Money Matters (2) : Theme

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Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 19

Theme: Money Matters (2)

Q1 Good ....... procedures are very important if you want to run a business profitably and successfully.
(a) accounted (b) accounting (c) accounts (d) accountants

Q2 The company fell heavily into ....... when it took on too many customers and offered them all cheap warranties.
(a) debt (b) debts (c) owing (d) owes

Q3 Once you have built up your company, you must remember to keep in touch with your original ........
(a) people (b) contributors (c) clients (d) members

Q4 Each department within the organisation is given a ....... within which it has to remain for the whole year.
(a) sum (b) money (c) dividend (d) budget

Q5 When the time came to close the business down, its entire ....... had to be calculated so that the creditors
could be paid off.
(a) earnings (b) assets (c) accumulation (d) asset

Q6 The manager called in her chief clerk because she could not ....... the figures on the monthly spreadsheet.
(a) acquaint (b) resolve (c) reconcile (d) recognize

Q7 Every year the college finance officer did not look forward to the visit from the government official who came to
....... the accounts.
(a) order (b) regulate (c) control (d) audit

Q8 It was a great relief to Charlie when he realized that he had come to the end of his agreement with the bank
and there was only one ....... payment left.
(a) extraordinary (b) upstanding (c) outstanding (d) standing

Q9 The building society sent a letter to all its savers and ....... that there would be a reduction in the interest rate.
(a) lenders (b) borrowers (c) loans (d) takers

Q10 Shortly after the couple had bought their first house, they saw the number of bills ....... rapidly.
(a) accentuate (b) aggravate (c) accumulate (d) access

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

2. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 20
Theme: Money Matters (3)

Q1 The representative of the financial consultants assured her that the policy of the firm was that of complete
(a) destiny (b) devotion (c) commitment (d) attention

Q2 There is no need to worry about the money side of the project because ....... are available from the charity
sponsoring us.
(a) foundations (b) funds (c) findings (d) finds

Q3 The present finance minister has adopted a very ....... approach towards change and always follows a very
cautious policy.
(a) concerned (b) considering (c) concerning (d) conservative

Q4 As all advisers always do, she stressed that investing in this particular market had to be consindered as a .......
commitment over at least 10 years.
(a) elongated (b) lengthy (c) long-term (d) longing

Q5 The best way to develop an income for the future is to invest in a series of companies and in that way to build
up a ........
(a) suitcase (b) portfolio (c) folder (d) briefcase

Q6 I strongly recommend investing in these shares because you will get a very good ....... after only a few years.
(a) reward (b) reprise (c) return (d) response

Q7 The question is whether it is ....... to sell up all your shares at this stage rather than wait to see how the market
is next year.
(a) wisdom (b) wise (c) wisely (d) wisest

Q8 There is no question that the most important ....... in that company is its youthful enthusiasm.
(a) resort (b) resorted (c) resource (d) resorting

Q9 If you want to make a good job of selling shares to the public, you must have an element of ....... in your
(a) attacking (b) aggression (c) fighting (d) invasion

Q10 It's a personal matter whether you choose stock from this company or from that because in the end it's an .......
of mind.
(a) advance (b) approach (c) attitude (d) angle

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

3. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 21
Theme: Money Matters (4)

Q1 There is one date you mustn't forget and that's the ....... for sending in details of your earnings to the tax office.
(a) headline (b) deadline (c) mainline (d) offline

Q2 If you are self-employed, you must make sure that you ....... the form indicating how much you have earned.
(a) fill up (b) fill through (c) fill out (d) fill on

Q3 If the department agrees that you have paid too much tax in the year, you will receive a ....... in due course.
(a) return (b) reply (c) response (d) refund

Q4 Each month when you receive your pay, the employer ....... a certain amount to pay towards your pension.
(a) withholds (b) withstands (c) withdraws (d) without

Q5 When you take out a loan, you have to pay interest on the amount you ........
(a) own (b) lend (c) owe (d) take

Q6 In the tax office there will be a ....... that holds all the documents and papers connected with you.
(a) file (b) box (c) book (d) container

Q7 There is quite a heavy financial ....... attached to any action that involves late payment of taxes.
(a) punishment (b) pain (c) restriction (d) penalty

Q8 Under the new regulations you can agree yourself to ....... the tax you have to pay on the income over the
previous year.
(a) figure (b) calculate (c) add (d) amount

Q9 As the couple had a ....... account, the money to pay the mortage was taken from there.
(a) joint (b) united (c) unified (d) joined

Q10 You can decide, if you so wish, to ....... your right to take your pension at an earlier date.
(a) give in (b) give up (c) give out (d) give off

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

4. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 22
Theme: Quality Control (1)

Q1 The reason why I always buy my clothes at this store is because all the ....... they sell are of very high quality.
(a) types (b) species (c) brands (d) standards

Q2 Before these articles leave the factory to be forwarded to the retailer, each one is thoroughly ........
(a) seen (b) looked at (c) appraised (d) inspected

Q3 The advantages of working for this company is that all employees ....... themselves as a member of the team.
(a) believe (b) think (c) perceive (d) hold

Q4 If for any reason customers do not like the item they have bought, they always ....... and get a refund.
(a) hold it back (b) take it back (c) keep it back (d) give it back

Q5 The great thing about this particular material is that however much you screw it up, it never ........
(a) wrinkles (b) twists (c) turns (d) folds

Q6 The company insists that all their products are ....... in respect of their quality, specification and look.
(a) actual (b) identity (c) typical (d) uniform

Q7 This is the department for children's clothes and each ....... is marked with the recommended age range.
(a) cloth (b) garment (c) clothing (d) clothe

Q8 The sole purpose of this jacket is to ....... water and if you wear it in the rain and still get wet, it's useless.
(a) reject (b) repulse (c) repel (d) return

Q9 The whole look of the shop front is ....... by the introduction of bright colours.
(a) engrossed (b) enlarged (c) enveloped (d) enhanced

Q10 These pots are being sold as seconds because each one has a slight ....... in the glaze.
(a) defect (b) mistake (c) error (d) faulting

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

5. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 23
Theme: Product Improvement

Q1 Before the product is put on the market, the company must ....... whether it complies with safety standards.
(a) ask (b) calculate (c) ascertain (d) argue

Q2 It is absolutely essential to do some thorough ....... before you even think of putting a new product on the
(a) revision (b) research (c) repeat (d) return

Q3 You have a ....... to the public to ensure your toy products are suitable for children to play with.
(a) responsibility (b) concern (c) attitude (d) behaviour

Q4 The company is busy trying to ....... the problems arising from the sudden drop in sales of their cosmetic
(a) answer (b) solve (c) discover (d) dissolve

Q5 The job of the ....... of this particular section is to train the members to deal politely with any complaints from
the public.
(a) controller (b) organizer (c) supervisor (d) governor

Q6 Inspiration has its place in any form of product development but at the same time you also need to adopt
some kind of ....... approach.
(a) systematic (b) thematic (c) automatic (d) emblematic

Q7 A ....... approach to new ideas is to be welcomed but you do need a strong element of imagination as well.
(a) physical (b) fundamental (c) judgmental (d) logical

Q8 Since 1993 or if you like within the last ......., there have been many products that have failed because of poor
(a) period (b) decade (c) scale (d) time

Q9 We would definitely like to ....... the proposal you have presented to us with a view to including it in our current
range of products.
(a) discover (b) uncover (c) examine (d) reflect

Q10 As we have enough money in our present budget, we are happy to launch this new product in the nature of an
(a) enterprise (b) experiment (c) undertaking (d) exception

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

6. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 24
Theme: Employment and Training (1)

Q1 We're paying for a stand at the new industrial exhibition with a view to ....... interest among potential
employees in our company.
(a) generalizing (b) generating (c) germinating (d) gesticulating

Q2 For the first three months of your employment with the firm you will be under the care of a ........
(a) minor (b) monitor (c) mender (d) mentor

Q3 Although she was very tempted to accept the job she was offered, she had to ....... the offer because the
salary would have been insufficient.
(a) return (b) reject (c) refuse (d) repeat

Q4 A university education is of course important but it is essential that all employees undergo a period of intensive
(a) preparation (b) concentration (c) training (d) learning

Q5 A newsletter is sent out every ten days to all the staff so that they receive a regular ....... on recent
(a) update (b) dating (c) dates (d) dated

Q6 Part of the ongoing training is to ensure that a regular time and place are ....... for department heads to meet
their staff.
(a) placed by (b) put on (c) set up (d) set off

Q7 The head of department acknowledged that the ....... of the section was largely due to high quality support
(a) success (b) progress (c) business (d) future

Q8 The pace of change in that industry is so fast that staff find it hard to ....... the latest developments.
(a) hold on to (b) keep on to (c) hold up with (d) keep up with

Q9 It is the policy of the company to ....... all interviews for new recruits with a member of the trade union present.
(a) control (b) conduct (c) convene (d) confirm

Q10 In view of the excessive workload you have at the moment I won't expect you to keep ....... during the next few
(a) on line (b) on road (c) on track (d) on path

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

7. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 25
Theme: Interviews and Jobs (1)

Q1 Before you start applying for any job, you must be absolutely sure you have the right paper ........
(a) qualities (b) qualifiers (c) qualifying (d) qualifications

Q2 In advance of drawing up the job specification and advertisement, you have to sit down and work out the .......
you have in mind for the ideal employee.
(a) portrait (b) profile (c) picture (d) sketch

Q3 As soon as the ....... arrive, it will be your job to show them round the work place and give them a general
history of the company for which they want to work.
(a) chosen (b) selected (c) candidates (d) appliers

Q4 At the moment the company is doing an extensive advertising campaign with a view to ....... new staff.
(a) recruiting (b) catching (c) reaching (d) taking

Q5 After you've read the details of the job, made some notes and written a draft letter, check the details, write the
final letter and then ....... your application.
(a) pursue (b) submit (c) undergo (d) undertake

Q6 I think you were asking too much of that new member of staff when you expected her to ....... with a cost-
cutting scheme.
(a) come over (b) come through (c) come by (d) come up

Q7 I think that you've chosen a very good area of work to seek employment in because I've heard that jobs are
....... there.
(a) many (b) abundant (c) frequent (d) plenty

Q8 Interviewing applicants for an important job can be a very time ....... process but it's worth it in the end.
(a) lasting (b) developing (c) consuming (d) taking

Q9 When you are interviewing someone, it is obviously necessary to ask questions relevant to their job
experience but discussing someone's other ....... is also useful.
(a) deeds (b) accomplishments (c) doings (d) holdings

Q10 We can offer you a salary that will be ....... with the duties and responsibilities that the job demands.
(a) level (b) equal (c) connected (d) commensurate

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

8. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 26
Theme: Agreements (1)

Q1 The contract was signed by the three partners who thus agreed to ....... by terms and conditions contained in
(a) follow (b) adhere (c) abide (d) stick

Q2 There was nothing in the contract that ....... who would be responsible in the event that one of the partners
became seriously ill.
(a) pointed (b) specified (c) printed (d) developed

Q3 An independent adviser was called in after the collapse of the company to ....... some of the issues that were
not clear.
(a) result (b) retake (c) restrain (d) resolve

Q4 One of the ....... mentioned in the original agreement has decided that she does not want to continue with the
profit-sharing scheme.
(a) partakers (b) participants (c) particles (d) parties

Q5 In view of the serious problems associated with the takeover the newspaper company has decided to ....... its
offer of financial help.
(a) throw (b) reject (c) cancel (d) deter

Q6 The main problem was that the newly formed organisation was not attracting enough work and so they
decided to ....... the services of a public relations expert.
(a) call (b) engage (c) enter (d) register

Q7 That company has been in business for over 100 years and in fact was ....... in 1899.
(a) grounded (b) established (c) found (d) invented

Q8 After the complaint had been received from the customer about poor service, she was given a written ....... that
the matter would be put right.
(a) paper (b) insurance (c) assurance (d) conviction

Q9 They were very careful to make sure in the original agreement that ....... would be made to pay for staff
(a) foresight (b) forecast (c) providing (d) provision

Q10 We decided to employ a solicitor who would be able to ....... the extent of our liability in this matter.
(a) decipher (b) defer (c) defer (d) determine

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

9. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 27
Theme: At the Doctors (1)

Q1 As soon as the doctor looked at her, he was able to ....... the cause of her frequent headaches.
(a) decide (b) diagnose (c) define (d) describe

Q2 Treatment of this particular disorder was beyond the dotcor's capability and he ....... the patient to a specialist.
(a) referenced (b) returned (c) referred (d) reduced

Q3 He left the surgery feeling a lot better than when he arrived because the doctor had reassured him that his
condition was not ........
(a) clear (b) serious (c) determined (d) possible

Q4 The doctor took out of her bag an unusual ....... but promised her young patient that it would not hurt her.
(a) utensil (b) method (c) control (d) instrument

Q5 I must confess I feel much better today, as I have found that the medication prescribed has been most ........
(a) effecting (b) effects (c) effective (d) affective

Q6 Under the policy of the new health regulations if you decide to cancel your ....... and don't notify the surgery,
you will be fined.
(a) meeting (b) appointment (c) rendeszvous (d) date

Q7 Before she was allowed to leave the hospital, a physiotherapist had to ....... the extent of her mobility.
(a) assume (b) accept (c) assess (d) assert

Q8 The treatment has proved very successful but to check progress he has to arrange to visit the doctor's ........
(a) usually (b) always (c) principally (d) annually

Q9 It is much easier to ....... an illness than it is to cure it.

(a) prepare (b) prevent (c) postpone (d) prefer

Q10 Before they could start any kind of treatment, they had to write to the previous hospital in order to obtain her
(a) writings (b) prescriptions (c) records (d) recordings

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

10. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 28
Theme: Mistaken Identity (1)

Q1 Interviewer: Perhaps you could start by telling us why you've ........

(a) obtained for this job (b) applied for this job
(c) intended for this job (d) asked for this job

Q2 Candidate: I think the main reason is because I like working in ........

(a) the free air (b) the clear air (c) the pure air (d) the open air

Q3 Interviewer: You mean you like the idea of an office with ........
(a) air control (b) air managment (c) air conditioning (d) air condition

Q4 Candidate: I'm sorry I don't understand what you're ........

(a) in about (b) on about (c) for about (d) off about

Q5 Interviewer: I should have thoug this was ........

(a) clear ovious (b) mostly obvious (c) pretty obvious (d) mainly obvious

Q6 Candidate: Not to me, ........

(a) it isn't (b) it can't be (c) it won't be (d) it will be

Q7 Interviewer: I think there must be a mistake, I ........

(a) put it you're Mr Johnson (b) take it you're Mr Johnson
(c) place it you're Mr Johnson (d) try it you're Mr Johnson

Q8 Candidate: I'm Mr Jensen. I'm afraid it's a case of ........

(a) mistaken personality (b) mistaken character
(c) mistaken person (d) mistaken identity

Q9 Interviewer: So you're not after the job of guardian, ........

(a) I presume (b) I pretend (c) I prefer (d) I preview

Q10 Candidate: No, sorry as I said I like working outside, I want to be a gardener, ........
(a) if you don't care (b) if you don't agree (c) if you don't mind (d) if you don't see

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

11. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 29
Theme: Letter Writing (2)

Q1 Dear Sir, I am writing this letter to describe the ....... I've been having with one of your products.
(a) incidents (b) instances (c) problems (d) examples

Q2 I am referring to your lawnmower ....... in the catalogue as 'Supercut'.

(a) described (b) deferred (c) considered (d) mentioned

Q3 To begin with I would like to take ....... over the name itself.
(a) outcome (b) issue (c) trouble (d) pains

Q4 'Super' to my mind suggets ......., which it does not possess.

(a) outstanding (b) wonderful (c) excellent (d) excellence

Q5 'Cut' I should have thought was an essential ....... of any lawnmower.

(a) require (b) requirement (c) requires (d) requiring

Q6 Unfortunately this does not ....... to 'Supercut'.

(a) concern (b) attribute (c) apply (d) confer

Q7 The first time I tried to use it, your lawnmower simply ....... over the grass but did not cut it.
(a) walked (b) rolled (c) strode (d) tripped

Q8 ....... the grass was flat but it was still as long as when I had started.
(a) Confessing (b) Confessed (c) Admitted (d) Admittedly

Q9 What I would like you to do is to pay me ....... my money and take 'Supercut' away.
(a) back (b) return (c) again (d) reply

Q10 Finally I want someone to come and cut my grass at your ........
Yours faithfully, Herb Grass.
(a) expenditure (b) expense (c) expending (d) expends

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

12. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 30
Theme: Letter Writing (3)

Q1 Dear Charles I thought it was ....... time I wrote to you and told you what I've been up to.
(a) in (b) about (c) at (d) by

Q2 My main news is that Mary has at long last ....... to marry me.
(a) concerned (b) convened (c) concerted (d) consented

Q3 She puts it another way and says she will be able to make an ....... man of me.
(a) honest (b) honour (c) honestly (d) honourable

Q4 And now I come to a very important ....... I want to ask of you.

(a) favourite (b) favour (c) favourable (d) favouring

Q5 Putting it ....... I should be delighted if you would agree to be my best man at our wedding.
(a) easily (b) quietly (c) fairly (d) simply

Q6 I can ....... you that the duties are not in any way complicated.
(a) confirm (b) assure (c) assert (d) affirm

Q7 In fact you could not possibly say that the job of best man is at all ........
(a) arduous (b) articulate (c) ardent (d) arduously

Q8 This brings me to another point: why aren't you and Sara trying the .......?
(a) noose (b) rope (c) knot (d) string

Q9 After all why should you two continue to be free and I have to give up my .......?
(a) latitude (b) liberty (c) scope (d) immunity

Q10 Let me have your ....... as soon as possible.

Your old friend, Mick.
(a) return (b) response (c) respect (d) recur

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

13. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 31
Theme: Letter Writing (4)

Q1 Dear Sir, having read your advertisement, I should like to ....... this letter as my application for the post of
marketing manager.
(a) deliver (b) submit (c) return (d) send

Q2 As you will see from my ....... C.V., I am currently working as a waiter.

(a) endorsed (b) included (c) attached (d) appeared

Q3 You may think that this is a ....... job for someone who is applying for a marketing post.
(a) peculiar (b) stranger (c) usual (d) typical

Q4 Perhaps I should explain the ....... reason for working in a restaurant as a waiter in preparation for a marketing
(a) underground (b) undercover (c) understanding (d) underlying

Q5 As I see it, a restaurant is a market and it is the job of a waiter to ....... the clients into choosing products from
the menu.
(a) push (b) pervade (c) tempt (d) instruct

Q6 I am sure I could very easily ....... all the requirements of the job.
(a) complete (b) fulfil (c) commit (d) finish

Q7 For example some of my clients cannot decide whether to have ....... fruit or tiramisu.
(a) picked (b) wet (c) fresh (d) plucked

Q8 On such an occasion like that I market well and always make them ....... the one we have most of.
(a) decide (b) believe (c) select (d) effect

Q9 I am sure I could ....... my skills as a waiter to the tasks that are needed for your advertised post.
(a) transfer (b) translate (c) transpose (d) transverse

Q10 Finally I look forward to ....... from you and as you will understand I don't want to 'wait' very long.
Yours faithfully,
I.A.M. Hopeful.
(a) hear (b) hearing (c) heard (d) hears

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

14. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 32
Theme: Letter Writing (5)

Q1 Dear all, just to let you know that we reached our ....... after a dramatic start.
(a) goal (b) aim (c) end (d) destination

Q2 I could say that we are having a wonderful time but that would be ....... from the truth.
(a) distant (b) far (c) long (d) further

Q3 Everything started to go wrong the moment we arrived at the airport because of the industrial ....... taken by
the baggage handlers.
(a) activity (b) acts (c) acting (d) action

Q4 These baggage handlers had decided they didn't want to ....... our cases on to the plane.
(a) lead (b) load (c) lode (d) led

Q5 The result of this was that we were held ....... for six hours in the departure lounge waiting for the end of the
(a) up (b) on (c) by (d) about

Q6 By the time the plane took off as you can ......., we were all tired, hungry and miserable.
(a) believe (b) anticipate (c) imagine (d) think

Q7 When we eventually arrived at the hotel, we had to ....... our luggage at reception.
(a) sort out (b) sort of (c) sort in (d) sort by

Q8 The big problem was that our luggage wasn't there - it had simply ........
(a) disintegrated (b) distorted (c) dislodged (d) disappeared

Q9 Our first day was spent in the local shops ....... all the things that we believed we had brought with us.
(a) finding (b) looking (c) purchasing (d) searching

Q10 On the last day of our holiday the manager of the hotel greeted us ....... from ear to ear to inform us that our
luggage had arrived at reception!
See you soon
Meggy and Tom.
(a) screaming (b) beaming (c) streaming (d) strechting

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

15. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 33
Theme: Flying across the Channel

Q1 Do you have any idea what BASE jumping .......?

(a) signifies (b) means (c) says (d) tells

Q2 Apparently it is an ....... where the letters in the word are the first letters of a group of words.
(a) abbreviation (b) addition (c) anomaly (d) acronym

Q3 In other words the letters ....... building, antennae, span and earth, all of which you can jump from.
(a) stand up (b) stand in (c) stand for (d) stand by

Q4 Felix Baumgartner recently basejumped out of a plane 9,000 metres ....... Dover, a port on the south coast of
(a) up (b) above (c) higher (d) at

Q5 He intended to ....... across the channel with a parachute and land on the coast of France near Calais.
(a) fly (b) flee (c) flew (d) flow

Q6 He started very early in the morning so that he was able to ....... commercial flights.
(a) evict (b) avoid (c) eject (d) abject

Q7 During the flight his supporters ....... that he will have reached 200 kmh.
(a) attain (b) argue (c) claim (d) dispute

Q8 The fact remains that he ....... and managed with the help of oxygen supplies to complete the crossing in ten
(a) lived (b) continued (c) achieved (d) survived

Q9 He created a new ....... and joins Louis Bleriot, the first to fly across the channel in 37 minutes and Matthew
Webb, the first to swim across in 22 hours.
(a) record (b) recorder (c) recording (d) records

Q10 These are amazing achievements but if like me you want comfort, warmth and food on the journey, take the
ferry crossing ....... 90 minutes.
(a) during (b) lasting (c) duration (d) while

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

16. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 34
Theme: Teaching your Wife to Drive

Q1 Teaching someone to drive is one of the ....... experiences you can have.
(a) cruellest (b) heaviest (c) scariest (d) latest

Q2 You sit in the passenger seat and ....... you learner to do what you would normally do.
(a) learn (b) perform (c) compose (d) instruct

Q3 The problem is that if your learner doesn't understand, you can both end up in the ........
(a) side (b) ditch (c) drain (d) floor

Q4 The situation is more ....... if the learner is a member of your family.

(a) confirmed (b) contorted (c) complicated (d) confused

Q5 If this relative is also your wife, then things become even more disastrous because it could end in ........
(a) divorce (b) division (c) distance (d) diversion

Q6 The secret of being a good driving teacher is never on any occasion to lose your temper or your ........
(a) brain (b) thought (c) idea (d) head

Q7 If you do lose one of them or both, your learner will lose confidence and also lose ....... of the car.
(a) control (b) check (c) break (d) stop

Q8 In my ....... none of this happened - all I did was shout and scream, which made me feel better.
(a) example (b) case (c) instance (d) incident

Q9 I am proud to say that I taught my wife and my two sons and they all ....... first time.
(a) past (b) passing (c) passed (d) pass

Q10 The only ....... to me is as they were successful on the first attempt, how come some years before it had taken
me four tries!
(a) confusion (b) mystery (c) intrigue (d) unknown

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

17. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 35
Theme: One is always going to lose...

Q1 Building Societies currently find themselves in a ....... situation because they try to please the savers and also
the borrowers and yet one group is always going to lose.
(a) perfect (b) precarious (c) pretentious (d) pertinent

Q2 Whenever there is a meeting between the finance minister and the governor of the bank, people start asking
questions and rumours ........
(a) abut (b) about (c) abound (d) abide

Q3 Invariably if interest rates go up, the building societies pay more to their savers and borrowers complain at the
increase they have to pay and maintain the societies are ....... their affairs.
(a) mistaking (b) misplacing (c) misfiring (d) mishandling

Q4 Chief executives then start making pleasant speeches and smile a lot because they want to ....... the concerns
of their borrowers.
(a) assuage (b) assert (c) assemble (d) assent

Q5 Months go by and most people forget their problems and get used to the idea of paying more and then talks
....... and the whole process starts all over again.
(a) retake (b) resume (c) repeat (d) return

Q6 The government then has to show that it is involved in the whole business of saving and lending and tries to
convince everyone that it is ....... of both savers and lenders.
(a) supporting (b) supporter (c) supportive (d) supported

Q7 The government next announces that measures are due to come into ....... that will change the whole process.
(a) forces (b) forced (c) force (d) forcing

Q8 They say this but then the difficulty is trying to find out when the measures are coming into effect and when
they will be ........
(a) rated (b) ratified (c) rates (d) rating

Q9 This is all very disappointing for the ....... house buyer who doesn't really know what's going to happen next
and how much the interest rate will be.
(a) would-go (b) would-try (c) would-see (d) would-be

Q10 Our poor potential buyer reads the papers, watches the television news and gets excited at the prospect of
another meeting of the financiers but in the end nothing of ....... comes of it all.
(a) note (b) notice (c) noting (d) noted

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

18. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 36
Theme: Super Supermarkets

Q1 If you ask someone for their ........ on supermarkets as opposed to the small corner shop, you will get varying
(a) standing (b) stand (c) stance (d) status

Q2 The first question you have to ask is who are the customers that they are each trying to ........
(a) target (b) hit (c) aim (d) deliver

Q3 When you tell the inhabitants of a small village that the little local store is going to close, many will express
(a) dispute (b) disdain (c) dislike (d) dismay

Q4 There will naturally be ........ in the various sections of the community as to the benefits or disadvantages of
losing the little store.
(a) cuts (b) splits (c) slices (d) pieces

Q5 Of course we all get ........ with endless leaflets through the door telling us of bargains at the local
(a) plagued (b) attacked (c) stormed (d) bothered

Q6 Big discussions take place in the area as to whether a supermarket will come to the area and waiting for the
outcome can be quite ........ for the small shop owner.
(a) nerve killing (b) nerve hurting (c) nerve racking (d) nerve splitting

Q7 Inquiries are held which seem to go on forever and you only wish that the procedure could be ........
(a) speeded through (b) speeded along (c) speeded up (d) speeded in

Q8 Protest meetings are held but invariably they and in a ........ because they are not organized properly.
(a) disgrace (b) shambles (c) chaos (d) fall

Q9 Then the final result is announced that there is to be a ........ between EASISHOP and GOSHOP, which will
then become a super supermarket.
(a) joiner (b) combine (c) link (d) merger

Q10 The confused customer is now in a terrible ........ because in the old days there was just one brand of butter to
buy and now there is a choice of 24.
(a) distress (b) disturb (c) dilemma (d) disturbance

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

Free English Tests Info

Date: 2004/01/29
Total number of tests: 18


All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

1. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 19
Theme: Money Matters (2)

A1 Good accounting procedures are very important if you want to run a business profitably and successfully.
Correct answer: (b) accounting

A2 The company fell heavily into debt when it took on too many customers and offered them all cheap warranties.
Correct answer: (a) debt

A3 Once you have built up your company, you must remember to keep in touch with your original clients.
Correct answer: (c) clients

A4 Each department within the organisation is given a budget within which it has to remain for the whole year.
Correct answer: (d) budget

A5 When the time came to close the business down, its entire assets had to be calculated so that the creditors
could be paid off.
Correct answer: (b) assets

A6 The manager called in her chief clerk because she could not reconcile the figures on the monthly spreadsheet.
Correct answer: (c) reconcile

A7 Every year the college finance officer did not look forward to the visit from the government official who came to
audit the accounts.
Correct answer: (d) audit

A8 It was a great relief to Charlie when he realized that he had come to the end of his agreement with the bank
and there was only one outstanding payment left.
Correct answer: (c) outstanding

A9 The building society sent a letter to all its savers and borrowers that there would be a reduction in the interest
Correct answer: (b) borrowers

A10 Shortly after the couple had bought their first house, they saw the number of bills accumulate rapidly.
Correct answer: (c) accumulate

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

2. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 20
Theme: Money Matters (3)

A1 The representative of the financial consultants assured her that the policy of the firm was that of complete
Correct answer: (c) commitment

A2 There is no need to worry about the money side of the project because funds are available from the charity
sponsoring us.
Correct answer: (b) funds

A3 The present finance minister has adopted a very conservative approach towards change and always follows a
very cautious policy.
Correct answer: (d) conservative

A4 As all advisers always do, she stressed that investing in this particular market had to be consindered as a
long-term commitment over at least 10 years.
Correct answer: (c) long-term

A5 The best way to develop an income for the future is to invest in a series of companies and in that way to build
up a portfolio.
Correct answer: (b) portfolio

A6 I strongly recommend investing in these shares because you will get a very good return after only a few years.
Correct answer: (c) return

A7 The question is whether it is wise to sell up all your shares at this stage rather than wait to see how the market
is next year.
Correct answer: (b) wise

A8 There is no question that the most important resource in that company is its youthful enthusiasm.
Correct answer: (c) resource

A9 If you want to make a good job of selling shares to the public, you must have an element of aggression in your
Correct answer: (b) aggression

A10 It's a personal matter whether you choose stock from this company or from that because in the end it's an
attitude of mind.
Correct answer: (c) attitude

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

3. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 21
Theme: Money Matters (4)

A1 There is one date you mustn't forget and that's the deadline for sending in details of your earnings to the tax
Correct answer: (b) deadline

A2 If you are self-employed, you must make sure that you fill out the form indicating how much you have earned.
Correct answer: (c) fill out

A3 If the department agrees that you have paid too much tax in the year, you will receive a refund in due course.
Correct answer: (d) refund

A4 Each month when you receive your pay, the employer withholds a certain amount to pay towards your
Correct answer: (a) withholds

A5 When you take out a loan, you have to pay interest on the amount you owe.
Correct answer: (c) owe

A6 In the tax office there will be a file that holds all the documents and papers connected with you.
Correct answer: (a) file

A7 There is quite a heavy financial penalty attached to any action that involves late payment of taxes.
Correct answer: (d) penalty

A8 Under the new regulations you can agree yourself to calculate the tax you have to pay on the income over the
previous year.
Correct answer: (b) calculate

A9 As the couple had a joint account, the money to pay the mortage was taken from there.
Correct answer: (a) joint

A10 You can decide, if you so wish, to give up your right to take your pension at an earlier date.
Correct answer: (b) give up

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

4. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 22
Theme: Quality Control (1)

A1 The reason why I always buy my clothes at this store is because all the brands they sell are of very high
Correct answer: (c) brands

A2 Before these articles leave the factory to be forwarded to the retailer, each one is thoroughly inspected.
Correct answer: (d) inspected

A3 The advantages of working for this company is that all employees perceive themselves as a member of the
Correct answer: (c) perceive

A4 If for any reason customers do not like the item they have bought, they always take it back and get a refund.
Correct answer: (b) take it back

A5 The great thing about this particular material is that however much you screw it up, it never wrinkles.
Correct answer: (a) wrinkles

A6 The company insists that all their products are uniform in respect of their quality, specification and look.
Correct answer: (d) uniform

A7 This is the department for children's clothes and each garment is marked with the recommended age range.
Correct answer: (b) garment

A8 The sole purpose of this jacket is to repel water and if you wear it in the rain and still get wet, it's useless.
Correct answer: (c) repel

A9 The whole look of the shop front is enhanced by the introduction of bright colours.
Correct answer: (d) enhanced

A10 These pots are being sold as seconds because each one has a slight defect in the glaze.
Correct answer: (a) defect

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

5. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 23
Theme: Product Improvement

A1 Before the product is put on the market, the company must ascertain whether it complies with safety
Correct answer: (c) ascertain

A2 It is absolutely essential to do some thorough research before you even think of putting a new product on the
Correct answer: (b) research

A3 You have a responsibility to the public to ensure your toy products are suitable for children to play with.
Correct answer: (a) responsibility

A4 The company is busy trying to solve the problems arising from the sudden drop in sales of their cosmetic
Correct answer: (b) solve

A5 The job of the organizer of this particular section is to train the members to deal politely with any complaints
from the public.
Correct answer: (b) organizer

A6 Inspiration has its place in any form of product development but at the same time you also need to adopt
some kind of systematic approach.
Correct answer: (a) systematic

A7 A logical approach to new ideas is to be welcomed but you do need a strong element of imagination as well.
Correct answer: (d) logical

A8 Since 1993 or if you like within the last decade, there have been many products that have failed because of
poor marketing.
Correct answer: (b) decade

A9 We would definitely like to examine the proposal you have presented to us with a view to including it in our
current range of products.
Correct answer: (c) examine

A10 As we have enough money in our present budget, we are happy to launch this new product in the nature of an
Correct answer: (b) experiment

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

6. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 24
Theme: Employment and Training (1)

A1 We're paying for a stand at the new industrial exhibition with a view to generating interest among potential
employees in our company.
Correct answer: (b) generating

A2 For the first three months of your employment with the firm you will be under the care of a mentor.
Correct answer: (d) mentor

A3 Although she was very tempted to accept the job she was offered, she had to reject the offer because the
salary would have been insufficient.
Correct answer: (b) reject

A4 A university education is of course important but it is essential that all employees undergo a period of intensive
Correct answer: (c) training

A5 A newsletter is sent out every ten days to all the staff so that they receive a regular update on recent
Correct answer: (a) update

A6 Part of the ongoing training is to ensure that a regular time and place are set up for department heads to meet
their staff.
Correct answer: (c) set up

A7 The head of department acknowledged that the success of the section was largely due to high quality support
Correct answer: (a) success

A8 The pace of change in that industry is so fast that staff find it hard to keep up with the latest developments.
Correct answer: (d) keep up with

A9 It is the policy of the company to conduct all interviews for new recruits with a member of the trade union
Correct answer: (b) conduct

A10 In view of the excessive workload you have at the moment I won't expect you to keep on track during the next
few days.
Correct answer: (c) on track

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

7. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 25
Theme: Interviews and Jobs (1)

A1 Before you start applying for any job, you must be absolutely sure you have the right paper qualifications.
Correct answer: (d) qualifications

A2 In advance of drawing up the job specification and advertisement, you have to sit down and work out the
profile you have in mind for the ideal employee.
Correct answer: (b) profile

A3 As soon as the candidates arrive, it will be your job to show them round the work place and give them a
general history of the company for which they want to work.
Correct answer: (c) candidates

A4 At the moment the company is doing an extensive advertising campaign with a view to recruiting new staff.
Correct answer: (a) recruiting

A5 After you've read the details of the job, made some notes and written a draft letter, check the details, write the
final letter and then submit your application.
Correct answer: (b) submit

A6 I think you were asking too much of that new member of staff when you expected her to come up with a cost-
cutting scheme.
Correct answer: (d) come up

A7 I think that you've chosen a very good area of work to seek employment in because I've heard that jobs are
abundant there.
Correct answer: (b) abundant

A8 Interviewing applicants for an important job can be a very time consuming process but it's worth it in the end.
Correct answer: (c) consuming

A9 When you are interviewing someone, it is obviously necessary to ask questions relevant to their job
experience but discussing someone's other accomplishments is also useful.
Correct answer: (b) accomplishments

A10 We can offer you a salary that will be commensurate with the duties and responsibilities that the job demands.
Correct answer: (d) commensurate

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

8. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 26
Theme: Agreements (1)

A1 The contract was signed by the three partners who thus agreed to abide by terms and conditions contained in
Correct answer: (c) abide

A2 There was nothing in the contract that specified who would be responsible in the event that one of the partners
became seriously ill.
Correct answer: (b) specified

A3 An independent adviser was called in after the collapse of the company to resolve some of the issues that
were not clear.
Correct answer: (d) resolve

A4 One of the parties mentioned in the original agreement has decided that she does not want to continue with
the profit-sharing scheme.
Correct answer: (d) parties

A5 In view of the serious problems associated with the takeover the newspaper company has decided to cancel
its offer of financial help.
Correct answer: (c) cancel

A6 The main problem was that the newly formed organisation was not attracting enough work and so they
decided to engage the services of a public relations expert.
Correct answer: (b) engage

A7 That company has been in business for over 100 years and in fact was established in 1899.
Correct answer: (b) established

A8 After the complaint had been received from the customer about poor service, she was given a written
assurance that the matter would be put right.
Correct answer: (c) assurance

A9 They were very careful to make sure in the original agreement that provision would be made to pay for staff
Correct answer: (d) provision

A10 We decided to employ a solicitor who would be able to determine the extent of our liability in this matter.
Correct answer: (d) determine

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

9. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 27
Theme: At the Doctors (1)

A1 As soon as the doctor looked at her, he was able to diagnose the cause of her frequent headaches.
Correct answer: (b) diagnose

A2 Treatment of this particular disorder was beyond the dotcor's capability and he referred the patient to a
Correct answer: (c) referred

A3 He left the surgery feeling a lot better than when he arrived because the doctor had reassured him that his
condition was not serious.
Correct answer: (b) serious

A4 The doctor took out of her bag an unusual instrument but promised her young patient that it would not hurt
Correct answer: (d) instrument

A5 I must confess I feel much better today, as I have found that the medication prescribed has been most
Correct answer: (c) effective

A6 Under the policy of the new health regulations if you decide to cancel your appointment and don't notify the
surgery, you will be fined.
Correct answer: (b) appointment

A7 Before she was allowed to leave the hospital, a physiotherapist had to assess the extent of her mobility.
Correct answer: (c) assess

A8 The treatment has proved very successful but to check progress he has to arrange to visit the doctor's
Correct answer: (d) annually

A9 It is much easier to prevent an illness than it is to cure it.

Correct answer: (b) prevent

A10 Before they could start any kind of treatment, they had to write to the previous hospital in order to obtain her
Correct answer: (c) records

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

10. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 28
Theme: Mistaken Identity (1)

A1 Interviewer: Perhaps you could start by telling us why you've applied for this job.
Correct answer: (b) applied for this job

A2 Candidate: I think the main reason is because I like working in the open air.
Correct answer: (d) the open air

A3 Interviewer: You mean you like the idea of an office with air conditioning.
Correct answer: (c) air conditioning

A4 Candidate: I'm sorry I don't understand what you're on about.

Correct answer: (b) on about

A5 Interviewer: I should have thoug this was pretty obvious.

Correct answer: (c) pretty obvious

A6 Candidate: Not to me, it isn't.

Correct answer: (a) it isn't

A7 Interviewer: I think there must be a mistake, I take it you're Mr Johnson.

Correct answer: (b) take it you're Mr Johnson

A8 Candidate: I'm Mr Jensen. I'm afraid it's a case of mistaken identity.

Correct answer: (d) mistaken identity

A9 Interviewer: So you're not after the job of guardian, I presume.

Correct answer: (a) I presume

A10 Candidate: No, sorry as I said I like working outside, I want to be a gardener, if you don't mind.
Correct answer: (c) if you don't mind

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

11. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 29
Theme: Letter Writing (2)

A1 Dear Sir, I am writing this letter to describe the problems I've been having with one of your products.
Correct answer: (c) problems

A2 I am referring to your lawnmower described in the catalogue as 'Supercut'.

Correct answer: (a) described

A3 To begin with I would like to take issue over the name itself.
Correct answer: (b) issue

A4 'Super' to my mind suggets excellence, which it does not possess.

Correct answer: (d) excellence

A5 'Cut' I should have thought was an essential requirement of any lawnmower.

Correct answer: (b) requirement

A6 Unfortunately this does not apply to 'Supercut'.

Correct answer: (c) apply

A7 The first time I tried to use it, your lawnmower simply rolled over the grass but did not cut it.
Correct answer: (b) rolled

A8 Admittedly the grass was flat but it was still as long as when I had started.
Correct answer: (d) Admittedly

A9 What I would like you to do is to pay me back my money and take 'Supercut' away.
Correct answer: (a) back

A10 Finally I want someone to come and cut my grass at your expense.
Yours faithfully, Herb Grass.
Correct answer: (b) expense

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

12. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 30
Theme: Letter Writing (3)

A1 Dear Charles I thought it was about time I wrote to you and told you what I've been up to.
Correct answer: (b) about

A2 My main news is that Mary has at long last consented to marry me.
Correct answer: (d) consented

A3 She puts it another way and says she will be able to make an honest man of me.
Correct answer: (a) honest

A4 And now I come to a very important favour I want to ask of you.

Correct answer: (b) favour

A5 Putting it simply I should be delighted if you would agree to be my best man at our wedding.
Correct answer: (d) simply

A6 I can assure you that the duties are not in any way complicated.
Correct answer: (b) assure

A7 In fact you could not possibly say that the job of best man is at all arduous.
Correct answer: (a) arduous

A8 This brings me to another point: why aren't you and Sara trying the knot?
Correct answer: (c) knot

A9 After all why should you two continue to be free and I have to give up my liberty?
Correct answer: (b) liberty

A10 Let me have your response as soon as possible.

Your old friend, Mick.
Correct answer: (b) response

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

13. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 31
Theme: Letter Writing (4)

A1 Dear Sir, having read your advertisement, I should like to submit this letter as my application for the post of
marketing manager.
Correct answer: (b) submit

A2 As you will see from my attached C.V., I am currently working as a waiter.

Correct answer: (c) attached

A3 You may think that this is a peculiar job for someone who is applying for a marketing post.
Correct answer: (a) peculiar

A4 Perhaps I should explain the underlying reason for working in a restaurant as a waiter in preparation for a
marketing job.
Correct answer: (d) underlying

A5 As I see it, a restaurant is a market and it is the job of a waiter to tempt the clients into choosing products from
the menu.
Correct answer: (c) tempt

A6 I am sure I could very easily fulfil all the requirements of the job.
Correct answer: (b) fulfil

A7 For example some of my clients cannot decide whether to have fresh fruit or tiramisu.
Correct answer: (c) fresh

A8 On such an occasion like that I market well and always make them select the one we have most of.
Correct answer: (c) select

A9 I am sure I could transfer my skills as a waiter to the tasks that are needed for your advertised post.
Correct answer: (a) transfer

A10 Finally I look forward to hearing from you and as you will understand I don't want to 'wait' very long.
Yours faithfully,
I.A.M. Hopeful.
Correct answer: (b) hearing

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

14. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 32
Theme: Letter Writing (5)

A1 Dear all, just to let you know that we reached our destination after a dramatic start.
Correct answer: (d) destination

A2 I could say that we are having a wonderful time but that would be far from the truth.
Correct answer: (b) far

A3 Everything started to go wrong the moment we arrived at the airport because of the industrial action taken by
the baggage handlers.
Correct answer: (d) action

A4 These baggage handlers had decided they didn't want to load our cases on to the plane.
Correct answer: (b) load

A5 The result of this was that we were held up for six hours in the departure lounge waiting for the end of the
Correct answer: (a) up

A6 By the time the plane took off as you can imagine, we were all tired, hungry and miserable.
Correct answer: (c) imagine

A7 When we eventually arrived at the hotel, we had to sort out our luggage at reception.
Correct answer: (a) sort out

A8 The big problem was that our luggage wasn't there - it had simply disappeared.
Correct answer: (d) disappeared

A9 Our first day was spent in the local shops purchasing all the things that we believed we had brought with us.
Correct answer: (c) purchasing

A10 On the last day of our holiday the manager of the hotel greeted us beaming from ear to ear to inform us that
our luggage had arrived at reception!
See you soon
Meggy and Tom.
Correct answer: (b) beaming

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

15. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 33
Theme: Flying across the Channel

A1 Do you have any idea what BASE jumping means?

Correct answer: (b) means

A2 Apparently it is an acronym where the letters in the word are the first letters of a group of words.
Correct answer: (d) acronym

A3 In other words the letters stand for building, antennae, span and earth, all of which you can jump from.
Correct answer: (c) stand for

A4 Felix Baumgartner recently basejumped out of a plane 9,000 metres above Dover, a port on the south coast of
Correct answer: (b) above

A5 He intended to fly across the channel with a parachute and land on the coast of France near Calais.
Correct answer: (a) fly

A6 He started very early in the morning so that he was able to avoid commercial flights.
Correct answer: (b) avoid

A7 During the flight his supporters claim that he will have reached 200 kmh.
Correct answer: (c) claim

A8 The fact remains that he survived and managed with the help of oxygen supplies to complete the crossing in
ten minutes.
Correct answer: (d) survived

A9 He created a new record and joins Louis Bleriot, the first to fly across the channel in 37 minutes and Matthew
Webb, the first to swim across in 22 hours.
Correct answer: (a) record

A10 These are amazing achievements but if like me you want comfort, warmth and food on the journey, take the
ferry crossing lasting 90 minutes.
Correct answer: (b) lasting

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

16. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 34
Theme: Teaching your Wife to Drive

A1 Teaching someone to drive is one of the scariest experiences you can have.
Correct answer: (c) scariest

A2 You sit in the passenger seat and instruct you learner to do what you would normally do.
Correct answer: (d) instruct

A3 The problem is that if your learner doesn't understand, you can both end up in the ditch.
Correct answer: (b) ditch

A4 The situation is more complicated if the learner is a member of your family.

Correct answer: (c) complicated

A5 If this relative is also your wife, then things become even more disastrous because it could end in divorce.
Correct answer: (a) divorce

A6 The secret of being a good driving teacher is never on any occasion to lose your temper or your head.
Correct answer: (d) head

A7 If you do lose one of them or both, your learner will lose confidence and also lose control of the car.
Correct answer: (a) control

A8 In my case none of this happened - all I did was shout and scream, which made me feel better.
Correct answer: (b) case

A9 I am proud to say that I taught my wife and my two sons and they all passed first time.
Correct answer: (c) passed

A10 The only mystery to me is as they were successful on the first attempt, how come some years before it had
taken me four tries!
Correct answer: (b) mystery

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

17. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 35
Theme: One is always going to lose...

A1 Building Societies currently find themselves in a precarious situation because they try to please the savers
and also the borrowers and yet one group is always going to lose.
Correct answer: (b) precarious

A2 Whenever there is a meeting between the finance minister and the governor of the bank, people start asking
questions and rumours abound.
Correct answer: (c) abound

A3 Invariably if interest rates go up, the building societies pay more to their savers and borrowers complain at the
increase they have to pay and maintain the societies are mishandling their affairs.
Correct answer: (d) mishandling

A4 Chief executives then start making pleasant speeches and smile a lot because they want to assuage the
concerns of their borrowers.
Correct answer: (a) assuage

A5 Months go by and most people forget their problems and get used to the idea of paying more and then talks
resume and the whole process starts all over again.
Correct answer: (b) resume

A6 The government then has to show that it is involved in the whole business of saving and lending and tries to
convince everyone that it is supportive of both savers and lenders.
Correct answer: (c) supportive

A7 The government next announces that measures are due to come into force that will change the whole
Correct answer: (c) force

A8 They say this but then the difficulty is trying to find out when the measures are coming into effect and when
they will be ratified.
Correct answer: (b) ratified

A9 This is all very disappointing for the would-be house buyer who doesn't really know what's going to happen
next and how much the interest rate will be.
Correct answer: (d) would-be

A10 Our poor potential buyer reads the papers, watches the television news and gets excited at the prospect of
another meeting of the financiers but in the end nothing of note comes of it all.
Correct answer: (a) note

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

18. Free English Test :: Incomplete, Advanced No 36
Theme: Super Supermarkets

A1 If you ask someone for their stance on supermarkets as opposed to the small corner shop, you will get varying
Correct answer: (c) stance

A2 The first question you have to ask is who are the customers that they are each trying to target.
Correct answer: (a) target

A3 When you tell the inhabitants of a small village that the little local store is going to close, many will express
Correct answer: (d) dismay

A4 There will naturally be splits in the various sections of the community as to the benefits or disadvantages of
losing the little store.
Correct answer: (b) splits

A5 Of course we all get plagued with endless leaflets through the door telling us of bargains at the local
Correct answer: (a) plagued

A6 Big discussions take place in the area as to whether a supermarket will come to the area and waiting for the
outcome can be quite nerve splitting for the small shop owner.
Correct answer: (d) nerve splitting

A7 Inquiries are held which seem to go on forever and you only wish that the procedure could be speeded up.
Correct answer: (c) speeded up

A8 Protest meetings are held but invariably they and in a shambles because they are not organized properly.
Correct answer: (b) shambles

A9 Then the final result is announced that there is to be a merger between EASISHOP and GOSHOP, which will
then become a super supermarket.
Correct answer: (d) merger

A10 The confused customer is now in a terrible dilemma because in the old days there was just one brand of butter
to buy and now there is a choice of 24.
Correct answer: (c) dilemma

All tests created by Alan Townend copyright © 2003, 2004

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