LED Photoacoustic
LED Photoacoustic
LED Photoacoustic
As an emerging biomedical imaging technology, photoacoustic (PA) imaging, also named as optoacoustic imag-
ing, has been rapidly developed in the past decades and extensively explored for potential applications in preclin-
ical and clinical settings1–5. By illuminating a biological sample with nanosecond pulsed light and then detecting
the light-generated ultrasound (US) signal as a result of thermoelastic expansion, a 2D or 3D map reflecting
the optical-absorption contrast in the sample can be produced via different image reconstruction methods. By
combining the merits of both light and ultrasound, PA imaging is capable of presenting highly-sensitive optical
spectroscopic contrast in subsurface biological tissue at high ultrasonic spatial resolution. The spatial resolution
of PA imaging is not only determined by the ultrasonic detection bandwidth of the system but also limited by the
pulse duration of the illumination light source. To achieve higher spatial resolution, shorter light pulse is desired6.
In addition, to satisfy the stress confinement which is crucial for producing PA signals efficiently, the duration
of the light pulse needs to be less than the acoustic transit time across the scale of spatial resolution6. For a PA
imaging system working with a 10-MHz center frequency transducer array with a targeted spatial resolution of
150 μm, the stress confinement requires a light source enabling pulse duration of less than 100 nanoseconds.
When the targeted spatial resolution is higher, the duration of the light pulse needs to be further reduced. In
tomographic PA imaging where the target biological sample is usually illuminated entirely by a broad light beam,
sufficient light energy of a few to hundreds of millijoules per pulse needs to be delivered to the sample within a
pulse duration from a few to several tens of nanoseconds. To satisfy this high demand, almost all of the current PA
imaging systems are based on Ti:Sapphire lasers, optical parametric oscillators (OPO), or dye lasers pumped by
powerful Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers which are defined as class IV. Although these lasers work fine for PA systems
developed or used in laboratories, their high cost, large footprint, and less mobility could substantially hinder the
translation of this promising imaging technology from bench to clinic.
In recent years, laser diode (LD) based PA imaging systems have been employed in several in vivo preclinical
and clinical studies7–11. For example, it has been reported that a LD light source (Quantel, Bozeman, MT) can
provide 1.4 mJ pulse energy at up to 7 kHz pulse repetition frequency8,10. Same as class-IV lasers, the emission
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109, USA. 2Department of
Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 21000, China. 3Department of Radiology,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109, USA. 4Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, 48109, USA. 5PreXion Corporation, Tokyo, 1010041, Japan. Yunhao Zhu and Guan Xu contributed equally
to this work. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.Y. (email: yuanjie@nju.edu.cn) or
X.W. (email: xdwang@umich.edu)
from LD is also coherent. This potential focusing of the light beam at the retina raises concern of eye safety when
implementing PA imaging using LD or class-IV laser. To protect eye, anyone within the operation area has to
wear laser safety glasses, which may affect the willingness of patients and physicians to adopt the new PA imaging
The recent advancement of light emitting diode (LED) technology offers a unique opportunity to solve
the challenges in clinical applications of PA imaging12,13. Compared to expensive class-IV laser systems, the
LED-based light source is much lower in both owning and operating costs. The lower costs together with the
significantly reduced footprints of the LED light source can make PA imaging a practical option for point-of-care
screening or diagnosis of a variety of diseases. Furthermore, unlike class-IV laser systems which need to be placed
in dedicated spaces securing safety and operation requirements (e.g., light shielding, high electric power, and air
or water cooling), LED light source can operate in almost any place, including resource deficient settings such as
on battlefields or in ambulances. At the light fluence we are working with, there is no need for wearing laser safety
glasses for anyone within the operation area.
The biggest challenge for LED-based PA imaging is to produce sufficient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in bio-
logical samples. During limited pulse duration of 100 ns or less, LED, even working as a group such as a 2D panel,
can only deliver light energy that is about two orders of magnitude lower than that from a class-IV laser. Without
performing signal averaging, this low pulse energy will not be able to produce detectable PA signal from biolog-
ical samples even at the surfaces. To overcome this, in a previous study using a single LED element delivering 10
µJ per pulse with pulse repetition rate of 500 Hz, Allen et al. had to perform over 5,000 times of signal averaging
when tried to image tubes filled with human blood12. Briefly reported before14, we have developed 2D LED array
panels that each can deliver up to 200 µJ of pulsed light at 850-nm wavelength. Another research group examined
the characteristics of our system, such as the LED beam profile, and the spatial resolution and the imaging depth.
That study also investigated the performance of our system in resolving exogenous contrast agents13.
Very short pulse duration of tens of nanoseconds was made possible by the fast response of the LED and the
high-speed driving. Taking advantage from the high pulse repetition rate up to 16 kHz, extensive signal aver-
aging from dozens to hundreds of pulses can be performed. In this way, the LED-based PA imaging system is
able to achieve SNR comparable to those in laser-based PA imaging systems without sacrificing the capability of
performing real-time imaging8,15. As demonstrated in this work, the LED-based PA imaging integrated with a
conventional B-scan ultrasound is capable of dual-modality imaging of biological samples at a frame rate up to
500 Hz, which is sufficient to present and evaluate the pulsations of arteries and the blood reperfusion in subsur-
face tissue with a depth over 5 mm. After evaluating the specifications of our LED light sources and examining
the performance of our LED-based PA imaging system, we have explored the potential of this system for clinical
applications, including assessment of peripheral microvascular function and dynamic changes, and diagnosis of
inflammatory arthritis, and the detection of head and neck cancer. All these pathological conditions are associ-
ated with structural and functional changes in microvessels, and could benefit from the low-cost, small footprint,
safe, and patient-friendly PA imaging system equipped by the LED light source.
Imaging of peripheral microvasculature and function. In this work, via the experiments on human
finger model, we examined the performance of LED-based PA imaging for 2D and 3D mapping of subsurface
microvasculature in vivo, including sensitivity, spatial resolution, penetration depth, and imaging speed, as well
as its feasibility in sensing and quantifying the hemodynamic properties and changes such as arterial pulsation,
blood reperfusion, and blood oxygen saturation. Figure 1 shows an example result of PA and US combined 3D
imaging of a human finger. The 3D PA and US combined image acquired via the linear scan of the probe along
the digit is presented along different views including coronal, axial, and sagittal. In each 2D rendering, the PA
image of microvessels is presented in pseudo-color, and superimposed on the background gray-scale US image.
Figure 1(d) shows perspective view of the spatially distributed vessels in the finger acquired by PA imaging. The
3D rendering of the vasculature is in the Supplementary Materials (Video 1).
Figure 1(e) shows a real-time PA and US B-scan result of a human finger along the sagittal section with a
frame rate of 10 Hz. To achieve this result, two 850-nm LED bars were driven at 4 kHz repetition rate, and 384
times averaging was used. To present the arterial pulsation (as marked by the arrows), four frames from the cine
loop are presented, while the video showing the entire cine loop is the Supplementary Materials (Video 2). In the
pseudo-color PA images, besides the marked artery, spatially distributed microvessels in the finger up to 5-mm
deep can also be recognized. Working at a higher frame rate of 500 Hz, Fig. 1(f) shows another result of real-time
PA and US B-scan of a finger demonstrating the capability of this system in imaging and quantifying fast hemody-
namic changes in vivo. Two 850-nm LED bars were driven at 16 kHz pulse repetition rate, and 32 times averaging
was conducted. Both the two frames in Fig. 1(f) are from a cine loop scan showing the blood reperfusion into the
finger after releasing of a rubber band which tied around the root of the finger. The left and the right images were
acquired right after and at 46 milliseconds after the rubber band releasing respectively. As we can see, during a
time period of 46 milliseconds (i.e., 23 frames), the blood signal expanded along the vessel for a total length of
4.6 mm (from right to left, as marked by the two asterisks). The speed of blood reperfusion in this vessel is quan-
tified to be 100 mm/s. The cine loop showing the gradual process of the blood reperfusion into the finger can be
found in the Supplementary Materials (Video 3, 25 times slow motion).
Hypoxia is an important biomarker reflecting the onset and progression of many diseases such as cancer. It
has been validated that multispectral PA imaging, by probing the spectroscopic difference between oxygenated
and deoxygenated hemoglobin, can evaluate relative hemoglobin oxygen saturation and hypoxia in biological
samples in vivo, in a non-invasive manner16–18. In this work, we explored the feasibility of LED-based PA imaging
for measurement of blood oxygenation by using a pair of dual-wavelength LED bars which can emit 690-nm
and 850-nm wavelength light alternatively, as the photo shown in Fig. 2(a). PA functional imaging of blood
Figure 1. (a) Coronal, (b) axial, and (c) sagittal views of the 3D PA and US combined image of a human finger
from a volunteer. (d) Perspective view of the 3D PA image showing the microvessels in the finger. 3D rendering
of the vasculature is in the Supplementary Materials (Video 1). (e) Four frames from a video showing the cine
loop of B-scan PA imaging of a human finger (index finger, sagittal section) presenting the pulsation of an artery
marked by the arrows. Imaging frame rate: 10 Hz. The video is in the Supplementary Materials (Video 2). (f)
Two frames from a video showing the cine loop of B-scan PA imaging of a human finger (index finger, sagittal
section) showing the blood reperfusion into the finger after releasing of the rubber band which tied around
root of the finger. (Left) The image acquired right after the rubber band releasing; (Right) The image acquired
at 46 milliseconds after the rubber band releasing. The flow rate Imaging frame rate: 500 Hz. The distance
between two asterisks is measured to be 4.6 mm. Blood flow direction is marked by the arrow. The video is in the
Supplementary Materials (Video 3).
oxygenation in the vessels in an index finger of a volunteer was conducted. Figure 2(b) is an example PA image
showing the microvessels in a cross-section of the finger, which is superimposed on the gray-scale US image. To
quantitatively evaluate functional imaging result, the sO2 levels of the strongest 200 pixels in the region of interest
(ROI) as marked by the dashed yellow circle in Fig. 2(b) are averaged. The quantified PA measurements of blood
sO2 in the finger are then correlated with the SpO2 readouts from the pulse oximeter which was used as a gold
standard. As shown in Fig. 2(c), the dual-wavelength PA measurements of blood oxygenation and the readouts
from the pulse oximeter achieved a good correlation (R-square = 0.9838).
Figure 2. (a) Photo of a pair of dual-wavelength LED bars that emits 690-nm and 850-nm light alternatively.
(b) PA (pseudo color) and US (gray scale) combined image showing the microvessels in the cross-section of a
human finger. (c) Correlation between the dual-wavelength PA measurements of the blood sO2 in the finger
and the SpO2 readouts from a pulse oximeter. A fitting line (dashed line, y = a x + b, a = 1.251, b = −0.234) is
presented, and R-square of 0.9838 is achieved. At each SpO2 level, the asterisk on red line shows the mean, and
the distance above or below it shows the standard deviation of the PA measurements.
failure25,26, and Raynaud’s phenomenon (RP)27,28. RP, seen as the first manifestation in 70% of the patients with
systemic sclerosis, refers to constriction of the microvessels of the hands or feet in response to cold exposure27.
Objective evaluation of peripheral microcirculatory flow plays a key role in the characterization and treatment
assessment of RP28. For example, it has been demonstrated that, for patients with RP, the blood flow in skin meas-
ured by laser Doppler decreases significantly after local cold exposure29. In this work, we explored the feasibility of
LED-based PA imaging in mapping peripheral microvessels in foot, and in sensing the decrease in microvascular
flow in response to cold temperature. In this study, the decrease in PA signal intensity should be caused mainly by
the vasocontraction instead of the temperature change in blood which may also affect PA signal intensity via the
temperature-dependent Grüneisen parameter. This is due to the fact that the temperature change in blood should
be small, since the experimental duration was short and the blood in the vessels was also continuously flowing.
PA imaging of peripheral vasculature acquired from the dorsal surface of the left foot of a volunteer is shown
in Fig. 3. The dashed rectangle in Fig. 3(a) indicates the scanned area on the foot surface. With the 3D image
acquired, a maximum intensity projection (MIP) PA and US combined image and a perspective view PA image
with depth color-encoded are presented in Fig. 3(a,b), respectively. Spatially distributed microvessels within the
depth up to 10 mm can be recognized. The 3D rendering of the acquired PA image is in the Supplementary
Materials (Video 4). Figure 3(c) shows 2D B-scan images of the foot surface acquired at 40.8 and 34.2 degrees
Celsius respectively. Pseudo-color PA image showing the vessels is superimposed on the gray-scale US image.
The PA intensities of the blood vessels within the region of interest (ROI) marked by the dashed circle were aver-
aged. The quantified PA measurements at the two different temperatures (40.8 degrees Celsius vs. 34.2 degrees
Celsius) are compared, as shown in Fig. 3(d). With four independent measurements at each temperature (n = 4),
a two-tailed t-test was conducted with a hypothesis that there is no difference between the PA measurements at
the two temperatures. A p-value of 0.0285 was achieved, suggesting that the decrease in peripheral microvascu-
lar flow in response to the local cold exposure (i.e., temperature drop from 40.8 to 34.2 degrees Celsius) can be
detected by the LED-based PA imaging.
Imaging of inflammatory arthritis. Previous studies including those in our group have demonstrated
the capability of PA technique in imaging human peripheral joints30–34. These relatively smaller joints are usually
among the first to be affected by inflammatory arthritis. The early research findings from animal models and
human subjects suggest that PA imaging holds promise for rheumatology clinic, and can provide a low-cost and
non-invasive tool for early diagnosis and treatment monitoring of inflammatory arthritis35–39. In this research, we
explored the feasibility of detecting soft tissue inflammation in human peripheral joints by using the LED-based
PA system, and its capability in differentiating arthritic joints from normal joints by evaluating the enhanced
microvascular flow in the synovial tissue.
Figure 4(a) is an example PA and US combined image from a human metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint
affected by inflammatory arthritis. The contour of the phalanges, as presented well by the US image, is marked by
the arrows. In the pseudo-color PA image, besides the strong signals in the skin and the muscle which are both
superficial, strong signals in the area next to the phalanges can be noticed, as marked by the dashed circle. These
PA signals reflect the enhanced blood flow in the joint as the result of inflammation, which has been confirmed by
the result from a Doppler US (not shown). In the PA and US combined image from a normal volunteer, as shown
in Fig. 4(b), no such strong signals next to the phalanges can be noticed. Microvascular density was quantified
via the number of PA pixels divided by the total number of pixels in the synovial area as indicated by the dashed
circle. With the results from four arthritis patients and four normal volunteers, a two-tailed t-test was conducted
with a hypothesis that the microvascular density measured by PA imaging cannot differentiate arthritic joints
from normal joints. A p-value of 0.0143 was achieved, as shown in Fig. 4(c).
Imaging of intraocular tumors. PA imaging has shown potential for diagnosis and characterization of
cancer, especially for tumors that are relatively superficial, for example, head and neck tumors40–45. As a type
of head and neck cancer, intraocular tumors are relatively rare but life-threatening46,47. Our previous study has
demonstrated the capability of laser-based PA imaging in characterizing intraocular tumors by their molecular
Figure 3. (a) MIP PA and US combined image showing the vasculature in the dorsal surface of a human
foot. The dashed rectangle indicates the imaged area. (b) Perspective view image showing the 3D vasculature.
The depth (i.e., the position along the z axis) is color encoded. (c) B-scan PA and US combined images of the
vasculature in foot surface acquired at a temperature of 40.8 and 34.2 degree Celsius. The dashed circles indicate
the regions of interest (ROI) for quantifying the change of PA image intensity in response to the local cold
exposure. (d) Data distribution showing the averaged PA image intensities of vessels within the ROI at the two
different temperatures (i.e., 40.8 vs. 34.2 degrees Celsius). For the PA measurements at each temperature, the
asterisk on red line shows the mean, and the distance above or below it shows the standard deviation. A p-value
of 0.0285 was achieved for a two-tailed t-test (n = 4), demonstrating the capability of PA imaging in detecting
the change in peripheral microvascular flow in response to the local cold exposure.
Figure 4. (a) PA and US combined image from a human MCP joint affected by inflammatory arthritis. (b) PA
and US combined image from an MCP joint of a normal volunteer. PA images in (a) and (b) were scanned by
the LED-based PA system (850-nm wavelength) using the same level of gain and the same number of signal
averaging. (c) Quantified synovial microvascular density in the arthritic joints vs. the normal joints (n = 4
for each group). The asterisk on red line shows the mean value, and the distance above or below it shows the
standard deviation. A p-value of 0.0143 for a two-tailed t-test demonstrates the capability of PA imaging in
differentiating arthritic joints from normal joints based on the detecting of enhanced microvasculature as a
result of inflammation.
components and architectural heterogeneities48. In this study, we explored the feasibility in imaging intraocular
tumors in intact human eye globes using LED light source.
Figure 5(a,b) show B-scan US and PA images of an ocular globe with a choroidal melanoma tumor, respec-
tively. Figure 5(c) shows the coregistered PA and US image. The PA result has demonstrated that LED-based PA
imaging has sufficient penetration to cover the whole tumor volume. Figure 5(d) shows the perspective view of
a 3D PA image of the ocular globe. In this study, LED at only one wavelength was used. LED arrays combining
multiple emission wavelengths can be used in the future for observing individual molecular components. The 3D
rendering of this result can be found in the Supplementary Materials (Video 5).
Figure 5. (a) 2D B-scan US image of an ocular globe with a choroidal melanoma tumor. The tumor area is
marked. (b) PA image of the same imaging plane. (c) PA and US combined image. (d) Perspective view of a 3D
PA image of ocular globe with a choroidal melanoma tumor. PP: pupil. TA: tumor area. ST: the surface of the
tumor. BE: the back of the eye.
Our initial results from human subjects and organs have demonstrated that the LED PA imaging can be a poten-
tial clinical tool for the diagnosis and assessment of a variety of disease conditions associated with peripheral
microvascular function, inflammatory arthritis, and head and neck cancer. The high mobility of the LED light
source provides the potential PA imaging application on top of US imaging on battlefields or remote areas where
resources are very limited. The user-friendly operation interface and the parallel US imaging and 3D reconstruc-
tion capability can potentially provide the clinicians with additional hemoglobin concentration and oxygenation
information within the framework of conventional ultrasound diagnostic procedures. When LEDs working at
other wavelengths become possible, PA imaging of other chemical information in biological samples, such as lipid
or collagen content, can also be realized.
Replacing conventional class-IV lasers with LED light source may largely benefit the wide acceptance of
the emerging PA imaging technology by clinic, and make it safer and more convenient for use in clinics even
in resource deficient settings. Using inflammatory arthritis as an example, our previous studies employing a
laser-based PA imaging system have suggested that the optical contrast presented by PA imaging is capable of
detecting hyperemia and hypoxia, two important hemodynamic biomarkers of inflammation in human periph-
eral joints in vivo39. However, due to the high costs of class-IV lasers involved in conventional PA imaging sys-
tems, promoting this new diagnostic tool to rheumatology clinic could turn out to be challenging. The LED-based
PA imaging system, with a significantly reduced cost, offers comparable image quality and sensitivity in detecting
joint inflammation as those realized by laser-based PA imaging systems. The imaging depth when using the LED
light source, although not as large, is sufficient for the application on rheumatoid arthritis which usually attacks
the peripheral joints of human hands and feet. In addition, the smaller footprint and no need for wearing laser
safety glasses during the operation of LED-based PA imaging system also make this new imaging tool more
friendly to use in the rheumatology clinic rooms. Therefore, we expect that LED light source would be at least an
important option in future development and clinical applications of the PA imaging technology.
The fast response and the high-speed driving of our LED arrays make the illumination pulse durations of
35–150 ns, much shorter than commonly used LED light sources and satisfying the requirement of generating
PA signals efficiently. In addition, the high repetition rate of our LED arrays allows for extensive signal averaging
which is crucial for boosting the SNR of the LED-based PA imaging system to a level comparable to those in
the laser-based PA imaging systems without sacrificing the capability of real-time imaging. With these unique
features, our LED-based PA system, when working at a pulsing repetition rate of 16 kHz, achieved a frame rate
up to 500 Hz at depth up to 5 mm. This frame rate, which is an order of magnitude higher than most PA imaging
systems based on solid state lasers, allows imaging and quantitative assessment of fast hemodynamic changes in
biological samples, for example arterial pulsation and blood reperfusion. Although not continuously tunable,
LED light source can provide many wavelength options for functional imaging, e.g., blood oxygen saturation.
LED elements working at different wavelengths can be combined together and irradiate alternatively.
The LED-based PA imaging system described here is safe for both skin and eye exposure. Since LED emis-
sions are incoherent, the ANSI safety limits for collimated laser beams do not apply. Instead, the international
electrotechnical commission (IEC) 62471 is followed49. According to IEC 62471, the exposure limit for skin is
based on thermal injury due to the temperature rise in tissue. Assuming that the illumination on the same skin
area lasts continuously for 5 seconds using two 850-nm LED bars working at 4 kHz pulse repetition rate, the
estimated exposure is 4.57 × 103 W·m−2 which is below the thermal hazard limit for skin of 5.98 × 103 W·m−2.
For eye safety, two aspects need to be considered, which are retinal thermal hazard exposure limit (weak visual
stimulus) and infrared radiation eye safety limit. Assuming a continuous illumination at the front of the eye
for 5 second using two 850-nm LED bars working at 4 kHz pulse repetition rate, the estimated exposures are
2.92 × 103 W⋅m−2⋅sr−1 for retinal thermal exposure and 4.57 × 103 W⋅m−2 for infrared radiation exposure, both
lower than the safety limits for eye of 1.34 × 105 W⋅m−2⋅sr−1 and 5.38 × 103 W⋅m−2, respectively.
Compared to powerful class-IV lasers, the energy output from the current LED arrays is relatively low. The
signal averaging in the presented PA imaging partly counterbalances the reduction of illumination energy while
maintaining the frame rate. Nonetheless, if the magnitudes of the acoustic signals generated by the weak illumi-
nation are significantly below the noise-equivalent pressure level of the ultrasound transducer array, averaging
will not effectively remove the noises. This is the reason that penetration depth of 5 mm was found in most of our
imaging results using the 10-MHz ultrasound probe. Employing ultrasound probes with higher detection sen-
sitivity can further improve the imaging depth. As shown in Fig. S1 in Supplementary Materials, using the same
LED arrays but replacing the 10-MHz probe with a 7-MHz probe, we have achieved PA imaging in biological
samples with a depth up to 30 mm. Another way to further boost the SNR and the imaging depth is to perform
additional signal averaging. Without sacrificing the imaging speed, the pulse repetition rate of our LED source
needs to be further increased. This is technically feasible, as recently we have successfully built LED arrays with
pulse repetition rate of 16 kHz, and are now working toward a higher repetition rate of 40 kHz.
Besides the emission energy level, another major difference between the pulsed LEDs and the solid state lasers
is the temporal pulse width. The pulse width of our LED sources is tens of nanoseconds whereas that of the solid
state lasers could be less than ten nanoseconds. The temporal pulse width imposes a limit to the spatial resolution
of the imaging system. For example, the 35-ns pulse width of the 850-nm LED corresponds to a spatial resolution
of 52.5 µm (=35 ns × 1500 µm/µs). One way to further increase the energy output of our LED arrays is further
increasing the pulse width which can lead to degraded spatial resolution though. However, at the tomographic
PA imaging scenario, the bandwidth of the transducer array is another key factor limiting the spatial resolution.
For the specific case of this study, the 10 MHz transducer array corresponds to approximately 150-µm resolu-
tion. Therefore, the pulse width of the LEDs can be potentially extended to 100 ns without affecting the spatial
Despite the limitations mentioned above, this study demonstrates that short-pulse and high repetition rate
LED could find application as an inexpensive and compact multi-wavelength PA excitation source for imaging
superficial vascular anatomy and function.
LED arrays and system workflow. The LEDs (PreXion Corporation) in this study were made from var-
ious semiconductor compounds such as Aluminum Gallium Arsenide (AlGaAs), Aluminum Gallium Indium
Phosphide (AlGaInP), or Indium Gallium Nitride (InGaN), all mixed together at different ratios to produce a
distinct wavelength. Fig. S2(a) in Supplementary Materials shows the circuit diagram of a LED array; while the
detailed layout of a LED array is shown in Fig. S2(b). To achieve an appropriate irradiating area which can be
well matched with ultrasound probe, each LED bar has 4 rows of 36 LED elements (144 total elements) in order
to achieve an irradiation area of 50 mm × 7 mm. A plurality of LED chips arrayed at high-density are electrically
connected in series of 36 chips, and a high voltage (400 V) is applied to the LED chips to pulse-drive the LED
chips, thereby flowing a large current of about 20 A to the LEDs. High-speed on/off switching by the driver is per-
formed by a low on-resistance metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). Both on-off times
are 20 ns to 40 ns, and optical pulses having a width of 35 ns to 150 ns can be generated. For LED bars providing
multiple wavelengths, e.g., 690 nm and 850 nm, as shown in Fig. 2(a), different rows working at different wave-
lengths can irradiate alternatively to achieve rapid multispectral PA measurements.
Figure 6(a) shows the photograph of the LED arrays working at different wavelengths, including 470 nm,
620 nm, 690 nm, 850 nm, and dual-wavelength of 690 nm and 850 nm. All these wavelengths are designed within
the 400–1000 nm range, as shown in Fig. 6(b), aiming at resolving the vasculatures and quantifying the hemoglo-
bin concentration and oxygenation in biological samples. LED arrays working at other wavelengths (e.g., 750 nm,
810 nm, 930 nm, and 980 nm) have also been developed (not shown). The temporal profiles of the LED emissions
were measured with an optical sensor (PIN photodiodes: S5973-03; diameter: 1.5 mm) placed at 5-mm distance
from the LED array surface. Figure 6(c) shows the temporal response profiles of the LED arrays working at dif-
ferent wavelengths. The quantitative characteristics are shown in Table 1. Currently, the LED arrays working at
850 nm give the strongest energy output of 200 µJ per pulse, with a bandwidth of 35 nm. At all the wavelengths,
facilitated by the fast response of the LED and the high-speed driving, LED arrays can irradiate with short pulse
durations of 35–150 ns, guaranteeing the high efficiency in generating PA signals. Figure 6(d) shows the measured
emission power stability of an LED working at a repetition rate of 1 kHz. The emission energy reduced by 5% after
the first 10 minutes, and then maintained with an excellent stability until 30 minutes (energy fluctuation <1.2%).
The long term stability and lifetime of the LED light source was also evaluated, as demonstrated in Fig. 6(e). The
emission energy of LED working at both 1 kHz and 4 kHz repetition rate were stable in this test over a period
of 1,000 hours. Among all the options, the LED working at 850-nm wavelength not only has the highest energy
Figure 6. (a) Photograph of LED arrays working at different wavelengths (470 nm, 620 nm, 690 nm, 850 nm,
and 690 nm + 850 nm dual wavelengths). As shown in (b), these wavelengths cover the spectral range of
400–900 nm, facilitating PA vascular imaging and quantification of hemoglobin concentration and oxygenation.
The blue and the red curves show the molar extinction coefficients of the oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO2)
and the deoxygenated hemoglobin (Hb), respectively. (c) Temporal profiles of the LED emissions at different
wavelengths. (d) Measured output energy intensity from an LED element over a period of 30 minutes
demonstrating the short-term stability. (e) LED lifetime test showing the average power measured at different
time points over 1,000 hours, demonstrating good long-term stability. (f) Deliverable power emitted from a 850-
nm LED array at various depths in different biological tissues, including chicken, pork, and beef. The change in
deliverable power in the air as a function of depth is due to the beam divergence. (g) Photograph of our LED-
based PA and US dual-modality imaging system.
output but also enables a good imaging depth due to the excellent penetration of 850-nm light in optically scat-
tering biological tissues. Figure 6(f) shows the deliverable power emitted from an 850 nm LED array as a function
of the penetration depth in various biological tissues. The light power from the LED array was measured by an
optical power meter (PD300-3W) with 5-mm2 receiving area. As expected, the optical power as a function of
depth in each tissue follows an exponential decay as the result of the optical attenuation. In chicken breast, the
measured power at 2-cm depth was about 10% of that at the surface of the LED array.
PA-US dual imaging system. The PA imaging function is realized on a customized US imaging platform.
Figure 6(g) shows the photograph of the LED based PA and US dual-modality imaging system. A customized US
probe containing 128 elements with a pitch of 300 micrometers, an elevational dimension of 3.5 mm, and a nomi-
nal frequency of 10 MHz was used. A large element size was used in the purpose of capturing the weak PA signals.
To achieve better sensitivity and imaging depth, a lower frequency 7 MHz linear array was also employed in some
studies. In the US B-scan mode, the US transmission was a simple plane wave with all transducer elements. The
PA signals captured were pre-amplified first by 54 dB, and then both the US and PA signals were amplified by
52 dB by customized amplifiers. Sampling rates of US and PA acquisition are 20 MHz and 40 MHz, respectively.
The inclusion of an additional preamplifier for PA reception was due to the fact that PA signals are much lower
in magnitude compared to US signals, and the customized low-noise pre-amplifier is the deterministic factor of
the high system sensitivity.
Two LED bars were position at two sides of the US probe, with the illumination projection angle of 45° with
respect to the imaging plane. Since the PA and US images were acquired by the same US transducer array, the two
modalities are naturally registered. A translational stage is synchronized to the data acquisition. With accurately
controlled steps, a series of 2D US and PA images reconstructed with Fourier transform analysis methods50 can
be post-processed to reconstruct 3D images.
The data acquisition rate of PA imaging is 4 kHz for normal mode and could be up to 16 kHz for high frame
rate mode by changing MOSFET working frequency. Extensive PA signal averaging was performed to achieve
SNR comparable to that produced by solid state lasers. The signal averaging includes two steps, taking normal
mode as an example, including 64 times by DAS and 6 times by PC, which are 384 times in total. Considering that
the SNR improvement is a square root of the averaging times, 384 times averaging improves the SNR by almost
20 times. By performing extensive signal averaging, the performance of PA imaging based on two 850-nm LED
bars each providing 200 µJ pulse energy is comparable to the system working with a solid state laser offering 200
µJ × 2 × 20 = 8 mJ pulse energy. The SNR in LED-based PA imaging as a function of the average number was
studied, as the result shown in Fig. S3 in Supplementary Materials.
Validation of PA imaging on phantom. To examine the performance of the PA imaging system based on
the LED light source, we first imaged a phantom. The phantom shown in Fig. 7(a) was made by dark green fishing
lines (diameter 0.35 mm) immersed in 1% intralipid solution for optical scattering. To acquire a 3D image of the
phantom, the integrated probe with the 10-MHz linear array and two 850-nm LED bars scanned the phantom
along the top surface, with a scanning step size of 0.1 mm and a total scanning range of 40 mm. The reconstructed
3D image of the phantom is presented along different views, as shown in Fig. 7(b–e). All the lines in the phantom
are resolved and displayed clearly in the PA images, showing the capability of the system in resolving 3D vascula-
ture. By studying the FWHM of the PA image intensity profile along the fishing line, after deconvolution remov-
ing the effect of fishing line size, both lateral and axial resolution of the system were measured to be approximately
200 microns. The 3D rendering of the PA image of the phantom can be found in the Supplementary Materials
(Video 6).
In vivo imaging of vasculature and function in human finger. For 3D imaging of vasculature in
human finger, the human subject placed one hand in a water tank. With the probe oriented perpendicular to the
finger, each 2D B-scan image was acquired long a cross section of the finger. For real-time 2D imaging of arterial
pulsation, an index finger of a human subject was scanned along the transverse sagittal section. The position of
the probe in respect to the finger was fixed during the entire measurement. The LEDs worked at 4 kHz, and PA
signal averaging was 384 times. Therefore, cine loops of B-scan PA and US images were acquired at a frame rate of
10 Hz. For the result in Fig. 1(a–e), the 10-MHz linear array and two 850-nm LED bars were employed.
High speed imaging, as the result in Fig. 1(f), was performed in vivo on a human subject to demonstrate the
capability of LED-based PA imaging in mapping and evaluating the blood reperfusion in subsurface tissues. The
index finger was imaged along the transverse sagittal section, and the position of the probe in respect to the finger
Figure 7. (a) Photograph of the phantom. (b) Coronal, (c) axial, (d) sagittal, and (e) perspective views of the
acquired 3D PA image of the phantom.
was fixed during the entire measurement. The LEDs worked at 16 kHz and a 500-Hz frame rate was obtained by
averaging PA signals over 32 pulses. The 7-MHz linear array and two 850-nm LED bars were employed. Before
imaging, the blood in the finger was squeezed out as much as possible, and then a rubber band tied the root of the
finger circumferentially to temporarily hold the blood perfusion. The cine loops of PA and US images of the finger
were recorded, starting before the rubber band was released and ending after the rubber band was released, with
a total duration of 23.75 seconds. The finger was held still during the entire scan. In addition, working at 16 kHz
pulse repetition rate, averaging over 32 pulses takes only 2 milliseconds. The motion of the finger, if any, should
not cause any large artifact.
Measurement of blood oxygenation. As shown in Fig. 6(b), the two wavelengths employed, i.e., 690 nm
and 850 nm, are at the two sides of the isosbestic point at 797 nm, facilitating good sensitivity in multispectral PA
imaging of hemoglobin oxygen saturation. Each dual-wavelength LED bar contains four rows of LED elements,
with row 1 and row 3 working on 690 nm and row 2 and row 4 working on 850 nm. The LED bar emits 690-nm
light and 850-nm light alternatively, forming 2 kHz repetition rate at either wavelength. Due to the fast switch
between the two wavelengths (lagging time < 0.5 ms), the accuracy in quantitative imaging of blood oxygenation
does not suffer from body motion. In this study, the 10-MHz linear array was employed.
This study was performed in vivo by imaging the vessels in the index finger of a volunteer. The finger was
imaged along a transverse cross-section, and the position of the probe in respect to the finger was fixed during the
entire measurement. A sensor of a pulse oximeter (V9204, Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. St. Paul, MN) clamped on
the thumb of the same hand. The SpO2 reading from the pulse oximeter reflects the oxygen saturation in arterial
blood. Assuming that the SpO2 and the average peripheral blood oxygenation are well correlated, the reading
from pulse oximeter provides a gold standard to validate the measurement from multispectral PA imaging.
After some practice, the volunteer can manipulate the peripheral blood oxygenation level in the range of
80–100% by holding the breath. At each blood oxygenation level, the PA imaging at the two wavelengths were
conducted simultaneously, both performed with a signal averaging over 1,600 pulses. Hence, each sO2 image was
acquired within 0.8 second. With the PA images acquired at the two wavelengths, the point-by-point sO2 image
was computed. To study the mean and the standard deviation of the sO2 measurements at each blood oxygenation
level, 10 sO2 images were acquired during a time period of 0.8 × 10 = 8 seconds. During this time period, the SpO2
measured by the pulse oximeter varied less than 1%. As shown in Fig. 6(c), the maximum energy output from our
690-nm LEDs is only 60% of that from the 850-nm LEDs. The sO2 calculation method is commonly known as
using the spectral unmixing approaches16–18. In addition, the surface reflection and the optical attenuation of the
690-nm light and the 850-nm light are different in the finger. To compensate these factors, before calculating the
sO2 levels, a calibration of the intensities of the PA images at the two wavelengths was introduced.
Imaging of peripheral vasculature and response to cold exposure. 3D imaging of the vasculature
in the dorsal surface of the foot of a volunteer was conducted by scanning the probe along the surface of the foot
skin. 10-MHz linear array and two 850-nm wavelength LED bars working at 4 kHz were employed. During the
entire experiment, the foot of the normal volunteer was immersed and kept still in a water tank.
For functional measurement of peripheral vasculature in response to local cold exposure, 2D B-scan images
were acquired before and after the change of water temperature. The relative position of the probe in respect to
the foot was kept unchanged during the study. The temperature of the water in the tank was first set at 40.8 degree
Celsius. 2D imaging was repeated four times. Then, the temperature of the water was set at 34.2 degree Celsius.
After about 3 minutes, 2D imaging was conducted again for four times. The imaging results acquired at two dif-
ferent temperatures were then compared.
In vivo imaging of inflammatory arthritis. The arthritis patients involved in this study were men and
women over 18 years old, with apparent swelling and pain in at least one of their finger joints. Finger joints
affected by inflammatory arthritis were identified by board certified rheumatologists at the University of Michigan
Rheumatology Clinic following the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria. The active synovitis and
enhanced blood flow in the joints were confirmed by a commercial Doppler US (z.one PRO, Zonare). To be
used as control, healthy subjects with no symptoms and no history of inflammatory arthritis were also recruited.
10-MHz linear array and two 850-nm wavelength LED bars working at 4 kHz were employed.
Ex vivo imaging of human eye cancer. De-identified, enucleated ocular globes containing choroidal mel-
anoma tumors were procured at the University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center. Malignancies were confirmed
later via histopathology. The ocular globes, with size about 2.5 cm along both width and depth, were imaged with
the LED-based PA and US system immediately after enucleation. For light illumination, the cornea area was
avoided. The optical energy scattered by the sclera could provide uniform illumination at the tumor surface and
assist in deep imaging. In this study, 2D and 3D PA images of ocular globe were acquired using the 10-MHz linear
array and two 850-nm LED bars. The imaging probe was positioned approximately 1 cm away from the tangential
plane of the eye globe surface.
Data availability. The experimental data within this paper are available on demand by contacting the cor-
responding author.
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This research is sponsored in part by National Institutes of Health (R01AR060350 and 1R21AI12209801A1), and
National Natural Science Foundation of China (11574231, 61201425).
Author Contributions
Y.Z., G.X., J.Y., X.W. and N.S. conceived the study. Y.Z., J.J. and G.X. performed data and image acquisition. Y.Z.,
J.Y., G.X. and X.W. analyzed all the PA images. T.A., N.S. and Y.S. developed the image fusion algorithms, LED
imaging system and its application programs. G.G and H.D. performed the diagnosis of the patients in clinical
study. Y.Z., G.X., N.S. and X.W. drafted the manuscript.
Additional Information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-28131-4.
Competing Interests: The authors declare no competing interests.
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