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FAA Safety

November/December 2017 BRIEFING

Your source for general aviation news and information

In Celebration of Simulation — Improving The A-Z of ATDs — Sorting the Lot of The Future is Now — Flight Standards
Flight Safety One Byte at a Time p 7 Flight Simulation Devices p 9 Service Realigns p 26

Federal Aviation faa.gov/news/safety_briefing

Administration @FAASafetyBrief
FAA Safety Briefing is the FAA safety policy voice of non-commercial general aviation.

The November/December 2017

“Sim City” issue of FAA Safety
Briefing explores the exciting
world of flight simulation
technology and its evolving
impact on aviation safety.
Feature articles focus on the
many flight simulation options
now available to pilots, as well

as how simulation can improve
efficiency, efficacy, and overall
flight safety.

7 In Celebration of Simulation  Improving Flight Safety One Byte at a Time
by Susan Parson

9 The A to Z of ATDs  Sorting the Lot of Flight Simulation Devices

by Tom Hoffmann

14 Link Trainer to Desktop to Redbird  The Evolving Role of Flight Simulation

by William E. Dubois

7 18 Navigation Know-How  Using Simulation to Try It Before You Fly It

by Susan Parson

20 Do You Suffer from Push-to-Talk Phobia?  Improve Your Aviation Communication

with Virtual Reality
by Jennifer Caron

23 A Virtual Plan for the Real World  How Simulation Can Help You Mitigate Risk
by James Williams

26 The Future is Now  Flight Standards Service Realigns

by John Duncan

1 Jumpseat – a n executive policy perspective
2 ATIS – GA news and current events
5 Aeromedical Advisory – a checkup on all things aeromedical
17 Checklist – FAA resources and safety reminders
28 Nuts, Bolts, and Electrons – G
 A maintenance issues
29 Angle of Attack – GA safety strategies
30 Vertically Speaking – s afety issues for rotorcraft pilots
31 Flight Forum – letters from the Safety Briefing mailbag
32 Postflight – an editor’s perspective
20 Inside back cover F AA Faces – F AA employee profile
Jumpseat JOHN DUNC A N

The Leading Edge

During this year’s EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Final Five
I marked the milestone of more than 50 years since The Remora System prevailed, but the rest of
my first solo. I made that flight in a very basic air- the final five also presented concept technologies
plane. I still like flying that way in my Titan Tornado relevant to this issue’s focus area:
LSA, but just a glance around the grounds of events Second prize winner Andy Meyer’s Aural Cuing
like AirVenture illustrates how much the aviation System seeks to prevent loss of control events by
training world has changed. Even the most basic using a small box to provide aural cues that, as the
airplane might have some fairly sophisticated avion- name suggests, change as the aircraft approaches
ics. In addition, flyers now have access to equally attitudes that could lead to loss of control. The Aural
sophisticated training tools and technologies. As the Cuing System works from a small box that can be
magazine team discusses in this “Sim City” issue of mounted anywhere in an aircraft.
FAA Safety Briefing, these include a variety of simula- The Solar Pilot Guard developed by ex-astronaut
tion and “augmented reality” options that, if used Mike Foale got third place. Using a wing-mounted
correctly, can accelerate the overall training and device, the Solar Pilot Guard sends differential pres-
learning process — especially the acquisition of criti- sure measurements to a neural network processor
cal skills like risk management. specifically programmed to the aircraft type. This
Augmented Reality form of artificial intelligence “understands” the air-
craft’s energy states and gives the human pilot voice
Effective risk management requires situational
cues to help prevent loss of control.
awareness and, thanks to the winners of the 2017
Fourth place went to the Buzz Ball concept tech-
EAA Founder’s Innovation Prize competition, GA
nology developed by Ethan Brodsky. In this concept,
pilots may soon have access to a terrific new aug-
the pilot gets tactile (buzzing) seat feedback from
mented reality (AR) tool. (If you’re not yet familiar
a sensor and processor package that can identify
with that term, AR uses technology to superimpose
uncoordinated flight. The Buzz Ball gives left or right
a computer-generated image on the user’s view
seat feedback to prompt correct pilot action.
of the real world, thus creating a composite — or
Though more traditional in approach, fifth place
“augmented reality” — image.) A team comprised
winner Henry Vos’ How Not to Fly proposal would
of northern Virginia high school students Thomas
modify the airspeed indicator display to help the
Baron, Justin Zhou, and Max Lord developed an
pilot avoid flying in the caution (yellow arc) or red
AR technology concept that uses a wing-mounted
(never exceed) regimes.
sensor pod to transmit airspeed and angle of attack
on a head-mounted display. Called the “Remora We All Win
System,” this display enables the pilot to continu- It was a privilege to see these innovative tech-
ously monitor these important values at all times, nologies and meet some of the final five inventors at
and without looking at the panel during critical AirVenture. While they are all deserving winners, I
phases of flight. have to conclude that such developments — as well
Remora started as a high school class project, as those still to come through this competition and
building from Thomas Baron’s experience as a stu- the new part 23 regulations — make us all winners in
dent pilot with precise airspeed standards instilled the safety realm. Congratulations to this year’s win-
by his ex-Navy pilot father. With advice from last ners for their leading edge contributions to aviation
year’s EAA Founder’s Innovation Prize winner, the safety.ch developments — as well as those still to
Remora System team made their first visit to Osh- come through this competition and the new part 23
kosh as one of five finalists selected from more than regulations — make us all winners in the safety realm.
70 submissions. Each team in the finals had ten min- Congratulations to this year’s winners for their leading
utes to present its concept to a distinguished panel edge contributions to aviation safety.
of judges, who followed up with five minutes of chal-
lenging questions.

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 1


VFR ‘Not Recommended’ Research Underway reasons for their decisions, will identify whether
FAA’s weather technology in the cockpit there are ways to make the VNR statement more
researchers are currently evaluating Visual Flight objective and thus enhance its safety benefits.
Rules (VFR) not recommended — or VNR for short Also, as part of the move to self-assisted flight
— in order to make the statement more effective for services, understanding how each group arrived at
pilots. The VNR statement is an advisory that flight the VNR decision may enable automation to better
service station specialists use during weather brief- support VNR decisions and deter pilots from flying
ings when the forecast includes weather phenomena into risky conditions in the future.
that may prevent visual flight conditions.
The goal is to make VNR more objective, descrip-
tive, and standardized to provide pilots with justifica-
tion for the statement. According to a recent AOPA
survey, 68 percent of pilots believe it would be helpful
to receive a VNR statement with a web briefing.
The objectives of this study are to determine:
• How a pilot and specialist assess the
VNR status;
• How a VNR statement from a specialist affects
a pilot’s decision; and,
NTSB Forum: Runway Incursion Safety
• How the provision of the flight category (see
Issues, Prevention, and Mitigation
chart) affects a pilot’s decision.
The test plan involves pilots, meteorological There are over 50 million IFR/VFR takeoffs and
experts, and weather briefing specialists. The subject landings every year in the National Airspace System
matter experts will establish the correct responses (NAS). For the most part, each is conducted with the
to a series of adverse weather scenarios using basic high level of safety and efficiency that has become
weather information, and present it to the test group. synonymous with operations in the NAS. Every once
Participants will then use a checklist to select items in a while, however, those operations can creep a
that contributed to their flight category decision. If little bit too close to one another and possibly
VNR, participants will indicate how confident they interfere with the safe execution of a flight or land-
are of their decision using a scale of low, medium, or ing. When this happens on the ground, it is typically
high. The specialist and pilot decisions, along with the result of a runway incursion (RI), which is the
incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or person


Visual Flight Rules

greater than 3,000 feet AGL and greater than 5 miles
VFR (green sky symbol)

Marginal Visual Flight Rules

1,000 to 3,000 feet AGL and/or 3 to 5 miles
MVFR (blue sky symbol)

Instrument Flight Rules

500 to below 1,000 feet AGL and/or 1 mile to less than 3 miles
IFR (red sky symbol)

Low Instrument Flight Rules

below 500 feet AGL and/or less than 1 mile
LIFR (magenta sky symbol)

Explanation of VFR/IFR flight category conditions

2 FAA Safety Briefing November/December 2017

on the protected area of a surface designated for the reducing costs for the aviation industry.
landing and takeoff of aircraft. With these performance-based standards, the
After trending steadily downwards throughout FAA delivers on its promise to implement forward-
the early 2000s, the yearly RI rate has gone stagnant looking, flexible rules that encourage innovation.
with the NAS averaging around 2,000 RIs a year, Specifically, the new 14 CFR part 23 revolutionizes
over the last six years. Sixty-eight percent of all RIs standards for airplanes weighing 19,000 pounds or
are pilot deviations and of those, 80 percent involve less and with 19 or fewer passenger seats by replac-
GA aircraft. In order to remain proactive and gain ing prescriptive requirements with performance-
insight into why progress has slowed, the NTSB held based standards coupled with consensus-based
an informal forum in last September. The forum compliance methods for specific designs and tech-
was specifically designed to discuss the underly- nologies. The rule also adds new certification stan-
ing issues surrounding runway incursions. Subject dards to address GA loss of control accidents and
matter experts from the FAA, AOPA, the Air Line in-flight icing conditions.
Pilots Association International (ALPA), individual The new part 23 also promotes regulatory har-
airline Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) man- monization among the FAA’s foreign partners. This
agers, EUROCONTROL, NASA, and various interna- harmonization may help minimize certification costs
tional airports authorities were brought together to for airplane and engine manufacturers, and opera-
exchange ideas and establish new collaborations. tors of affected equipment, who want to certify their
For more information and to view a recorded products for the global market.
webcast of the forum, check out ntsb.gov/news/
events/Pages/2017-ri-FRM.aspx. Content will be Safety Alert Highlights Incorrect Airport Sur-
held in an archive for up to three months post forum.
face Approach and Landings
On August 18, the FAA issued a Safety Alert for
New Certification Rule for Small Airplanes Operators (SAFO) that highlights the importance of
Becomes Effective employing best practices for successful approaches
The final rule overhauling airworthiness stan- and landings to the correct airport and runway. The
dards for general aviation (GA) airplanes officially SAFO referenced an incident that occurred last July
went into effect on August 30. This rule is expected at San Francisco International Airport where a com-
to enable faster installation of innovative, safety- mercial airliner mistakenly lined up for approach
enhancing technologies into small airplanes, while on a taxiway and overflew other airliners that were

Safety Enhancement Topics

November: Engine Maintenance & Performance December: FADEC
Understanding the scope and safety benefits of Understanding the benefits of equipping with a
Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) tools. Full Authority Digital Engine Control.

Please visit www.faa.gov/news/safety_briefing for more information on these and other topics.

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 3

awaiting takeoff clearance. Although SAFO 17010
addresses some mitigations specific to air carrier
flight crews, there are several key takeaways for GA
pilots as well.
U.S. Department The SAFO covers five main focus areas to help
of Transportation you improve safety: keeping a stabilized approach,
proper use of technology, crew resource manage-
Federal Aviation ment, utilizing all available resources, and being
Administration ready for a go-around. The SAFO stresses pilots
ISSN: 1057-9648 review airport diagrams and Notices to Airmen
FAA Safety Briefing (NOTAMs) as well as use approach navigational aids
November/December 2017
Volume 57/Number 6
under both VMC and IMC conditions. To view the
SAFO, go to go.usa.gov/xRFn5.
Elaine L. Chao Secretary of Transportation
Michael P. Huerta Administrator
Ali Bahrami Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety NTSB Does Not Recommend Flying on Empty
John Duncan Executive Director, Flight Standards Service
Susan Parson Editor Better fuel management by aviators could pre-
Tom Hoffmann Managing Editor vent an average of 50 GA accidents a year, according
James Williams Associate Editor / Photo Editor
Jennifer Caron Assistant Editor to the NTSB’s safety alert, ‘Flying on Empty,’ issued
Paul Cianciolo Assistant Editor last August. Within the category of fuel-related acci-
Alan Wallace Art Director dents, fuel exhaustion and fuel starvation continue
Published six times a year, FAA Safety Briefing, formerly FAA Aviation News, pro- to be leading causes. From 2011 to 2015, an average
motes aviation safety by discussing current technical, regulatory, and procedural
aspects affecting the safe operation and maintenance of aircraft. Although based of more than 50 accidents per year occurred due to
on current FAA policy and rule interpretations, all material is advisory or infor-
mational in nature and should not be construed to have regulatory effect. Certain
fuel management issues. Fuel exhaustion (running
details of accidents described herein may have been altered to protect the privacy out of gas) accounted for 56 percent of fuel-related
of those involved.
accidents while fuel starvation (where gas is present,
The FAA does not officially endorse any goods, services, materials, or products of
manufacturers that may be referred to in an article. All brands, product names, but doesn’t reach the engine) was responsible for 35
company names, trademarks, and service marks are the properties of their respective
owners. All rights reserved.
percent of these accidents.
The Office of Management and Budget has approved the use of public funds for
Running out of fuel or starving an engine of fuel
printing FAA Safety Briefing. are highly preventable. An overwhelming majority of
NTSB investigations of fuel management accidents
The magazine is available on the Internet at:
(95 percent) cited personnel issues such as use of
http://www.faa.gov/news/safety_briefing equipment, planning, or experience in the type of
Comments or questions should be directed to the staff by:
aircraft being flown as causal or contributing to
fuel exhaustion or starvation accidents. Equipment
●● Emailing: SafetyBriefing@faa.gov
issues contributed to just five percent of fuel man-
●● Writing: Editor, FAA Safety Briefing, Federal Aviation Administration, agement accidents.
AFS-920, 800 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20591 The NTSB safety alert, available at
●● Calling: (202) 267-1100 1.usagov/2xS5yCP, highlights several investigations
●● Twitter: @FAASafetyBrief relating to fuel exhaustion and starvation and offers
several preventive measures pilots can take.
The Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Publishing Office, sells FAA
Safety Briefing on subscription and mails up to four renewal notices.
For New Orders: Subscribe via the Internet at https://bookstore.gpo.gov/products/ Photo by CAP Col. Jane Davies
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to (202) 512-2104.

4 FAA Safety Briefing November/December 2017

Aeromedical Advisory
MIC H A E L BE R R Y, M . D.

The Limits of Simulation

In these pages, we explain the virtues and would be virtually impossible.
limitations of simulator training. Simulators are This issue leads to problem two, novelty. In order
profoundly valuable when it comes to training and to best test the brain’s executive functions, you need
certificating airmen for flying abilities. So why don’t novel scenarios. Anyone who has experienced more
we allow them for the assessment of neurocognitive than a few simulator checks would probably agree
impairments that can accompany conditions like that the scenarios presented in the simulator are
traumatic brain injury, stroke, Transient Ischemic not exactly novel. Even assuming we could create a
Attack (TIA), ADHD/ADD, substance abuse/depen- novel simulator check, we would then need to collect
dence, and depression/SSRI medication use? That normative data regarding each scenario. The novelty
question and many other neurology policy ques- of the scenario would likely be short lived, because
tions prompted a meeting of the FAA’s neurologist pilots quickly get “the gouge”
consultants to review and update the FAA’s medical and test validity would soon Even the best multi-million dollar
certification policy regarding many neurologic con- evaporate. There are other issues simulators are still poor instruments to
ditions. Participants also pondered whether brain that also disqualify simulators for
measure subtle cognitive impairment
imaging and a neurological clinical exam, along with medical evaluation, but these are
in a pilot.
a simulator evaluation, would be sufficient to detect two of the most difficult ones.
significant neurocognitive deficits.
What Does Work?
In both cases, the answer was no.
As Dr. Front noted, research has clearly identi-
Why Sims Don’t Work fied the neurocognitive functions most closely
It’s not that we don’t see the value of simulators. aligned with flight performance. During the 1980s,
It’s just that even the best multi-million dollar simu- the FAA contracted for the development of a special-
lators are still poor instruments to measure subtle ized test to measure these functions. The result was
cognitive impairment in a pilot. One of our experts, CogScreen-Aeromedical Edition (CogScreen-AE), a
Chris Front, Psy.D., is an aerospace clinical psychol- computer-administered test that assesses elements
ogist and GA pilot who has examined this issue. The such as attention, memory, visual-perceptual func-
research is quite clear that specific functions of the tions, sequencing functions, logical problem solving/
brain are critical to pilot performance. These include executive functions, psychomotor speed and coor-
perceptual-motor abilities, spatial abilities, process- dination, and simultaneous information processing
ing speed, and in particular, “executive functions” abilities. CogScreen-AE is also “normed” on pilots
such as logical and flexible problem-solving, atten- (large commercial airline, and regional carrier)
tional skills, working memory, sequencing abilities, rather than the general population.
and so forth. These factors are very predictive of pilot In testing against Flight Data Recorder (FDR)
performance in general and in determining what, if data overseas (where the laws allow such research),
any, deficits exist in an individual airman. CogScreen-AE was determined to be highly predic-
So how do flight simulators do in isolating and tive of airline pilot performance. It has also been
testing executive functions? Not well, and the prob- shown to be highly effective in detecting neurocog-
lems can’t be solved by simply improving simulator nitive deficits that could impact flight safety. In 2013,
fidelity. The first, and largest, problem is data. In the FAA added GA pilot normative data (meaning
order to have a valid test, we need what’s called that individual performance can also be measured
normative data. Normative data is used to show against that of other GA pilots).
what performance to expect from the population so While simulation is an exceptional tool for train-
we have a measuring stick against which to evaluate ing purposes, the bottom line is that neuropsycho-
the people we are testing. To determine whether logical assessment that includes CogScreen-AE is a
there is a deficit, you must first define what a far better tool for determining a pilot’s Aeromedical
normal reading is. To have a valid simulator test for fitness status.
a neurocognitive deficit, therefore, we would need
normative data for every simulator we would want
to use. Compiling and maintaining such a database

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 5

6 FAA Safety Briefing November/December 2017

Improving Flight Safety One Byte at a Time
Photo by Tom Hoffmann

n his 2008 book, “Outliers: The Story of Success," Here’s the overview:
author Malcolm Gladwell posits that one thing
high achievers in any field have in common is
adherence to the so-called 10,000-hour rule. Based Air carrier pilots have long been able to use
on a study by Florida State University professor sophisticated full-motion simulators for training,
Anders Ericsson, this “rule” holds that success in certification, and checking in commercial airliners of
a given activity is based not so much on talent, but all sizes. Indeed, many passengers might be aston-
rather on lots of practice. ished to know that they are flying — safely — during
It would be wonderful if we could all log 10,000 a fully-qualified pilot’s first
hours of actual flight time, but that’s probably not time at the controls of the real Today’s simulation technologies provide
feasible for those who fly for recreation or personal a myriad of low-cost opportunities —
transportation. However much we might want That level of simulation
everything from smartphone apps to
to, most GA pilots have neither the time nor the capability and credit is not
yet available to pilots training
motion-capable training devices — for GA
resources for that level of activity. pilots and mechanics to strengthen their
Enter the simulation option. for certification in typical GA
aircraft. Still, today’s aviation knowledge and skills.
The air carrier world’s long and well-docu-
mented use of simulation for training and checking training devices (ATDs) offer many opportunities to
clearly demonstrates both the benefits and the value learn basic and advanced skills and earn log-able
of this approach. Fortunately for all of us, today’s time in an effective and cost-efficient way.
simulation technologies provide a myriad of low- Aviation
cost opportunities — everything from smartphone In both the VFR and IFR operating environ-
apps to motion-capable training devices — for GA ments, aviation is very procedure-oriented. Whether
pilots and mechanics to strengthen their knowledge for learning the basic skills and procedures you need
and skills. to master for a new airplane or simply getting more
To that end, we devote this “Sim City” issue of practice with those you already use, simulation tech-
the FAA Safety Briefing magazine to raising aware- nologies can help you maintain and even enhance
ness of the range of simulation options, and explain- your ability to aviate — that is, maintain precise con-
ing how you can use them to enhance both training trol of attitude, altitude, and airspeed.
and the “in real life” flying you do after certification.

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 7

Navigation maintaining the procedures and skills needed to suc-
With an ever-expanding range of airborne navi- cessfully handle inflight emergencies. Using simula-
gation technologies, handheld and desktop simula- tion for risk management — i.e., identifying hazards,
tion products can help you safely learn both the assessing the level of risk, and developing mitigation
mechanical “knobology” and the content organiza- measures — can also help you prevent actual emer-
tional scheme of your major moving map navigator. gencies.
We’ll also take a look at how simulation can allow In addition to the many real benefits it offers,
you to practice flying planned routes and procedures simulation can be downright fun: it lets you experi-
long before you line up on the departure runway. ence events you can’t feasibly or safely do in the
actual airplane, and it keeps you immersed in our
Communication collective favorite subject regardless of weather or
While it may be an exaggeration to say that aircraft availability.
pilots fear the microphone more than anything else, So join us in this journey through Sim City.
the jargon-rich chatter and patter of aviation can Read on!
be intimidating not only to newcomers, but also to
veteran pilots unaccustomed to the rapid-fire pace
of ATC communication. Happily, pilots can use a
number of simulation options both to master the
Susan Parson (susan.parson@faa.gov, or @avi8rix for Twitter fans) is editor of
fundamentals and foster fluency in “AviationSpeak.” FAA Safety Briefing. She is an active general aviation pilot and flight instructor.
Perhaps the best-known use of simulation NAVIGATE
technologies is in safely acquiring, perfecting, and

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8 FAA Safety Briefing


Photo by Tom Hoffmann

Sorting the Lot of Flight

Simulation Devices


hether you’re a baby-boomer aviator or a years. In addition to providing some welcome flex-
millennial pilot-in-training, chances are ibility on training allowances towards certification,
you’ve spent some quality time at flight level revisions have introduced us to a new and more
“0” learning how to be a better pilot. I’m referring to logical lexicon for categorizing these flight training
flight simulation devices which, from the very dawn devices.
of aviation, have been instrumental in helping pilots While the news is generally good for those
hone their flying skills, practice the impracticable, seeking to rely more on their aircraft’s “electronic
and attain an intimate familiarity with their aircraft twin” for gaining experience and training credit; the
— all without the high costs or risks associated with options, features, and corresponding limitations for
flying. The benefits are undeniable, which is why the these ground trainers do require some attention to
FAA is working to help more airmen benefit from this ensure you’re getting the most out of what they can
safety enhancing technology. Look no further than offer. The following are some tips to help you navi-
the FAA’s revised regulations on the topic in recent gate the world of “Sim City.”

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 9

Simulation Classification fixed wing devices, while Level 7 applies to helicop-
The FAA categorizes aviation ground trainers ters. Incidentally, Levels 1 through 3 apply to older
into three main categories: full flight simulators, devices that are either no longer supported, grand-
flight training devices, and aviation training devices. fathered, or were recategorized elsewhere (some
This article will focus on the latter category, as become ATDs, which we’ll cover next).
they are the most directly applicable to the general Please note that Full Flight Simulators and
aviation training environment. However, having a FTDs (collectively called Flight Simulation Training
general understanding of the former two categories Devices – FSTDs) come under the guidance, evalu-
is also important to have a more complete picture of ation, and approval of the FAA’s National Simulator
the role of flight simulation training, especially if you Program (NSP) in Atlanta and are regulated under 14
plan to pursue more advanced training or have your CFR part 60, Flight Simulation Training Device Initial
eye on getting a type rating. and Continuing Qualification and Use. For more on
the NSP, see the article “Better than Real” on page 20
FFS: We’ll start first with the heavy hitters: flight of the Sep/Oct 2011 issue of FAA Safety Briefing at
simulators — or more accurately — full flight simula- go.usa.gov/xRt5g.
tors (FFS). These more capable (and more expen- The Next Generation of ATDs
sive) training devices are required to have motion
That brings us to our final category, the Aviation
and visual capabilities. FFSs are sub-categorized into
Training Device or ATD, which is by far the most
four levels, A through D, with Level D being the most
common option for GA flight training. In 2008, the
sophisticated and having the most requirements,
FAA adopted Advisory Circular (AC) 61-136, FAA
including six degrees of motion and realistic cockpit
Approval of Aviation Training Devices and Their Use
sounds. All levels of FFSs are objectively evaluated
for Training and Experience, which helped reclas-
against airplane specific validation data (typically
sify and redefine standards for what were previ-
aircraft flight test data) to ensure that the FFS’s aero-
ously Level 1-3 FTDs and personal computer ATDs
dynamics, flight controls characteristics, and ground
(PCATDs). The AC did so by introducing two new
handling characteristics represent a specific make,
terms, the Basic ATD (BATD) and the Advanced ATD
model, and series of aircraft. An FFS is often a “type”
(AATD), along with providing corresponding perfor-
specific platform. It’s because of this that pilots can
mance standards and user guidelines. The AC also
use a FFS to earn a type-rating without flying the
describes that policy and approvals for ATDs resides
actual aircraft. Many FAA-approved part 142 train-
with the FAA’s General Aviation and Commercial
ing centers use FFSs to train professional pilots for
Division and provides a clear outline of how these
type ratings and to deliver the recurrency training
devices are to be evaluated and approved.
required by regulation and insurance companies.
BATD: But let’s start by first understanding the dif-
FTD: The next category is flight training devices, or
ference between BATDs and AATDs. Though similar
FTDs. These devices are designed to represent a spe-
to a PCATD, a BATD generally has more enhanced
cific aircraft configuration and, depending upon the
hardware and software features that allow the FAA
FTD’s qualification level, may include an enclosed
to authorize it for certain training and proficiency
cockpit and realistic visual references. They are not
“credits.” These credits are limited to private pilot
always motion capable, but are sophisticated enough
certification as well as instrument rating and currency
to provide training in preparation for commercial
and airline transport pilot certificates, as well as
other ratings. You can find specifics on these allow-
ances in figure 1, page 12.
FTDs are very popular with aviation-oriented
universities and colleges. The airline industry also
uses these devices extensively to train new hires or
provide for upgrades (First Officer to Captain) and
transition training (e.g., B-737 to B-747 aircraft), or
for recurrency training. FTDs are sub-categorized
into Levels 4 through 7. Levels 4, 5, and 6 apply to
Basic Aviation Training Device (BATD)

10 FAA Safety Briefing November/December 2017

requirements. However, please note that a BATD horsepower needed to
cannot be use for an Instrument Proficiency Check meet these demands. While the news is generally good for those
(IPC). (See figure 1 for details on credit allowances) wanting to rely more on their aircraft’s
Appendix 2 of the now revised AC 61-136A con- AATD: As its name “electronic twin” for gaining experience
tains all of the specific design criteria needed for implies, you’ll notice and training credit, the options, features,
a BATD to be approved for use. For example, with that there are higher and corresponding limitations for these
regard to airplane control requirements, BATDs standards for Advanced ground trainers do require some attention to
must include: ATDs, along with
ensure you’re getting the most out of what
• A self-centering displacement yoke or control design criteria that
they can offer.
stick that allows continuous adjustment of call for a more realistic
pitch and bank. aircraft look-and-feel.
First off, an AATD must meet all BATD-approval
• Self-centering rudder pedals that allow
criteria, as well as incorporate additional features
continuous adjustment of yaw and
and systems fidelity that significantly exceed that
corresponding reaction in heading and roll.
of a BATD. Among those provisions include incor-
• Throttle or power control(s) that allows porating ergonomics “representative” of a category
continuous movement from idle to full-power and class of aircraft flight deck, a GPS system with
settings and corresponding changes in pitch moving map display, a two-axis autopilot (if stan-
and yaw, as applicable. dard equipment), an independent visual system
• Mixture/condition, propeller, and throttle/ capable of rendering realistic VFR and IFR condi-
power control(s) as applicable to the aircraft tions, a separate instructor station, and the ability
represented. to simulate all emergency procedures that have a
• Controls for certain items that are applicable checklist in the POH or flight manual.
to the category and class of aircraft
represented, like wing and cowl flaps, gear
handle, pitch trim, etc.

In addition, pilots must be able to see, feel, and

operate the controls for all the previously mentioned
equipment in the same manner as they would in the
actual aircraft, including the switches and indicators
on the instrument panel. Control input responses
must also be similar to real-life and are not allowed
to appear to lag in any way. If the BATD is using elec-
tronic displays, it must render images that are clearly Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD)
legible and don’t appear to jump or lag relative to a
control input. AC 61-136A contains a complete list of the
In a nutshell, then, all displays and controls in additional criteria for an approved AATD. These
the BATD must reflect the dynamic behavior of an enhanced features allow the FAA to authorize an
actual aircraft. For example, if you change the flap AATD for training and proficiency “credits” toward
setting, or the cyclic control, the appropriate changes the private pilot, commercial, flight instructor, and
in flight dynamics must be registered and reflected airline transport pilot (ATP) certificate, as well as the
on all of the applicable displays and indicators in instrument rating and instrument proficiency check.
the BATD similar to how that actual aircraft would (See figure 1 for details on credit allowances)
respond. Even the aircraft performance parameters
Approved for Use
(e.g., cruise speed, stall speed, max climb rate, etc.,)
It’s important to note that before a pilot can use
must be comparable to the representative aircraft.
an ATD for flight training credit, specific to a certifi-
It may seem like a tall order to meet these require-
cate or rating, the device must first be issued an FAA
ments, but the good news is that today’s high-end
letter of authorization (LOA). LOAs are valid for five
and relatively low-cost computer options are usu-
years and specify the amount of credit a pilot may
ally more than capable of providing the processing
earn for training and experience requirements. This

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 11

Simulation Training
Figure 1 - Simulation TrainingAllowance
Allowance Chart Chart


Allowances Basic Advanced Flight Full Flight
Under Aviation Aviation Training Simulator
14 CFR Training Training Device
Device Device

Maximum Credit for Minimum Requirements

Part 61 2.5 hrs 2.5 hrs 2.5 hrs 2.5 hrs
Private Pilot Certificate
Part 141 5.25 hrs 5.25 hrs 7 hrs 7 hrs
Part 61 10 hrs 20 hrs 20 hrs 20 hrs
Instrument Rating
Part 141 8.75 hrs 14 hrs 14 hrs 17.5 hrs

Combined Private Pilot Part 61 20 hrs 20 hrs 20 hrs 20 hrs

Certificate & Instrument Rating Part 141 17.5 hrs 17.5 hrs 17.5 hrs 24.5 hrs

Commercial Pilot Part 61 50 hrs 50 hrs 50 hrs

Certificate Part 141 24 hrs 24 hrs 36 hrs

Flight Instructor Part 61

Certificate Part 141 1.25 hrs 1.25 hrs 2.5 hrs

Instrument Flight Part 61

Instructor Certificate Part 141 0.75 hrs 0.75 hrs 1.5 hrs

Airline Transport Pilot Part 61 25 hrs 25 hrs 25 hrs

Certificate Part 141 6.25 hrs 6.25 hrs 12.5 hrs


1. This chart excludes training center allowances under 14 CFR part 142.

2. The hours specified in the chart for 14 CFR part 141 pilot schools have been converted from percentages relative to the minimum
experience requirements specified in the regulations.

3. Some ATD allowances are provided as part of the required letter of authorization (LOA). See 14 CFR section 61.4 (c).

is important because the regulations do not specifi- site operational evaluation of the device. If the ATD
cally address airplane ATD allowances for all pilot passes, the FAA will issue the LOA and an approved
certification requirements. The LOA will provide for QAG to the manufacturer. If a manufacturer later
this. (See 14 CFR section 61.4 (c)) modifies an approved ATD, a revised QAG must be
To receive this LOA, all ATDs must go through resubmitted for approval.
a rigorous approval process. It starts with develop-
Regulatory Relief
ing what’s known as an approved Qualification and
Approval Guide or QAG. This QAG document serves Recognizing that technology continues to evolve
as the basis for approval and includes a detailed and improve, the FAA is constantly on the lookout for
description of all components, functions, capabilities, ways to permit increased usage of ATDs in GA pilot
and possible configurations for the training device. training. Just last year a regulation change increased
A manufacturer requesting an ATD approval the maximum time that may be credited in an ATD
will send this QAG along with a request letter to the toward experience requirements for an instrument
FAA. If both are found acceptable and pass an initial rating under part 61 (20 hours for AATD and 10 for
audit, the FAA will then schedule and conduct an on- BATD) and provided an allowance of 25 percent and

12 FAA Safety Briefing November/December 2017

40 percent of creditable time for BATDs and AATDs and other difficult maneuvers that are risky to
respectively toward an instrument rating under part accomplish in the aircraft. Additionally, when a stu-
141. This revision also eliminated the need to wear a dent is struggling with a particular concept or task,
view-limiting device when logging instrument time in flight instructors in an ATD have the unique ability to
an ATD. hit the pause button, reset the trainer for the proce-
With another new rulemaking effort in the works, dure or task, and provide extra guidance and encour-
expected in December 2017, the FAA proposes to agement which is difficult to do in the confines of a
allow pilots to accomplish instrument currency pilot noisy, crowded, and busy aircraft.”
time in a FFS, FTD, or ATD without an instructor
The Future of Flight Simulation
present to verify the time, as well as allow ATD time
to accomplish instrument currency requirements to As with all things in aviation, change is inevi-
be identical to the tasks and requirements described table, and the ATD arena is hardly an exception
for an aircraft, FFS, or FTD. Currently, pilots using to that rule. “One of the features I’m most excited
an ATD to accomplish IFR experience (currency) about — and which has shown significant improve-
requirements must perform additional tasks and must ment in recent years — is with cockpit visuals,” says
log three hours of time in addition to performing six Bernard. “The visuals in today’s ATDs have never
approaches, holds, and intercepts within the previous been so good. They really put you in the zone of
two months before a flight as required under 14 CFR actually flying in the aircraft.”
section 61.57 (c)(3). To see the proposed rule, go to Another up-and-coming area for ATD and
go.usa.gov/xRt5Q. FSTD technology is virtual reality, boasting much
“These changes are designed to help pilots save broader visuals and 3-D imaging. Evidence of VR’s
time and money, as well as take advantage of the growing popularity can be found at events like
unique training opportunities ATDs can offer,” says FlightSimCon, which at this year’s convention in
Marcel Bernard, an FAA aviation safety inspector with Hartford, Conn., touted several trainers using VR
the General Aviation and Commercial Division and goggles. While integrating VR technology into an
the ATD National Program Manager. But Bernard approved ATD is still a ways off, its potential is
is quick to point out that there is no prohibition on extremely exciting for the industry.
additional use of these devices for training. “What few Whether you’re an aviation novice, or experi-
people realize is that although the maximum hours enced veteran, here’s the bottom line: Using aviation
credited towards your certificate total is fixed, logging training devices is effective, efficient, and provides
additional hours may in fact assist you with being pilots and instructors with a superior learning and
more prepared for the aircraft portion of your training, training environment. But more importantly, these
and potentially allow you to finish closer to the actual instruments are proving themselves to be true cata-
minimum flight hours specified in the regulations for lysts for a safer NAS.
a particular certificate or rating.” If you have questions on ATD regulations, policy,
To help illustrate this point, let’s say you need 35 or guidance, or if you seek to incorporate an ATD into
hours of flight training under a part 141 school to get your flight training program, please read AC 61-136A
a private pilot certificate. You can get credit for 5.25 of and, as needed, contact your local Flight Standards
those 35 hours in a BATD. But let’s say you go beyond Office for further assistance.
that. Maybe you even log 35 hours in the BATD. That
might seem like a lot, but that extra time in a lower
cost ground trainer may actually help you stay on
Tom Hoffmann is the managing editor of FAA Safety Briefing. He is a
target with the remaining 29.75 flight hours required.
commercial pilot and holds an A&P certificate.
So even if you wound up having 35 hours of aircraft
time and 35 hours of BATD time, that’s still way less
total flight time (and cost) than what the average stu- Learn More
dent pilot acquires while pursuing a private certificate FAA Advisory Circular 61-136A
— which is about 75 hours. go.usa.gov/xnx4P
“Let’s not forget the advantages of using an
ATD,” adds Bernard. “You can still ‘fly’ when the Final Rule for ATD Credit for Pilot Certification
weather is bad, and practice emergency procedures go.usa.gov/xnx4d

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 13


Photo by Tom Hoffmann

The Evolving Role of Flight Simulation

ear up. I ease the yoke back and flick my eyes an old ATC 810, in a classroom at Aims Community
across the panel. All good. My left hand is College. In those days, flight simulators weren’t much
wrapped around the yoke, my right is curled compared to what we have today — no movement, no
around the throttles. I love twins. The runway drops simulated view outside the frosted windows — but the
away beneath me and I soar across the far threshold. box-like 810, as well as a squadron of desktop simula-
100 feet up … 200 feet … 300 … BAM! The yoke snaps tors arranged on long tables in front of folding chairs,
up. The artificial horizon spins. The plane cartwheels helped my classmates and me become aviators more
right. Red lights flash, dials spin. I’ve lost an engine! I safely, and more cheaply, than if we’d been learning
wrestle the yoke to the left, grappling with the plane, all of our lessons in real airplanes.
fighting the asymmetry of drag and thrust. I franti- And that’s exactly what Ed Link was thinking
cally scan the gauges. Too low. Too slow. No time to in 1927 when he invented the world’s first practical
try to restart. But I am not putting this thing down in flight simulator.
the trees! The yoke is heavy, seven tons of concrete.
My arm is straining to hold it. Pain ripples though
my shoulder. Trim! I spin the solid metal wheel at my In his early 20s, Link got bitten by the aviation
knee. The altimeter is spinning down. I’m running bug but faced a problem as old as aviation, one that
out of sky … continues to this day: His aspirations were greater
That was back in 1983. I saved the plane, limping than his wallet. Recognizing his problem wasn’t
it up into the pattern and back around for a landing. unique, he saw a business opportunity. Working
The only injury a pulled muscle in my chest from part-time in the basement of his father’s piano and
fighting the heavy controls. organ factory he began to build what he called a Pilot
And during those frantic, terrifying minutes I Trainer.
completely forgot I was in a flight simulator. Yep. I The result was something that resembled a
was sitting on the ground the whole time, enclosed in stubby-winged toy airplane on a moving stand.
Powered by an electric pump and organ bellows, the

14 FAA Safety Briefing November/December 2017

truncated airplane would pitch up and down and The World War II version of the trainer was no
bank from side to side in response to control inputs, carnival ride; it was a full-fledged flight simulator.
mimicking the movement of a real airplane. Link’s Driven by multiple sets of air-driven bellows assem-
invention was far from being a success. He sold more blies, the simulator rotated on all three axes, and
Pilot Trainers to amusement parks as coin-operated could simulate pre-stall buffeting, spins, and even
carnival rides than he did to flight schools as aviation landing gear over speeds. A separate instructor’s
training devices. desk served to control the simulator and recorded
But the next generation of Ed Link’s Pilot Trainer the student’s success over an aviation chart.
would change the world. So sophisticated was the trainer, and so large was
In 1933 Link added a hood and an instrument its impact, that in the summer of 2000, it was recog-
panel to his trainer, transforming it from a device nized as a Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark
that taught basic movements to a machine for safe, by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
affordable instrument flight training — and a new who noted it was “among the first mechanical devices
industry was born. used to simulate actual processes.”
Link’s first big sale, for six trainers, was to the Link sold more than 10,000 simulators during
U.S. Army Air Corps in 1934. The Corps had taken World War II. Following the war,
over the air mail in the wake of a contract-award Link’s company continued to make
Still, the table top simulator taught
scandal — called the Air Mail fiasco in the press simulators for the military, includ-
me, and thousands of other trainee
of the day — but the Corps was ill-equipped to do ing devices for high-performance
so. The Army Air Corps was a daylight, fair weather aircraft, and they even built the pilots, the basics of instrument flight
outfit at the time. In 78 days of carrying the mail, lunar lander simulator for the safely and economically — which has
the Corps suffered 66 major accidents, and lost 13 Apollo missions to the moon. always been the purpose of a flight
crewmembers. The brass knew they had to get up to Link is still in the simulator biz simulator since that first one was
speed with instrument flight and the Link trainer was today as a division of L3 Technolo- cobbled together in the basement of
the just the ticket. gies, making a portable helicopter the Link Piano and Organ Company.
In the years that followed, Link’s simulator busi- simulator for the army that fits into
ness grew, but the Link Trainer wouldn’t come fully two 53-foot tractor-trailers. But its products never
into its own until it went to war. gained traction with the general aviation market.
That void would be filled by a whole different kind of
World War II
flight simulator.
Called the “blue box” by servicemen in World
War II, the iconic ANT-18 Link Trainer was used to When Simulators Stopped Moving
develop the instrument flying skills of over half a In the 1970s and 80s, ATC Flight Simulator Com-
million allied servicemen. Ironically, it also helped pany filled community colleges and flight schools
train many of the Japanese pilots who attacked Pearl with the iconic table top ATC-610 and 710 general
Harbor: Ed Link’s second customer, back in 1935, aviation simulators to teach instrument flight skills to
was the Japanese Imperial Navy. new pilots, and to help existing pilots stay proficient
on their instrument skills.
Photo by Tom Hoffmann

These flight simulators looked like instrument

panels that had been surgically removed from well-
equipped general aviation trainers and wrapped in
plastic cases. While they looked airplane-like — fea-
turing the classic six pack, navigation instruments,
radios and transponders with adjustable knobs,
engine monitoring instruments, throttle-mixture-prop
controls, and even working mag switches — and were
more precise than any simulator that came before,
they certainly didn’t feel airplane-like. I can still
remember sitting in a folding chair “flying” one. The
optional rudder pedals on the floor kept sliding away
from my feet. The humming and flickering florescent
This WWII model Link Trainer was dubbed the “Pilot Maker.” lights above reminded me that I was very much NOT

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 15

like real airplanes. Students feel a simulated atmo-
sphere alive with bumps and jolts in a plane-like
machine that moves like the real thing: Redbirds
boast 50-degress of pitch, 60-degrees of yaw, and
40-degress of roll.
Even without a war, Redbird took the world by
storm. With 1,200 of their simulators in place glob-
ally, they strengthen and improve aviation skills. The
company produces many FAA approved aviation
training devices (ATDs) with an available motion
system, ranging from the compact MX2 to the
cockpit-specific AMS. They also make a full motion
helicopter simulator and a specially engineered
Photo by Tom Hoffmann
crosswind trainer that slides back and forth on rails,
and banks left and right to help pilots master the
in an airplane. And, of course, it didn’t move. tricky stick and rudder skills needed for crosswind
Simulators had lost the link. landings in strong winds where initial training would
Still, the table top simulator taught me, and be dangerous. The Xwind, as it’s called, simulates
thousands of other trainee pilots, the basics of crosswinds up to 30 knots. And turbulence. And
instrument flight safely and economically — which wind shear.
has always been the purpose of a flight simulator
since that first one was cobbled together in the base- Full Circle
ment of the Link Piano and Organ Company. Over the course of seven decades, the flight
Like the Link company, ATC is still in busi- simulator has come full circle. First it moved. Then
ness today. They sell newer versions of their classic it was frozen but made more realistic in other ways.
products, now with sophisticated digital imagery for Then it was thawed out again, free to move and now
a simulated view of the outside environments — as more realistic than ever. It has evolved from bellows
well as retrofits for their old products — but their to high-end electronics. From a windowless box to a
simulators are still motionless. view that rivals the real thing.
In 2006 a new company called Redbird burst At each step in this evolution simulators have
onto the scene with a full motion enclosed simulator helped aviators improve their skills economically
for far less than the price of a typical GA training air- and in complete safety. Well … I guess I should say
craft. The Link was back, and better than ever. in near complete safety. After all, I did manage to
In some ways, the modern Redbird fulfills Ed hurt myself in a simulator once-upon-a-time. But
Link’s original vision. Like the simulators of the last at least I didn’t crash the simulated plane that day,
seven decades, it is an instrument training platform. nor have I crashed a real plane in the three decades
But it is so much more. With a worldwide terrain since. That’s in part, I think, thanks to my simulator
database and 200-degree visuals, student pilots training. Training which let me hone my skills on the
can practice turns-about-a-point over a highway edge of disaster — something we simply can’t do in
intersection just as easily as they can practice a GPS real airplanes.
approach. But most importantly, Redbirds move At least not without risking much more than a
pulled muscle.

William E. Dubois is an aviation writer, world speed record holder, and

National Champion air racer. He teaches Rusty Pilot seminars for AOPA and
blogs his personal flying adventures at www.PlaneTales.net.

Redbird’s Xwind Trainer simulates turbulence, wind shear,

and crosswinds up to 30 knots.

16 FAA Safety Briefing November/December 2017

Checklist SUS A N PA R SON

ATDs in the ACS

If you have ever used the Practical Test Stan- or crewmember function; and (c) its representation
dards (PTS) to train, teach, or evaluate in connection of the aircraft. To accomplish the requisite FSTD
with certification activities, you might recall that the qualifications, the FAA’s National Simulator Pro-
PTS for certain qualifications includes an Appen- gram (NSP) qualifies them as Level A-D FFSs and
dix called “Task vs. Simulation Device Credit.” In Level 4‒7 FTDs.
addition to some basic instructions, this Appendix In general, FSTDs are used in the air carrier world
includes a chart that describes which Flight Areas or for training that is type specific. The FAA permits
of Operation/Tasks qualify for simulation credit and use of an FSTD for completion of the practical test
specifies the required flight simulation device level. only when it is accomplished in accordance with an
Now take a look at the Airman Certification FAA approved curriculum or training program.
Standards (ACS), which have replaced the PTS for
Use of Aviation Training Devices
the private pilot and commercial pilot certificates
and the instrument rating for the airplane category. Now let’s look at devices you are more likely to
In these documents, as well as in future PTS-to-ACS see in the GA training environment. 14 CFR section
conversions, the chart is no more. Instead, you will 61.4(c) states that the Administrator may approve a
find that Appendix 8 (standard across all ACS docu- device other than an FFS or FTD for specific purposes.
ments) offers a detailed text explanation of using Under this authority, the FAA’s General Aviation
flight simulation training devices (FSTDs) and Avia- and Commercial Division approves aviation training
tion Training Devices (ATDs) for pilot certification devices (ATD) by issuing a letter of authorization
for airplane single-engine, multiengine land and sea. (LOA) to an ATD manufacturer. The LOA, which is
Why the change? Simply stated, the FAA realized valid for five years, approves an ATD as a basic avia-
that the PTS-style chart approach is a good example tion training device (BATD) or an advanced aviation
of providing information, but it wasn’t sufficient to training device (AATD). The LOA also specifies the
fully address the issues at play in using FSTDs and/ amount of credit a pilot may take for training and
or ATDs in training, testing, and checking events. experience acquired in the device. Any pilot using
When reviewing the ACS to determine the task ATD time to meet experience or certification require-
and standards that pilot applicants must accom- ments should retain a copy of the LOA.
plish, there is no substitute for reading the entire For the definitions, please read Advisory Circu-
document to ensure that you fully understand the lar (AC) 61-136A, FAA Approval of Aviation Training
requirements and limitations when using FSTDs Devices and Their Use for Training and Experience.
and/or ATDs. We cover this topic in detail elsewhere AC 61-136A also provides information and guidance
in this issue, but here’s a quick overview of the infor- for the required function, performance, and effective
mation you’ll find in ACS Appendix 8. use of ATDs for pilot training and aeronautical expe-
rience (including currency). Please note, however,
Use of Flight Simulator Training Devices that ATDs cannot be used for practical tests or to
According to 14 CFR part 60, a Flight Simulator meet minimum experience or training requirements
Training Device is either a full flight simulator (FFS) for an aircraft type rating.
or a Flight Training Device (FTD). This rule provides
specific definitions for FFS and FTD, and prescribes
the initial and continuing qualification and use of all Susan Parson (susan.parson@faa.gov, or @avi8rix for Twitter fans) is editor of
FSTDs used for meeting training, evaluation, or flight FAA Safety Briefing. She is an active general aviation pilot and flight instructor.
experience requirements for flight crewmember cer-
tification or qualification.
Another regulation, 14 CFR section 61.4, states
that each FFS and FTD used for training and credit Learn More
for any training, testing, or checking requirement Airman Certification Standards
must be qualified and approved by the FAA for faa.gov/training_testing/testing/acs/
three things: (a) the training, testing, and checking FAA Advisory Circular 61-136A
for which it is used; (b) each maneuver, procedure, go.usa.gov/xnx4d

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 17



Using Simulation to Try It Before You Fly It

n the early spring of 1992, my flight instructor sent advanced aviation training device (AATD) (see “The
me out to my favorite airplane in the flight school’s A-Z of ATDs” in this issue for more on this topic) and
Cessna 152 fleet to conduct my first solo cross- “fly” the route you’ve planned. You can generally use
country flight. With a carefully-reviewed flight plan this option with or without an instructor. Since visuals
and freshly-endorsed logbook clutched in admittedly for navigation orientation and practice are only part of
shaky hands, off I went. Nerves led to an early loss of the picture (so to speak), some AATDs can really offer
positional awareness. More baldly stated, I got lost. a tiedown-to-tiedown simulation experience.
For a few minutes, I struggled to match the ter- If you don’t have access to this kind of AATD or
rain I saw below to my carefully marked sectional you simply don’t need that much, online options
chart. I struggled even more as I tried to use the still offer a lot more than I had in preparing for that
plane’s single VOR indicator to pinpoint my position first solo cross-country. Once you plot your route in
with cross-radials from two VOR beacons. In a mer- one of the many capable aviation apps available for
cifully short time that felt a lot longer than it really desktops, smart phones, and/or tablets, you can add
was, I settled my nerves, engaged my brain, and layers (e.g., satellite view), zoom in, and scroll along
figured it out. the magenta line to pre-fly your route. If you spot
A few years later, my instructor silently watched some terrain feature or obstacle you would rather
me work my way through the three-leg instrument avoid, popular flight planning apps let you use your
cross-country flight I needed to meet aeronautical fingertips to adjust the route. If, on the other hand,
experience requirements for the instrument rating. you are actively looking for a particular feature on
We flew the entire trip in instrument meteorologi- the ground, your simulated reconnaissance flight
cal conditions (IMC) and, with GPS still unknown can help you figure out how to spot it more quickly
outside the military, I used VOR and ADF to navigate from the sky.
and to fly the no-kidding instrument approach pro- When I was first learning to fly, preflight plan-
cedures needed for every landing. ning included making an airport chart that included
I carefully prepared for those and many other a hand-drawn sketch of the runway(s) and taxiways,
trips in terms of the available tools and techniques, FBO location, and important notes made from what
but today’s simulation technologies make that plan- we then called the Airport/Facility Directory (now
ning seem positively primitive. So in our celebration known as the Chart Supplement). A good friend of
of simulation, let’s take a look at how modern navi- mine was well known in the student pilot commu-
gation simulation can help you try it before you fly it. nity for the quality and outrageously exquisite detail
of his airport diagrams.
Visual Flight Rules
To get smarter about the airports to be used on
The most obvious way to use simulation for a trip, flight planning apps certainly provide their
VFR navigation is to find a flight school that has an “vital statistics” and other basic information. To

18 FAA Safety Briefing November/December 2017

really get the picture, though, I like using Google generally more effective than just reading the operat-
Earth to explore the airport and its surroundings. ing manual.
Where available, the 2D and 3D options provide Having spent many hours with a variety of com-
lots of situational awareness — and it’s just down- puter-based equipment simulators, I can personally
right fun to “flightsee” with your fingertips. While attest to their efficacy. To get the most from this kind
working on this article, for example, I have greatly of simulation, either work from the exercises the
enjoyed navigating over and around favorite airports manufacturer’s manual suggests, or use your own
and aerial routes. With several, I set up a practice flight plan to master all the basic data entry and con-
“descent” right down to the runway by using my fin- tent management skills necessary for IFR navigation.
gertips to gradually advance and zoom in. Once you have mastered the basics of your boxes,
It’s safe to say we’ve come a long way from the simulation provides a time-and cost-effective way for
days of hand-drawn airport diagrams. you to learn (or practice) both the fundamental prin-
ciples of IFR navigation and approach procedures,
Instrument Flight Rules
and to master the mechanical procedures required
My instrument training in the mid-1990s began to execute them with your onboard navigational
with what now seems like stone-age simulation: devices. Before you fly, use simulation devices or apps
hours and hours of using a desktop “simulator” — to ensure you know how to enter, edit, and navigate
more properly known as a basic aviation training the following instrument proce-
device, or BATD. BATDs themselves have come a dures:
long way in the last quarter century, but even the one Since instrument flying is all about
• IFR flight plan
I used was highly effective as a procedures trainer. procedures — both the scanning and
Since instrument flying is all about procedures — • SIDs and STARs
flight management procedures used to
both the scanning and flight management proce- • All types of instrument aviate and the navigation procedures
dures used to aviate and the navigation procedures approach procedures (e.g.,
essential to IFR operation — simulation
essential to IFR operation — simulation is a funda- RNAV(GPS) to LPV, LP,
mental part of most IFR training programs.
is a fundamental part of most IFR
and LNAV minima; ILS,
Whether you use a more capable ATD or any of VOR, VOR/DME) training programs.
the many apps available for desktops, smartphones, • Holding patterns (both published and
and tablets, here are two important ways that appro- randomly assigned)
priate use of simulation can enhance your IFR navi-
Familiarity with the airport environment is per-
gation skills.
haps even more important in IFR flying than in VFR
First is mastery of onboard navigation devices,
operation, so the kind of simulated Google Earth
both handheld and installed equipment. Fully
reconnaissance flight described earlier is a good idea
understanding both the “knobology” (i.e., the
for IFR trips as well. In addition to “flying” the final
mechanical operating scheme) and the content
approach and landing with your fingertips, map the
organizational scheme of your navigation equipment
missed approach point and the missed approach
is important for any kind of flying, but it is absolutely
procedure on your favorite flight planning app and, as
critical to safe instrument flying. Reading the manual
described in the VFR section, add layers that let you
is always an option, but the desktop- or tablet-based
see terrain and obstacles. Use the 2D and 3D options
navigation simulators most manufacturers offer for
in the Google Earth app to zoom in even further, and
their products are usually more engaging — and thus
make sure you know exactly where terrain and obsta-
cles lie in relation to the MAP route you expect to fly.
Knowledge is Key
You can never know too much about the places
you’ll fly from, over, around, and to; nor can you
ever know enough about the procedures and tools
you’ll use to navigate to those spots. So make the
most of navigation simulation, and always try it
before you fly it.

Susan Parson (susan.parson@faa.gov, or @avi8rix for Twitter fans) is editor of

FAA Safety Briefing. She is an active general aviation pilot and flight instructor.
Photo by Tom Hoffmann

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 19


Do You
Content disclaimer: Products and services mentioned in
this article, and/or external, non-FAA links within, do not
constitute official endorsement on behalf of the FAA.

Suffer from D
o you get nervous or intimidated when talking
on the radio or with air traffic control? Don’t

worry. You’re not alone. Just the sheer amount
of information you receive from ATC to get an initial
clearance can be overwhelming, let alone having
to comprehend what the fast-talking controller just

said, and then attempt to read back what you “think”
you just heard.
Fortunately, thanks to virtual reality, there are
online, real-time, controller-to-pilot platforms and

Improve Your Aviation software programs that can help you train for avia-
tion radio communications — all in the comfort of

Communication with your home.

In this article, we’ll take a look at three virtual

Virtual Reality reality platforms that you can use in concert with
your home computer or desktop flight simulator, to
practice and sharpen your aviation communication
The best part is that the skills you master in your
virtual aircraft will easily transfer to your real-life
cockpit as well.
First, let’s talk about the “push-to-talk phobia.”
“Say Again? … Over”
It’s a fact that both student pilots and seasoned
aviators have at one time or another experienced
what I like to call the “Say What?” syndrome. That’s
the “huh??” moment that occurs when you can’t
understand the fast-flowing stream of non-stop
aviation lingo blaring from your radio. If you’re not
familiar with how ATC communicates, it can be very
intimidating and downright nerve-wracking to push
that thumb down and speak those two humbling
words, “Say again?”
Do not be shy about making that request! It is
critical for safety. Remember that ATC is working to
maintain aircraft separation and keep everyone safe.
Controllers would much rather have you request a
repeat transmission to clarify the instructions than
have you act on the basis of what you think you
heard. They want you to get it right.
“What’s Our Vector, Victor?”
So how do you learn to “speak ATC” and over-
come your fear?
Learning the language of aviation is not unlike
learning a foreign language, or any other new skill.

20 FAA Safety Briefing November/December 2017

At first you’ll be hesitant, but the best way to Pilot-to-controller communication is performed
overcome your hesitation is through knowledge, using voice-over-IP (VOIP), or by text message. Con-
training, practice, and still more practice. The trollers and pilots interact real time as you file flight
longer you practice hearing and speaking your new plans, fly to real-life airports, and perform flight fol-
aviation language, the more fluent you will become, lowing operations. You can learn and practice your
and the more confident you will be when speaking aviation phraseology, detect any problem areas that
on the radio. need work, make mistakes, and recover knowing that
you’re “flying” on the ground without repercussions.
“Tower, Request Taxi”
The network also features virtual pilot and controller
When you first start learning to fly, you learn training online.
the phonetic alphabet, phraseology, and then you VATSIM provides an opportunity for students,
train and practice radio communications with your experienced pilots, and those returning to the
instructor. Some instructors make it a priority for cockpit to practice in a fun, non-intimidating envi-
students to spend some flight time at a towered field ronment to increase proficiency and sharpen radio
to practice ATC communications during flight, or to communication skills. VASTIM can be found online
view first-hand operations inside the tower. at vatsim.net.
But that’s not your only option these days.
Whether you’re a student looking for more practice Redbird
or a certificated pilot who normally operates from You may be familiar with Redbird’s flight simula-
a non-towered airport, simulation offers a low-cost tors, available at aviation schools and flight training
way to build your aviation communication skills. providers. But did you know that Redbird also makes
simulators you can use at home?
“We Have Clearance, Clarence”
The Redbird TD simulator is a table top device
Today’s pilots have the opportunity to use a that you can use to practice your push-to-talk skills
range of simulation tools to learn and practice radio from home. The TD operates Redbird’s optional
and ATC communication skills under surprisingly Parrot software that simulates
realistic conditions. Desktop computer programs are controller-to-pilot interaction. The skills you pick up in your virtual
not typically FAA-approved, but the skills you can Using voice recognition, Parrot aircraft will easily transfer to your
acquire and improve via “sim city” practice readily learns your voice and speech pat- real-life cockpit.
transfer to “real life” flying. terns, and also responds to your
Let’s take a look at three simulation options commands.
for communication. As you perform your flight simulations, Parrot is
VATSIM self-aware, meaning that it knows at all times where
First up is VATSIM, or Virtual Air Traffic Simula- your aircraft is located, what type of conditions exist
tion Network. VATSIM is an online simulation plat- during your flight, and which ATIS to read out based
form that hosts, at no cost, an international network on the parameters you’ve chosen for your flight or
of virtual pilots and controllers so you can practice location. The Redbird TD performs as a self-directed,
your “avgeek speak.” Real people from around the real-time air traffic controller, deciding what instruc-
world simulate flights with thousands of other users tions, clearances, vectors, etc. you will need for guid-
in the real-time airspace, all while using their home ance during your simulated flight.
computer. Users download and install VATSIM’s Redbird provides even the most novice pilot
pilot software to connect up with their home flight with an interactive, non-threatening environment to
simulator software. practice radio proficiency. Visit redbirdflight.com for
The VATSIM network presents a flight environ- more details.
ment that’s as close to reality as possible without PilotEdge
being in the actual cockpit. Here, users simulate real Next up in the genre of simulation tools is
air traffic procedures and radio phraseology using PilotEdge. This is a software program that connects
any type of aircraft, airframe, or panel. You can either your computer-based, flight simulator software to
fly as a pilot using flight simulation software, or PilotEdge’s voice and data network. With a member-
direct traffic as a controller. ship plan, serious pilots can practice a wide range
of aviation operations such as IFR and VFR flight,

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 21

EQUIP NOW! ATC-initiated holds, transitions through multiple
faa.gov/go/equipadsb airspace, and emergency procedures.
PilotEdge takes each user’s aircraft type, posi-

tion, heading, etc., uploads it to the servers, and
shares that information with the simulators of other
virtual pilots nearby. The result is an interactive,

real-time display of a shared virtual airspace. You’ll
see each other’s aircraft and have the chance to com-
municate with other pilots on your frequency.

PilotEdge guarantees ATC coverage and inter-
action with live, real air traffic controllers (either
active-duty FAA air traffic controllers, retired con-

trollers, or enthusiasts) as towered airports are fully
staffed and CTAF frequencies are supported at non-
towered airports. PilotEdge welcomes pilots who
take their flying seriously; but if you misinterpret
a call, or read back your clearance incorrectly, live
controllers will help you to correct it. If you don’t
have a strong grasp on ATC communications, Pilot-
Edge features training and workshops as well that
can help improve your aviation lexicon. Visit pilot-
By January 1, 2020, you must be edge.net for more details.

equipped with ADS-B Out to “Tower, Request Landing”

Whichever simulation tool you decide to fly, all
fly in most controlled airspace. are realistic, fun, and interactive. Most important,
though, they provide a non-threatening way to learn,
stay sharp, and improve your ability to communicate
with professionalism, confidence, and skill.

Experience a new level of Simulator use can push the fear out of push-
to-talk, and help you practice your way into long-

situational awareness: term success in the real world, the next time you
key the mic.

G Weather G TFRs
G Traffic G NOTAMs
Jennifer Caron is an assistant editor for FAA Safety Briefing. She is a certi-
fied technical writer-editor, and is currently pursuing a Sport Pilot Certificate.

See and be seen. Learn More

#ADSB Aeronautical Information Manual's Pilot/Controller
FOR MORE INFO VISIT FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) Radio Communications
Phraseology and Techniques
faa.gov/go/equipadsb go.usa.gov/xRFvk
AIM – correct phraseology


A Virtual Plan for the Real World

How Simulation Can Help You Mitigate Risk


n the early years of aviation, flying was truly dan- Psychologists have a term for these kinds of
gerous. Even routine training carried significant highly drilled tasks. “We call them ‘overlearned’
risk. It was 1929 when we first started to see the skills,” says Dr. Chris Front, an aerospace clinical psy-
use of simulation to gain experience without risk- chologist with the FAA’s Office of Aerospace Medicine.
ing injury or death. The first real step taken toward “These tasks are practiced to the point of mastery.
what we would recognize as a simulator was the Link Overlearned skills tend to be maintained under stress
Trainer. This device allowed pilots to learn instru- because they have become
ment skills without experiencing the risks that were automatic. So, overlearned skills
In a nutshell, simulators allow us to
involved in early IFR flying. From these beginnings, reduce the mental workload
simulation has advanced to the truly amazing tech- during a high stress situation practice dealing with dangerous or
nology we see today. But the concept is constant: and improve the odds of suc- difficult situations without exposure
gain experience without the risk. cessfully executing the correct to the risk that would normally
procedures. That’s what makes accompany them.
How It Works
the drilling of those tasks so
In a nutshell, simulators allow us to practice useful as preparation for an actual emergency. Addi-
dealing with dangerous or difficult situations without tionally, overlearned skills tend to be retained during
exposure to the risk that would normally accompany the early stages of cognitive decline such as demen-
them. These include engine-out landings, partial tia,” Dr. Front explains.
panel in IMC, and critical malfunctions. In the real
world, we have to place restrictions on these maneu- Getting on the Right Level
vers to ensure safety. In the simulator, we don’t have Fidelity is the term used to describe how close
to worry about that. Bungled that ILS? No problem. to real something is. In the case of flight simulation
Just a few key strokes put you back at the Initial technology, there are different categories of fidelity
Approach Fix to try again. In real life, you would have to consider: physical, visual, and what we might call
to execute the missed approach and wait for ATC to modeling. The physical fidelity has to do with how
work you back into the sequence. While there’s value closely the actual device conforms to the aircraft. In
in practicing such maneuvers, simulating the task can a perfect world, the controls, switches, and layout
reduce the amount of time spent learning the basics. would look and feel identical to the real world coun-

Photo Copyright Flight Safety Internation

An example of a high fidelity

full flight simulator.
November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 23
terpart. The fidelity of the visuals is especially impor- avionics box is probably a good place to start. With
tant, because vision is the most powerful sense and this setup, you are both overlearning the desired skill
because it directly impacts how immersive the simu- and reducing the novelty of potential mistakes. Both
lation will be. Modeling is a term that conveys how reduce the mental processing required during any
well the simulation handles the aircraft’s character in future encounter.
the virtual world, i.e., does it fly like the real aircraft? Another good use for low fidelity is in learning
The combination of these factors lead to an overall basic procedures. When my father was working on
level of fidelity, which basically dictates how “real” the his instrument rating in the early 90s, the instruc-
experience is. Which level of fidelity works best for the tor would bring this odd box to our house. It was
task at hand? essentially an instrument panel with a yoke and
The snap answer is usually “well, the best one throttle controls that he set up on the dining room
I can get my hands on.” But that’s not really the table. It doesn’t get much more low fidelity than
case. When I was working on my instrument rating, looking over the glare shield into the china cabinet.
my flight school had two different Flight Training But for learning basic procedures like setting radios,
Devices which, in today’s definitions, would be called intercepting and tracking, holding, and following a
Advanced Aviation Training Devices (AATD). The generic approach, the simplicity is brilliant. It allows
school had an older one and a newer, “better” one. the student to focus on that task and master it before
Without fail, all of us preferred the older one. In real- getting in the airplane.
ity, though, the “better” one was pitchier than an early
The Power of Hi-Fi
round American Idol contestant. As a result, the theo-
retically “better” equipment actually offered a worse On the opposite end of the spectrum is the world
training experience in terms of learning the basics of of full motion simulators with stunning visuals. In
instrument procedures because it forced the student the form used by the airlines, these things are so
to spend too much mental energy trying to keep the close to the real thing that we use them for certifica-
aircraft under control, when that energy should have tion. Although this type of device comes at a hefty
been directed to learning how to execute procedures. cost, modern technology has helped lower the price
of some high fidelity simulators to a point more
The Case for the Low Road feasible for GA. Still, they are expensive to buy and
The bottom line is that what you need in terms operate when compared to lower fidelity options.
of simulation fidelity depends mainly on the aero- So assuming your time and money are limited, you
nautical skill you’re looking to sharpen. If the goal is probably won’t have — or need — unfettered access
to better understand your avionics so that you don’t to this level of simulation.
get confused and distracted while reprogramming There are, however, cases — for example, high
a route, then a simple software simulation of the stress situational training — where immersion and
realism matter. Shooting an approach to minimums in
a heavy rain storm is beyond reckless, but I’m willing
to bet more than a few pilots out there have made a
Photo by James Williams

series of unfortunate decisions and found themselves

left with that being the best of bad options. I know
I have. The experience sapped every bit of mental
bandwidth I had. I remember the other pilot who was
working the radios asking if I had seen something off
the side of the runway after touchdown. I hadn’t. It’s a
quirk of visual processing that as the brain overloads,
you will literally not see things that your brain decides
aren’t important. The best way to improve your per-
formance in such a situation is to practice. In this type
of high stress training scenario, higher fidelity is better.
The Wide Middle Ground
This is an example of the primitive pre-ATD devices that For most people, a middle ground level of fidel-
were used for instrument training. Technology has rendered
ity is sufficient. The key is to figure out what tasks
them obsolete with dramatic improvement in PC simulation.

24 FAA Safety Briefing November/December 2017

hours in an AATD with an instructor. The AATD would
probably be a better return on investment.
Now that we know just how many options we
have, we can look at how to best use them. This
will be different for every pilot. A good place to
start is with an instructor. Having an instructor put
you through the paces in an AATD is a great way to
figure out your baseline, and decide which tasks you
should prioritize.
Once you have that information, you can make a
plan. You can set monthly goals. Maybe you need to
work on your non-precision approaches (NPAs). Set
a goal to do 50 NPAs this month on your computer at
home when you have spare time. Next month pick a
Photo by Tom Hoffmann
different task. Rotate through the things you need to
you want to work on. A good example of the middle improve. Then go back to your instructor six months
ground is computer flight simulation for airport or a year later and see how you’re doing.
familiarization. During my training days, I would You can also do more specific
practice cross-country flights on my trusty copy of work. Maybe a week before a
X-Plane (we were an X-Plane family, not a Microsoft planned trip you can “fly” to your There is no one right answer when
Flight Simulator family). My clunky CRT monitor destination virtually, practice any it comes down to which method
and joystick weren’t particularly good analogues for approaches you might encounter, of flight simulation technology
my Piper Cadet, but the fidelity was good enough and even vary the weather condi- is optimal. It will always be an
for me to learn what the sight lines looked like as I tions. This activity gives you more amalgam of what skill you are
approached the airports I’d never been to before. experience, even if it’s in a virtual working on, whether you are
Given the advances since then in both computer world.
training or testing, what options are
graphics and mapping/imaging data, the benefit Both a continuous skill
available, and the opportunity cost of
would be even better. improvement plan and specific
trip training are far more practical each option.
The key in the middle ground would be to select
the fidelity that best suits the task. For my famil- in the virtual world. You can fly
iarization flight mentioned above, visuals may be to any airport in the world with a few mouse clicks
the most important. But for practicing instrument in simulation. You can give yourself more training
procedures, modeling is more important because opportunities in less time, whether it’s at home, at a
you’ll want to have as close to a real reaction as pos- flight school, or in an AATD. You could easily do four
sible. Besides, the gray inside of a cloud looks the or five approaches in simulation in the same time
same in sparkling 4K as it does in dull SVGA. If you that it might take to do one or two in the real world.
want to practice emergency procedures, the physical While real world experience is still the gold stan-
elements are important so that you practice in a way dard, simulation is a great tool to let you make the
that translates to your aircraft and with less concern best of the time you do get to train in the real world.
about the modeling or visuals. We all have limited time and money for training so it
only makes sense that we should optimize it as much
And the Verdict is … as possible to mitigate the risks of learning in Mother
There is no one right answer when it comes down Nature’s less forgiving environment.
to which method of flight simulation technology is
optimal. It will always be an amalgam of what skill you
are working on, whether you are training or testing,
what options are available, and the opportunity cost of
James Williams is FAA Safety Briefing’s associate editor and photo editor.
each option. Provided you’re able to access one, a full
He is also a pilot and ground instructor.
motion high fidelity sim might work really well. But
one hour in that sim might cost the same as ten-plus

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 25


ou might remember seeing references to the and sharing experience.
“Future of Flight Standards” in previous issues With our less-tangible but absolutely critical
of this magazine, as well as in recent news arti- culture changes well underway, we were finally in a
cles. I am happy to report that the future is here: On position to benefit from the structural realignment.
August 20, Flight Standards transitioned its manage- The intent of the shift to functional organization is
ment structure from the traditional geography-based to increase efficiency, eliminate multiple interfaces,
regional structure to a functional structure. The new and integrate surveillance activities.
functional structure aligns our leadership in four You can probably see how our cultural and
areas: Air Carrier Safety Assurance, General Aviation structural changes are mutually reinforcing, and
Safety Assurance, Safety Standards, and Founda- how both aspects of the transition contribute to a
tional Business. Flight Standards Service with greater accountability,
Let me get this point across right away: our better use of resources, and change readiness. So
structural realignment should be completely trans- the change we do want you to notice is what we have
parent to you. We have “erased” the geographic already been hearing from some of our industry
boundaries and aligned our reporting and manage- stakeholders. From my vantage point, the conversa-
ment practices according to function, but you will tion with industry has changed for the better. Our
not see any structural change to the local FAA offices stakeholders are noticing that we are responding
who serve you today. in a different way, with a greater amount of service,
What you should see, though, is continuing and with better care and quality. I hope and expect
improvement in how those offices operate. As I have that your experiences with Flight Standards will be
said many times to our employees, our structural similar.
changes are important, and they are the most visible I also hope and expect that you will also see us
part of our Future of Flight Standards transition. But continue to improve. You’ve probably heard it said
structural change won’t do much for us without the that “the future is now.” What that means to me —
essential cultural changes at both the individual and and for the FAA Flight Standards Service as a healthy
organizational levels. For several years now, we have organization — is that the future is the result of what
been stressing the importance of interdependence, we do right now. So I want to see us get better still
critical thinking, and consistency in our workforce, at practicing our new cultural norms, and creating a
and these behavioral attributes and competencies Flight Standards Service that is truly agile, efficient,
are now embedded in each Flight Standards Service and consistent in our service to you. We owe you
employee’s work requirements. At the organizational that, and we are ready to deliver.
level, the ongoing culture change includes training
managers in the competencies of change manage-
ment, and the "coach approach" to leadership, which
is about helping employees by expanding awareness John Duncan is the Executive Director of the FAA Flight Standards Service.

26 FAA Safety Briefing November/December 2017

Flight Standards Service
AFX-1 Executive Director
Deputy Executive Directors

Air Carrier Safety Assurance Office General Aviation Safety Assurance Office Safety Standards Office Foundational Business Office
AFC-1 Director AFG-1 Director AFS-1 Director AFB-1 Director
Deputy Directors Deputy Directors Deputy Directors Deputy Directors

General Aviation A Division Aircraft Evaluation Division

Air Carrier A Division Business Standards Division
135 10 or More (AFG-100) (AFS-100)
(AFC-100) (AFB-100)
Division Manager Division Manager
Division Manager Division Manager

General Aviation B Division Air Transportation Division

Air Carrier B Division Resource Management A
135 9 or Less (AFG-200) (AFS-200)
(AFC-200) Division (AFB-200)
Division Manager Division Manager
Division Manager Division Manager

General Aviation C Division Aircraft Maintenance Division

Air Carrier C Division 135 9 or Less (AFG-300) Resource Management B
(AFC-300) Division Manager Division (AFB-300)
Division Manager
Division Manager Division Manager

General Aviation D Division General Aviation & Commercial

Air Carrier D Division 135 9 or Less (AFG-400) Safety Risk Management
Division (AFS-800)
(AFC-400) Division Manager Division (AFB-400)
Division Manager
Division Manager Division Manager

General Aviation E Division Safety Analysis & Promotion

Workforce Development
Air Carrier E Division 135 9 or Less (AFG-500) Division (AFS-900)
Division (AFB-500)
(AFC-500) Division Manager Division Manager
Division Manager
Division Manager
General Aviation F Division International Program Division
Air Agency (AFG-600) Civil Aviation Registry
Air Carrier F Division (AFS-50)
Division Manager Division (AFB-700)
(AFC-600) Division Manager
Division Manager
Division Manager
General Aviation G Division Flight Technologies &
Air Agency (AFG-700) Procedures Division (AFS-400)
Division Manager Division Manager

General Aviation H Division Regulatory Support Division

Air Agency (AFG-800) (AFS-600)
Division Manager Division Manager

Learn More
The Realignment Toolkit: The Realignment Toolkit is designed to provide a one stop shopping point for information on realign-
ment. Our intent is to provide as much information as possible to everyone.

New Flight Standards Service Websites: The Flight Standards Service websites have been updated to provide additional
information. We offer both internal and external versions that provide links to the functional area offices.

Rapid Response Team: The Rapid Response Team (RRT) responds quickly to any issues that arise from realignment. These
could include: information technology access issues, routing/coordination, roles and responsibilities, work stoppages, appli-
cant issues, etc. To contact the RRT, you have the following options:

Email: FlightStandardsRRT@faa.gov
Telephone number: 888-283-8944.
Note: All modes of communication with the RRT are monitored 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time Zone.

InFO 17010, Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Flight Standards Service Reorganization

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 27

Nuts, Bolts, and Electrons JE NNIF E R C A R ON

Is There An App For That?

Augmented Reality in GA Maintenance Training
As the enabling technology continues its fast increased comprehension and retention. As noted
pace of development, Augmented Reality (AR) is earlier, AR allows trainees to work individually, focus-
making its way into aviation maintenance training. ing on any key problem areas, or at their own pace,
AR is a technology that overlays computer-generated but it also enables multiple students to work as a team
images, graphics, or sound on top of your view of the — just as they will do in real-world operations.
real world. Using wearables, holograms, or hand- So what’s happening now? The FAA’s Partner-
held screens to display virtual images, it “augments,” ship to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Acces-
or adds to, the object you’re looking at. sibility, and Sustainability (PEGASAS) works with
AR glasses, for instance, allow you to see labels university partners to research enhancements to GA
or instructions pop up into view, while your eyes safety, accessibility, and sustainability. Among those
travel over each part of a real aircraft engine that’s partners is Western Michigan University’s College of
right in front of you. Aviation. WMU Associate Professor Lori J. Brown, a
Some industry and military facilities are already research investigator for PEGASAS, specifically works
using AR to train technicians in the maintenance, on the use of augmented reality in technical driven
repair, and overhaul of heavy metal and military training, wearables in the cockpit, and classroom-
aircraft, so it’s only a matter of time before we see an virtual training. Her work also contributes to Phase
increase of similar activity in GA. III of the PEGASAS research, which is sponsored and
Here’s why. In a world with growing demand funded by the FAA NextGen Weather Technology in
for skilled aircraft mechanics, the appropriate use the Cockpit (WTIC) Program.
of AR could facilitate speedier training that is also Stay tuned for a future PEGASAS-themed
cost-effective. AR, also known as simulation-based FAA Safety Briefing that will provide updates on
training, can reduce the cost of hands-on training, this technology.
increase comprehension and retention, and enable
multiple students to work in teams, or individually at
their own pace. Although simulation-based maintenance train-
ing is at present more prevalent with the airlines and
What, Who, Where larger training providers, some aviation maintenance
AR is also very cool. Technicians can explore training schools are already applying AR to educate
the aircraft as a real object combined with virtual their students.
captions or helpful user manuals that materialize as These schools are regulated by the FAA under
you walk around the aircraft or dive under the hood. 14 CFR part 147, the regulations that govern the
Wearing AR glasses, or using hand-held screens, curriculum and operations of FAA-certificated AMT
multiple trainees can work together or individually schools. Part 147 does not prohibit or require the
to learn about each component, inspect parts, or use of AR. It defines the curriculum, but the schools
troubleshoot repair scenarios. have the liberty to decide how training platforms are
It gets better. A technician in training can open presented to their students.
up a brake assembly, for example, and reference The FAA is currently working to amend part 147.
detailed, interactive manuals and information sheets Proposed changes are intended to facilitate training
for each part and process. On-demand video and that better meets the changing needs of the aviation
3-D graphics can be superimposed over any part or industry — so don’t be surprised to see increasing
component to simulate what a technician would see use of AR in GA maintenance training.
in the real world. Information is easily accessible,
eliminating the need for bulky print manuals or
information sheets.
Since these user-friendly systems allow train- Jennifer Caron is an assistant editor for FAA Safety Briefing. She is a certi-
ees to learn in a realistic environment, they are fied technical writer-editor, and is pursuing a Sport Pilot Certificate.
more engaged, and thus more likely to benefit from

28 FAA Safety Briefing November/December 2017

Angle of Attack PAUL CI A NCIOL O

Simulating Your Drone Flight

In this issue, we are focusing on flight simula- If you’re flying under 14 CFR part 107, the “five-
tion and training aids that can help pilots maintain mile from an airport” rule doesn’t apply to you;
proficiency and improve skills without the need to instead, you can fly in Class G airspace or get prior
be in the air — the benefits of which are obvious. authorization from ATC to fly in controlled airspace.
What may not be so obvious is that operators of Using a more robust third-party app like AirMap
unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), or drones, can or Kittyhawk or a software
also benefit from flight simulation. While you may platform like DroneDeploy or Flight simulation can help drone
be tempted to take a quadcopter right out of the box Skyward will aid in simulat- pilots with preflight planning as well
and launch, there are many things to consider that ing your drone flight before
as with practical aspects of flying
may prevent you from losing your drone in a tree, your takeoff. You’ll also want
these highly capable machines.
violating an FAA regulation, or worse yet, creating a to plan your flight well in
hazard to others flying around in the same airspace. advance so that you have time
Flight simulation can help drone pilots with preflight to get an airspace authorization, if needed.
planning as well as with practical aspects of flying When it comes to operating any aircraft, there’s
these highly capable machines. no such thing as too much preparation. Planning
Proper preflight planning is the cornerstone to and simulating your drone flight before it leaves the
safe flying. In addition to the obvious need to check ground will help you make informed decisions about
the weather and ensure that your equipment is when and where to fly and will keep the NAS safe
working properly, all pilots should do contingency and accessible to everyone.
planning in case things go wrong. A good practice is
what manned pilots call “chair flying,” which means
just what it sounds like. Sit in a chair and imagine
scenarios — like a mechanical failure or lost link —
and then run through the steps of what actions you
would take. Hold the controller and practice what
inputs you’ll make. Get familiar with the software
and explore ways to pre-program commands or way-
points in advance. Another good idea is to practice
flying on a drone simulator. There are dozens avail-
able online for free that will let you simulate weather
conditions, landscapes, and scenarios, like how your
drone will respond in various situations or how to
manipulate the camera. These are good skills to hone
while your drone is still on the ground!
Another key component to safe flying is knowing
where you are, and using a simulator beforehand
can help you plan appropriately. The airspace can
be busy and complex and the rules vary for different
types of operations. For example, if you are a hobby-
FAA's B4UFLY App 3rd Party AirMap App
ist operating under 14 CFR part 101, you’ll need to
notify all airports within five miles of your flight. The
FAA’s B4UFLY app, which is geared for hobbyists, is a
great way to see which airports you’ll need to notify. Paul Cianciolo is an associate editor and the social media lead for FAA
You may be surprised how many airports there are Safety Briefing. He is a U.S. Air Force veteran, and a rated aircrew member
out there — including helipads. The B4UFLY app will and public affairs officer with Civil Air Patrol.
also show you other location-specific information,
like temporary flight restrictions and national parks
where UAS are not allowed to fly.

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 29

Vertically Speaking JIM CIC C ONE

Flight Training on the Ground

As pilots, we love carving out time from our busy briefing, thus facilitating a safe go/no go decision. The
lives to jump into the cockpit, fire up the engine and best part is that it’s all performed safely on the ground.
take off, especially us helicopter pilots. However, there After flying a simulator, you may even find yourself
are days when getting into a helicopter may not be an compelled to start training towards a helicopter
option due to bad weather, aircraft availability, main- instrument rating. For those pilots who already hold
tenance, or some other show-stopper that prevents us an instrument-helicopter rating, this is an excellent
from scratching that flying itch. So what are you to do? way to chip off the rust and become proficient and
When you can’t get in an aircraft, you may want to current. Additional information on instrument flight
consider getting into a flight simulator. It’s a good way can be found in the Instrument Flying Handbook,
to continue learning and reinforce your piloting skills. FAA-H-8083-15B, specifically, Chapter 8, “Helicopter
When comparing the cost of most helicopter rental Attitude Instrument Flying.”
fees, flight simulators or aviation training devices are Not all flight schools may have a flight simulation
a lot less expensive to operate. Most of these training trainer, but because ATDs are becoming more popu-
devices are aircraft make and model specific, which lar (and affordable) in the GA community, it would
provides pilots the opportunity to become more be advantageous to seek out one that does. So take
familiar with specific cockpit layouts and advanced advantage of some flight time in an ATD. They’re easy
avionics. You can perform takeoffs and landings, to operate, affordable, fun to fly, and your aviation
turns, autorotations, and emergency drills all without skills will improve making you a better and safer pilot.
undue risk. Many flight instructors prefer scheduling Stay safe and keep learning.
time in these training devices because they can be
paused mid-flight to discuss key learning points. Even
if you’re not working towards a rating, consider get-
ting into a simulator with an authorized flight instruc- Jim Ciccone is an aviation safety inspector with the General Aviation and
tor and run through some flight scenarios. Commercial Division. He is also an Airline Transport Pilot, and a Certificated
Another huge benefit for using flight simulation Flight Instructor in multi-engine land airplanes, as well as helicopters, with
applies to helicopter pilots without an instrument 25 years of flying in the Long Island and New York City airspace.
rating, as it can provide a unique opportunity to avoid
the traps associated with continued flight into dete-
riorating weather conditions. A firsthand look into
how easy it is to lose visual reference with the horizon,
the ground, as well as maintain positive control in a
helicopter is a true eye-opener. Many flight simula-
tion devices can be programmed to start out VFR
and then slowly deteriorate into IMC conditions. This
allows flight instructors to take a realistic approach to
Photo courtesy of ELITE Simulation Solutions
demonstrating the effects
of unintentional flight into
IMC, and the proficiency
required to safely control a
helicopter by reference to
flight instruments. Because
not all helicopters have
flight instruments that can
sufficiently support posi-
tive attitude control, these
training sessions reinforce
the need to conduct a thor-
Robinson R22 ATD ough preflight and weather

30 FAA Safety Briefing November/December 2017

Flight Forum
Who Verifies Your Simulator Training? Hi Richard, thank you for your questions. There
is no specific FAA requirement for periodic inspection
Dear Sir or Madam, in the Fight Forum section
of your ADS-B equipment beyond adherence to
of the Nov/Dec 2016 issue of Safety Briefing, the
your manufacturer’s Instructions for Continued
writer (Hal) asked several questions regarding the
Airworthiness, e.g., for 1090ES equipment, some
required logbook endorsements of an authorized
manufacturer’s may require testing of ADS-B
instructor when using a simulator for flight experi-
functionality during 24-month transponder inspection
ence. In the second paragraph, Hal asks: Why do the
and testing per 91.413. See page 24 of the July August
regulations require the signature of an authorized
2016 issue of FAA Safety Briefing
instructor to verify instrument flight experience in
a flight simulator when the signature of a properly
JulAug2016.pdf) for the article, Mandate Myth
rated safety pilot will suffice for the same opera-
Busting for ADS-B 2020 Equipage Requirements, for
tions in a real airplane? I didn't see anything in your
additional information.
response that addressed his question. I very much
look forward to reading that future issue because I The easiest and best way to verify proper
would love to learn the logic behind these regula- operation of your ADS-B Out equipment is to
tions. I enjoy reading every issue of Safety Briefing request a Public ADS-B Performance Report (PAPR)
- keep up the great work! periodically to verify continued compliance of 91.227
— Rick performance requirements. This can be accomplished
following any flight within FAA ADS-B coverage and
Hi Rick, thank you for your email, and we are
does not require a specific flight profile or operation
pleased to hear that you enjoy the magazine! The
within rule airspace defined in 91.225.
FAA is currently proposing to remove the requirement
that a flight instructor be present to verify instrument Facebook Comment of the Month
experience (what we describe as instrument currency)
Had a Garmin GTX345 installed 6
when using an aviation training device (ATD). Here’s
months ago. Absolutely love having it on board. I fly
a link to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)
in a heavy traffic area, and I really like seeing all the
that shows the complete list of rule proposals and
traffic out there.
details — go.usa.gov/xRJ3B.
— Gene
The NPRM also includes a proposal to align the
Hi Gene, thanks for sharing the see and avoid
use of ATDs with the allowances prescribed for aircraft,
benefits you’ve experienced from your ADS-B install
full flight simulators, and flight training devices specific
— it certainly is a great addition to a GA pilot’s
to instrument currency requirements. The final rule is
situational awareness arsenal.
projected to publish in December 2017. I recommend
that you occasionally check go.usa.gov/xRJ3K, or
reginfo.gov, to get an update on the status of this rule

Is My ADS-B Out Really Working? FAA Safety Briefing welcomes comments.

We may edit letters for style and/or length.
My ADS-B out has been installed for several
If we have more than one letter on a topic,
months now AND thank you for the $500 rebate — it
we select a representative letter to publish.
really helped! I just finished reading the Mar/Apr
Because of publishing schedule, responses
FAA Safety Briefing (online .PDF) and I searched but may not appear for several issues. While
did not find the answers to my questions: we do not print anonymous letters, we will
(1) Is there a periodic requirement to check my withhold names or send personal replies upon
ADS-B out on my experimental GA aircraft? If so, request. If you have a concern with an immediate FAA operational issue,
how often and how is it accomplished? contact your local Flight Standards District Office or air traffic facility. Send
(2) Should I check it using the existing PAPR letters to: Editor, FAA Safety Briefing, AFS-921, 55 M Street, SE, Washington,
system like I did initially? Or can I just radio contact DC 20003-3522, or e-mail SafetyBriefing@faa.gov.
the tower for a quick-check?
— Richard

November/December 2017 FAA Safety Briefing 31

Postflight S US A N PA R SON

Get Real
Maximizing Simulated Training for IRL Flying
Throughout this “Sim City” issue of FAA Safety simulation can accelerate your training for a new
Briefing, we’ve explored the many ways you can use certificate, rating, or endorsement. If you are looking
simulation tools and techniques in certification, avi- to improve your proficiency — a goal we all should
ation, navigation, communication, and mitigation of have — pick up a copy of the applicable Airman
risk. Discussion of transferring simulated experience Certification Standards (ACS) and make a list of the
to “In Real Life” (IRL) flying is inherent in the treat- tasks and maneuvers you most want to improve.
ment of each topic, but here are a few overarching Work with your instructor to make a scenario-based
tips for ensuring that you get the greatest benefit. plan that might have you simulate the flight to a spe-
cific airport you want to visit. If you are an instruc-
Bring Your A Game
tor, use some of the task-specific risk management
Professional airline pilots treat flights in the elements to help build or enhance the pilot’s critical
simulator just as if they had a planeload of passen- thinking skills.
gers in the back. Those of us in
GA should do no less. Unless Execute the Plan
Always approach simulated flight activities you are using a smartphone We have all heard the “practice makes perfect”
with the same attitude you apply to flying a or tablet flight simulation cliché. Practice, both IRL and simulated, makes a
game for sheer entertain- proficient (if not quite perfect) pilot, but only if you
real airplane with your family on board.
ment, always approach your pay attention, learn from your mistakes, and resolve
simulated flight activities with the same attitude you to do better every time you fly. Putting A-game effort
apply to flying a real airplane with your family on into intensive simulator work on the specific “areas
board. for improvement” in your plan will produce demon-
strable IRL benefits.
Set a Goal
Simulation costs a lot less than the real airplane, Reflect and Reset
but if you are using some level of Aviation Train- Getting better requires you to understand where
ing Device (ATD) and working with an instructor, you fell short, why it happened, and how you can fix
you’ll still need to hand over a credit card when it. Simulation helps by giving you the on-the-spot,
you’re done. Get the most for your money, and from in-the-moment ability to pause and ponder those
the experience, by knowing what you are trying points. For example: (1) Replay the flight in your
to accomplish. Greater precision and disciplined mind, taking note of what you did well and what you
adherence to procedures should be a goal on every need to improve; (2) Reconstruct the maneuvers
flight, but take a moment to write down specific where you made mistakes, considering what you
goals for each session. To do that, here are two ques- could have done differently; (3) Reflect on the most
tions you might ask yourself: important lesson(s) you just learned; and (4) Reset
(a) What aspect of your flying do you most need and redirect those lessons to your next flight.
to improve? A final observation: as we head into the winter
(b) What do you most want to achieve through season, airplanes in the colder parts of the country
your aviation activities? head for hangar hibernation. Thanks to the wonders
The answers can guide the development of an of simulation technology, you don’t have to let your
ongoing “aeronautical health plan” for pilot profi- piloting skills hibernate as well. Sim City awaits!
ciency and skill development.
Make a Plan
Next, make a personal piloting proficiency plan
that you can use in both “real life” flying and the time Susan Parson (susan.parson@faa.gov, or @avi8rix for Twitter fans) is editor of
FAA Safety Briefing. She is an active general aviation pilot and flight instructor.
you spend in simulated flight. As discussed already,

32 FAA Safety Briefing November/December 2017


FAA Faces
Marcel Bernard
Aviation Training Device (ATD) National Program Manager, Airmen Training and Certification Branch

Aviation Safety “Some of the more prominent work we do

Inspector Marcel includes revising the Practical Test Standards (PTS)
Bernard is a Maryland for pilot applicants and implementing the new
native who grew up Airman Certification Standards (ACS), approving
in the flight path of and overseeing Flight Instructor Refresher Courses
Andrews Air Force (FIRCs), approving ATDs, managing and updating
Base. His proximity to policy and guidance for aviation safety inspectors in
this hotbed of avia- the field, as well as the approving institutions that
tion activity fostered certify graduates for an airline transport pilot certifi-
an early appreciation cate with reduced aeronautical experience,” explains
and love for flying. Marcel. “There is also a tremendous amount of activ-
Recognizing his pas- ity to facilitate safe UAS operations and remote pilot
sion, Marcel’s mom gave him a $100 gift certificate certification.”
for flying lessons while he was in high school. Marcel was instrumental in developing the pro-
“The very next day I went right to Freeway posed rulemaking for ATD regulatory relief, currently
Airport for my first flight lesson!” explains Marcel. “I under review. The proposed changes would provide
was immediately hooked. And I kept taking as many regulatory relief in several areas, to include allow-
lessons as my limited budget would allow.” ing Sport Pilot training credit for higher certificates,
After high school, Marcel went to Embry Riddle allowing the use of technically advanced aircraft to
Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida, meet Commercial Pilot experience requirements,
and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in aeronauti- and providing additional ATD credit allowances.
cal science. He moved back to Maryland and worked Marcel recommends that prospective student
as a flight instructor at several schools, eventually pilots look for a flight school with an experienced
winding up at Freeway Airport. chief instructor, professional flight instructors whose
“I spent 23 years flight instructing there, and availability suits their schedule, and whose curricu-
nine of those years as the chief instructor,” he notes. lum uses simulators as a required part of the training
“I also worked part time for a tech firm during some program.
of those years, flying employees around the northeast “The biggest challenge I see is to change the
corridor in a Bonanza A36.” culture of flight schools and flight instructors by
As a chief instructor, Marcel became very famil- making the use of flight simulation a standard part of
iar with the Baltimore Flight Standards District Office the curriculum for flight training,” he said. “There is a
(FSDO) while facilitating the airport’s 14 CFR part lot of emphasis on getting flight time and getting that
141 pilot school certificate. These contacts eventually airline job, and not enough on providing comprehen-
led him to apply for a job with the FAA and, in 2011, sive flight training. Why not get it right in the simula-
he became an inspector with the FAA’s General Avia- tor first? The time and money that can be saved using
tion and Commercial Division in Washington, D.C. simulation, along with the value of practicing normal
Marcel’s current responsibilities include evaluat- and emergency procedures in advance, can contrib-
ing and approving Aviation Training Devices (ATDs), ute significantly to pilot proficiency and safety.”
serving as the team lead for ATD-related FAA rule-
making projects, and supporting part 141 pilot school Paul Cianciolo is an assistant editor and the social media lead for FAA
policy under the division’s Airmen Certification and Safety Briefing. He is a U.S. Air Force veteran, and a rated aircrew member
Training Branch. The branch is responsible for the and public affairs officer with Civil Air Patrol.
certification and training of pilots, ground instruc-
tors, and flight instructors, and pilot schools under 14
CFR parts 61 and 141. The branch helps develop and
implement regulations, training standards, policies,
and procedures.
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of Transportation
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Washington, D.C. 20591

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faa.gov/news/safety_briefing @FAASafetyBrief

Look Who’s Reading

FAA Safety Briefing

Best-selling saxophonist
and pilot Kenny G “notes”
the importance of general
aviation safety. That’s why
he reads FAA Safety
Briefing magazine.

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