FAA Safety Briefing Nov-Dec 2017 PDF
FAA Safety Briefing Nov-Dec 2017 PDF
FAA Safety Briefing Nov-Dec 2017 PDF
In Celebration of Simulation — Improving The A-Z of ATDs — Sorting the Lot of The Future is Now — Flight Standards
Flight Safety One Byte at a Time p 7 Flight Simulation Devices p 9 Service Realigns p 26
as how simulation can improve
efficiency, efficacy, and overall
flight safety.
7 In Celebration of Simulation Improving Flight Safety One Byte at a Time
by Susan Parson
20 Do You Suffer from Push-to-Talk Phobia? Improve Your Aviation Communication
with Virtual Reality
by Jennifer Caron
23 A Virtual Plan for the Real World How Simulation Can Help You Mitigate Risk
by James Williams
1 Jumpseat – a n executive policy perspective
2 ATIS – GA news and current events
5 Aeromedical Advisory – a checkup on all things aeromedical
17 Checklist – FAA resources and safety reminders
28 Nuts, Bolts, and Electrons – G
A maintenance issues
29 Angle of Attack – GA safety strategies
30 Vertically Speaking – s afety issues for rotorcraft pilots
31 Flight Forum – letters from the Safety Briefing mailbag
32 Postflight – an editor’s perspective
20 Inside back cover F AA Faces – F AA employee profile
Jumpseat JOHN DUNC A N
VFR ‘Not Recommended’ Research Underway reasons for their decisions, will identify whether
FAA’s weather technology in the cockpit there are ways to make the VNR statement more
researchers are currently evaluating Visual Flight objective and thus enhance its safety benefits.
Rules (VFR) not recommended — or VNR for short Also, as part of the move to self-assisted flight
— in order to make the statement more effective for services, understanding how each group arrived at
pilots. The VNR statement is an advisory that flight the VNR decision may enable automation to better
service station specialists use during weather brief- support VNR decisions and deter pilots from flying
ings when the forecast includes weather phenomena into risky conditions in the future.
that may prevent visual flight conditions.
The goal is to make VNR more objective, descrip-
tive, and standardized to provide pilots with justifica-
tion for the statement. According to a recent AOPA
survey, 68 percent of pilots believe it would be helpful
to receive a VNR statement with a web briefing.
The objectives of this study are to determine:
• How a pilot and specialist assess the
VNR status;
• How a VNR statement from a specialist affects
a pilot’s decision; and,
NTSB Forum: Runway Incursion Safety
• How the provision of the flight category (see
Issues, Prevention, and Mitigation
chart) affects a pilot’s decision.
The test plan involves pilots, meteorological There are over 50 million IFR/VFR takeoffs and
experts, and weather briefing specialists. The subject landings every year in the National Airspace System
matter experts will establish the correct responses (NAS). For the most part, each is conducted with the
to a series of adverse weather scenarios using basic high level of safety and efficiency that has become
weather information, and present it to the test group. synonymous with operations in the NAS. Every once
Participants will then use a checklist to select items in a while, however, those operations can creep a
that contributed to their flight category decision. If little bit too close to one another and possibly
VNR, participants will indicate how confident they interfere with the safe execution of a flight or land-
are of their decision using a scale of low, medium, or ing. When this happens on the ground, it is typically
high. The specialist and pilot decisions, along with the result of a runway incursion (RI), which is the
incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or person
Please visit www.faa.gov/news/safety_briefing for more information on these and other topics.
Improving Flight Safety One Byte at a Time
Photo by Tom Hoffmann
n his 2008 book, “Outliers: The Story of Success," Here’s the overview:
author Malcolm Gladwell posits that one thing
high achievers in any field have in common is
adherence to the so-called 10,000-hour rule. Based Air carrier pilots have long been able to use
on a study by Florida State University professor sophisticated full-motion simulators for training,
Anders Ericsson, this “rule” holds that success in certification, and checking in commercial airliners of
a given activity is based not so much on talent, but all sizes. Indeed, many passengers might be aston-
rather on lots of practice. ished to know that they are flying — safely — during
It would be wonderful if we could all log 10,000 a fully-qualified pilot’s first
hours of actual flight time, but that’s probably not time at the controls of the real Today’s simulation technologies provide
feasible for those who fly for recreation or personal a myriad of low-cost opportunities —
transportation. However much we might want That level of simulation
everything from smartphone apps to
to, most GA pilots have neither the time nor the capability and credit is not
yet available to pilots training
motion-capable training devices — for GA
resources for that level of activity. pilots and mechanics to strengthen their
Enter the simulation option. for certification in typical GA
aircraft. Still, today’s aviation knowledge and skills.
The air carrier world’s long and well-docu-
mented use of simulation for training and checking training devices (ATDs) offer many opportunities to
clearly demonstrates both the benefits and the value learn basic and advanced skills and earn log-able
of this approach. Fortunately for all of us, today’s time in an effective and cost-efficient way.
simulation technologies provide a myriad of low- Aviation
cost opportunities — everything from smartphone In both the VFR and IFR operating environ-
apps to motion-capable training devices — for GA ments, aviation is very procedure-oriented. Whether
pilots and mechanics to strengthen their knowledge for learning the basic skills and procedures you need
and skills. to master for a new airplane or simply getting more
To that end, we devote this “Sim City” issue of practice with those you already use, simulation tech-
the FAA Safety Briefing magazine to raising aware- nologies can help you maintain and even enhance
ness of the range of simulation options, and explain- your ability to aviate — that is, maintain precise con-
ing how you can use them to enhance both training trol of attitude, altitude, and airspeed.
and the “in real life” flying you do after certification.
Subscribe Today!
FAA Safety Briefing is available as an annual
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Office. There are three ways to sign up today!
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hether you’re a baby-boomer aviator or a years. In addition to providing some welcome flex-
millennial pilot-in-training, chances are ibility on training allowances towards certification,
you’ve spent some quality time at flight level revisions have introduced us to a new and more
“0” learning how to be a better pilot. I’m referring to logical lexicon for categorizing these flight training
flight simulation devices which, from the very dawn devices.
of aviation, have been instrumental in helping pilots While the news is generally good for those
hone their flying skills, practice the impracticable, seeking to rely more on their aircraft’s “electronic
and attain an intimate familiarity with their aircraft twin” for gaining experience and training credit; the
— all without the high costs or risks associated with options, features, and corresponding limitations for
flying. The benefits are undeniable, which is why the these ground trainers do require some attention to
FAA is working to help more airmen benefit from this ensure you’re getting the most out of what they can
safety enhancing technology. Look no further than offer. The following are some tips to help you navi-
the FAA’s revised regulations on the topic in recent gate the world of “Sim City.”
1. This chart excludes training center allowances under 14 CFR part 142.
2. The hours specified in the chart for 14 CFR part 141 pilot schools have been converted from percentages relative to the minimum
experience requirements specified in the regulations.
3. Some ATD allowances are provided as part of the required letter of authorization (LOA). See 14 CFR section 61.4 (c).
is important because the regulations do not specifi- site operational evaluation of the device. If the ATD
cally address airplane ATD allowances for all pilot passes, the FAA will issue the LOA and an approved
certification requirements. The LOA will provide for QAG to the manufacturer. If a manufacturer later
this. (See 14 CFR section 61.4 (c)) modifies an approved ATD, a revised QAG must be
To receive this LOA, all ATDs must go through resubmitted for approval.
a rigorous approval process. It starts with develop-
Regulatory Relief
ing what’s known as an approved Qualification and
Approval Guide or QAG. This QAG document serves Recognizing that technology continues to evolve
as the basis for approval and includes a detailed and improve, the FAA is constantly on the lookout for
description of all components, functions, capabilities, ways to permit increased usage of ATDs in GA pilot
and possible configurations for the training device. training. Just last year a regulation change increased
A manufacturer requesting an ATD approval the maximum time that may be credited in an ATD
will send this QAG along with a request letter to the toward experience requirements for an instrument
FAA. If both are found acceptable and pass an initial rating under part 61 (20 hours for AATD and 10 for
audit, the FAA will then schedule and conduct an on- BATD) and provided an allowance of 25 percent and
ear up. I ease the yoke back and flick my eyes an old ATC 810, in a classroom at Aims Community
across the panel. All good. My left hand is College. In those days, flight simulators weren’t much
wrapped around the yoke, my right is curled compared to what we have today — no movement, no
around the throttles. I love twins. The runway drops simulated view outside the frosted windows — but the
away beneath me and I soar across the far threshold. box-like 810, as well as a squadron of desktop simula-
100 feet up … 200 feet … 300 … BAM! The yoke snaps tors arranged on long tables in front of folding chairs,
up. The artificial horizon spins. The plane cartwheels helped my classmates and me become aviators more
right. Red lights flash, dials spin. I’ve lost an engine! I safely, and more cheaply, than if we’d been learning
wrestle the yoke to the left, grappling with the plane, all of our lessons in real airplanes.
fighting the asymmetry of drag and thrust. I franti- And that’s exactly what Ed Link was thinking
cally scan the gauges. Too low. Too slow. No time to in 1927 when he invented the world’s first practical
try to restart. But I am not putting this thing down in flight simulator.
the trees! The yoke is heavy, seven tons of concrete.
My arm is straining to hold it. Pain ripples though
my shoulder. Trim! I spin the solid metal wheel at my In his early 20s, Link got bitten by the aviation
knee. The altimeter is spinning down. I’m running bug but faced a problem as old as aviation, one that
out of sky … continues to this day: His aspirations were greater
That was back in 1983. I saved the plane, limping than his wallet. Recognizing his problem wasn’t
it up into the pattern and back around for a landing. unique, he saw a business opportunity. Working
The only injury a pulled muscle in my chest from part-time in the basement of his father’s piano and
fighting the heavy controls. organ factory he began to build what he called a Pilot
And during those frantic, terrifying minutes I Trainer.
completely forgot I was in a flight simulator. Yep. I The result was something that resembled a
was sitting on the ground the whole time, enclosed in stubby-winged toy airplane on a moving stand.
Powered by an electric pump and organ bellows, the
Using Simulation to Try It Before You Fly It
n the early spring of 1992, my flight instructor sent advanced aviation training device (AATD) (see “The
me out to my favorite airplane in the flight school’s A-Z of ATDs” in this issue for more on this topic) and
Cessna 152 fleet to conduct my first solo cross- “fly” the route you’ve planned. You can generally use
country flight. With a carefully-reviewed flight plan this option with or without an instructor. Since visuals
and freshly-endorsed logbook clutched in admittedly for navigation orientation and practice are only part of
shaky hands, off I went. Nerves led to an early loss of the picture (so to speak), some AATDs can really offer
positional awareness. More baldly stated, I got lost. a tiedown-to-tiedown simulation experience.
For a few minutes, I struggled to match the ter- If you don’t have access to this kind of AATD or
rain I saw below to my carefully marked sectional you simply don’t need that much, online options
chart. I struggled even more as I tried to use the still offer a lot more than I had in preparing for that
plane’s single VOR indicator to pinpoint my position first solo cross-country. Once you plot your route in
with cross-radials from two VOR beacons. In a mer- one of the many capable aviation apps available for
cifully short time that felt a lot longer than it really desktops, smart phones, and/or tablets, you can add
was, I settled my nerves, engaged my brain, and layers (e.g., satellite view), zoom in, and scroll along
figured it out. the magenta line to pre-fly your route. If you spot
A few years later, my instructor silently watched some terrain feature or obstacle you would rather
me work my way through the three-leg instrument avoid, popular flight planning apps let you use your
cross-country flight I needed to meet aeronautical fingertips to adjust the route. If, on the other hand,
experience requirements for the instrument rating. you are actively looking for a particular feature on
We flew the entire trip in instrument meteorologi- the ground, your simulated reconnaissance flight
cal conditions (IMC) and, with GPS still unknown can help you figure out how to spot it more quickly
outside the military, I used VOR and ADF to navigate from the sky.
and to fly the no-kidding instrument approach pro- When I was first learning to fly, preflight plan-
cedures needed for every landing. ning included making an airport chart that included
I carefully prepared for those and many other a hand-drawn sketch of the runway(s) and taxiways,
trips in terms of the available tools and techniques, FBO location, and important notes made from what
but today’s simulation technologies make that plan- we then called the Airport/Facility Directory (now
ning seem positively primitive. So in our celebration known as the Chart Supplement). A good friend of
of simulation, let’s take a look at how modern navi- mine was well known in the student pilot commu-
gation simulation can help you try it before you fly it. nity for the quality and outrageously exquisite detail
of his airport diagrams.
Visual Flight Rules
To get smarter about the airports to be used on
The most obvious way to use simulation for a trip, flight planning apps certainly provide their
VFR navigation is to find a flight school that has an “vital statistics” and other basic information. To
Do You
Content disclaimer: Products and services mentioned in
this article, and/or external, non-FAA links within, do not
constitute official endorsement on behalf of the FAA.
Suffer from D
o you get nervous or intimidated when talking
on the radio or with air traffic control? Don’t
worry. You’re not alone. Just the sheer amount
of information you receive from ATC to get an initial
clearance can be overwhelming, let alone having
to comprehend what the fast-talking controller just
said, and then attempt to read back what you “think”
you just heard.
Fortunately, thanks to virtual reality, there are
online, real-time, controller-to-pilot platforms and
Improve Your Aviation software programs that can help you train for avia-
tion radio communications — all in the comfort of
Virtual Reality reality platforms that you can use in concert with
your home computer or desktop flight simulator, to
practice and sharpen your aviation communication
The best part is that the skills you master in your
virtual aircraft will easily transfer to your real-life
cockpit as well.
First, let’s talk about the “push-to-talk phobia.”
“Say Again? … Over”
It’s a fact that both student pilots and seasoned
aviators have at one time or another experienced
what I like to call the “Say What?” syndrome. That’s
the “huh??” moment that occurs when you can’t
understand the fast-flowing stream of non-stop
aviation lingo blaring from your radio. If you’re not
familiar with how ATC communicates, it can be very
intimidating and downright nerve-wracking to push
that thumb down and speak those two humbling
words, “Say again?”
Do not be shy about making that request! It is
critical for safety. Remember that ATC is working to
maintain aircraft separation and keep everyone safe.
Controllers would much rather have you request a
repeat transmission to clarify the instructions than
have you act on the basis of what you think you
heard. They want you to get it right.
“What’s Our Vector, Victor?”
So how do you learn to “speak ATC” and over-
come your fear?
Learning the language of aviation is not unlike
learning a foreign language, or any other new skill.
tion, heading, etc., uploads it to the servers, and
shares that information with the simulators of other
virtual pilots nearby. The result is an interactive,
real-time display of a shared virtual airspace. You’ll
see each other’s aircraft and have the chance to com-
municate with other pilots on your frequency.
PilotEdge guarantees ATC coverage and inter-
action with live, real air traffic controllers (either
active-duty FAA air traffic controllers, retired con-
trollers, or enthusiasts) as towered airports are fully
staffed and CTAF frequencies are supported at non-
towered airports. PilotEdge welcomes pilots who
take their flying seriously; but if you misinterpret
a call, or read back your clearance incorrectly, live
controllers will help you to correct it. If you don’t
have a strong grasp on ATC communications, Pilot-
Edge features training and workshops as well that
can help improve your aviation lexicon. Visit pilot-
By January 1, 2020, you must be edge.net for more details.
Experience a new level of Simulator use can push the fear out of push-
to-talk, and help you practice your way into long-
situational awareness: term success in the real world, the next time you
key the mic.
G Weather G TFRs
G Traffic G NOTAMs
Jennifer Caron is an assistant editor for FAA Safety Briefing. She is a certi-
fied technical writer-editor, and is currently pursuing a Sport Pilot Certificate.
n the early years of aviation, flying was truly dan- Psychologists have a term for these kinds of
gerous. Even routine training carried significant highly drilled tasks. “We call them ‘overlearned’
risk. It was 1929 when we first started to see the skills,” says Dr. Chris Front, an aerospace clinical psy-
use of simulation to gain experience without risk- chologist with the FAA’s Office of Aerospace Medicine.
ing injury or death. The first real step taken toward “These tasks are practiced to the point of mastery.
what we would recognize as a simulator was the Link Overlearned skills tend to be maintained under stress
Trainer. This device allowed pilots to learn instru- because they have become
ment skills without experiencing the risks that were automatic. So, overlearned skills
In a nutshell, simulators allow us to
involved in early IFR flying. From these beginnings, reduce the mental workload
simulation has advanced to the truly amazing tech- during a high stress situation practice dealing with dangerous or
nology we see today. But the concept is constant: and improve the odds of suc- difficult situations without exposure
gain experience without the risk. cessfully executing the correct to the risk that would normally
procedures. That’s what makes accompany them.
How It Works
the drilling of those tasks so
In a nutshell, simulators allow us to practice useful as preparation for an actual emergency. Addi-
dealing with dangerous or difficult situations without tionally, overlearned skills tend to be retained during
exposure to the risk that would normally accompany the early stages of cognitive decline such as demen-
them. These include engine-out landings, partial tia,” Dr. Front explains.
panel in IMC, and critical malfunctions. In the real
world, we have to place restrictions on these maneu- Getting on the Right Level
vers to ensure safety. In the simulator, we don’t have Fidelity is the term used to describe how close
to worry about that. Bungled that ILS? No problem. to real something is. In the case of flight simulation
Just a few key strokes put you back at the Initial technology, there are different categories of fidelity
Approach Fix to try again. In real life, you would have to consider: physical, visual, and what we might call
to execute the missed approach and wait for ATC to modeling. The physical fidelity has to do with how
work you back into the sequence. While there’s value closely the actual device conforms to the aircraft. In
in practicing such maneuvers, simulating the task can a perfect world, the controls, switches, and layout
reduce the amount of time spent learning the basics. would look and feel identical to the real world coun-
ou might remember seeing references to the and sharing experience.
“Future of Flight Standards” in previous issues With our less-tangible but absolutely critical
of this magazine, as well as in recent news arti- culture changes well underway, we were finally in a
cles. I am happy to report that the future is here: On position to benefit from the structural realignment.
August 20, Flight Standards transitioned its manage- The intent of the shift to functional organization is
ment structure from the traditional geography-based to increase efficiency, eliminate multiple interfaces,
regional structure to a functional structure. The new and integrate surveillance activities.
functional structure aligns our leadership in four You can probably see how our cultural and
areas: Air Carrier Safety Assurance, General Aviation structural changes are mutually reinforcing, and
Safety Assurance, Safety Standards, and Founda- how both aspects of the transition contribute to a
tional Business. Flight Standards Service with greater accountability,
Let me get this point across right away: our better use of resources, and change readiness. So
structural realignment should be completely trans- the change we do want you to notice is what we have
parent to you. We have “erased” the geographic already been hearing from some of our industry
boundaries and aligned our reporting and manage- stakeholders. From my vantage point, the conversa-
ment practices according to function, but you will tion with industry has changed for the better. Our
not see any structural change to the local FAA offices stakeholders are noticing that we are responding
who serve you today. in a different way, with a greater amount of service,
What you should see, though, is continuing and with better care and quality. I hope and expect
improvement in how those offices operate. As I have that your experiences with Flight Standards will be
said many times to our employees, our structural similar.
changes are important, and they are the most visible I also hope and expect that you will also see us
part of our Future of Flight Standards transition. But continue to improve. You’ve probably heard it said
structural change won’t do much for us without the that “the future is now.” What that means to me —
essential cultural changes at both the individual and and for the FAA Flight Standards Service as a healthy
organizational levels. For several years now, we have organization — is that the future is the result of what
been stressing the importance of interdependence, we do right now. So I want to see us get better still
critical thinking, and consistency in our workforce, at practicing our new cultural norms, and creating a
and these behavioral attributes and competencies Flight Standards Service that is truly agile, efficient,
are now embedded in each Flight Standards Service and consistent in our service to you. We owe you
employee’s work requirements. At the organizational that, and we are ready to deliver.
level, the ongoing culture change includes training
managers in the competencies of change manage-
ment, and the "coach approach" to leadership, which
is about helping employees by expanding awareness John Duncan is the Executive Director of the FAA Flight Standards Service.
Air Carrier Safety Assurance Office General Aviation Safety Assurance Office Safety Standards Office Foundational Business Office
AFC-1 Director AFG-1 Director AFS-1 Director AFB-1 Director
Deputy Directors Deputy Directors Deputy Directors Deputy Directors
Learn More
The Realignment Toolkit: The Realignment Toolkit is designed to provide a one stop shopping point for information on realign-
ment. Our intent is to provide as much information as possible to everyone.
New Flight Standards Service Websites: The Flight Standards Service websites have been updated to provide additional
information. We offer both internal and external versions that provide links to the functional area offices.
Rapid Response Team: The Rapid Response Team (RRT) responds quickly to any issues that arise from realignment. These
could include: information technology access issues, routing/coordination, roles and responsibilities, work stoppages, appli-
cant issues, etc. To contact the RRT, you have the following options:
Email: FlightStandardsRRT@faa.gov
Telephone number: 888-283-8944.
Note: All modes of communication with the RRT are monitored 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time Zone.
InFO 17010, Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Flight Standards Service Reorganization
Get Real
Maximizing Simulated Training for IRL Flying
Throughout this “Sim City” issue of FAA Safety simulation can accelerate your training for a new
Briefing, we’ve explored the many ways you can use certificate, rating, or endorsement. If you are looking
simulation tools and techniques in certification, avi- to improve your proficiency — a goal we all should
ation, navigation, communication, and mitigation of have — pick up a copy of the applicable Airman
risk. Discussion of transferring simulated experience Certification Standards (ACS) and make a list of the
to “In Real Life” (IRL) flying is inherent in the treat- tasks and maneuvers you most want to improve.
ment of each topic, but here are a few overarching Work with your instructor to make a scenario-based
tips for ensuring that you get the greatest benefit. plan that might have you simulate the flight to a spe-
cific airport you want to visit. If you are an instruc-
Bring Your A Game
tor, use some of the task-specific risk management
Professional airline pilots treat flights in the elements to help build or enhance the pilot’s critical
simulator just as if they had a planeload of passen- thinking skills.
gers in the back. Those of us in
GA should do no less. Unless Execute the Plan
Always approach simulated flight activities you are using a smartphone We have all heard the “practice makes perfect”
with the same attitude you apply to flying a or tablet flight simulation cliché. Practice, both IRL and simulated, makes a
game for sheer entertain- proficient (if not quite perfect) pilot, but only if you
real airplane with your family on board.
ment, always approach your pay attention, learn from your mistakes, and resolve
simulated flight activities with the same attitude you to do better every time you fly. Putting A-game effort
apply to flying a real airplane with your family on into intensive simulator work on the specific “areas
board. for improvement” in your plan will produce demon-
strable IRL benefits.
Set a Goal
Simulation costs a lot less than the real airplane, Reflect and Reset
but if you are using some level of Aviation Train- Getting better requires you to understand where
ing Device (ATD) and working with an instructor, you fell short, why it happened, and how you can fix
you’ll still need to hand over a credit card when it. Simulation helps by giving you the on-the-spot,
you’re done. Get the most for your money, and from in-the-moment ability to pause and ponder those
the experience, by knowing what you are trying points. For example: (1) Replay the flight in your
to accomplish. Greater precision and disciplined mind, taking note of what you did well and what you
adherence to procedures should be a goal on every need to improve; (2) Reconstruct the maneuvers
flight, but take a moment to write down specific where you made mistakes, considering what you
goals for each session. To do that, here are two ques- could have done differently; (3) Reflect on the most
tions you might ask yourself: important lesson(s) you just learned; and (4) Reset
(a) What aspect of your flying do you most need and redirect those lessons to your next flight.
to improve? A final observation: as we head into the winter
(b) What do you most want to achieve through season, airplanes in the colder parts of the country
your aviation activities? head for hangar hibernation. Thanks to the wonders
The answers can guide the development of an of simulation technology, you don’t have to let your
ongoing “aeronautical health plan” for pilot profi- piloting skills hibernate as well. Sim City awaits!
ciency and skill development.
Make a Plan
Next, make a personal piloting proficiency plan
that you can use in both “real life” flying and the time Susan Parson (susan.parson@faa.gov, or @avi8rix for Twitter fans) is editor of
FAA Safety Briefing. She is an active general aviation pilot and flight instructor.
you spend in simulated flight. As discussed already,
FAA Faces
Marcel Bernard
Aviation Training Device (ATD) National Program Manager, Airmen Training and Certification Branch
Official Business
Penalty for Private Use $300
faa.gov/news/safety_briefing @FAASafetyBrief
Best-selling saxophonist
and pilot Kenny G “notes”
the importance of general
aviation safety. That’s why
he reads FAA Safety
Briefing magazine.