Design and Size Ductwork
Design and Size Ductwork
Design and Size Ductwork
Mapco custom-engineered exhaust systems are designed and built by experienced professionals with years of experience in
the Metal Finishing Industry. Using only the best materials, all Mapco duct systems utilize type I, grade I, seamless extruded
PVC duct up to 24" diameter. All sizes beyond 24" are fabricated from heavy gauge type II, grade I PVC which is the same color
as the extruded sizes. Call on Mapco for your exhaust system design.
Before CFM volumes can be assigned to the various process tanks, the intent or purpose of the exhaust system has to be
defined. Only after you have answered the above questions, can you begin to design a system that will insure a profitable
operation and provide a safe environment for your employees.
Guide 1910, page 20, Section (7), (iv) states "The exhaust system, consisting of hoods, ducts, air mover, and discharge outlet,
shall be designed in accordance with American National Standard Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Local
Exhaust systems, Z9.2-1960, or the manual, Industrial Ventilation, published by the American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists 1970." These manuals have long been used as the industry standard for designing exhaust system
volumes for open surface tanks. In most cases these standards are fine, but no distinction is made between allocation of
exhaust volume to vent the tank surface vs venting work in process.
The first impact of an exhaust system is the initial cost of the system. A careful evaluation of all cost variables entering into
the exhaust system should be made if maximum economy is to be achieved. The designer has a great influence on these costs
when specifying the duct system material, total CFM, system operating pressure, duct size and complexity, fan horsepower,
control device and space requirements.
Determining factors are air quantity and system total pressure. For example, it has been determined that based on 6
cents per Kw/Hr cost of electrical energy, an exhaust system cost 2 cents per cfm, per 1/4 inch static pressure. Therefore, a 1/4
inch rise in static pressure for a 100,000 CFM system would add $2,000.00 to the cost of operation for a one year period. Some
time-proven practices for keeping cost down are:
Keep the air quantity to a minimum. This is accomplished by totally enclosing the tank, using a push/pull system or
enclosing as much area around the exhaust hood as possible (do not compromise on the exhaust volume to the point where
you are under the minimum required control velocity to maintain the specified contaminant evolution for the process
Use the minimum number of fittings possible. A short radius elbow for example could have the loss equivalent to 29 feet of
straight duct. Use materials that are compatible with the environment.
Select a control device that yields the required efficiency at the lowest possible pressure drop.
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The current edition of the Industrial Ventilation Manual offers two basic methods for calculating exhaust volumes for
ventilation systems.
Push/pull - A push/pull ventilation system (see fig.1) utilizes a nozzle that pushes a jet of air across the tank surface into an
exhaust hood. Effectiveness of the push jet is a function of its momentum which can be related to the product of the nozzle
supply air flow and the nozzle exit velocity. The manual offers technical justification for ventilating the surface of a process
tank with an exhaust volume of 100 cfm/ ft2 of tank surface area for low activity processes and 200 cfm/ ft2 for higher emission
The exhaust slot or slots should be sized for 2000 fpm to effectively capture the push jet volume as it moves across the tank
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Exhaust System Design | Principles for Cotrolling Cost -
Cross draft velocities in excess of 75 ft/min, high temperatures or wide tanks (8 feet or more) may require increased push
and/or pull flows. To account for the effects of these variables, a � 20% flow adjustment should be designed into both the
push and pull flow systems wherever practical. When ventilation of the processing parts is desired, additional CFM volumes
must be allocated to the upper hood slots on upright, multi-slotted hoods. In some cases it is necessary to add a second,
elevated push header to direct flow towards the upper slot. Any shielding of the hoods and/or hoist will drastically improve the
exhaust hood performance.
Push air header - The push air header should be located as near the tank edge as possible to minimize the height above the
liquid level. The push air header should be round so it can be rotated and adjusted during start-up. The nozzle axis can be
angled down a maximum of 20 degrees to permit the jet to clear obstructions. Any opening between the nozzle and tank lip
should be sealed. For most applications a 1/4" diameter hole on 1-1/2" to 2" centers is sufficient. Usually, 11 to 12 CFM
respectively for every one foot in length.
The push header diameter should be a minimum of 2 to 3 times the area of the nozzle holes to assure even jet flow. Supply
lines to push air headers should be equipped with a gate or diaphragm valve for best control. Size the main trunkline for 3,000
to 5,000 FPM velocity. Finally, a high pressure blower should be selected to power the system. Calculate the pressure drop
across the system and choose the appropriate blower for the job.
Straight Exhaust - Prior to using 75 CFM/ft2 in conjunction with a push/pull system, the most common method of exhaust
volume calculation was to use the tables as outlined in the A.C.G.I.H. manual, section 10-102. The table on page (102) can be
used for general calculations. For more detailed information, refer to the A.C.G.I.H. manual section 10-103, (Specific
1. Obtain the recommended control velocity for the specific operation from Table I0.70.3
2. Determine width to length ratio by dividing width of tank (distance slot has to pull) by length of tank.
3. Select CFM/ ft2 based on control velocity and W to L ratio from Table II.
4. Calculate exhaust volume as product of CFM/ft2 X surface area of tank (see Table 10.70.4
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This method of CFM calculation can also be used in conjunction with a push air system with either a single slot hood or a
multi-slotted hood. Depending on the process, the total calculated exhaust volume can be reduced by 20% to 50%. A minimum
of 75 cfm/ft2 of tank surface area ( � 20%) should be allocated to the bottom slot with the remainder allocated to the top slot or
slots. This will work fine for low production operations with low temperature tanks.
High production operations with high temperature and/or aggressive chemicals should have additional CFM allocated to the
top slots for better control of fumes as the parts exit the tank. Shielding between the hoods and/or under the hoist will
drastically improve the performance of the exhaust system.
Push air volume can be calculated in the same manner as described under Push/Pull section on these pages..
The effective width (W) over which a hood must pull air to operate is critical to its performance. If the hood face is set back
from the tank lip, include this set back in measuring tank width. It is not practical to ventilate across the long dimension of a
tank if the W/L exceeds 2.0. It is undesirable to do so when W/L exceeds 1.0.
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PLATING Cadmium 50 [note 1] CLEANING Caustic 75 [note 1]
Chrome 150 Yes (not boiling) Electrolytic 75 [note 1]
Copper 75 Yes CLEANING Caustic 100 [note 1]
Tin 75 [note 1] (boiling) Electrolytic 100 [note 1]
Zinc 75 [note 1] BRIGHT DIP Aluminum 150 Yes [note 2]
ANODIZING Sulfuric 100 Yes Copper 150 Yes [note 2]
Chromic 100 Yes Brass 150 Yes [note 2]
PICKLING Nitric 150 Yes [note 2] Nitric 150 Yes [note 2]
Sulfuric 100 Yes HOT Sodium 75 Yes
Hydrochloric 150 Yes [note 2] WATER Hydrochloric 75 Yes
Nitric/HF 150 Yes [note 2] Sulfuric 50
Not boiling 75
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In most cases a scrubber is not required [Mapco recommends the installation of a mist eliminator to prevent damage to
building, cars and surrounding structures]. Additional control should be considered due to the violent reaction of some
Hood along one side or two parallel sides of tank when tank is against a wall or shielded. Also for manifold along tank
50 50 60 75 90 100
75 75 90 110 130 150
100 100 125 150 175 200
150 150 190 225 250 250
Hood along one side or two parallel sides of free standing tank.
Use W/2 as tank width in computing W/L for hood along centerline or two parallel sides of tank.
If hood face is set back from tank, distance should be included in tank width dimension.
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Upright, multi-slotted hoods are required when parts are to be ventilated. If the system design requires a push system, the
lowest slot on the hood will be assigned the function of ventilating the tank surface with the help of the push jet. Upper slots
will require additional CFM volume for the express purpose of ventilating parts. The height of the top slot is usually
determined by the depth of the tank or height of the parts when they have cleared the tank. Processing of large parts or barrel
lines usually require an elevated slot to vent the parts or barrel. A second, elevated push header will increase the efficiency of
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Exhaust System Design | Principles for Cotrolling Cost -
the exhaust when this is the case. Control of process fumes becomes increasingly more difficult as the fumes rise higher
above the tank surface. Cross drafts created by negative pressure in the building or drafts created by hoist and part movement
make it nearly impossible to capture all of the fumes.
Canopy hoodsare not practical on open-surface process tanks unless two or three sides can be shielded or enclosed. In most
cases the required CFM volume for this arrangement is greater than other hood designs.
In any case, the quantity of air in cubic feet per minute necessary to be exhausted through an enclosing hood shall not be less
than the product of the control velocity times the net area of all openings in the enclosure through which air can flow.
Specialized designs exist for low-volume capture of surface fumes that enlist the aid of manual, automatic or permanent tank
covers. Practical tank cover designs (or design limitations) are usually dictated by the specific process and the type of
material transfer system used. Low-volume, efficient capture of fumes, arising from parts can be achieved with a ventilated
workload enclosure or traveling canopy hood with side shields.
Design parameters for these types of systems are too complicated or operation-specific to be covered in this manual.
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Mapco air pollution control systems are designed in accordance with the recommended standards of ACGIH, ANSI, SPI, OSHA
and SMACNA. Depending on the process, we may choose to use values higher than those recommended in the above
manuals. We purchase all of our extruded duct from Harvel. We use Vycom Plastics and GE for our extruded pvc and cpvc
System components recommended by Mapco include; clean out doors on main trunklines, drain traps, isolation of the fan inlet
and outlet, spring isolators, stack support independent of the fan, dampers with seals, gaskets, stainless steel hardware, 360�
stainless steel split hangers with 3/8" diameter stainless steel rod, flexible hood outlet connections, flanged connections at
equipment, clean out doors on all exhaust hoods and reinforcement according to SMACNA recommendations for
thermoplastic ductwork.
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Exhaust System Design | Principles for Cotrolling Cost -
Round ductwork fabricated of Type I, Grade I shall be hot rolled and stress relieved. Round ductwork fabricated of Type II,
Grade I shall be cold rolled with longitudinal seams butt welded. Elbows (60� and 90�) shall be (5) gore pieced
proportionately. Elbows (30� and 45�) shall be (3) gore pieced proportionately. Molded or formed elbows with 1-1/2 centerline
radius will be acceptable..
Elbows to be welded inside and out with (3) passes outside and (1) pass inside. Smaller diameter elbows to be tack welded
inside with (3) passes outside. When conforming to SMACNA specifications material thickness will vary depending on
pressure drop through duct and method of reinforcement.
Transition pieces in mains and sub-mains shall be tapered. Angular limitations for transitions shall be no greater than 20� for
diverging flow and no greater than 30� for contracting flow where field conditions permit.
Branches or tees shall enter the main at the large end of the transition and at an angle not exceeding 45� wherever possible.
Minimum wall thickness and reinforcement shall be that required for the larger diameter.
Branches shall not be positioned directly opposite one another on a main or sub-main.
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Straight duct sections shall have formed corner con struction for maximum strength. Welded corners will not be acceptable.
Transitions and tapers shall have formed corners wherever practical.
Rectangular elbows shall be fabricated from flat stock with welded corner construction and shall be fabricated with a center
line radius equal to at least 1-1/2 times the dimension of the elbow side wherever conditions permit.
Gasket material shall be flexible and shall be of sufficient thickness to properly seal the joint.
Hangers and supports shall be securely fastened to the building structure wherever possible. In locations where this is not
possible, supports shall be bolted to concrete floor. Care shall be taken to install hangers so as to avoid creating conditions of
stress in the finished installation.
Welding shall be done by the hot gas fusion welding method utilizing PVC filler rod as manufactured for this purpose. Welding
shall be performed by workmen adequately trained in the art of PVC welding. Ductwork and similar air passage enclosures
must be finished, completely air and water tight with smooth interior surfaces. Ductwork shall be completely free from cracks,
distortions or other imperfections.
Longitudinal seams shall be butt welded utilizing an automatic butt welding machine. Alignment of longitudinal seams in
adjacent butt welded sections shall be avoided, and the seams shall be staggered. When joining sections together a minimum
of (3) passes outside and (1) pass inside is standard.
Flexible connections shall be furnished and installed to form an anti-vibration barrier at equipment locations and expansion
joints where indicated on the drawings. Flexible connections shall be fabricated from flexible plasticized PVC using material
not less than 1/8 inch thick. Support or hanger shall be provided at each end of the flexible connection in a horizontal position.
Tapered drain traps shall be installed at low points in main trunkline and sub-mains. Drain trap shall be designed to
encompass approximately the lower 1/3 of the duct circumference. Drain trap shall extend a minimum of 3" below the bottom
of the duct and have no less than a 1-1/2" diameter threaded PVC coupling. A PVC coupling welded to the bottom of the duct is
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Exhaust System Design | Principles for Cotrolling Cost -
Clean out doors shall be a minimum of 3/8" thick PVC bolted to a 1" x 3/4" thick PVC frame. Frame shall be welded to duct with
(3) passes outside and (1) pass inside. Door shall be bolted to frame with stainless steel hex head bolts. Frame work to
incorporate stainless steel encapsulated behind frame to accept bolts. Threads shall be capable of handling a minimum of 15
foot lbs. torque.
Clean out door width and length shall be a minimum of 1/4 the diameter of the duct it is installed on, or 8" x 8" whichever is
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FLAT No. of Max. Center to
FLANGE Equally Center
OR WIDTH inches inches
Spaced Bolts Spacing
6 6 4
8 8 4
10 8 4
12 12 4
14 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 12 4
1-1/2 x 3/8 1/4 5/16
16 3/16 16 4
18 16 4
20 16 4
22 20 4
24 20 4
26 24 4
28 24 4
30 24 4
36 2 x 2 x 1/4 2 x 3/8 5/16 3/8 32 4
42 36 4
48 40 4
Above 48 - 4
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