BY AND (From The of Physiological Chemistry, Medical School, Versity Michigan, Ann
BY AND (From The of Physiological Chemistry, Medical School, Versity Michigan, Ann
BY AND (From The of Physiological Chemistry, Medical School, Versity Michigan, Ann
(From the Department of Physiological Chemistry, Medical School, Uni-
versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
The material used for hydrolysis was silk waste of the grade
designated in commerce as No. 6 short nails,’ containing 4.73 per
* A preliminary account of this investigation was presented before the
Twenty-eighth meeting of the American Society of Biological Chemists
at New York, March 28-31, 1934 (Lewis, H. B., and Grant, R. L., J. Biol.
Chem., 106, Iii (1934)).
1 This product has been degummed to remove the sericin. We were
unable to extract any protein by prolonged treatment with boiling water
from the noils used in our experiments. We wish to express our indebted-
ness to the Cheney Brothers of South Manchester, Connecticut, for their
courtesy in supplying the silk used in these experiments.
668 Silk Peptones
cent moisture, 0.50 per cent ash, and 0.33 per cent of sulfur.
Other analyses of the silk are given in Table I.
Two methods were used for the determination of amino nitrogen,
the gasometric method of Van Slyke and the titration method of
Harris (4), a method by which it was possible to estimate carboxyl
groups also. Tyrosine was determined by the modified Folin-
Ciocalteau method suggested by Folin and Marenzi (5) and gly-
tine as the ester hydrochloride.
in a 2 liter flask, 200 cc. of 70 per cent sulfuric acid were added,
and the flask was incubated at 30”. After 70 minutes, practically
all of the silk was in solution and the brown syrup was poured into
2 liters of ice water. A small amount of a gummy precipitate was
filtered off and discarded. The sulfuric acid was removed as the
insoluble barium salt and the clear light yellow filtrate and wash-
ings were concentrated at 40’ under diminished pressure to ap-
proximately 300 cc. After standing overnight in the refrigerator,
the syrup solidified.
The grayish white solid mass was ground with water in a mortar
ings from this fraction were concentrated and poured into absolute
alcohol, from which the precipitate (Preparation 70-B-2) was fil-
tered off, washed, and dried as before.
From inspection of Table II it is evident that the more insoluble
fraction contained in each case more tyrosine than the original
silk (12.3 per cent), while in the more soluble fractions, the tyro-
sine content was low, comparable to that of the usual type of pro-
teins. Striking differences are also to be noted in the free amino
and carboxyl groups. Little free amino nitrogen was present in
672 Silk Peptones
1. Cf. Abderhalden, E., 2. physiol. Chem., 120, 207 (1922) for recent, com-
plete analysis of silk fibroin; also Abderhalden, E., and Komm, E., 2.
physiol. Chem., 134, 121 (1924); 139, 147, 181 (1924).
2. Abderhalden, E., and Steinbeck, E., Z. physiol. Chem., 68, 312 (1910).
3. Uchino, T., J. Biochem., Japan, 20, 65 (1934).
4. Harris, L. J., Proc. Roy. Sot. London, Series B, 96, 500 (1923-24).
5. Folin, O., and Marenzi, A. D., J. Biol. Chem., 83, 89 (1929).
6. Abderhalden, E., and Van Slyke, D. D., 2. physiol. Chem., 74,505 (1911).
7. Fell, N. H., and Lewis, H. B., unpublished data.
8. Muldrew, A., unpublished data, cited by Hunter, A., Tr. Roy. Sot.
Canada, sect. 5, 19, 1 (1925).
9. Jones, D. B., and Gersdorff, C. E. F., J. Biol. Chem., 106, 707 (1934).
R. Lorimer Grant and Howard B. Lewis
J. Biol. Chem. 1935, 108:667-673.