Unit 20
Unit 20
Unit 20
Good morning,
We will be dealing with the other elements of this title along the
In this way, the Spanish authorities have made a big emphasis on the
development of the law to be followed, starting from the official
curriculum set out in the R.D. 1513/2006 passed on the 7th of
December and Decree 22/2007 passed on the 10th of May which
establishes the curriculum for Primary Education in the Community of
Raquel Giménez Crespo Unit 20
This concludes the introduction, but before starting with the content,
we will present the bibliography consulted to develop this topic:
Organic Law of Education 2/2006 3rd May, R.D. 1513/2006 7th
December, which establishes the Minimum Contents for Primary
Education, Decree 22/2007 10th May, which establishes the
Curriculum of Primary Education in the Community of Madrid, Order
3225/2008, 27th June, which establishes the guidelines for the
evaluation process in Primary Education in the Community of Madrid
and Order 3319/2007, 18th June, which establishes the guidelines of
the organisation and functioning of Primary Schools in the Community
of Madrid.
Raquel Giménez Crespo Unit 20
The schools making use of its Autonomy (art.120 LOE) adapt the
different curricular elements to their specific characteristics, students
and environment, which are established in the Educational Project.
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Raquel Giménez Crespo Unit 20
The eight competences as laid out by the European Council are the
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And finally the Artistic and Cultural Competence. This involves the
appreciation of the importance of the creative expression of ideas,
experiences and emotions in different media as an important
representation of human history. It also involves critically assessing
different cultural and artistic manifestations.
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should also learn about the location of countries where the language
is spoken, their flags, their music, etc.
Whether or not the general objectives have been achieved, they will
need to be assessed. With this in mind, the curriculum lays out the
following criteria:
In addition to this, the teacher must evaluate the teaching and the
learning process, as well as the curricular programme. It should be
varied and allow the evaluation of the transference of learned subject
matter to different contexts. Tools and techniques for evaluation
include standardised texts of various sorts, questionnaires,
observation schedules of classroom interaction, and diaries that the
learners keep themselves. In an overcrowded classroom it may be
difficult for the teacher to carry out an effective evaluation, however,
he should try to make the evaluation as individual as possible, as well
as covering as many of the four skills as time will allow.
The 1st & 4th criteria deal with the oral evaluation criteria that
fosters the fact of grasping global and specific information in oral
texts related to pupils’ interests and background supported by verbal
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The 2nd & 3rd refer to the written criteria: read and grasp global and
specific meaning from varied and simple texts on familiar topics
adapted to the pupils, using models with specific purposes and
layouts on paper or digital support.
The 5th deals with the linguistic system: use forms and structures
typical in the FL where rhythm, stress and intonation are related to
meanings in communicative contexts participating actively.
The 7th & 8th deal with Socio-Cultural criteria: value the FL as a
vehicle to communicate with other people being curious and
interested towards foreign-language speakers. Identify routines,
habits and celebrations of those countries and compare them to the
own ones.
The LOE sets up the documents that schools should have. According
to the Order 3319/2007, the School Curricular Project or PCC is
included in the PEC.
Let’s start with the Educational Project (PEC). This document collects
features of the surrounding, values, the curriculum offered by the
school or didactic programmes, the Reading Plan, ICT Plan, Plan for
attention to diversity, Plan for living together, Plan of orientation and
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tutorial action and educational activities for students who haven’t got
Religion. This document will be written by the Management Team and
approved by the School Council.
The first one we are going to tackle is The Annual School Plan,
otherwise known as PGA. This document is divided into various parts:
introduction, general objectives, plan of performance, general
timetable, plan for extracurricular activities, budget and field and
dimension of the internal evaluation. This is also designed by the
Management Team and approved by the School Council. The schools
will simply have to revise the previous year projects instead of re-
writing them.
When the project has been established the Didactic Programmes will
be drawn up. This is the document where the pedagogic autonomy of
teachers is reflected. A Didactic Programming establishes all the
curricular components at classroom level. Its aim is that of planning
the teaching-learning processes that will be developed throughout the
year. Its main components are, amongst others: introduction,
objectives, key competences and sequence of contents in the
different levels, evaluation criteria, the didactic methodology,
organisation, timing, groupings, spaces, materials; measures to
answer diversity, complementary activities, evaluation procedures
and instruments, promotion and marking criteria and teaching-
learning evaluation processes.
Once the educational needs and the school and family context of the
student has been identified and analysed, the answer to each of the
students will be specified in an Individual Working Plan (PTI). This is
coordinated by the tutor, with the report and counselling of the
Orientation Department. It will establish the curricular and
organisational measures necessary for the student to develop his
personal abilities.
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The Plan for Living Together includes the regulations for internal
organisation. We can consider aspects such as the strategies which
favour positive interpersonal relationship in the classes and school or
how to deal with conflicts and difficulties.
Regarding the ICT PLAN, the LOE claims as one objective of Primary
Education “approach to the use of the new technologies in order to
learn how to use them developing a critical opinion towards any
information they may receive”. Information and communication
technologies should be used daily and through all the subjects. The
students will use them as a common resource.
This concludes the exposition. Thank you very much for your time.