Osmosis: 1 Mechanism

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For other uses, see Osmosis (disambiguation). Jean-Antoine Nollet first documented observation of os-
mosis in 1748.[7] The word “osmosis” descends from
the words “endosmose” and “exosmose”, which were
coined by French physician René Joachim Henri Dutro-
chet (1776–1847) from the Greek words ἔνδον (éndon
“within”), ἔξω (éxō “outer, external”), and ὠσμός (ōsmós
“push, impulsion”).[8]

1 Mechanism
Osmosis is the movement of a solvent across a semiper-
meable membrane toward a higher concentration of so-
The process of osmosis over a semi-permeable membrane, the lute. In biological systems, the solvent is typically water,
blue dots represent particles driving the osmotic gradient but osmosis can occur in other liquids, supercritical liq-
uids, and even gases.[9][10]
Osmosis is the spontaneous net movement of solvent
When a cell is submerged in water, the water molecules
molecules through a semi-permeable membrane into
pass through the cell membrane from an area of low
a region of higher solute concentration, in the direc-
solute concentration to high solute concentration. For
tion that tends to equalize the solute concentrations on
example, if the cell is submerged in saltwater, water
the two sides.[1][2][3] It may also be used to describe
molecules move out of the cell. If a cell is submerged
a physical process in which any solvent moves across
in freshwater, water molecules move into the cell.
a semipermeable membrane (permeable to the solvent,
but not the solute) separating two solutions of different Inital State Final State
concentrations.[4][5] Osmosis can be made to do work.[6]
P 1a P 2a P 1b P 2b
Osmotic pressure is defined as the external pressure re-
quired to be applied so that there is no net movement
of solvent across the membrane. Osmotic pressure is a H
colligative property, meaning that the osmotic pressure
depends on the molar concentration of the solute but not
on its identity.
Osmosis is a vital process in biological systems, as
biological membranes are semipermeable. In general,
these membranes are impermeable to large and polar water

molecules, such as ions, proteins, and polysaccharides,

semi-permeable membrane dissolved salt
while being permeable to non-polar and/or hydrophobic
molecules like lipids as well as to small molecules like
Water passing through a semi-permeable membrane
oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and nitric oxide. Per-
meability depends on solubility, charge, or chemistry,
as well as solute size. Water molecules travel through When the membrane has a volume of pure water on both
the plasma membrane, tonoplast membrane (vacuole) or sides, water molecules pass in and out in each direction
protoplast by diffusing across the phospholipid bilayer at exactly the same rate. There is no net flow of water
via aquaporins (small transmembrane proteins similar to through the membrane.
those responsible for facilitated diffusion and ion chan- The mechanism responsible for driving osmosis has com-
nels). Osmosis provides the primary means by which monly been represented in biology and chemistry texts as
water is transported into and out of cells. The turgor pres- either the dilution of water by solute (resulting in lower
sure of a cell is largely maintained by osmosis across the concentration of water on the higher solute concentration
cell membrane between the cell interior and its relatively side of the membrane and therefore a diffusion of wa-
hypotonic environment. ter along a concentration gradient) or by a solute’s attrac-


tion to water (resulting in less free water on the higher The virial theorem demonstrates that attraction between
solute concentration side of the membrane and therefore the molecules (water and solute) reduces the pressure,
net movement of water toward the solute). Both of these and thus the pressure exerted by water molecules on each
notions have been conclusively refuted. other in solution is less than in pure water, allowing pure
The diffusion model of osmosis is rendered untenable by water to “force”[13]
the solution until the pressure reaches
the fact that osmosis can drive water across a membrane equilibrium.
toward a higher concentration of water.[11] The “bound Osmotic pressure is the main cause of support in many
water” model is refuted by the fact that osmosis is inde- plants. The osmotic entry of water raises the turgor pres-
pendent of the size of the solute molecules—a colligative sure exerted against the cell wall, until it equals the os-
property[12] —or how hydrophilic they are. motic pressure, creating a steady state.
When a plant cell is placed in a solution that is hypertonic
relative to the cytoplasm, water moves out of the cell and
the cell shrinks. In doing so, the cell becomes flaccid. In
extreme cases, the cell becomes plasmolyzed – the cell
membrane disengages with the cell wall due to lack of
water pressure on it.
When a plant cell is placed in a solution that is hypotonic
relative to the cytoplasm, water moves into the cell and
the cell swells to become turgid.
Osmosis is responsible for the ability of plant roots to
draw water from the soil. Plants concentrate solutes in
of different solutions on blood cells their root cells by active transport, and water enters the
Hypertonic Isotonic Hypotonicroots by osmosis. Osmosis is also responsible for con-

trolling the movement of guard cells.

Osmosis can be demonstrated when potato slices are
added to a high salt solution. The water from inside the
potato moves out to the solution, causing the potato to
shrink and to lose its 'turgor pressure'. The more concen-
trated the salt solution, the bigger the difference in size
and weight of the potato slice.
20 μm
In unusual environments, osmosis can be very harmful to
of osmotic pressure on red blood cells(RBC) organisms. For example, freshwater and saltwater aquar-
ium fish placed in water of a different salinity than that
to which they are adapted to will die quickly, and in the
case of saltwater fish, dramatically. Another example of
a harmful osmotic effect is the use of table salt to kill
leeches and slugs.
Suppose an animal or a plant cell is placed in a solution
of sugar or salt in water.
1. If the medium is hypotonic relative to the cell cyto-
cell under different environments. plasm — the cell will gain water through osmosis.
2. If the medium is isotonic — there will be no net
It is hard to describe osmosis without a mechanical or
movement of water across the cell membrane.
thermodynamic explanation, but basically, there is an in-
teraction between the solute and water that counteracts 3. If the medium is hypertonic relative to the cell cyto-
the pressure that otherwise free solute molecules would plasm — the cell will lose water by osmosis.
exert. One fact to take note of is that heat from the sur-
roundings is able to be converted into mechanical energy Essentially, this means that if a cell is put in a solution
(water rising). which has a solute concentration higher than its own, it
Many thermodynamic explanations go into the concept will shrivel, and if it is put in a solution with a lower solute
of chemical potential and how the function of the water concentration than its own, the cell will swell and may
on the solution side differs from that of pure water due to even burst.
the higher pressure and the presence of the solute coun- Chemical gardens demonstrate the effect of osmosis in
teracting such the chemical potential remains unchanged. inorganic chemistry.
3.2 Forward osmosis 3

2 Factors 3.2 Forward osmosis

Main article: Forward osmosis
2.1 Osmotic pressure
Osmosis may be used directly to achieve separation of
Main article: Osmotic pressure water from a solution containing unwanted solutes. A
“draw” solution of higher osmotic pressure than the feed
As mentioned before, osmosis may be opposed by in- solution is used to induce a net flow of water through a
creasing the pressure in the region of high solute con- semi-permeable membrane, such that the feed solution
centration with respect to that in the low solute concen- becomes concentrated as the draw solution becomes di-
tration region. The force per unit area, or pressure, re- lute. The diluted draw solution may then be used directly
quired to prevent the passage of water through a selec- (as with an ingestible solute like glucose), or sent to a
tively permeable membrane and into a solution of greater secondary separation process for the removal of the draw
concentration is equivalent to the osmotic pressure of the solute. This secondary separation can be more efficient
solution, or turgor. Osmotic pressure is a colligative prop- than a reverse osmosis process would be alone, depend-
erty, meaning that the property depends on the concentra- ing on the draw solute used and the feedwater treated.
tion of the solute, but not on its identity. It also is involved Forward osmosis is an area of ongoing research, focusing
in facilitated diffusion. on applications in desalination, water purification, water
treatment, food processing, etc.

2.2 Osmotic gradient 4 See also

The osmotic gradient is the difference in concentration • Active transport
between two solutions on either side of a semipermeable
membrane, and is used to tell the difference in percent- • Brining
ages of the concentration of a specific particle dissolved
• Diffusion
in a solution.
Usually the osmotic gradient is used while comparing so- • Homeostasis
lutions that have a semipermeable membrane between
them allowing water to diffuse between the two solu- • Osmoregulation
tions, toward the hypertonic solution (the solution with • Osmotic shock
the higher concentration). Eventually, the force of the
column of water on the hypertonic side of the semiper- • Osmotic power
meable membrane will equal the force of diffusion on the
hypotonic (the side with a lesser concentration) side, cre- • Plasmolysis
ating equilibrium. When equilibrium is reached, water
continues to flow, but it flows both ways in equal amounts • Reverse osmosis plant
as well as force, therefore stabilizing the solution. • Salinity gradient power

• Water potential

3 Variation
5 References
3.1 Reverse osmosis [1] “Osmosis”. Oxford English Dictionary (3rd ed.). Oxford
University Press. September 2005. (Subscription or UK
Main article: Reverse osmosis public library membership required.)

[2] Osmosis, Encyclopædia Britannica on-line

Reverse osmosis is a separation process that uses pressure
to force a solvent through a semi-permeable membrane [3] Haynie, Donald T. (2001). Biological Thermodynamics.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 130–136.
that retains the solute on one side and allows the pure sol-
ISBN 0-521-79549-4.
vent to pass to the other side, forcing it from a region of
high solute concentration through a membrane to a re- [4] Waugh, A.; Grant, A. (2007). Anatomy and Physiology
gion of low solute concentration by applying a pressure in Health and Illness. Edinburgh: Elsevier. pp. 25–26.
in excess of the osmotic pressure. ISBN 0-443-10101-9.

[5] Osmosis. University of Hamburg. last change: 31 July • The intermediate word “osmose” and the word “os-
2003 motic” were coined by Scottish chemist Thomas
Graham. See: Thomas Graham (1854) “VII. The
[6] “Statkraft to build the world’s first prototype osmotic Bakerian Lecture – On Osmotic Force,” Philosoph-
power plant”. Statkraft. 2007-10-03. Archived from the ical Transactions of the Royal Society (London), vol.
original on 2009-02-27. 144, pp. 177–288; see especially pp. 177, 178, and
227. See also: Thomas Graham and Henry Watts,
[7] L’Abbé Nollet (June 1748) “Recherches sur les causes du Elements of Chemistry: Including the Applications of
bouillonnement des liquides” (Researches on the causes the Sciences in the Arts, 2nd ed. (London, England:
of the boiling of liquids) Mémoires de Mathématique et Hippolyte Bailliere, 1858), vol. 2, p. 616.
de Physique, tirés des registres de l’Académie Royale des
Sciences de l’année 1748, pp. 57–104; especially pp. • The word “osmosis” first appeared in: Jabez Hogg,
101–103. The Mémoires (1748) were printed in: Histoire The Microscope: Its History, Construction, and Ap-
de l’Académie Royale des Sciences Année 1748, which plication..., 6th ed. (London, England: George
was published in 1752 and which contains a condensed Routledge and Sons, 1867), p. 226.
version of Nollet’s article on pages 10–19. • The etymology of the word “osmosis” is dis-
cussed in: Homer W. Smith (1960). “I. Theory
of Solutions: A knowledge of the laws of solu-
Original text : Avant que de finir ce Mé- tions” (PDF). Circulation. 21: 808–817 (810).
moire, je crois devoir rendre compte d'un doi:10.1161/01.CIR.21.5.808.
fait que je dois au hasard, & qui me parut
d'abord … singulier … j'en avois rempli une [9] Kramer, Eric; David Myers. “Osmosis is not driven by
fiole cylindrique, longue de cinq pouces, & water dilution”. Trends in Plant Science. 18 (4): 195–197.
d'un pouce de diamètre ou environ ; & l'ayant doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2012.12.001.
couverte d'un morceau de vessie mouillée &
[10] Kramer, Eric; David Myers. “Five popular mis-
ficelée au col du vaisseau, je l'avois plongée
conceptions of osmosis”. American Journal of
dans un grand vase plein d'eau, afin d'être sûr
Physics. 80 (694). Bibcode:2012AmJPh..80..694K.
qu'il ne rentrât aucun air dans l'esprit de vin.
Au bout de cinq ou six heures, je fus tout sur-
pris de voir que la fiole étoit plus pleine qu'au [11] Kosinski, R. J.; C. K. Morlok (2008). “Challenging mis-
moment de son immersion, quoiqu'elle le fût conceptions about osmosis.”. Association for Biology Lab-
alors autant que ses bords pouvoient le per- oratory Education. 30: 63–87.
mettre ; la vessie qui lui servoit de bouchon,
étoit devenue convexe & si tendue, qu’en la [12] Borg, Frank (2003). “What is osmosis? Expla-
piquant avec une épingle, il en sortit un jet de nation and understanding of a physical phenomenon”.
liqueur qui s’éleva à plus d'un pied de hauteur. arXiv:physics/0305011 .

Translation : Before finishing this mem- [13] Borg, Frank (2003). “What is osmosis? Expla-
oir, I think I should report an event that I owe nation and understanding of a physical phenomenon”.
to chance and which at first seemed to me … arXiv:physics/0305011 .
strange … I filled [with alcohol] a cylindrical
vial, five inches long and about one inch in
diameter; and [after] having covered it with
piece of damp bladder [which was] tied to the
6 External links
neck of the vial, I immersed it in a large bowl
full of water, in order to be sure that no air • Osmosis simulation in Java
re-entered the alcohol. At the end of 5 or 6
hours, I was very surprised to see that the vial • NetLogo Osmosis simulation for educational use
was fuller than at the moment of its immer-
sion, although it [had been filled] as far as its
• An Osmosis Experiment
sides would allow ; the bladder that served as
its cap, bulged and had become so stretched
that on pricking it with a needle, there came
from it a jet of alcohol that rose more than a
foot high.

[8] Etymology of “osmosis” :

• Henri Dutrochet, L'Agent Immédiat du Movement

Vital Dévoilé dans sa Nature et dans son Mode
d'Action chez les Végétaux et chez les Animaux [The
immediate agent of living movement, its nature
and mode of action revealed in plants and animals]
(Paris, France: Dentu, 1826), pp. 115 and 126.

7 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

7.1 Text
• Osmosis Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osmosis?oldid=766165055 Contributors: Magnus Manske, Sodium, CYD, Bryan Derk-
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7.2 Images
• File:0307_Osmosis.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/62/0307_Osmosis.jpg License: CC BY 4.0 Contrib-
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• File:Human_Erythrocytes_OsmoticPressure_PhaseContrast_Plain.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/
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tors: File:Osmose.svg Original artist: Hans Hillewaert
• File:Osmotic_pressure_on_blood_cells_diagram.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/76/Osmotic_
pressure_on_blood_cells_diagram.svg License: Public domain Contributors: did it myself based on [1], [2] ,[3] and [4]. Original artist:
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