Forcible Entry and Unlawful Detainer Rule 70
Forcible Entry and Unlawful Detainer Rule 70
Forcible Entry and Unlawful Detainer Rule 70
o Plaintiff’s title to it. g. An action for annulment of sale or title between the same parties.
Possession as the issue Distinctions between forcible entry and unlawful detainer
Possession in the eyes of the law does not mean that a mans has to have his feet
on every square meter of the ground before he is deemed in possession. Forcible Entry Unlawful Detainer
Where the basic issue is not possession but interpretation, enforcement and/or Possession of defendant is illegal from Possession of the defendant was lawful
rescission of the contract, the same is no longer an ejectment suit. the beginning having deprived the from the beginning which subsequently
Where there is a claim of ownership and the action seeks to recover from the lawful possessor by FISTS became illegal
defendant including the possession of the property, the action is not longer FISTS include every situation or An allegation that the defendant is
interdictal but an accion revindicatoria. condition under which one person can unlawfully withholding possession from
wrongfully enter upon real property to plaintiff is deemed sufficient
Summary nature of the actions exclude another
Designed to provide for an expeditious means of protecting actual possession or Plaintiff must allege and prove prior Allegation is not required
the right to possession of the property involved. possession
Both fall under the coverage of the Rules on Summary Procedure irrespective of Demand to vacate is not required Demand to vacate is necessary
the amount of damages. The 1 year period to file is counder from The 1 year period is counted from the
the date of actual entry of defendant. date of last demand in case of non-
Real and in personam actions Entry is by stealth, 1 year from learning payment or violation of the conditions
Affects the possession of real property, hence, are real actions. The venue is the such
place where the property subject of the action is situated.
They are also actions in personam because the plaintiff seeks to enforce a personal When defendant occupies premises by mere tolerance
obligation to vacate and restore physical possession to the plaintiff. His possession becomes unlawful upon failure to comply with the demand to
vacate form the owner. Unlawful withholding is counted from the date of demand.
It is essential that plaintiffs supposed acts of tolerance must have been present
Jurisdiction of the MTC; summary procedure right from the start of the possession which is later sought to the recovered.
Two allegations are mandatory for the MTC to acquire jurisdiction: A person who occupies the land of another at the latter’s tolerance, without any
a. The plaintiff must allege his prior physical possession of the property; contract is necessarily bound by an implied promise that he will vacate upon
b. He must also allege that he was deprived of his possession by any of the demand.
means provided for in Sec. 1 Rule 70.
If the alleged dispossession did not occur by any of these means, the proper Demand in unlawful detainer cases
recourse is to file not an accion interdictal but for a plenary action to recover An unlawful detainer case shall be commenced only after demand to pay or comply
possession. with the conditions of the lease and to vacate is made.
To understand the manner of the required demand, attention need be given to the
Effect of pendency of an action involving ownership of the action for forcible entry phraseology of Sec 2 Rule 70:
and unlawful detainer o Where the suit is based on the defendant’s failure to pay the rentals
Does not bar the filing of an ejectment suit, nor suspend the proceedings of one agreed upon, the proper demand should be “to pay and to vacate”. If
already instituted. the demand is “to pay or vacate”, it does not make out a case for
The underlying reason is to prevent the defendant from trifling with the summary unlawful detainer.
nature of an ejectment suit. o Where the suit is predicated upon the defendant’s noncompliance with
the conditions of the lease contract, the proper demand should be “to
Examples: comply and to vacate”. If the demand is “to comply or to vacate”, the
a. An injunction suit filed in the RTC by the defendant in the ejectment suit; demand gives rise to an action for specific performance.
b. An “accion publiciana” in another court between the same parties in the ejectment If a case for a sum of money if filed with the RTC, but the allegations clearly
suit; indicate that the action is one for ejectment, a motion to dismiss is proper.
c. An action fro quieting of title involving the same property and the same parties; The mere failure of an occupant to pay rentals or his failure to comply with the
d. Suit for specific performance with damages; conditions of the lease does no ipso facto render his possession of the premises
e. An “accion revindicatoria” in another court between the same parties unlawful
f. An action for reformation;
• To avoid injustice to a lawful possessor, and the court’s duty to order the execution
Form of demand if practically ministerial.
• Written notice served upon the person found in the premises. The demand may • Applies only when the judgment is against the defendant.
also be made by posting a written notice on the premises if no person can be
found. How to stay immediate execution of the judgment
• Demand upon a tenant may be oral, however, sufficient evidence must be adduced • The defendant must take the ff:
to show that there was indeed a demand. a. Perfect an appeal;
b. File a supersedeas bond; and
Effect of non-compliance with the demand c. Deposit periodically with the RTC, during the pendency of the appeal, the
• 15 days in case of land, 5 days in case of building, lessor may now proceed adjudicated amount of rent due or the reasonable value of the use of the
against the lessee. property.
• The supersedeas bond covers the monetary judgment of the lower court. It the
Defense of tenancy judgment does not make any pronouncement as to the pecuniary liability of the
• Defendant raises the issue of tenancy and alleges that it falls under the jurisdiction defendant, the bond shall not be required. Attorney’s fees are not covered by the
of the DARAB, it would be error for the court to dismiss the complaint on that bond.
ground alone. The mere raising of the issue tenancy does not automatically divest
the court of jurisdiction because, jurisdiction is determined by the allegation of the Where to appeal
complaint. • At the appropriate RTC. The mode of appeal is under Rule 40.
• Where tenancy is raised as a defense, the court must conduct a preliminary
hearing on the matter. If during the hearing, it is shown that tenancy is the real Person bound by the judgment in ejectment cases
issue, then the court shall dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction. • GR: binding only upon parties properly impleaded and given an opportunity
to be heard.
• Exception:
a. A sublessee is bound by the judgment against the lessee;
Defense of ownership b. A guest or successor in interest, the members of the family or the servants of
• Does not serve to divest the inferior court of its jurisdiction. the lessee;
• The court may resolve the issue of ownership but only under the ff conditions: c. Trespassers, squatters or agents of the defendant fraudulently occupyint the
a. When the issue of possession cannot be resolved without resolving the issue property to frustrate the judgment; and
of ownership; and d. Transferees pendenet lite and other privies of the defendant.
b. The issue of ownership shall be resolved only to determine the issue of
possession. Such judgment would not bar an action between the same parties X. Contempt (Rule 71)
respecting the title. It is merely interlocutory.
Meaning of contempt
How to obtain possession of the premises during the pendency of the action • Disobedience to the court by acting in opposition to its authority, justice and dignity.
• When the action is filed, the plaintiff is not in possession of the property. To obtain Signifies not only a willful disregard or disobedience of the court’s orders but also
possession, Sec. 15 permits the plaintiff to present a motion, within 5 days from the conduct tending to bring the authority of the court and the administration of law into
filing of the complaint, for the issuance of a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction disrepute.
to restore him in his possession. • The power to declare a person in contempt is an inherent power lodged in the
• If the judgment of the MTC is appealed, the RTC may issue a writ of mandatory courts of justice, to be used as a means to protect and preserve:
injunction to restore the plaintiff in his possession, upon motion of the plaintiff within a. The dignity of the court;
10 days from perfection of the appeal. b. The solemnity of the proceedings; and
c. The administration of justice from callous misbehavior, offensive personalities
Damages recoverable and contumacious refusal to comply with court orders.
• Those corresponding to the sum justly due as arrears of rent or reasonable
compensation for the use and occupation of the premises. Functions of contempt
1. Vindication of public interest by punishment of contemptuous conduct;
Immediate execution of judgment
2. Coercion to compel the contemnor to do what the law requires him to uphold the g. Unfounded accusations or allegation or words tending to embarrass the court of to
power of the court, and also to secure the rights of the parties to a suit awarded bring it into disrepute.
by the court.
No formal proceeding required
Kinds of contempt The court may summarily adjudge one in direct contempt
Distinction Procedure
Criminal Conduct directed To vindicate the Conducted in accordance Penalty
against the authority of the with the principles and rules if the act constituting direct contempt was committed against an RTC or a court of
authority and court and applicable to criminal cases, equivalent or higher rank, the penalty is a fine not exceeding P2,000 or
dignity of the protect its in so far as such is imprisonment not exceeding 10 days, or both;
court or a judge outraged consistent with the summary If the act constituting direct contempt was committed against a lower court, the
acting judicially; personality. nature of contempt. penalty is a fine not exceeding P200 or imprisonment not exceeding 1 day, or both.
it is an If the contempt consists in the refusal or omission to do an act, he may be
obstructing the imprisoned by order of the court concerned until he performs it.
administration of
justice which Remedy of a person adjudged in direct contempt
tends to bring A person adjudged in direct contempt, may not appeal. His remedy is a petition for
the court into certiorari or prohibition directed against the court.
disrepute. Pending resolution, the execution of the judgment for direct contempt shall be
Civil The failure to do Failure to do The rules of procedure of a suspended. The suspension however, shall take place only if the person adjudged
something something criminal contempt procedure in contempt files a bond fixed by the court which rendered the judgment. The
ordered to be ordered by a are inapplicable. bond is conditioned upon his performance of the judgment should the petition be
done be a court court to be done decided against him.
or a judge for for the benefit of
the benefit of the a party. Indirect contempt
opposing party An act done at a distance which tends to belittle, degrade, obstruct, or embarrass
and is therefore, the court.
an offense made Generally committed by a person who commits any of the ff acts:
against the party a. Disobedience or resistance to a lawful writ, process, order or judgment
in whose behalf of a court;
the violated b. Any abuse or any unlawful interference with the process or proceedings
order was made. of a court not constituting direct contempt; and
c. Any improper conduct tending, directly or indirectly, to impede, obstruct,
Kinds of contempt or degrade the administration of justice.
comply with the demand, it is believed no contempt charges could lie against the judgment obligor. If the obligor is unable to pay in any acceptable mode of payment, the remedy of the
sheriff is not to initiate contempt but to levy upon the properties of the debtor.
• When the subject of execution is a special judgment, one that can only be complied with only by the judgment obligor or the officer directed by the judgment, may be punished by
contempt if he disobeys the judgment.
• An officer against whom a writ of certiorari, prohibition and mandamus, was issued who disobeys is may be punished by contempt.
• This may be resorted to where the attendant circumstances are such that the non-compliance with the court order is an utter disregard of the authority of the court which has not other
recourse by to use its coercive power.
• The punishment is imposed for the benefit of a complainant or a party to a suit who has been injured aside from the need to compel performance.
• It is only the judge who orders the confinement of a person for contempt of court who could issue the Order of Release.
Remedy of a person adjudged in indirect contempt
• He may appeal form the judgment or final order of the court in the same manner as in criminal cases. The appeal will not however, have the effect of suspending the judgment if the
person adjudged in contempt does not file a bond in an amount fixed by the court.