm drainage systems~
vent pipes, roof drains, leaders and downspouts; and all building drains and
sewers, including their respective joints and connections; devices, receptacles,
and appurtenances within the property~ water lines in the premises: potable,
tap, hot and chilled watt!r pipings~ potable water treating or using equipment;
fuel gas piping; water heaters and vents for same.
... 217.15 POTABLE WATER -- water satisfactory for drinking, culinary ar.d
domestic purposes and meets the requirements of the Philippine National
Standards for Drinking Water.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Fhilippin8s
Section 218
218.1 QUALITY OF MATERIALS- all plumbing fixtures and materiats used in
any discharge or plumbing system or pa11s thereof shall be free from defects.
Section 219
219.1 RECEPTOR - an approved plumbing fixture or device of such materials,
shape and capacity to Adequately receive the discharge from indirect waste
pipes, constructed and located to be readily cleaned.
.... 219.5 RETURN BEND - an open return bend usually made up two 90° bends
with inside and outside threads, flanged or welded fittings~ and applied also
. . 219.6
to a one hundred eighty degrees bend in copper tubings.
.. 219.8 RISER - a water supply pipe, which extends vertically to one full story or
more to convey water into pipe branches or plumbing fixtures.
... 219.9 ROllGHING-lN - the installation of all pipings and fitting parts of the
plumbing system, which can be completed prior to the installation of
fixtures and accessories. These include sanitary and storm drainage, t<!p, hot
and chilled water supplies, gas pipings, vent pipings and the necessary
fixture supports.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Section 220
220.1 SAND INTERCEPTOR - see Interceptor.
• 220.2 SANITARY SEWAGt: - the wastewater containing human excrements
and liquid household waste. Also called domestic sewage.
•• 220.3 SANITARY SE\VER - a sewer intended to receive sanitary sewage with or
without pre-treated industrial wastes and without the admixture of rain or
ground water.
••• 220.4 SEAL- the vertical distance between the dip and the crown weir of a trap .
Also, the water in the trap between the dip and the crown weir.
•• 220.5 SECONDARY BRANCH - any branch in a building dra\n other than the
primary branch.
220.6 SEEPAGE PIT- a loosely lined excavation in the ground. which receives
the discharge of a septic tank and designed to pemut the effluent from the
septic tank to seep through pit bottom and sides .
** 220.7 SEPTIC TANK- a water-tight receptacle which receives the discharge of a
sanitaty plumbing system or part thereof, designed and constructed to retain
solids, digest organic matter through a period of detention and to allow the
liquids to discharge into the soil outside of the tank through a system of
open-jointed sub-surface pipings or a seepage pit meeting the requirements
of this Code.
••• 220.8 SERVICE PIPE - the pipe from the street water main or other source of
waler supply to the building served .
... 220.9 SEWAGE - any wastewater containing animal or vegetable matter in
suspension or solution and may include liquids containing chemical s in
solution .
.... 220.10 SEWER- a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage and wastewater .
•••• 220.11 SEWERAGE OR SEWERAGE WORKS - a comprehensive term,
including all constructions for collection, transportation. pumping. treatment disposition of sewage .
..... 220.12 SIIAFI'- a vertical opening through a building for elevators, dumbwaiters,
lights. ventilation or similar purposes.
• Sec. I 12 NPC 1959 • ••••• Sec. ll 7 NPC 1959
.. Se,:. JJ3NPC 1959 •••-u•• ,'>ec. J/8 NPC 1959
••• Sec. 114 Nl'C 1.959 •••••••• &c. 119 NPC 1959
.... Sec. 115NJ>C 1959 ••••••••• ,)'ec. 120 NPC 1959
..... Sec. 116 Nl'C 1959 •••••••• .. Sec. 121 NPC 1959
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Hevised National Plumbing Code of tha Philippines
.. 220.21 SOIL STACK PIPE - a vertical soil pipe conveying fecal matter and
SOIL PIPE - any pipe, which conveys the discharge of water closet, urina!
or fixtures having similar functions, with or without the discharges from
other fixtures to the building drain or building sewer.
%20.23 SOLDERED JOINT - a pipe joint obtained by joining metal parts with
metallic mixtures or alloys which melt at a temperature below 427 degrees
centigrade and above 149 degrees centigrade .
.,.!LO 24 SPIGOT - the end of a pipe which fits into a bell. Also a word used
synonymousl y with faucet.
=t).25 SPECIAL WASTES - wastes which require some special methods of
handling such as th<' usc of in(Hrc.ct waste piping and receptors; corrosion-
resistant piping~ sand, oil or grcasl~ intc1ceptors ~ condensers or other
pretreatment facilities.
.. 220.26 STACK - the vertical main of a system of soil, waste or vent ptpmgs
extending through one or more stories and extended thru the roof
•• 220.27 STANDPIPE- a vertical pipe, or a reservoir, into which water is pumped
to give it at a head, classified as:
l. Wet Standpipe - water pressure is maintained at all times~
2. Automatic Standpipe System - operates automatically by
opening a hose valve~
3. Manually-OJ)erated Standpipe System - remote control
device al each hose station; and
4. Dry Standpipe - having no permanent water inside the
••• 220.28 STORM WATER- that portion of the rainfall or other precipitation which
runs ofT over the earth surface after a storm .
•• 220.29 STOREY - that portion of a building included between the upper surface of
any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above .
•• 220.30 SUBSOIL DRAIN - an underground drainpipe that receives only sub-
surface or seepage water and convey it to a sump for disposal by gravity
flow or by lift pump.
••• 220.31 STACK VENT - the. extension of a soil or waste stack above the highest
horizontal drain connected to the stack. The uppermost end above the roof
is called stack vent through roof (SVTR) .
.... 220.32 SUMP - an approved tank or pit which receives sewage or wastewater and
is located below the normal grade of the gravity system and must be emptied
by mechanical means .
****220.33 SUPPORTS - supports, hangers, anchors, brackets, cradles are devices for
holding and securing pipes and fixtures to walls, ceiling, floors or structural
..... 220.34 SURFACF: WATER - that portion of rainfa ll or other precipitation which
runs off over the surface of the ground .
.. *** 220.35 SWIMMING POOL - a water basin used for swimming designed to
accommodate many bathers at a time and properly connected to a di sposal
system, fi ll s and draws water supply or provided with approved water
purification and recirculation system.
*Sec. 128 Nl'C 1959 •• •• •• .sec. 129 NPC 19.59
•• Sec. 130 NPC 1959 •••••••sec. 134 NPC 1959
••• Sec. 131 NPC /959 ••u•••• S<'c. I 35 NPC I 959
.... Sec. 13: NPC 1959 ***•••••• Sec. /36 NPC / 959
••**• .vc. 133 NPC /959 u•••••••• .'\ec. 137 NPC 1959
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
Section 221
22I.l TAll,PIECE -the pipe or tubing that connects the outlet of a plumbing
fixture to the trap.
• 221 .2 TAPPED TEE - a tee with the branch tapped to receive a threaded pipe or
fittings .
•• 221.3 TRAP -- a fitting or device designed and constructed to provide, when
properly vented, a liquid seal wh\ch prevents the backflow of foul air or
methane gas without materially affecting the flow of sewage or wastewater
through it.
221.4 TRAP ARM -that portion of a fixture drain between a trap and the vent.
... 221.5 TRAP SEAL - the maximum vertical depth of liquid that a trap will retai~
measured between the crown weir and the top of the dip of the trap.
221.6 TUBF. -- a cylindrical conduit or conductor C4.:mfonning to the particular
dimensions known as "tube sizes" and denoted by its outside diameter or
Se-ction 222
222.1 UNCONFINED SPACE- a room space having a volume equal to at least
1.4 c.u. m. of the aggregate input rating of the fuel-burning appliance
installed in that space. Rooms adjacent and open to the space where the
appliance is installed, through openings not furnished with doors, are
•• 222.2
considered a part of the unconfined space .
Section 223
•• 223.1
VACUUM -- an air pressure less than atmospheric. Also, implies siphonage
in piping system.
223 .2 VAClJUM UREAKER- sec Backtlow Prevcnter.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
* 223.3 VENT PIPJ: - a pipe or opening used for ensuring the circulation of air in a
plumbing system and for relieving the negative pressure exerted on trap
223.4 Vf.~NT STACK -the vertical vent pipe installed primarily for providing
circulation of air to and from any part of the soil, waste of the drainage
223.5 VENT SYSTEM - pipes installed to provide flow of air to or from a
drainage system or to provide a circulation of air within such system to
protect traps seals from siphonage and backpressure.
223.6 VERTICAL PIPE - any pipe cr fitting installed in a vertical position or
which forms an angle of not more than forty-five (45) degrees with the
vertical line.
Section 224
Section 225
No definitions.
Section 226
• 226.1 YARD- an open. unoccupied space, other than a court, unobstructed from
the ground to the sky, except where specifically provided in thi s Code.
226.2 YOKE VENT - a pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack below
the floor and below horizontal connection to an adjacent vent stack at a
point above the tloor and higher than highest spill level of fixtures for
preventing pressure changes in the stacks.
Section 227
No definitions.
303.4 Vertical drainage lines connecting to horizontal drainage line shall enter
through 4S-degree branches, or other approved fittings of longer sweep
Sixty (60) degree branches or offsets may be used only when installed in a
true verticai position
;o5 1 Every build ing where plumbi11g fixtures are installed shall have a sewer
service connection to a public or private sewer systems except as provided
in Subsection JOS .2 ofthis section.
; o5 2 When a Public or Private Sewer is not available for use, excreta drainage
piping from buildings and premises shall be connected to an approved
Pri vate Sewage Oispo s<~ l System
:;06.1 It shall be unlawful for any persnn to deposit, by whatever means into any
plumbing fixture, floor drain, int erceptor, sump, recept acle or device,
connected to the excreta and storm drainage systems, public sewer, private
sev,;er, septic tank or cesspool, any ashes, cinders, solids, rags, fl ammable,
poiso nous or explosive liquids or gases; oils, greases or other things which
would or could cause. damage to the drainage system or puhlic sewer.
306 2 Roofs, inner courts, vent shafts, light well s or similar areas having rainwater
drains sh all discharge outside of the building or to the gutter, and sha ll not
be connected to the soil and waste pipe systems.
J(•i I Wa stes d ~t rimenta l to the public sewer system or to the fu nctioning of the
sewage tr eatment plant shall be treated anJ disposed of as lound ne;;essary
and as directed by the Admi nistrati ve Authority or other authorities having
juri ~;d ict !-\.Hl
307.2 Sewage or other waste from a plumbing system which may be deleterious to
surface or subsurface waters, shall not be discharged into the ground or into
Principle No. 22 any waterway unless first rendered innocuous through subjection to some
acceptable form of treatment.
Section 308- LOCATION
J I 0.3 Burred ends of all pipes and tubings shall be reamed to the full bore of the
pipe or tubing and all chips left inside the pipe or tubing shall be removed .
311.2 No drainage or vent p1pmg shall be drilled and tapped for making
connections thereto, and no cast iron soil pipe shall be threaded.
311.3 No waste connection shall be made to a closet bend or stub of a water closet
or similar fixtures.
311 .4 Except as hereinafter provided in Sections 812, 813 and 814 of this Code, no
vent pipe shall be used as a soil or waste pipe, nor shall any soil or waste
pipe be used as a vent. Also, single drainage and venting systems with
unvented branch lines are prohibited.
311.6 Except for necessary use of gate & check valves. where inter-membering or
mixing of dissimilar metals occurs, the points of connection shall be
con tined to exposed or accessible locations.
311.7 All valves. pipes and fittings shall be installed in correct relationship to the
direction of flow.
The drainage system of each new building and of new work installed in any
existing building shall be separate and independent from that of any other
building and whe-n available, every building shall have an independent connection
with a private or public sewer.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
General Regulations
313.2 Existing building sewer and building drain may be used in connection with a
new building or new plumbing and drainage works only when they are
found on examination and tested to conform in all respects to the
requirements governing new work. and the proper Administrative Authority
shaH notify the Owner to make changes necessary to confomt to this Code.
No building or part thercot: shall be erected or placed over any part of the
existing drainage system, which is constructed of materials other than those
approved elsewhere in this Code tor use under or within a building.
313.3 All openings into a Sanitary drainage and vent system, cx(cpt those
openings to which plumbing fixtures are pmperly conne~tcd or which
constitute vent terminals, shall be permanently plugged or capped in an
approved manner. using the appropriate materials required by this Code.
~.1 Verticall,iping
315. 1. 1 Cast Iron SoiJ Pipe - Bell & Spigot and Hubless p1pe shall be
supported at every storey or clo~er.
315.1.2 Snewed Pi1)e -· Iron Pipe Size (IPS) shall be supported at not less than
every other storey height ../·
J 15 .1.4 Lead Pipf ... shall be supported at intervals not exc.eeding 1.20 meters at
centers with a rigid vertical back-up
J 15.2.1 Supports ··· hori zontal pipes shall be supported at sufliciently close
intervals to keep them in alignment and prevent sagging.
315.2.2 Cast Iron Soil Pipe- Where joints occur, suspended cast iron soil pipe
shall be supported at not more than 1. 5 meters intervals; except that
pipe exceeding I. S meters length, may be supported at not more
than J meters intervals. Supp011s shall be adequate to maintain
alignment and to prevent sagging and shall be placed within 0.45 meters
of the hub or joiat. Hubless or compression gasket joints must be
supported at least at every other joint except that when the developed
length between supports exceeds 1.2 meters, they shall be provided at
315.2.3 Screwed Pipe- IPS except as provided in other Sections of this Code,
shall be supported at approximately 3.0 meters intervals for piping 19
.mm diam.eter and smaller and 3.6 meters intervals for piping 25 mm and
larger in diameter.
315.2.4 Copper Tubing - shall be supported at approximately 1.8 meters t:-t~~ :-: :..:· 11
intervals for piping 38 mm diameter and smaller and 3.0 meters in!-::rvc'.n
for pipings 51 mm and larger in diameter.
315.2.5 uad Pipe - shall be supported by stiff metal or wooden backing for its
entire length with hangers properly spaced.
315.2.6 In Ground - piping buried in the ground shall be laid on a flTYll bed for
its entire length, except where concrete cradle support is provided,
which is adequate and approved by the Administrative Authority.
315. 2.7 Plastic Tube - sh~l be supported by stiff metal or wood backing with
hangers in its entire length for small-size tubings up to 38 mm diameter
and without backings but with spaced metal hangers at approved spacing
for larger-size tubings.
3 l 6.1 Tunneling and driving may be done in yard, court or driveway of any
building site. Where there is suffici ent depth, tunneling may be used
between open cut trench~s. Tunnels shall have a clear height of 0.6 meter
above the pipe and hall be limited in le ngth to one-half (1/2) the :iepth
of the trench, wd. a maximum length of 2.4 meters. When pi pe is
driven, the drive pi. l· shall be at least one pipe size larger than the pipet;:> be
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
R~visod National Plumbing COde of the Philippines
)16.2 Open Trenches - all excavations required to be made for the installation of
a building drainage system or any part thereof, within the walls of a
building, shall be open trench work and kept open until the piping has been
inspected, tcs!ed and accepted.
Water doset bowls fur public use shall be the elongated bowl types equipped with
open-front seats. Water closet seats shall be of smooth non·absorbent material
and properly sized for the water closet bowl used.
.tt)5. l Use of water closets having invisible seats or unventilated space or having
walls, which are not t.horoughly washed out at each discharge, shall be
prohibited. Any water closet, which might pennit siphonage of the contents
of the bowl back into the water tank, shall be prohibited as well as trough
urinals. Drinking fount ains shall not he installed inside public toilet rooms.
~)5 . 2 Fixed wooden, concrete, cement, or tile washtrays or sinks for domestic use
shall not be installed in any building designed for human habitation. No
sheet metal lined wooden bathtubs shall be installed or reconnected. No dry
or chemical closet (toilet) shall be installed in a.ny building for human
habitation, unless first approved by the Health Officer or Administn•.tive
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Plumbing Fixtures
407.2 Joints - where a fixture comes in contact with the wall or floor, the joint
between the fixture and wall or floor shall be made watertight.
407.3 Securi11g •'i1.turt's - floor outlet or floor mounted fixtures shall be rigidly
secured on the drainage connection and floor when so designed with the use
of adequately-sized screws or expansion bolts of copper, brass or other
equally cmTosion-resistant material.
407.5 Setting - fixtures shaH be set level and in proper alignment with reference
to adjacent walls. No water closet or bidet shall be !1et closer than 0.315
meter from its center to any side wall or obstruction nor closer than 0.7:;
meter center to ceruer to any similar fixture No urinal shall be set closer
than 0.3 meter from its center to any sidewall or partition nor closer than 0.6
meter center to center.
407.6 Supply Fittings - the supply lines or fittings for every plumbin3 fixture
shall b.;! installed to prevent backflow.
408.1 Automatic Flushing.Tanks- tanks flushing more than one urinal shall be
automatic in operation and of sufficient capacity to provide the necessary
volume of water to flush and properly cleanse all urinals simultaneously.
Automatically controlled flushometer valves maybe substituted for
automatic flush tanks.
·409.1 Floor drains shall be considered plumbing fixtures and each drain shaH be
provided with an approved-type and hinged s.trainer plate having the sum of
the areas of the small holes of the strainer plate or gross w<!terway is
equivalent to the cross-sectional area of the tailpiece. Floor drains, flocr
receptors and shower drains shall be of an approved type, the body provided
with integraUyhcast water-stop outside flange around the body at mid dtpth
and with an inside caulk outlet to provide a watertight joint in the floor.
409.2 Shower receptors are plumbing fixtures and shall conform to the gener.d
requirements therefore contained in Table 14-4. Each shower receptor sk;H
be constructed of vitrified china or earthenware, ceramic tile, porcelain-
enameled m~tal or of such other material as may be acceptable to the
Administrative Authority. No shower receptors shall be installed unless it
conforms to acceptable standards as required by Chapter 14 of this Code or
until a specification or a prototype or both of such receptor is first submitted
to the Administrative Authority for approval .
409.3 Each shower receptor shall be an approved type and be constructed to have a
finished dam, curb or threshold which is at least 25.4 mm lower than the
outside floor at the sides and back of such receptor. ln no case shall any
dam or threshold be less than 51 mm nor more than 228 mm in depth when
mf'.asured from the top of the dam or threshold to the of the drain. The
finished floor of the receptor shall slope uniformly from the sides towards
the drain not less than 2% or 20 mmlm or more than 4% or 40 mm/m.
Thresholds shaH be of sufficient width to accommodate a minimum 559-nun
wide door.
Shower receptors built directly on the ground shall be watertight and shall
be constnacted from approved-type dense, non-absorbent and non-conosive
materials. Each receptor shall be adequately reinforced, provided with an
approved flanged floor drain designed to make a watertight joint in the floor,
and shall have smooth, impetvious and durable.surfaces.
When shower receptors are built above ground the sub-floor and rough side
of walls to a height of no less than 76 mm above the top of the finished dam
or threshold shall be first lined with sheet lead or copper or with other
durable and watertight materials.
All lining materials shall be pitched at a slope of2 percent or 20 mrnlm to weep holes in
the subdrain of a smooth and solidly formed sub-base. All lining materials shall extend
upward on the rough jambs of the shower opening to a point no less than 76 mrn above
the top of the finished dam or threshold and shall extend outward over the top of the
rough threshold and be turned over and fastened on the outside face of both the rough
threshold and the jambs.
No metallic shower sub-pans or linings may be built-up on the jobsite of not less than
three (3) layers of standard grade 6.8 kg asphah·impregnated roofing telt. The bottom
layer shall be fitted to the formed sub-base and each succeeding layer thoroughly hot
mopped to that below. AH comers shall be carefully fitted, strengthened and wnt,.!rti;Jht
by foJding or lapping, and each corner shall be reinforced with suitable meta! V;ebbing
hot-mopped in place All folds, laps and reinforcing webbing shall extend to at least 101
mm in all directions from the comer and all webbing shall be of approved type and mesh,
producing a tensile strength of not less than 0 9 kg/mm in either direction. Non-metallic
shower sub-pans or linings may also consist of multi-layers of other approved equivalent
materials suitably reinforced and c.arefully fitted in place on the job~site as elsewhere
requiied in this Section.
Linings shall be properly· recessed and fastened to approved backing so as not to occupy
tbe space required for the wall c.overing and shall not be nailed or perforated at any point
which may be less than 25.4 mm above the finished dam or threshold. An approved type
sutrdrain shall be installed with every shower sub-pan or lining. Each such sub-drain
sb.lll be of the type that sets tlush with the sub-base and shall be equipped with a
damping ring or other device to make a tight connection between the lining and the
drain. The sub-drain shall have weep holes into the waste line.
409.6 Floors of public shower rooms shall have a non-skid surface and shall be
drained in such a manner that wastewater ftom one bather will not pass over
areas occupied by other bathers. Gutters in public or gang shower rooms
shall have rounded comers for easy cleaning and shaH be sloped not less
than two (2) percent toward the drains. Drains in gutters shall be spaced not
more than 4.9 meters apart .
111}.7 In the absence of local regulations, showers occupancies other than dwelling
units served by individual water heaters shall be provided with individl\al
shower control valves of the pressure balance or the thennostatic mixing
valve type. Multiple or gang showers may be controlled by a master
thermostatic mixing valve in lieu of individually controlJed pressure balance
or thermostatic mixing valves. Limit stops shall be provided on such valves
and shall be adjusted to deliver hot water \v1th a maximum temperature of
48.88 " C.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Plumbing Fixtures
Unless otherwise listed, all whirlpool bathtubs shall comply with the
following requirements:
(b) The circulation pump shall be located above the crown weir of the
trap, ·
(d) Suction fittings on whirlpool bathtubs shall comply with the listed
r oryptoccupan'
s l of Building Water Closets Urtnels'"
(Fhtures per
(Fbturcs per Peno11)
Bathtubs or
{Fbtures per Penon) ll
Person) (Fixtures pu
ir ,\SS.-:tll bl y l'lace5 ... Maie Fcmale 14 -Maic Ft."''Tlale
I. 1-1 s I: 1-15 0: 1-9 I 1'1<:1"40 l pcr40
1Tbcatcrs, 2 16-35 3 16-35 1: 10·50
j Coo\'cnticn Halls, 3: 36-55 4. 36-55
AJ.d one (I)
• CIC._ for permanent O.ocr SS, add 1 fixtw·e for
I cmplo~use eacil adJitional40 persons fixture for each
add.i!ionnl 50
r-,.Assernbly [>l.aoo; - Male: Femalen Mlile Female lper7SIT"
Tbcaters. 1: 1-100 3: J.. so 1: 1-100 1: 1-200 1: 1-200
AIXIitoriums, 2: 101-200 4: 51·100 2: 101-200 2: 201·400 2: 201-400
convention Balls, 3:201400 8: 101-200 3: 201-400 3: 40 1-750 3: 401 -7SO
1. dl:.. for public I I :2111-400 4: 40 i -600
Over 400, add I fiXIurt: fol Over 600, adtl Ov.:r 750, udd I fixture for
each additional 500 males I fi,.~ure for each additional SOO
•md 2 for each 300 each aJ.ditiona1 ~'1SOOS.
I females 500 males
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Plumbing Fi).tures
I: 1-10
''"""' _1_______
1: 1-10
Up to 100, I po:r 10
f'Shower for
each 15 persons
I per 75'!Tj
Wmkshops. 2: 11-25 2: 11-25 expo$00 to
!=- oundries and
4: 51-75
3: 26-50
4: 51-75
Over 100, l per 15
excessive heat
or to skin
e-,"tahlishments (for
~;Jioyee use)
5: 76-100 5: 76-100
Over 100, add 1 fixture for
with poisonous, II
each additioual 30 persons inf<!Ctious, or
irritating l
tMterial I
lnsti lutional-
L'ther than
I per 25
l per 20
0: 1-IJ
1: 10-50
I per 10
l per 10
I pt'1' 8 l per 7S1T
Hospitals or Penal
Institutions (on
Add I llxiure
f<'f euch
each oc.:eupicd
Institutional- Male Female
additional 50
ltll:ti i:S
0: 1-9 Male Female 1 per 8 I J)(11'STT l
Other than l : 1-15 1: 1-15 1: 10-50 I per 40 1 per 40 I
Hospitals or Penal 2: 16-35 3: 16-35
4: 36-55
Add I fix1ure
for cnch
Institution (on each 3: 36-55 i
occupied floor) for Owr 55, add I f:xture for additional SO
employee use c.a~h aJc!ilio nnl 40 pcr:;;)l\s male:;
j Otlicc or Public M<\lc h :nwlc 1: 1-HJO Male Female J· 1-tOO I: 1-200 2. 101-200 1: l -200 1: 1-200 I "" 75
2 101-200 2: 201-40() ) . 20 I .....!()() 2:201-400 2: 201-400
I 3: 2()1-400 :1-40 1-750 4•401-600 3• 40 1-750 3: 401-750
Ovc.:r. 55, add I lixture for Over oUO, add Over 750, add l f;xtuJ<: f01 ;
~..ech additional 500 males I fixture for each additional ~00
and 2 l(lr ce.:h 55 fem&cs e.~ch oJditional ~JSOllS. l
~_l() ma.~-
Femalerr-· 0: 1·9
Office or Public Mlle !\A.ale tc:nmle
Buildings- for I: 1-15 I: 1-15 I : 10-50 I per 40 1 per 40 i
employee use 2: 16-]5 3: 16-35 A<hl 1 fixture I
3: 3(·-55 4: 36-55
Q,·cr 55, add I fixture for
for each
addtt.ionnl SO
each additional 40_ll(:l'~ns males
P~·nal Institutions - Male r c:malc' r 0: 1-? M<Jc i'l'II\OJc
For employee use I: 1- I 5 I: l-15 1: 10-50 l Jl<!r 411 l P.,'T 40 iI
2: 16-3'\ 3: 16-3S Add I tixture i
3: -' 6-55 4: 36-55 for c.'11~.:h
Ovcr 55, add l iixturc lor P.dilitional 50
each additi~J.!!_~~- 40 ~son;>_ ~~lcs
Penal lnsliruuon -
r or Prison usc bloc.k floor i
Cell 1 per cell I pc:r cell
I Exercise Room l per e>;er<.:isc room I per exercise I per exercise room
room room
Restaurants, Pubs Male Femlllc l: 1· 150 Male Female" ....
and Low1ges 11 1: l-50 1: l-15 Over 150, add I: 1-150 I. l-150
2: 51-150 3: !6-35 1 fixture for 2. 151-200 2: 151-200
3: 150-300 4: 3ti-5~ each !Jdditionnl 3: 20 1- 1(1() 3: 201-400 !
Over 300, add l !ixttu-e for I SO males Over 400, ntl<l 1 fixti..U'c lor
each &ldi1ionnl 2~JO Cll~o:h nddilwuui 4 00 '
w._-..:r.<~·~~~---·-·-- .. ''
Schools- for sta!T M-~---Fctnal~-- f-·-- --- - Mt~k
I 1x:J 50 Fc rnule ~
use I: 1-1 S I: 1-1 S I Jl<!l' ·lli I pcr4!J I
All schools 2: 16·35 3 16-35
3: 36-55 4: 36-55 .
Over SS,ud llixturc f1>r
e-a~h aJdilionai ~0 persons I I .I I !
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Code of th9 Philippines
·-------- - r-··----- -
~!s-for Male t em ale Male Fl1Il8.!e I pa75 12
I ttA'21!
1: 1-20
2• 21-)0
1: l-20
2: 2-l-50
1: I-ISO
I: 1-25
2: 26-50
t Over 50, udd 1 lhltuc for
c;;~h uddttinMl 50
Ovct 50, utld I fixture for
01ch &ddit;onal 50
I £)e!r.entar)'
I't.1.S()!I s l per 75 pCl ::Klll!\ lper7S12
• Male h:mal..: lvtak !"<.-mole
, -~
I pto:r 30 1 per 25 I ll\.'1" .):'i 1~35 l {ll:t 35 1 per 75 '
01:cfs (Colleges, Male Female Male Fcmuk
i."a:\d'Sitics, Adult I po-40 1 per 30 I per 35 I per40 I pt.>r 30 1 per 75 12
Malt>: Fe~nale
. ~,ftC. ) Male
I pel' 40
I per 30 1 p..:r 40 I pa- 30
The fibures sho·,..n are based upon one (I) f.ixt~m: bcing the minimwn n ..oquired for the nwnber of pe~scns
indicated or any fediiln then-of
Building categ01i<.>s not sho\\U on this table shiD.I be 1:0n5idered separately by the Administrative Authority.
Drinking shall not be installed in toilet n.x11ns.
Laundry truys. One (I) lntu\dry tray or one ( 1) automatic washer standpipe for each dwelling writ IJf twt> (2)
luw1dry tray:; or two automati.; washer standpipes, or t:ombin::tion thCI'eOf, for each ten (10) apartments.
Kitchen sinks. one ( 1) I"Or cal~h dwelling or apurtmmt Wlit.
As rt.:·quin:d by ANSllA. l, Sanil.tltion in Places ()f Emplo}n1e11t.
Wllere there is exposure to skin contamination v.-ith poisonous, infectiou~, or irritating materials, provide one
(l) Javatoty for each five·- (5) persons.
. W~tk 6{)9 6 nun or "'ac;h sink 457.2-mm diameter a cif(:ular be.sin, when provided \\ith water outlets for such
space, shall be considered equivalent to one (I) lavatory.
Laundr)· trays, one (I) for ea.:h fifty (50) perl!<lns. Slop sinks, one (I) for each 100 persons.
Gencrnl. In upplying thi.• schedule of facilities, \X)Hsideration must be given to the accessibility of the
fi xtures Conformity plU'ely on a munerical basis may not result in an irtS!allation suited to the need of the
indi,·idual establishment. For example, schools should be provided v.'ith toilet facilities on each floor having
classrwms Temporary workingmen fncilities., one ( t) water closet and one ( 1) urinal for each thirty- {30)
a. Surrow1ding matei iBis, wall lltnple lloor spoce t~ a point 0.6 meter in front o~ urinal lip and 1.2 m
above the floor and at least 0.6 rn to each side of lhe urinal shall be! liocd with non-absolbent
b Tr0ugh urinals nre prohibitoJ.
A rcst;lUrant is ddin~"t a.s u husin~ss. whirh sell,; food 10 be conswned ou the premises.
a. The mmh-::r or n1.·..:upants for a dti\·e-in restaurant shall be Cl•nsideted as equal to the number of
p:aioug sl<tlt~;
b huph'Y~ roilt:t l<~t.ili t ics or~ ntlt he illcludeJ 111 lhl~ nhovc res1xurru1t n-quircwents.
.. Hand washing
nn,,l I·· tm •ii:Jhlc 111 t!w lo.ih:hcn fm cmp}{l\"ct:~.
When !i .. •d is cnn:; um.-d irhhl\HS, \\alt-1 slntl\liJS mav II\: suhsltlulcJ fur thinklllg I'<.>LUttnins. The31t:rs,
audttonwus. tk,nr.Jton::s, llni<A'S, vr puhlic buildings fm 11se hy mo!e thnn six (6) ~lel'>llflS sh•ul have one ( l)
drin.\.ing fowltaul for the ftisl seventy-live l7S) persons a.nJ om: (I) additional fountain fCir each one hundred
ru1d fifi) (I SO) persons then:atler.
..... There shulllx> a minimwn of one ( I) <.llinkiltg fowttam pa OC\.:Upicd llnor in schools, theak'T.!, auditoriurns,
domliton~,; otli.:..:s 01 p<J.blit; buiiJ wg
lllc totul munbcr of wut::7 cks.!ts for fcm11lcs shall be at l~sl C4uul to tJ1e total number of water dt)~i.i and
winals rcyuiro.l mal~
501.2 Testing
501 2.1 Responsibility -· the equipment, material and labor necessary for
inspections or tests shall be furnished by the person to whom the permit
is issued or by whom insi')ection is requested.
501.2.2 Media - the piping of the plumbing, drainage and venting system shall
be tested with water or air. The Administrative Authority requires the
opening or removal of any plug or clean-out, etc., to ascertain if the
testing medium has reached all parts of the system. After the plumbing
fixtures have been set and their traps filled with water, they shall be
submitted again for a final test.
•• 501.2.3 Water Test - the water test shaH be applied to the drainage and vent
systems either in its entirety or in sections. If applied to t!le entire
system, all openings in the piping shall be tightly closed, except the
highest opening, and the system filled with water to the point of
overflow. If the system is tested in sections, each opening shalt b'!
tightly plugged except the highest opening of the section under test, and
each section shall be filled with water, but no section shall be tested with
less than a 3meter head of water. In testing successive sections at least
the upper 3 meters height of the preceding section previously tested shall
be tested again so that no joint or pipe in the building (except the
uppermost 3 meter of the system) shall have been submitted to a test of
not less than 3 meters head of water. The water shaH be kept in the pi!3e
system or in the portion under test, for at least fifteen ( 15) minu!~ -;
before inspection starts. The system shall be tight at all joints.
••• 501.2.4 Air Test -- the air test shall be made by attaching an air compressor
testing apparatus to any suitable opening, and after closing all other
inlets and outlets to the system, air is tc>rccd into the pipe system until
there is a unif(mn gauge pre:; sure of 34.5 J..Pa or sufficient to balance a
column of mercury 254 mm in height. The pressure shall be held
without introduction of additional air for a period of at least fifteen ( l S)
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Inspection and Test
501.2.5 Building Sewer Test - Building Sewers shall be tested by plugging the
end of the building sewer at its points of connection with the public
sewer or private sewage disposal system and completely filling the
building sewer with water from the lowest to the highest point thereof,
or by approved equivalent low pressure air tes~ or by such other test as
may be prescribed by the Administrative Authority. The building sewer
shall be watertight at all points.
501.2.6 Water Piping -upon completion of a section or of the entire hot and
cold water supply systems, it shall be tested and proved tight under a
water pressure not less than the working pressure under which it is to be
used plus 50%. The water used for test shall be obtained from a potable
source of supply. A 344.5 Kpa air pressure may be substituted for the
water test. ln either method of test, the piping shall withstand the test
without leaking for a period of not less than fifteen (15) minutes.
• 501.2.7 Defective Systems - an air test shall be used in testing the tightness
condition of the drainage or plumbing system of any building premises
when there is · reason to believe that it has become defective. In
buildings or premises condemned by the proper Administrative
Authority because of an unsanitary condition of the plumbing system or
part thereof. the alterations in such system shall conform to the
requirements of this Code.
501.2.8 Moved Structures - all parts of the plumbing systems of any building
or prut thereof that are moved from one foundation to another, or from
one location to another. shall be completely tested as prescribed for new
work as described, except that walls or floors need not be removed
during such test when other equivalent means of inspection acceptable to
the plumbing authority are provided.
501.2.10 Test for Shower Receptors - shower receptors shall be tested for
water-tightness by filling with water to the level of the rough threshold.
The test plug shall be so placed that both upper and under sides of the
sub-pan shall be subj ected to the test at the point where it is clamped to
the drain.
The owner or his ageHt shall maintain the plumbing and drainage system
of his premises under the jurisdiction of the plumbing authority in a
sanitary and safe operating co ndition.
Whenever compliance with all the provisions of this Code fails to eliminate or
alleviate a nuisance, or any other dangerous or insanitary condition which involve
health or safety hazards. the Owner or his agent shall install such additional
plumbing and drainage facilities or shall make such repairs or alteration as may be
ordered by the plumbing authority.
602.1 No installation of potable water supply piping or part thu·cof shall be made
in such a ma.'ltler that it wiU be possible for used, unclean. polluted or
contaminated water, mixtures, or substances to enter any portion of such
piping system from any tar~ receptacle, equipment, or p~umbing fixture by
reason of back-siphonage, by suction or any other cause, either dUiing
normal use and operation thereof or when any such tanlr.., receptacle,
equipment, or plumbing fixture is flooded, or subject to pressure in e-:.~ss
of the operating pressure in the hot or cold water pipings.
602.2 No person shaH make a connection or allow one to exist between pipes or
conduits carrying domestic water supplied by any public or private water
service system and any pipe, conduits or fixture containing or C'arrying water
from any other source or containing or carrying water which has been used
for other purposes or any piping carrying chemicals, liquids, gases or any
substances unless there is provided an approved backflow prevention
~ Airgap Jess th.1n 25 nun shall only be approved as a pcnnaucnt rmt of a listed assembly that has \
teen tested under actual h:!.cktlow conditions with vacuwus of from 0 to 63 .5 em. of me j
No. Description Poll'lltion Contaminatio n Function
Low llazard Hizh Hazard
Device Assembly or Back Back Bac.:k Back Installation 2' 3
Method' Siphonage Pressure Siphonage Pressure
I Airgap X X See table in this chapter.
2 Atmospheric X X Upright position. Ni>
Vacuum Breaker valves dov.11stream.
Minimwn of 150 mm or
listed dislrulcc abovt aU
downstream piping and
flood le\'e! rim Hfteceptor.
3 Double Check X X
- Horizontal unless otht-r.~ise
Valve Backflow listed. Requires 3lJ S-<:n
Prcvcuter mi..r..imum dcaran..:c £1.
bo!tO:Jl for maint~ancc.
May need platforrnlladcle.;: •
for test and repair. Doe:!
11ot dischar&~!!~
4 Pressure Vacuum X X Upright posi1ion Mny
Breaker have \'Olve' do\\:n3lream.
tvtinimwn of 30. S em above
all d0\\1lSlr.:.a.m pi:nng end
11Nld level ri.J;, of rcce;ltor.
5 Reduced X X X X -
May discharLwattt
l lori?..Ontal w1lc~ otht:rwise I
Pressure listed. Hcquire 30.5~
mffiimwn cJcatUi1CC at
bottom for m<lintcnanc"
May need plntfm:m'laddtT
for test o.nd rcprur. May j
discharge \'1-'B.tcr.
6 Rpill-l 'roof X X Upril~'t position m)nute of ,
Pres:; w-e-T)'JX: six 152 nun or
Vacuwn Bretker distance tlOO\'C ru1 ~
do'"nstream piping and ,
Oood rim of rcr-<:£!_01. j
See description of deviC(;s and 3ssemblies in this chapter. ~,
Installation in pit or v3ult requires previous approval by the Administrative Authority. 1
Refer to general and specific requirements for installation.
Not be subjected t<!_ o~rating p:cssure for more than 12 hours in any H hour period.
, ' w.oJ
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised Nat1onal Plumbing Code of the Philippines
603.3.1 All assemblies shall conform to listed standards and acceptable to the
Administr<:~tive Authority having jurisdiction over the selection and
installation ofbacktlow prevention assemblies.
603.3 2 The premises owner or responsible person shall have the backOow
prevention assembly tested by a certified backflow assembly tester at the
time of installation. repair) relocation and at least on an annual schedule
then:~aner or more often when required by the Administrative Authority.
6()3.3.3 Access and clearance shall be provided for the required testing,
maintenance and repair. Access and clearance shall require minimum of
305 mm space between the lowest porlion of the assembly and the grade,
floor or platform. Installations elevated more than 1.52 meters above the
floor or grade shall be provided with a permanent platform capable of
supporting a tester or maintenance person.
603.3 .5 Back tlow prevention for hot water over 43.3° C shall be a listed type
assembly designed to operate at a temperature of 43 .3° C or higher
without rendering any portion of the assembly inoperative.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Watar Supply and Distribution
603 .4.1 Water Closet and Urinal Flushometer Valves shall be equipped with a
listed atmospheric vacuum breaker. The vacuum breaker shall be installed
at the discharge side of the flushometer valve with the critical level at least
152 mm or the distance according to its listing above the overflow rim of a
water closet howl or the highest patt of a urinal .
603.4.2 Water Closet and Urinal Tanks shall be equipped with a listed ballcock
The ballcock shall be installed with the critical level at least 25 mm above
the full opening of the overtlow pipe. In cases where the ballcock has no
hush tube, the bottom of the water supply inlet shall be installed 25 mm
above the fi.tll opening of the overllow pipe. Water closets having the
flush valve seat less than 25 mm above the flood level rim of the closet
bowl shall have the ballcock installed in a separate and isolated
compartment of the tank, or provided with a sheathed baJlcock, or other
equivalent protection.
603.4.3 Water Closet Flushometer Tanks shall be protected against backflow by an
approved backtlow prevention assembly, device or method.
603 .4 .4 Heat Exchangers, and other assemblies or methods of constructions using
potable water shall be of listed construction and materials. Po~ble watc:
shall be separated from the fluids or gasses by a minimum of two separate
walls, with a positive, vented leak detection path. The sections in contact
with potable water shall be of material and weights suitable for potable
water as set forth in this Chapter.
603.4.5 Inlets to Tanks, Vats, Sumps, Swimming Pools and other receptors when
protected by a listed atmospheric vacuum breaker shall have sucb
atmospheric vacuum breaker installed in the discharge side of the last
valve with the critical level of not less than 152 mrn or in accordance with
its listing above the flood level rim of such equipment, and ail downstream
piping. Water supply inlets not protected by atmospheric vacuun
breakers shall be protected by approved airgap. Where atmospheric
va<.~uum breakers or airgaps are not installed other backflow preventers
suitable against the possible contamination or pollution may be instatled in
accordance with their requirements as set forth in this Chapter.
603.4.6 Lawn Sprinkling Systems shall be equipped with li sted atmospheric
vacuum breakers installed on the discharge side of each of the last shutoff
valve. Where atmospheric vacuum breakers cannot be installed hecaust
of piping elevation of valves, other li sted backflow preventers shall be
installed in accordance with their requirements as set forth in this Chapter
603.4.7 Potable Water Outlets with Hose Attachments other than water heate:
drains and clothes washer connections shall be protected by a hsted non.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Code or the Philippines
Note: Some water-cooled equipment may produce back p ressure and shall
he eqwjJped with the appro'l-'ed protection.
603.4 9 Water Inlets to Water Supplied Aspirators shall be equipped with a listed
atmospheric vacuum breaker mounted at least 152 mm above the aspirator
unit or equipped with a listed backflow preventer installed in accordance
with its listed requirements and this Chapter. The discharge shaH drain
through an airgap. When using the tailpiece of a fixture to receive the
discharge of an a$pirator, the air gap shall be located above the flood level
rim of the fixture.
o03.4.10 Potable Water Make Up Connections to Steam or Hot Water Boilers shall be
provided with a listed back now protection assembly.
6()3.4.13 Bach.f1o w Prcvcntcrs shall not be lo(~ah:d in any area containing fu mes that
arc toxic, poisonous and {:on osivc
604.1 Wate.r pressure pipes shall be ofb~ copper, centrifugal cast iron (CCI), B
& S and F & F ends, ductile cast iron (DCI), galvanized wrought iron,
galvanized steel, or other approved PE & PVC water pressure pipe
manufactured to recognized standards may be used for cold water
distribution systems. CPVC.water pipe and tubing may be used for hot and
cold~water distribution systems within a building. All materials used in the
water supply system, ex.ce:pt valves and similar devices, shall be of a like
material, except where otherwise approved by the Administrative Authority.
604.4 Pipings and tubings. which were previously used for any purpose other than
for potable water systems shall not he used.
604.5 Approved plastic materials may be used in water service piping, provided
that where metal water service piping is used for electrical grounding
purpose and replacement pipings therefore shall be oflike materials.
60·1.7 Water pipes and fittings with a lead content that exceed eight (8) percent
shall be prohibited and not used in potable piping systems.
605 .2 A fullway gate valve controlling all outlets shall be installed on the
discharge side of each water meter and on each unmetered water supply
Water supply piping supplying more than one building in any premise shall
be equipped with a separate tl!llway gate valve to each build in& so arranged
that the water supply can be turned on or off to any individual or separate
building~ provided however, that supply piping to a single family residcn<:e
and building accessory the:eto, may be controlled by one gate valve. Such
shutoff gate valves shall be acces~ib le at all times. A tu !Jw~y gate valve
shall be installed on the disch.1rge piping from water supply tanks at. or ne2:r
th1.! t~mk. A fhllway gate valve shall be installed on the cold water supply
pi!)e hJ each water heater near the water heater. A fullway gate valve shall
be installed for each apartment or dwelling occupied by more than o ne
family. In addition to the main supply shutoff valve for cac.h a partment,
individual shutotr gate valves shall be provided for euch fi xture.
C05 .3 A valve used to control two (2) o r more openings shall be a fi.11lway gate
605.4 Control gate valves shall be installed before each water-supplied appliar;,:e
and before each slip joint, supply pipings for non-metallic fi xture and appliance.
605.6 A single control gate valve shall he installed in a water supply line ahead of
any automatic metering valv'~ which supplies a battery of fixtures.
606.1 Elevated or gravity storage tank fu r potable water supply shall be tightly
covered to keep out unautholiz.e d persons, dirt and vermin. The l'.ovcrs of
g ravity tanks shall be vented with a retum-bend vent pipe having an area not
less than the area of the down-feed riser pi pe, and the vent shall be screened
with a fine corrosion-resistant screen with openings not less than 14 ncr
more than 18 mess per 25 mm.
606.2 Potable water inlets to gravity tanks shall be controlled by a float valve,
fl oat switch or electrode-type water level control to prevent the tank from
606.3 Gravity tanks shall be provided with a valved drain pipe and an o verflow
pipe screened as described in Subsection 606. 1.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Water Supply and Distribution
607.1 Inadequate Watrr· Pressure ·- Whenever the water pressure in the main or
other source of supply wiII not provide a water pressure of at least l 03 kPa,
after allowing friction and other pressure losses, a hydro-pneumatic pressure
tank or an elevated tank and booster pun1p will provide said I 03 kPa
607.2 Excessive Water Pressure - Where the local water pressure is in excess of
551 kPa, an approved-type pressure regulator preceded by an adequately
sized strainer shall be installed to reduce the pressure on the building side of
the regulator to the required supply pressure. Approved regulators with
integral bypasses are acceptable. Each such regulator and strainer shall be
accessibly located and have the strainer readi ly accessible for cleaning
without removing the regulator or strainer hody or disconnecting the supply
piping. All pipe size determinations shall be based on eighty (80) percent ~'f
the reduced pressure when using Table 6-6.
607.3 Any \\'<Iter distributing system provided with a pressure regulating device or
check valve at its source or any water system containing storage water
heating equipment shall be provided with an approved, listed, adequately
sized pressure relief valve with approved drain, except for listed non-
storage instantaneous heaters having an inside diameter of not more than 76
In addition tL) the required pressure relief valve, an approved and listed
expansion tank or other device designed for intermittent operation for
thermal expansion control shall be installed whenever the building supply
pressure is greater than the required relief valve pressure setting or v.hen
any device is installed that prevents pressure relief through the building
water supply . The tank or device shall be sized in accordance with the
manufacturer's rccontmt.~ndation .
607 4 Ea(b pressute telief valve shall br an approved automatic type with drain,
and each such relief valve hl1all bt! set at a pressure of not more than
1031 k Pa
607 .5 Relief vah-es located inside a building shall be provided with drain.
adcquately-si7.ed and not smaller than lht.' relief valve outlet or galvanized
steel, hard drawn coppt~r piping cUld tittings, CI)VC or PB with fittings
which will nut reduce the internal bore or the pipe or tubing (straight lengths
as opposed to coils) and shall extend hom the valve to the outside of the
building with the t•nd of the pipe not more than 0.6m nor less than !52 mm
abov~ the gmund and pointing downward. Such drains may terminate at
other approved locations. No pa1t of such drainpipe shall be trapped and the
tenninal end of the drainpipe shall not be threaded nor capped.
607:1 Nothing contained herein shall prevent the use of an approved combination
temperature and pressure relief valve (CT & PRY). Each such approved CT
& PRY shall be installed on the water heating device in an approved
location based on its listing requirements and the manufacturer's
instructions. Each such CT & PRV shall be provided with a drain as
required in Subsection 607 ..5
608.1 lnstnllation - all water piping shall l>e adequately supported to the
satisfaction of the Administrative Authority. Burred ends shall be reamed to
the full bore of the pipe or tube. Changes in direction shall be made hy the
appropriate use of fittings, except that changes on direction in copper tubing
may be made with bends provided that the same are made with proper
bending equipment which does not deform or create a loss in cross-sectional
area of the tubing. Provisions shall be made for expansion in hot water
pipings. All pipings, equipment, appurtenances and devices shall be
instalied in a workmanlike manner in conformity with the provisio:1s and
intents of this Code. All water service yard piping shall be at least 0.3 m
below the fin ish ground level.
608.2 Water pipes shall not be mn or laid in the same trench as building sewer or
storm drainage pipings constructed of clay or materials not approved for use
within the building unless both of the following conditions are met:
608.2.1 The bottom of the wa.fer pipe at all points, shall is at least 0.3 m above the
top of the sewer or drain line;
608.2.2 The water pipe shall be placed on a solid shelf excavated at one side of the
common trench with a minimum clear horizontal distance between the sides
of at least 0.3-m from the side of sewer or drain line and the water line, and
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Water Supply and Distribution
608.3 Water piping installed within a building and in or under a concrete floor slab
resting on the ground shall be installed in accordance with the following
608.3.2 Copper tubing shall be installed without joints where possible. Where joints
are permitted, they shall be brazed and fittings shall be wrought copper
Copper tubing shall be fully externally protected with bitumastic coatins
and fiberglass wrapping and installed inside a split rigid casing wheneva-
installed underground.
Note: For the purpose of this section, "within the building" shall mean .
within the fixed limits of the building foundation.
608.5 Testing - water piping shall be tested and approved as provided in Section
50 I.
608.6 Unions - unions shall be installed in the water supply piping within 0.3
meter away from regulating equipment, water heater, conditioning tank and
similar equipment which require removal for servicing or replacement.
609. 1 The size of the water meter and the immediate piping from the meter 01
from other source of unmetercd water supply to the risers, fixture suppl}
branches, fixture connections, outlets or other uses shall be based on the
total water demand and shall be determined according to the methods an~
procdures outlined in this section.
609.2 Whenever a water filter, water softener or similar water treating device.
backflow prevention device or similar devices are installed in a water supply
line. the pressure loss through such devices must be included in the pressure
loss calculations of the system and the water supply pipe and meter shall be
adequately sized to provide for such pressure losses.
609.2.2 All such devices s hall be of types approved by the Administrative Authority
and tested for flow ratings and pressure losses by an approved laboratory or
recognized testing agency ag ainst standards consistent with this Chapter.
The 1naximu m rated fl ow and the pressure loss shall be stamped leg ibly on
the device or on a metal label, permanently attached with the device, and
shall be in the following form:
Flow, Liters
per second Pressure Drop
0.32 - (kPa)
0.63 - (kPa)
0.95 - (kPa2 I
Note: The final figure in the pressure drop column shall be based en tk
minimum ratedflow or capacity ofthe device.
6()9.3 The quantity of water required to be supplied to every plumbing fixture shall
be represented by "Fixture Units" (FU), as shown in Table 6-5.
6()9.4 Where the maximum length of supply piping is 6 1 meters or less, each water
piping systrm of fitly fixtu re unit~ (Fl.!) or less shall be sized in accordancf~
with the values set forth in Table 6-6 . Other systems of more than (SO)
tixture units and w ithin range of Tabi e 6-6 may be sized from that tuble or
by method set forth in Appendix A ( Recommended rules for sizing th:
v:ater supply system).
609.5 Except where the type of the pipe used and the water characteristics are such
that no decrease in capacity due to length of service (age of system) may be
expected, all friction Joss data shall be obtained from the "Fairly Rough" or
..Rough'' charts in Appendix A of this Code. Friction or pressure losses in
water meter, valve and fittings shall be obtained from the same sources.
Pressure loses through water treating equ,pment. Back flow prevention
devices, or other flow restricting devices shall be computed as required in
subsection 609.2 of this section.
609.6 For proposed water piping installation sized using Table 6-6 the following
conditions shall be determined:
609.6.1 Total number of fixture units (F.U .) determined from the Table of
Equivalent Fixture Units (Table 6-5) for the fixtures to be installed;
609.6.2 Developed length of supply pipe from water meter to the most remote
609.6.3 Difference in elevation between the water meter or other source of water
supply and the highest fixture or outlet to be installed~
609.6.4 Water Pressure in the street main or other source of water supply in the
local ity where the installation is to be made; and
609.7 Size of Water Meter and Building Supply Pipe Using Table ~.
Knowing the available pressure at the water meter or other source of supply,
and after subtracting 9.79 kPa• per m of difference in elevation between
such source of supply and highest water supply outlet in the building or on
the premises, use the "Pressure Range" group within which this pressure
will fall. Select the "Length" column which is equal to or longer than the
required length. Follow down the column to a fixture unit value equal to or
greater than the total number of f1xture units required by the installation.
Having located the proper fixture unit value for the required length, sizes of
meter and building supply pipe will be found in the two left-hand columns.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Ravi s ::~::l N.:>t1ona1Plumbi••o Code of the Philippines
tlh 8 Size of Branrhes. The number of fixture units handled by a branch shal l
detem1ine the size of tbat branch, fol lowing the methods outlined in
subs...-ction 609.7 of this section.
"-~ 9 Si·Ling for Flushoml."'ael' Valves. Bratlches and snains serving water dosets
or s\m ilar tlushometer valves may be ~ 1 zed from Table 6-6 when the values
in Table 6-4 are assigned to ca1.:h tlushomcter valve beginning with the most
remot e valve in ea ~.:h hmnch.
Any sy s~':m using f1ushometer valves may be sized also by the procedures
set fo11h in Appendix A (Recommended rules for sizing the water supply
system). Piping supplying a flushomcter valve ~hall not be less in size than
the valv l! inlet.
TABlE 6-4
1 ~
l . .. . . .~. . . .
3 90 45 ~
4 105 53
5 or more 115 plus I 0 tor each 58 plus 5 for each
additional fixture lfl
excess of5
additional fixture II\
excess of 5
Sizing Systems for Flushomrter Tanks. The size of branches and mains
~erving flu shomcter tanks shaH be consistent with the sizing procedures for
tlush tank water closets.
(.09 ll Sizing syst<"ms With Hot W~•h~r Piping In sizing the water piping system
luviug a total demand of 50 F lJ. or less, the grcalest devclopC'd length of
the C(lld '" J l('r supplr pipillg may be used (from Table 6-6) and the length (If
the hot water piping ignored when the hot water piping friction loss JS
compt~ nsat cd fin by the following method:
tlfi ) l.l Compute the total hot water fixture t:nit demand, using those values givl.!n
Table 6··5 for the combined hot and cold "1-vatcr use;
f:I)Q 11.2 Assign the total demand computt'd as reCJuired in 609 11 1 above. as the
fi:-;tur~ un it demand at the hot wat;~r !K-ater inlet,
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Water Supply and Distribution
609. I 1.3 Starting at the most remote outlet on the cold water piping and working back
toward the water meter, compute the pipe sizing for the system from the
column originally selecled in Table 6-6 using the fixture unit valves given in
Table 6-5 and adding in the fixture unit demand of the hot water heater
supply inlet as computed in 609.11.1 above, at the point where it occurs.
The final size of the cold water branch or main need not exceed the
originally established size ofthe building supply.
609.13 Exceptions: The provisions of this Section relative to size of water piping
need not apply to the following:
609.13. 7 The size and material.'i used for irri~ation water piping installed outside of
any building or stmcture and separated from the potable water supply
~ystem by mt!ans of a11 approved airgap or backfluw prevention device is not
regulated by this Code. lhe main potable water supp{v piping supplying
both the potable water demand and the irrigation systems shall hf
adequately sized as required elsewhere in this Chapter to deli ver the foil
comwc:ted demand <l hoth s~·stems.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Code of the PhilipptMs
610.1 The maximum discharge flow rates for plumbing fixt ure fittings shall be in
accordance with applicable standards listed in Chapter 14.
610.2 Flush volumes for luw consumption and water saver water closets and
urinals shall he in accordance \"lith applicable standards listed in Chapter 14.
(h1cludes Combined Hot and Cold Water Demands)
~mber of Supply
: ltero No. FIXTlJ RE h rure Units (WSI<'t,;)
:-----T---+-+--- - - ·
~ _!?.~J~-~---·-"-· ·-"' ·-------· --·--·------·-----t-------· ~ ---· ---.l-·--··4_ ____
~--- ~~~~~~f~1~!~~~Ct)---------------
I 6___t.!:l.2~ B-~~~..2!'. ~~~~£~~ .~ ~!!1..!'!-~d_!l~l_ _ ,_- ---- . _..f____ }___ .-'-...---~-- . _____ -~
;7 -r~?u'~-T.~b.-~~~.!:b-£~-~y~~.!..C.~J.cacE~-~r.~.l;l£~~s.L..t .... - ... ~ ____ _1._ ........-~--- --j
::+- ~~~~~~~~~~-=r---+-
- L._. _
- ----f:=:~=t-:-
~ ~
:"" II _ _ ~~)~]-~~~~.!::.i~E!!l ___ _ ___ . ·----- -....- - ....
:----)2 .___ _j!,___ _ ___ j---·---(~-- -----1
Sho~\icr (ca_s_!!_~cad) ________ ____ _ __ __,._ ____l - · -- ~- _± __ _ ~
:- n _ _S.!~-{~.!!2. _____ _ ___ . _. _____ __ ....- - - ·- · -·-·J ...__ _ _J ____ _J. ___ ......~.... -- -~
;- 1s
Sin~_ifi_!Jsh~~-Ji~~~~~ill. ___ .. ___ _
Sink or dis~.!'ashe.r
·------------·1· ·--· __-___. l ____ ~ _j_9, ___ -· _ j
r 16
Sink(w~tsh..:-~.I£Ei~cular ~P.i~}
Sink ~~:•.t,sh-up•. ~~-~ct of!aucc~L_ _ ___ ,_--r
- ·-·
-·--··t-----~--- -l
:t I
_J. __ __ -- - - --- --
th:l.P~ -------- -------------- ---- ---------· -
- _ _ ! ...:.J...~~'!!... -- - ------ -
~··-·· -·-J- ..--- -~---·-~ .. --· .....!
h - l.lmm
------- - - - --- - ------ ...1 2 4 :
r---.. . . · ~---> ~~:i::;, ... ---- ·-----_. . ------· -·1 ----- --k........... · - ___. ri)- ... .
r-- - - -- -----------
______.______ - --~
• See Subscl·uon M1Y. Y of Se~..· tum ()09 for method f?( sizing .flushometer valve
installilfions usmg /'able 6-6
PRESSURE RANGE - 207 to 310 KPa (30 to 45 psi)
Meter Building
and supply
Item street and Maxi-uum Allowable Length in meters
No. service branches
nun mm 12 18 24 30 46 61 76 91 122 152 183 2!J 244 274 305
l 19 13 6 5 ~ 3* 2• t• i• 1• o• o• o• o• o• o• o•
2 19 19 16 16 14• 12* 9• 6• 5* 5* 4• 3• 2• 2• 2• ,.
3 19 25 29 25 23· 21 17 15 13 12 10 8 6 6 6 6 6
4 25 25 36 31 27 25 20 17 IS 13 12 10 8 9 6 6 6
5 25 32 54 47 42 38 32 28 25 23 29 17 14 12 12 11 11
6 38 32 78 68 57 48 38 32 28 25 21 18 15 12 12 11 II
Marvin Kalngan,CE
7 38 38 150 124 105 91 70 57 49 '45 36 31 26 23 21 20 20
g 51 38 151 129 129 110 80 64 53 46 38 32 27 23 21 20 20
'} 38 51 220 205 190 176 155 138 127 120 104 85 70 61 57 54 51
10 51 51 370 327 292 265 217 185 164 147 125 96 70 61 57 54 51 I
11 51 64 445 418 390 370 330 300 280 265 - ~40- 220 _1 98_~ .1!5 158 143 133 I
...,.,... ..._..,.. ..."'""'"• c..-._. '"- """'~~tt"'"
TABLE 6-6.2
Marvin Kalngan,CE
2 j l) ~ () 20 20 19 17 14 • ll* 9* g• 6* 5* ... 4• 3* .) 3•
·' J <) "' .:: 39 ~9 36 11 28
4-~ : i l 19 17 14 12 10 9 8 ~ ~
.t 25 3lJ 39 39 16 30 25 23 20 18 l5 12 lO 9 8 &
·, j .,.,
5 2S n 78 76 67 52 H :'l9 36 30 N 20 19 17 16
~ ,
6 3X 7~ 78 78 78 6(.- 52 -l-4 19 33 29 2~ 20 J<J 17 i6
7 ::lS _;:-; 151 151 lS 1 151 123 lOS '-}0 78 t.2 52 ~2 3~ 35 32 30
~ 5! I 51 151 !51 15 ! 150 117 98 84 67
~ :'I -1:' 38 :>5 3~ }IJ
') .1 8 ''"J 370 )70 340 318 272 l·W 220 19S 170 150 ll'> !2' 1 :tl 102 94
]() 51 ~! 370 3iti 370 370 368 3 !8 2 ~0 250 205 ] {;5 142 12:\ [jl) W2 9~
ll 51 04 654 [ (,~0 610 580 535 500 !. -+70 ' ~40 400 2S5 '267 2) 0
-- --
I . 1f>1.. L.._3,_5_ L.._ } l5
TABLE 6-6.3
PRESSl JRE RANGE- Over 413 KPa O;·er 60 psi)
Meter Building
Item and supply
No. street and Maximum Allowable Length in Feet (meters)
senice branches
(mrn)_ (mm) (12) ( 13) <2 ~) (30 ) (46) (61) (76) (91) (122) (152) ( 183) (2l3) ( 24~) (27~) (J l)5)
1 19 13 7 1 7 6 5 4 3• 3* 2• r• I• t• ,. t• o•
2 19 19 20 20 20 20 17 13* n• to• s• 7• 6• 6• s• 4*
3 19 2.5 39 39 39 39 . 35 30 27 24 21 17 14 l3 12 12
li '
Marvin Kalngan,CE
4 2.5 25 39 39 39 39 38 32 29 26 22 18 14 13 12 12 ·, ~ J
5 25 32 78 78 ?8 ' 7S 74 62 53 47 39 31 26 25 23 22 2'I Ii
6 38 32 78 78 78 78 78 74 65 54 43 34 26 25 23 22 21 '
7 38 38 i5l 151 151 151 151 151 130 !13 88 73 s: 51 46 43 40 j
g 51 38 151 151 151 1.51 151 151 142 122 98 82 64 51 46 ·B 40
9 38 51 370 370 370 370 360 335 305 282 244 2 12 1~ 7 172 153 141 129
10 51 51 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 340 288 245 204 172 153 14l 129
11 . ·-. 5i 64 654 654 654 6 54 654 650 6 10 570 510 4611 430 404 -~ - 356 329
S«tion 611 - Piping Installed in Fire Resistive Construction
Hangers and straps shall not compress, distort, cut or abrade the piping and
shall allow fn~e movement of pipe. Pipe exposed to damage by sharp
surfaces. shall be protected.
Support all piping at intervals of not more than four {4) feet (1219 rnm), at
end of branches, and at change of direction or elevation. Supports shall
allow free movement, but shal I rt:stri(;t upward movement of lateral runs to
avoid reverse grade. Ve rtical pi ping shaH be supported at each story or floor
levt:-1. Alignment of vertical piping shall be maintained between floors with
the use of a mid-story guide. Suppo11 trap arms in excess of three (3) feet
(9 14 mm) in ~~~ ngth as close as possible to the trap . Closet rings shall b(::
tightly fastened with corrosive resistant tasteners up to the floor with top
surface one-quarter ( 1/4} im:h (6.4 mm) above finish floor.
In lines with rubber gasketed joints, thrust blocks shall be installed at all:
Thrust block sizes sha ll be based on the maximum line pressure, pipe size
and kind (.lf so il Refer to Useful Tables and Charts.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Chapter 7
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revi!>ad N<1tional Plumbing Code of tha Philippines
703.1 The minimum sizes of vertical and/or horizontal drainage pipings shall he
determined from the total of all fixture units connected thereto, and
additional, in the case of vertical drainage pipes, in accordance with their
height or length.
703.2 Table 7.5 shows the maximum number of fixture units allowed on any
vertical or horizontal drainage pipe, building drain or building sewer of a
given size, the maximum number of fixture .units allowed on any branch
interval of a given size~ the maximum length meters of any vertical
drainage pipe of a given size.
•.\'ote: 1he si:u and discharge ratinx of each indirecl waste receptor and each
intaceptor shall bt! bused 011 the total raled discharge capacity (~fall fixtures,
equipmt·nt, or appliances di.w:hmginK therein to in accordance with Table 7-3.
Water dusets shall he cvmpu.tcd us six (6) fixture units when determining seplic
tank si::e ba.\ ed on Appendix 13 of this ( 'ode.
Trap .\J::es sllLlll not he increaw:d to a point where the fixture discharge may be
inaclequalt' to maill!uin their selj-sc:ourinx properties.
l.1ters J!Cf second -' V l J.
For lntt•rmiltem Flow Only
For a continuous flow into a drainage system, such as from sump pump or
ejector, air equipment or similar, two (2) fixture units
shall be allowed for every 0.063 Lis of flow.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Excreta Dramage System
704.1 Drainage piping shall be provided with approved inlet fittings for fixture
connections, correctly located according to the size and type of fixture
proposed to be connected.
704.2 Two fixtures set back-to-back, or side-by-side, within the distance allowed
between a trap and its vent, may be served by a single vertical drainage
pipe, provided that each fixture wastes separately into an approved double
fitting, such as double sanitary tee or double wye and J/8 bend having inlet
openings at the same leveL
70S.l Changes in direction of drainage piping shall be made by the appropriate use
of approved tittings and shall be of the angles presented by a 22 '12'' or 1/16
bend, 45° or 1/8 bend, and 60° or 1/6 bend or other approved fittings of
equivalent sweeps.
705.2 Horizontal drainage branch lines, connecting with a vertical stack, shall
enter through 45 or 60 degree Vvye branches, combination wye and 1/8 bend
branches, sanitary tee or sanitary tapped tee branches or other approved
fittings of equivalent sweeps. No fitting having more than one inlei at the
same level shall be used unless such fitting is constructed so the discharge
frcm one inlet cannot readily enter into the other inlet. Double sanitary tees
may be used when the barrel of the fitting is at lca~t two (2) pipe sizes larger
than the largest inlet, (pipe sizes recognized for this purpose are 51, 64, 76,
89, 102, 114, 127 & 152 mm diamders, etc.
705.3 Horizontal drainage lines connecting with other horizontal drainage line
shall enter through forty-tive degree wye branches, combination wye and
one·eight bend branches or other approved fittings of equivalent sweep.
705.4 Vertical drainage lines connecting with horizontal drainage Jines shall enter
through torty-five (45) degree branches or other approved fittings of
equivalent sweep. Sixty (60) degree branches or offsets may be used only
when installed in a true vertical position.
~. 1 Each horizontal drainage pipe shall be provided with a cleanout at its upper
terminal and each run of piping which is more than 15 meters in total
developed length shall be provided with a cleanout and at every l 5 meter
length or a fraction thereof.
,... 76 64
8 .
106.1.1 Cleanouts may be omitted on a horizontal drain line Jess than I. 5 meter in
length unless such line is serving sinks or urinals.
706.1.3 An approved type of two-way cleanout fitting, installed inside the building
wall near the connection between the building drain and building sewer or
installed outside of a building at the lower end of the building drain and
extended to grade, may be substituted for an upper tenninal cleanout.
706.3 Each cleanout shall be installed so it opens in the direction of flow to allow
cleaning of the soil or waste line or at right angles thereto and, exct:pt in the
case of wye bmnch and end-of-line cleanouts, shall be installed verticaliy
above the flow line of.'the pipe
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Excreta Drainage System
706.4 Each cleanout extension shall be considered as drainage piping and each
ninety (90) degrees deanout extension shall be extended from a wye type
fitting or other approved fitting of equivalent sweep.
706.6 Each cleanout, unless installed under an approved cover plate, shall be
above grade, readily accessible. and so located to serve the purpose it is
intended. Cleanouts located under cover plates shall be installed to provide
the clearances and accessibility required by this Section.
706.7 Each cleanout in piping S1 mm or less in size shall be installed so that there
is a clearance of not less than 305 mm in front of the clcanout. Cleanouts in
piping larger than 51 mrn shall have a clearance of not less than 0.45 m in
front of the cleanout Clcanouts in undertloor piping shall be extended to or
above the finished floor or shaH be extended outside the building when there
is less than 0.45 meter vertical aud 0.75 meter horizontal clearance from the
means of access to such cleanout. No underfloor cleanout in any residential
occupancy shall be located more than 6.1 meters from an access door, trap
door or crawl hole.
706.8 Cleanout fittings shaU be not less in size than those given in Table 7·6.
706.10 Countersunk cleanout plugs shall be installed where raised heads may cause
hazard to passing personnel or vehicles.
706.11 When a hubless blind plug is used for a required cleanout, the complete
coupling and plug shall be accessible for removal or replacement
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
Where practicable, all plumbing fixtures shall be drained into the public
sewer or private sewage disposal system by gravity.
709.1 Drainage piping serving fixtures which have flood level rims located below
the elevation of the nct\rby upstream manhole invert of the public sewer
serving such drainage piping shall be protected trom backtlow of sewage by
installing an approved-type hackwatcr val ve. fixture installed above such
cle\ation shall not riiseharge throu~h the hackwater valve.
709.2 Drainage piping serving fixtures iocated below the crown level of the main
sewer shull discharge into an approved watertight sump or receiving tank.,
the sewage or other liqu!d wastes shall then be lifted and discharged into
the building drain or building sewer by approved ejector) pump or other
equally efficient mechanical device.
709.1 Th•2 minimum size of any pump discharge or any discharge pipe from a
sump having a water closet oonnccted thereto shall not be less thi!n
50.8 mm diameter.
~09 .2 The vertical discharge line from such ejel:tor, pump or other mechanical
device to a horizontal drainline shall be provided with an accessible
backwater or swing check valve and gate valve close to the connection VJith
the horizontal line. The method of connection shall be at the top of the
horizontal line through a wye branch titting. The gate valve shall be located
at the discharge side of the backwater or check valve.
709.3 Building drain or building sewer receiving discharge from any pump or
ejectl)r shall be adequately sized to prever.t overloading. Two (2) fixture
units shall be allowed tor each 0 .06:1 Lis of tlow or eac.h GPM flow.
709.4 Backwater valves. gate valves, motors, compressors, air tanks and other
mechanical devices required by thi s Section shall be located wh~re they will
be accessible for inspection and repair at all times and, when not expos;:.d,
shall b~ enclosed in a water~tight masonry pit fitted with an adequ ate1y ~siz:cd
removable c.o vcr.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Excreta Drainege System
709.5 The drainage and venting systems in connection with fixtures, sumps,
receiving tanks and mechanical waste lifting devices, shall be installed
under the same requirements as provided in this Code for gravi~y systems.
709.6 Sumps and receiving tanks shall be watertight and shall be constructed of
concrete, metal or other approved materials. If constructed of poured
concrete, the walls and bottom shall be adequately reinforced and designed
according to recognized acceptable standards. Metal sumps or tanks shall
be of such thickness to serve their intended purpose and s.halJ be properly
coated internally and externally to resist corrosion.
709.7 All such sumps and receiving tanks shall be automatically discharged and,
when rated as "public use" occupancy, shall be provided with dual pumps
or ejectors arranged to function independently in case of overload or
mechanical failure. The invert of the lowest inlet to the tank shall have a
mi.nimum distance of 5 I mm above the high water or "starting" level of the
pumping operation
709.8 Sumps and receiving tanks shall be provided with substantial covers having
a bolt and gasket type manhole or equivalent opening to permit access fo;
inspection., repairs and cleaning. The top shall be provided wit h a vent
pipe which shall extend separately through the roof, or when permitted,
may be combined with other vent pipes. Such vent shall be large enough to
maintain atmospheric pressure within the sump under all normal operating
conditions and. in no case.. shall be less in size than that required by Table
1-5 for the number and type of fixtures discharging into the sump, nor less
than 51 mm in diameter. Wben the foregoing requirements are met and the
vent, after leaving the sump, is combined with vents from fixt ures
discharging into the sump, the siz.e of the combined vent need not exceed
the required size for the total number of fixtures discharging into the sump
No vent from an air-operating sewage ejector shall combine with other
709.9 Air tanks shall be proportioned to be of equal cubical capacity to the eJector
connected therewith where there shall be maintained an air pressure of not
less than 3 b.g for eac.h meter of height the sewage is raised No water
operated ejectors shaH be permitted.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
RElVisea National Plumbing Code of the Pnil:ppines
(a) Single family residences.
(b) Stacks receiving the dischmge from less than (3) stories of
plumbing jlxtures
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Excreta Drainage System
Maximum Fixture Unit Loading an d Maximum Length
of E1creta Drainage and Vtnt Piping
Item Sizeof Pipe
No. mm 32 38 51 65 76 102 127 152 203 254 Jod
A. Maximum
fi>'.ture Unit of l I
Drainage I
3 3 4
l Vertical 1 16 32 48 256 600 1380 3600 5600 84Ct:~
Horizontal l 2 83 143
35 216) 428$ 720~ 2640~ 4680~ 82zy/
-- ..
Length of: j
48 84 l 'i6 600 1380 3600
+---r i
5 Lengths meter 14 18 55 65 I I9 155 228 _i
(See Note)
Note: The diame-ter of an individual vent shall not be less than 32 mm nor iess
in si::e than une·lwlf {112) the diamt'fer rl the drain to which it is
connected Fixture unit load values for draina~-:e and vem piping shall be
computed from Tables 7-2 and 7-3 not ro exceed one third (1 13) of thr:
total permitted length ofany vent may he instullecl in a horizontal position.
When wms an! im reased one ( I) pipe \·ize f or tht:ir entire /eng:h, Jhe
maximum length limitations specified in this tahlt~ do not apply.
Item Size of r:pe Size of Threads
No. ......
(·~' ..11)
Cleanout per 25.4 mm
•• •,,<t,U' J.. (mm) length
1 38 38 11-1/2
2 ~~ 38 ll-1/2
~ ~ ...
3 I 64 64 8
102 & larger 89
8 -
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Chapter 8
801.3 The airgap for drainage shall be not less than 25 mm between the plumbing
fixture, appliance or appurtenance outlet and the rim of the floor sjnk cr
Indirect waste pipes less than 4.6 meters in length need not be larger in
diameter than t he drain outlet or tailpiece of the fix.ture, applianr.e or
equipment served, but in no case less than I 3 mm in diameter. Angles and
changes of direction in such indirect waste pipes shall be provided with
cleanouts to pemlit flushing and cleaning.
804.1 All plumbing fixtures or other receptors receiving the discharge of indirect
waste pipes shall be approved for the use proposed t>. nd of such shape and
capacity to prevent splashing or flooding and shall be located where readily
accessible for inspection and cleaning. No standpipe receptOr for any
clotheswasher shaH extend more than 0.8 meter nor less than 0.45 m above
its trap. No trap for any clotheswasher standpipe receptor shall be installed
below the floor, but shaH be roughed no less than 15 em and. not more than
45 em above the flo or. No indirect waste receptor shall be installed in any
toilet room, closet, cupboard or storeroom nor in any other portioil of <:
building not for general use by the occupants thereof, except that standpipes
for clotheswasher may be installed in toilet and bathroom areas when the
clotheswasher is instatled in the same room .
804.3 Every indirect waste interceptor receivi ng discharge containing particks that
clogs the receptor drain shall have a readily removable beehi ve strainer.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
ln-ji•ect Wa~te Piping, Wet·Vented Systems and Sp~!al Wastes
The foregoing shall not apply to any approved sump pump or to any
approved pressure-wasting plumbing fixture or device when the
Administrative Authority has satisfied himself that the drainage system i~
ad'O!quately sized to accommodate the anticipated discharge thereof
807.2 When the cond~nsate waste from air conditioning coils is discharged b•;
direct connection to a lavatory tailpiece or to an approved accessible inlet 0;
a bathtub overflow, the cormection shali be located in the area controlled h
the same person controlling the air conditioned space. '
807.3 When undiluted condensate waste from a thcl buming condensing applianc~
is discharged into the drainage system ~he material in the dra!nag.e syste;:;
shall be rast iron, galvanized iron, plastic or other materials approved f:,,
t.his use.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revisad National Plumbing Code d the Philippin~
807.3 .2 Any materials approved in Section 701 may be used when, in the opinion
of the Administrative Authority, condensate waste from a fuel burning
condensing appliance is diluted either before or after discharge into the
drainage .\)'Stem.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
810.3 Sumps and condensers shan be provided with suitable means of access for
cleaning and shall contain a volume of not less than twice the volume of
water removed from the boiler or boilers connected thereto when the normal
water level of such boiler or boilers is reduced not less than 102 mm .
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Re\ti5ed Nationel Plumbing Code of the Philippines
811 .2 Each waste pipe receiving or intended to receive the discharge of any fixture
where acid or coiTosive chemical is placed and each vent pipe connected
thereto, shall be constructed of chemical-resistant glass-lined pipe, high
silicon iron pipe, lead pipe not less than 3.2 mm wall thickness, an approved
type of ceramic glazed or unglazed vitrified clay or other approved
corrosion resistant rnaterit:!IS.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
indirect Waste Piping, Wet-Vented Systems and Special Wastes
811.5 The owner shall make and keep a permanent record of the location of all
pipings and venting carrying chemical waste.
811.7 No chemical wastes shall be discharged into the ground, local sewer or other
disposal means without approval of the local Administrative Authority.
812. 1 \Vet venting is limited to vertical drainage piping receiving the ctischarg ~
from the trap arm of one (1) and two (2) fixture unit. Fixtures that a\~o
serves as a vent for not to exc~d four (4) fixtures. All wet-vented fi xtu~cs
shall be on the same floor level, provided further, that fixtures 'Nith a
continuous vent discharge into a wet vent shall be on the same level ;;.s the
wet-vented ftxtures.
812.2 The vertical piping between any two (2) consecutive inlet levels shall be-
considered a wet-vented section. Each wet-vented section shall be a
minimum of one (I) pipe size larger than the required minimum waste pipe
size of the upper fixture or shall be one (I) pipe size larger than the required
minimum pip~ size for the sum of the fixture units served by such wet.
vented section, whichever is larger, but in no case less than S I mm in
812.3 Common vent sizing shall be the sum of the fixture units served but in no
case smaller than the minimum vent pipe size require'j for rmy fixttre
served, or by Section 904.
Traps for island sinks and similar equipment shall be roughed~in above the
floor and may be vented by extending the vent as high as possible, but not
less than the drainboard height and then returning it downward and
connecting it to the horizontal sink drain immediately downstream from the
vertical fixture drain. The retumed vent shall be connected to the horizontal
drain through a wye-branch fitting and shall, in addition, be provided with a
foot vent taken oft' the vertical fixture vent by means of a wye--branch
immediately below the floor and thence extending the vent line to the
nearest partition and then through the roof to the open air or may be
connected to other veats at a point not less than 152 mm above the flood
level rim of the fixtures served. Drainage fittings shall be used on all parts
of the vent below the floor level and such a vent line shall have a minimum
slope of 2 percent or 21 mrnlm back toward the drain where it is connected
shall be maintained. The retum bend used under the drainboard shall be a
one ( 1) piece fitting or an assembly of a forty-five (45) degree elbows. Pipe
sizing shall be as elsewhere required in this Code. The island sink drain.
upstream of the returned vent, shall serve no other fixtures. Ac<::essible
cleanouts shalt be installed in the vertical portions of the foot vent and the
waste at floor level.
814.1 Combination waste and vent systems (CW & VS) shall be permitted only
where structural conditions preclude the insta!lati·Jn of convention~'l.l syz·~ems
as otherwise prescribed by this Code.
814.2 Plans and specifications for each CW & VS shall first be approved by the
Administrative Authority before any portion of any such system is installed.
204.12 204
8143 Each CW & VS as defined in Sub-Section 104.11 of Section 104, shall be
provided with a vent or vents adequate to assure free circulation of air. Any
branch more than 4.6 meter m length shall be separately vented in tui
approved manner. The minimum area of any vent installed in a CW & VS
shall be at least one··half ( l/2) the inside cross sectional area of the drain
pipe served. The vent connection shaH be downstream of the uppermost
814.4 Each waste pipe and each trap in any CW & VS shall be at least two (2) pipe
sizes larger than the sizes required by Chapter 7 of this Code and at letgt
two (2) pipe sizes larger than any fix.ture tailpiece or connection.
814.6 Cleanouts may not be required on any wet-vented branch serving a single
trap when the t1xture tailpiece or cormection is not less than 51 mm in
diameter and provide ready access for cleaning through the trap. An
accessible cleanout shall be installed in each vent for the CW & VS.
" Sacrarium" waste of holy water and washwater at church altar service!
must not be discharged into the sanitary drainage system but disposed off
directly into the ground.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised Natior.ol Plumbing COOe of th9 Philippi!"lcs
The indir~~t waste lines carrying refrigeration waste shall not be smaller
than shown in lhe following pipe size schedule:
WU Size
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
lnd;rect Waste Piping, Wet· Vented Sy:stems and Special Was!es
~'" ..........
Item Equipment Capacity Minimum Condensate
No. in Tons o~..!!!!'~&e!·a,!!.?n (kW) .. •. Pi(te piamete!._~ J!!..R_!}....
Through 3 (Through 10.56)
20 ·-- ~fl.!rous_~ 70.3_3)_
Through 90
Tt>.rou~h 125
(Throu$-!h 316.48}
(Through 4~39 . 6)
- - 32
38 -~
;,; 1&2"'*"--
__ L. ..
5. Thrma~h 250
- £!~~79 . 22
- 51
The size of condlmsate wa.ste pipes may be for one unit or a combinatio11 of uni!\
(lr as recommended by the manufacturer. Th{; capacity oh,·aste pipes assumes 4
10.5 mmlm or 0ne pcrc~nt slope, with th~::! pit~t.! running three-quarter (3f.~J fuH 11
1he following conditions:
73~ 75<>J:
Condensate drain sizing for other siopes or other conditions shall be approved t~
the Administrative Authority. ·
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Chapter 9
902.2 Traps serving sinks which are part of the equipment of bars, soda fot1;1tains
and counters need not be vented when the location and construction f· f such
bars, soda fountains and counters is to make it impossible to do so. When
such conditions exist, said sjnk shall discharge by means of ap;>roved
indirect waste pipe into a floor sink or other approved type receptor.
903. l Vent pipes shall be cast iron, ductile cast iron, galvanized sted, gah,1u)jzcd
wrought iron, lead, copp\!r, brass, Schedule 40 ABS DWV, Series JO00
PVC DWV or other approved materials having a smooth and uniform bore
except that:
903. l.2 Horizontal and vertical vent lines and vent stacks sh.ill be copper, cast iron.
galvaniz,ed wrought iron or polyvinyl chloride pipes.
903.2 Vent tittings shall be cast iron, galvanized malleable iron or galvanized
steel, lead, copper~ brass, ABS, llVC. or other approved materials,
except that no galvanized malleable iron or galvanized steel fittings shall be
buried underground but shaH be kept at least 152 mm above finish ground
level .
903.3 Changes in direction of \lent piping shall be made by the appropriate use of
approved fittings and no such pipe shaH be strained or bent. Burred end5
shall be reamed to the full bore of the pipe.
904. 1 The sizes of vent piping shall be determined from its length and the
number of flxture units connected thereto, as set forth in Table 7-5 of this
Code. In addition, the drainage piping of each building and each
connections t6 a public sewer or a piivate sewage disposal system shall be
vented by means of one or more vent pipes, the aggregate cross-sectional
area of which shall not be less than that of the largest required building
sewer, as determined from Table 7-5, page 88.
904.2 The length of horizontal portion of a vent may exceed one-third (1/3) ofth
total length of and horizontal portions as limited by Table 7.s
provided the vent is in~~rease.d to one pipe size larger for its entire length.
905 . 1 All horizontal vent and branch vent pipes shall be free from drops or sag,
and each such vent shall be graded and connected to dtip back by gravity to
the drainage pipe it serves.
905.2 Where vents conne<.~t to a horizontal drainage pipe,. such vent pi~
connection shall have its invert taken off above the drainage centerline Gf
such pipe downstream of the trap being served.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Vents and Venting
905.3 lJnless prohibited by structural conditions, each vent shaH rise vertically to a
point not less than above the highest flood level rim of the fixtures
served before offsetting horizontally to join the vent stack or stack vent and
the bottom connection shall be installed with approved drainage fittings and
installed with proper grade to the horizontal drain.
905.4 All vent pipes shall extend undiminished in size above the roof or shall be
reconnected with the soil or waste stack vent of proper size at a point below
the root: the vent through the roof (VSTR) shaH be increased one ( l) pipe
size above the reconnection point of stack vent and horizontal vent.
905.5 The vent pipe opening from a soil or waste pipe, except for water closets
and similar fixtures, shall not be below the weir of the uap.
905.6 Two (2) fixtures may be served by a common vertical vent pipe when each
such fixture wastes separately into an appmved double branch fitting having
inlet openings at the same level.
9061 Each vent pipe or stack through roof (SVTR) shall extend its flashing all
around and the stack vent shall terminate vertically not less than 1S em
above the roof nor less than 0.3 meter from any vertical surface nearby.
906.2 Each vent opening shall terminate not less than three (3) meters from, or at
least 0. 9 meter above any openable window, door opening, air intake or
vent shaft~ nor less than 0.9 meter away from any lot line, alley a!td street
boundary lines.
9()6.3 Vent pipes shall be extended separately or combined, of full required siz~..
not l~ss than 15 em above the roof or fire wall. Flagpoling of vents b
prohibited except where the roof is used for purposes other than weather
9064 Vertical vent pipes for outdoor installations shall extend to at least 3 meter
distant from any part of the roof th~tt is used tor other purposes <•nd shaH
extend not less than 2.1 meter above such roof and ~hall be securely Aaycd.
9(16.5 Joints at the roof around stack vent pipes shall be made watenight by the use
of approw·d flashing material and installation.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
907.1 Each soil or waste stack which extends ten ( 10) or more stories above the
building drain shall be served by a parallel vent stack which shall extend
undiminished in size from its upper terminal at the roof and connect to the
soil or waste stack at ground level and at every fifth floor levels with a
" yoke vent" at a point below the horizontal soil or waste branch connection
to the stack and at the nearby vent stack above the same floor to provide a
relief vent. The size of yoke vent shall be not less in diameter than either
the soil stack or the vent stack, whichever is smaller.
907.2 The yoke vent connection with the vent stack shall be place.d not less than
t.O meter above the floor leve), and the yoke vent connection with the
drainage stack shall be by means of a wye branch fitting placed below tP..e
fixture branch serving that floor.
908.2 Traps serving sinks which are prut of the equipment of bars, soda founti!!n~
and counters, need not be vented when the location ~.nd construction t'f such
bars, soda fountains, and counters is to make it impossible to do so. ·when
s4ch conditions exist, said sinks shall discharge by means of r.pprove;J
i·ndirect waste pipes into a floor sink or other approved type receptor.
909.1 Vent pipes shall be cast iron, galvanized steel, galvanized wrought iron,
lead, copper, brass, Schedule 40 ABS DWV, Series 1000 PVC DWV 111
other approved materials having a smooth and uniform bore except that
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Vents and Venting
910. t The size of vent piping shall be detennined from its length and the total
number of fixture units connected thereto, as set forth in Table 7·5. The
diameter of an individual vent shall not be less than one and one-fourth
(l-l/4) inches (32 mm) nor less than one-half (1/2) the diameter of the
tlrain to which it is connected. In addition, the drainage piping of each
building and each connection to a public sewer or a private sewage
disposal system shall be vented by me.ans of one or more vent pipes, the
aggregate cross-sectional area of which shall not be Jess than that of the
largest required building sewer. as determined from Table 7-S, page 88.
910.2 No more than one-third ( l/3) of the total permitted length, per
Table 7·5 of any minimum sized vent ~hall be installed in a horizontal
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Chapter 10
1001.1 Each plumbing fixture, excepting those having integral traps, shall be
separately trapped by an approved-type waterseal trap. Not more than one
trap shall be permitted on a trap arm.
1001.2 It is provided, however, that one trap may serve a set of no t more than
three (3) single compartment sinks or laundry tubs of the same depth or
three (3) lavatories immediately adjacent to each other nnd in the same
room if the waste outlets are not more than 0.75 meter apart and t.he trap is
centrally located when three (3) compartments are installed. The depth
requirement may be waived if approved-type pump disdw.rge the fixtures or
1001.3 No food waste disposal unit shall be installed on any set of restauran~
commercial or industrial sinks served by a single trap, each such food Waste
disposal unit shall be connected to a separate trap. Each domestic
clotheswasher and each laundry tub shall be connected to a separate and
independent trap; except that a trap serving a laundry tub may aJso re-.;eive
the waste from a dotheswasher set adjacent thereto. No clotheswasher cr
laundry tub shall be connected to any trap of a kitchen sink.
1001.4 The vertical distance between a fixture outlet and the trap weir shall be as
short as practicable, but in no case shall the tailpiece from any fixture
exceed 0.6 meter in length. ·
1002.1 Each plumbing fixture trap. except as otherwise provided in this Code
shall be proteded against siphonage and back-pressure by a properly placed'
vent pipe. Ajr circulation shall be assured throughout all pruts of the
drainage system by means of a vent pipe system installed in acwrdn..11r~-? with
the requirements of this Code.
1002.2 Each fixture trap shall have a protecting vent so located that the developed
length of the trap ann from the trap weir to the inner edge of the vent shall
be within the distance given in Table 10~ l, but in no case less than two
times the diameter of the trap arm.
1002.3 A trap arm may change direction without the use of a cleanout when such
change of direction does not exceed ninety (90) degrees.
1002.4 The vent pipe opening from a soil or waste pipe, except for water closets
and similar tixtures, shall not be below the weir of the trap.
TABLE 10~1
Trap Arm
Diameter Distance To Vent
Mm m
32 0.76
38 1.07
51 1.52
76 1.83
102 & larger 3.05
Slope 2% or 20 mrnlmeter
* ]he developed length betwee11 the trap of a water closet or similar fixture
measuredfrom the 1up of closet ring (closet flange) to inner edge of ~·ent sha!l not
exceed 1.8 meters.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Tmps end Interceptors
1003.1 Each trap, except one for an interceptor or similar device shall be self.
cleaning. Traps for bathtubs, showers, lavatories, sinks, laundry tubs,
floor drains, urinals, drinking fo~mains, dental units and similar fixtures
shall be of standard designs and weights and shall be of ABS, cast brass,
cast iron, lead. PVC, or other approved mater!ab. An exposed and
readily accessible drawn brass tubing trap, nut less than Gauge l7 B&S
( 1.1 mm), may be ust~d on fh..'tures discharging domestic sewage but shall
exclude urine. Each trap shall have the manufacturer's name stamped
legibly on the metal of the trap and each tubing trap shaH have the gauge
of the tubing in addition to the manu facturer's name. Every trap shail
have a smooth and uniform interior waterway.
1003 .2 No more than one approved slip joint fating may be used on the outlet side
of a trap, and no tubing trap shall be installed without a listed tubing trap
1003.3 The nominal size of a tr3p for a given fixture shalt be sufficient to drain
the fixture rapidly, but in no case, less than that given in Table 7-2.
The trap shall be the same size as the trap ann to which it is connected.
No form of trap which depends for its seal upon the action of m~vable
parts or concealed interior partitions shall be used. ''S,, Bell and Crown.
vented traps :ue prohibited. No i1x.ture shall be double trapped. Drum
traps may be installed only when permitted by the Administrative
Authority for special condition. No drum trap shall be installed without a
Each fixture trap shal l have a water seal of not less than 51 mm and~
more than 102 mm deep except where a deeper seal is found necessary b-y
the Administrative Authority for special conditions. Traps sJ-..411 be set
erect and true with respect to their water seals.
* St!<:.
18-1 Nf'C 1959
**Sec. /HI NPC 1959
*** Se<:. /83 NPC ISJ59
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Traps and lntef'(;eptofs
Every f1sh, fowl and animal slaughter house or establishments and every
fish, fowl and meat packing or curing establishments, or any other
establishment from which considerable amounts of grease, hairs, feat~rs,
etc., are likely to be discha~ged with the wastewater into the plumbing
syE.tem, sewer system, or private sewage disposal system shall be
connected to and shall drain or disc-harge through a screening device and
thence into a grease interceptor (clarifier) of an approved design for the
proper disposal of eflluents.
Every private or public washrack and/or floor or slab used for cleaning
machinery or machine parts shall be adequately protected against stonn cr
surface water and shall drain or discharge into an interceptor ( claiifier} of
an approved design for this use to separate the oil and grease before the
effiuent reach the public stream.
1011.2 No individual grease trap shall be installed for a facility that has an
approved rate of flow of more than 3A lite; s per second nor less than 1.3
Lis, except when spt>cial!y approved hy the Administrative Authority.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
ReviSGd National Plumbing Code ol the Philippines
1011.4 Each grease trap required by this Section shall have an approved rate of
flow wh!ch is not less than that given in Table l0-2 for the total number of
connected fixtures. The total capacity of fixtures discharging into any
such grease trap shall not exceed two and one-half (2--lh) times the
certified liter:> p~r minute flowrate of the grease trap as per Table 10-2.
Any grease trap inst(l.lted with inlet more than 1.2 meters lower in
elevation than the outlet of any fixture discharging into such grease trap
shall have an approved rate of flow which is not Jess than fifty {50)
percent greater than that given in Table 10-2 nor more than four (4)
separate fixture shall be connected to or discharged into any one grease
For the pufPose of this Section, the term "fixture" shall mean and include
each plumbing fixture, appliance, apparatus or other equipment required
to be conne~ted lo or discharged into a grease trap by any provision of this
!011.5 Each fixture discharging into a grease trap shall be individually trapped
and vented in an approved manner An approved-type grease trap may be
used as a fixture outlet and the grease trap for a single fixture when the
horizontal distance between the fixture outlet and the grease trap does net
exceed 1.2 meters. and the vertical tailpipe or drain does not exceed 0.75
!01 1.7 No water jacketed grease trap or grease interceptor shall be approved or
1011.8 Each grease trap shall have an approved water seal of not less than 51 Jrq11
in depth or the diameter of its I)Utlet, \\. hi\:hever is greater.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Traps and Inter~ s
TABLE 10-2
lt 2
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
TABLE 10-3
Horizontal Distance ofTrap Arms
Item Trap Arm
Trap to Vent
No. mm
1 J6 762 0.76 m
2 38 1067 1.07 m
3 51 IS 2:1. 1.52 m
4. 76 1829 1.83 m
5. 102 & larger 3048 3.05 m
Slope one-tourth (1 /4) inch ,eer foot ~20. 9 mm/ml, s = .02
• The developed length between the trap of a water closet or similar fixture
(measured from the top of the closet ring [closet flange] to the inner edge of the
vent) and its vent shall not t!xceed six (6) feet (1829 mrn).
1.8 meters
1014.1 Each trap, except one for an interceptor or similar device shall be self-
cleaning. Traps for bathtubs, showl~rs, lavatories, sinks, laundry tubs,
floor drai ns. hoppers. urinal s, drink ing fo untains, dental units, and similar
fixtures shall be of standard design and weight and shall be of ABS, cast
brass, cast iron, lead, PVC, or other approved material. An exposed a.nd
readily accessible drawn brass tubing trap, not less than 17 B&S Gauge
l. I mm, may be used on fixtures discharging domestic sewage but shall
exclude urinals. Each trap shall have the manufacturer's name stamped
legibly in the metal oflhc trap and each tubing trap shall have the gauge of
the tubing in addition to the manufacturer's name, Every trap shall have a
smnoth and uniform interior wat~rway .
1014.2 No more than one (1) approved slip joint fitting may be used on the outlet
side of a trap, and no tubing trap &hall be installed without a listed tubing
trap adapter.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Traps and lnton:eptora
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised Nation:::! Plumbing Code of the Philippines
Le.undry equipment that does not have integral strainers shall discharge into
an interceptor having a wire basket or similar device, that is removable for
cleaning and that will prevent passage into the drainage system of solids
12.7 mm or larger in maximum dimensi0n, SJJch as string, rags, buttons, or
other solid materials detrimental to the public sewerage system.
1616.1 Whenever the discharge of a fixture or drain may contain solids or senuM
solids heavier than water that would be harmful to a drainage system or
cause a stoppage within the system, the discharge shall be through a sand
interceptor. Multiple floor drains may discharge into one sand interceptor.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Section 1017- Construction and Siz~
The sand interceptor shall have a minimum dimension of 0.2 r:rf' for th-e net
free opening of the inlet section and a minimum depth unde.r the invert of
the outlet pipe of 610 mm.
For each 18.9 L per minute flow or fraction thereof over 75.7 L per minut~
the area of the sand interceptor inlet section is to be increased hy 0.09 m1.
The outlet section shall at all tjmes have a minimum area of fifty (S~)
percent of the inlet section.
The outlet section shall be covered by a solid removable cover set flush with
the finished floor , and the inlet section shall have an open grating set flu!h
with the finished floor and suitable for the traffic in the area in which it i3
~ 16
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Chapter 11
Storm drainage are required for roof areas, courts and courtyards to collect
sto1mwater and discharge the stormwater to an approved point of disposal
not in conflict with other ordinances or regulations.
1102 I Materials:
· 1102.1.3 Rainwater piping located within a medium height building basement area
shalt be of galvanized iron pipe, Schedule 30; cast iron soil pipe, S.W.;
Type DWV copper tube; Schedule 40 ABS, DWV, Series 1000, PVC
DWV, or other approved materials.
uo2.1.s Rainwater piping commencing 0.6 meter from the exterior of a building
may be of suitable approved materials pennitted in the Installation
Requirements of this Code.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Codo o1 the Philippines
ll 02.2.1 Rainwater piping shall not be used as soil, waste & vent pipes.
II 02.2.3 Roof drains, ovelilow drains, and rainwater pipings used in a building
construction shall be previously tested and accepted in conformity with
the provisions of this Code.
1103 .1 Materials
1103 .1. 1.1 Roof drains shall be equipped with strainers extending not less than to~
mm above the surface of the roof immediately adjacent to the draJn,
Dome-Type Strainers shall have a minjmum total net inlet area of one a.~
one-half ( 1 Yl) times the area of the outlet pipe to which it is connected.
lt03. l.L2 Roof deck strainers for use on sun decks, parking decks and sim!!ar
occupied areas shall be an approved flat-surface type which is level with
the deck. Such drains shall have a total net inJet area not tess than two (2)
times the area of the outlet pipe to which the drain is connected.
1103.1.1.3 Roof drains passing through the roof into the interior of a building shall b~
made watertight at the roof level by the usc of C.l. drain with integral!v.
cast watcrstop ring around the outside of body and pla~cd at mid-depth ~f
the concrete roof slab and the installation of a clamped suitable fiashi n-6•
material around the drain.
1103.1.1.4 Jn all cases the outlet connections are in ~ ide-caulk or fcmal~ screwed.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
&.orm Dtai1121Qe S)'5tem
1104.1 Vertical rainwater piping shall be sized in accordance with Table 11-1,
which is based upon maximum depth in mm or rainfall per hour falling
upon a given roof area in square meter. Consult local rainfall figures to
determine maximum rainfall per hour. Normally, a 102 mmlhour rainfall
iutensity is used around Manila area.
1104.2 Vertical Wall Areas. Where vertical walls project above a roof so as to
permit storm water to drain to adjacent roof area below, the total roof area
considered may be computed from Table 11-2 as follows:
1104.2.1 For one (1) wall - add fifty (50) percent of area of the wart to the roof
1104.2.2 For two (2) adjacent walls ·- add thirty five (35) percent of the total wall
areas to the roof area;
1104.2.3 Two {2) walls opposite each other and of same heights - add no additionnl
area to the roof area~
1104.2.4 Two (2) walls opposite of differing heights- add fifty (50) percent of wall
area above top of lower wall to the roof area.
1104.2.5 Walls on three (3) sides - add fifty (50) percent of area of the inner wan
below t.he top of the lowest wall, plus allowance for area of wall above
top of the lowest wall per Sec.tions 1104.2.2 and 1104.2.4
!104.2.6 Walls of four (4) sides- no allowance for wall areas below top of lowest
wall - add for areas above top lowest wall per 1104.2.1, 1104.2.2,
1104 2.4 and 1104.2.5
1104.2.7 The area of the side of a tall building exposed to rain is taken as one-half
of the gross area.
I J9
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philipplhes
TABLE 11-1
Sizing of Roof Drains and Downspout Piping for Varying Rain fall Intensities *-
Q uantities are ll orizontal Projected Roof Area in Square Meten
Intensity 51 76 102 127 152 178
Item per Hour
No. in m m
(I) (2) (3) {4) (5) (6} rn
I 25 .4 267.6 81 7.5 1709.4 3214.3 5016.6 10776.4
2 51 133.8 408.8 854.7 1607 .2 2508.3 5388.2
3 76 89.2 272.2 569.5 10711 1671.7 3591.5
4 102 66.9 204.4 427.3 803.6 1254.2 2694 .1
5 127 53.4 163 .5 341.8 642 .9 1003.3 2 155.3
6 152.4 44 .6 136.6 285 .2 535.0 836.1 1794.4
7 178 38.1 117.1 244 .3 459.4 7 16.7 1539.4
8 203 33 .4 102 .2 213 .7 401 .8 627.1 1347.1
9 228 29.7 91 190 357.2 557.4 1197 .0
10 254 26.9 81.8 170.9 321.4 501.7 1077.6
l1 279 24.1 74.3 155.6 292.2 456.1 '179.6 l
12 305 22 .3 67 .8 142.1 267.6 418.1 897.4
• Round. square, or rectangle rainwater pipe may be used and are considered equivalent
when enclosing an inscribed circle equiml:!nt to .he drain leader diameter.
• • For Manila and Em 'irons, a rainfall intensity of 102 mm per hour is used.
Find area in column under 127 mm and at slope of 0.02 and read 561. 1 m2 (a~
closest). choose I 52 mm as size of leader and down spout at leftmost ccl'l!liit
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Stoon OmiflS{le System
1)04.4 Roof Gutter. The size of semi-circular bottom roof gutters shaU be based
on the max.imum roof area, in accordance with Table 11-3
Find area in column under 102 mm rainfall intensity on Table with s = .01 and
read 181 .4 m2 (as closest) move to left and read 177.8 mm diameter gutter.
1104.5 If the rainfall is more or less than those shown in Table 11-2 and ll-3.
then adjust the figures in the 50.8 mm rainfall by multiplying by two (2)
and dividing by the maximum rate ofrainfall .in mmlhour.
In Table 11-2 with a 10.4 mrnlm or s = .01 and a 203 .2 mm rainfall, find the
number of square meter a 102 mm pipe diameter will carry.
Solution : 2 x 349.3 .= 87.4 m
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Code of the PhllipplnM
TABLE ll -2a
~l--76---l--~02 --~
Size of
w/ Slope 152
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Code mthe Philippines
TABLE ll-·3n
TA.DLE 11-Jh
Diameter of
Gutkr •
W/ Slope t--- -- - - - - - -..~
ITEM 10.4 mm/m 1--- · Ma~~um Rainf~~-in _Milli.!!~!rs pe~::J:~!.llr -~
NO. (S = .Ol) 51 76 102 l m 2 1 52 I
l - -44 6
--·-+--- 94~8--
---IOi---·-1 -- - +---
- 63.3
- -·l__j1 .4_._
108 9 I 81 .8
__}1.9 ·-
_14.9 i
54.5 ~
r--·1 I 152 . . 252.7 - - 168.6 ---i"26.3 ·- -- 100.8 Sfl1
u 11s · --=
-=-~ 362.3 _=.~--· 241.5 --~f8T2~-- - ··-1.4~1~9-- c--i~"[j
J3 203 520.2 347.5 260.1 7..08.1 !i3.7 ;
t4 254 _____947.6
.. ...._ . _~..
I 631.7 i~.:~... 379 ---..
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Storm Drainage Sye.tcm
Diamder of
Gutter 11
w/ Slope
20.9 mmlm
~--·-·-- -··- ·--- ----·- ·
203 --t-- _7~~- ~------!---~~3·~- ---~9.]_
2_54 --·--· -~l:§ ___ -~L~-- - _._~s -~
_ 295.1___ f-_2_'!~--
534.2_ ~
445 .9
TABLE 11-Jd i j
n O"EM
~ia~eter~;-r-~~~:,;~N;=~--~~~~~C,;-~~-ROOF :~EA l~ SQ. M-~·l'
Gutter *
w/ Slope
41.7 mm/m
(S ::: J)4)
· ·-
... -
- -------- --- -- · ----- · ·--- ···· -----·---- · ·-·------ ·- ·---· ·----- _,_,__ - ·
Maxirnum Rainfall in Millimeters per llour
-- -----. ---·- -----· .... _.
51 /6
.. ...--.. ·-- -..- _____ .. ____ - ··- -· _______
102 127 151
TABLE ll-4
I 3~~1
6 __
26.8 Lt90
_L__57.§._ 811?
4088 .-~12_LL
1263 ()48
2044_ _.!_~35
758 632
_ _L_--.lli!._
l. The sizing data for vertical conductors, leaders. and drains is based on the
pipes flowing 7/24 fulL
2. For rainfall rates other than those listed, determine the allowable roof area by
dividing the area given in the 25 mrn!hour column by the desired rainfall rate_
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Storm Drainage System
TABLE ll-5
Size of Gutters
- -- - ....- ---- --
- -·- ···- ·------
.i• No.
5.2 mm/m Slope
(s = ~·/o_L _ _ -
76.2 101.6 127.0 152.4
- ~: _E ~~! ~ ~~~-._ _
~' 369.7
668 9 ___
246 7 +--...:...
-445.9 - ___,_ 3_34.4
. 9_--1i_.:...l4_7_7_t--1~2;.;;_;]._1 - 1
267 .6_ _,__2_2! ~-_j
\ Jte~ I 10~uttcr in mm
Maximum Rainfall in Millimeters per Hour
t--- - - .-- -- ----.--- - - .--- - - -
·- ----;'
; No. l0.4 ~:~~/o~lope 50.8 76.2 101.6 127.0 152.4
--t----84_.1___ ~
120 8 !
173 .7 I
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Chapter 12
1201.1 Every building in which plumbing are installed and every premises having
drainage piping thereon, shall have a connection to a public or private
excreta sewerage syste111., except as provided in Subsections 1201.2 ar.d
1201.2 When no public sewer intended to serve any lot or premises is available in
any thoroughfare or right~of-way abutting such lot within the premises.
drainage piping from any building or works shall be connected to an
approved private sewage disposal system by the Administrative Authority.
J201.4 The public sewer may be considered as not being available when such
public sewer or any exterior drainage facility con.'lected thereto is located
more than 61 meters from any proposed building or exterior drainage
facility on any lot or premises thereat.
J201.5 No permit shall be issued for the installation, alteration or repair of arty
private sewage disposal system or part thereof for any lot which can
connect with an existing public sewer fronting the lot.
1202.1 It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit, by any means whatsoever,
into any plumbing fixture, catch basin, floor drain, interceptor, sump,
receptacle or device which is connected to any excreta plumbing and stonn
drainage systems, public sewer, private sewer, septic tank or cesspoo!
any ashes, cinders, solids, rags, flammable, poisonous, explosive liquids
or gases, oils, grease, and other things whatsoever which would, or could
cause damage to the public sewer or private sewage disposal system.
1202.3 No cesspool and septic tank effluents, seepage pit or underdrain system
shaH be connected to the excreta building sewer leading to pub!ic sewer
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Houee Dreina and Kou8e Sa'N era
t203. 1 The building sewer, beginning 0.6 m~ter from outside face of wall of
building or structure, shaH be of such materials as approved by
Administrative Authority under the approval procedures set. forth in
Chapter 12 of this Code
The minimum size of any building sewer shall be dete.m1incd on the hasis
of the total number of fixture units drained by such sewer, in
acc.ordan~e with Table 12-2. No building sewer shall be smaller than
150 mm diameter nor lc!ss in size than the building drain.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised N~lonal Plumbing Code of the Philippines
1206.2 Building sewer piping shaH be laid on a firm bed throughout its entire
length, and any such piping laid on made or fit!ed-in ground shaH be laid
over c(.)ncrete cradle or on bed of other 11pproved materials or shall be
adequately supported to the satisfaction of the Administrative Authority.
1207.1 Clcanouts shall placed inside the- building ncar the connection between the
building drain and the building sewer or installed outsidt: tbt: building at
the lower end of the buildi1ig drain and extended to grade. Two-way
clean-out fitting installed at connection point of building drain anct
building sewer outside the building nuy be installed in lieu of a single
clean-out. Additional building sewer dcanout~ shall bt: installed n:)t to
exceed 15 meter on center in straight runs and for each aggregate change
in direction cxr.eeding 135 degrees.
1207.2 When a building sewer or a branch thereof does not exceed 3 meters in
length and is a sho!t straight line extension {rom a building drain wilich i3
provid~d with a ckanout, no dcanout \vill be re<Juired at its po;m of
connection to the building drain.
1207.3 All required huilding sewer clec.nouts shall be extended to grade. Whfa
building sewer is located under buildiugs, the deanout requirements of
Section 1207 shall apply
1207.5 Cleanouts installed under concrete ·or asphault paving shall be mad~
accessible by strong yard boxes with hing•xl cover or cxte~ding the top
cover tountersunk operating nut flush with paving with c!pprovcd
materials and be adequately protected
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
House Drains and HOUI~e Sewors
1207.6 Approved rnanho lcs may be installed in lieu of cleanouts when fi:st
approved by the Administrative Autho rity. The maximum distance
between manholes shall not exceed 91 meters.
The~ inict and outlet pipe cOimections of manholes shaH be made by the
u s~
of flexible co mpression joints no closer than 0.3 meter from ol!t&ide
of the manhole. No flexible compression joint shall be embedded in the
manhole base.
!208. 1 Building sewer or drainage piping of clay or materials which are not
approved for use within a building shall not be run or laid in the same
trench as the water pipes unless both of the following requirements are
1208.1 .1 The bottom of the water pipe. at all points, shall b~ at least 0.3 m above
the top of the sewer or drain line,
1208.1.2 The water pipe shall be placed on a solid shelf excavated at one side of the
common trench with a minimum clear ho rizontal distance of at least 0.3
meter from the sewer or drain line.
Note: For thl! purpose of this section "within the building" shall mean
within the fixed limits of the building foundation.
1209.2 Nothing contained in this Code shall be construed to prohibit the usc of all
or part of an abutting lot to:
1209.2 2 Provide additional space for a building sev..·er when proper cause, transfer
of ownership, or change of boundary not in vio:ation of other
requirements has been 1irst established to the satisfaction of the
Adminlstrr\tive Authority. The instnunent recording such action shall
constitute an agreement with the Administrative Authority which shall
clearly state :1nJ show that area~ so joined or ust::d shall be maintained as a
unit during the time they are so u:;l·. d. Such an agreement shall b~
recordt~d in tbc onicc of the Loc:-~! Register of Deed~ nc; part of ~he
conditions of owm~t ship <lf said prnpcrtic:.·s, and shall bt~ binding on all
heirs, successors. and assigns to !'u..:h proprrties. A copy of the
instrument recording suth proceedings shall be filed with the
Administrative Authority.
1210.2 Every cesspool. septic tank or seepage pit which hC\s been abandr·nd o~
has been discontinued hom further usc ur to \Vhich no mere v.·a~te N soil
pipeline !1-om plumbing fixtures arc connected, shall l-:.2ve the se~.:.~!
r~moved therefrom and be complctt~ly fille.d with earth, ~and, gra·,;~
concrete, or other approved materials.
1210.3 The top cover or arch over the cesspool, ~e ptic tank or seepage pit shall be
removed before ti !ling and the ti !ling shall not extend abo\e the top of !h-e
vertic:-a\J)Ortions of the sidewalls or Jbuvc th::- lcvd •Jf .a:.v.. ou lic: rnipe ••r.•;f
inspection has been call ed and the ~.:cs!>puol. !!c tai:...l( (:r seepa~~e: pit h~s
been inspected. After such in~pect i•.m , the ::.-csspool, septic tank or
seepage pit shall th~n be filled to the l e,·~ l o f the top of the finish ground.
1210.4 No person own!ng or controlling any cesspool, septic tank or seepage pi:
in the pr~mises of such person or in that ponion of any public street, alle)
or other public property abutting such premises, shall fail, refuse or
neglect to ~amply from the Oepartmrnt havintz jurisdiction.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Houso Drains and House Sw:ers
TABLE 12-t
No. Description Distance See Note
I Building_ or stntctures 0.6m 1
2 Pro_l)er~~~)iningi>_rivatcQroperty Clear 2
3 Watt~r sur£h well~ 15.2 m "
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Ravised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
'L\lU .E 17. -l
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Chapter 13
Pressure test on joints and cormections of pipes and fittings in the plumbing
system shall be required to ensure ga!>tight and watertight connections.
!302.1 Caulked Joints -· for bell-and-spigot cast iron soil pipe (CISP) and other
similar joints shall be firmly packed with oakum or hemp and filled with
molten pig lead to a depth of not less than 25.4 mm. The lead shall be
caulked thoroughly at the inside and outside edges of the joint. After
caulking, the finished joint shall not extend more than 3.2 mm below the
rim of the hub. No paitit, varnish or other coatings shall be permitted on the
jointing material until after the joint has been tested and approved. Caulked
joints in centrifugally cast iron (CClP) belt-and-spigot water pipe shall be
made with non-toxic materials.
1302.2 Threadt>d Joints - for iron pipe size (IPS) pipe and fittings shall be
standard taper pipe threads. Threads on plastic pipe shall be f2.ctory cut or
molded. Threaded plastic pipe shall be Schedule 80 minimum wall
thickness. Tubing threads shall conform to fine tubing thread standards.
When a pipe joint material is used, it shall be applied only on the male
threads and such materials shall be approved type, insoluble in water and
nontoxic. Cleanout plugs and caps shall be lubricated with water-insoluble,
non-hardening materiaL Tape is acceptable for use on male threads, onty if
screwed pjpe joint.
13023 \Viped Joints - Joints in lead pipe or fittings or between lead pipe ( lr
fittings and brass cr copper pipe, fernlles, solder nipples or traps shall be
fuli-wipcd lead joints. Wiped lead joints shall have an exposed surface on
ea~~h side of a joint not less than 19 nun and at least as thick as the rrr.~!erial
being joined. Wall or floor flange lead-wiped joints shall be made t:; ·_;sir.g
a lead ring or flange placed behind the joint at wall or floor . .loints b ..:~v, ~cn
lead pipe and cast iron, steel or wrought iron pipe shall be made by me::.r.~ of
a caulking ferrule or sold~ring nipple.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Phlllppines
1302.4 Solder and Sweat Joints ··· Joints in copper tubing shall be made by the
appropriate use of approved brass or coprer fittings. Surfaces to be joined
by soldering shall be cleaned bright by manual or mechanical means. The
jnints shall be properly fluxed with an approved noncDrrosive type flux and
made up with approved solder. All solder and fluxes shall be manufactured
to approved standards. Solders ano fluxes with a le~.d content which
exceeds 0.002 are prohibited in piping systems used to convey potable
1302.5 Flared Joints - for soft copper water tubing shall be made with fittings
meeting approved standmds. The tubing shall be e,.pandcd with a proper
flaring tool.
1302.6 Cement Mortar Joints -· Except for repairs and connections to existing
lines constructed with such joints, cement mortar joints arc prohibited on
new building sewers.
1302.7 Burned Lead Joints - shall be lapped and the assembly shall be fuse<!
together to form a uniform weld at least as thick as the lead sheets being
1302.8 Asbf'stos Cement Sewer Pipe Joints - shall be a sleeve coupling of the
same composition as the pipe or of other approved materials, and seakd
with neoprene rubber rings or joined by an approved type compression
coupling. Joints between asbestos cement pipe and other approved pipe
shall be made by means of an approved adapter coupling.
1302.11 Solvent Cement Plastic Pipe Joints ·- Plastic pipe and fittings designed to
be joined by solvent cementing shall comp ly with appropriate t-\.PMO
Installation Standards.
1302.12 Mt~chaniral Joints - Mechanical joints for centrifugally cast iron water
pipe shall conform to nationally recognized standards.
1302 13 Molded Rubber CoupHng Joints ··· when pipe is joined by means of
molded neoprene rubber coupling .ioints, such joints shall conform to
approved standards and shall not be considered as slip joints. When
required, appropriaie neoprene rubber bushings shall be used to allow for
any difference in piping material diameters. Neoprene rubber shall be
used in soils subject to oil intrussion.
1302 14 Elastomeric Gasketed and Rubber-ring Joints- shall comply with the
appli~..:ablc L\I,MO Installation Standard. Neoprene gaskets are
recommended tor oil handling piping works.
1302. 17 Shielded Coupling Joints ···When piping systems are joined by means of
shielded couplings, surh couplings shall conform to approved standards
and shall not be considered as slip joints
1302.18 Hublcss Cast ]ron Pipe Joints -Joints for hubless cast iron soil pipe and
fittings shall conform to appropriate IAPMO Install<!tion Standards and
shall not be consider{'d as slip joint s.
"1303.2 Cast Iron Pipe - Joints in cast iron pipe shall be made as provided in
Subsection U02.10 or 1302.12.
1303.3 Scre-wrd Pipe to Cast Iron Pi1)e - Joints between wrought iron, steel,
brass or copper pipe with cast iron pipe shall be either cau lked or threaded
joints made as provided in Subsection 1302 1 & 1302.2 or shall be made
with approved adapter fittings.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
ReviMd National Piumbing Code of the Philipplnas
• 1303.4 Lead to Cast Iron, Wrought Iron cr SteeS - Joints between lead and
cast iron, wrought or steel pipe shall be made by means of wiped joints to
a caulking fer mle, soldering nipple or b!!shing.
1]03.5 Copper Water Tube - Joints in copper tubing shall be made by the
appropriate use of approved brass fittings properly soldered or brazed
together, or by means of approved brass compression type fittings as
provid~d in Subsection 1302.5. Solder shall conform to the requirements
ofSubsection 1303.4.
130.3.6 Plastic Fittings ·- Use of job-fabricated Female screws of PVC for water
piping are prohibited. fartory made screw and of PVC adaptor fittings
are accept.abie for u:?c ifthi(kness conform to Schedule 80.
1304.1 Copper Tubing to Screw Pipe Joints ···· Joints with thin-walled copper
tubing to thick-walled threaded pipe :.;haH he made by the use of brass
adaptor fittings. The joints between the copper tubing and the fittings
shnll be properly sweated or soldered or made with tlared and screw ends
adaptor fittings the connection between the threaded pipe and the fitting
made with a standard pipe size screw joint Solder shall conform to the
requirements of Subsection 502.4
.• 1304.2 Slip Joints -· siip joints of approved materials may be used in fixtme
drains and traps. In lixture supply pipings, slip joints are exposed for
faculty in maintenanec
1304.3 Ex1>ansion .!oints -- Expansion joints shall be accessible, except for vent
and stacks, and is used in soil and waste stacks to provide tor necessary
expansion and txmtraction joints of the pipes for high-rise buildings. In all
cases such jl)ints shall be tree and accessible
l304.4 Unions-· Approved unions may he used in drainage work when accessibly
locatf;d in the traJ> s~a! or between a tixturc and its trap; in th;: vent system
except underground or in wet vents, at a<:l~essihle pc,ints ir~ the water
supply piping system and in gas piping .
1304.5 Ground Joint, Flared or Ferrule Connections - Brass or copper
ground joint, tlarcd or ferrule type conuections when made up, shalt not
be considered as slip joints.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Jointn and Connoctions
1305. 1 Fixture connections between drainage pipes ami water closets, floo r outlet
service sink s, pedestal urinals, and earthenware trap standards shall be
made by means of approved brass, hard lead, ABS, PVC, or iron flanges
caulked, soldered, solvent cemented or screwed to the drai nage pipe. The
c.onnection shall be bolted with rust-proofed material and with an
approved gasket, washer, or setting compound between the earthenware
and the connect ion. The bottom of the fl ange shall be set on an approved
firm base.
1305.2 Closet bend s or stubs must be cut off square so as to present a smooth
surface even with the top of the closet ring before rough ~ in inspection is
!306.2 No fitting or connection that offers abnorma l obstruction to flow shall b;:
ust'd. The enlargement o f 76 mrn closet bend or stub to 102 mm shall t ~.ot
be considered an obstruction.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Revi-s~ National Plumb\nQ Co~a cf the Philippines
Joints at the roof around pipes, duds or other appurtenances shall be made
watertight by the use of lead, copper, galvanized iron, or other approved
flashing material. Ext<.~riorwall openings shall be made watertight.
Counterftashing shall not rcstri ~t the required internal cross-sectional area
ofthc vent
iOl.l Materials. Quality: All materials used in any plumbing or drainage system,
or part thereof shall he free trom defects. All pipes, pipe fittings, traps,
fixtures, materials and devices used in a plumbing system shall be as listed
or labeled in accordance with Table 14A Code.
1401.2 Label, C'ast or Stamped: Each length of pipe, fitting, trap, fixture and
device used in a plumbing or drainage system shall be integrally embossed,
etched, stamped or indelibly marked with the weight or quality thereof and
with the maker's logo or name, when such marIcings are required by the
approved applicable standard. All materials and devices used or entering
into the installation of the plumbing and drainage systems, or parts thereof,
shall be ma1kcd and identified in a manner satisfactory to the Admirustrative
Autho1ity. All such markings shaH be done at the factory by the
manufacturer. Field markings ~hall not be acceptable.
1401.3 Standards listed or referred to in this Chapter cover materials which will
cotlfom1 to the requirements of this Code, when used in accordance with the
limitations impost!d in this or other Chapters hereof and their listing. Where
a standard covers materials of various grades, weights, quality, or
configurations, there may be a portion of the listed standard wh.ich is
applicable. Design and matetials for special conditions or materials not
provided for herein may be used only by special permission of the
Administrative Authority after he has satisfied himself as to their adequacy.
\401.4 The provisions of this Code are not intended to prevent at the present time
nor in the future the use of any alternate material or method of construction
provided any such alternate has been fi rst approved and its use authorized
by the Administrative Authority.
Iron, stee!, hrass and copper pipes shall be iron pipe size (I.P.S.) wiih the
appropriate weight.
1403.1 Copper tubes for underground and above ground drainage and vent
pipings shall have a weight of not less than that of ropper drainage tube,
T ype Drainage Waste & Vent (DWV) specification~.
)403.2 Copper tube shall not be used for piping carrying chemical or industrial
wastes as defined in Section 811 of this code.
1403 .3 Copper tube tor water supply piping shall have a weight of not less than
Type "L".
F.xception: Type M copper tuhing may be used for water piping when
piping is above wound inside or atop a building, or undergrvund olltside
of stntcture.~ with outside protective coating.
1403.4 ln addition to the required incised marking, all hard drawn copper tubing
shaH be marked by means of a continuous and indelibiy colored stripe at
least 6.4 mm in width, as follows: Type K, gree!l~ Type L, blu e~ Typ~ 'W.t,
red ~ Type DWV, yellow.
See Table 14 -- 4, Weight and Thickness of Sheet lead shall not b~ less
than the following:
For safe pans not less than 19.56 kg. Per sq. meter and 1.6 mm thick.
For flashings or vent terminals- not less than 14.63 kg. per sq. meter and
1.2 mm thick.
Lead bends and lead traps shall not be less than 3.2 mm in wall thi cknes~.
1405 .1 Caulking Ferrul~s : shall be of the best quality red cast brass, bronze or
copper with weights and dimensions in accordance with the foHowin,1,
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Qu<.:l;ty a!"d Weights c::J. ~na!s, Plumbing Materials and
Refefenced &2;1datds
Pipe Size Inside lliameter l,ength Weight each
mm mm Mm . kg
51 57.2 114 .3 .454
76 8 2.6 114.3 .790
102 108.0 114.3 1.132
TABL F 14-2
1406.1 Closet ri ngs or closet tlangcs for water closets or $imilar fixtures shalt be
of approved type and shall be bronze, copper, hard lez.d, cas! iron.
galvanized malleable iron, ABS, PVC, or other approved materials. Each
such closet ri ng or closet flange shall be approximately 178 mm in
diameter and, when installed, shall together with the soil pipe, pre~en t a 38
rn rn wide fl an ge and a groove tacc to receive the fi xture gasket or ball
1406.2 Caulked-on closet rings or closet flanges shall not be less than 6.4 mm
thick and not less than 51 in overall depth.
1406.3 Closet rings or dosct flanges shall be burned or soldered to lead bends or
lead ferrule or c-aulked to cast iron soil pipe, solvent cemented to ABS or
PVC tubes and ~crewcu or fastened in an approved manner to other pipe
\406.4 All such closet rings or closet flan ges shall be adequately designed and
sccur~d tu the water closet to support the fixture connected thereto and the
water closet base shall be anchored with additional pair of bolts to the
concrete Hour. There wi ll be tour (4) bolts per water closet.
1406.5 Closets screws, bolts, washers, and similar fasteners shall be of brass,
copper, or ot her listed equally corrosi~.) n resistunt materi als. All such
screws and bolts shall be of adequate size and number to properly connect
the floor flange and anchor the fixture to the tloor.
l·l07. 1 Each clcanout fitting for cast iron soil pipe shall consist of a cast iron or
brass body and an approved screwed brass plug. Each cleanout for
galvanized wrought iron, galvani zed steel, copper or brass pipe shall
consist of a brass plug as specified in Table 14-4 or a standard weight
brass cap ~>r an approved ABS or PVC plastic coupling and plug. Plugs
shall have raised square heads or approved countersunk rectangular slots.
when cleanout is installed along travel ways.
1407.2 Each cleanout fitting and each cleanout plug or cap shall be of an
approved type. Materials used fi)r cleanouts shall conform t.o approved
standards acceptable to the Administrative Authority.
1407.3 C'lcancuts shall be designed to be gas and wate11igbt wi1hout !he us~ cf
any gasket, packing or washer.
1408.1 Screwed Fittings: shall he ABS. cast iron. coppt!r, copper .::.• ~,.~:!,
malleable iron. llVC, steeL or other approved materials Th!"eao:; ~~r!!l br:
tapped out of solid metal or factory molded for sol !d ASS or PVC thr..:-:,cL.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Quality and Weightl> of Materials. Plumbing Matenals a~<:
Referenced StaMa;ds
1408.2 Drainage Fittings: shall be screw jointed of the drainage type having
smooth int~rior waterway and be installed so as to allow two (2) percent
slope or 20.9 mm/m grade.
Such valve shall rcmr-tiu sufficiently open during periods of low flows to
avoid screening of ~clids and fibrous materials and shall not restrict
capacities or cause excessive turbulence during peak loads. Unless
otherwise listed, valve access covers shall be the bolted type with gasket
and each valve shall bear the manufacturer's name or logo cast into the body
a.t•d over the cover.
1410.1 Gate valves, when used in drainage work, shall be the fullway type with
working parts of corrosion resistant metal. Sizes 102 mm or larger in
diameter shall have cast iron bodies, and sizes less than 102 mm shall have
cast brass or bronze bodies.
!410.2 Valves up to and including 51 mm in size shall be all brass or bronze metal.
Shall meet the applicable nationally recognized standards and shall be used
in accordance with their listing.
TAIH..E 14-3
NOTE: Abbreviations used in Table 14-3 refer to standards or specifications issued by the
organizations identified below.
All standards and specifications fer materials are subject to ch;mge D.:si~qations indicating the
year of issue may become obscJiete.
l .J8
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
TABLE 14-4
(1) - (2) (3) (4) I (5) : (6) (1) (8) l (9)
I FE~RO!!:~_IPZ AND FITifNGS: f -- -. ~---·--:--·--_ - t-· ~ t II
lcast Iron Screwed Fittings (125 & 250 lb) (56.8 & I I •~ I : · f I I
L!J_3.5 kg) _ . _Q_l64 _._~_126
1 .J_.. ! -+- ! Note~ 1
2 I Ca~ Iron Soil Pipe and Fitt.i.•1gs i _ _ ., A 74 I · - -- ' ~
3 ast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings for Hub less Cast Iron j t j CIS PI 30 I t
j Sanitary Systems 1570 , ----1A 888 1 !- --- i EN 877 6594 I __ _ _
4 I Cast Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings B 16.12 I ! · 1 / T Note~
1--:-- - -- --- -- -- ---- - · - . - - + -- - - - 4
Marvin Kalngan,CE
I Gray lror. and Ductile Jron Pressure Ptpe · I
" . Hubless Cast Iron Sanitary and Rainwater Sys+..ems i Ll i I : I . ,. j
i·~:;-l ~~~M
·--·· ---·--------T ~~)S-~A~~· F~~M-r;,~ ~-,':.ia-1 ~;~tt~s j·c~~ TRE~R~~-~
i-- - -- - - - - - ···· .. ·· -+---___J-·-----~-- ~
I . ' II .
1----.. -.. '
I I I I I t I ! i :
13 ISh~eld_ed Coupl~n?S for Use •,.•.ntll Hubless Cast Iron l ; ! [ . I ! j !
I _Soli ~lpea.·td f'Ittm~:-----·---.. - ----------~-·---- _ ..______L ·-- -----L--- -----+-~5 :,) ' L-----+·---·---J
. 14 ~_?pcc:a. ! I~ FJttrngs ! ---- ·r'---·-·-·· . !. _______: ___j__PS 5 --· 1 i ___ _L_:~te_~-~
! 15 ! Subdrains For Built-up Show~r Pans I i ! ; PS J 6 l. ! 1
.. t . . . - • - t I
: j I i i I I !
16 I
·rnreadcd Cast Iron Pipe for Drainage, Ven~ and i j A. 40 5 I ! ; 1 I I !
! Waste Services . I ; i I r 1 i I r
i7 r Welded and Se.·!nlless Carboo Steel and Austeniti-;·---r- I ---- ·r -- -- -··: --r------t-·-· -·-r--~---j
Marvin Kalngan,CE
tsr~inles~teel Pi{!eNipE.~-- -----1---·-t!--.. ·----~~ ~~~_[ __ ________ .._L _________L ___,_____
~ NONFERROlJS PrPE AND rnTINGS · _ . 1 . ~ B 687 : 1
T __ J_i ___~~!_j!
18 ~--~ras?..!.~er, ~j Chror~uum-Piated Ptpe NtpDte~----r~ _____ l_ ___ ._.J__ ____l ___________~________ _;________t·------i----..·· -----~
JQ 1 ;'_i~~~ ~ipeF!ange< and FL>.,ges Fitt:cgs CCiass IS~--- J
B 16 ·2.~----- j L ~ ~ j______ _j
I I I ' • I . I
~: (asr Br:lSS and Tubi~~ P-Traps r I : I l PS 2 i -~~--.l.---.J_ ~~ote 4 !
I : ! ' I ~! I j ;
I I I I I : ! '
?-' (~.~ .~::opp:_~~- A_!l_<?Y f,i~~g~_f9._~Flared 9:f'pcr Tub~_s-+· ·---- - t BJ6.~~-~- __ ....... _1.___·---+-----· _l_ ·----4-----l- --.~
22 lnreade.d (Classes 125 & 250)
f:.!£!!J£S i ___ _ ; __ J)_ L ··- ··-··--i-
l] -~~~- ~r<?!lZ~ ~_!_6 ; ----..-~------ -+- I ~
23 ~-~;~~~~er~~l:1~ ~<~~dc~~;oi~~ Dra_c1age F:~n~-~ B ~~-~~ ~ : l.___ j ~ j _J
I 24 L.C~~2E.P~~~l~().Y ~-o~dt~r~Jom~_R!.~_sure Frtt~s 1 B 16. i:_:~L-- _j________ __!___---····--·----l--.l Note 4 j
--L-J--!- l 1
i 25 l Cooper 'OJ:a:n::u:r_T.ubtill\~' : . ! _B ' 06 -I ; i i ·
j 26 j Copper ~lumbing T11bc.:, Plpt• :!nd Fittings I : j I : ~ j j I
I LDE~llat~?!!l... _ .. ----- .. ·--· . __ . .... ---------.- ! --..L.- ----~----i- IS 3 j_ --L ! J
1 ~~ ~;~n~:r;; ~~~~~~;~~~~,~~;~~;~~~ow<!:~:- __ __;_ __ -:___ i --~_:::_:::-[_:-:-~~~:: ::±:.-:=~+-~~ _: ! : : : _---- r---·r--·~~: 1-j
. • Fle>:•b.,;:. .!VIct:-dl!c ,v:.t~r C.onn ~·~ors /J J : PS '4 / • II Note 4 1
I --------'- _______j____ 1
I -· --··-·-. --·-.- ·----------..- ...... _______... ___________
___ __L___ ____ __ 1 ---..-.. _________ .:._1 .. _____ _ ________
1 .~0
Uuanty en<l 'INe\gr.ta Ql MM•nele, Plumbing M.o\•flala • .,.s ft.,.,.~ t M • n - •
, ... 1 I I I I ! OTriER I
i ltem JT[~f !' PNS : ANSI : ASTM FS i IAPMO ! STANDARDS II ISO l R.El\-1ARKS !l
~~:0. ·-· . - (1). ·-· -- ---. (2) ! (J) __ J__~.J (5) l ' (6~-1 (7) (R) I (9) i
j _,o 1 General Requirements for 'Wrought ScamJcss Copper i j i 1 j i j I !
~ ~ ! and Copper-Alloy Tube ! I ! B 25!
I j ! : I !
. ; l L_Seam~ess Brass Tube . ~ _ 1 •••• •• j_B ~~- 1 · i
· :~ 1 Seam1ess Copper Ptpe. St2ndard Stzes ! __ _ l B 42 1 ' I' _. ____-+f---. , __ _ 1
Marvin Kalngan,CE
' I
, Seamless and Welded Copper Dis:ributioo Tube i I ! B 641 I I I ! i I
l (TYPe D) __ 1 I _J __ _ _ 1 I i J I
. B~O, ' ~
37 I ~ "" ! !
IThrea~ess Copper Ppe _ _L _j____ I ! ~- : I I
38 ! . I ! I I
L!~bmg Tra_p Wall Adapters _ _
I ___.j_____,_j...LS 7 I I
"9 ., B 537 : ' I
I ; I I _.
_, · . . __ l_ _ _ ! : j
I~-~clde~_P!.ass Tube -- L
, 40 i Welded Copper-Alloy UNS No. C21000 Water / ! j i l 1 J
· Tube ! B 642 i • I
i Weld~d Copper and Copper Alicy Water Tube j : ; i1 j ,
i I (Installati<!!.)_ ~ I ~ ! IS 21 I! I
I 42 \Y-elded coppe~'D.~~---·
r [" - I .~4_~_7__.'_ _ ___.._ _ ____,__ _ ____.....___--L.._ __
Revh;od Nalionai Plumbing Code of the PhB1p;:>
/Item! - ITEM -r---;Ns ·-r--~-i -ANSI j AsTM rAPMo ~~~'!:nsT-rso ! REMARKs I
L_N~__l--:-·· . - {i) ----------L-~2-)-l----(J) _ _j __~~-1- (5) (6) ! ---~---1-(~) I (9) I
· 43 j Wel_deo Copper Water Tube .--t- 1 -~---_B 716 ! [ _ I i _j
44 ! Wrought ~o~per and Copper Alley Solder-Joint J J J ~ : --f-- I i
~ssure F1ttmgs l___ ___J B 16.2~ ____ j_ ! L. I I
·~ 45 l Wrought Copper and Wrough: Alloy Solder-Joint i ! I : ! i l I
1 ! Dr3ina('e Fittings-DWV j_ ~ •~ B 16.29 1 ! ! 1 _ _ _ J
Marvin Kalngan,CE
i ·10 i ~~~:~~~~f~~~t:~:n~:~tyrene. (ABS) B!!ilding
j------; -----1--------~------ --+---------r-------r- I i
~-pr:1m. ~~iasteandVentP!oeJildFittings£!nstallatlo~)_l_ ________
L_______; ________ ~----------' _IS_i__J____ 1 -·-· i Ncte4 l
47 . Acrv·lomtr;le-Butad!cne~Styrene ~ABS) Scheduie 40 I ; ; I +-
_fi_a_£!_!C .
Waste_ and Vent Pipe ___ ----t--Note 4
~ D~in
L ---r-·---·-----LP-_2_061__~------·- __ ~--------- ___ ~---- __ --t
I i j i I
43 ! Acrylom~n!e-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Schedule 40 j ! ! I
: Plastic Drain Waste and Vent Pipe wi:th a Cellular J ! ! : [ ! I I
49 ~ ~~~~~-;rnJe-8~t;"di;;~~styr-ene.(A.Bsf·-sewer ·Pipe I ·-r-- --+-£~' --+--- 2
i + +. --+Note 11
~ nnd f1ttint;s j J ! D ~751 l j J l I Ncte4
:. - ----- .·-- ~----------··-- -------r------4------__J ·-·-· ____ ____l -- _;__ ______ --+ ~-------!
<;I) : Acrylonccnle-ButedJcne-Styrene (ABS) Sewer Pipe 1 I' ] i -~· ! I! [ i
. anrl r; lttm~:_Clt_lSt:'lltMion} . -~I ... ·-. . ~ ! Is 11 I . . .- . . -Not.:_ ±...J
5I ~-~~~:_sto~-~::nr::l~ N_onp~:~~~~r~__se~~r ~-~~~-- ----
--l ____j_____L C428 l j ___ -L r ---~~;} ~
52 ~-~~::~~~s-~~~~~~e~tH~:~·~_~:$:1~~~~>:_(~ot:~.~ot~~l~-~-~:~:_r_L__ .1 j __~ 29~---J l____j_______. L ___1 J
53 ! A~bestc·:; C·::!ncnt Pressure PltJC For O!hcr Liquids j
I ' ! j J AW'N A t 1 I
I : I [ I ! C400 I I 1
it~~~~."~:~"i~";~]::~;~j~~~:~~~.:~ ~--\i~!ter =~t=~~-~-c== c~--r-=:=l. _!§_I~_L_____ I- I ---,
Q u allt:f and Weighta of Material~. Plumbing Matarialf, and Rcferencod Stand•rda
~ . 1 . oniiR 1 1
' 1
! No. I (I) . (2) j (J) ( 4) (5) ! (6) 1i (1) j (S) ; (9) _
~ -~5
Bo rosz.,.IC<lte Glass p·1pe _an d. F'rtt1..r1gs 1
~10r D ram. waste :l -+-
i !..-
I I !I . ~
I and Vent (D Ao hcatlons r ! ~ ! Note .1.....{
56 : Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride, (CPVC) Plastic Pipe, i 1 , 1 1 l '
SchecrJ.les 40 <md 80 1 ; i F441 l · l j
57 Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Plastic for 'I , ·- r--- :- 1 1 1 i I
;...:~at and Cold Water Distribution__Syst~m I ~2846 ! f I _j
58 ; Chlorinate~ Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Solvent r I i l i l I f I
Marvin Kalngan,CE
i Cemented Hot and Cold Water Dist.ribt:tion Systems j I f 1 I 1
! ([nstallation) , ! t i 1 IS 20 I
59 ! CoextrudedPolyvinyl Chkride (PVC) Plastic Pipe I; i i j l
: with a Cellular Core F89I I1 I ,. _ _ I
60 ~~ete Drain Tile r·- C41 2 = _i . Note 3 J
61 CoocreteSewer,StormDrainandCutvcrtPipe 1 . Cl4 i t I I I l
62 Drain. Waste and Vent (DWV) Plastic fitti11gs ! 1 I I I i ~
~-~att.ems __ i I ! D331 I 1 j !
63 ! Extra S~~gth Vitrified Clay Pipe in Building Drains ~ J I j
! (In~llatton) i I IS 18 i Note 4
64 1 F~gs for Joining _P~Iycthylcne Pipe for Water ' I' I
[, Semce and Yard Prpmg ~ I _ -r
_ 1 i PS 25 Note 4 I
65 ' Joints for IP~EYC Pipe Usin~olvent Cement : i ! 02672 ! L
ReYised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
r i -- -, ~
~ ,~ ~~ --T T---~--1
No. IT~M ! (l) I (3) 1 (4) J (5) j (6) (1) , (8) J --- ·
I C9}
. r-- I +-----
. !lie Building Scwc:-s (Installation) I ~ -·
t- ~----1------4- I l 1.~_1-~----+- ·
67 r
'Plastic Insert Fittings for Pclybutytene (PB) Tubing 1 I I j : i .
1 . 1 • Note 4 I
68 P-1-ast.l-
:c-ln-.s-e-:t- :F---ittm-:- fo_r_P--o-ly_eth
. -g-s...,.. _ y_len-e-(P_E_)_P_la_st_i_c _ .'J1
t -----f-_ F845 I . : 1 li I ,1. 1
~~ _ 1 - · -··- ' D 2609 t-·· i 1 "Note 6 J
69 1 Polybutylene (PB) Cold Water Building Supply and 1: II l I' I
~d Piping and Tubing (Installation) ·- --·- -.. -~------ --!--- . : r ··- _liote :£_j
70 i Polybutylene Hot and Cold Water Distribution Tubing 1 iJ J. !
Marvin Kalngan,CE
I , 1 Note 4 i
,___ _j,Jvstem Usin Insert Fittin~:rs (Installation
--rI iSlS 22t 7 j
; 71 1 Pol ybutylene Hot and Cold Water Di~..ribution Tubmg ; ! I I 1 i I I
72 ~~~~:~:eg.i~"!}~e~~~: ~:~~=::~~)Pipe. ,. ~ ,!
. .. -- - --~~: - .. - ...... ~L-.l~--.~~..,~ ----+- I N~e ~
i Tubing ~d Fitting Systems Using Heat Fusion !' 1 ! I I !
.. I (ln~llatton) . ,
. . . . , --·-+-.. i IS 23 f j 1- N<_?tc 4_j
7' 1 Polybutylece Hot and Cotd Water Dtstnl>u!ton Ptpe, I I j l l I ,. 1
I, I : 'r 1
I Tubing Systems Using Pressure-Lock Fittings
;I ---+---
IL(lnstallation) I
---- ·+-- '
_j ___·-·-·--+--· IS 24 i' ... 1 '
'4 _Note 4
7~ !1 Polybutylene (PB) Plzstic Hot and Cold Water 1 , l . ' : j
_£?ist~_~uti2!!..~~ems I LPl~Q2_1 _ l__ i Note 4 ;
75 Polybutylene (PB} Plastic Pipe (SlDR-PR) Based on ; ~· i ! ! J
_ ! D2662 , t
;-----+-·_C_o_nt_ro_i!ec!J.ns~t~_P.iameter ~ ~ ~ I ! Nct.c 4 !
. I 1 ; i
76 1 1
1 Polyethylene (PE) Cold W~tcr Buitdin£ Supply and
I j __ _ ____l_229M
j i
l __. _ ,___ _,J___
I ~ ·
--+. ' Note4 j
i 1
Ii h Yard Piping (!~~~a_.!~:~!io~2_______ __l I __j____ IS 7 i ----L
L 78 / ;~~~~, ;~~~~~);;~;c~i~: (S!D~:P:)_B."ed on. t 1._J I / __L 022 39 I _L~~·-41
·~'a4a'' 'v ••~a ...,...,-'._.,,,. t.;t ~ ... ~• • • • , .... ,,_.,, .... . . . . . . _ . . _ . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ . . .. .
I =:ns I I
N1). (I) I . .
1 .79". Polyvmyl Chloride (PVC) Building Drain. Waste : i 1 4435
~ ~and Vent Pipe an_d [!ttings (Installation) _ _ · ~ .
·- -·- y
I 02729 I ___ j____I_L?
I -t I .. ~633
80 i Polyvmyl Chlonde (PVC) Cold Water Butldmg 1 ! ! ; I l I I
65 I ! 1 1
: JS 8 . 4422 1
~I Io Supply and Yard P iping {installaticn) ll I t f
1 1
81 ~- Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Corrugated Sewer Pipe i [ ~ : i i l
~ith a Smoot.h lnteri~r a."ld Fittings ! ! J_ F94Q __ I ·-- I ! Note 4 j
82 1 Polyvinyi Chloride (PVC) Plattic Drain, Waste and I ! : --; ! 1 4435 I 1
LYc~t Pipe and Fittings ! L.l?2729 ! j I 1 3633 I I
83 I Polyvinyi Chloride (PVC) Pressure Rated Pipe (SDR ; J i I ; I r I
. . . : 65 : D224l : I . I
Marvin Kalngan,CE
r-~eri~-- ! r· _,
: Polyvmyl Chloncie (PVC) PlastiC P1pe, Schedules ! ; J ! 1 ; ·
; 40, 80. and 120 I ; i Dl785 : ! I
85 i Polyvmy.l Chloride (?VC) Plastic Pipe an.d Fittings ·· - 1 T 1 1 ! j l
dt~'!£L,",.•.,......... w m - . 1 ; I 0 2466 ' . ! :w.w __
L [
86 : Primers tor l ise :n Solvent Cement Joints of Polyvinyl i ~ i 1 t' j j' j
r : Chloride'!',:'({:) Plastic Pipe and Fittings I :-+ F656 I ---1--- -- -r---1
j 87 ;J>. ?.!J.~ ~ · ~,-~fh!o~de (PVC) Sewer Pipes and Fittings I - ;----p2729 : -+---- i J_-t--i
88 I Unp!~-·;:izcl Folyvir.yl Chloride (UPVC) Pipes for I i ! I l I Jl I
I Pot.:li)i~ \l/2ter Supply I 65 I : l I 44~
80 ~-~~~"'-~mgs for Asbestos-Cement Pipe I D !869 i I _L j _ --t T- I ~-
I : I I I I
! I - I I I I I l -,! --1
I • ! II i I Ollt""ER I
ITEM (2) I {J) I (4) ., (5) (6) (7) (9) I
I' ! I I
Item (l) j ! I 1 l i ISO l
No. ; ! : I 1 1 (8) , 1
1 i -; - , , ·
I~---·-- -r ----T - I
1 1
I 91 I Smoc+.hwall Polyethylene (PE) Pipe for Use in I [ I F g iO 1 ! ! f I NOTE 4 I
Marvin Kalngan,CE
1 ~ Drnina~e and W"aste Disposal Absorption Fields r-·_ _j__ __ I _____ _:_ I · _ _ !
I 92 j Sock~ T)-y e Chlorinated Poly>inyl Chloride (CPVC) 1 1 j L ' ! j i l
1 l Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40 j . t--·---~ F 438_ j_ --·--· !
l 93 ! Socket Type Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chlori de (CPVC) l 1 't I ; ; I I
94 ~- Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 l -~
I -·-t' ______. _! 439 I --.__j___
I___ :'--- -+---.i
1 :. s~_ket Type Polyvinyl Chloride {PVC) Plastic Pipe ! I : . I ' ! I , I
~ Ftttmgs, Schedule 80 . j I ~ 2467 j _j__ ____j
9 ~ ~ Solvent Cement for Acrylonitrile-Bu-tadiene-Styrene j 1 j ! ! i ! i
L_-r-_ j
~~-- __ : (AB~l_Plastic Pipe and Fittings___ • D 22:5 l ----~--- r rNotcre 4 !
I · I j I 1 ! 1 1 l
~6 ! ;~olv~nt Ce~en~ f~r Chlo~~ed Polyvi.>tyl Chloride I; j F 493 j ! j 1
: ,_CP\' C) Ptasnc Ptpe m:d ; ;ttmgs , t , ! I ; I
Solv~nt Cemcn:s ~0~ Poiyyi:J.}1 Chloride (PVC) I ! , ! i ±' rt
97 ILE! P1pe ano Fittm~---
i. 510 _., _ ...J. .P_'"s~.:-L. _ _____L _ . . ---·
-·----r - ---il
Therrncpla!:tic Acce~s~bl·~ and Rcr;lace3~le Plastic
n . j j j' .,...,
Tube and Tubulru- F!!! i : F 409 , , I• I .ate 4
"---~ -- - --- ·- - i t _____j __ ____j_ _ _i - - - · _____ _ __l ___ __ _ j ~
,,.,...., ~• w~. "'Mtiiiif\lita.-llif~,,. M••*- ~ ._...,__. ~.. · ·
1-- - . - ~- _.__ '- - - ·-
i 90 Type PS-46 Poly (Vinyl Chl oride) (PV() Plastic I ! i 1 ) • 1 f
j ,
Gravrtv flow Sewer Pip~ and_fittings _ ! ~--····-l .f 789 j -- ----+- ! ! I _i_
100 r Type PSM Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe I ! ! ~ .1' l ! I I !
I . and Frttmgs 1
D .)034 · . I
I ' " • ' 1 I' I,
i I 01 l Threaded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) {PVC) Plastic Pipe 1 i : ;I , 1 :
' . I II .i 1
1 1
i__~itt_mg~~~edule 80 _ _J___L __ _ ___;._Q 246!J _. ~------t--- :
102 l Vrtrified C!ay P1pe, Extra Strength, Standzrd i ; j 1 I I' 1 ; .
, Stre~ and Perfo~ted -· i ·--·- · C 70..2__ _ I l Note 4
f..PL ~.!J!ING FIXTURES ! ' -- ; L I I I . .
103 i Ename!edCastlronPlumbing Fixtures --,- j All2.1 9.l 1 I' W\.VP·541 i t I l
I I : M I I J
Marvin Kalngan,CE
r-- -- - -- - -
i. _ __,
l 04 Whirlpool B:rthtubs l , A112~..! 9.7 I ·---- L ~ ! 1 _ J J
l 05 ' Plastic Bathtub Units l 1 Z 124 I W\\'P.~4 J 1 I !
--r·~· I
! •
!J .I .
1Vo 1 Pia_stic Lavatories _ _ 1 _ , _Z_!.~_4 · ~--+----· -~~~7-5~ ---+----- : 1 I
· 107 ~lastic Shower Recep! and Shower_~ta!ls _ . L.Zl2.i}~-- ; ·~'WP-5~- ' ·-~---__j
108 ~. ~!.~~~~~-ater ~L~set Bowls and Tanks ---+ ----+-~!_2i _~____i., ____ _j_ \V\VP-541____ ~~_J_ I
! I 09 ~-Piumb~ng f ixtures for Land U~e . j j -:----~----- ; WWP-54 1 • ~ 1
: II 0 Plumbmg Rcqmre1~ents for DJ.verters f':~ P!umbmg ! ASSEt ; , ! ! I' I i
I I Fau~cts 'Nlth Ho~e ,:,?ray, Ant1-S1phon type ~- ANSI ! 015 :
I l , I I
I Res1dent1a! Apohcanon . , ; : ! : ! ---1
: l ll i Plumbing Rec;uiremcnts for Hand Held Showers , j ~SSE.' ! I ' I I j
L_____ . - . ·. : ANSII~l4 : -+- ~ I I
Revised National Plumbi~l9 Code o4' ihe Phiiippines
-·- ·- r - -- ·--r------ T-- '
I I I ! j j I
- I. I
I; i I j
! ·No j J 1 • PNS 1 AJ~st 1 .o\.STM i FS ! l4PMO ! STANDARDS ! rso I REMARKS .
Marvin Kalngan,CE
l__ - -------------~-A 1I.~.:.i 9 !V!_L__ _ J.____-+--- -l I i ___J
VALVES ; ! . I ' I ; . i
- ------+--- -_J,_
.~------· " ------ ·............·-·--+·-·------ _ ___.. . ,___ _ . . .__
I 120 ; Acrylonttrile~Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) and ! : : 1 f [ ! i I
l J Polp'Inyl Chloride (PVC) Backwater Valves 1 j j! i PS J8 I 1 ! Ncte 4 Jl
~ - - _..... t .:- ·~-- :. .. ..
, 121 i Backflow Prevtmtion Devices ,. 1 I ; • i ,. , I
I : . . ! ; : PS 31 I I Note 4 I
! i 22 t_~ackf~w V~lves (r\~)--------- ·-+---..- . ... L~l.!il~l-1~ ·..·---r--·~===-----r--------r==-~,c- Note 4 J
! i23 : Bail Valves 6 inches through 48 inches : i ~"'SUAW j : i I i ~
i ; I : w A C507 ! i ~ ! i ' l
! i 2~ ia;~~;;-Gate-Valves - -- - ---;.. --~- ---·---r-·----~-~·~··:s45 ·:- - -~--------!- ---...i-------;
I t-- · --- - - - ---- - ! -----t· ·----------~--- - --- : . I 1----
- --
1 l-------· -- I ' i I ! ·--~---r-----J
! 125 ; Ca:.'t ~rw G~te~ --·-- + : ..:.._~~ ~'\'v~...,._sgh J_ _j ~-+- ," ~
i 126 ~~-or·S?llt '=-e~_e_!_Qj_!_~~-~~~--------------- ·- : ~-------------------t---- _j___ ! ____![.~::_ 352 __ Ti _ _ _ ..j_ -~
l I ! i ANSl!AW i i I I i I I
I 127 '- Ga_!.~.Yalves for '-Y.<-:!-~r anq Sewer.;ge s\T~;ns L__ I WA (500 t----- -: . ----·- --...L.--....j..-------~---+------~
j 128 ! Globe-Type Lc; li;;hter Valves-Angle or Str~ight ! I 1 l i i l: I j
I j P~.ttem . ___ __ j . ~-- ! __. ; I PS 10 . -i
Ll29 ~ Hose Cc~nccti~n V<:cuum Bre~kers _ 1 j _A~S1~;;!>l____.J_____,_ 1 j_ ASSE lOll j ,__ _ L____j
i .5~
Quality and Woaigh\s of Materials, Plumbing Mateua\s. anu Referenced Standard•
r---- ···r··----~-----T·---r------ ! 1· :
I t
! '
~ I I j I OTIIER !
No. (1)
l i (2) 1 <J) ! (4) (S) i ({j) (1) i (8) <9> 1
130 Individual Shower Control Valves ... ~ A.;\ISV I t ! ~-· -+----·---~-- I
Anti Scald Type ASSE ! I
10:6 l ASSE 1016 i j
131 '
Laboratory faucet Vacuum Breakers Al\SU I
Marvin Kalngan,CE
132 iP!pe Applied Atmospheric Type i A.~SI/ ~----·---, -----:---·-·-t ---~
·~' Vacuum Breakers I ASSE ! f j i I 1 1 ;
ASSE J 001 i
I 100 l ~ I I I I i I
J33~~g~-re-F-~-.-gs-----------!~A~l~l2~_~i8~~,---~-~--~~.---~- '1. ;
I I . ~ ~
I I lM I I ~ i _J I j
r---------· 1 I ----r----~---------: 1 r
Relief VaiV<!s and Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for
I Z21.22 I : I : !32 I i i
-·-· I·
~o-'f:Iot Water Sup_E!y~stems and Addendum I · -4--- · ! : ' I ,_J
! i 35 1 Temperature Actuated Mixing Valves for Pnmary I ANSV .,. : I ! j 1 !
! DomestiC Usc ASSE I I ! I I r· lt
' I 1017 j ! . I '
I ! 3t. ·~ ~-·~·· ANSI/ 1 t ~ I
L ! l 1
i - ! . i
i Tr'<1p Seal Primer Valves <~?ninage T}pe) i ASSE J .' ' j : j I 1
I -- - +10-t~ I ·I i I ;
137 j Trap Seal Prim--.- Valves (Wztzr Supply Fed) . j ASSI/ I j '1 ,~
1-- l' t- LJ
1 ·-·-.. -----·---·_. _. _ _l_.. ~~r; 1 1 --~~ ___ L I __ i .
Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
.T. <. I I ·r;·-.- -,i l
I Item I
I IT" M , . I
.. I!
I .I (1) (l) ,. (3) . (4) (S) (6) I (7) (8) II (9) I
r--r- - - --- 1 ; -r--1 ,- I -
Marvin Kalngan,CE
I i Backflow Types 1019 I ! I
I !l ANSI! i
·--·-~i --+--
1 r
r' l ., ! I
j !40 I Water Closet Flush Tank Ballcocks ASSE ,. 1
' ,l . 1002 1: I
f I I 002 - . I ! . -+- . --l
. i I I :
141 IWater Pressure Red~citg Valves ANSI/ I l !
1003 i I! ~
I I I. ! __J
-+---- I - - - I
i42 1
i --r----r . r- : 1
1 Automatic Stonge Ty;'e Water ~--~c:,~:'~S with !nputs 1 Z21 . J0.1 I I I L I 1
1 Le-;s than 50,000 Dtu per hour . \t~>} rcvd I I 1 1 i 1
!· I r-..- ~-- -- r I -,
I I I I I I I !
Item EM i ! I 01K£R ~I 1 I
!I No. IT( PNS ji A-"SI ASTM
[: rs ! IAPMO STANDARDs rso j REr.,...A.'iKS
l) ! (2) ; (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) !
LI I ! I
! IS~ I:~~~~;~~~~~~~I0rid~)-~~~) "or
i j' PoJyethylene {PE} Pressure Sens1t1ve Corrcston
=-- ; 1----·--+--"""·-[------
ii l
~ J
I/ ---+-! r- --i j
t PreventiveTape ! I [ ' r PS37 1 ,.
Marvin Kalngan,CE
' , r 1---t- I
I; l,
i 160 rcieonouts i -r-: ! I I IT. I
1 _ i
1 A il2 36.2 ;
__L_ I. ! I ; Note 4 )
I 161 I ~~~:=;olyabylene (CPE) Sheeting for [ i j I i t I I I
0 4068
! 162 ~~mpress10n joints for Vitrified Clay Pq>e and ----~-·- i ----:- . ] ;
T---+-- _H, I -- --l
I r!.!_ttings I .! Lc 425 I _L,___1 ----- : ... _Nc-t~J
I !63 I i l I i i I I
~-<;£eQe!._ A!~.<?.Y. ~?:!!~ _f~st!ngs f9.! Gen~r~I~plication~_!___ _j_________ ;..J3 58£1_ __________ ,_;---+---------- ~____ ! ~?!~ 2 __ ·
l 164 ~-~~~~~~Strip_:_£~at..e and_~oHed Bar +------L-·----~l-~-_2---f-----·~--- . --·---·- ·- 1 ______ 1
j I b5 ! Drshwa~her Ornm Airg2ps ~ i _ I +- ! P~ 23 1 _ • ~ j _ _j
1166 !~s~ts ~~~~;~::~;:crete Sewer and Culvert Ptpe, ! t j C ~ i J [ f I
-----~-----· -----~---- ---t----~--~L----·- ---r---..+----·--1
l67 i General Requirements for Steel Sheet. Zinc Ccated j j ! j i I ! 1 i
;_(Galvanized) bythc Hot Dio PiOcess 1 U...525 j ,__l_. ____ ·+----·--~-t~---·-·-.i
1 l 68 ~ Lead-Free Sealing C?._t::P.our!~ for TI_!_rcaded Jc~___l , ! ! _________ j___~_~}_~_.L-_ _.1.-~----__!
[-r-------- ---~--··- I I I 1 1 -·-----l
'~ llJ)M I p~s A. ~SI J \ I ASTM J rs ISO I REMARKS
<2> P> i (4) . (5) (6> (7) (8) 1 (9)
!l IAPMJI ST~!:Os i!
--- -----------~--- -1--
. ------~·------4---------~----~-------- -4-
I I i
169 l Low Pr~sure Air Test for Bt.O.i!ding Sewers I i l , I I I j r
1 (Installation) . .
170 r Plpe Hangers and Supports-Matcnals, Design and
· .
i A.:\:SLIMS
IS ~--------1---~-----
! ; : ~
: Maintenance 1 ; SSP~----~ I --J
l I_ ._ _.1__-+!_ _ _
17 t ~J>Iant -~lied Protective Pipe Coatings ' __ .L___ ~ __ ' PS 22 1 I _ t
172 I Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plz.stic Flexible i f • T ! 1 I
l .~9f'IC~Ied Water - Containment Membrane - -- ! ___ __j_D 45 51 I I I ! r
Marvin Kalngan,CE
~ Pipe and Tubing . ---·--- ___! I I I PS 34 _ +- I
174 ~ ~r~£ab':Jcatcd Septic ~anks . I I .__ __,_J_ l PS 1 ~ --r 1
175 : Protect!vety .Coated Ptpe (lnstallatton) I j - I I : rs 13 ' l I __J
L-Rub~er Gaskets for ~ast Iron Soil Pipe and Fitth"'lgs J__ ! ; C 5M 1 ' I i I l
I 77 ~_Rubber Rio.:;s for Asbestos-Cement PiP.e : , ___ Q.J.?69 j ··-- · - - --+----+-;_ _ __
: I 78 i Solder, Tin AHoy; Lead Tm Alloy; and Lead Alloy I i ! i i j j
L_ .. ____;_(and Flu:" ..Jl£e AC_Qn.JY.> I ______(_ _____ _i_~_1Ll_~:~7I e_j_____l I _ , l _ __ _
Quality and wmghts of Materials, Plumbing Ma\enal• and ~eteronced S\anclard•
D Item I ITEM i I , I I omr.R I I
l 0 (l I (2) . (3 ) i (4) I (~ (6) I (7) '! (R) I (9) l
0 I
! ! I ! ! i
!I I i
I 147 I Home Laundry, Eq~ipment (Plumbing R~quirements I ~· ANSI/AH ! ~ ---· 1 - --~------..- 1 : •
I 'I For) AM ! l 1 I I I 1
I ' 0 ! HLW-2 PR ! ! ~ .
!48 l Household Commercial and Port.'lble Exchange Water 1 ! --~----1---·---~-----·---·!woA-S- IOOr· !
L~-~fteners . . . I-- ; ! +-· . j _ ! _ ;
149 : Househ9ld and Commerctal Water Filters 1-----+- 1 ; __ ' : \vQA S-200 ! _J
!50 ~ Household Dishwashers j : : ! l!L 749 .J
151 ·: Household Dishwashers (Drain Hose) · 1 , : AHA..\1 D'vV-1 1
Marvin Kalngan,CE
i ANSIIAH I 1"·- -- i - - - --.
152 ! Ho~schold Dishwashers (Plumbmg Requirements I' ~M DW· l I j 1 I
L£oq _ 2PR I • 1 _ __ ' ·-· ---+---
! I . I I ! I I
!53 j ~~uscho~~ectric Storage Tank \~ater Heaters : ! . ._J_ L . _.lI _ _j[L 174 J j ·-·-~
!54 IHousehold Food Waste Dt£Poser Vmts (Phmbmg 1 1 ANSVA.H 1 [ i I I l
ReqUirements For) I ! A.~ ! ' 1 /
I . ! FWD-2PR i ! 1 • : I
155 i Ice Makers ··-- - I ,i· I . J! l lJL 563 . ·-· r---l,f---- --'1
I I 1 I : 1
I I I . I I I
I • I ! I ' .
156 . Motor Pomps
(};•::~.,:·::' I I I l ! ~ 77~l ! ~
157 r Ot~ Ftred \\o att:. :.:::' ·.... s . I . ! --L---~ ··-}-- --- UL 73_ I I --I
: 158 I Pomt-Of-Use L<.r,:.r Pr~ssure Rf.>verse Osmos1s I' J i j I ! I J!
I l.Pri}lking Water . ·-··- · _____j__ I ..._L [ WQA_S30o __...~..:_ _ ...____ _ _
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
The following is a suggested order of procedure for sizing the water supply
A 1.1 Obtain the necessary information regarding the mtrumum daily service
pressure in the area where the building is to be located.
62.0 ··-
- ·.-
!'>5. 1
40 2
~1 3
"'"'u 34 5
0> 27.6 ..
li!IJ 7
0! "l<'!<n qM
•· N M ,.., VI u)
A 1.3 Obtain all available local infonnation regarding the use of differ<.::.• ~ lends of
pipe with respect both to aurability and to decrease in capacity with length
of service in the particular water supply
A 2.1 Estimate tht� supply demand for the building main and the principal
branches and riser� of 1he system by totaling the fixture units on ea�h,
Tablf. A- l, and then by reading the c,mc:,;1,omling mJinate from Chart A-2
or :\-3, whi�hevt.:r is applicJ.bic.
A.2.2 Estimate continuous supply demand-.; in liters per second for lawn
sprinklers, air conditioners, etc., and add th� sum t.o the total demand fer
fixil;res. The r<.'sult is tbc cf.ti mate�, rnpply r.kmanJ of the building supply
A 3.1 De�ide what is the d�sirable minimum pr!!ssurc that should be maintained
at th1! highest fixture in tht� supply system. lf the high�:�t group of the
foctures contains flushometer valves, the prcssun.� fbr the gruup shou!J 1:01
he less th;m 10.3.42 k.Pu. For flush lank wppfo:·s, the avail?..blc prF;SSI.Jre
may not he less than 55. 16 kPa.
/\. 3.2 Determine lh�: ckval.ion in meter::.- of the highest fixture or group of
fixtures above the water (stre,�\} main. Multipl}' thit, d:ITcrence ::1
eleviHion by 9.79. The f(!St1!t is in the loss in static pres:;urc in ld\1.
A J.3 Subtract the sum of toss in static pressure and the fircssure to b;
m�intaincd at the highest fixture from th(! average minimum daily servic;
pressure. The rc�ult wi!l be the pressufic available for fridio:-1 loss in th�
supply pipes, if no watt.:r meter is used. If a meter is to be installed, th�
friction loss in the meter for the estimated maxim:.1H1 dtnwnd shenld <'iso
be subtra{:ted from the servke prcs�urc to dc-t(:ffiine the: p:c�:\l.'.'� io��
a vai lablc for friction loss in the supply pipes
urin<ll. pedestal 10 25
Urinal (wall lip) s 13
Urina I sta II 5 lQ
Urmal with flush tank 3
wash smk, circular or multtple 2 13 13
(each ~et .~ets)
Water Closet:
Flushometer-t.ank 3 5 10 l
Flushomcter valve 6 10 25 I
Flush tank 3 5 10 I
i. For Sllf'ply millers like~~· lo impose c:ontimwus'i, <~.\'limate collii!IrUJU.\
supp~~' s!!.parate~vand add to tow/ demand.fiJrjlxtures.
3. l1u! Kin•n wt•ig hts au for total demandfor fixtures with hollt hot und co!u wate. ·
s11ppl1t'.\. The wd~:hts for maxinzum sepamte demond-; may be 1o.~en as se~·emy
.fm ' (75) percenl ulth(' li.'itt•d demandfor 1he supfdy.
* A 1/owam:es are hased on non-rece.<ised threaded flttingv. Use one·ha!J (! 12) th~
a//tJu·tmcesfiJr reasscd threadedfilling.<; or ~·treamline solder fittings.
1\ 3.4 Determine the developed l'ength of pipe from the water (street) main to the
highest tlxture. lf close estimates are desired , compute with the aid of
1 abk A-2 !he equivalent length of pipe t()r all fittings in the line from the
water {slrcct} main to the highest ftxturc and add the sum to the developed
length. The pressure avtt ilable for friction · loss in kPa di vided by the
tk~vclopcd leugths of pipe hom the water (street) main to the highest
fl x'.ure, times one hundred ( lOO), will be the average permissible friction
lo sg per 30 4 11\. length or pipe.
A 4. l Knowing the permissible triction loss per 30.4 m of pipe and the total
demand, the diameter of the building supply pipe may be obtained from
Charts A-:t, A~ S, A~6, or A-7, whichever is applicable. The diarnctt:r of
pipe on or next above the coordin;Hc point corresponding to th~ est~ matcd
total demand and the pcrmis!'ibk fi·it.:tion loss will be the size needed up ~o
the first bran~h from the building supply pipe
A 4.2 If copper tubing or brass pipe is to be used for the supply piping, and if the
character of the water is such that only light changes in the hydmuli c
characteristics may be expcctt'd, Chart A-4 may be used.
A 4.3 Chart A~ S should be used fl>r ferrus pipe w:th only the most favon:h!e
\\atcr supply as •~ga:·ds corrosiun and cakinll. If tbc wate f is h ~d m
r..~ orrosivc, Charts A-6 or A· 7 wiil be applicat>le. For extremel y hard
wat(.' L it will be adv isabk~ to make additiotml all owance~; lor tht> red~.~~~•ion
of capacity of hot water Iincs in ~ cr v i cc
A 5. I Ttw rcquirrd size of branches aud risers may be obtained in the !-''.:
manner <~ S the building !;11pply by obtaining the demand load on Cillh
b1nnch or 1iscr and using tb·,~ permissible fri!..~ lionlpss compuwd :n S c~..:t ! o:!
A 5.3 The size of branches and mains servi ng flushomcter tanks shall be
consistent with sizing procedures for flu5h tank water closets.
f\. 6 . 1 Velocities shall not exceed 3 m/sec of the maximum values given in the
appropriate installation Standard, except as otherwise eppro"ed by the
Administrative Authority.
A 6.2 If a pressure reducing valve is used in the building supply, the develop-'::d
length of a supply piping and the pennissible friction loss Rhould be
computed from the building side of the valve.
A 6.3 The allowances in Table A-2 for fittings are t; ~~:!~ on nonreces~
thrcadt~d fittings. For recessed threaded fittings and ~treamlined soldered
fittings, one ( ~ 2 ) the allowances given in the table will be ample.
A7 F.:XA!\1PLE
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
"Ann~ A· Rocommgndod Rules for Slz:lng the
Water Supply Systam
Li~eJ'3 per
No. of
U•·a.!!!:,h to hoHutf'r supply
wter c!,2sets
- 130 !)00
.J •
. I.s
10wer Heads
48 -- 12
11 X 4 X .75 = 36 __
. ........Us
Lwatoltcs JJO 260 130 130 x2x .75=195 12 3 Us
'7.':-\·icc SHtks
.. ....... 27
- 106 27 27 x 4 x .75 = 8 l S. l Lis j
. -· . ---·\..- 1,866
19 7 Lis 312 6.7 Us
~_.._. .........
Allowing for 103.4 kPa at the highef.t fixture under the maximum d~mand of 19.6 Lis, the
pressure available fbr friction loss is found by the following:
!f the pipe material and w:1ter supply ?.re such that Chart A-5 applies, the required
diameter of the t>ui !J ing supply is 76.2 nun and the required diameter ofth·~ branch to the
hot water is 50.8 mm.
The ~izcs uf the various branchc~ ami risers may be dctcrminerl in the same mann(·r c:; the
size pf the building supply or the brunch to the hot waler sy~tcm by e;:,tima titlg tile
demand for the or branch from Cbar~s A-2 or A-3, and applying the tete:! dtii~~ud
estimate from the ~ranrh , riser or section th~reut: to the appropri<!te flo's ch ~!;L
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Re-.i sed National Plumbing Cede ~ the Philippines
I ''
c ..
0 ..
- ''
Ill I
iU 18.9 ..
:3 . -.
I . . .. . .. . ' .
. . . ... .
:aE . -'
0 12.6
.. . . . . . ..
' .
.. ..
: 1
-. .
- .- 1 .' J
· · · No. 1 tor syulam predomh,nnlly lor tlushornetcr val ves
No. 2 for system prod\Jmlnnnlly lor flush tanks
I· ..
" ..
. .'
2000 2500 ~000
ft.l(turc Units
r--------,~~~~~~~T.:"':,-TT"Tt"'~~::r":"""::~'T'"'r.:t""T"I"T1 630.0
Smooth Pipe 504.0
Type M - - - - 378.0
TweL - - -- JISO
lype K - --- 2!>2.0
189 (l
1Ztl 0
•-r-.,-, ..,., 25 2
2 .5
( ft Q) co
..:; .,; ·-: ........ "' ..,'"
n ~
'" "' - . ...
...... ao M " ' C>
"' ~
Friclio11 Loss - 32.!J Po./m
C IIA RT A -(~
!)0 4
37 .8
3 1.5
<15 .2
. 12:30
'II (:.J ll
50 4
25 2
Where permitted h~' the rules and reguiations of the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR), the bt;ilding sewer may be connected ~o a private
sewage disposal S)stcm complying with the provisions ofthis appendix. The type
of syst;:m ~ bail be dNermincd en the ba':>i ~ of location, soil porosity, and ground
water level and shall be Jesign~d to r ~cci ·~· e all sewage from the propert y The
system, c:xcepr as othe;v.;isc 'lppr\)veJ, :>hall consist uf a septic tank with efllutrit
discharging into a suh:mrface disp ()~a l field , into on~ (I) or more seepage pits ••r
into a combina1ioa ot" ~ub surfat~c disposiil f11.:kl and scepag(; pits
The liquid capacity of all septic tanks shall confonn to Tables B-2 and B~3 as
determined by the number of bedrooms or apm1ment units in dwelling
occupancies and the estimated w.-tstclscv.age design flow rate or the number of
plumbing tix.<ua~ units as Jetermint:d fh.)m Table 7-2, whichever is greater in
other building occupancies. I he capacity of any one septic tank and its
system shall he limited by the soil structure classification, as specified in
Table B-5.
B 3.1 2 \V here lead1ing beds au.~ pl'tmittcd in lieu of trenches, the area of
each su~h bed shall be at lcasl tilly (SOj percent greater than the
tubular requirements tor trenl:hcs. Perimeter side wall area in
excess of the requir"~d JO·lX mm and not to exceed 914.4 rnm
bclt)W the leach line may be :1ddcd to tht' trench bottom area when
r~)mput i ng absorption a rt~a s
B 3.1 3 No excavation for a leach line or leach bed shall extend within I 5
m of the watt~r table nor to a d~:pth where sewage may contaminate
the underground water stratum that is usable for domestic
JHII poses.
lhl' upplic:unt shall supp~r el'iden,:c ~~r ~round water dqJih to the
sali.~/act ion of the Administn 11i \'(' A mlwrity.
UA t•t>rcolation Tt'St
B 4.1 Wherever practicable, disposal tidd and seepage pit sizes shall be
computed from Table U-4.
B 5.1 Plans for all septic t:.Ulks 5hall be submitted to the Administ~ative
Authority for apprw.ral. Such plans shdll show aH dimen8ion,
rcinfordng, strudmal cakulations, and su.;.;h other pertinent data as
may b(; required.
I3 5.2 Septic tanks design shall bt~ such as to pnduce a clarified eflluent
con-;.istent with accepted standards and shall provide adequate
spa(:e. for sludge and scum accumulations.
B 5.4 Septic tanks shall have a minimum ~)r two (2) compartments. The
iHlet compartment of any septic tank sh:tll be not less than two-
thirds (2/3) of the total capacity of the tank, nor less than 2 m3
liquid capacity, <l.nd shall he at least .9 m in width and 1.5 m in
length. Liquid depth sh~ll be nN less than .6 m n0r more than 1.8
m. the sccomiat y compart mr-nt of a11y septic tank shaH ha vc u
minimum capacity of 1 m3 and a maximum capa·: ity of one-
third ( l/3) of th.; tota: eapat:ity of such tan!<. ln septie l !~nks h~tvi ng
over {) m caparity, the secondary compatiment may be not le:;s
than 1.5 min lengih.
B 5.5 Access to each septic tank shall be provided by at least two (2)
manholes 508 mm in minimum dimension or hy an equivalent
removable cover slab. One access manhole shall be located over
th~~ inl et ~ nd one (I) acct:ss manhole shall be located over the
outlet. Wherever a first compartment exe;eeds 3.7 min length, ail
addithnal manhole shall be provided ove; the baffie wall
B 5.6 The inlet and outlet pipe op~~nings shall be not less in size tha-.. the
co nnecting sewer pipe. The verticai leg of a round inlet an~ ~ oull<.' t
fittings shall not be kss in size than the conne::ting se·wt:er pi:;~
nor less than 104.6 mm. A baillc type fitting shall hov~ th-e
equivalent cross-sectional area of the conncctint; sewer pi:Je ~nj
not less than a l 06.6 mm horizontal dimension \vhen me:a~.Jr~ c! <>t
the inlet and outlet pipe invet1s
B 5.7 The inlet and outlet pip~ or baffie shall extend 101.6 mm above
and at least 304.8 mm below the water surface. The invert of the
inlet pipe shaH be at a level not Jess than 50.8 mm above the invert
of the outlet pipe.
B 5.8 Inlet and outlet pipe fittings or baffies, and compartment partitions
shall have a free vent area equal to the required cross-sectional
area of the house sewer or private sewer discharging thereinto to
provide tl'ce ventilation above the water surface from the disposal
field or seepage pit through the septic tank, house sewer, and ~lack
to the outer air.
B 5.9 The side walls shall extend at least 228.6 mm above the liquid
depth The cover of the septic tank shall be at least 50.8 rum above
the back vent openings.
B 5.12 Septic tanks installed under concrete or black top paving shall have
the required manholes accessible by extending the I!'anhole
openings to grade in a manner acceptable to the Administralive
3 5. t 3 Matrrials
The minimum wall thickness of any steel tank shall be No. 12 U.S.
gauge (. l 09) (2.8 mm) and each such tank shall be protected from
corrosion, both externally and internally, by an approved
bituminous coating or by other acceptable means.
B 6.1 Dist ribution lines shall be constructed of clay tile laid with open
_joints, perforated clay pipe, perforated bituminous tiber pipe,
perforated high density polyethylene pipe, perforated ABS pipe,
perfiH'ated P\'C pipe, or other app:oved materials, prov ided that
suttkient openings arc available for distribution ofthe effluent i;1to
the trench area.
13 6.3 A grade board staked in the trench to the depth of the filter
material shaH be utilized when distribution line is constnacted with
drain tile or a ncxible pipe material which will not maintain
alignment without continuous support.
B 6.4 When seepage pits are used in combination with disposal fields,
the filter material in the trenches shall terminate at least 1.5 m from
the pit excavation and the line extending fr·om such points to the
seepage pit shall be approved pipe with watertight joints.
B 6.5 Where two (2) or more drain lines are installed, an approved
distribution box of sufficit>nt size to receive lateral lines shall be
installed at the head of each disposal field. The inverts of all
outh.~ts shall be level and the invert of the inlet shall be at kast 25.4
mm above the outlets. Distribution boxes shall be dcsigntd to
insure equal flow and shall be im;tal!ed on a level concrete slab in
natural or compacted soiL
Distribution boxes shall be coated on the inside with a bituminous
coating or other approved method acceptable to the Administrative
n 6.6 All laterals from a distribution box to the disposal field shall be
approved pipe with watertight joints Multiple disposal field
laterals v. .·herever practicable, shall be of uniform length.
B 6.7 Connections between a septic tank and a distribution box shall be
laid with approved pipe with watertight joints on natural ground or
cc)mpactcd till.
B 6.8 When the quantity of sewage exceeds the amount that can be
disposed in 152.4 lineal meter of each line, a dosing tank shall be
used . Dosing tanks shall be equipped with an automatic siphon or
pump which discharges the tank onct.~ every three (3) or four (4)
hours. The tank shall have a capacit y equal to sixty (60) to
~evt:nty-livc (75) percent of the interi<.1r capacit y of the pipe to be
dl )~cd at one time. Where the total length of pipe exceeds 304.8
lineal meter the dosing tank shall b~ pr~nided v.·!th two (2) siphons
or pumps dosing alternately and each sen:ing one-half (1/2) of the
leach iield.
l\tiuiarnm MaJ\.inrnm
Number of drnin lines per fidd
I. cnglh of e,i\.·:h line 30.5 m
Uuttom \'.idth of !1 l.!nd1 457.2 mm 914.4 mm
Spa{:i11g nf li:it�:-.. ri.:-11te1-i1J-ccnter l.8 meter
Depth dearth \.�\.l\.t:I of !in�$
[pn�ferred (457 2 mm)I 304 .8 mm
Grade of lines lt:!vd 25 mm/m
Filter ma{t�rial under drain lines .H)4.8 mrn
Filter m�Ht·rial o\'tr drain lines 50.8 Tllfll
l'vli!limum spJcing between lrenche.s \)r leaching heds shall bt! l .2 m plus 6 ni for
each additiot,al 3 m of depth in cxcC:>S of .3 m bdov_: the b<>ltnm of the drain line.
Distribution dram line:; in leaching beds shali be more than l.8 m apart on centers
at1<l no part of the perimeter of the leaching bed sh?.ll be mNe than .9 m from ,�
distribution drni11 li11e. Disposal fields, 1r�nclws and lead1ing beds shuli not be
paved over 01 covt•1t::J by to11c1Clc tJr an_v material 1hat t·:rn n:ducc or inhibit an:;
possibk cv�po1a1io11 nf :,cwr.,. cll1ucnt
13 6.10 When necessary on sloping ground to prevent excessive line skpe, lcai..:h lines or
kach beds sirnll be stepped. The lines hctw�cn cad1 hmizontal se1.:tion shall be
made with wah:rtiP.lit joints and sh:dl he dc:,igned so cad, horiz.ontal leaching
trench or bed �ha!! be 1nili.1cd to the maxi111urn capacity before the dllucnt c.hi.!ll
pass tu thl' rh.':-:.t hw,Tr leach iint; or b<·d The line.� betv;eeH each hori1.untdl
leaching s<:t�tion :-.Id) he made with appnm:d watertight joints and installed on
n:-itural or unfilkd ground.
B 7.1 The rnpaci1y of St'rpagc pits shall h\.� based nn the quantity of liquid waste
disd1a1ging thL·n�inw, arid ,,nth;.'. character and porosity of the surrounding
soil and sh:111 contemn to St..·ction H--:l nf this Appendix.
B 7 J Fa1.:h seepage pit shall be ci1cula1 in shape and ',h,tli have P.JI excavc1.:.�d
dian:ct�r of not less than 2.2 m. Each such pit sh�!! t-� lined with
,!ppro-.·t·d type whole new hard burnt'.d clay brick. concrdc brick, C(!i,c,ct�
ci1nti;n typt..' n·�spli\,1 bloL·ks, or t)lhL"r·app1uvccl matt.'riab i\ppioval shall
B 7.4 The lining in every seepage pit shall be laid on a firm foundation. Lining
materials shall be placed tight together and laid with joints staggered.
Except in the case of approved type pre-cast concrete circular sections, no
brick or block shall be gr~.~ater in height than its width and shall be laid flat
to form at least a 101 .6 mm wall . Brick or block grea!er than 304.8 mm in
length shall have chamfered matching ends and be scored to provide for
seepage. Excavation voids behind !he bt ick, block, or concrete liner shall
have a minimum of 152.4 mm uf clean 19.1 mm gravd or rock .
B 7.5 All brick or block used in seepage pit construction shall have a minimum
compressive strength of 17225 kPa
B 7.6 Each s~epage pit shall have a minimum sidewall (not including the arch)
of 3 m below the inlet.
(3 7.8 The top of the arch or cover must be at least 457.2 mm but
not more than 1.2 m below the surfa..:e of the ground.
1J.8 Cesspools
(b) Where it is established that a public sewer system will be available in less
than two (2) yt~ars and soil and ground water conditions are favorable to
cc..·sspool disposal, \~esspools without scpt.ic tanks may be instt~.Hed f(u
singk n:mily dwellings or fi.u otlwr limit<xi u::;cs when first approved by
the Administrative Authority.
B 9.4 Interceptors shall be of approved design and be of not less than two
(2) compartments. Structural requirements shall be in compliance
with the appli cable suhpar1 s of B 5 of this Appendi x.
H.etention Times
Commercial kitchen waste:
Dishwasher and/or disposal . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . 2.5 hours
Single service kitchen:
Single servirjg with disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . 1.5 hour3
Sand·silt ..oil . . . . . . . ..... . . .. . .. ..... .. . .. .. ........ . . . 2.0 hours
Lint-silt (laundrv) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . 2.0 hou rs
Slora ge Fil.dors
Fully t:quippeJ conuncrcial kitchen .. . . ....... .. ... . 8 hr. operation 1~
16 hr. operation: 2;
24 hr. operation: 3
Single service kitchen . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 15
Auto washers ... . . . . .. . ...... . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . self~servc : 1. 5
employee operated: 2
Laundries, laundromat s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 (c!i!ows for rock filter)
n 10.1 inspection
B 10. 1 t Applicable provision of Section SOl of thi s Code and this
Appendix shall be complied with. Permits shall be required
per Section 100 of this Code.
n. 10.2 Ttsting
D 10.2.1 Septic tanks or other pdmary components shalt be filled
with water to flow tine prior to requesting inspection. All
seams or joints shall be left exposed (except the bottom)
and the tank shall remain watertight.
B 10.2.2 All flow test shall be perfonned through the system to the
point of etlluent disposal. All lines and components shall
be watertight. Capacities, required dr space, and fttt!~gs
shall be in accordance with the provisions set fmth in th!s
B 11.2 Every cesspool, septic tank, and seepage pit which has be~n
abandoned or has been discontinued otherwise from further
usc or to which no v.. aste or soi l pipe from a plumbinc'-':
fi xture is connected. shall have the sewage rcmove·i
therefrom and be completely filled with earth, sand, gravd,
concrete, or other appr\)ved materiaL
shall not extend abuvc the top of the vcnical p01tio ns of the
sidcwa!Js or above the level of any outlet pipe until
inspection has been called and the cc~;spoo l , septic tank, or
se•.;page pit has been inspected After such inspection, the
cesspool, sept ic tank. or seepage pit shall be fill ed to the
!cvd oithc top of the ground .
1'.) 1
· ----------------------------,
Location SewaRe Disposal Svstem
Minimum Horiz.ontal
Oistance In Clear S~page Pit
ltequared From: BuildinE Sewer Sea,tic Tank Disoo~u\1 Fielt.l or <:es:'ipool ,.
l. Duildings or
structures .6m 1.5 m 2.4 m 2.4 m
.... Property line
adjoining private
property Clear~ 1.5 m ' l.5 m 2.4m,
J. Water supply wells 15.2 m 15.2 Ill 30.5 m 45.7
4. Streams 1.5.2 m 15.2 Ill tS.2 m 30.5 m
5. Trees - 3m - 3m
6. Seepage pits or '
cesspools - 1.5 m l.Sm 3.7 m
7. Disposal field - l.S m 1.2 m 1.5 m ·-~
8. On site domestic
water service line s 1.5 m
.3m 1.5 m 1.5 m
9. Distribution box - 1.5 m 1.5 m
!0. Pressure public
water main 3m 3m 3m 3m
\Vhcn disposai fields and/or seepage pits are installed in sloping ground. the
minimum horizontal distance between any part of the leaching sy~tem and ground I
surface shall be 4.6 m. ~~
1. Including porches and steps, '\\'hether covered or uncovered, breezeways, roofed
porte-cocheres, roofed patios, carports, cove! cd walks, covered driveways and,!·
similar structures cr appurtenances.
2. See also Section 314 of this Code. I
3. All drainage piping shall clear domestic water supply wells by at least 15.2 rn.,
This distance may be re~uced to not less than 7 .6 m when the drainage piping is .
constructed of materials approved for use within a building. l
4. Plus .6 m for each additional .3m of depth in excess of .3m below the bot!om oft
the dr<1in line. (See also Section ll 6). I
5. See Section 1208 of this Code. I
6. For parallel construction - For crossings, approval by the Ad mi nistrative I
Authority shall be required.
7. These minimum clear horizontal distances shall also apply bct\he~n dispo.::.:; 1
field, sct~page pits, and the ocean mean higher high tide line.
------.:.-~~~-.;.._.--------......t:..._~~....;...;_ ____ I
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
•Annex 8" Pr:·,ate Sev..age Disposal Syst~m s
T ABL}: B-2
I or 2 15 750 (2838)
3 20 1000 (3785)
4 2 Units 25 1200 (4542J
S or 6 3 33 1500 (5677.5)
4 45 2000 (7570)
5 55 2250 (8 5 16 3)
6 60 2500 (9462.5)
7 70 2750 (104(18 .8} I
*Note: Septic tank sizes in t his table include sl udge storage capacity and the
("omtcction disposal of domestic food waste units without further vo lume increas_e.
...: . Bowling alleys (snack bar only) 283 .9 per lane
4. Camps:
Campground with ceutral comfort station . . . . . . . . . . . 132.5 per person
With flu sh toi lets, no shmvers ....... ... . ...... . ... . . 94.6 per person
Day camps (no meals served) .. . .... .. ... . . ... . . . . . 56. 8 per person
Summer and seagonal .... ..... .. . . ..... ... ..... . 189.3 per person
( 'o11tinuation:
·-- --
L-~·~·~•Jl~>~~o~f~()~!~c~u~~~a~n~r)~·~---------------------------,~------r.=Li~!!!~~~a~ .
10. Institutions (Residents/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283.9 per person
Nursing hom~ . .. . . .. .. .... .. ... .. .... .. ... .. . 473.1 per person
Rc~t home . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . .. .. .... .. ... . 473 .1 per person
11 . LaundriP.s, self-service
(minimum lO hours per day) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189.3 per wash cycle
Comrnerciat .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . ..... . Per manufacturer's specifications
12 Motel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189.3 per bed space
With kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227.1 per bed space
13. Ofliccs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.7 per employee
14. Parks, mohilc ho mes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 946.3 per space
Picnic parks (toilets only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.7 per parking space
recreational vehicles ·-
without hook-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283.9 per space
with water and s~wcr hook-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378.5 per space
15. Restaurants··- cafeterias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.7 per employee
Toi let . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.5 per customer
Kitchen waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.7 per meal
Add for garbage di sposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 per meal
Add fo r cocktail lounge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 per customer
Kitchen waste ...
Disposable service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 per meal ~~.,
(a} Recommended Design Criteria. Sewage disposal systems sized using the J
estimated waste/sewage flow rates should be calculated as follows:
( 1) Wastclsewagc tlow , up to 5677.5 Uday
Flow X 1. 5 c·: septic tank si7..e.
(2) Waste/sewage t1ow, over 5677.5 Llday ~
flow x 0.75 -T 1125 = septic tank size ~
(3) Secondary system shall be sized lOr total fl<>W per 24 lwurs. !
(b) AIso see Section 13 2 of this Appendix. J
Requared sq. m. of absorption capacity
leaching area in (lJsq. m) of
No. Tn1e of Soli (m2 /L) leaching area for a
24 hr. period (l./m2)
1 Coarse sand or l'ravcl 0 005 "03 7
2. Fine sand 0 00{l 162.9
J. Sandv loam or sandy clav 0.010 101.9
4. Clay with considerable sand or
gravel 0.022 44.8
5. Ckay wi!h small amount of sand or
gravel 0 02<) 33 8
Table H-5
18925 -
0.022 13247.5
. ---·~···-·
~ ......,.,. ... ·:-·;·...__.~... ·~
Asbestos Cement Pre.(jsure Pipe for \Vater Service and Yard Piping
Thrullt at Fittir~s in Newtons at 689 k.Pa of Water P..-r.:.surc
Pipe Dead Ends
Example: For a pressure of 1033.5 k.Pa m1 a 101.6 mm tee, Table U-1 indicates 8232.5 N fo~
68r.J k.l'a. Therefore. tulal thntstfi'r 10.33.5 lc.Pa will equal/-112 timl!s 8232.5 N.
T1'\lJlE U- 2
For a pn'ssure:· <~l JU33.5 f..J'a on a 101.6 mm tee, table U-2 (a) indicates
7209 N for 6?39 !cPa. lher~jim.~. lola{ thnol fur 1033.5 kl'a will equal /-112 times
720iJ Nfor a Jot,!i thrust (l,l 10810 /1.1. To determine the bearing area of thrust blocks,
refer tv icJbit! {t-3 for the sc!fe bearing load of the soil and divide the lolulthrust by this
safe hearing load
e- ~ , _----..:..:__~-·u
'.;.• ~---- ~J f
~ -~~:r:~
.PI~tmm: _ _. . . _
L-~ t:
20 1
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Us<.4ul Tebles and Charts
(0.37 Ill~)
-----4'·- ..
,"' . . ~. '-
I 1 .., •
.-.- - ~ (1.02rn<')
I "I . o
' . . .. .. ,
.. ·,: ".-; ~:
{:·· -.. ':;·~
I r ,,
.. -
' l
I \•t
Class ! 00 (I G2 mru} ~; k.~:~ I Oll C"i1 fl1ttl}
'c.---i . . -- ·- ...,,.::-::::.~~~
' \
r;'- - , \1
1 -
' ..,
TAil LE l !·4
- - 130) 2 1524
1066 .8
~ L/ 4 ··1
PVC-J)WV 'fYI·~~ I
Chcut Shows Length Change in Millimeters
vs. Degrees Temperature Change
Coefficient of Linear Expansion: nun ()C
(mm) 4.,C IO''C I6°C 2l°C 27''C 32°C 38°C
6096 7 l 88 106 12.4 14.2 15.2 17 7
l2l92 14.2 J7.7 212 24.7 28.3 31 4 35.4
18288 21.2 26.5 31.8 17.1 42.4 47.7 51.0
28 8
J 5.4
44 2
42 4
SJ 0
tl'J 5
(I! 9
5(> 6
6] 7
79 6
88 4 I
! lighest temperature expected I OO"F (38°C)
Lowc:;t temperature expcctcd _?J>''F .( Ht'C >
50''F (I one)
1.('1/){lh ofnm 18288 mm.fmm d1an. read 26.5 mm lineor expan"iionlhat must be
. Maximum
, ....
of Plastic Tubes
Muimu:n Working
1102.4 k.Pa
(1102.4 kPa}
80 12.7 lllJn- 103 nun 1102.4 kPa
- I
12.7 mm- 201 mm
12.7 mm - 38 mm
1722.5 kPa
2170.4 kP"d
(21 70.4 kPa)
80 12.7 mm - 102 mm :H70.4 k.Pa ~~
.... il
Schooule 80 40 12.7 mm - 38 mm 2204.8 kPa I·
127mm - 203 mm
127 mm - 203 mm
' l J02 .4 k.Oa
220·-t8 l:P'.l
1722.5 r..P:.
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
U~eful Tables and Chsrts
Minimum IJenll
Tube Si.z.e, Tube Type Temper Radius, Inches TY(>e of Bending
Inches (mm) (mm) EquiP.ment
j K,L Annealed 2-1/4 (57) Lever or gear type
I 4-112 (ll4} None, by h:md *
K,L,M Drawn 2-112 (64) Gear ty _e
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Rc.\.is t-d Nd:icnal Plumi.;ing Ccco of tt1o Philip;>ln~
. 0--r
30.5 30
~; ~
40 70
I JO li 158
~~ ;~ I~ ;; ~ 179 ~
:;~ ~i ~
L--2_oo_-t-__6_t__- t__J_s_---<'~_ _
~~ ~~ :~~
J :~; i ;;~
76 2
89 158 I
99 176 275 340
l ;:2 :
:~ i
121 .9
;;; i ;:~283
227 ~ 36 :
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Useful Tables and Charts
'l1 /
26 /
2.S /
l4 /
2.1 /
22 /
20 j
:- ~-
18 v
] 17
: !--t
e 16
t• ,I
/ I_
§ 13
.. v
1l v
10 v
9 v I
8 v _j_j
7 v ~..J_j
/v ~-+~~
4 v - I
3 - I
v -
2 v -
0 0
1 l 3 4
~ 6 7 8 91 0 111113141!11617 18 19 20~ 1 21232425262'7232;)~·) - -·
FIXT1 1Rt-: 1 ' ~ 11 S (Thnusamls}
r-r-r""Y _ _ _ _ _ _. . . . . _ _ _ , 8~
f -...........>'-~--~--- 86
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Useful Tables and Charts
Conversion Table
..... t' t l • t.
' '
21... Feeu~.fwat~r. .. . . . . . ln~!tes ofiTJcrcu_ry__ _ _)
.. 0.882~
.,8 £~et of water . . ' . . ..
62.43' '
• t Pouodslsqtmtl'eet
•• t. ~
_2~-« ........
30. Feet/minute.
.. .. ' 0.4J]S
~ Poynds/sqv~ inch I I _J
.. . .. 0.01667 .. Feet/second "
....:~.L- Feet/minute . ... . .
0.01 ny_._._._._Miles/hour
=-.·-~~ •
Fect/s~cond .
.. . . ____ 0.6fi.L~~_Mi~?! _J
- 0 QlJ..l(i_.__.......__Mi~lminutc -----~ '
··"------'- ._._......___.. __ ...
H Gallons U.S ·-·-·-··-·-·"'
_....:....~...:.-· .. 3 7~5_._..._ _()._tic_ £~n.tin_lctcr~ ~
.15. Gallons U.S. .. 0.1337 . Cubic feet ~
.16. Gallons ll S. .. ·"·~-'
-·- . . .. 23 t Cubic inches-- ~
37. Gallon~ U_S 1_ .._..__Q!:!~n~i_QJ!id.L --1
-- .. ,,;~
- 38 Gall9n.U:~~~r U.~-'-'-. .. 8,3453 Pounds of watt:r
39. Gallons/minute U.S 0.002228 .
·---- I!
4() ·aaffonstrn~nutc _____ ---·
. . .
-----·---- Cubic feet/second
H 020~. Cuhic lcet 1hour
59. Pounds of water . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 I6 02 . . Cubic feet ~
-60. Pounds of water.. . . . . . . . . . . . 27.68 . . Cubic inches --j;
61. Pounds of water .. .. .....: . . . . . . ~0.;.,;:.l'-1.. ;.9..: 8__ _.:;:G.:. .: ,a:.;. :H"""o.._n~;:...3- - - - - - -~1
- -·i:
~£... Pounds/cubic inch I I •. I • ' I I 17'f_8__fg_ynds/cubic r~~t
• • $
63. Pounds/square foot . .. .. .. .. . 0.01692 F~~et of water i[
64. Pcundslsquare inch . . . . . . . . . . 0. 06804 /\tmo~hercs ~
·0. Pounds/square ~n{;h ... . . . .. ..·- --=--iJ()7 F_:;t (!"':~~---·-- ~
ds/ • h · ._. ...:....;.~~~'---- . . . 2 .0'·'1 6 f 1 f ~
66. ~ oun ~fire 1..~·--·'-·- n<;_ll~ler'l~trv
I) :v,...
~ 7~- .Quarts ( dryL:...:.. . :. .:. . ..-_._._. ~..:. . .:.."-·-·-·. __§_7.2Q._!=ubi.~_i_nchcs _;~
68._ .~al1 sQigu idL . ..... . . .. . .. S7 . 7L_.f.ubifl.~!£hc)___ ___ __ _ ~:
J2:_ -~q_uare fe~t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 __§_~arc inches -~~
70. Square nnles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640 Acres ,,
~...- - - 't
z ..w.,
71. Square yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 __2_,~rc_feet
)2. Temperature (°C ) + 273 . .. : . . l Ab_~;_Tc!!)peratur~( 0G.l______~
73. Tempt~rature ec) + 17.28 . . . . . 1.8 Temperature (f) ~
74. Temp~!aturceF) + 460 . . . . . . . 1 Abs Tcmperatu;e \Fl ~
"?s. Temperature C'2,·- 32 .. ... .. . --T!f._.~~~~~~~.:~l~L_....._,~ ,J
76. Tons (short_l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000 PounJs
- - -- -- -- --- -- - - - - - -- t.r
·_n_ j.~Sl(waterL24lliluct.............. I I I • 8.·~ 333 Pcunds wilt r-r['11QJ.![_ !;
-~~-~.on~ of wa.!_er/24 .h9ut~..:. . .:. . .:. . .:.:. .:. . .:. ____ O..J264J_ ..~ial~ms.'minute ~
. 79. Tons ofwater/2~1 h!~S . . . . . . 1.3 349 Cubic fcctihour I
TADLI': 11-10
(IN'IJ-JlNA 110NAL SYS11·:A-t OF UNf7:<; ···Sf)
_J-'-- t-At O)Ql'.Q~~L~.:-;_ J,:!~~-.Ql_!!l9_LCUI)'_________751.:..0~--------f
_2. __ Llliu.___-·----· _luuk.!L -·--·-- ----·---· ..U~------·
1 B.1J..I.Llmur _____w~ ___________U.2231 __
4. Btu/minute ___Kilowa_tts_.__ 0.01757 __
5. Btu/minute Watt:> 17.57
-~:.... C'ent~<l£_.______ Fa_! (C x 9/5) + 32° ·-
_7_.,._ 1-Circll..~ fcJ:ence Radi<uJL________ _ __6=""'·=2=83::;._____--t
_8_._ Subic -~~ntirn~!~li- Cybi.~ iu~h.~.L____ ---"'0-'-'.0'-"6,-=1._,_0=2---------~
9. Cubic feet Cubi'
·--·-·- f---'-"---------·--------·--·----- meters 0.02832
l0 Cubic feet Liters 28.12
_lJ...__ J.JJbic rcc£/mim.Jt~ _ _ _..C.Ul!ic cms!~nJi ________172.Q. _____ _
12. Cubic..i!l.fllcs .. __ ··-·---··------!:~J.Q.'.~-~Hl~ -·-·· ·····-··--····· ___LQ.J9 - - - - - -
IJ. C'ubic inches Litt~rs 0. 01639
~--·-·---------------·----··----·--·····-··---·-·--··---·-··· ·--·---·----
14. Cuhic mctc:rs Gallons (U.S. liq~&iQ_)_____ --1§4.2_____ -...~~
15. feet Centimeters 30.48
16 Fect 1\k~r.L ______U3JH=8'-----··-
l7. Feet . ____hfilliu~!~ll..-------··---~04.8 -·---·--.,'l
_J 8. Feet of water Kgs/squarc em 0.03048 ~
19. .Foot-Pounds Joules ____ 1.122._______~
20. Foot-pounds/minute Kilowatts 2.260 x w·~ ~
2!. t:Qot--p_oundslsccond ~Uowaus I. J5§~T"'* ;;~
_12_._ ..f.iallwu (U.S.) Li~.s ----~5 -~
..21. · Jlru:.s.cpuwcr,. Watts 745 7 •:
24. llqr.s~m-.hlli!(S Joules 2.~8_4_x_!Q
JA Hi I: f 1-1() (( 'owinued)
(IN11·.RNA IJONA/, SY.')1/<:Af ( >F f !Nfl:.\ ''!)
-- 41 Meters
--------·--~- -- .. ··-- ' ·-·- ···· --·Yards
J .(J94
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42. -~-:ht~I ~!:~ec~Jnd _ ____ ···---. E~~J/s~~!:?JlQ ·---- ---- - - - _3 .281
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55. Square mtllunetcrs
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59. W:llts llorsepowl'r · 13,11 x 10 •
.--.:.t .~ . OI ...... _..~~.-: .. ~
.'. 11
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
Uadul Tatlos an-:l Cht.rts
I 8.0
31.7 ~
3/8 9.5 1.18 30 0. I 1045 ,. 7l.J I.
....,_2-...;.J...;.tz_......_...;.6_3_ wY.O!.?. L
. s_~__7_.8_s_--}o__2_.o..;..o_ _ 31~6.9 ~~
3 76.2 9.43 24o · 7.o6s6 If 4560.4 J.
4 101.6 12.55 320 12.566 ;: 8107.1 ~
5 127.0 15 71 400 19.(,)5 ·! .
6 152.4 18.85 480 28 274 18,241.3 .
8 203 .2 2S. lJ 640 50.265 l J2,42E.~ ~·
9. 228.6 28.27 720 63.617 ~ 41,043.1
10 -.. 254.0 31.42 soo 78.540 a so,670.9 fi
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
s- 0.8862 [)
s -..: 0. 7854 L) I) - · 1.1 284 s
I) ·:. I 27J2 S S 7
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A I ca or square (S I) -~
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0 (J _1 ( •(J :\ a1 C:l o l" cird(:
TA8L.F. U-12
P.O. Year
I. Department of Health
I. 1l1e Code on Sanitation of the Philippines with
Implementing Rules & Regulations P D No. 856 1976
2. Mam1al on Hospital Waste Management 1993
3. Philippines National Standards for Dr i!!l<ing Water 1993
lt. Malacafiang Palace
Implementing Sanitation Requirements, Rules &
Regulations for the Protection and Convenience ofthe
Travelling Public P.D No. 522 1914
Ill. Nat iona I Water Resources C ou nciI
Phil ipp ine Water Code & the Implementing
Rules & Regu:ations 1979
IV . Depattrncnt of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR)
Environment Management Bureau (EMB Absorbed
Fuactions of National Pollution Control Commission)
I. Rules and Regulation ofNPCC As Amended 1978
2. DENR Administrative Order 34
Revised Water Usage and Classification Mar. 20, 1990
3. DENR Administmlive Order 35
·,. R<·v ised Efficient Regu lations of I990 Mar. 20, 1990
V Housing -and Land Use R<'gu Ia tory Board
Amended Rules and Standards for Economic and
Socialized Housing Proje'-"ts to Implement
"BATAS PAMBANSA BLG. 220" Mar. 25, 1982
(Exceptions from Provisions of PD's 957. 12 16 & 118))
VI. PO No. 1594 and Its Implementing Rules and
Regulations as Revisl•d (Licensing and Accrcdilation of
Ph1lippme Contr:1ctors) Constmclion Indust ry of the
Phil ippines
Vli. National Building Code of the Ph;lippines and
Implementing Rules and Regulations (DPWH) P.D No.I096
VIII. National Plumbing Code ofthe Philippines, As
IX . Sanitary Engineering Code of the Phi lippines
X. Applicable Provisions of Charter: MWSS, LWUA,
XI. 11le Fire Cede of the Philippines & Regulations P.D No. 1185
XII. Board of Master Plmnbing R(gulations
XII I. Creation of Professional R()gubtion Com:uis:;ion P.D No. 223
X fV . Plumbing Law R.A No. 1378
XV. Protection of Profess iona l!: in the Ph iljppines L.O .l 1000
Engr. Marvin Kalngan,CE
TABU~ U - 13
l. H c.: t : tl~rt:<-J ( 'oncrl·lc and Plmn C'ont'Tl'h: Culverts and PtJ'l<!l' I!Ct' -/
.~ . Sh:cll\ lin,kr with R.C Lining ami Encascntcut -/
l Cost-111-S!h: R.C Culverts -/
4. Ikd C!"y Hnck Masoru y Culverts and Fwnes -/
5. Cornt!!<l!,'(l Oalvnniud Stt-.:1 Cuh~rt \V'Ith Concret~
lmert Li.ning and ~ithout or \\ithout R.C
J-'ncascmcht -/
ti. 1\sl><'~l as C:.:mem l'n:1in l'ip·..:
7. R~o'\:.)'C~..:u s~.rap Pla·Hir Tuhuhr ProJDdS
8. 1-'il><~r~' l<ls:: Ptpt·.~
FORTUNATO H. AMOSCO,J;mmpap:pee:ce/pme-'mpc
( 'hairman
2l l\