Fonc 08 00086
Fonc 08 00086
Fonc 08 00086
Melanoma, a skin cancer associated with high mortality rates, is highly radio- and che-
motherapy resistant but can also be very immunogenic. These circumstances have led to
a recent surge in research into therapies aiming to boost anti-tumor immune responses
in cancer patients. Among these immunotherapies, neutralizing antibodies targeting the
immune checkpoints T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) and programmed cell
Edited by:
death protein 1 (PD-1) are being hailed as particularly successful. These antibodies have
Reinhard Georg Dummer, resulted in dramatic improvements in disease outcome and are now clinically approved
UniversitätsSpital Zürich, Switzerland in many countries. However, the majority of advanced stage melanoma patients do not
Reviewed by: respond or will relapse, and the hunt for the “magic bullet” to treat the disease continues.
Jyothi Thyagabhavan Mony,
University of Pittsburgh, This review examines the mechanisms of action and the limitations of anti-PD-1/PD-L1
United States and anti-CTLA-4 antibodies which are the two types of checkpoint inhibitors currently
Rodabe N. Amaria,
available to patients and further explores the future avenues of their use in melanoma
University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center, United States and other cancers.
Keywords: immunotherapy, cancer, melanoma, side effects, biomarkers, immune checkpoint inhibitors, mode of
Atsushi Otsuka action;
Kenji Kabashima INTRODUCTION
Specialty section:
In recent years, there has been a steep rise in the development and implementation of anti-cancer
This article was submitted to Cancer immunotherapies. The approval of anti-cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4)
Immunity and Immunotherapy, and anti-programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) antibodies for human use has already resulted
a section of the journal in significant improvements in disease outcomes for various cancers, especially melanoma. Unlike
Frontiers in Oncology radio- and chemotherapy, which aim to directly interfere with tumor cell growth and survival,
Received: 17 November 2017 immunotherapies target the tumor indirectly by boosting the anti-tumor immune responses that
Accepted: 12 March 2018 spontaneously arise in many patients.
Published: 28 March 2018
Citation: Abbreviations: ctDNA, circular tumor DNA; CTLA-4, T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4; DCs, dendritic cells; IPRES, innate
Seidel JA, Otsuka A and anti-PD-1 resistance; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; NK, natural killer cells; PD-1, programmed cell death protein 1; IDO,
Kabashima K (2018) Anti-PD-1 and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase; IL-12, interleukin 12; TGF-β, tumor growth factor-β; Tregs, regulatory T cells; MDSCs, myeloid-
Anti-CTLA-4 Therapies in Cancer: derived suppressor cells; VISTA, V-domain Ig suppressor of T cell activation; ITIM, immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition
Mechanisms of Action, Efficacy, and motif; IFN-γ, interferon; TIM-3, T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin-domain containing-3; LAG-3, lymphocyte-activation
Limitations. protein 3; TIGIT, T-cell immunoreceptor with Ig And ITIM domains; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor-α; ICOS, inducible
Front. Oncol. 8:86. co-stimulatory molecule; IFN-γ, interferon-γ; BTLA, B- And T-lymphocyte-associated protein; CSF-1R, colony stimulating
doi: 10.3389/fonc.2018.00086 factor-1 receptor; GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; Breg, regulatory B cell.
Table 1 | Overview of T cell surface receptors associated with immune inhibition and dysfunction.
Programmed cell death protein 1 CD4 (activated/exhausted, follicular), CD8 (activated/ PD-L1, PD-L2 Antigen-presenting cells,
(PD-1) (11) exhausted), B cells, dendritic cells (DCs), monocytes, CD4+ T cells, non-lymphoid
mast cells, Langerhans cells tissues, some tumors
T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 CD4 (activated/exhausted, Tregs), CD8 (activated/ CD80, CD86 Antigen-presenting cells
(CTLA-4) (15) exhausted), some tumors
lymphocyte-activation protein 3 CD4 (including Treg and exhausted), CD8 (including MHC class II, LSECtin Antigen-presenting cells, liver,
(LAG-3) (15) exhausted), natural killer cells (NK) some tumors
T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin- CD4 (Th1, Th17, Treg), CD8 (including exhausted and Galectin-9, phosphatidyl serine, Endothelial cells, apoptotic
domain containing-3 (TIM-3) (16) Tc1), DC, NK, monocyte, macrophages high mobility group protein B1, cells, some tumors
T-cell immunoreceptor with Ig And CD4 (including Treg, follicular helper T cells), CD155 (PVR), CD122 (PVRL2, APCs, T cells, some tumors
ITIM domains (TIGIT) (16) CD8, NK nectin-2)
other T cell subsets, especially CD4+ T cells, upon activation (21). PD-1 bears an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition
Exhausted T cells are also often characterized by the expression motif (ITIM) and an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based switch
of CTLA-4 among other inhibitory receptors. CTLA-4 is mostly motif (ITSM) motif on its intracellular tail. The intracellular
located in intracellular vesicles and is only transiently expressed signaling events initiated upon PD-1 engagement are best
upon activation in the immunological synapse before being described in T cells and are illustrated in Figure 1. In these
rapidly endocytosed (22). cells, engagement of PD-1 causes tyrosine residues to become
CTLA-4 mediates immunosuppression by indirectly dimin- phosphorylated, starting an intracellular signaling cascade that
ishing signaling through the co-stimulatory receptor CD28. mediates the dephosphorylation of TCR proximal signaling
Although both receptors bind CD80 and CD86, CTLA-4 does components (9, 42–44). Among these, CD28 has recently been
so with much higher affinity, effectively outcompeting CD28 found to be the primary target (45). In the presence of TCR
(23). CTLA-4 may also remove CD80 and CD86 (including stimulation, CD28 provides critical signals that are important for
their cytoplasmic domains) from the cell surfaces of antigen- T cell activation. By interfering with early TCR/CD28 signaling
presenting cells via trans-endocytosis (24), therefore reducing and associated IL-2-dependent positive feedback, PD-1 signaling
the availability of these stimulatory receptors to other CD28- therefore results in reduced cytokine production [such as IL-2,
expressing T cells. Indeed, this process is an important mecha- IFN-γ, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α], cell cycle progres-
nism by which Tregs mediate immune suppression on bystander sion, and pro-survival Bcl-xL gene expression, as well as reduced
cells (25). expression of the transcription factors involved in effector func-
By limiting CD28-mediated signaling during antigen pres- tions such as T-bet and Eomes (42, 43, 46, 47). PD-1 activity is
entation, CTLA-4 increases the activation threshold of T cells, therefore only relevant during simultaneous T cell activation, as
reducing immune responses to weak antigens such as self- and its signal transduction can only come into effect during TCR-
tumor antigens. The central role that CTLA-4 plays in immu- dependent signaling (39, 41, 48). Details about PD-1 signaling
nological tolerance is exemplified by experiments in mice that in other cell types that bear this receptor, such as B cells, remain
lack the CTLA-4 gene globally or specifically in the Forkhead to be elucidated.
box P3 (FoxP3)+ Treg compartment. These animals develop Overall, PD-1 is crucial for the maintenance of peripheral
lymphoproliferative disorders and die at a young age (25, 26). tolerance and for containing immune responses to avoid immu-
Similarly, polymorphisms within the CTLA-4 gene are associated nopathology. Mice deficient in the receptor initially appear
with autoimmune diseases in humans (27). CTLA-4 signaling has healthy, but develop autoimmune diseases such as lupus-like
been shown to dampen immune responses against infections and proliferative glomerulonephritis and arthritis with age and
tumor cells (28, 29). exacerbated inflammation during infections (18, 31, 49, 50).
Humans with genetic polymorphisms in the PD-1 locus also
have an increased likelihood of developing various autoimmune
THE IMMUNE CHECKPOINT diseases (51, 52).
The surface receptor PD-1 (CD279) was first discovered on a CTLA-4, PD-1, AND THEIR LIGANDS
murine T cell hybridoma and was thought to be involved in IN CANCER
cell death (30). It has since become clear, however, that PD-1,
which is homologous to CD28, is primarily involved in inhibi- CTLA-4 may be expressed in tumor lesions on infiltrating Tregs
tory immune signaling, and is an essential regulator of adaptive or exhausted conventional T cells as well as tumor cells themselves
immune responses (31). In both humans and mice some T cell (53, 54). Despite the immunosuppressive role of CTLA-4, its
populations constitutively express PD-1; one example is fol- association with disease prognosis is not clear; however, it should
licular helper T cells (32). Although most circulating T cells be noted that only a few studies have described the prognostic
do not express the receptor, they can be induced to do so value of CTLA-4 levels in the tumor site. So far, the expression of
upon stimulation, through the T cell receptor (TCR) complex CTLA-4 on tumors has been associated with decreased survival
or exposure to cytokines such as IL-2, IL-7, IL-15, IL-21, in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (54) and increased survival in non-
and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β (33, 34). Other cell small cell lung cancer (53).
types, such as B cells, myeloid dendritic cells, mast cells, and PD-1 can be upregulated transiently during stimulation
Langerhans cells, can also express PD-1 which may regulate and constitutively during chronic immune activation (17). The
their own and bystander cell functions under pathophysiologi- inhibitory receptor has been detected on both circulating tumor-
cal conditions (35–38). PD-1 has two ligands: PD-L1 (B7-H1; specific T cells and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, where it was
CD274) and PD-L2 (B7-DC; CD273). Both can be found on associated with decreased T cell function in humans and mice (13,
the surface of antigen-presenting cells (such as dendritic cells, 29, 55–57). Other cell types may also upregulate PD-1 in tumor
macrophages, and monocytes), but are otherwise differentially lesions. PD-1-positive dendritic cells, for example, have been iden-
expressed on various non-lymphoid tissues (39, 40). Interferon tified in hepatocellular carcinoma where they exhibited a reduced
(IFN)-γ is the main trigger known to cause PD-L1 and PD-L2 ability to stimulate T cells (37). Another study identified a popula-
upregulation (41). tion of tumor-infiltrating PD-1-expressing regulatory B cells that
Figure 1 | Programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) mediated intracellular signaling events during T cell activation. (1) Upon T cell activation, the extracellular
receptors PD-1, CD28, and the T cell receptor (TCR) complex (including CD4 or CD8) bind their ligands PD-L1 or PD-L2, CD80 or CD86, and major
histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I or II, respectively. This brings all the receptors into close proximity with each other at the immunological synapse and allows
them to interact with each other. (2) The Src kinase Lck (P56Lck), which is bound to the intracellular tail of CD4 and CD8, can now phosphorylate the tyrosine
residues on the intracellular tails of PD-1 and CD28 as well as the CD3ζ chain of the TCR/CD3 complex. (3a) Phosphorylation of the immunoreceptor tyrosine-
based switch motif (ITSM) motif on the intracellular tail of PD-1 allows recruitment of the Src homology region 2 domain-containing phosphatase 2 (SHP-2), resulting
in the activation of SHP-2 phosphatase activity. SHP-1 may also bind PD-1 but to a lesser extent than SHP-2. (3b) Simultaneously, the phosphorylated tail of CD28
is now able to recruit PI-3K and Grb2 among other signaling molecules. (4) Through close proximity at the immunological synapse, PD-1-associated SHP-2 can
dephosphorylate the cytoplasmic tail of CD28, and to a lesser extent that of the CD3ζ chain, therefore preventing the recruitment of further downstream signaling
molecules associated with these molecules. SHP-2 may also dephosphorylate PD-1, causing auto-regulation of this inhibitory pathway. (5) CD28 provides critical
signals alongside TCR stimulation, and the abrogated binding of PI3K and Grb2 to this receptor therefore leads to decreased signaling in pathways important for
IL-2 production, survival, proliferation, and certain effector functions. In the absence of its ligands, PD-1 is not recruited to the immune synapse and can therefore
not interfere with activation signaling. (6) The inhibitory receptor CTLA-4 primarily restricts CD28 signaling indirectly by reducing the availability of CD80 and CD86,
to which it binds with a much higher affinity than the co-stimulatory receptor CD28. Sources (43–45).
produced IL-10; higher proportions of these cells were correlated with improved prognosis in others (such as angiosarcoma and
with worse disease outcome in hepatocellular carcinoma patients gastric cancer) (55, 60–65).
(58). Tumor-associated macrophages were also recently shown to
express PD-1 in both mice and humans with colorectal cancer and EFFICACY AND MODE OF ACTION OF
to impair macrophage phagocytosis (59). CHECKPOINT INHIBITORS
Both cancer cells and tumor-infiltrating immune cells
(such as macrophages) may express PD-L1 and upregulate it Both CTLA-4 and PD-1 checkpoint inhibitors have resulted in
in response to IFN-γ (60). PD-L1 expression may therefore be increased patient survival in a number of studies, including stud-
indicative of active anti-tumor immune responses and may also ies on melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma,
actively contribute to local immunosuppression. The relation- and non-small cell lung cancer, when compared to conventional
ship between PD-1 or PD-L1 expression at the tumor site and chemotherapies (summarized in Table 2). In melanoma, anti-
disease outcome is thus not consistent among all tumor types PD-1 treatment was more effective in patients with smaller
and patients. High PD-1 and/or PD-L1 may correlate with tumors (66). A direct comparison between the two checkpoint
poor prognosis in some cancers (including melanoma, renal inhibitors in a Phase III clinical trial found better response (44%)
cell carcinoma, esophageal, gastric, and ovarian cancers) and and survival rates (6.9 months progression-free survival) among
Seidel et al.
Target Drug Condition Treatment regimen Treatment in Objective Complete Overall Progression- Grade Participants Reference
control group response response survival free survival 3–5 treated (and
rate rates (months) (months) adverse controls)
Programmed PD-1 Nivolumab Melanoma (stage III/IV) 3 mg/kg/2 weeks (vs combination 43.7% 8.9% n/a 6.9 16.3% 316 (67)
cell death (IgG4a) therapy)
protein 1 (PD-
1) signaling
Renal cell carcinoma 3 mg/kg/2 weeks 10 mg/day 25% (4% 1% (<1% 25.0 (19.6 4.6 (4.4 19% (27% 406 (397 (68)
(metastatic) Everolimus control) control) control) control) control) control)
Hodgkin’s lymphoma 3 mg/kg/2 weeks n/a 87% 17% n/a 86% at 22% 23 (69)
(relapsed/refractory) 24 weeks
Squamous-cell carcinoma 3 mg/kg/2 weeks Single-agent 13.3% 2.5% 36.0%/1 year 19.7% at 13.1% 240 (121 (70)
of the head and neck systemic therapy (5.8% (0.8% (16.6% 6 months (35.1%) control)
(recurrent) (methotrexate, control) control) control) (9.9% control)
docetaxel, or
Non-small cell lung cancer 3 mg/kg/2 weeks Docetaxel 19% (12% 1% (<1% 12.2 (9.4 2.3 (4.2 10% (54% 292 (290 (71)
control) control) control) control) control) control)
3 mg/kg/2 weeks Docetaxel 20% (9% 1% (0% 9.2 (6 control) 3.5 (2.8 7% (55% 135 (137 (72)
control) control) control) control) control)
Ovarian cancer 1 or 3 mg/kg/2 weeks n/a 15% 10% 20 3.5 40% 20 (62)
Pembrolizumab Melanoma (stage III/IV) 10 mg/2 weeks or (vs ipilimumab) 33.7–32.9% 5.0–6.1% n/a 5.5–4.1 13.3– 279–277 (73)
(IgG4a) 3 weeks 10.1%
Merkel cell carcinoma 2 mg/kg/3 weeks n/a 56% 16% n/a 65% at 15% 26 (74)
6 months
Non-small cell lung cancer 2 mg/kg/3 weeks n/a 19.4% n/a 12 3.7 9.5% 495 (75)
10 mg/kg/3 weeks
10 mg/kg/2 weeks
200 mg/2 weeks Platinum-based 44.8 (27.8% n/a 80.2% at 10.3 (6 26.6% 154 (154 (76)
(PD-L1 + patients only) chemotherapy control) 6 months control) (53.3% control)
(72.4% control)
(PD-L1 + patients only) (9% control) control) (8.5 control) control) (35% control)
Progressive metastatic 10 mg/kg/every 2 weeks n/a 40/0% 0/0% >5 months/5 >5/2.2 41% 10/18 (78)
colorectal cancer overall
Pidilizumab B cell lymphoma (after 1.5 mg/42 days n/a 51% 34% 85% at 72% at n/a 66 (79)
(IgG1) autologous stem cell 16 months 16 months
Frontiers in Oncology |
Seidel et al.
TABLE 2 | Continued
Target Drug Condition Treatment regimen Treatment in Objective Complete Overall Progression- Grade Participants Reference
control group response response survival free survival 3–5 treated (and
rate rates (months) (months) adverse controls)
3 mg/kg/3 weeks (vs combination 19% 2.2% n/a 2.9 27.3% 311 (67)
with nivolumab)
Tremelimumab Melanoma (stage III/IV) 15 mg/kg/90 days chemotherapy 10.7% 3% (2% 12.6% (10.7 20.3% at 52% (37% 328 (327 (84)
(IgG2) (temozolomide (9.8% control) control) 6 months control) control)
or dacarbazine) control) (18.1%
Combination Nivolumab + Melanoma (stage III/IV) 3 mg/kg/2 weeks (vs single) 57.6% 11.5% n/a 11.5 55% 314 (67)
therapy Ipilimumab Nivolumab
3 mg/kg/3 weeks
Non-small cell lung cancer Nivo + Ipi: 1 + 3 or Nivolumab alone 23/19% 2/0% (0%) 7.7/6 (4.4) 2.6/1.4 (1.4 30/19% 61/54 (98 (85)
3 + 1 mg/ml (10% control) (13% control)
patients treated with the anti-PD-1 antibody nivolumab than The characteristics of a tumor itself may also influence immune
among those treated with the anti-CTLA-4 antibody ipilimumab checkpoint inhibitor efficacy. The mutational burden of tumor
(19% and 2.8 months). Combined administration of both cells may increase their antigenicity but may also enhance their
nivolumab and ipilimumab resulted in even higher response rates ability to evade treatment-induced immune responses. Indeed,
(58%) and survival (11.5 months) (67). a recent study identified a melanoma gene signature associated
Both CTLA-4 and PD-1 act independently as brakes on CD3/ with innate anti-PD-1 resistance, which included upregulation
CD28-dependent signaling, suggesting that underlying immune of genes associated with angiogenesis, wound healing, mesen-
responses are required for checkpoint inhibitor treatment to take chymal transitioning, cell adhesion, and extracellular matrix
effect (66). Indeed, as mentioned in the previous section, both remodeling (96).
PD-1 and CTLA-4 blockades are more effective in tumors that Commensal bacteria may also play a role in influencing the
are infiltrated by T cells or that have high mutation rates and are efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors. Anti-CTLA-4 treat-
therefore more immunogenic prior to treatment (86–88). ment was found to be ineffective in mice reared under sterile
The direct immunological consequences of anti-PD-1 and conditions and to induce a shift in the gut flora of conventionally
anti-CTLA-4 treatments have mostly been investigated in T cells reared mice. Further experiments showed that the presence of
(Figure 2). It is thought that the blockade of CTLA-4 most likely certain bacterial strains, in particular Bacteroides fragilis, pro-
impacts the stage of T cell activation in the draining lymph nodes moted Th1 polarization in the animals and was associated with
when CTLA-4 expressing Tregs remove CD80/CD86 from the an improved anti-tumor immune response (97). Importantly,
surface of antigen-presenting cells, thereby reducing their abil- antibiotic treatment was also associated with reduced responses
ity to effectively stimulate tumor-specific T cells (24). CTLA-4 to anti-PD-1/PD-L1 treatments in cancer patients, possibly
blockade may also take effect at the tumor site as exhausted by altering the normal gut flora. Good treatment response
CTLA-4-expressing T cells and Tregs can accumulate within among patients was instead associated with the presence of the
the tumor microenvironment (29, 53). PD-1-expressing tumor- commensal Akkermansia muciniphila, which also improved
infiltrating T cells can be disabled by PD-L1 on the surfaces of anti-PD-1 treatment responses in mice by allowing increased
tumor cells or other infiltrating immune cells, and blocking recruitment of CCR9 + CXCR3 + CD4 + T lymphocytes into
antibodies targeting PD-1 signaling are therefore thought to the tumor (98).
mainly affect the effector stage of the immune response (13,
55–57). Since other cell types (such as dendritic cells and B cells)
can also be influenced by PD-1 signaling, inhibition of the PD-1/ TREATMENT-RELATED ADVERSE EVENTS
PD-L1 pathway may also have T cell-independent effects, whose AND THEIR MANAGEMENT
impact on immune responses during checkpoint inhibitor
therapy remain to be elucidated (36, 58). PD-1 and CTLA-4 prevent autoimmunity and limit immune
Type I immune responses, which include IFN-γ produc- activation to prevent bystander damage under physiological
tion and cytotoxic T cell functions, are important for effective conditions. Inhibition of these receptors through therapeutic
anti-tumor immune responses and are associated with better antibodies for the treatment of cancer is therefore associated with
responses to anti-CTLA-4 and anti-PD-1 treatments. Indeed, a wide range of side effects that resemble autoimmune reactions.
mouse models have shown that local IFN-γ upregulation is essen- Rates of severe side effects vary greatly by study and treatment
tial for anti-PD-1-mediated tumor regression (89). Similarly, (see Table 2). Clinical trials that directly compared different
IFN-γ and the cytotoxic granule component granzyme B were types of immune checkpoint inhibitors and their combination
increased in regressing lesions of melanoma patients after anti- noted that more patients experienced side effects when treated
PD-1 treatment (90). Tumors in patients treated with anti-PD-1 with anti-CTLA-4 (27.3%) compared to anti-PD-1 (16.3%). Even
who initially responded and then relapsed showed mutations that more patients were affected when treated with a combination of
caused a subsequent loss in MHC class I surface expression (to both (55%) (67).
avoid cytotoxic T cell recognition) or in IFN-γ response elements Almost all patients treated with immune checkpoint
(6). Th9 CD4+ T cells have also been suggested to play a role inhibitors experience mild side effects such as diarrhea, fatigue,
according to a recent study that detected a significant increase in pruritus, rash, nausea and decreased appetite. Severe adverse
Th9 cell frequency in patients responding to anti-PD-1 treatment reactions include severe diarrhea, colitis, increased alanine ami-
(91, 92). notransferase levels, inflammation pneumonitis, and interstitial
It may be tempting to speculate that immune checkpoint nephritis (67, 73, 99). There have also been reports of patients
inhibitors specifically boost the function of T cells belonging to experiencing exacerbation of pre-existing autoimmune condi-
the effector memory compartment, as these cells readily express tions such as psoriasis (91, 92, 100) or developing new ones such
cytotoxic molecules such as perforin and granzyme B. However, as type 1 diabetes mellitus (101). Particularly severe side effects
these cells lack the co-stimulatory receptor CD28 through may require cessation of treatment, although these patients may
which both PD-1 and CTLA-4 inhibit T cell function (93). Two still respond thereafter (102). Interestingly, certain treatment-
recent studies have shown that it is indeed CD28-expressing related auto-immune reactions such as rash and vitiligo have
cells rather than already terminally differentiated effector cells been shown to correlate with better disease prognosis (103),
that respond to PD-1 blockade with a proliferative burst and suggesting an overlap between auto-immune and anti-tumor
differentiation (94, 95). immune responses.
Figure 2 | The role of programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) and T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) in the priming and effector phases of anti-tumor
immune responses. For T cell priming, dendritic cells (DCs) sample antigen at the tumor site and transport it to the draining lymph nodes, where they present the
antigens on their major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules to T cells. T cells become activated if their T cell receptors recognize and bind the antigen on
MHC complexes and their CD28 costimulatory receptors bind CD80 and CD86 on DCs. CTLA-4 upregulation on T cells or bystander Tregs can interfere with the
CD28 signal, as the former receptor binds CD80 and CD86 with higher affinity. Once activated, T cells migrate to the tumor site in order to kill malignant cells.
Tumors or bystander cells such as macrophages may, however, upregulate PD-L1 and therefore obstruct T cell function by inducing inhibitory intracellular signaling.
Anti-CTLA-4 blocking antibody may therefore restore T cell priming in the lymph nodes, and the PD-1 signaling blockade may enable T cell effector function at the
tumor site. Additionally, other cell types such as Breg cells and DCs in the tumor microenvironment may express PD-1 and therefore be affected by PD-1 blockade.
PD-1 and CTLA-4 blockade may also affect T helper cell profiles directly or by influencing the microbiota.
Pre-treatment Post-treatment
and are also more likely to respond to anti-PD-1 treatment (66). lymphocyte blood counts, an abundance of CD8+ T cells infil-
A reduction in LDH levels after treatment is also associated with trating the tumor or present at the tumor margin, and increased
improved response (104). Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), serum TGF-β levels in melanoma patients treated with anti-PD-1
which contains melanoma-associated mutations and can be (88, 91, 92, 109). Increased Th1 and CTLA-4 (but not FoxP3)
released by dead tumor cells, can be detected in the serum of gene expression levels were also noted in responder patients
some patients. CtDNA levels correlate strongly with tumor bur- with various solid tumors (including melanoma) treated with
den and progression (105, 106). A recent study in advanced stage anti-PD-L1 (77).
melanoma patients treated with anti-PD-1 (alone or in combina- A number of post-treatment immunological observations
tion with anti-CTLA-4) showed high treatment response rates in have also been associated with improved immune-checkpoint
individuals that were ctDNA negative prior to or after treatment inhibitor responses. For example, patients more likely to respond
(107), making serum ctDNA an attractive biomarker before and to anti-CTLA-4 treatment had increased numbers of inducible
during immune checkpoint treatment. co-stimulatory molecule (ICOS) expressing T cells and lower
For anti-PD-1 treatments, expression of PD-L1 within the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratios (110). An increase in CD8+
tumor microenvironment has been an obvious biomarker candi- T cell proliferation within the tumor lesion and an increased
date. Although PD-L1 expression on tumor cells was correlated frequency of Th9 cells in the patients’ circulation were also associ-
with treatment efficacy in melanoma patients (67, 108), it was not ated with treatment response (88, 91, 92).
in patients with squamous cell carcinoma, non-small cell lung Taken together, many of these studies indicate that immune
cancer and Merkel cell carcinoma (70, 72, 74). Interestingly, one checkpoint inhibitors are most effective in patients who
study assessing the role of PD-L1 in both cancer cells and tumor- already display anti-tumor immune processes prior to therapy.
infiltrating immune cells found that only in the latter context was However, not all biomarkers listed here may be equally effective,
anti-PD-L1 treatment efficiency correlated with PD-L1 expres- and patients may still respond to treatment despite contrary
sion (77). biomarker-based predictions. Further, accessing tumor tissue
The presence of neoantigens on mutated tumor cells boosts may be difficult in many patients, especially after treatment, and
anti-tumor immunogenicity and improves treatment efficacy. less invasive blood-based “liquid biopsies” may therefore be more
High genetic disparity between tumor cells and host cells is appropriate. Importantly, it has been shown that investigating
therefore an indicator of checkpoint inhibitor treatment efficacy. several biomarkers in combination can improve treatment pre-
This was particularly noted in anti-CTLA-4-treated melanoma dictions (109). Although the recently discovered ctDNA seems
patients whose tumors displayed neo-antigens (87) and similarly to be a particularly promising biomarker candidate, more studies
in anti-PD-1-treated patients with colorectal cancers or non-small are needed to identify more effective biomarkers or biomarker
cell lung cancers that were mismatch-repair deficient or had high combinations, in order to devise the most appropriate treatment
mutation rates, respectively (78, 86). Although overall mutational strategy for each patient.
burden is associated with improved response to anti-PD-1 treat-
ment, reduced responses were detected in melanoma patients
whose tumors displayed the IPRES gene signature (96). Antigen LIMITATIONS OF IMMUNE CHECKPOINT
presentation by the host may also play a role during anti-PD-1 INHIBITORS
treatment, as patients with the HLA-A*26 were more than twice
as likely to respond than patients negative for the allele (111). Although immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment may be effec-
Other pre-treatment immunological factors associated with tive initially, many patients will eventually relapse and develop
improved treatment responses include high eosinophil and tumor progression. A number of studies have therefore sought
to understand the mechanisms by which anti-PD-1 and anti- Their depletion through a Colony stimulating factor-1 receptor
CTLA-4 treatments lose their efficacy. (CSF-1R) inhibitor is therefore being explored in clinical trials
The selection pressure caused by checkpoint inhibitor treat- together with anti-PD-1, after having shown efficacy in a glioblas-
ment may give rise to tumor cells that can evade immunomedi- toma mouse model (119). Anti-tumor T cell function induced
ated recognition and deletion through new pathways. Tumor cells by PD-1 blockade in mice could also be improved by a targeted
from patients refractory to anti-PD-1 treatment, for example, increase in mitochondrial function (120).
were recently shown to have acquired mutations making them Because immune checkpoint inhibitors work by removing
less susceptible to T cell-mediated killing via loss of IFN-γ brakes on the immune system rather than directly boosting
response elements or MHC class I (6). immune function, patients may also benefit from combination
Anti-PD-1 or anti-CTLA-4 treatment may also cause upregu- therapies that include immunostimulatory substances. Mouse
lation of other inhibitory receptors. For example, patients with melanoma models, for example, have shown that the combination
melanoma or prostate cancer exhibited upregulation of the of anti-CTLA-4 with cytokines such as granulocyte-macrophage
inhibitory receptor V-domain Ig suppressor of T cell activation colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) or with agonistic antibod-
(VISTA) on various tumor-infiltrating immune cells after anti- ies targeting costimulatory receptors such as CD40, increased
CTLA-4 treatment (112). Another study noted the upregulation tumor rejection in a synergistic manner (121, 122). The geneti-
of the inhibitory receptor TIM-3 (but not VISTA) on the surface cally modified herpes simplex virus talimogene laherparepvec is
of T cells in anti-PD-1-treated mice with lung cancer as well designed to replicate in tumor cells and to release GM-CSF, thus
as TIM-3 upregulation on T cells in adenocarcinoma patients attracting immune cells into the tumor environment. The virus
refractory to PD-1 treatment (113). has been tested in recent clinical trials in combination with either
Most recently, a study revealed another unexpected resistance CTLA-4 or PD-1 in advanced-stage melanoma patients, resulting
mechanism to anti-PD-1 therapy in mice whereby tumor- in increased treatment response rates compared to the immune
associated macrophages removed the therapeutic antibody from checkpoint inhibitors alone (123, 124).
the surface of the T cells in vivo, thus making them once again Even modulation of the gut microbiome may improve
susceptible to inhibitory signaling through the receptor. This immune checkpoint inhibitor-based therapies. Administration
phenomenon could be partially overcome by administration of of intestinal Bifidobacteria alone was associated with reduced
Fc-receptor blocking agents prior to treatment (114). A better tumor growth in a murine B16 melanoma model by promoting
understanding of the mechanisms limiting the effectiveness of dendritic-cell mediated CD8+ T cell responses. Importantly, the
immune checkpoint inhibitors will therefore allow improvement administration of these bacteria also added to the therapeutic
of future treatments. effect of anti-PD-1 treatment in these mice (125). In a similar
study, administration of B. fragilis to sterile mice treated with
anti-CTLA-4 resulted in reduced tumor growth, most likely by
FUTURE AVENUES: EXPANDING THE inducing a favorable shift toward Th1 responses (97). Studies in
IMMUNE CHECKPOINT INHIBITOR humans were further able to link the presence of fecal A. mucin-
TREATMENT REPERTOIRE iphila, Ruminococcaceae, and Faecalibacterium to a favorable out-
come to anti-PD-1 treatment (98, 126) Together, these findings
PD-1 and CTLA-4 blocking agents are not effective in all patients, suggest that human patients too may benefit from appropriate
and even those patients who do respond initially can relapse, management of their intestinal flora while undergoing immune
highlighting the need for improved or alternative treatments. checkpoint inhibitor treatment.
Alternative inhibitory receptors have been identified that may A wide range of promising new avenues are therefore currently
also be targeted for anti-tumor immune therapy. These include being explored, although their clinical efficacy remains to be
the TIM-3, LAG-3, TIGIT, and B- And T-Lymphocyte-Associated confirmed by ongoing and future clinical trials.
Protein (BTLA) receptors associated with T cell exhaustion as
well as VISTA, a receptor found on tumor-infiltrating myeloid CONCLUDING REMARKS
cells, whose inhibition promoted anti-tumor immune responses
in murine models, and CD96, which has been shown to inhibit Although PD-1 and CTLA-4 targeting therapies have been able
NK cell activity in murine cancer models (115–117). to increase average life expectancy for cancer patients, mortality
Combinations of immune checkpoint inhibitors with each remains high among advanced-stage patients, highlighting the
other or with other treatments are also being explored. Indeed, need for further innovation in the field. Both anti-PD-1 and anti-
the combination of anti-CTLA-4 with anti-PD-1 treatments CTLA-4 therapies appear to be more effective in patients with
showed superior efficacy compared to individual administra- pre-existing anti-tumor immunity, suggesting that, in patients
tion, but was also associated with an increase in side effects. without such immunity, these drugs are unable to mediate anti-
The tryptophan-metabolizing enzyme IDO inhibits T cell tumor immune responses de novo. However, as our understand-
function, and combining IDO-blocking agents together with ing of the mechanisms of these drugs improves, avenues are being
immune checkpoint inhibitors has shown promising results in opened to improve their use not only by specifically targeting
mice and is also currently undergoing clinical trials in humans those patients who are most likely to respond through appropri-
(105, 118). Macrophages may also interfere with anti-tumor ate biomarker screening procedures, but also by pairing currently
immunity or even directly restrict therapeutic antibodies (114). used immune checkpoint inhibitors with other complimentary
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