English Micro Project
English Micro Project
English Micro Project
Depending on whether you are a native speaker or not, the English language can
either be hard or simple to learn. Most non-native speakers consider it hard to
learn especially in situation where they get introduced to the same at a very late
stage in life. In as much as the native English speakers are assumed to have an
easier time with the English language, not everyone can claim to have mastery
on the same. As a matter of fact, most of them speak the language without a
proper consideration on the grammar and words work.
Depending on what are your preferences, you can choose to either learn the
British or the American English versions which are the most popular. Other
versions include: the Canadian version, the Australian and the New Zealand
version to name but a few. All these versions are slightly different from one
another in terms of their grammar rules and in some case the spelling of words.
To a typical non-native, all these can be overwhelming and confusing at the same
time. This makes it hard for anyone who is willing to learn the language. In fact,
some people attribute their countless mistakes to having such disparities in the
In this piece, we’ll pay much of our attention to the Indian people as we try to
explore some of the common mistakes they make in relation to the English
1. They are not ready yet
There is a lot of evidence to suggest that language learners, like native speaker
children, pick up grammar points and stop making mistakes with them in a very
predetermined order. For example, third person s mistakes (I do/ he does) tend
to persist in both. If this is the problem (if indeed you think of it as a problem),
the only solution is patience!
Although you may be surprised when students who have finally stopped saying
"He has to goes" still say "He must goes" because both should be infinitives, it
may be that the students consciously or subconsciously don't put the two pieces
of grammar together as one. The best solution would be to work on making the
points as closely associated in students' heads as possible, e.g. doing a lesson on
all uses of infinitives, teaching a very general rule, or even pairing questions up
where they have to fill the gaps in pairs of sentences with the same word.
If the students are making elementary errors with something they usually don't,
it could be because their brains are busier than usual with other things, e.g.
coping with the rules of the language game, digesting the latest language point,
sorting out a logic or problem solving puzzle, or concentrating on another point
like their pronunciation. Learning to cope with many different demands on the
brain at the same time is a good thing, as it is what you need to do with the
language in real life, but make sure all language input and correction are left to a
time when they can concentrate on the language more.
In both native and non-native speakers, the process of learning a new grammar
point seems to often include a period of overextending its use. For example, even
people who know the Simple Past well will start using the Past Perfect in
situations they would have used (correctly) the Simple Past until the day they
studied the new tense . Apart from understanding that this is part of the process
and being patient, ways to tackle this could be to give them lots of controlled
practice of the new grammar point, come back to the original grammar point
they confuse it with a few weeks or months later, and concentrate on correcting
one area of confusion at a time.
Anyone who has ever lived in a foreign country can tell you there are days when
all your language skills seem to disappear. Again, this is something they will need
to be able to cope with eventually. Apart from trying to take away their tiredness
and take their minds of their troubles by giving them something easy to do or
doing a physical warmer, maybe the best approach is just to be less demanding
on that day. This is also a good opportunity to practice your skills in spotting the
difference between little slip ups they would usually get right and are probably
best ignored on "one of those days", and things they really don't know that are
more worth some correction and explanation.
The reason why students pick up some grammar points more quickly than the
teacher expects and others more slowly is often connected to their first language,
e.g. confusions between different uses of similar forms or grammatical forms
that don't have an equivalent in L1. Even teachers who know the language the
students speak can be miss out on particular aspects of this, such as students
who speak a particular dialect or different language at home, or grammatical
forms that only educated speakers of that language would be familiar with.
Responses to this include rearranging the syllabus to leave more difficult points
for particular students until later, concentrating on the particular areas of
difficulty they have when the time comes, and approaching the same grammar
point several different ways with gaps in between to let their subconscious get to
8. It's an attempt to be informal
It may be that in the student's native language grammatical forms are dropped
when they are speaking informally, in a similar way to "No way!" or "Long time
no see" in English. Common examples that students sometimes reproduce in
English include dropping the subject or using a different tense. Although this is
usually subconscious, it can be reinforced by the language they hear in English
pop music and in certain English dialects. Depending on their level, you might be
able to do a lesson on substituting these with informal forms we really do use or
even doing a whole lesson on the more general grammatical changes between
informal speech and formal speech or writing.
Again, there is a chance they are right on this one and teaching them how to
express something they couldn't at all with a new grammatical form, new
vocabulary, or new functional language might be better than spending more time
trying to root out basic errors. If, however, you think lack of accuracy is the main
reason they are not being understood, are not ready for the next level, cannot
transfer speaking skills into writing skills or will do badly on a test, it is worth
letting them know. Clearly showing what effect mistakes can have on
communication with dialogues with communication breakdowns etc can also
Error 1: Use of sentences like “I am from Delhi only.” This is used especially
during interviews – when asked about the place of residence.
This error happens due to literal translation from Hindi sentence “mai delhi se
hi hun” – here “hi” is made into “only” – which is an error. The unnecessary use
of “only” is an error here. Saying, “I am from Delhi” should be sufficient. Or, if
you want to emphasize the origin – you could say, “I’m originally from Delhi”.
This can be easily corrected by using a different sentence structure like “That’s
how it is”.
Error 3: A very common error is over-usage of “ing” behind words. For example,
in the sentence “I am living in Delhi”. Generally, “ing” is used to describe an
continuous action like, “Ram is running” – which describes the action of
“running” which is happening presently. In Hindi, it would be, “Ram bhaag
raha hain”. But if you want to merely state a fact, you’d use “Ram runs.” – which
in Hindi means, “Ram bhaagta hain”.
Error 4: Another over-usage is of words like basically, actually etc. Though, it’s
not incorrect grammatically, yet over-usage of such words while speaking
sounds odd and shows that the speaker is not very fluent. Such words are used
as fillers by speakers to borrow more time to finish their sentences.
Error 5: Coming back to the place of residence – I often hear a common usage
when it is asked that “Where do you put up?” – This sentence is completely and
utterly incorrect. This error has passed on as a “sophisticated” way of asking
“Where do you stay?”. I don’t know who started this, but it is incorrect and
should not be used. Either simply ask, “Where do you stay?” or “What’s you
place of residence?”.
Error 7: Now while addressing people, a very common mistake is to us the title
“Mr.” with the first name., for example, Mr. Rahul, Mr. Prakash etc – same is with
Mrs. Seema. These titles should only be used with the last names or full names.
Though an exception is with the title “Miss” which can be used with the first
So, while addressing a person named Gagan Kapoor, Mr. Kapoor or Mr. Gagan
Kapoor is the correct usage, while Mr. Gagan is incorrect. Same with Madhuri
Kapoor – Mrs Kapoor or Mrs Madhuri Kapoor is correct, whereas Mrs Madhuri is
Error 8: Another very common error is associated with the word “having”.
‘Have’ could means several things in English language – possession, consumption
or for grammatical usage. But ‘having’ is used only with consumption. For
example, “I’m having my food.” here having means “eating”.
Yet, a very common error is in sentences like, “He’s having a car” or “She’s
having a house.” … this usage is incorrect and means that the person is eating
their house or car – which is absurd. The correct versions of above sentences
would be “He has a car” and “She has a house” – or “I have a car.” Here ‘has’
and ‘have’ mean possession.
Error 10: The use of the American slang “bucks” for money. What everybody
may find interesting that “bucks” mean “Dollars” – and it’s usage for other
currencies is incorrect. When you friend tells you that the he bought that T-shirt
for 800 bucks, he means to say Rs 800 and not 800 Dollars – which frankly would
make the T-shirt really really expensive at Rs 48,000 … :) There’s no similar
slang for Rupees in English – so there can’t be a replacement for “bucks” for INR.
Error 11: Usage of sentences like “I’m telling you na?” … which is a direct
translation from the Hindi sentence “main tujhe keh raha hun na?” – Some
people modify this unnecessary “Na?” to “No?” – and make “I’m telling you, no?”
which too is incorrect usage, and frankly annoying, because some people just use
it way too much out of habit. A simple, “I’m telling you…” is enough.
Error 12: A common error is while we’re using a sentence similar to “Me & Ram
are are going to the market”, or “Me, Ram and Rahul are going to the market”
– both these sentences are wrong. The correct structure is the use “Ram & I …”
or “Ram, Rahul & I …” So, to remember, all the names and then “I” – instead of
“Me” and then all the names.
Error 13: There’s something called “being over-polite” in English, it’s called,
being patronizing – and it’s not a positive trait. This happens when we pack way
too many polite gesture in the same sentence in an attempt to be as polite as
possible. It can easily be misconstrued as patronizing or even sarcastic
For example, “If you don’t mind, can I please borrow your pen? Thank you so
very much.” Now, some of you may be wondering that what’s wrong in being in
over-polite, at least you’re not being rude right? Patronization appears insincere
instead of polite and it make the other person feel uncomfortable with the
unexpected attention. Instead, just use “Can I get your pen please?” or “Could I
get your pen?”
Error 14: While politely asking people their name a common phrase is “What is
your good name?” which is a direct translation from “aapka shubh naam kya
hain ?” Now, asking people their name upfront like “What is your name?” is
considered impolite in both the cultures. But ‘good name’ doesn’t mean anything
– so shouldn’t be used.
The right way of asking somebody’s name in a polite manner actually depends on
the situation. You could introduce your self by saying, “Hi, my name is Neha,
nice to meet you” and shake hands – and the other person is obligated to
introduce themselves. Or, you could slightly less formal yet polite way would be
to ask “Sorry, didn’t catch your name”.
Error 15: Expressions like “He’s my real brother” too is a direct translation
from Hindi, “vo mera saga bhai hain”. In English “saga” is not really needed.
When you say that he’s my brother, you mean brother. Another expression is
“Cousin Brother” or “Cousin Sister” – in English using the word cousin is
enough, no need to add brother or sister with it. But if you’re referring to a friend
as a brother or sister – there the expression could be that “he’s like my brother”
or “she’s like my sister”.
Using the wrong preposition Mistakes are often made by using the
wrong preposition after certain words. The following list includes the
words which most often give trouble:
8 Arrive at, not to.
Don't say: We arrived to the village at night.
Say: We arrived at the village at night. Note Use arrive in with countries an d
large cities. Mr Smith has arrived in London (or New York. India, etc )
15 Composed of, not from.
Don't say: Our class is composed from thirty students.
Say: Our class is composed of thirty students.
Note: People die of illness, of hunger, of thirst, of or from wounds ; from
overwork ; by violence, fay the sword, by pestilence; in battle; for their country,
for a cause, through neglect; on the scaffold; at the stake.
32 Fail in, not from.
Don't say: Steven failed from maths last year.
Say: Steven failed in maths last year.
Say: He always insisted on his opinion.
Note Persist take;, in He persisted in his silly ideas
Say: Will you pass by the post-office?
Note Also pass the post-office is correct.
Say: He repented of his crime.
Note Repentance takes for- . He feels repentance for his sin
66 Surprised at or by, not for.
Don't say: Harold was surprised for the loud bang.
Say: Harold was surprised at/by the loud bang.
Note. Also astonished at/by, amazed at/by, alarmed at/by, puzzled at/by,
shocked at/by.
1. Using the past tense after did instead of the infinitive without to.
(a) To ask questions:
Don't say: Did you went to school yesterday?
Say. Did you go to school yesterday?
Use the present infinitive without to, not the past tense after the auxiliary did. Note : the
answer to a question beginning with did is always in the past tense. Did you see the
picture? -Yes . I saw the picture; or Yes, I did.
2.Using the third person singular after does instead of the infinitive
without to.
(a) To ask questions:
Don't say: Does the gardener waters the flowers?
Say: Does the gardener water the flowers?
After the auxiliary does use the infinitive without to, and not the third person of the
present. Note The answer to a question beginning with Does is always in the present
tense, third person: Does he like the cinema? - Yes, he likes the cinema, or Yes, he does
3. Using the third person singular after can, must, etc., instead 6f the
infinitive without to.
Don't say: Ian can speaks English very well.
Say: Ian can speak English very well.
After the verbs can, must, may, shall, and will, use the infinitive without to, and not the
third person of the present.
4.Wrong sequence of tenses.
Don't say: Rachel asked me what I am doing.
Say: Rachel asked me what I was doing.
When the verb in the main clause is in the past tense, use a past tense in subordinate
clauses Note. This rule doesn't apply
Will/'ll change s to would/'d in subordinate causes , when the verb in the main clause: is
in a past tense
May changes to might in subordinate clauses, when the verb in the main clause is m the
past simple tense Note The conjunction that is never preceded by a comma
Can changes to could in subordinate clauses, when the verb in the main clause is in the
past simple tense
8. Using the past simple tense after an auxiliary verb, instead of the past
Don't say: I've forgot to bring my book.
Say: I've forgotten to bring my book.
Use the past participle (and not the past tense) with the auxiliary verb have its parts.
9. Using must or ought to to express a past obligation.
Don't say: You ought to come yesterday.
Say: You ought to have come yesterday. Or: You should have come yesterday.
Don't use must and ought to as past tenses To express a past duty (which wasn't done)
use the perfect infinitive without to after ought to or should, or expressions such as had
to, was obliged to. Note ' In indirect speech use must and ought to as past tenses: He said
he must do it.
10. Using the present perfect instead of the simple past tense.
Don't say: I have seen a good film yesterday.
Say: I saw a good film yesterday.
Use the simple past tense (and not the present perfect! for an action complete the past at
a stated time. Note ' When a sentence has a word or a phrase denoting past time, like
yesterday, last night, last week, last year, then, ago, etc., always use a simple past tense.
11. Using the simple past tense instead of the present perfect.
Don't say: i saw the Parthenon of Athens.
Say: I have seen the Parthenon of Athens.
If we are speaking of the result of a past action rather than of the action it we must use
the present perfect tense When somebody says, / have seen Parthenon, he or she is not
thinking so much of the past act of seeing it, at the present result of that past action.
12. Using the simple past tense with a recent, action, instead of the present
Don't say: The clock struck.
Say: The clock has struck.
If we are speaking of an action just finished, we must use the present perfect instead of
the simple past tense, For example, immediately after the clock strikes, we shouldn't say
The clock struck, say The dock has struck.
Use the present perfect (and not the simple present) for an action begun in the past and
continuing into the present. I've been at this school two years means I'm stilt here.
14 Using the simple present instead of the present perfect after a since
clause of time.
Don't say: Since he came, we're happy.
Say: Since he came, we've been happy.
The verb after a since clause of time is generally in the present perfect tense.
Note:We also use the present continuous for the future 'when something is pre-
arranged or expected with some certainly Lorna is arriving tomorrow at six. Tom and I
are eating out tonight.
As a rule, verbs denoting a state rather than an act have no continuous forms, like
understand, know, believe, like, love, belong, prefer, consist, mean, hear, see. etc
1.The adverb of definite time misplaced.
Don't say: I last night went to the cinema.
Say: I went to the cinema last night.
Adverbs or adverbial phrases of definite time, like yesterday, today, tomorrow, last
week, two months ago, are usually placed al the end of the sentence If we want to
emphasise the time, we put the adverb at the beginning Yesterday I was very busy
Note:If there is more than one adverb of definite time in a sentence, put the more exact
expression before the more general (1) He was born at two o'clock in the morning on
April 12th 1942.
Place adverbs of indefinite time, like ever, never, always, often, seldom, soon, sometimes
and the adverbs almost, scarcely, hardly, nearly, even, before the principal verb
Note With the vero to be place the adverb of indefinite time after the verb1 They are
always beautifully dressed
When using an adverb of time and an adverb of place together in a sentence, the
adverb of place must come first
With a transitive verb, the adverb generally comes after the object. Note. If, however,
theobject is long, the adverb maycome after the transitive verb She wrote carefully all
the essays she had to do.
Place the adverb enough after the word it qualifies and not before. Note. When enough is
an adjective it comes before the noun: We have enough food for six people.
6 Not misplaced with a compound verb.
Don't say: I should have not gone ...
Say: I should not have gone ...
Position not in the negative infinitive immediately before the word to, and not
after it.
In interrogative sentences place the subject after the verb If the tense is compound , the
subject comes after the auxiliary, and the rest follows
Note Exception to this rule is occasionally made in spoken English, but students are
advised to follow the rule.
In questions beginning with an interrogative word like what, when, where, how,
place 'he verb before the subject as in all questions
When never, seldom, rarely, neither, nor, not only, no sooner, are placed at the
beginning of a complete clause, the verb must come before me subject as In a question.
12 All... not used instead of Not all.
Don't say: All people are not hard-working
Say: Not all people are hard-working.
In indirect questions follow the usual order of words: subject first and then verb
The object of a transitive verb generally come s directly after the verb
If the indirect object is preceded by a preposition, place it after the direct object
Note The indirect object usually comes first without a preposition / showed her some of
my stamps.
18 The relative clause misplaced.
Don't say: A girl has a pony who is in our class.
Say: A girl who is in our class has a pony.
Put the relative clause immediately after the noun to which it refers.
Note Enclose a relative clause that ma y be omitted between commas. My brother
George, who is in another class, has a new bicycle. A relative clause that can't be omitted
is not enclosed within commas: The boy who spoke to me is my brother.
Place correlative conjunctions (that is, conjunctions used in pairs, like neither... nor, not
only ... but also) before words of the same part of speech.
Place ordinal numerals before cardinal numerals There can't be two first chapters, only
one. Similarly, we must say. The last two (three, etc.), and not The two (three, etc.) last.
24 The most used instead of most of the.
Don't say: The most of girls are not present.
Say: Most of the girls are not present.
English idiom requires that when a person is speaking of himself/herself and others,
he/she must mention the other person or persons first and leave himself/herself last.
The girl next door is as cute as a button, but when she opens her mouth, her
English is bad enough to get her sent back to kindergarten! Well, it's a common
enough problem today -- almost everyone is mourning the lack of fluency in
English among our school and college-going generation, as well as in the new
entrants into the work force.
Let's start off with a few common blunders that most of the reader come across
3. X years back
Here's yet another classic English mistake (that isn't necessarily an Indianism)
that can be easily avoided!
Back is used to refer to a specific period in the past.
For example:
Back in my childhood things weren't as expensive.
Back in the 19th century, people rode on horses.
Ago too is used to refer to a specific period in the past... but always in relation
with the present.
For example:
The class started 10 minutes ago.
I graduated from school 15 years ago.
When you use 'ago' the unsaid is always 'from the present moment'.
So, never say:
The class started 10 minutes back.
I graduated from school 15 years back.
4. Starting with 'I'
When referring to a group that includes you, list yourself at the end:
For example:
Ramesh, Nitin, Raju, Suneet and I went on a road trip.
I, Ramesh, Nitin, Raju and Suneet went on a road trip.
Ramesh, I, Nitin, Raju and Suneet went on a road trip.
Actually no other way really! :-)
5. Mr and Mrs...
Although it isn't wrong to say Mr and Mrs, it is politically correct to lead with the
So while addressing a letter to a couple or introducing them, go with Mrs and Mr
XYZ instead and be a gentleman!
6. Real sister
Again... what on earth is a 'real' sister (or a 'real' brother for that matter)?
This classic Indianism owes its roots to the way we refer to our relations in our
mother tongue.
Unlike in English where a father's sister and a mother's sister are both aunts,
Indians are very specific about our relationships.
While a bua can never be confused for a maasi in Hindi, the English like to keep
things vague.
So a saga bhai is simply 'brother' (not real brother) a sagi behen is just 'sister'
and any cousin from any side of your family irrespective of their gender is just
that 'cousin' (not cousin brother or cousin sister).
Should you feel the need to specify a gender, you will have to do so in a follow up
For example: I have a cousin in Rajkot. She topped the university.
Get it? :-)
7. 11 am in the morning
9. ~ "It would have been more better."
The word 'better' itself implies that the option in question is superior -- the use
of the word 'more' in the sentence is, therefore both inappropriate and
unnecessary. Thus the correct sentence would go as follows:
The term 'don't' applies when discussing a plural subject. For instance, "Why
don't they get married?" The right way to phrase that sentence would be:
The term 'Xerox' is used in North American English as a verb. Actually, 'Xerox' is
the name of a company that supplies photocopiers! The correct thing to say,
therefore, would be:
This is one of the most common Indian bloopers! The plural of 'hair' is 'hair'!
Many people make this mistake. They inevitably interchange the words 'loose'
and 'lose' while writing. 'Lose' means to 'suffer a loss or defeat'. Thus, you would
~ 'I don't want to lose you," and not ' don't want to loose you.'
'Loose', on the other hand, means 'not firm' or 'not fitting.' In this context, you
would write,
This is one of the most common Indian English bloopers ever! The correct way of
putting that is:
Why? Because the sentence implies that you have many friends who live in
Kolkata, but you are referring to only one of these friends.
People often use the wrong tense in their sentences. For instance, someone
might say:
Unfortunately, the word 'didn't' is never followed by a past tense verb, in this
case 'cried'. The correct way of putting it would be:
Just dissecting the word, to-day, shows the origin. It means during the day.
Therefore, you should use to-night.
~ I will call you tonight
This is one of the most common misuses of a word in the English language. Of
course you *can* have someone's name, just as easily as you *can* go the toilet
or hold someone's hand. Can means whether or not you are able to do it. May
means whether or not you have permission to do it.
Anyone learning English as a Second Language will make mistakes
along the way. It is inevitable. Don’t worry. We’ve made more than
my share of speaking mistakes while studying foreign languages. The
important thing is to learn from these mistakes so you become a
more capable, confident speaker.Here’s hoping that some of these
suggestions can be helpful to you:
1.Much, more, less (some nouns occur only in the singular form)
Incorrect: There is much dusts. There is more courages. He had less funs.
Correct: There is much dust. There is more courage. He had less fun.
4. His/hers/its (If you don’t know an animal’s gender, you use “it”.)
Incorrect: The dog lost his bone. (You don’t know the gender.)
Correct: The dog lost its bone.
5. That/who
Incorrect: I have written to my sister that lives in France.
Correct: I have written to my sister who lives in France.
6. Me/I
Incorrect: Give it to I. Jason and me took the class. He read as well as me.
Correct: Give it to me. Jason and I took the class. He read as well as I.
7. This/that/those/these
Incorrect: These/those is my child. That/this are my children.
Correct: This/that is my child. Those/these are my children.
8. Happy (well/good)
Incorrect: She feels well.
Correct: She feels good.
9. Quality (well/good)
Incorrect: She sings good.
Correct: She sings well.
15. Misplaced verb as modifier (If you put the modifier in a different place in
the sentence, it means something different.)
Incorrect: Josh threatened to divorce her often. (This is not what you intend to
Correct: Josh often threatened to divorce her.
17. Misplaced adverbs (Be careful where the adverb is placed in the sentence
as it has a different meaning.)
Incorrect: She almost washed all of the dishes. He offered to paint the fence last
night. (This is not what you intend to say.)
Correct: She washed almost all of the dishes. Last night, he offered to paint the
18. Omission of second part of comparison
Incorrect: Carla ranks Mary higher than Betty.
Correct: Carla ranks Mary higher than she ranks Betty.
23. Avoid lengthy sentence beginnings that offer nothing to the sentence
Incorrect: It goes without saying it is a nice day … With reference to your
question I don’t really know … At this point in time I would like to work for the
bank …
Correct: It is a nice day … I don’t really know … I would like to work for the bank
fact that/because, put in an appearance/appeared, render assistance to/help,
succumbed to injuries/died, take action on the issue/acted, the reason why is
that/because, this is a topic that/topic, was of the opinion that/thought, was
witness to/saw
26. An/a
Incorrect: It is a old television set, but it still works. It is an costly purchase.
Correct: It is an old television set, but it still works. It is a costly purchase.
27. Alternative/alternate
Incorrect: We will alternative playing the video games. The salad is a healthier
Correct: We will alternate playing the video games. The salad is a healthier
29. Among/between
Incorrect: She could not decide among the two guys.
Correct: She could not decide between the two guys.
34. Deadly (if can cause death)/deathly (like the silence of death but does not
Incorrect: A bee sting can be deathly.
Correct: A bee sting can be deadly.
37. Hardly/barely/scarcely
Incorrect: He was not hardly/barely/scarcely finished with the paper.
Correct: He was hardly/barely/scarcely finished with the paper
38. Kind of/sort of/type of/variety of (never use “a” or “an” after these
Incorrect: It was kind of a hot day.
Correct: It was kind of hot today.
39. Last (that what comes at the end)/latest (last in time, but not
necessarily the final occurrence)
Incorrect: It is the latest game of the season.
Correct: It is the last game of the season.
Incorrect: The painting was very scarce.
Correct: The painting was very rare.
46. Since/for
Incorrect: I’ve been in America since 3 months.
Correct: I’ve been in America for 3 months.
48. Work/job
Incorrect: My boyfriend has a new work.
Correct: My boyfriend has a new job.
50. Couldn’t care less (not care at all)/could care less (care a little but not
Incorrect: I couldn’t care less that it is raining (to mean not to care at all when
you care a little).
Correct: I could care less that it is raining.
54. Nobody/anybody
Incorrect: At the party, I didn’t meet nobody.
Correct: At the party, I didn’t meet anybody.
55. Possessive
Incorrect: She lives with she’s father.
Correct: She lives with her father.
57. Loan/borrow
Incorrect: I loaned the book from the library.
Correct: I borrowed the book from the library.
58. Grade/year
Incorrect: I am in the third grade of college. My little brother is in the third year
of school.
Correct: I am in the third year of college. My little brother is in the third grade of
64. Themself/themselves
Incorrect: They cooked dinner by themself.
Correct: They cooked dinner by themselves.
65. Comfortable/convenient
Incorrect: Is that chair convenient for you? Is it comfortable that I come over to
your apartment?
Correct: Is that chair comfortable for you? Is it convenient that I come over to
your apartment?
69. Very/really
Incorrect: I felt very fantastic.
Correct: I felt really fantastic.
72. Most/all/some
Incorrect: Most of Koreans like kimchi.
Correct: Most Koreans like kimchi or Most of the Koreans I know like kimchi.
74. Missing word(s)
Incorrect: My cousin is having 4 cats. Although I wasn’t born, I feel like a real
American. I’m from Italy, but I’ve been living for 4 years. I tried eating American
food at restaurants, but now I cook myself as much as I can.
Correct: My cousin’s cat is having 4 kittens. Although I wasn’t born here, I feel
like a real American. I’m from Italy, but I’ve been living her for 4 years. I tried
eating American food at restaurants, but now I cook it myself as much as I can.
76. All/over
Incorrect: I want to travel all/over the world.
Correct: I want to travel all over the world (use both words together).
80. Do/make
Incorrect: I need to do my bed. I need to make my makeup. Can you make me a
Correct: I need to make my bed. I need to do my makeup. Can you do me a favor?
83. On/in
Incorrect: I was born on 1988.
Correct: I was born in 1988.
86. In/at
Incorrect: My flight departs in 5:00 p.m. It is at 15 minutes from now.
Correct: My flight departs at 5:00 p.m. It is in 15 minutes from now.
87. During/for
Incorrect: My sister studied during five hours. She studied for the football game.
Correct: My sister studied for five hours. She studied during the football game.
89. Using a thesaurus so the words are more formal and don’t fit
Incorrect: I was crusading/locomoting home from work.
Correct: I was coming home from work.
90. Late/lately
Incorrect: I always sleep lately. Late, I have been going to the movies.
Correct: I always sleep late. Lately, I have been going to the movies.
91. Who/whom
Incorrect: His boss was the one whom gave him the raise. Who were they talking
about? Please help whomever needs it.
Correct: His boss was the one who gave him a raise. Whom were they talking
about? Please help whoever needs it.
93. Making one syllable words that end in “ed” into two syllable words
Incorrect: I chang–ged my mind.
Correct: I changed my mind.
94. Having difficulty pronouncing certain vowel sounds and letter sounds
(th, ch, j, ld, rd) and leaving off endings completely
Incorrect: I would like to go to the batroom (bathroom). It is a hard wod (word)
to say. The weather is very cod (cold). I see the ba (bear).
Correct: bathroom, word, cold, bear
Get vs. Gets
A very common mistake made by the Indians which sees them adding the
word ”s” to words unnecessarily.
Does vs. Do
”Does” is used in singular form while ”Do” indicates the plural nature of the
Example: Why does he bother you a lot?
Why do they bother you a lot?
Which vs. That
One of the most popular mistakes that cuts across all nationalities. ”That”
should be used as a restrictive pronoun while ”Which” should be used as a
relative pronoun to imply the available options. In a nutshell, ”Which” defines
and ”That” limits.
Example: I never watch movies that are not HD. This means that you limit
yourself to HD movies.
I only watch HD movies which are available on DVD. It means that you can
watch HD movies available on DVD and do not have to download them.
Who vs. Whom
As a subjective pronoun, ”Who” is used in situations where a pronoun acts as
the subject of a particular sentence. On the other hand, ”Whom” is used as an
objective pronoun and used whenever a pronoun acts as an object in a
This is wrong.
Place vs. Plaice
This is a very common spelling mistake. ”Place” refers to a certain location or
position while ”Plaice” is some type of fish.
Bring vs. Take
The use of these two words basically depends on whether the object is moving
towards or away from you.
Common Mistakes In English by T.J. Fitikides(Book)
Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project