Safety Advice For Contractors Underground Cables
Safety Advice For Contractors Underground Cables
Safety Advice For Contractors Underground Cables
This advice booklet is issued by Northern Ireland Electricity Networks (NIE Networks) to
assist those involved in work or excavation in the vicinity of the underground electricity
It is based on NIE Networks’ interpretation of the requirements of the Health and Safety
Executive document HSG47 Avoiding Danger from Underground Services.
The advice in this document is not intended to be a substitute for the advice given in
HSG47. It is intended to provide advice in relation to work in the vicinity of underground
electrical cables and improve the communications between the contractor and NIE Net-
1.0 Introduction
Northern Ireland Electricity Networks owns and maintains the transmission and distribution
grids, connecting your homes, businesses and communities to the energy you use every day.
1.1 Damage to live underground cables during excavation and Management) Regulations (NI) 2007. It will, also
works is the cause of an increasing number of be helpful to those who have responsibilities under
accidents which can result in severe burn injuries to the following legislation:
people at work and disruption of consumers’ electricity
supplies. Occasionally such accidents prove fatal. Health and Safety at Work (NI) Order 1978,
Injuries are rarely caused by direct electric shock but The Management of Health and Safety at
usually take the form of projectile impact injury and of Work Regulations (NI) 2000,
burns to hands, face and body due to the explosive
arcing current at the point of contact or any fire which The Provision and use of Work Equipment
may ignite. Regulations (NI) 1999
The purpose of these recommendations is to promote The Electricity at Work Regulations (NI)
greater awareness of the dangers present when work 1991.
is undertaken near underground cables without
adequate precautions and to indicate procedures and The Streetworks (NI) Order 1995
practices that will minimise the possibility of accidents
occurring. 1.3 If further advice or information is required reference
should be made to HSG 47 or directly to the Health
1.2 The guidance given is strongly commended to all and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland - see
organisations and persons involved in connection under HSENI in the telephone directory. Specific
work, particularly the principle of the closest information or advice concerning the location of
co-operation with NIE Networks who are generally the cables and advice on appropriate measures to be
owners of underground cables which may be present taken can be obtained from tNIE Networks. (For
on a site. This applies both to the planning and carry- special case of privately owned cables see under
ing out of work. From past records it is clear that the section 3.)
majority of accidents have been caused by failure to
establish 1the presence of underground cables before When works are being planned information about the
work commences on a site and subsequently to take position of underground cables should be obtained
all practicable precautions for avoidance of danger. from NIE Networks or other owners.
The advice is directed particularly at persons having
legal responsibilities under The Construction (Design 1.4 NIE Networks will do everything that is reasonably
practicable to ensure information is made available
provided reasonable notice (10 working days) is
given, preferably by written application with details of
the work location and work method.
c850,000 consumers
2,200km transmission network
47,000km distribution network
300 major substations
8,137GWh electricity distributed
2.0 Legal Obligations
2.1 The Construction (Design and Management) 2.3 Regulations (NI) 2012 (ESQCR), to maintain
Regulations (NI) 2007 (CDM) apply to all records and plans of underground cables on public
construction projects and place responsibilities on property and to make available relevant information
Clients, Designers and contractors for the design, at the request of an enquirer.
planning and management of all activities. This
includes the identification of risk from under- Other owners of underground cables should be
ground services. Risks should be properly man- prepared to make available relevant information, so
aged by action during the design, planning and far as is reasonably practicable, at the request of an
execution phases of the project. enquirer.
Whenever an object is
encountered which looks like
a buried cable, it should be
treated as though it were a
live electric cable.
5.0 Cable location devices
One way of detecting the presence of live under- It should be noted that in cables where there is little
ground cables is by using cable location devices. It is or no current flowing, for example, service connec-
recommended that such a device is always available tion cables to unoccupied premises or street lighting
on site when excavating in the vicinity of underground cables in the daytime, these may not be picked up on
services. the ‘power mode’.
Most of the Regulations listed earlier in this (ii) all persons involved in the work should exer-
document require a Risk Assessment to be cise care for the safety of themselves and
carried out in order to identify risk and detail the others.
control measures necessary to minimise that
risk. In particular, reference should be made to
HS(G)47 when carrying out Risk Assessments.
7.1 In the cases of all works, including works of time of the enquiry this will be made known to the
demolition, development and construction, NIE enquirer, who will also be told when it can be
Networks (or other owner of cables) should be provided.
consulted at an early stage. NIE Networks will
whenever possible make available information 7.3 Information on the position and depth of cables in
which may include a copy of a cable plan indicat- the proposed work area should then be recorded
ing locations of any of their cables buried in the on plans (or if impracticable indicated on site) by
proposed work area to enable the works con- those responsible for the works so that it can be
cerned to proceed, taking into account the readily understood by the contractor or organisa-
safety measures required. This will assist the tion carrying out the work. It is essential that
contractor to plan a safe working procedure after consultants or main contractors who may have
consulting NIE Networks and will save time in initially consulted NIE Networks should pass on
the execution of the work and cause minimum the necessary detailed information to sub-
inconvenience to the public. contractors engaged on excavation and ground-
work. It is essential that colour copies of any
Works may be considered as being in one of the plans or drawings are provided for the operatives
following classes:- engaged in the excavation and groundwork.
(a) Planned Works – where advance statutory Any sub-contractor or his appointed representa-
notification is required. tive who needs safety information should prefer-
ably participate directly at the work planning
(b) Emergency Works and “excepted works”. stage and any subsequent meeting with NIE
Networks. Before digging commences the area
7.2 In the case of all planned works, including works to be excavated should be carefully marked out
of demolition, development and construction, and then, where appropriate, by the use of a
NIE Networks (or other owner of cables) should cable location device the position of each cable in
be consulted at an early stage (10 working the vicinity should be determined as far as possi-
days). NIE Networks will wherever possible ble.
make available information which may include a
copy of a cable plan indicating locations of any of The line of any cable found to be within or adja-
their cables buried in the proposed work area to cent to the area to be excavated should be
enable the works concerned to proceed, taking marked with chalk or paint and with wooden pegs
into account the safety measures required. This in grassed or unsurfaced areas. (Steel pins or
will assist the contractor to plan a safe working spikes, or long pegs which could damage any
procedure after consulting NIE Networks and cables laid at shallow depth, should not be used
will save time in the execution of the work and for this purpose).
cause minimum inconvenience to the public.
These safety measures could take the form of 7.4 Trial holes should be excavated as necessary to
adopting methods of working as discussed in confirm that the proposed line of trench can be
section 9 below or, diversion of the cable or followed and also to locate the line and depth of
making the cable dead. If the appropriate infor- any electric cable believed to lie in the area of
mation is not available from NIE Networks at the excavation. Hand digging methods should be
7.0 Classification of works
used to the maximum extent possible with spe- decide to isolate or divert the cable, however it
cial care being exercised when digging above or should be appreciated that some time may
close to the assumed line of the cable. As an elapse between the request for the isolation or
additional safeguard repeat checks should be diversion and the work taking place.
made with a cable location device as the work
proceeds in an effort to determine the position of
any cable more precisely. Once the trial holes
have confirmed that the proposed line of trench
can be followed and the position of any cables
has been determined, excavation may proceed.
8.1 When excavating in close proximity to cables, trial can be supplemented by the progressive use
holes should be used as necessary to establish the of a cable locator as work proceeds, the likeli-
presence or otherwise of cables. In the light of the hood of an early warning of the proximity of
information obtained work can then proceed with a cables is increased.
greater measure of confidence. Hand digging
methods should be used wherever practicable in 8.3 It should be recognised that cable depths for
the immediate vicinity of the indicated line of 33 kV and 110 kV cables shown on drawings
cables. In particular mechanical excavators or or other records may be unreliable as the
power tools other than for breaking paved surfaces ground level may have changed since the
should not be used within 0.5m to the individual cables were laid and records last updated.
line of the cable unless the prior agreement of NIE The position of cables may be different from
Networks has been obtained. In special cases a those shown on records due to the alteration
greater distance may be specified by NIE Net- of reference points such as kerb lines, or as a
works. Over penetration by hand-held power tools result of third party interference during exca-
employed to break up paved surfaces is a common vation and reinstatement subsequent to cable
source of accidents. Where such tools are laying.
employed care should be taken to guard against
over penetration and as much as possible of the
excavation should be carried out with hand tools. 8.4 Use of a Mole.
In the vicinity of cellars, over bridges or other struc-
tures which may have caused cables to be laid at Any trenchless installation must be planned
unusually shallow depths power tools should only with the objective of minimising risks to mem-
be used if other methods of excavation are imprac- bers of the public, operatives and installations
ticable. Spades and shovels should be used in below and above ground. Care should be
preference to other tools. taken in selecting the route, method and
equipment most suited to the task.
If a cable is found to be embedded in concrete or
other major obstacles which has to be broken out
NIE Networks or other owner of the cable should
be asked to make the cable dead before work is
Regulatory risks
Financial risks
11.0 New housing sites
Operational risks
12.0 Demolition sites
All contact with NIE Networks should be handling service where you should Press 1, to
via the Customer Helpline telephone report “a hazardous or life threatening situation”. If
number: a call agent is not available to take your call, you will
be asked to key in a telephone number so we can
call you back as soon as possible.
03457 643643 To get information or an update about existing
services in a new development:
System Details
Select Option 2 (All other calls) and then Option 4
NIE Networks’ Contact Centre is open 24 hours, (All other calls). Please provide the location and
7 days a week. During normal business hours the nature of the proposed work.
(Monday – Friday 08:30 to 17:00), callers will
hear a menu offering 2 options: To contact an individual where there is ongoing
a fault
2 All other calls Select Option 2 (All other calls) and then Option 3.
State the name of the person you have been
Callers selecting option 2 will then be offered a dealing with and your call will be transferred.
further 5 options: Please note that the person may have a direct line
and if the number has been quoted on
1 Moving house, bills, keypad queries correspondence, it would be preferable to use that
etc (Supplier related issues) number.
2 New electricity connections or
alteration work NB: If you have received a quotation from NIE
3 Named person Networks for the proposed work, then select
4 All other calls Option 2 (All other calls) and then Option 2 (new
5 Hear the options again electricity connections or alteration work).
Which option to choose To report NIE Networks equipment that has been
exposed during works
To report a possible fault where contact has been
made with NIE Networks equipment: Select Option 1 (Faults). Contact NIE Networks
immediately on 03457 643643 and select Option
Select Option 1 (Faults) where contact has been 1 to report the incident.
made with NIE Networks equipment - overhead or
underground. Contact NIE Networks immediately If all call agents are busy taking other fault calls,
on 03457 643643 and select Option 1 to report your call will be routed to an automated call
the incident. handling service where you should Press 1, to
report “a hazardous or life threatening situation”. If
If all call agents are busy taking other fault calls, a call agent is not available to take your call, you will
your call will be routed to an automated call be asked to key in a telephone number so we can
call you back as soon as possible.
Appendix 1
NIE Networks has several different sizes and types of underground cable, cable joints and under-
ground distribution boxes (UDB).
6.6 Kv Solid
11 kV Solid
33 kV Solid and Oil filled
110 kV Solid and Oil filled
3. Pilot Cables
4. LV Joints – Straight through, breeches, tee off and multi joints and pot ends
HV Joints - Straight through, breeches, and pot ends
5. Underground Distribution Boxes (UDB’s) – mainly found in the greater Belfast area however,
there are some UDB’s located in various towns throughout Northern Ireland. They are usually posi-
tioned in footpaths and/or pedestrian areas and if your work area is within 2m of a UDB, you need to
contact NIE Networks for further advice.
This is NIE Networks equipment which is underground and out of sight. There is also a lot of equip-
ment above ground such as wooden poles, overhead powerlines, stay wires, mini-pillars, transformers,
which also require you to take care when working in their vicinity. If in any doubt contact NIE Net-
works on 03457 643 643.
Appendix 2
Figure 1.1
Service joints and cables are usually found in the footpath. For a number of reasons, it is not always
possible to detail the exact position of service cables on mains drawings. Before starting work, look
around to see what apparatus is likely to have an electricity service.
When excavating in the footpath in towns and cities and villages you can be sure of coming across a
service cable before too long. In order to help you avoid damaging electricity cables, special attention
must be paid to the following points:
1. Always have cable drawings with you on site and check them before starting excavation. Remem-
ber that some cables may not belong to NIE, and therefore will not be shown on the drawings.
2. Always have a Cable Avoidance Tool (CAT) on site, using it before starting, to help you survey the
3. Always mark out where electricity cables are in accordance with the CAT signals. Remember that
the CAT, in the ‘power’, mode will not always detect the presence of cables especially if they are not
carrying any current at the time. However, when used in conjunction with the ‘Genny’ or in the ‘Radio’
mode, it is more likely that these cables can be detected.
4. Always look around, see if there is anything nearby that would have an electricity service, such as:
lamp columns, phone boxes, bus shelters, traffic lights etc.
5. Always continue using the CAT during the entire excavation process, you may be only inches away
from a live cable.
Damage to service cables form the largest proportion of cable damage incidents. Do not underesti-
mate the danger of LV service cables, they have the potential to kill!
Service cables are, by nature, difficult to locate due to their unpredictable route and depth. This
unpredictability results from a number of circumstances:
(a) The service cable may be moved by other parties who have excavated in the area.
(b) Service cables vary in size, the smaller of them may weave around obstacles when they are
(c) When a service cable is jointed onto a main cable it can approach the main cable in many
different ways. Some examples are shown below:
(d) There may be more than one cable connected to one joint.
(e) Some service cables may have been pot ended, but they are still live and dangerous if inter-
fered with.
(f) Most plan drawings show service cables running in a straight line, but this is only intended to
give a guide to the estimated position of the service joint and the point of cable entry into the
building. The service cable will not necessarily be running in a straight line as shown in Figure 1.1.
Appendix 2
7. Spades and shovels should be used in preference to other tools and must not be thrown or spiked
into the ground.
8. Picks and forks should only be used for breaking up top materials and when the ground is very
hard. NB: forks should have short chisel ended tines.
9. Never assume that service cables follow a straight line or that they run at a constant depth.
You should obtain a copy of the Health and safety Executive Guidance Note HS(G)47 “Avoiding
Danger from Underground Services”. This outlines the dangers which can arise from work near
underground services and gives advice on how to reduce the risk.