Dhafer M.Al-Zlaiq & Partners Gen.Con Quotation No : DMA15916AC1
P.O. Box 272
Rastanura 31941 Date : 9-Dec-2016
Tel: 03-6682403/6673328
Fax: 03-6674572 Your Ref : Replace 3 CHWP & 1 CWP At AC Plant #
Mr Satheesh J. Saudi Aramco, Abqaiq
Item Qty Description Unit SAR Amount SAR
1. Our offer is for the Pump+Motors only. Control panels, accessories are
not included in our offer.
2. For item#2, TPL does not include the thickness of the tank ceiling / roof
and pump foundation base.
3. Offered Pump are not suitable to use with potable water for domestic
4. Our offerd selection is based on Xylem B&G standard.
5. Our Pumps does not comply to HKA2 / VKA material code, SAES-
G005 and Saudi Aramco form 175-IR310500.
6. Any type of Witnessed / Non-witnessed test / inspection is not
included in our offer. However, if required, please intimate us accordingly
so we can submit our offer after consultation with our factory.
Project Information:
Project Name: Replace 3 Chilled Water Pumps And 1 Cooling Water Pump
At AC Plant #1B
Project Location: Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia
Main Contractor: TBD
Mechanical Contractor: Dhafer M.Al-Zlaiq & Partners Gen.Cont.Co.
Consultant: TBD
Owner / End-User: Saudi Aramco
The products quoted will be supplied in accordance to the above description and
to the technical data we provided. Above offer is valid for the quantities quoted.
Any change in quantities is subject to our acceptance.
In addition to our standard Terms and Conditions of sale, the following shall
Waseem Khan
Sr. Sales Engineer