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ALSTOM has developed a series of six e - books which If, for example, you are experienced in the product
cover the whole range of the current product portfolio: group and you only need concise information, you
■ Gas turbines can read only the summary sections. You can skip
■ Steam turbines through the related pages using the “Focus” links on
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■ Heat exchangers the navigation bar.

■ Boilers If you want to check your knowledge, you can jump
■ Turbogenerators directly to the exercise section of each chapter.
■ Environmental systems. The overview section gives you an impression of
the typical customer problems you might face in this
Chapter You can use the e - book as a source for self-directed product group. Case studies illustrate these ques-
Scope & Products
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visit. Each of the six e - books contains the seven chap-
Customer Needs
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Parts & Field Service
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Performance Improvement
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Version 1.0 10/05
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Version 1.0 10/05

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Scope & Products
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts

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e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05
Overview of the Content

In this steam turbine module you will find the follow- 4. Parts & Field Service
ing content in the 7 chapters. Illustrates the ALSTOM overhaul philosophy (dif-
ferent kinds of inspections). Shows the benefits of
1. Scope and Products compliance of these overhaul recommendations
Power Service

Gives an introduction in the main components of and holding the recommended spare part pack-
a steam turbine power plant. Describes, how a ages on stock. Describes the service scope, which
steam turbine works (impulse and reaction tech- can be covered by ALSTOM expert technicians.
nology) and the different modes of operation
(constant pressure, sliding pressure operation 5. Consultancy and Operational Support
Chapter and combination of both) are introduced. Shows Discusses ALSTOM`s technical consultancy and
Scope & Products
basic configurations of ALSTOM steam turbines. operational support assisting the operator through-
out the whole lifetime of the steam turbine and
Customer Needs
2. The Main Components of a Steam Turbine ALSTOM`s awareness of critical customer issues.
Parts & Field Service
Explains the main components of a steam turbine
including not only the different turbine sections as 6. Performance Improvements and Upgrades
Performance Improvement
HP-, IP- and LP - turbine cylinders and shows their Key features of performance improvement and
Service Contracts
location but also the corresponding systems e.g. potential benefits are shown on control and safe-
safety- and control system or gland system. ty system, steam path and accelerated start - up
improving the plant competitiveness in a continu-
3. Customer Needs ously changing environment.
Shows the operator`s principal requirements for
Learning Tips
maintenance and repair of the steam turbine over 7. Service Contracts
e-Book Guide
its service life, the typical failure modes effecting Shows how customized service contracts address
the availability and recommended measures. customer needs.

Version 1.0 10/05
Case Study 1 – Retrofit

Many old steam turbine units are still operating but low pressure (LP) turbine, it became apparent from
they may be facing serious mechanical deficiencies the LP exhaust volumetric flow that the existing last
as they reach the end of their design lives and they stage blades were operating choked for much of the
normally have less competitive efficiency levels than year. In fact, many units of this size and condenser
Power Service

today`s advanced technology turbines. In such cases pressure would employ three low - pressure cylinders
it can be much more attractive to extend the operat- instead of two. With a retrofit solution such options
ing life of the whole plant by retrofit than to decom- are out of the questions, but clearly any increase in
mission and build a complete new station. blade exhaust area is at premium. The OEM cylinder
In the retrofit market ALSTOM is in a perfect posi- fortunately allows sufficient space for a significant
Chapter tion because we are able to offer a full range of at- increase in last blade length, allowing exhaust ve-
Scope & Products
tractive retrofit products for units offered by any man- locities to drop to much lower levels and significantly
ufacturer whether impulse or reaction. When ABB reducing the kinetic energy loss. The last stage blade
Customer Needs
and ALSTOM merged it was decided to retain and selected from the total ALSTOM catalogue was a
Parts & Field Service
develop both technologies. Over the years ALSTOM scale of a 1.500 rpm last blade developed for appli-
has won a number of retrofit orders, one example cation in an impulse LP cylinder. For inlet scroll and ro-
Performance Improvement
being for the retrofit of a 1.000 MW 1.800 rpm nu- tor construction the reaction technology was identified
Service Contracts
clear turbine. New HP- and LP - turbines applied in as the most appropriate. Therefore, the final LP- retrofit
conjunction with a reactor upgrade would provide design is a fully optimized solution of the ‘best of both
over 70 MW additional worlds’ impulse and reaction
power. The largest propor- technology comprising a re-
tion (over 40 MW) of this action design of LP cylinder
Learning Tips
comes from retrofitting the incorporating last stage blad-
e-Book Guide
two LP cylinders. In consider- ing from the impulse design
ing the best solution for the OEM LP cylinder Retrofit design LP cylinder pedigree.

Version 1.0 10/05
Case Study 2 – Relocation of a 344 MW Steam Turbine

The four 344 MW steam turbine generator sets (BBC ■ A used complete turbo generator set including
design) of a lignite power plant in Turkey have been valve groups and conduits
in operation since 1984 - 87. An over speed inci- ■ Several new components and rehabilitation of
dent occurred on unit No. 4 in March 2000, which used components in our factory in Berlin
Power Service

totally destroyed the unit. Upon initial inspection, it ■ Foundation modification at site to adapt to the
was clear that the unit could not be repaired. The different geometry of the new turbogenerator
turbine / generator shaft was bent and broken in ■ Piping modification at site to the new turbine in-
seven locations. The generator, all of the blades, the lets and outlets
bearings, bearing pedestals, and most of the cas- ■ Modernization of turbine control and safety system
Chapter ings had been heavily damaged. ALSTOM won the ■ Transportation, erection, commissioning and test
Scope & Products
contract for transplanting a used turbo generator set run.
from a mothballed power plant in Germany as this
Customer Needs
offered the advantage of 1 year shortened delivery In order to keep the project cost low, as many of
Parts & Field Service
time at approximately 50 % of the cost of a new unit. the components as possible from the mothballed
ALSTOM‘s plant database contains all the technical power plant in Germany were used. 950 tons of
Performance Improvement
details as well as the operational data and status material was delivered to site in 256 consignments
Service Contracts
of existing steam units. This plant database enables by land, sea and air. The test run and performance
a quick search for similar test surpassed the cus-
units, which might com- tomer‘s expectations.
pletely or in part be avail- The power plant was
able for sale. This restora- returned to operation
Learning Tips
tion project contained the 16 months after plac-
e-Book Guide
following scope of supply ing the order with
and services: Disassembly in Germany Re-assembled turbine / generator set ALSTOM.

Version 1.0 10/05
Case Study 3 – An Overhaul and Repair Project (1)

In the years 1995 / 96 tween the stationary blades, where the sealing strips
the power plant Al are caulked in. These guide blade carriers or inner
Taweelah B (6 machines casings are often subject to erosion - corrosion in the
each 122 MW) in the wet steam area.
Power Service

United Arab Emirates The repair solution had two main objectives: the
(U.A.E) was commis- elimination of efficiency losses due to missing seal-
sioned. In 2003 PSDE AL Taweelah Power Station in U.A.E. ing strips and the elimination of the risk of breaking
received a contract to of sealing strips or even failing to fix the
perform a C - inspection of the HP- and stationary blades in the future.
Chapter combined IP/LP - turbines, the bearings ALSTOM recommended inserting so-
Scope & Products
and turbine oil systems of machine no. called “erosion protection rings” in the
1, 3 and 5. damaged sealing area. These chromi-
Customer Needs
One part of the contract, the overhaul um rings are highly resistant especially
Parts & Field Service
of machine 5, should have been execut- against erosion and corrosion and they
ed within nine weeks, starting October Blade carrier with erosion damage restore the originally designed contour
Performance Improvement
2004. But findings made repair work especially in the sealing strip area and arrangement of the sealing strips.
Service Contracts
necessary, causing significant delays. Addi-
tionally the situation became more compli- Due to the fact that machine no. 4 reached
cated due to the change of plant ownership similar operating hours like machine no.
during the negotiations. 5 the chance to have similar findings was
Foreign particles passing the LP - turbine rather high. During further negotiations with
Learning Tips
caused damage to rotating and stationary the client ALSTOM got the additional con-
e-Book Guide
blades. Additionally washed out areas were tract for the overhaul of machine no. 4 and
Feedback Lost sealing strip due
found in the IP - and LP - blade carriers be- to erosion damage turbine repair of unit no. 4 and no. 5.

Version 1.0 10/05
Case Study 3 – An Overhaul and Repair Project (2)

Due to the findings and the chosen method er involved parties within ALSTOM, e.g.
of repair it was necessary to disassemble the factories in Mannheim and Berlin, the
1.500 stationary blades of both units and spare part management and logistics de-
the damaged sealing areas of the blade partment.
Power Service

carriers had to be machined. Furthermore

the new erosion protection rings had to be
adapted and assembled. At last the station-
ary blades had to be reassembled.

Chapter A big challenge of this project, especially Erosion protection rings with
Scope & Products
during Christmas time and New Year, was caulked in sealing strips

the supply of spare parts in due time. All
Customer Needs
activities like manufacturing including packing and
Parts & Field Service
transportation and last but not least the customs clear-
ance in the U.A.E. had to be coordinated.
Performance Improvement
The overhaul and repair project had been finished
Service Contracts
not only in due time but 4 weeks in advance on one
unit and 2 weeks in advance on the other. Due to ex-
tensions of overhaul and repair contracts the orders
received increased more than 100 %.
This success was only possible because of the
Learning Tips
commitment and ability for improvisation of the site
e-Book Guide
personnel, the preparation of the repair solution of
the design department on short notice and all oth-

Version 1.0 10/05
Case Study 4 – Control System Upgrade

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Scope of Supply

is one of the largest electric- All the obsolete mechanical / hydraulic devices of
ity producer in US, working to- the control and safety system including valve actua-
wards becoming a world leader tors have been removed and replaced by modern
Power Service

in providing energy and related technology.

services. The 1.300 MW Cum- Cumberland steam
berland unit 1 and 2 have been power plant Benefits of the Upgraded Control System
commissioned in 1972 / 73 and are the biggest fos- The upgrade of unit 1 & 2 has been executed in
sil fired units in TVA’s fleet. Cumberland project was close cooperation between LSC Richmond and SEC
Chapter executed in 1998 / 99 and indicates a milestone in Mannheim and TVA’s expectations have been ex-
Scope & Products
developing the control upgrade business. It was the ceeded by:
first controls upgrade on a 1.300 MW turbine. ■ Less monitoring required by operator when sys-
Customer Needs
After 25 years of operation, TVA faced various tem is in automatic during run-up and loading of
Parts & Field Service
disadvantages of the existing mechanic / hydraulic turbine
control and protection system, e.g. numerous hy- ■ Less vibration going through critical speed ranges
Performance Improvement
draulic devices resulting in high maintenance cost ■ Improved throttle pressure control during load
Service Contracts
or difficult troubleshooting and replacement of com- transients
ponents. All these disadvantages led to increased ■ Reduced maintenance costs due to the reduced
outage time and generation number of hydraulic components
cost. Therefore TVA defined ■ Reduced numbers of spare parts.
certain requirements for the
Learning Tips
control upgrade project to After 6 years in operation, TVA confirms, that the
e-Book Guide
ensure increased availability, availability, reliability and generation cost have been
reliability and safety. Removed pipes substantially improved due to the controls upgrade.

Version 1.0 10/05

Power Service


Scope & Products
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05
Water - Steam Cycles

A steam turbine converts inner energy of steam (tem- 6 In the condenser the steam is cooled and subse-
perature and pressure) into mechanical energy. We quently liquefied.
differentiate between 3 groups of steam turbines: 7 The condensate pump delivers the condensate
■ Industrial steam turbines 2 to 60 MW: 8 to the feedwater tank.
Power Service

Paper-, sugar mills; fertilizer-, petrochemical-, in- 9 From the feedwater tank the feedwater pump
cineration plants delivers the condensate back to the boiler by in-
■ Medium sized steam turbines 50 to 300 MW: creasing the pressure.
Utilities, desalination -, district heating -, aluminium 10 The generator is driven by the turbine and con-
plants (co - generation), combined cycle plants verts mechanical into electrical energy
Chapter ■ Large steam turbines 200 to 1.500 MW: 3

Scope & Products

Utilities (oil fired - , gas fired - , coal fired - , nuclear 2

power plants); desalination - , district heating - , 5 10
Customer Needs
co - generation plants
Parts & Field Service 9

Steam Flow Diagram of a simple Condensing 6

Performance Improvement
Steam Turbine 8
1 The steam, generated in the boiler / steam generator
Service Contracts
2 is superheated in the superheater
Steam flow diagram of a simple condensing steam turbine
3 and led via the live steam pipe
4 and the stop and control valve group The efficiency of such a cycle with simple conden-
to the turbine. sate steam - turbine is relatively low, since 1/3 of the
Learning Tips 5 In the turbine the steam is expanded to the pres- thermal energy is transferred into mechanical energy
e-Book Guide
sure in the condenser. only. About 2/3 of the energy is transferred to the
cooling water in the condenser.

Version 1.0 10/05
Steam Flow in a Reheat Turbine System

In a reheat turbine the high pressure (HP) exhaust 1 Steam generator

steam is led to the boiler reheater, where it is re- 2 Superheater
heated to live steam temperature. Reheating of 3 Live steam gate valve
steam substantially improves the thermal efficiency 4 Live steam stop and control valve
Power Service

of the steam cycle, furthermore the formation of wa- 5 HP - turbine, leads HP - exhaust steam to reheater
ter drops is shifted to lower pressure which results in 6 Reheater
a minimized erosion in the turbine. 7 Intercept stop and control valve
The preheating of the feed water additionally in- 8 IP - turbine
creases the efficiency of the water steam cycle. 9 LP - turbine
10 Generator
3 6
Scope & Products
11 Exhaust steam pipe to condenser (condenser neck)
12 Condenser
2 4 7
Customer Needs
13 Condensate pump
Parts & Field Service 1 5 8 9 9 10
14 LP - preheater, preheats condensate using extracted
Consultancy steam from low temperature level
Performance Improvement
15 Feedwater tank
Service Contracts
16 Boiler feed pump
17 HP - preheater, preheats condensate using extracted
Extras 15 steam from high temp. level.
17 16 14 13
Learning Tips
e-Book Guide
Steam flow diagramm with a reheat extraction

Version 1.0 10/05
HP / LP-Bypass Systems

The bypass system of a thermal power plant compris- Advantages for Turbine and Boiler
es a high pressure and a low - pressure bypass. This ■ Independent operation of boiler and turbine
arrangement, to a certain extent, allows boiler and ■ Minimum start - up time from use of the thermal
turbine generator to be operated independently. load capacities of the HP - and IP - turbines
Power Service

■ Early pressure build up in the reheating system,

thereby supplying the auxiliaries and the sealing
steam systems
■ Establishment of a stable steam / water circuit pri-
or to the start - up of the turbine
Chapter ■ Prevention of solid particle erosion on the turbine
Scope & Products
valves, turbine nozzles and blading
■ Improved pressure and temperature control for
Customer Needs
the live and reheat steam
HP - bypass Start - up valve LP - bypass ■ Improved boiler stability during transient opera-
Parts & Field Service
Consultancy HP/ LP - bypass-systems with start - up line
tion of the turbine
Performance Improvement
■ Avoidance of local overheating in the boiler tubes
Service Contracts
1. The HP - bypass directs the main steam straight to during a fast unloading of the turbine or start - up
the reheater thereby reducing pressure and tem- and shut - down of the boiler
perature to cold reheat condition using feedwater ■ Turbine load shedding without blowing the boiler
injection safety valves
2. The LP - bypass transfers the steam flow from the ■ Load shedding from the turbine without switching
Learning Tips
re-heater to the condenser thereby reducing hot off the boiler.
e-Book Guide
reheat pressure and temperature to LP - level using
condensate injection.

Version 1.0 10/05
Back-Pressure vs. Condensing Turbines with Extractions

For industrial steam turbines electricity is a by - product

only. Turbines for industrial use often do not have a
condenser. This arrangement is called a backpressure
turbine. The complete exhaust steam with a certain Desalination
Power Service

pressure and temperature is used for certain indus- plant

trial processes.
Medium sized and large steam turbines also can
have steam extraction, used not only for preheating
the boiler feed water, but also for certain industrial
Chapter processes, e.g. district heating or desalination. But a
Scope & Products
major part of the steam is still available to produce
Steam flow of a backpressure turbine, example desalination
electricity and therefore expanded into a condens-
Customer Needs
er. regulating valve

Parts & Field Service

Consultancy LP - turbine
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts

Extras Condenser

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide
Steam flow of a condensing turbine Steam flow of a condensing turbine with external extraction

Version 1.0 10/05
Constant and Sliding Pressure Operation

The power output of a steam turbine unit can be ing partial load are very small because the valves
regulated by either the boiler (fuel supply) or by the are always open. The diagram shows the pressure in
turbine (throttling the inlet valves). Both modes of op- the turbine (PT ) before the first stationary blade row.
eration have advantages and disadvantages as de-
Power Service

scribed on the next pages. The mode of operation has an effect on

pLS ■ the ability to meet load changes
If the power output is 100 ■ the heat rate and
controlled by the turbine, Throttling ■ the stress levels in the steam generators and tur-
there is a constant live p losses bines.
steam pressure (PLS ) in the [%]
Chapter pT
Scope & Products
boiler. By opening the in- The design of the HP - turbine, which can be with or
let valves the turbine inlet without impulsed wheel is of importance. The impulse
pressure (PT) goes up and Load [%] 100 wheel is fed by steam from separate nozzle groups
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
increases the load sub- allowing partial admission. This so called partial ad-
sequently. The throttling 100 Throttling mission requires that the first stage is designed as an
Consultancy losses
Performance Improvement
losses over the valves dur- impulse type. The major part of the heat drop is thus
ing partial load are high. converted to kinetic energy in the nozzle. The output
Service Contracts [%] p
If the power output is pT is mainly achieved by deflection of the steam flow in
controlled by the boiler, the impulse wheel.
the pressure in the turbine Pmin Various possibilities throughout the load range
Links Load [%] 100
(PT ) is sliding with the live arise from the combination of HP - turbine design and
Learning Tips PLS = Live steam (boiler) pres-
steam pressure in the sure in % constant or sliding live steam pressure
e-Book Guide
boiler (PLS ). The throttling PT = Pressure in turbine
Feedback PWC = Wheel chamber (turbine)
losses over the valves dur- pressure in %

Version 1.0 10/05
Constant Pressure Operation (1)

The steam pressure in front of the turbine remains In practice most large turbines have four nozzle
nearly constant during the whole load range. During groups with their corresponding control valves
partial load the inlet diameter of the turbine valves and throttling takes place in the valve, which is
is reduced. Consequently the mass flow is reduced being opened.
Power Service

proportionally with the load. This can be achieved:

Overview Stationary row (nozzle box)
■ Either due to throttling of the whole steam flow
Content Rotating blade row (impulse wheel)
in the inlet valves that means the whole diam-
eter of the first turbine row remains pressurized.
The throttling leads to the reduction of the steam
Chapter pressure on the inlet side of the first blade row.
Scope & Products
■ Or due to closing of nozzle groups that means
partial admission of the first blade row without Detail view of impulse wheel
and nozzle groups boxes with
Customer Needs
throttling. 4 nozzle boxes. Each nozzle

Parts & Field Service

Because throttling leads to throttling losses, dur- group is connected to one
control valve.
ing constant pressure operation the partial ad-
Performance Improvement
mission is preferred. Therefore the turbine must HP Turbine

Service Contracts
have nozzle control, i.e. a first impulse type con-
Control valve
trol stage with sequential valve opening. Instead
of throttling the steam, the steam is expanded in
one or more independent nozzle groups, each Nozzle group
with its own inlet valve. The resulting expansion
Learning Tips
is transferred to the impulse wheel. In the ideal
e-Book Guide
case with an infinite number of control valves, the
part load throttle losses can be almost eliminated. Cross section of the steam inlet area

Version 1.0 10/05
Constant Pressure Operation (2)

The signal for changing load goes directly to Throttling losses

Steam pLS
the turbine valves. During load increase the steam 100 pB4
flow is increased rapidly whereas the inlet steam pB3 Load point 60 %
pressure is slightly reduced. The boiler immediately p
Focus pB2
Power Service

can deliver the higher demand of steam within a cer- pB1

Overview PLS = Live steam pressure
tain range. pW
PB1…4= Pressure in turbine
The turbine with impulse wheel and nozzle groups PWC = Wheel chamber (pressure
Summary in front of impulse wheel)
opens their live steam control valves with the cor- Pmin
Exercises Load [%] 100
responding nozzle groups one after the other. Con-
Chapter sequently for partial admission smaller losses occur, Constant pressure operation with nozzle group con-
Scope & Products
only being generated by the throttling effect of the trol (with control stage) permits high efficiency in par-
valve, which just opens. The pressure PB 1 - 4 (pres- tial load operation. Example: Load point 60 %
Customer Needs
sure in front of the nozzles) is higher than the wheel - Valve 1 and 2 are completely open – minimal
Parts & Field Service
chamber pressure because the energy (pressure) has pressure losses
been transferred into kinetic energy (velocity) over - Valve 3 is partically open – pressure loss accord-
Performance Improvement
the nozzles. ing diagram
Service Contracts
- Valve 4 is closed – no pressure losses
Control valve 1 Control valve 3
Nozzle group 1 Nozzle group 3 ■ Load step changes possible
■ High efficiency in partial load operation
Learning Tips Nozzle group 4 Nozzle group 2
e-Book Guide
Control valve 4 Control valve 2 Disadvantages
HP steam inlet with nozzle groups in front of impulse wheel ■ Expensive control stage

Version 1.0 10/05
Sliding Pressure Operation

With this mode of operation the turbine inlet is open

Steam 100 Throttling losses
all the time. The live steam pressure varies propor-
tionally with the live steam flow. The flow/pressure
characteristics thus almost identically match the con-

Focus [%]
Power Service

ditions required upstream of the reaction blading – a pB PLS = Live steam pressure
Overview PB = Pressure in front of
discrepancy is caused only by small pressure losses
Content impulse wheel
over the completely open valves. Pmin
Load [%] 100
During partial load operation the pressure in the
boiler is lower compared with nominal load. The sig-
Chapter nal for changing loads goes to the boiler control. Advantages
Scope & Products
A turbine operating in this mode does not need ■ Simpler design
an impulse type control stage with nozzle groups be- ■ Higher efficiency
Customer Needs
cause partial admission is not necessary. ■ Longer life time due to lower live steam pressure
Parts & Field Service
during partial load
■ Less power requirement for boiler feed water
Performance Improvement
Control valve 1 pump during partial load
Service Contracts
■ In order to change load the pressure in the boiler
has to be increased. If all valves are fully open at
Links Control valve 2 a given load condition, it is impossible to accept
Learning Tips HP steam inlet
load steps. In comparison with constant pressure
e-Book Guide
operation it takes much longer to fulfil the demand
of the grid with regard to load increase.

Version 1.0 10/05
Different sliding Pressure Operation Modes

Modified sliding Pressure Operation with Throttling Combined sliding /constant Pressure Operation
In most electrical networks it is necessary that the In this type of operation, sliding pressures are used
turbine generator units must accept load changes. If in the lower load range and constant pressure opera-
all valves are fully opened at a given load condition, tion is applied in the higher load range. This type of
Power Service

it is impossible to accept load steps and, therefore, operation is used on turbines with partial arc admis-
most units operate with the control valves partially sion. Sliding pressure operation is used with the first
closed. This type of operation is known as modified two or three valves fully open. The remaining valves
sliding pressure operation and causes bigger pres- are normally only opened when maximum live steam
sure loss due to throttled valves. pressure has been reached, although, to permit rap-
Chapter id load changes, it is possible to open them at an
Scope & Products
earlier stage.
Throttling losses
100 100 pB4
Customer Needs pB3
Parts & Field Service p Throttling losses
p pB1,2


[%] PLS = Live steam pressure
Performance Improvement pB PB1…4= Pressure in turbine
PLS = Live steam pressure
Service Contracts PB = Pressure in front of pW PWC = Wheel chamber (pressure
impulse wheel in front of impulse wheel)
Pmin Pmin
Load [%] 100 Load [%] 100
Learning Tips
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05
Reaction Turbines (1)

There are two different working principles of steam Reaction Turbines

turbines: Reaction and impulse turbines. The impulse Reaction turbine means that before the stationary
and the reaction technologies exist more than a hun- blades (vanes) the steam pressure is higher than be-
dred years and these two turbine types are abso- hind them. In ALSTOM steam turbines the pressure
Power Service

lutely on a par. The difference is shown below: drop over the stationary and also over the rotating
blades is equal. The steam velocity is in the fix blades
Bucket increasing, in the rotating blades decreasing.
Reaction turbines have a high axial thrust in di-
Exercises Stationary nozzle
Impulse turbine
rection of the steam flow. Different flow directions
Chapter through the turbine casings and the balance piston
Scope & Products
equalize this axial thrust. The axial thrust bearing
compensates for the small remainder of the axial
Customer Needs
Nozzle thrust.
Rotor Reaction turbine
Parts & Field Service
Reaction Turbine Process
Performance Improvement
■ The blade channel creates a nozzle effect, the
Service Contracts
Working principles of turbines inlet area is bigger than the outlet area.
■ The blades rotate with the steam velocity acting
on them.
■ In front of the rotating row the pressure is higher
than behind the row.
Learning Tips
■ The pressure drop over the stage is distributed
e-Book Guide
similarly over the stationary and rotating blade

Version 1.0 10/05
Reaction Turbines (2)

■ The steam velocity level is moderate both in sta- Balance piston against axial thrust Gland steam
tionary and rotating blade rows. Gland steam Entry
■ In the stationary row only part of the heat drop Leakage

Focus is transferred into steam velocity, the other part is steam Leakage
Power Service

transferred in the rotating row.

■ The profile sections of the moving blades and Shaft
vanes have a more blunt leading edge accord- Gland seal Gland seal
ing the needed flow acceleration
■ In a single flow turbine casing the axial thrust must
Chapter be compensated by means of a dummy piston.
Scope & Products ■ Full - arc admission is necessary.
Components ■ The stage loading is lower thus resulting in more
Customer Needs stages compared to the impulse type turbine but
Parts & Field Service also resulting in higher stage efficiency.
Vanes Labyrinth Blades
Consultancy ■ In order to minimize steam losses labyrinth seals
Performance Improvement are arranged on stationary and rotating blade
Service Contracts rows.
Steam flow

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide
Feedback Reaction turbine Pressure
(BBC technology)
Steam velocity

Version 1.0 10/05
Impulse Turbines (1)

Impulse Turbines ■ Due to high stage heat drop the number of stages
Impulse turbine means that there is no steam pressure is low. But unfortunately this advantage does not
drop over the rotating blades but the full pressure lead to shorter turbines. Reason: The total length
drop over the stationary blades (vanes). The steam is determined by diaphragms (partition walls)
Power Service

velocity is in the stationary blades increasing, in the and impulse wheel discs.
rotating blades decreasing. ■ In order to minimize the internal losses across the
Impulse turbines have a small axial thrust in direc- shaft seals of the vanes (diaphragms) the laby-
tion of the steam flow. The axial thrust bearing com- rinths are arranged at a smaller shaft diameter,
pensates for the small axial thrust. where the annular gap between rotor and dia-
Chapter phragm is smaller.
Scope & Products
Impulse Turbine Process
■ Inlet area and outlet area of rotating row blade
Customer Needs
channel remains the same.
Parts & Field Service
■ There is the same pressure in front and behind the
rotating stage.
Performance Improvement
■ In the rotating row the steam is only deflected.
Service Contracts
■ The rotating rows rotate with half the speed of the
steam velocity acting on it.
■ The profile sections of the moving blades have a
sharper leading edge.
■ In the stationary row the stage heat drop is nearly
Learning Tips
completely transferred into velocity.
e-Book Guide
■ Partial steam admission is possible.

Version 1.0 10/05
Impulse Turbines (2)

Entry Gland steam Impulse Reaction

same blade profile of
Turbines Exit
fewer rows rotating and stationary

steam blades
Focus steam no diaphragms, therfore
lower thrust forces
Power Service

Overview Shaft simpler (dis -) assembly

Content Gland seal
Gland seal
Summary partial steam admission rotating blades can be as-
is possible sembled in grooves
higher steam forces
more rows

Chapter on rotating blades
Scope & Products
stronger rotating blade
Components higher thrust forces
attachments are required
Customer Needs
Rotating sealing arrangement of
Parts & Field Service Vanes Labyrinth
Blades stationary blades is more need full arc admission
Consultancy complex – diaphragms
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts
Steam flow

Learning Tips
Impulse turbine
e-Book Guide (Escher-Wyss, Steam velocity
technology) Pressure

Version 1.0 10/05
Blading (1)

ALSTOM Reaction Turbines Design of last Blade Stages

ALSTOM (former BBC) have designed and built steam Because of their size, the last stages of the LP - turbine
turbines with reaction blading since 1901. Impulse are specially designed and manufactured. The last
blading is only used on the control stage (where few rows of rotating blades are tapered to reduce
Power Service

provided). In the reaction blading the flow is sym- stresses at the foot of the profile and at the root. In
metrical and there is an equal pressure drop in the addition the last stage blade is also twisted. Straight
stationary and rotating rows of the blading stages. or curved axial fir - tree roots are used to transmit the
This type of blading is known as high centrifugal forces from the
50 % reaction blading and allows last stage blades to the shaft. The
Chapter the stationary and rotating blades last stationary rows of the LP - tur-
Scope & Products
to have the same profiles. bine use ductile cast steel blades.
Generally the same blade profile Depending on the size, the root,
Customer Needs
shape is used for the entire turbine blade profile and shroud are cast
Parts & Field Service
with the exception of the control in one piece, or the blade profiles
stage of the HP - turbine. The blade and root sections are cast together
Performance Improvement
chords and the blade heights vary into segments and the shroud band
Service Contracts
to match the appropriate steam Typical stationary blade Typical rotating blade is subsequently welded on.
conditions throughout the turbine.
All stationary and rotating blades in the HP - and Shrouds
IP - turbines and the rotating blades in the LP - turbine Whenever stresses permit, blades with shrouds are
are manufactured from solid pieces of material. The provided to increase the blading efficiency. Rid-
Learning Tips
root section, the blade profile and the shroud (where ges are machined onto the outside diameter of the
e-Book Guide
provided) form an integral unit. shroud and these together with caulked-in sealing
strips on the opposed rotor or casing form a stepped

Version 1.0 10/05
Blading (2)

labyrinth. The sealing strips have sharp tips and thus tionary blades of the HP-, IP- and LP - turbines also
small blade clearances can be achieved without af- have rhombic roots and are mounted between ma-
fecting reliable operation. The axial spaces between chined spacers. The blades and spacers are inserted
the strips on the rotor and casing take the relative ex- into circumferential grooves in the casing and are
Power Service

pansion between the casing and rotor into account. fixed with a special end piece on each side of the
casing half.
Blade Attachment
With the exception of the last one or two rows of the Blade Manufacture
LP rotor all rotating blades have rhombic roots which The blades are generally manufactured from steel
Chapter fit into circumferential groves in the rotor. A complete with 12 % chromium content. In the high tempera-
Scope & Products
blade row without opening gates or special blades ture zones at the inlet to the HP - and IP - turbines,
is obtained by inserting spacers between a number austenitic steel is normally used to improve creep re-
Customer Needs
of blades in a row and by using a three - piece lock- sistance.
Parts & Field Service
ing spacer to complete the row. In service, a closed An optimum design of the blading is achieved by
shroud ring is achieved by introducing a slight tor- means of a comprehensive system of computer and
Performance Improvement
sional pretensioning of the plotting programs. The
Service Contracts
blades during assembly. high standard that is
For fixation of the last now demanded by
two LP - rotating blade rows ALSTOM quality assur-
straight or curved axial fir- ance is achieved by this
tree roots are used to trans- computerized system
Learning Tips
mit the high centrifugal and also by a number
e-Book Guide
forces from the last stage of inspections during
Feedback Blades installed in the ND rotor manufacturing
blades to the shaft. The sta- blade carrier
and after manufacture.

Version 1.0 10/05
Steam Turbine Manufacturer History

Over the years many turbine manufacturers merged The merging of steam turbine manufacturing business
under ALSTOM. All these single manufacturers pro- has usually led to one technology being retained
duced a more or less wide range of turbine types and the other discharged. In the past when compa-
to fulfil the clients´ demands. Due to these facts the nies have joined, they have concentrated mostly on
Power Service

number of different turbine types, which are still in impulse- or reaction-technology, and often partners
service is tremendous. were selected on the basis of having the same tech-
nology (such as when GEC and ALSTOM merged
MAN in 1989, both were manufacturers of impulse steam
Chapter AEI
However, when the impulse turbine builder
Scope & Products ENGLISH ELECTRIC ALSTOM merged with the reaction turbine builder
Components GEC ABB a conscious decision was made to retain the
Customer Needs
CEM know - how of both technologies to be able to per-
Parts & Field Service
SACM form service on all existing steam turbines in the long
Consultancy ALSTHOM
Performance Improvement
For retrofits ALSTOM has
Service Contracts ALSTOM
the competency to develop
ABB improved products by com-
Extras BBC bining the best components,
ESCHER WYSS/MFO features and know - how from each, impulse and re-
Links ASEA action technology.
Learning Tips ZAMECH
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Version 1.0 10/05
Current ALSTOM Reaction Turbine Frame Concept

ALSTOM tries to fulfil the clients’ demands with indi-

vidual turbines. On the other hand standardization
becomes more and more necessary to reduce de-
velopment costs and to remain competitive. The first
Power Service

step of standardization at the end of the 1980ies

was the “modular design concept”. The second step
of standardization at the end of the 1990ies was the
development of the so called “frames”.

Chapter Output Live steam Live steam

STF range temperature pressure Speed Exhaust
Scope & Products type Configuration (MW) (° C) (bar) (Rev. / min) arrangement
Floor mounted
Customer Needs STF15 �� �� �� 120 - 150 540 145 - 160 3.600
axial exhaust
Parts & Field Service
STF20 �� �� ���� ���� 175 - 200 540 - 565 125 - 158 3.600 Lateral exhaust
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts Lateral exhaust,
STF25 �� �� �� 210 - 285 540 140 - 175 floor mounted
Extras downward exhaust
Lateral exhaust,
Links STF30 �� �� ���� ���� 200 - 300 540 - 565 125 - 158 3.600 floor mounted
Learning Tips downward exhaust
e-Book Guide
Floor mounted
Feedback STF60 �� �� ���� ���� ���� ���� 550 - 620 550 - 620 165 - 185 3.600
downward exhaust

Version 1.0 10/05
Scope & Products – Summary

The steam turbine operates in a cycle together with ■ The nozzle group design with an impulse
other components. The most important additional wheel for the first rotating row: for constant
components of this water - steam - cycle are the boil- pressure operation (pressure in front of the turbine
er, condenser, condensate pumps and feed water remains nearly constant, during partial load the
Power Service

pumps. inlet diameters of the turbine valves are reduced),

In order to increase the efficiency of this water- because of reduced pressure losses during par-
steam - cycle a preheating of the feed water by means tial load.
of several turbine extractions and a reheating of the ■ A turbine without nozzle groups and with-
steam after leaving the HP - turbine is out impulse wheel: for sliding
Chapter necessary. pressure operation the boiler controls
Scope & Products
In order to protect the steam tur- the power output and the valves are
bine during all operation conditions open all the time. This has the disad-
Customer Needs
against impermissible steam condi- vantage that quick load increase is
Parts & Field Service
tions a turbine bypass system is es- possible in a small range only.
tablished. HP - and LP - bypass valves
Performance Improvement
shut off the access to the turbine and 933 MW Steam-Turbine
with HP-, IP- and 3 LP-casings
Service Contracts
the steam is guided to the re-heater
and / or the condenser respectively without damag- There are two different technologies for blades:
ing the turbine itself. ■ Impulse technology and
■ Reaction technology
There are two different turbine designs which mainly
Learning Tips
depend on the preferred operation mode and / or Both designs have advantages and disadvantages.
e-Book Guide
demands from the grid (constant pressure or sliding So during history of steam turbines each manufac-
pressure operation): turer decided in favour of one technology.

Version 1.0 10/05
Scope & Products – Exercises (1)

What is the difference in the steam inlet area of a 1 Please select item
HP - turbine with impulse wheel and one without im- 2 Please select item
pulse wheel? Mark answers valid for the HP - turbine 3 Please select item
with impulse wheel! HP - turbine with impulse wheel 4 Please select item
has shrink rings holding together upper and low- Please select item
Power Service

Content er part of the inner casing, because steam forces 6 Please select item
Summary are bigger compared to a HP-turbine without im- 7 Please select item
Exercises pulse wheel 8 Please select item
has nozzle groups in front of the impulse wheel, 9 Please select item
Chapter enabling partial admission 10 Please select item
Scope & Products is generally spoken the better machine 11 Please select item
Components has 4 or more live steam control valves 12 Please select item
Customer Needs has higher efficiency during partial load 13 Please select item
Parts & Field Service 2 live steam control valves are normally enough 14 Please select item
Consultancy A
15 Please select item
Performance Improvement
16 Please select item
Service Contracts Which mode of boiler operation allows the fastest 17 Please select item A
load increase of the steam turbine? 3 6
2 4 7
Extras Sliding pressure operation Please label the
1 9 9
Links Constant pressure operation components in 5 8
11 10

Learning Tips Modified sliding pressure a typical reheat

e-Book Guide Combines sliding/constant pressure turbine system 12
Feedback A 17 14
16 13

Version 1.0 10/05
Scope & Products – Exercises (2)

Why is it necessary to design an impulse wheel with Below you can find several statements some describ-
more strength compared to the first rotating row of a ing impulse and others reaction technology. What
reaction type turbine? statements are valid for the reaction technology?
Focus A machine with impulse wheel can be operated In the rotating row the steam is only deflected
with higher steam inlet temperatures and pres- Due to low stage heat drop a higher number of
Power Service

Content sures. stages is necessary
Summary A machine with impulse wheel can be loaded The blade channel creates a nozzle effect, the
Exercises much faster. inlet area is bigger than the outlet area
The steam forces (impulse) on the impulse wheel In front of the rotating row the pressure is higher
Chapter are much higher A than behind the row
Scope & Products Partial steam admission is possible
Components In the stationary row the stage heat drop is nearly
Customer Needs HP - / LP - bypass system has advantages for turbine completely transferred into velocity A
Parts & Field Service and boiler. Which statement is wrong?
Consultancy Independent operation of boiler and turbine
Performance Improvement Establishment of stable steam water cycle prior to
Service Contracts start up of the turbine
Live steam – and intercept – valves can be de-
Extras signed smaller and simpler due to reduced strain
Links Prevention of solid particle erosion on turbine
Learning Tips valves, turbine nozzles and blades A
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05

Power Service


Scope & Products
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05
Conceptual Design of Steam Turbines

For steam power plants turbines can be delivered levels (HP, IP, LP). Thus turbines with smaller power
with the following parameters: output consist of 3 turbine sections and turbines with
■ Power output up to 1.000 MW for 50 to 60 Hz higher output (600 to 1.400 MW) consist of 4 to 6
■ Saturated steam turbines up to 1.400 MW for turbine sections. Big volumetric exhaust flows require
Power Service

nuclear plants turbines with several LP - turbine sections which are

■ Live steam parameters: up to 285 bar, 590°C connected in parallel. 700 MW turbines may have
■ IP - steam parameters: up to 55 bar, 600°C e.g. two double flow LP - turbines. Saturated steam
■ Low heat consumption turbines in nuclear power plants may have e.g. up to
■ Total efficiency of the condensing turbine genera- 3 LP - turbine sections.
Chapter tor set 45 %
Scope & Products
■ Exhaust steam pressure 0,03 - 0,1 bar. Proven features and design principles have been re-
tained for modular turbines. They include:
Customer Needs
In order to increase the efficiency, the development ■ Double shell casings for all turbine sections
Parts & Field Service
veers towards ■ Single - bearing design for the complete shaft line
■ higher inlet temperatures and pressures. This sub- ■ Welded rotors
Performance Improvement
sequently necessitates the use of high thermal re- ■ Free standing last stage blades in the LP - turbines
Service Contracts
sistant materials ■ Shrink rings for the high pressure inner casing
■ reduced steam exhaust losses (design and mate- ■ Standardized interfaces for connecting valves,
rial of last stage blades). turbine casings, bearing pedestals, etc. This al-
lows a wide range of different sizes and construc-
Usually condensing turbines with single reheat are tions to meet the specific requirements of the cus-
Learning Tips
used in utilities. In big turbine - generator sets the dis- tomers.
e-Book Guide
sipation of the thermal gradient takes place in sev-
eral separate turbine sections at different pressure

Version 1.0 10/05
Steam Turbine Main Components

A typical steam turbine arrangement

consists of three turbines – HP, IP and
LP – valves, bearings, the turning gear Turning gear

and the auxiliary systems.
Power Service

Overview Intermediate pressure (IP) turbine

Exercises High pressure (HP) turbine
Low pressure (LP) turbine
Scope & Products
Jacking and control oil system
Customer Needs Lubricating oil system
Parts & Field Service
Consultancy Bearings
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts
The main turbine subassemblies – valves, turbine
casings, bearing pedestals, etc. – are designed with
standardized interfaces for connection to the adjoin-
Gland steam system ing modules. This allows a wide range of different
Drain system for steam lines sizes and constructions to be combined in a way,
Learning Tips
which meets the specific requirements of the custom-
e-Book Guide
er, while at the same time permits to use standard-
ized components and proven design principles.

Version 1.0 10/05
High Pressure Steam Turbines (1)

The HP - turbine is the turbine section, which has to

take the highest stresses. Therefore the design stan-
Turbines Inner casing Outer casing
dards must be higher compared to IP - and LP - turbine.
Increasing temperatures and pressures, the fact of de-
HP rotor
Power Service

formation of casings due to temperature differences

of inner and outer wall and the demand for small de-
formation limits in order to avoid influence on internal
clearances make it necessary to
have blade carriers or even bet-
Chapter ter a double shell casing instead
Scope & Products
of a single shell casing.
In double shell casings the
Customer Needs
flange of the inner casing re-
mains an unfavourable design HP - turbine with shrink
Parts & Field Service rings and double shell Shrink rings A - G

feature due to mass accumula-
Performance Improvement
tion. Therefore a double shell Rotor with

Service Contracts
casing with an inner casing impulse wheel Outer casing Inner casing
held together by shrink rings is flange bolts for
Shrink ring
flange design
the preferred solution. The casings consist of an outer
Outer casing
and an inner casing. As the inner casing has to take Inner casing flange bolts for
Links flange bolts
the higher thermal stress, the advantage of such a shrink ring design
Learning Tips
double shell casing is that the inner casing is entirely
e-Book Guide Outer casing Outer casing
cooled by the high pressure (HP) exhaust steam. Flange design Shrink ring design

Version 1.0 10/05
High Pressure Steam Turbines (2)

The HP - turbine section (BBC/ABB design) is avail- ■ Advantage: The stress of a round flange is only
able in two versions, whereas the planned turboset half the stress of an axial (horizontal) flange.
operation mode is decisive for the utilized type. ■ Disadvantage: Disassembly / assembly of bar-
One version has partial steam admission and a rel - type casing is much more complicated in
Power Service

control stage with an impulse wheel. The other has comparison to a casing with horizontal split line
no control stage, but two inlet scrolls. Both have an
axially split inner casing, held together with shrink The different manufactures use different designs:
rings. This kind of high - pressure turbine design pre- 1. Barrel - type casing with vertical round flange
vents mass accumulation in the flange area and 2. Barrel - type casing with locking ring design
Chapter hence ensures fast warm-up and starting as well as Outer casing neither has an axial (horizontal)
Scope & Products
a high level of insensitivity to rapid load change and nor radial (vertical) split line but a special locking
steam temperature fluctuations. ring and sealing elements for fixation of the inner
Customer Needs
The flange design needs more space and results casing in outer casing.
Parts & Field Service
in mass accumulation. The shrink ring design is more
compact and has a shorter warm up. Barrel type outer casing Lock ring
for fixation
Performance Improvement of inner
casing in
Service Contracts
HP - Turbines with Barrel Design casing
If the exhaust pressure reaches a certain limit (more HP rotor
than 70 bar) the horizontal flange of the outer casing
would get too big. In this special case the barrel-type Inner casing
Learning Tips with hori-
outer casing is the preferred choice. zontal joint
e-Book Guide
Feedback HP - turbine with barrel design and locking ring

Version 1.0 10/05
Intermediate Pressure (IP) Steam Turbines

The intermediate pressure turbine has a single - flow

design for the lower output ratings and a double - flow
design for the higher ratings. The casings of reheat
(RT) - turbines also have to handle temperatures up
Power Service

till 600 ° C, but the smaller inlet pressure of about

40 bar reduces the requirements for the flange of
the outer casing. Generally spoken the same require- Turning gear Inner casing IP rotor Cross over
Summary pipe to LP-
ments for HP- and IP - casing are valid. turbine
In the lower load range the blade carrier design is Thrust Intermediate
Chapter sufficient. In the higher load range double shell cas- bearing bearing

Scope & Products

ings are state of the art. The outer and inner casing
halves are castings. Due to the relatively low steam
Customer Needs
pressures the flanges of the inner casing can stay
Parts & Field Service
small. Subsequently shrink ring design is not neces-
Performance Improvement
Annular chambers are integrated in the inner cas-
Service Contracts
ing for steam extraction. The precise position of the
Extraction line
extraction point depends on the dimension of the
IP - turbine double flow for reheat temperature < 565 ° C
feedwater heater and is determined separately for
each project.
In the double - flow IP - turbine the extraction points
Learning Tips
are distributed over both flows, resulting in less pipe
e-Book Guide
work beneath the turbine.

Version 1.0 10/05
Low Pressure (LP) Steam Turbines (1)

The LP - turbine section can have 1 to 6 flows. Often bearing pedestals and are therefore also unaffected
two flows are grouped together to form individual by deformation of the LP outer casing. As this allows
double - flow LP - turbines with big exhaust surfaces. smaller radial clearances for the seals, gland steam
In a symetrical double - flow turbine the axial thrust consumption is lower and the heat rate is improved.
Power Service

of each part - flow has the

same amount but acts in
the opposite direction.
Thus there is no resluting
thrust acting on the rotor.
Chapter A dummy piston is not
Scope & Products
necessary. LP turbine 3D view
Boroscope openings LP-Inlet area
Heat shield
(scroll type)
LP - turbines have two LP-outer casing Inner casing

Customer Needs
casings and a scroll type inlet. The outer casing is a Gland seals

Parts & Field Service

welded construction. During development emphasis Intermediate
Last 2 blade
stages with
was placed on the use of conventional materials. The bearing fir tree roots
Performance Improvement
inner casing is a split - design casing into which the Bearing
Service Contracts
blade carriers have been integrated. It is surrounded
by a thermal shield, which minimizes the tempera-
ture difference across the casing wall and reduces
heat losses.
The structure supporting the inner casing in the Extraction Extraction Extraction
Learning Tips
outer casing transmits the forces to the foundation chamber 3 chamber 2 chamber 1
e-Book Guide
and is not affected by deformation of the outer cas- Low pressure (LP) turbine
ing.The shaft seals in the LP zone are fixed to the

Version 1.0 10/05
Low Pressure (LP) Steam Turbines (2)

Rupture diaphragms, arranged on top of the LP Vacuum breakers connected to the LP-outer cas-
outer casings, protect the LP - casings and the con- ings are hydraulically operated valves.
densers against overpressure. They are planned By opening the vacuum breaker air is admitted
week points that break or open up at a defined pres- into the condenser, effecting strong braking action
Power Service

sure caused by inadmissible operating conditions. on the turbine in order to pass quickly through the
Beside the condenser pressure switches, acting on critical speeds.
the turbine control system the rupture diaphragms
are additional safety devices. The pressure in the
condenser can increase due to
Chapter ■ lack of cooling water,
Scope & Products
■ air leaking into the condenser,
■ rising condensate level covering cooling surface
Customer Needs
of the condenser
Parts & Field Service
Increasing temperature endangers the exhaust part
Performance Improvement
of the LP - casing and the condenser itself. When the
Service Contracts
rupture diaphragm breaks, a certain cross section
area is cleared through which steam escapes from
the turbine thus reducing the overpressure. The sand-
wich shaped rupture diaphragm consists of two outer
layers Inconel alloy with an intermediate layer PTFE,
Learning Tips
which rests steam tight against vacuum supports dur-
e-Book Guide
ing normal operation.

Version 1.0 10/05

The main stop and control valves for the HP - and IP - In the past the individual turbine manufacturers devel-
turbines are arranged in valve blocks to the left and oped a lot of different valve types in order to fulfil the
to the right of the turbine casing, respectively. increasing demands (e.g. increasing pressure, tem-
The HP - turbine has 2 main stop valves and either 2 perature and volume or ease of maintenance) and
Power Service

(sliding pressure) or 4 and more (constant pressure) on the other hand to reduce manufacturing costs.
control valves, depending on the preferred method of Therefore a tremendous number of valve types exist
control. The IP - turbine has 2 stop and control valves within the ALSTOM turbine fleet. A typical valve ar-
so called intercept valves, whereas the stop valves rangement and valve type is described below:
are sometimes flap - valve designed.
Chapter All valves are operated by separate hydraulic Steam to turbine

Scope & Products

drives which function according to the fail - safe prin- Stop valve diffuser

ciple. The new turbine series applies single seat an- Spindle with valve
Control valve
Customer Needs
gle valves. The main stop valves and control valves, head, stop valve
Parts & Field Service
which have been continuously developed and im-
Spindle with
proved over the years, have been optimized in terms valve head,
Performance Improvement
of flow losses and sensitivity to vibration. The design control valve

Service Contracts
of their spindle seats reduces the required leakage
Stop valve actuator
piping to a minimum.The diffuser of the main steam
and intercept control valves also acts as the inlet
duct to the inner casing. The design in this area sig- Live steam
Links Control valve
nificantly reduces the cost of overhauls by allowing from boiler actuator
Learning Tips
easy dismantling and reassembly. The gland steam
e-Book Guide
pipes are fitted directly to the valve body and do not
need to be removed during overhauls. Live steam valve block with main stop valve and control valve

Version 1.0 10/05
Bearings (1)

The basic task of the bearing is to connect rotating Static bearing properties
and non-rotating parts as “inconspicuous” as ■ Load capacity: thick oil wedge, low temperature
possible. The shaft assembly with the various ma- ■ Oil consumption: as low as possible
chine rotors for a power station generating set can ■ Power loss: as low as possible
Power Service

weigh several hundred tons. Machines built today are ■ Misalignment as tolerant as possible
rated over 1.000 MW. Because of the torque to be
transmitted, all bearings must be of adequate diam- Dynamic bearing properties
eter. Journal bearings of 300 to 1.000 mm diameter ■ Unbalance: damping effect as good as possible
are common. As these machines run at fixed speeds ■ Stability: low vibration excitation / good damp-
Chapter of 3.600 or 3.000 rev/min, peripheral speeds at ing properties
Scope & Products
the bearing surface of 25 to about 130 m/s are ■ Load characteristic: as independent as possible
encountered. Under such conditions, together with (amount / direction)
Customer Needs
the high bearing loads, the bearings are exposed to
Parts & Field Service
heavy duty. A selection of important criteria:
Consultancy Front bearing Thrust bearing Intermediate LP1 / LP2 LP2 / Genera-
Performance Improvement pedestral pedestral bearing bearing tor bearing

Service Contracts

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide
Bearing arrangement of a typical reheat turbine with 2 LP - casings (generator and exiter / brush gear not shown)

Version 1.0 10/05
Bearings (2)

Additional Bearing Properties To ensure homogeneous distribution of the axial forc-

■ Emergency running characteristics: as good as es to the individual segments the thrust bearing seg-
possible ments are backed with spring rings.
■ Assembly / disassembly: as simple as possible In the case of surge thrust the spring rings have a
Power Service

■ Costs: as low as possible damping effect. The axial clearance of the bearing is
adjusted by means of intermediate rings
Physical conditions, which must be present in order
to build a pressure wedge (oil wedge).
■ Viscous lubricant Bearing shell UP

Chapter ■ Wedge shaped surfaces in the lubrication gap Two part

adjusting plate
Scope & Products
■ Motion and load top/down right

Components Bearing shell LP

Customer Needs
Combined Thrust and Journal Bearing Lower adjusting
Parts & Field Service
The combined thrust and journal bearing transmits
Oil inlet channel
the axial thrust forces, along with the weight of the
Performance Improvement
rotor, to the bearing pedestal. Its parts are the bear- Combined thrust and journal bearing

Service Contracts
ing body with shim plates, the thrust bearing seg-
ments with spring rings and journal bearing shell. Spring ring

The journal bearing is located between the two
Thrust pad
separate thrust bearing halves which absorb the
thrust from both directions. Spring ring
Learning Tips Bearing body
The horizontally split bearing body is fixed by
e-Book Guide
bolts and locating pins and can be adjusted axially Thrust pad
and radially by means of shim plates.

Version 1.0 10/05
Turning Gear

The rotor turning gear system permits the turbine gen-

erator shaft to rotate at constant speed before run up
and after shut down of the turbine generator. This
prevents harmful temperature layers, which could
Power Service

lead to deformations of turbine casings and rotors.

The turning gear is mounted on a bearing pedes-
tal. Shaft end mounting or in shaft configuration are
possible. Different suppliers choose different designs.
The operation of the turning gear e.g. can be ensured
Chapter by an electro mechanic or a hydraulic drive.
Scope & Products
In case of a failure of the rotor turning gear the
shaft line can be turned with a hand pump if jacking Shaft train configuration – old design
Customer Needs
oil is available.
Parts & Field Service
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide
Shaft train configuration – new design
Shaft end mounting configuration Turning gear device with hydraulic plunger

Version 1.0 10/05
Lubricating Oil System

The main oil pump 1 (100 %) driven via a gear The oil vapour exhauster 9 maintains a slight
train from the turbine rotor supplies the lube oil to vacuum in the oil tank, the oil drain pipes and the
the bearings. It is located in the front bearing ped- bearing pedestals. This not only effectively removes
Focus estal. This self - priming pump takes the oil from the the oil vapour from the tank, but also prevents oil
Power Service

oil tank 2 on an intermediate floor. Before being from leaking past the bearing pedestal oil baffles.
pumped to the bearings, the oil passes through oil All bearings, except the low - loaded ones, are sup-
coolers 3 (2 x100 %). Valves allow the coolers to be plied with high pressure jacking oil from the jacking
changed over without interrupting the oil flow. The oil pump 10 during start - up / shut - down and turning
temperature control valve 4 (Amot - valve) mixes gear operation. An oil purification plant with cen-
Chapter cooled and hot oil and regulates the oil flow through trifuge should be installed in the bypass of the oil
Scope & Products the coolers. Downstream of the coolers two100 % system to clean the fouled oil.
Components capacity oil filters 5 are installed in parallel. In 1
Customer Needs older plants sometimes only thrust bearing filters are
Parts & Field Service installed.The oil pressure upstream of the bearings is
Consultancy controlled by constant pressure valve 6 .
Performance Improvement During start - up, shut - down and turning gear op-
Service Contracts eration oil is supplied by an auxiliary centrifugal 3
pump 7 (100 % capacity). This pump will be start- 4 6 ~ 10
ed automatically when the oil pressure drops below M M ~
~ –
60 % of its design value or the turbine speed is below
90 % of rated speed. If the normal oil supply fails, an 2
Learning Tips
emergency centrifugal oil pump 8 (40 % capa- 7 8
e-Book Guide
city) powered by batteries permits safe shut down of
the turbine - generator unit. Typical lube oil system

Version 1.0 10/05
Jacking and Control Oil Systems

Jacking Oil System Control Oil System

All bearings, except the low-loaded ones, are sup- The hydraulic supply is ensured by two redundant
plied with high pressure jacking oil from the jacking oil AC - driven pumps (2 x 100 %), which convey the me-
pump ( 10 see page 2.13) during start - up/ shut - down dium via a double filter to the tripping unit. The se-
Power Service

and turning gear operation. This serves the purpose lection of the 40 bar pressure level has the following
of raising the rotor during start up and turning gear advantages:
operation, thus preventing metallic contact between ■ Lubrication oil can be used so that the pumps can
bearing metal and shaft. The torque required for turn- be integrated in the lube oil tank unit
ing gear operation is significantly reduced. Tasks of ■ Pipes out of stainless steel are not required
Chapter the jacking oil system: ■ A filter mesh size of 25
Scope & Products
■ Necessary to avoid µm is sufficient.
metal to metal contact ■ The devices can be
Customer Needs
between shaft and manufactured with nor-
Parts & Field Service
bearing during low ro- mal tolerances.
tation speed
Performance Improvement
■ Necessary for bear- If fire resistant control fluid
Service Contracts
ings with pm > 2 N/ is used, the pumps are in-
mm2 and diameter ≥ stalled in a separate tank
180 mm unit with cooler.
■ Jacking adjusted to ca.
0,05 mm.
Learning Tips
e-Book Guide
Bearing with jacking oil inlet and jacking oil pocket

Version 1.0 10/05
Steam Turbine Control System – S90 (1)

The task of the control and safety system is the con- system can adjust parameters, it can take control
trol and protection of the steam turbine. over the parameters and constantly change them.
■ The control system (closed loop) In the past, the turbine manufactures developed
■ The safety system (open loop). very different mechanic / hydraulic control and safe-
Power Service

ty systems, in order to realize the requested control

An open loop system checks the actual state of turbine functions and to achieve the necessary quality and
parameters e.g. speed. It can stop the turbine when response time of the controller. Today the amount of
a parameter exceeds a defined level. A closed loop mechanic / hydraulic devices has been reduced to a
minimum and the control and safety functions have
Chapter been taken over by modern, digital systems, which
Scope & Products
Steam Steam turbine provide best availability, reliability and flexibility.
Components safety
control system Components of the control system are:
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service Control Electronic Turbine Governor
H valve The electronic turbine governor controls and protects
Performance Improvement
the steam turbnine. The present generation of turbine
Service Contracts
governor offers both high flexibility and precision. By
shifting the controls, which previously were mainly
2 out of 3 Stop mechanical components, into the software environ-
trip block valve ment, it has become possible not only to perform the
Links Speed
machine - related control tasks more easily but also to
Learning Tips Control fluid supply adjust them fast and efficiently to changing task as-
e-Book Guide
signments on - line. The turbine governor is split into
Feedback Block diagram of the S90 electro-hydraulic control and safety system
(example: speed measurement) the following independent software modules:

Version 1.0 10/05
Steam Turbine Control System – S90 (2)

■ Base controller gram is fed directly to the base controller, whereas

■ Automatic controller the load set point from the load program is limited
■ Thermal stress calculator by the lowest output of the limiters before passing to
Focus Two redundant (master/slave) processing modules the base controller. The superimposed controllers act
Power Service

run with the same application program for maximum in the same path; if one of them is switched on it will
availability. The 1- out - of - 2 redundancy is designed override the load program.
as a master/slave configuration. This guarantees a
‘bump - less’ changeover in case of a fault in one of Thermal Stress Calculator
the processor modules. The thermal stress calculator limits the load automati-
Chapter cally should the thermal stresses of the turbine rotor
Scope & Products Base Controller exceed the permissible limits. Hereby a temperature
Components The base controller is designed for manual opera- probe, located close to the steam inlet of the HP - tur-
Customer Needs tion, and has all the functions required for safe man- bine, measures the actual steam temperature and the
Parts & Field Service ual control of the steam turbine. The main set points, impact on the thermal stress of the rotor is calculated
Consultancy such as speed and valve positions, can be set manu- within the thermal stress calculator.
Performance Improvement ally, although during normal operation the set points The initial run - up rate (for cold, warm or hot start-
Service Contracts are given by the automatic controller. ing) is determined by the average rotor temperature.
During turbine run - ups the initial run - up rate may
Automatic Controller be reduced if the thermal margins narrow. Thermal
The automatic controller, which is at the next higher stress calculator ensures the fastest run-up and load-
hierarchical level, is designed to provide more com- ing times whilst keeping thermal stresses to a mini-
Learning Tips
fort and relieve the operators of certain control tasks. mum.
e-Book Guide
It consists mainly of a run - up program and a load
program. The speed set point from the run - up pro-

Version 1.0 10/05
Steam Turbine Control System – S90 (3)

Control Valve Actuators ■ Common EHC (one EHC acts on a group of

The control valve actuators are designed according valves actuators, e.g. live steam control valves)
to the “fail - safe principle”. There is a spring - loaded In this case the stroke transmitter measures the
hydraulic piston and the hydraulic pressure below movement of the hydraulic control piston of EHC
Power Service

the piston represent the value of valve opening (valve itself. Changing the opening sequence of the
stroke). In case of a trip or failure in the hydraulic steam valves (partial admission) and valve linear-
system the springs close the valves immediately. The ization must be done by mechanical adjusting of
pressure under the hydraulic piston is controlled by the actuators.
the electrohydraulic converter (EHC).
Chapter The electrohydraulic converter (EHC) is a fast - act-
Scope & Products
ing electrohydraulic proportional valve and repre-
sents the connecting element between electronic and Control valve actuator with integrated
electro-hydraulic converter (EHC)
Customer Needs
hydraulic control system. It converts the electronic
Parts & Field Service
signal from the governor into a hydraulic pressure.
From the history, two principles are established:
Performance Improvement
■ Integrated EHC (each control valve actuator is
Service Contracts
equipped with an own EHC). A stroke transmit-
ter measures the movement of the valve and an
Stroke transducer
electronic position controller realizes the fast and
stable control action of the valve. Changing the EHC block
opening sequence of the steam valves (partial
Learning Tips
admission) and valve linearization can be done
e-Book Guide
within the electronic control system without any
Feedback Common EHC (EHC 2000), installed within the hy-
mechanical work at the actuators. draulic control system, acting on a group of valves

Version 1.0 10/05
Steam Turbine Safety System – S90 (1)

The safety system protect the turbine against the con- ■ Shaft position
sequences of dangerous operating conditions, which Since all the clearances within the turbine are very
can occur in case of faults or operator‘s errors. Most small, an axial displacement of the rotor due to a
important process parameters to be supervised are: damaged thrust bearing or extensive axial forces
Power Service

■ Turbine speed would consequently damage all the blades.

In case of load rejection, the entire energy con- ■ Other signals like ventilation protection, trip sig-
tained in the steam is used to accelerate the tur- nal from generator protection.
bine. The tremendous centrifugal forces would
lead to a major damage of the entire turbo gen-
Chapter erator unit.
Scope & Products
■ Lube oil pressure Steam turbine
A proper lube oil supply is essential to avoid ma- control system

Customer Needs
jor damages of the bearings and the turbine it-
Parts & Field Service
self. A failure in the lube oil supply would lead to Control
Steam E valve
melting of the bearing metal and the entire rotor turbine H

would decline, followed by rubbing of the blades safety

Performance Improvement system
Service Contracts
and glands. The hydrogen of H2 - cooled genera-
tors would escape and catch fire as well.
■ LP - turbine exhaust steam pressure 2 out of 3 Stop
trip block valve
If the steam does not condense properly in the
Links Speed
condenser, the exhaust pressure and temperature probes
Learning Tips Control fluid supply
increases. Consequences could be a overheating
e-Book Guide
of the last stage blades or bursting of the safety
Feedback Block diagram of the S90 electro-hydraulic control and safety system
elements (bursting disks) at the LP - turbine. (example: speed measurement)

Version 1.0 10/05
Steam Turbine Safety System – S90 (2)

When one or more failure ■ The stop valves are controlled via the central trip
occur, the corresponding unit and the pertinent central safety system. If this
solenoid valves are deener- system is depressurized, the steam valves close
gized. If at lease 2 solenoid under spring force.
Power Service

valves are deenergized, ■ The trips can be tested during operation.

the hydraulic safety system ■ The 2 - out - of - 3 logic is fault - tolerant, i.e. a single
is depressurized and the fault does not cause a trip. The faulty trip channel
turbine stop valves as well can be repaired during normal operation so that
as the turbine control valves the availability is considerably higher than that of
Chapter close under spring force via a 1 - out - of - 2 logic.
Scope & Products
the connection with the elec- 2 - out - of - 3 trip block
trohydraulic safety system.
Customer Needs
The tripping command is stored until the trip signal
Parts & Field Service
is no longer present and a “reset” by the operator is
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts
The S90 electrohydraulic safety system has become
standard within ALSTOM Power and the features are
as follows:
■ Central structure with common 2 - out - of - 3 trip-
Learning Tips
■ The different input criteria are acquired by 1, 2
e-Book Guide
or 3 channels in accordance with the definition of
fault categories.

Version 1.0 10/05
Shaft Seals

The purpose of the steam turbine shaft seals is to pre- tween rotor sealing strips and sealing segments the
vent the leakage of steam between the shaft and the sealing segments can move radially. Thus the heat
casing ends to a reasonable level by means of a con- transfer into the rotor is minimized. The main part
tact free seal. Together with the gland seal system, of the heat is absorbed from the solid gland steam
Power Service

these seals prevent pressurized steam from leaking casing.

to the outside and prevent the ingress of air to the LP
Principle of Labyrinth Seals Labyrinth segment

Chapter Labyrinth seals are used in dummy pistons to com-

Scope & Products
pensate axial thrust and in gland seal casings to
prevent steam leakages of turbine casings to atmo-
Customer Needs
sphere. Labyrinth seals consist of many alternating
Parts & Field Service
annular chambers and annular gaps arranged in a
row. The leakage steam has to pass these chambers
Performance Improvement
and in each chamber / gap the pressure energy of
Service Contracts
the steam is transferred into kinetic energy. This ef-
fect increases the steam volume and thus the leakage
flow is limited.
Sealing strips
These gaps are formed by special shims, which are
sharpened at the top and caulked into rotor grooves.
Learning Tips Spring backed labyrinth segment
On the opposite side of this caulked in sealing strips
e-Book Guide Caulking
the spring loaded sealing segments are elastically fit- Rotor
Feedback wire
ted to the gland steam casing. In case of rubbing be- Example: HP - turbine shaft seal

Version 1.0 10/05
Gland Steam System (1)

Gland steam system The suction system 1 , connected to the outer cham-
■ Seals the turbine and valves against air entry bers of the seals of all turbine sections and to the
■ prevents the steam from leaking to the atmo- valve spindles of the main -, intercept - and LP - bypass
sphere 2 - out - of - 3valves is maintained at a pressure slightly
Power Service

■ Heats up the cold turbine below atmospheric. Steam from this system together
■ Gland steam design pressure 1,03 bar controlled by with air leaking from outside passes to the gland
admission valve(s) and suction valve (split range) steam condenser 4 . The fan 5 on the gland steam
■ Suction line design pressure 0,985 bar condenser creates the negative pressure in the sys-
■ Temperature to LP glands controlled by desuper- tem and ejects the air to the atmosphere.
Chapter heater (spray water) to 180 ° C
Scope & Products The sealing steam system 2 is also connected to
The following systems guarantee the proper function the shaft seals of all turbine sections and the valve
Customer Needs
of the above mentioned tasks: spindle seals of the main -, intercept - and bypass
Parts & Field Service
■ The suction system valves. The slight overpressure is maintained
■ The sealing steam system constant by a pressure controller. The steam
Performance Improvement
■ The relief steam system. quantity leaking from the HP and IP turbine
Service Contracts sections and from the valves usually suffices to
meet the requirements of the LP - turbine seals
(the LP - turbine section is under vacuum). At
Relief steam chamber
standstill, during no - load operation or low
Sealing steam chamber loads, an insufficient quantity of steam leaks
Learning Tips
in and for this condition additional steam
e-Book Guide Suction steam chamber
must be supplied via the admission con-
HP - gland seal trol valve 6 from another source in order

Version 1.0 10/05
Gland Steam System (2)

to maintain system pressure. This additional steam prove the heat rate. There are no valves in the gland
can be supplied from the auxiliary steam system relief system
Turbines 7 , the live steam line or the cold reheat line 8 . A

supply from the live steam line is only used on plants FG gland steam /electronic gland steam controller
Power Service

without HP - and LP - bypass.

When the turbine is operated at higher loads, the E P
quantity of leaking steam through the HP - glands be- M E P E P
Summary T 9
comes greater than the demand of sealing steam of 6 P
Exercises 8
the LP - glands. therefore the exhaust steam control 10

Chapter valve 9 opens and this excess steam is led to a low

Scope & Products
pressure extraction line.
To prevent high temperature steam being fed to the
Customer Needs
LP - turbine section, a spray water injection cooler 2
10 is fitted in the sealing steam line, controlled by a
Parts & Field Service HP IP LP
temperature controller. This cooler is situated at the
Performance Improvement
lowest point in the sealing steam line and continu-
Service Contracts
ously drained via an orifice. In this way it can be 1 5
assured that water will never be fed into the shaft
seals. 4

Gland steam system

The relief steam system 3 is connected to the in-
Learning Tips
ner chamber of the high pressure turbine shaft seals.
e-Book Guide
A large amount of leakage steam is fed from this
point to an extraction of the IP - turbine section to im-

Version 1.0 10/05
LP - Turbine Exhaust Hood Water Spray

During low or no load operation, the temperature of

the low pressure exhausts rises impermissibly due to
Turbines &
ventilation losses at low steam flows. This may cause
increased vibration levels, rotor rubbing or even de- Controller
Power Service

formation of the LP - turbine casing.

Condensate is injected into the LP exhaust in order
to avoid overheating of the blading and turbine cas-
ing. Due to the evaporation of the injected conden- Condensate
Exercises TA Temperature
sate, the heating loss is converted into steam which alarm
Chapter flows to the condenser.
Scope & Products
The water injection assures an effective cooling,
without directly sprayed condensate towards the
Customer Needs
blading and thus avoiding erosion damage at the LP1 LP2
Parts & Field Service
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts
■ Condensate is used to spray down high exhaust Automatic LP - turbine water spray system
temperature due to windage in LP - turbine
■ Solenoid valve opens at n > 50 % nominal speed
and load below 15 % (10 %) or when exhaust
temperature > high
Learning Tips
■ Solenoid valve closes at n < 50 % of nominal
e-Book Guide
speed or load above 15% (10%).

Version 1.0 10/05
Drain System for Steam Lines and Turbine Casings

Power unavailability results to a great extent from water nozzle, in order to cool down the steam / wa-
damage caused by water flowing into the turbine ter mixture, which comes through the drains and to
from the extraction lines. Faulty or unsuitable drain avoid the superheated steam blowing directly into
systems can also cause water hammer in the steam the condenser.
Power Service

lines. Accumulated condensate in the turbine casing

leads to uneven temperature distribution and defor- Live steam line
mation of the casing resulting in rotor rubbing or
Exercises Conden-
Extraction steam line Turbine cas-
Chapter Purpose of drains ing drain

Scope & Products

■ Removal of condensate to protect the turbine and Conden-
heat exchange equipment from water damage
Customer Needs
and to prevent water hammer in the steam pipes
Parts & Field Service
■ Warming up
Drain valve
■ Maintaining temperature, so that no condensa-
Performance Improvement
tion occurs during operation and no excessive Flash box for Drain valve Condenser
external drains Feedwater
Service Contracts
thermal stresses occur during start - up. Flash box for
preheater internal drains
All internal drains, which might be under vacuum
during start - up, are led via the flash box directly into Drain system for steam lines and turbine casings
the condenser (e.g. turbine casings, extraction and
Learning Tips
bleeding lines upstream the non return valve, gland
e-Book Guide
steam system). The flash box, also called an atmo-
spheric drain vessel (ADV), is equipped with a spray

Version 1.0 10/05
Condenser Venting System (Evacuation System)

Before start - up the whole water - steam cycle must low, so that only air and no steam is sucked out. The
be evacuated. After start - up air leakage makes con- main components of the evacuation system are the
tinuous venting during operation necessary. Further- vacuum pumps, the most common types being water
more, in the steam and in the feedwater are always ring pumps, water or steam ejectors. For start - up, the
Power Service

dissolved gases, which cannot condense and must start - up vacuum pump 3 is dimensioned to achieve
be removed as well. short start - up times (high quantity) and for normal
operation, there are two redundant vacuum pumps
Definitions 4 dimensioned for high vacuum at low air flow).
Steam surface condensers work below atmospheric
Chapter pressure (pressure range from 20 to 200 mbar). The
Scope & Products
lower the condenser pressure, the higher the electri-
cal output of the turboset. 4

Customer Needs
Parts of the low pressure turbine and of the low Air exhaust
Parts & Field Service
pressure heater system are below atmospheric pres- Main Condensate

sure too. The condensers themselves are very large
Drain to main condenser
Performance Improvement
welded vessels. There are many gaskets and welded 2 stage condenser
Service Contracts
seams involved, so it is never possible to get the whole Motive steam
system completely airtight. Air which unavoidably (aux. steam) Air exhaust line

enters the system can hinder the steam from reaching
the condenser tubes and must be removed from the Venting system (simplified)
condenser 1 in order to obtain a stable low vacuum.
Learning Tips
This is achieved with the condenser venting equip-
e-Book Guide
ment.The air extraction pipes 2 are located between
the tube bundles at a point, where the temperature is

Version 1.0 10/05
Components – Summary

In big turbine generator sets the dissipation of the All valves are operated by separate hydraulic drives
thermal gradient takes place at different pressures in which function according to the fail - safe principle.
several turbine sections (high pressure -, intermediate In order to prevent harmful temperature layers, which
pressure - and low pressure - turbines), which are ar- could lead to deformations of turbine casings and ro-
Power Service

ranged in a row and connected by couplings. tors and thus to rubbing and damages, all turbines
The load of the shafts is taken by journal bearings, must be equipped with a rotor turning gear. The ro-
the thrust is taken by one thrust bearing. Thrust and tor turning gear system permits rotation of the turbine
journal bearings are arranged in bearing pedestals. generator shaft line with constant speed before run
These bearing pedestals also can take the load of up and after shut down of the turbine generator.
Chapter the turbine casings itself (HP - , IP - turbines). Depend- For the operation of the steam turbine several tur-
Scope & Products
ing on the design one or two bearings are arranged bine auxiliary systems e.g. lubrication oil system,
between two turbine casings. control oil system and gland seal system are neces-
Customer Needs
Control valves in front of the turbine casings con- sary. To ensure safety and reliability the safety & con-
Parts & Field Service
trol the steam flow to the casings. Because of safety trol system supervises turbine speed, lube oil pres-
reasons a so - called shut off or stop valve is arranged sure, shaft position and the status of several other
Performance Improvement
in front of the control valve. components.
Service Contracts
The main stop and control valves for the HP - tur-
bines (live steam valves) and IP - turbines (intercept
valves) are arranged in valve blocks often to the left
and right of the turbine casing, respectively.
Learning Tips
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05
Components – Exercices (1)

What are the maximum possible live steam param- The thrust bearing of a typical modern ALSTOM re-
eters of a modern steam turbine at the moment? heat steam turbine with e.g. three turbine casings is
0 bar and 0 °C arranged
Focus A In the front bearing pedestal
In the bearing pedestal between HP - and
Power Service

Content What does “barrel design” of a HP - casing mean? IP - casing
Summary The turbine outer casing has the shape of a bar- In the bearing pedestal between IP- and
Exercises rel. Steam inlet - and outlet - side has a smaller dia- LP - casing. A
meter than the diameter in the middle part
Chapter The turbine outer casing does not have flange
Scope & Products bolts but rings, which are fixed mechanically simi- What components ensure the correct pressure and
Components lar to staves temperature of the LP - gland steam?
Customer Needs The turbine outer casing has no horizontal flange
Parts & Field Service but a vertical flange, which can take higher
Consultancy loads. A A
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts
Which valve type is arranged in front of the IP - tur- The damping elements for axial forces in the thrust
Extras bine? bearing arrangement are:
Links Live steam valve The adjusting plates
Learning Tips Second steam valve The thrust pads
e-Book Guide Intercept valve The spring rings
Feedback LP - bypass valve A The floating rings A

Version 1.0 10/05
Components – Exercices (2)

In the lubricating and jacking oil system normally Why systems have to be drained?
there are 4 different pumps. Match the pumps with Risk of water flowing (back) to the turbine
their functions: Avoid condensation during operation
1 Main oil pump 3 Auxiliary oil pump Accelerate the warming up process A
Power Service

2 Emergency oil pump 4 Jacking oil pump

0 If normal oil supply fails, a pump with 40 % ca- A lower condenser pressure increases
pacity starts. The pump is powered by batteries Steam temperature
0 The pump is additinally used for turning gear op- Steam saturation
Chapter eration Power output A
0 The pump is in operation during ‘normal’ operation
Scope & Products
0 The pump runs during start - up, shut down and
Components What is the connection element between electronic
Customer Needs
turning gear operation, and when the oil pres-
sure drops below 60 % of its designed value. and hydraulic control system?
Parts & Field Service Actuator
Consultancy 2 - out - of - 3 trip block
Performance Improvement Electrohydraulic converter (EHC)
What is the reason of rising temperature in the LP- A
Service Contracts
turbine exhaust?
Extras Ventilation because of low steam flow Which controller function is always in operation?
Vacuum breakers are not open A Speed controller.
Learning Tips Load controller.
e-Book Guide Acceleration limiter.
Main steam pressure controller. A

Version 1.0 10/05

Power Service


Scope & Products
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05
Typical Customer Needs (1)

Due to today`s fast changing markets (deliberali- The lifetime of the steam turbine also plays an im-
sation, emission regulations, rising fuel prices) the portant role. When the turbine approaches its mid-
main service needs of a steam turbine customer may life the reliability is expected to fall due to aging
change quickly too. These external conditions e.g. of critical components. Here ALSTOM offers life as-
Power Service

can make it necessary to change mode of operation sessment products, provide maintenance recommen-
from base load to peak load operation and perhaps dations and estimates the future reliable service life
some day back to base load operation. Therefore it before major maintenance (refurbishment or replace-
is important that an OEM like ALSTOM is able to of- ment of critical components) is required for lifetime
fer flexible and even tailor - made service products. extension.
Chapter Demands on both modes of operation (base and
Scope & Products
peak load) are low generation costs and low mainte- Base Load Operation
nance costs combined with high availability and reli- Typical cost structures of power plants in base load
Customer Needs
ability. The main focus of course may be different. or seasonal load operation show a very high portion
Parts & Field Service
of fuel costs, which can be influenced by increased
Asset Investment efficiency. Investigating the optimized scope of mod-
Performance Improvement
Efficiency ernization it is important to have a look not only at
power output
Service Contracts
the turbine itself but also at the connected systems.
E.g. an upgrade of a LP - turbine can be performed
Lifetime together with the upgrade of the condenser. With a
more efficient condenser and improved vacuum the
Links Availability
Availability thermodynamic layout of the LP - turbine with bigger
Learning Tips Component
Overhaul Upgrade blades of the last stages can be optimized.
e-Book Guide exchange

Feedback Profitability of turbine modernizations

Version 1.0 10/05
Typical Customer Needs (2)

Vitally important for a steam turbine in base load Know your Customer
operation of course is the availability, influencing To fulfil customers’ requirements, ALSTOM has a
the income from power sale and maintenance costs. broad range of service products in its portfolio:
Higher availability is influenced strongly by: ■ Parts and field service
Power Service

■ Shorter outage times for maintenance ■ Consultancy & operational support

■ Elongated times between overhauls ■ Performance improvements
■ Reduced forced outage times ■ Service agreements.
■ Elongated life time of the components
■ Predictability (of lifetime of components, or up- However, since customers in a competitive market
Chapter coming problems). environment need to evaluate carefully all their in-
Scope & Products
vestments against the benefit (generation cost, risks,
Peak Load emissions, …) it is very important to understand cus-
Customer Needs
For peak load the main demands can shift to tomers’ value chain and to know all the base data
■ Operational flexibility which might influence customers’ decision. This base
Parts & Field Service
■ Short start up times (influencing the component`s data are e.g.:
Performance Improvement
lifetime). ■ Fuel price
■ Plant heat rate
Service Contracts
Nevertheless predictability remains of importance. ■ Dark / spark spread

Increased power output efficiency could also be of ■ Forced outage rate
interest. ■ Planned outage rate
■ Capital cost
Learning Tips
Customer ■ Sales price for power
e-Book Guide Asset
value Operation Maintenance management ■ Generation cost (split of fixed
chain and variable cost).

Version 1.0 10/05
Typical Failures in Steam Path / Blading (1)

During the lifetime of a steam turbine the different Solid Particle Impacts
turbine parts are endangered because of ‘typical’ Root Foreign particles with a diameter <
Turbines cause
reasons occurring on all types of steam turbines. This 2,5mm entering the turbine through the
wear and tear can be reduced, minimized or even steam strainers and causing impacts on the blading.
Power Service

eliminated and damages can be avoided by appro- Foreign particles are for example:
priate measures developed by ALSTOM. ■ Magnetite (very hard iron oxide coating, flaking
of the piping in the boiler)
Summary Endangered part Kind of damage
■ Weld splatters
Exercises Steam path /
Solid particle impact ■ Abrasion from gate valves.
Chapter Deposits
■ The impacts are changing of the fluid
Scope & Products Effect
Blade cracks flow characteristic and causing efficiency
Customer Needs
Last 2 LP - stage
losses at the blade rows.
blades ■ The impacts can be the origin for low cycle fa-
Parts & Field Service LP - last stage rotor
Cold end corrosion, cracks tigue - cracks (LCF) and blade damages.
Consultancy grooves
Performance Improvement Journal bearings Scratches
Service Contracts
■ Improve steam quality by extending
Whipping bypass operation and improving water
Extras Electro erosion
■ Glass beads blasting dur-
Links Thrust bearing Damage (cracks, wear) ing overhaul.
Learning Tips
Solid particle erosion of spindles and
e-Book Guide Valves
Feedback Turbine pedestals / Impermissible forces on bearing pedes-
turbine casings tals, casings and foundation, vibrations Solid particle impact

Version 1.0 10/05
Typical Failures in Steam Path / Blading (2)

Erosion Deposits
Root Depending on the operation and design Root One of steel´s properties is to build up an
Turbines cause
cause of a steam turbine, the last two LP - stages iron oxide layer depending on the steam
are exposed to wet steam. This wet steam contains temperature. Steam impurity causes also a precipi-
Power Service

water drops, and because of the high steam flow ve- tation from chlorides, sodium, silica acid at certain
locity these water drops can cause erosion damage temperature and pressure ranges.
to the blades.
■ Heavy deposits on the blades can
Exercises Effect
■ Normal wear of the blades. change the maximum steam flow rate of
Chapter ■ It is not possible to determine an effect the turbine
Scope & Products
on the efficiency. ■ Silica can absorb chlorides
■ The bonded chemicals like chlorides are causing
Customer Needs Measures
The erosion process usually is fast during pitting corrosion followed by crack propagation.
Parts & Field Service
the first period of operation and slows
down over the years Measures
■ Improve steam quality
■ Check blades during every overhaul ■ Clean turbine by operating with wet
Performance Improvement
■ Check operating parameters like reheat tempera- steam at low speed (special procedure)
Service Contracts
ture or extraction mode. ■ Remove deposits during outage by blasting.

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide
Erosion on the last stage
Feedback blade row of a BFPT Blade deposits

Version 1.0 10/05
Typical Failures in Steam Path / Blading (3)

Cold End Corrosion Blade Crack due to Water Impact

Root In most cases the cracks in the last Root The water level in a feedwater preheater
Turbines cause LP - stage rotor groove result from a pre- cause can rise through a leaking non return
damage caused by corrosion (insufficinet stand still valve to the IP - or LP - turbine. Once the water reach-
Power Service

protection). The fir tree root is a highly stressed area es the steam turbine it can cause a water impact on
due to the high blade weight and the resulting high the rotor and on the blading.
centrifugal forces. Corrosion pitting causes notch
stress in the fir tree groove and cracks. These cracks The result of this impact can lead to cracks
Exercises Effect
are growing by accelerating the unit through the criti- in the blades and to twisted blades (see
Chapter cal speed ranges. picture). Furthermore, the rotor is at risk to be de-
Scope & Products
■ The rotor groove can break and a
Customer Needs
blade loss is not avoidable. Such an inci- Measures
■ Monitor water level in preheater

Parts & Field Service

dent can destroy the unit by the enormous unbal- ■ Check non return valve in the extrac-

ance of the shaft-line. tions regularly.
Performance Improvement
■ Improvement of the stand still conserva-
Service Contracts Measures
tion (Cold End
Corrosion Diagnostic)
■ Milling of the fir tree
Learning Tips
e-Book Guide
LP rotor groove with
Feedback Twisted LP blades caused by water impact
crack indication

Version 1.0 10/05
Typical Failures of Bearings (1)

Bearing Damage by contaminated Oil Bearing Damage by insufficient Oil Supply

Root A contaminated oil system conveys for- Root An interrupted or insufficient oil supply at
Turbines cause cause
eign particles in the gap between shaft operational speed will damage the bab-
and bearing shell. bitt metal layer of the bearing shell.
Power Service

The foreign particles can damage the Because of the missing lubricating film
Content Effect Effect
babbitt metal in the bearing shell or can the heat dissipation is not guaranteed
plug the oil supply. and the babbitt metal starts melting at high rotational
A sufficient lubrication and an even clearance be- speed or bearing load.
Chapter tween shaft and bearing shell is not guaranteed any An extreme temperature rise can also damage the
Scope & Products
more. rotor surface.
■ Continuous oil purity monitoring and ■Suitable monitoring system (babbitt
Customer Needs Measures Measures
Parts & Field Service
conditioning. metal temperature monitoring)
■ Regular bearing inspection during revision
■ Regular maintenance of the oil system and pumps
Performance Improvement
■ Pressure monitoring in front of each bearing after
Service Contracts
maintenance work carried out.
Learning Tips
e-Book Guide
Damaged bearing caused by
Feedback Bearing damage by Scratch marks in the babbit metal
insufficient oil supply
contaminated oil

Version 1.0 10/05
Typical Failures of Bearings (2)

Electro Erosion in Bearings Damaged Thrust Bearing

Root Steam friction in the turbine or a dama- A turbine rotor responds with high axial
Turbines cause Root
ged rotor insulation in the generator can cause forces on spontaneous load changes or
lead to electrostatic charge of a rotor. During opera- unbalanced load of turbine sections. A
Power Service

tion the ungrounded STG rotor is discharged at the thrust bearing absorbs these axial forces.
bearings (smallest gap). Nevertheless, damaged seal strips at the dummy pis-
ton or deposits on the turbine blading can change
The discharge current is spark - eroding the overall thrust behavior. Also too small axial bear-
Exercises Effect
the babbitt metal in the bearing shell ing clearances can cause a thrust bearing damage.
Chapter and the rotor surface.
Scope & Products Effect
High axial forces or a too small gap be-
■ Ensure a continuous rotor grounding tween the axial rotor disk pads raise the
Components Measures
■ Regular bearing inspection during temperature and the pads start melting.
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
■ Correct assembling
Consultancy Measures
■ Improve water chemistry to avoid de-
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts
posits on the blading
■ Suitable monitoring system (axial shaft position trip).

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide
Feedback Damaged rotor Thrust bearing damage

Version 1.0 10/05
Valve Damages (1)

Solid Particle Erosion at LP Bypass Valves (Type Magnetite Deposits can cause a sticking IP
UVK) Valve (type AAV)
Root The steam impurity during bypass op- Root Iron oxide is supersaturated in the steam
cause cause
eration causes erosion at bypass valve with temperatures higher than 200°C.
Power Service

spindles. Especially in older boilers a higher amount of mag-

netite will be delivered with the steam particularly at
Effect Weakening of the valve spindle. the reheat side after standstills.
The temperature and flow geometry in
Chapter Measures
Install of an additional protection ring. the combined IP stop/control valve can
Scope & Products
lead to a magnetite accumulation at the spindle.
The magnetite accumulation increases the spindle di-
Customer Needs
ameter and restricts the movement of the spindle.
Parts & Field Service
■ Regular valve testing especially during
Consultancy Measures
Performance Improvement
start - up
■ Design change (magnetite trap).
Service Contracts
Eroded bypass valve spindle

Links Steam
Learning Tips
e-Book Guide Magnetite accumulation

Feedback Cross section bypass valve Cross section intercept valve

Version 1.0 10/05
Valve Damages and Thermal Expansion

Solid Particle Erosion at combined HP Valves Absolute / Differential Thermal Expansion

(type EVK)
Root Impure steam contains solid particles. Strain Inhibitions (handicapped thermal Ex-
Due to the high steam flow velocity at the pansion Behaviour)
Power Service

narrow cross sections these particles are attacking The stationary inner parts of the turbines, i.e. inner
the valve internals. casings, guide blade carriers, balance piston cas-
ings and shaft seals are unequivocally positioned in
The valve seat is eroded and the valve is the outer casings by means of their fix points. At the
Exercises Effect
leaking. same time, these components can freely expand in
Chapter their corresponding guides in horizontal, axial and
■ Steam quality improvement (longer by- vertical direction.
Scope & Products Measures
pass operation and water chemistry) The same design principles are used for the posi-
■ Armouring of the affected areas. tioning of turbine casings to bearing pedestals and
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
bearing pedestals to foundation base plates or the
foundation itself.
Performance Improvement
Turbine casings are placed on bearing pedestals.
Service Contracts
Eroded valve cone / diffuser Thermal expansion up to 50 mm of the turbine has to
be compensated during operation by sliding of the
turbine casings onto the bearing pedestals or by slid-
ing of the bearing pedestals onto the base plates
Links Steam
Learning Tips Solid particles
e-Book Guide Erosion attack
Feedback Valve cone details

Version 1.0 10/05
Thermal Expansion (2)

Root Obsolete design, the combination of tered bronze. The self - lubricating sliding plates can
Steam cause
materials and the high specific pressure be installed.
on the sliding surface produces high friction forces ■ On the bearing pedestals

especially after longer periods of operation without ■ Below the turbine casing claws
Power Service

maintenance (lubrication of sliding surfaces and dirt ■ Between bearing pedestals and base plates.
■ Handicapped thermal expansion be-
Exercises Effect Axial expansion
Chapter ■ Tilting of bearing pedestals Front
Scope & Products
■ Increased levels of vibration Outer casing
■ Risk of high stress levels in bearing pedestals and end
Inner casing
Rotor train
Customer Needs
cross beams of foundation
Parts & Field Service
■ Reduction of clearances at shaft seals and blades
■ In some cases even rubbing adjacent parts.
Performance Improvement Inner casing

Service Contracts Measures

Special self - lubricating sliding plates will Outer casing
Rotor train
be installed between the sliding parts of
● Absolute fix point, bearing pedestal / outer
the turbine. The material combination, corrosion re- casing anchored on foundation
sistant steel with special sintered bronze stands out ● Relative fix point, inner casing fixed inside
Links outer casing
due to high abrasion resistance and results in very
Learning Tips ● Relative fix point, position of rotor train fixed
low friction over a very long operation period. in thrust bearing pedestal
e-Book Guide
The self - lubrication effect is based on the fact that
Feedback Absolute and relative expansion – RT - design
small graphite particles are embedded within the sin-

Version 1.0 10/05
Customer Needs – Summary

One of the main ST customer needs is the availability of the applied design and materials can be used by
and reliability of the steam turbine, that depends to a ALSTOM to revise start - up instructions in order to
large extend on scheduled maintenance. In order to utilize the remaining lifetime.
optimize maintenance work and to prevent unsched-
Power Service

uled outages, ALSTOM recommends regular inspec- Beside the needs mentioned above the ST customer
tions at appropriate intervals. main service requirements are performance improve-
Thermal, mechanical and chemical demands are ment, lifetime extension, maintenance and operation
especially made on the steam path. During the life- cost reduction and O & M risk sharing. ALSTOM an-
time of a steam turbine typical failures can occur. swers these service needs with a complete ST service
Chapter In particular the internals of all valves (live steam - , product portfolio that is flexible and even tailor-made,
Scope & Products
intercept - and bypass - valves) and the blades and including product groups like “parts and field ser-
vanes are endangered. Special attention has to be vice”, “consultancy”, “performance improvements”
Customer Needs
turned to the last 2 rotating stages of the LP - turbine. and “service contracts”.
Parts & Field Service
Due to their length and weight and the resulting cen-
trifugal forces they have to be inspected more often
Performance Improvement
compared to other steam turbine components.
Service Contracts
This typical wear and tear can be reduced, mini-
mized or even eliminated by appropriated measures
developed by ALSTOM.
Due to fast changing markets a machine operated
in base load could become a peak load operated
Learning Tips
machine. In this case operational flexibility, especial-
e-Book Guide
ly short start - up times can get mandatory. Modern
lifetime assessment methods and detailed knowledge

Version 1.0 10/05
Customer Needs – Exercises

What are the most endangered parts of a steam tur- Why is it so important that turbine parts can expand
bine? without hindrance from their designed fixpoints?
Bearings Reduction of clearances (blades, shaft seals, key-
Focus Valves, valve internals ways), followed by rubbing
Blades, especially last stage rotating blades Shorter start - up time
Power Service

Seals A Reduce tilting forces on bearing pedestals and
Summary cross beams of foundation
Exercises Easier increase of power output
The reason of erosion of the last 2 LP - blade stages is Avoid increased levels of vibration A
Chapter Water drop erosion
Scope & Products Solid particle impact / erosion
Components Electro erosion A What are the most frequent reasons for a bearing
Customer Needs damage
Parts & Field Service Overload
Consultancy The main effect of magnetite deposits on internal Contaminated oil
Performance Improvement parts of valves (especially intercept valves) is Insufficent oil supply
Service Contracts Solid particle erosion weakening the valve spindle Overspeed
Solid particle erosion eroding valve seats. Conse- Electro erosion A
Extras quence: leaking valve
Links Deposit accumulation, increasing the diameter of
Learning Tips the spindle. Consequence: restricted movement
e-Book Guide or clamping of spindle A

Version 1.0 10/05

Power Service


Scope & Products
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05
Average Age of the Fleet and Fleet Management

The average age of the ALSTOM steam turbine fleet 25 years ago ALSTOM established a fleet manage-
worldwide is rather high. More than 45% of this fleet ment for now more than 400 turbines that was im-
are older than 20 years, have more than 100.000 proved continuously. An essential part of this fleet
operating hours and often more than 500 starts. management is the “event - database” for each steam
Power Service

% of the fleet turbine of the fleet, where all events (problems, dam-
30 ages, findings etc.) are documented.
Content 25
Conclusions from single events to parts of the whole
Summary 20
15 turbine fleet are immediately documented to each in-
10 dividual turbine. Out of this worldwide operational
Chapter experience and the knowledge about consequences
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 years
Scope & Products
of changed operation modes ALSTOM is qualified
Originally calculated lifetime periods of steam tur- to submit inspection and overhaul recommendations,
Customer Needs
bines are between 20 and 25 years. All overhaul upgrades and new repair solutions. Therefore the
Parts & Field Service
recommendations in the maintenance manuals, orig- customers can be sure not to receive standard rec-
inally delivered with the turbine are reflecting the ommendations and solutions but recommendations
Performance Improvement
practical and theoretical experience of the OEM at and solutions for his individual turbine.
Service Contracts
the delivery time. Especially, but not only, if the op- To establish and to enhance such a fleet manage-
eration time is much longer than originally planned, ment an excellent cooperation between customers
additional critical areas of the turbine are identified and ALSTOM is of importance. Within ALSTOM sev-
and have to be inspected. These inspections were eral departments are involved in this process, e.g. the
very often not known when the turbine was deliv- service engineering, the design department for new
Learning Tips
ered. Subsequently the overhaul recommendations turbines, service R & D, the commissioning-, erection
e-Book Guide
in the maintenance manuals are no longer useable and sales departments.
without adaptations.

Version 1.0 10/05
Recommendations for Inspections

The recommendations for inspec- nents or systems. When carried out

tions represent the ALSTOM philoso- at regular intervals, they permit wear
phy of large steam turbine mainte- to be detected, pending failure to be
nance. It shall be considered as a recognized in good time and faulty
Power Service

guideline for planning and execut- parts to be replaced before they fail
ing inspections on these technically altogether.
sophisticated machines. Availability is, however, not
ALSTOM has evaluated the ex- only determined by interruptions
Exercises HP - turbine inspection
perience gained during inspections in operation but also by planned
Chapter and the failure statistics of individual components shut - downs. These shutdowns shall therefore be kept
Scope & Products
and drawn up inspection recommendations. They within economically tolerable limits and permit opti-
are intended as an aid to operators when planning mal results to be obtained from inspections. This is
Customer Needs
the time, kind and scope of inspections, the spare possible under the following conditions:
Parts & Field Service
part management and the duration of inspections. ■ Inspections shall be performed at the right time
The object of these recommendations is to shorten ■ The duration of inspections shall be kept short by
Performance Improvement
the duration of planned shutdowns and ensure high comprehensive planning and expert execution.
Service Contracts
availability and operational safety of ALSTOM steam
turbines on a long-term basis. This necessitates timely, close cooperation of opera-
Not only the thermal efficiency but also, to a large tors and manufacturers.
extent, the availability of the complete plant are de-
cisive for economical operation of a thermal power
Learning Tips
station. Inspections are regular and planned checks
e-Book Guide
of components or the whole plant, planned to avoid
interruptions in operation due to failure of compo-

Version 1.0 10/05
Kinds of Inspection

It has been found convenient to distinguish between ■ Boroscopic examination of accessible turbine
three kinds of inspection. components
■ Inspection of the bearings
A - minor inspection, duration: 1 to 2 weeks ■ Check of the alignment
Power Service

Minor inspections can be planned but are preferably ■ Test of the safety devices
performed when the unit is brought to a standstill for ■ Inspection of turbine control system, oil pumps etc.
reasons not necessarily attributable to the turboset. ■ Inspection of the steam valves
The scope of inspection is defined mainly by the ob- ■ Check of the condensing and feedheating sys-
servations made during operation. tems.
Chapter ■ Deliberate measures depending on observations
Scope & Products
made during operation Further details are given in the individual inspection
■ Check of the safety devices plans. It may be necessary to extend the scope of
Customer Needs
■ Spot checks of control elements and systems. inspection in the light of operational observations.
Parts & Field Service
B - medium inspection, duration: C - major inspection, duration:
Performance Improvement
2 to 4 weeks approx. 8 weeks
Service Contracts
Depending on the circumstances, Major inspections are comprehensive
this inspection can have the follow- examinations of the entire turbine.
ing scope: They include the opening of all turbine
■ Opening of turbine casings, if casings. The scope of work is given in
necessary the individual inspection plans. It may
Learning Tips
■ Visual inspection of the LP last- be unnecessary to open particular
e-Book Guide
stage blades turbine casings if this was done for a
Turbine inspection previous medium inspection.

Version 1.0 10/05
Timing of Inspections

The time at which the first inspection shall be per- The equivalent operating time is a measure of the
formed and the interval at which subsequent inspec- wear of individual components and serves as a basis
tions shall be carried out is largely determined by the for inspection intervals. Normal operating conditions
number of operating hours, the mode of operation are assumed. If irregularities occur in operation, the
Power Service

and the number of starts of the turboset. These fac- timing of the next inspection has to be adapted to
tors, especially the starts, influence component wear suit the requirements; it may even be advisable to
and contribute to material fatigue. Material fatigue is perform immediate checks. We recommend the in-
relatively insignificant up to about 100.000 operat- tervals below for the complete turboset:
ing hours. The influence of the mode of operation on
Chapter wear is expressed by the following equation giving ➜ EOH 0 25 50 75 100 125 150
in 1.000
Scope & Products
the equivalent operating time EOH:
Inspection C
Customer Needs
EOH = OH + ns * Hs Inspection B
Parts & Field Service
Inspection A
EOH = equivalent operating hours
ALSTOM EOH-based inspection schedule
Performance Improvement
OH = effective operating hours
Service Contracts
ns = number of starts
Hs = operating hours charged for one start After an equivalent operating time of about 100.000
hours, the residual lifetime of critical components
The following may be inserted for Hs: shall be calculated. The inspection intervals are then
Internals and elongation bolts of stop specified plant - specifically in accordance with these
Learning Tips
and control valves 50 h calculations.
e-Book Guide
Last stages 50 h
Other components 25 h

Version 1.0 10/05
Planning Recommendations for Inspections

About 12 months before an inspection is due to start, possession or if they have to be provided by the
the operator shall determine the time, kind and dura- manufacturer, for example.
tion of the inspection, taking into account its present ■ Personnel duty roster: The operator and the
condition and his observations. The manufacturer manufacturer shall jointly draw up a personnel
Power Service

shall draw up a list of jobs, which he considers ad- duty roster. All inspection and assembly work has
visable, based on the experience gained with simi- to be made by trained personnel.
lar plants, with the object of covering the following ■ Working plan: A working plan shall be drawn
points: up, stipulating the jobs to be performed either
■ Scope of inspection shall be defined taking into in the operator’s workshop or the manufacturer’s
Chapter account the operator’s operational observations premises.
Scope & Products
and the inspection plans and experience of the ■ Capacity planning: The operator and, if neces-
manufacturer. sary, the manufacturer shall ensure that the neces-
Customer Needs
■ Spare part requirements: The spare parts like- sary workshop and machine capacities are avail-
Parts & Field Service
ly to be needed shall be specified in accordance able at the time required.
with the scope of inspection.
Performance Improvement
■ Spare part stock: The completeness and condi- Well in advance of starting the inspection, the “ac-
Service Contracts
tion of the operator’s spare parts stock shall be tual state” of the turbine shall be determined by tak-
checked in view of the spare part demand. Es- ing check measurements (e.g. pressure curves, vibra-
sential spare parts shall be procured well in ad- tions, displacement of foundation) and be compared
vance. with the original (desired) state. The operator and
NOTE: The customer has to bear the costs of pos- the manufacturer shall discuss jointly the results of the
Learning Tips
sible re-work on already supplied spare parts. check measurements and the resultant measures for
e-Book Guide
■ Tools and fixtures: It shall be examined if the the inspection.
necessary tools and fixtures are in the operator’s

Version 1.0 10/05
Spare Part Management

The following criteria are decisive for the customer‘s To prepare a spare part offer as quickly and com-
decision on spare part procurement: plete as possible, there are some preconditions:
■ Importance of the unit for the customer ■ All the spare parts are saved in an EDP (elec-
■ Outage costs in the case of unexpected standstill tronic data process) system
Power Service

■ Failure probability of individual components ■ Clear identification of every single spare part
■ Delivery time of different spare parts ■ Thorough maintenance of the data (always up-
■ Several identical units operated by the same utility dated and a revision index of every steam tur-
■ Spare part pool with other utilities. bine saved).

Improta y ALSTOM also offers spare parts pooling for turbo

Chapter n
of the u ce Deliver
nit tim e sets. Pooling ensures high availability, flexibility and
Scope & Products Spare
Components Outage part Identical calculable budgets. It can include the prefabrication
Customer Needs
costs manage- units of stratetic spare parts based on risk assessments.
Parts & Field Service Spare p
Failure ty a
ili pool rt The following steam turbine spare part categories
Consultancy probab
Performance Improvement
were defined:
Service Contracts
In addition to the spare parts, which are recommend- ■ DM - parts (DM1, DM2): Daily maintenance ma-
ed by ALSTOM and have to be replaced depending terial
on their condition, the following components have to ■ OS - parts (OS1 - OS3 ) : Operational spares
be replaced once their service life has expired: ■ BS - parts (BS1, BS2): Back - up spares
■ All casing bolts exposed to temperatures higher ■ IA - parts: A - inspection
Learning Tips
than 420 ° C after 150.000 EOH ■ IB - parts: B - inspection
e-Book Guide
■ Expansion joint between LP - turbine and conden- ■ IC - parts: C - inspection.
ser after 50.000 EOH.

Version 1.0 10/05
Spare Part Categories

Categorie Definition Examples

Turbines Daily maintenance spares (DM) Material for daily maintenance
Material for daily maintenance not related to specific engine. This material
DM1 Chemicals, lubricants
Focus could be defined once for all steam turbine sets
Filter inserts, carbon
DM2 Material for daily maintenance, engine related
Power Service

Overview brushes
Content Operational spare parts (OS) for optimization of plant availability without dismantling the turbine
Summary Gaskets / O-rings for
OS1 Small parts, but very important for high plant availability
Exercises servo drives
Service kit for servo
OS2 Components / parts, necessary for high availability
Chapter Large components, necessary for high availability
OS3 Reserve servo drive
Scope & Products (Significant for customers with several units of the same type)
Spare part recommendation for the relevant inspection according ALSTOM in-
Components Inspectional spares (IS)
structions. Parts which will be damaged during dismantling have to be included
Customer Needs IA Gaskets
Parts & Field Service
gaskets, sealing rings
Consultancy IB IB includes IA
and expansion sleeves
Performance Improvement gaskets, tensile bolts
IC IC includes IB
and expansion sleeves
Service Contracts
Backup spares Parts / components which could be only changed with dismantled turbine

Definition of the inspection types in accordance with the spare part category designations:
B - inspection: IB = OS + DM
Learning Tips
C - inspection,complete: IC complete = OS + DM + IC
e-Book Guide
C - inspection after 150.000 EOH: IC150000 = OS + DM + IC + BS1

Version 1.0 10/05
Water - Steam Quality – Water Chemistry

The water quality in the water - steam cycle is an es- ■ Water bottles
sential element for the lifetime of the condenser, feed- Water samples taken by the power plant staff ac-
water heaters, boiler, the connecting pipe systems companied by a questionnaire to give additional
and also the turbine. Often leakages and contami- system information. ALSTOM lab analyzes the
Power Service

nation are not in the focus and therefore are not de- samples. The report shows results, conclusions
tected. As long as the quantity of the impurity in the and recommendations.
water/steam is below a certain level the substance ■ Complete review (Step W)
will be dissolved, (often in dependence of pH - val- Complete review of the chemistry related issues of
ue, temperature and pressure), without causing any the water - steam cycle i.e. water treatment plant
Chapter harm. If the saturation state is exceeded, the sub- (WTP), condensate polishing plant (CPP) or con-
Scope & Products
stance will hide out leading to contamination. Pos- ditioning system (CondS).
sible damages caused by poor water quality: ■ Cold end corrosion diagnostics (CECD)
Customer Needs
■ Magnetite deposition at control valves CECD enables the plant owner to monitor tem-
Parts & Field Service
■ Copper deposition at HP - steam turbine perature and humidity inside the LP - turbine dur-
■ Caustic embrittlement at IP - /LP - steam turbines ing operation and shut - down to avoid corrosion.
Performance Improvement
■ Pitting corrosion followed by LCF cracks at LP - Especially the blade attachment area of the last
Service Contracts
steam turbines stage blades is endangered.
■ Preservation of power plants
ALSTOM service packages to optimize the complete During stand still power plant components are
water-steam cycle with its water treatment plant: subject to corrosion in the watery phase in the
■ Optimization of conditioning mode presence of oxygen, salts or acids. An optimized
Learning Tips
Review of the existing system and elaboration of preservation plan helps to reduce maintenance
e-Book Guide
an improved concept bearing in mind the opera- costs on a long term.
tion mode of the plant.

Version 1.0 10/05
Advanced Inspection and Test Techniques

During the inspections visual and nondestructive tests ■ Impulse wheel stress relief holes
will be executed to assess the condition of all relevant ■ Rotating and stationary blades
components. Some of these tests can only be made ■ Central bore holes inspection.
by ALSTOM. ALSTOM is exclusively able to carry
Power Service

out the assessment of most of these tests. Nondestruc- Dye Penetrant Tests
tive inspections of steam turbines are: ■ Bearing inspection
■ Blading
Ultrasonic Tests ■ Casings
■ Measurement of wall thickness
Chapter ■ Sizing of eroded holes in radial HP shaft grooves
Axial crack on
Scope & Products
with blades installed a steam turbine
■ Crack sizing in casings blade near the
damping wire
Customer Needs
■ LP- last stage rotor groove inspection with blades Preparing a steam turbine
rotor for DPT
Parts & Field Service
installed and LP casing assembled
■ Bearing inspection Magnetic Particle Tests
Performance Improvement
■ Phased array ultrasonic testing for crack sizing in ■ Impulse wheel with inlet and outlet sides of stress
Service Contracts
LP last stage rotor grooves with blades installed relief holes as well as welds
and LP casing assembled ■ Blading
■ Broken rivets on shroud bands
■ Central bore hole inspection. Microstructure Tests
Learning Tips
Eddy Current Tests Hardness Tests
e-Book Guide
■ Rotor grooves inspection
Feedback Taking a microstructure - replica
■ Rotor groove inspection after milling of a steam pipe

Version 1.0 10/05
Inspection and Test Techniques without Disassembly (1)

More and more methods were developed, which are already installed in the factory. Older machines,
make inspections possible without disassembling which do not have these boroscope ports right from
turbine major parts. These methods are of substan- the start, can be refitted.
tial value for the customer because disassembly is
Power Service

no longer necessary or the degree of disassembly is Example 1: Advanced Ultrasonic Test Method
much less compared to older inspection methods. It for HP Rotor Blade Root Erosion Diagnostics
is obvious that due to this reason not only the stand- Erosion can take place on the upstream side of blade
still times for such an inspection can be tremendously roots and shaft grooves of HP reaction type steam
reduced but also the manpower and other additional turbines fixed in circumferential grooves. Poor steam
Chapter costs. This leads to advanced inspection techniques quality or very long operation time plays a major
Scope & Products
which normally are performed earlier and more of- role. An increased number
ten than it used to be with the older inspection meth- of solid particles (oxides e.g.
Customer Needs
ods, where disassembly was necessary. The chance magnetite and hematite) can
Parts & Field Service
discovery of damage or other abnormalities in the engorge the small gaps be-
early stages is high and subsequently the time to take tween rotating blade and
Performance Improvement
necessary actions gets longer. shaft and this narrowed flow
Service Contracts
One of the most effective inspection methods, Steam flow
which do not need disassembly, is the visual inspec-
tion via boroscope openings. Major parts e.g. in-
let, outlet and extraction areas of turbines with its
adjacent blade rows and also valve internals can
Learning Tips
be inspected. ALSTOM experts have gained the ex-
e-Book Guide
perience, which is absolutely necessary to evaluate
the findings. In new machines these boroscope ports Blade groove erosion on a HP turbine Test probe

Version 1.0 10/05
Examples for Advanced Inspection Methods

path can further accelerate the particles, which leads Now a new ultrasonic test method called “phased
to erosion in this areas.This new ultrasonic method array”, can be applied without disassemble of each
ensures that mechanical integrity is not endangered single blade. Cracks with a depth of less than 0.5
and reliable operation of the unit is ensured. Com- mm can be detected. This new method saves a lot
Power Service

pared to traditional methods, which required a re- of time not only in regard of the inspection itself but
moval of the blades, this method can determine the also in regard of disassembly and reassembly.
extent and location of erosion holes in blade grooves
with installed blades. Test area

Chapter Example 2: Phased Array of last LP-Stage

Scope & Products
Blade Grooves with Fir Tree Attachment
An endangered part of the turbine is the blade/
Customer Needs
blade attachment area of the LP last stage blades.
Parts & Field Service
Cracks can occur in the rotor fir tree grooves due
cold end corrosion. In the worst case the groove can
Performance Improvement
break leading to a blade loss. This blade loss can LP rotor section where the test is performed

Service Contracts
destroy the unit by the enormous unbalance of the
shaft line.
Before ALSTOM developed an ultrasonic inspec-
tion and test procedure for this problem area, disas-
sembly of the LP - casing and each single blade was
Learning Tips
unavoidable. The grooves had to be checked by
e-Book Guide
conventional crack detection test methods.

Version 1.0 10/05
Repair Engineering

Replacement of damaged parts is the normal over- Example: Weld Repair of LP last Stage Fir Tree
haul procedure. If the customer is looking for the Grooves
cheapest but reliable solution, repair instead of re- Cracks can occur in the fir tree grooves of the LP-
placement can be the preferred choice. Repair in- rotor. Milling of cracks is only possible up to 3 mm
Power Service

stead of replacement only makes sense, when the depth of the crack. For crack depths > 3 mm it is no
repair method is not only cheaper than new parts but longer necessary to have a new rotor. One possible
also, and this is the crucial issue, can be completed repair solution incorporates
within the original overhaul schedule or at least with- 1 Removing of the complete steeples by turning
out extending the planned stand still time radically. 2 Build - up welding

Chapter Therefore the preparation of outages, especially if 3 Remachining the rotor and milling new fir tree

Scope & Products

repairs during the outage time are necessary, is very grooves.
crucial. The repair of the damaged part is also use-
Customer Needs
ful to build up a stock for later damage events at the Area of steeples which have to be removed

Parts & Field Service

same machine or a machine with identical construc-
tion in the same plant. Repair engineering became
Performance Improvement
an essential part of the service business in the past
Service Contracts
years. The service engineering department has de-
veloped repair methods focused on:
■ Reduction of respond time for repairs
■ Building up and securing of essential know how 1 2
■ Increase of process safety and quality
Learning Tips
■ Tracking and evaluation of failures and findings
e-Book Guide
in the event database
■ Defenition of standard repair procedures. Weld Repair of LP last stage fir tree grooves

Version 1.0 10/05
Field Service (1)

Typical services performed by field service units For the execution of repairs normally turbine parts
are: have to be delivered to a service workshop. In case of
■ Erection of steam turbines non availability of a workshop ALSTOM is equipped
■ Commissioning steam turbines with mobile machining tools to carry out repairs on
Power Service

■ Steam turbine island field service commissioning site. Mobile machinery which can be used by the
I&C field service are:
■ Steam turbine island field service commissioning ■ Portable turning lathe for machining rotating
test sield parts
■ Steam turbine island field service performance ■ Portable boring bars for maching cylindrical cas-
Chapter tests and ing, blade carriers, and valves
Scope & Products
■ Steam turbine island field service acoustics. ■ Portable milling machines for milling flange ar-
Customer Needs
Erection Steam Turbines
Parts & Field Service
■ Customer advisory
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts
■ Project engineering
and planning
■ Managing, supervi-
sion and coordination
for erection
Learning Tips
■ Erection
e-Book Guide
■ Fact - finding
■ Mobile machining Rotor on portable turning lathe

Version 1.0 10/05
Field Service (2)

Commissioning Steam Turbines covers ■ Calibration of hydraulic speed governor

■ Commissioning of new equipment ■ Developing of new service solutions.
■ Recommissioning after outages and overhauls Steam Turbine Island Field Service Performance
■ Trouble shooting / diagnostic Tests
Power Service

■ Modular advisory service visiting ■ Performing of tests

■ 24 h on call service / remote control service – Installation of calibrated test equipment
■ Fact finding during trouble shooting. – Data collection by automatic data acquisition
Steam Turbine Island Field Service commis- ■ Evaluation of tests
Chapter sioning I&C – Calculation of plant heat rate, turbine heat rate,
Scope & Products
■ Commissioning of new turbine controller equipment turbine efficiencies
■ Recommissioning after outages and overhauls – Analyzing of the efficiency of the plant, the tur-
Customer Needs
■ Trouble shooting / diagnostics bine, the feed system or the condenser
Parts & Field Service
■ Modular advisory service visiting – Identification of the causes of poor performance
■ 24h on call service / remote control service ■ Preparation of test reports
Performance Improvement
■ Fact finding during trouble shooting and overhaul
Service Contracts
■ Customer training (special I & C training for main- Steam Turbine Island Field Service Acoustics
tenance teams). ■ Determination of sound power levels of noise
sources according to relevant standards
Steam Turbine Island Field Service commis- ■ Determination of noise exposure levels for occu-
sioning Test Field pational and environmental noise
Learning Tips
■ Readjustment of control & stop valve actuators
e-Book Guide
■ Calibration of mechanical over speed protection

Version 1.0 10/05
Parts & Field Service – Summary (1)

ALSTOM has evaluated the experience gained dur- spare part categories e.g. the spare part package
ing inspection and failure statistics of individual com- “operational spares OS3”. This spare part package
ponents and drawn up inspection recommendations includes complete components (e.g. pumps) ensur-
for planned shutdowns. There are three kinds of in- ing maximum plant availability.
Power Service

spections, an A-, B-, C - inspection, which reaches

from a check of the safety devices (A - inspection) to Field Service
the complete check of all parts and systems including The ALSTOM field service units are able to cover
disassembly (C - inspection). the complete service scope of erection and commis-
The detailed scope of work for each component of sioning of steam turbines. This service packages in-
Chapter the steam turbine and the three different kinds of in- clude:
Scope & Products
spections is given in the individual inspection plans. ■ Erection / inspection / repair (on site solutions –
The times between overhauls for different compo- often preengineered for common damages) /
Customer Needs
nents are also part of this inspection recommenda- trouble shooting
Parts & Field Service
tion. ■ Review of water - steam cycle conditioning con-
Detailed planning of an overhaul is mandatory in cepts, elaboration of improved concepts
Performance Improvement
order to minimize costs and duration. This planning ■ Advanced inspection and test techniques
Service Contracts
must include the scope of work (time- and manpow- – ultrasonic -, eddy current -, dye penetrant -, mag-
er- schedule with all activities), spare parts, tools (ca- netic particle -, microstructure -, hardness - tests
pacity planning), etc. – Special inspection procedures and methods with-
out disassembly of turbine major parts
Spare Part Management ■ Commissioning of steam turbines
Learning Tips
To enable the client to have most of those parts on ■ Commissioning of electronic control systems
e-Book Guide
stock, which could be needed during operation or (I & C)
for a certain overhaul, ALSTOM defined different ■ Performance tests and sonic measurements.

Version 1.0 10/05
Parts & Field Service – Summary (2)

ALSTOMs knowledge of the fleet history and out of

this knowledge developed
■ Inspection recommendations
■ Inspection methods
Power Service

■ Test specifications
■ Repair methods
■ Training and certification processes for erection-,
commissioning and (material) test personnel.

Chapter ALSTOM can provide individual recommendations

Scope & Products
and has the resources to carry out overhauls and
inspections in an optimal way.
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05
Parts & Field Service – Exercises

The equivalent operating hours (EOH) are important Detailed overhaul planning is essential in order to
for the time between inspections. The EOH has to be ensure unobstructed overhaul activities. Therefore it
calculated with a simple formula. Which formula is is necessary to start the planning as early as pos-
correct? sible. How many months before the overhaul starts
Power Service

EOH = OH + ns x Hs the customer should contact the manufacturer?

EON = OH x ns + Hs A 0 months in advance. A
According ALSTOM recommendations the residual Due to an ALSTOM organization specialized on ser-
Chapter lifetime of critical turbine components shall be calcu- vice engineering and the appropriate tools, e.g. the
Scope & Products lated after 0 .000 EOH. A ALSTOM fleet management (event database etc.) the
customer gets
Customer Needs
Individual overhaul recommendations for spare
Parts & Field Service During an overhaul turbine parts are not only inspect- parts and inspection activities
Consultancy ed visually but also by nondestructive tests to assess Optimized overhaul intervals
Performance Improvement their condition. Which nondestructive test methods Reduced overhaul durations
Service Contracts are used to get information about the residual life- Spare parts from the OEM fulfilling all quality re-
time of components beside the normal crack tests? quirements (spare parts pooling possible)
Individual up - to - date inspection methods, test
specifications, repair methods (preengineered re-
pair solutions) instead of new parts, wherever it
Learning Tips A
makes sense
e-Book Guide
Best trained personnel A

Version 1.0 10/05

Power Service


Scope & Products
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05
Life (Condition) Assessment of Steam Turbines (1)

Lifetime studies are performed to assess the pres- Assessment

ent state of older turbosets. The operation of power For decisions on future operation it is necessary to
plants is influenced by many factors, which are es- have an understanding of the present condition of
sential for the economic production of power and a steam turbine and its components. Based on this
Power Service

safe operation of turbines. Especially for older tur- knowledge, decisions on investments, or analyses
bines this topic becomes more important. for future operation, respectively, can be made.
Safety Modification of Operation
As life of all components is limited, the number of If the mode of operation changes, the load on com-
Chapter issues related to mechanical integrity will increase ponents can be altered. Especially shorter start - up
Scope & Products
with time. Safety is reduced and the risk to personnel times and increased numbers of starts and load
and to other equipment increases. Knowledge of the changes will reduce the lifetime of components and
Customer Needs
present condition of components is therefore neces- of the turbine. Knowledge of the present status is re-
Parts & Field Service
sary to allow safe operation. quired to assess the current condition and to estimate
the effect of changing the mode of operation.
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts
For the economic production of power, a high avail- Early Information
ability is essential. At a certain point the risk of out- Quite often damage to turbines is detected during
age increases and the availability is heavily influ- inspections. Cracks may be found. They will have a
enced by the reliability of a component. Knowledge major influence on future operation.
of the condition of the components is necessary to
Learning Tips
evaluate and improve economic operation. Most of these problems can be solved by an assess-
e-Book Guide
ment of the remaining lifetime. For an existing unit,
the current lifetime consumption can be calculated.

Version 1.0 10/05
Life (Condition) Assessment of Steam Turbines (2)

The lifetime study evaluates dangerous failure modes. Economics require that the
■ The current condition of a turbine and its compo- outage rate is low and the efficiency is high. Chang-
nents ing the mode of operation requires assessing the
■ The remaining lifetime and the risk of failure of a influence on lifetime. Within these parameters, the
Power Service

turbine and its components philosophy of continued safe and economic opera-
■ Possible short - term measures for improvement tion of older units beyond the originally anticipated
■ Possible long - term measures in accordance with service life plays an important role.
the needs and goals of the customer. After an initial phase in which ‘teething’ troubles
may be encountered, there is a longer operational
Chapter What are the Aims of a Lifetime Study? phase with a low failure rate. The last portion of this
Scope & Products
The economic importance of safe operation of older curve indicates that the end of life of certain compo-
steam turbines is steadily increasing nowadays. Tur- nents or systems is approaching. The availability can
Customer Needs
bine components can have limited life as a result of be improved if careful consideration is given to the
Parts & Field Service
their operation at high temperatures and loads. Reli- limited design service life of the components as well
able opera- as to the application of state-of-the-art technology.
Performance Improvement
tion is there- outage rate

Service Contracts
fore a main % The following factors have to be taken into consider-
concern for 10 Original ation to assess safety and economic operation:
turbines. 8 component Improvement
■ Operating history
Safety re- 6 potential ■ Operating experience
quires that 4 ■ Long range material behaviour
Learning Tips 2
components ■ Lifetime calculation
e-Book Guide
are operat- 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Years
■ Material testing
ed to avoid Improvement of availability ■ Condition evaluation.

Version 1.0 10/05
Why is Lifetime limited (1)

The loading, the temperature and the material prop- equivalent operation hours ( OH) is above 100.000
erties determine the strength and lifetime of compo- hours. This early point in time allows a proper assess-
nents. Life of a component is especially limited if a ment and ensures that improvements can be made
component is operated in the creep regime. in time. The number of equivalent hours ( EOH ) can
Power Service

be calculated from the operation hours (OH) and the

number of starts ( nstart ). For a rough estimate, the fol-
lowing equation can be used:
EOH = OH + 50 * nstart
Old design New design
Scope & Products – Tangential stress ALSTOM recommends a lifetime study after 100.000
– Relative stress
equivalent operation hours (EOH) for the following
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
■ Design of components
■ Consideration of low - cycle fatigue
Performance Improvement
■ Reduction of material property values.
Lower stress due to optimized design and simplified calculation tools
Service Contracts

At a temperature above approximately 350 ° C
(662° F), the strength of the component is determined
by the creep rupture strength. Therefore, the life of a
Learning Tips
component operated in this regime can be limited de-
e-Book Guide
pending on the applied loads. On this basis ALSTOM
recommends a lifetime evaluation if the number of

Version 1.0 10/05
Why is Lifetime limited (2)

Design of Components Reduction of Material Values

Since the design of older turbines is based on the When the older machines were designed, creep re-
technical possibilities at that time, the design of the sistant materials were a new development. The only
components often is not optimized by the current material information available was from the results of
Power Service

state of knowledge. In addition, details and accu- a few thousand hours of creep testing or from values
rate information on the stress distribution were not determined by means of accelerated creep tests. As
available. Therefore, older turbines could have loca- a consequence of longer term testing, the minimum
tions where the stresses are higher than originally creep data was adjusted several times. As a result,
assumed. Improved calculation methods allow more there are some older machines in operation, which
Chapter detailed evaluation of stresses. A typical example of were designed with creep strength values that may
Scope & Products
a location with high stresses is shown in the diagram have been too optimistic. An example of this reduc-
on previous page. The picture provides a comparison tion is shown in the figure below.
Customer Needs
with the current design, with much lower stresses.
Short term testing
Parts & Field Service Allowed MPa
Consideration of low - Cycle Fatique stress
Performance Improvement
In the past, many turbines were designed without
Service Contracts
consideration of low - cycle fatigue. Creep rupture 150
was assumed to be the only failure mechanism, since Revised
most of the old turbines were designed for base load
operation. Nowadays it is known that low - cycle fa- 50
tigue can also have a great effect on lifetime, since 0
Learning Tips
many turbines are operated in cyclic mode. 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
e-Book Guide
Feedback Long-range material behavior

Version 1.0 10/05
Lifetime Calculation performed by ALSTOM (1)

Scatter of Material Data Lifetime Calculation performed by ALSTOM

Material properties show a probabilistic distribution. The lifetime calculation performed by ALSTOM in-
For safety reasons, lower bound values are used for cludes nondestructive testing and its evaluation as
the design of the component. Taking results of non- well as a theoretical calculation. The quality of a
Power Service

destructive testing into consideration, components of lifetime study depends strongly on the input data.
a turbine can be operated above these theoretical Based on the operation data and the technical draw-
limits. ings, transient and steady - state stresses can be cal-
culated. According to these results, the theoretical
lifetime of a component can be estimated. For each
Chapter component, a nondestructive test programme is de-
Scope & Products of strength
fined in order to verify the results of the theoretical
calculation and to assess the highly loaded locations
Customer Needs
of a component. Both results, nondestructive testing
Parts & Field Service
and theoretical calculation, are compared and rec-
Actual stress
ommendations are made.
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts Report lifetime
min. max. Operation Nondestructive
data evaluation
Extras Technical ■ Assessment
Comparison ■ Remaining
Links Rupture time drawings
Theoratical life- lifetime
Learning Tips Scatterband of material data Fleet ■ Recomman-
experience time calculation
e-Book Guide dations
Process of a lifetime calculation

Version 1.0 10/05
Lifetime Calculation performed by ALSTOM (2)

As a turbine manufacturer, ALSTOM has a large da- spection techniques are mentioned in chapter 4 (ad-
tabase of operational experience. This knowledge is vanced inspection and test techniques). The highly
used to define an optimized test programme and to loaded locations are defined according to the calcu-
compare the results with those of other units. lation results as well as the operating experience of
Power Service

The scope of a lifetime study is determined according the components. Depending on the damage mecha-
to the requirements of the customer and the estimat- nism, the NDT´s are defined and marked in a techni-
ed condition of the turbine. Therefore lifetime studies cal drawing. The results of the nondestructive testing
are offered in a modular form, in which ALSTOM can be compared with the results of the theoretical
makes a proposal recommending the components calculation. The figure below shows the relation be-
Chapter that should be assessed and the appropriate meth- tween the creep damage and the results obtained
Scope & Products
ods. The basic study includes the following items: with replicas.
■ Analysis of the operation data
Strain Microcracks
Customer Needs
■ Assessment of highly loaded components ε/εR
Parts & Field Service
■ Definition of a nondestructive test programme 1,0
Increasing number
■ Condition evaluation on site (e.g. casing, blad- of pores
Performance Improvement
ing, valves, rotor, …)
Service Contracts
■ Estimation of remaining lifetime and recommen-
Links 0,2
Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Programme
Learning Tips
The nondestructive testing programme includes the
e-Book Guide 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
definition of the locations where different tests on Expendend lifetime tR
the components should be performed. Possible in- Evaluation of replicas

Version 1.0 10/05
Lifetime Calculation performed by ALSTOM (3)

The status of damage can be assessed according For steady - state operation, the creep damage for
to the test results. The simplest method of testing at the operation time ( t ) is calculated and compared to
the beginning of an overhaul is the visual inspection the time to rupture ( tr ). For transient operation, the
performed by an expert. In locations where visual low - cycle fatigue damage as a result of the number
Power Service

inspections cannot be performed, an endoscope is of start - ups ( n ) is calculated in relation to the number
used. Highly stressed parts are checked for surface of cycles to crack initiation ( nci ). This term is calcu-
cracks using the common methods of magnetic par- lated for cold, warm and hot starts as well as for
ticle and dye penetrant testing whereas ultrasonic, load changes.
eddy current and radiographic testing are used for
Chapter internal defects. Risk Assessment
Scope & Products
Theoretical results quite often show that the lifetime
Lifetime Calculation of a component is exhausted. However, the pessi-
Customer Needs
Components can be damaged by creep during mistic nature of theoretical assessments, especially if
Parts & Field Service
steady - state operation and by low - cycle fatigue dur- low - cycle fatigue is the major damage mechanism,
ing transient operation. To assess the damage (E), means that an additional safety margin may exist.
Performance Improvement
steady - state stresses and transient stresses are cal- The additional safety margin can be assessed using
Service Contracts
culated for each component at the highly loaded lo- fracture mechanics. A defect is assumed at the loca-
cations. The damage is calculated according to the tion with a high stress level and therfore the highest
Palmgreen - Miner formula: consumption of lifetime.
t + n
Links E= ≤D
tr nci
Learning Tips
The contributions from steady - state operation and
e-Book Guide
transient operation are added and compared to an
allowable damage level ( D ).

Version 1.0 10/05
Lifetime Calculation performed by ALSTOM (4)

Benefits the highly loaded locations and components of

Based on the results of a condition assessment, the turbine
ALSTOM can make detailed recommendations for ■ Additional evaluation of highly loaded compo-
the turbine: nents is recommended. A risk assessment can be
Power Service

■ The lifetime evaluation gives an overview of the especially useful for components with a high con-
current condition of a turbine and each compo- sumption of lifetime.
nent. The remaining lifetime is determined for ■ The introduction of improved safety and control
each component systems can reduce the lifetime consumption in
■ The reinspection interval for each component is future.
Chapter defined according to the results of the theoretical
Scope & Products
calculations and the findings of the nondestruc-
tive testing
Customer Needs
■ Recommendations for the modification of opera-
Parts & Field Service
tional conditions are made if needed. Improve-
ments to avoid lifetime consuming operation
Performance Improvement
modes and start - ups are shown
Service Contracts
■ Possible solutions for the improvement of effi-
ciency and lifetime are made. This can include
replacing blades, remachining components and
retrofitting inner blocks
■ According to the results of the lifetime assessment,
Learning Tips
recommendations for the nondestructive test pro-
e-Book Guide
gramme are provided with particular respect to

Version 1.0 10/05
AMODIS Plant Monitoring and Diagnostic System

AMODIS is a modular PC - based plant monitoring AMODIS, the ALSTOM power plant monitoring and
and diagnostic system. This system is comprised of diagnostics system is a platform that provides mod-
several modules for each main power plant compo- ules with common functions.Those functions include:
nent and for the power plant overall. Each module ■ Data acquisition from modules
Power Service

can be installed independently or in combination ■ Database storage

with any of the others. ■ Visualization tools
The Steam Turbine section has to compute the ■ Archiving
HP, IP, and LP enthalpy drop efficiencies, including ■ Remote data access.
the overall heat rate of the turbine. The HP and IP
Chapter enthalpy drop efficiencies can be computed directly One of the diagnostic modules within the AMODIS
Scope & Products
from pressure and temperature measurements at the is the lifetime module (LTM). The main function of the
inlet and outlet steam ports. lifetime module is to provide the user with data that
Customer Needs
The calculation of LP - turbine efficiency is possible describes creep and low - cycle fatigue damage to
Parts & Field Service
by balances over the entire process. More than any the machine‘s key components.
other controllable parameter, the condenser pressure
.... Data from sensors Lifetime
Performance Improvement
has a significant impact on turbine cycle heat rate and
Service Contracts
overall plant efficiency. By using the condenser mod-
el, it is possible to predict condenser backpressure Distrubuted
so that the expected values can be compared with platform
actual operating conditions. Moreover, condenser
Links User interface
performance, heat rejection load, and terminal tem-
Learning Tips
perature difference (TTD) need to be determined for
e-Book Guide
actual operating conditions. AMODIS
Feedback Steam turbine lifetime database
monitoring system

Version 1.0 10/05
AMODIS Steam Turbine Lifetime Module – LTM (1)

The AMODIS steam turbine lifetime module (LTM) ated based on metal temperatures measured during
provides fast information on the current damage and operation. Next comes the calculation of transient
the remaining lifetime of a turbine‘s main compo- stress distribution, a basis for determining low - cycle
nents. This data allows plant operators to make solid fatigue damage. The rainflow method is adopted for
Power Service

business decisions about further operation and main- strain cycle counting.
tenance. The major benefits of the system are: Steam pressure at relevant locations is used to cal-
■ A reliable history of a turbine‘s operation culate basic stress leading to creep life exhaustion.
■ Continuous information about actual damage Both creep and fatigue damage is evaluated using
and remaining useful lifetime actual material data stored in the material database
Chapter ■ More accurate damage predictions than those developed at ALSTOM for steam turbine steels. To-
Scope & Products
based on design or maximum operating condi- tal component damage is evaluated on the basis of
tions Palmgren‘s - Miners‘ - Robinson‘s method (linear dam-
Customer Needs
■ No need for tedious and less accurate manual age accumulation rule) as follows:
Parts & Field Service
calculations of the remaining lifetime
■ The possibility for optimization of start - up and Total damage (E) = creep (EZ) + fatigue damage (EN)
Performance Improvement
operating procedures
Service Contracts
■ Easier overhaul planning This method has been widely accepted and used for
■ Failure and unscheduled outage risk minimiza- many years in high temperature component life eval-
tion uation. It is also recommended for this purpose by
■ Optimization of lifetime consumption, scheduled using different specialized codes. The total damage
outage and component replacement. is then compared with a permissible value recom-
Learning Tips
mended by ALSTOM thus providing clear and useful
e-Book Guide
Lifetime calculations are performed in several steps. information on how far from the allowable limit the
Temperature distribution in the components is evalu- component is.

Version 1.0 10/05
AMODIS Steam Turbine Lifetime Module – LTM (2)

The lifetime module is modular in its construction, al- Rotor monitoring requires a special temperature
lowing for the monitoring of anywhere from a few to probe simulating rotor temperature. (Such a probe
a large number of component locations. A character- is a standard measurement on ex - ABB reaction tur-
istic feature of the lifetime module is that several com- bines. It has also been used on ex - GEC impulse ma-
Power Service

ponent locations can be monitored with one mea- chines).

suring point. Lifetime supervision requires only metal For turbines not fitted with this probe, an option
temperature and steam pressure measurements at based on steam parameters will become available in
relevant locations. The process of choosing compo- 2005. In general, the scope of monitoring depends
nents and locations for lifetime expenditure monitor- on the turbine type and measurements available and
Chapter ing is guided by the severity of operating conditions, should be determined specifically for each machine.
Scope & Products
design features and field experience with individual The output data from the lifetime module are stored
turbines. In general, the following components can in the AMODIS system database. Several plots can
Customer Needs
be selected for on - line lifetime supervision: be produced with this data.
Parts & Field Service Rotor / tempera-
Valve casing /
Consultancy ture probe in in-
inlet & outlet Rotor / tempera- The best time to install the lifetime module, both from
area (p,TI ) ture probe in
Performance Improvement
ner casing (TI )
inner casing (TI )
a technical and financial point of view, is while retro-
Service Contracts
Valve casing / inlet fitting or commissioning a new unit. A more accurate
& outlet area (p,TI )
loading history and, as a result, more accurate life-
Outer time prediction result in real technical benefits. Early
casing (p,TI ) Inner cas- installation also avoids the need for an initial lifetime
Links ing (TO )
assessment study, reducing the cost and time of a
Learning Tips
system configuration.
e-Book Guide p = pressure
Feedback TI = temperature at inner wall
HP - turbine IP - turbine TO = temperature at outer wall

Version 1.0 10/05
AMODIS Steam Turbine Early Warning System Module – EWS

The AMODIS steam turbine early warning system Example: Blade Tip Timing Vibration
module (EWS) provides information about causes of In order to find out abnormal vibration at the last
malfunction. EWS supports operators to take neces- stage blades of the LP - turbine, several blade vibra-
sary actions early enough before severe damages tion monitoring (BVM) sensors have to be installed
Power Service

can occur. Therefore the most critical components of at the circumference of the LP - inner casing adjacent
the turbine are supervised: the blade tips. For additional information a thermo-
■ Steam inlet valves couple is installed in this area.
■ Jacking oil and turning gear
■ Bearing supervision
Chapter ■ Thermal expansation
Scope & Products
■ Blade tip timing vibration
■ Thermal efficiency.
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
To get the necessary information, for some compo-
nents the operational measuring points are not suf-
Performance Improvement
ficient. Additional measuring points have to be in- Thermocouple
BVM sensor LP-blade carrier
Service Contracts
stalled. The EWS can be part of AMODIS but also section
can be offered as a stand - alone package.
Last rotating blade
Links Blade vibration measurment of LP last stage blades
Learning Tips
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05
Product Expert Consultancy

A new Form of Cooperation ■ Access to historical operating data (analyses of

The power plant personnel with their plant specific trends)
knowledge and the ALSTOM “on - call service” com- ■ Possibility to modify process parameters
bined with the “remote access centre” create the ba- ■ Access to process information with the possibility
Power Service

sis for a new form of cooperation for achieving top for analysis and trouble shooting.
plant performances. The “on - call service” is part of
the commissioning department and the correspond- Advantages for the Customer
ing service design department will be involved if ■ ALSTOM Power Service commissioning engineers
necessary. are reachable all the time
Chapter ■ Quick support possible due to immediate acces-
Scope & Products
Remote Access Centre sibility to all necessary information
By means of the “remote access centre” implement- ■ Solution often possible via remote access
Customer Needs
ed in PSDE (Power Service Germany, Mannheim) it ■ ALSTOM is kept informed about operational
Parts & Field Service
is possible get access to the turbine control system of problems of the plant and thus is able to offer
the specific plant. The hard - and software require- tailor - made improvements
Performance Improvement
ments, which have to be implemented in the plant ■ Interface with the powerful AMODIS tool is pos-
Service Contracts
and in the remote access centre, are relatively simple sible.
and can be installed within hours.
The commissioning expert in the remote access A so - called “on call” - contract between ALSTOM
centre has the same operational possibilities as if be- and the customer defines all detailed conditions (see
ing in the control room on site: chapter 7 “service contracts) e.g. scope of supply,
Learning Tips
■ Remote access to operation and planning level response time etc.
e-Book Guide
■ Fault analysis for hardware and system software

Version 1.0 10/05
Consultancy & Operational Support – Summary

As lifetime of all components is limited, not only the rience, technical drawings and the operating data
risk of outages increases but also safety is reduced provided by the customer.
and the risk for personnel and other equipment in- A much better lifetime assessment presents the life-
creases. For decisions on future operation it is nec- time monitoring and diagnostic system AMODIS (on-
Power Service

essary to know the present condition of the steam line calculations), which is based on real operating
turbine. Lifetime is limited especially when a com- data (higher accuracy of estimations). Therefore con-
ponent is operated at a temperature above approxi- tinuous information on life expenditure is available
mately 350 ° C. Creep strength decreases during the (current damage control).
lifetime. For older machines the creep strength values The early warning system (EWS), which could
Chapter of materials used were too optimistic due to missing be part of AMODIS or a stand - alone package pro-
Scope & Products
experience during design. vides information about causes of malfunction and
Lifetime studies are performed to assess the pres- supports operators to take necessary actions early
Customer Needs
ent condition of the turbine, to evaluate the remain- enough before severe damages can occur.
Parts & Field Service
ing lifetime of the turbine and its components and to Vibration, performance and steam quality will be
evaluate possible measures. Lifetime studies accord- investigated in other AMODIS modules.
Performance Improvement
ing ALSTOM recommendations are performed typi-
Service Contracts
cally after 100.000 equivalent operating hours. The ALSTOM “on call service” combined with the
The ALSTOM lifetime calculation is based on nonde- “remote access centre” guarantee an optimum sup-
structive testing and its evaluation as well as a theo- port of the customer. The experts in the remote ac-
retical calculation. Both results, nondestructive test- cess centre have the same operational possibilities
ing and theoretical calculation, are compared and as if being in the control room on site. This has great
Learning Tips
recommendations are made. advantages for the customer, because quick support
e-Book Guide
The quality of a lifetime study strongly depends due to immediate accessibility to all necessary infor-
on the input data. These are the ALSTOM fleet expe- mation is possible.

Version 1.0 10/05
Consultancy & Operational Support – Exercises

To be able to calculate the residual lifetime of main Complete the sentence as applicable:
components ALSTOM must have reliable and detailed Beside creep damage for steady state operation the
information. What are the most important sources of damage has to be considered
information? especially for machines operating in cyclic mode.
Operating history (temperatures, pressures,…)
Power Service

Overview A
Content Operating experience (damages, failures,…)
Long range material behaviour What does the customer get out of a lifetime assess-
Spare part availability ment study?
Results of material testing A Recommendation for further operation such us
Chapter optimized start - up procedure
Scope & Products Peace of mind
Components What is the main weak point of a lifetime analyses Recommendation for modification and further in-
Customer Needs without having AMODIS? spection
Parts & Field Service The scatter band of material properties Higher power output
Consultancy Knowledge of long-range material behaviour Knowledge of critical components and critical lo-
Performance Improvement Arbitrary operating data provided by the turbine cations
Service Contracts owner Decision support for future budgeting and plan-
Risk of incorrect assessment of findings and/or ning for investment
Extras faulty NDT´s. A Recommendation for feasible repair solutions
Links A
Learning Tips
e-Book Guide The importance of creep rupture strength has to be
Feedback considered for parts exposed to temperatures above
0 °C A
Version 1.0 10/05

Power Service


Scope & Products
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05
Control and Safety System Upgrading (1)

Power plants installed in the past with mechanical Disadvantages of existing mechanical Systems
control and protection systems are difficult to oper- ■ Adjustment and testing of the mechanical over-
ate and maintain. The modernization of the aging speed trips
control systems will increase the reliability as well as ■ Mechanical wear of the mechanical components
Power Service

the operational flexibility and will reduce the main- ■ Extensive overhaul work for the mechanical de-
tenance costs. This allows owners and operators of vices control and safety system
turbo generators to benefit from technology improve- ■ Comparatively high requirements to be met by
ments of the last 15 to 30 years. the service personnel carrying out the overhaul
In recent years, ALSTOM Power has successfully ■ High insensitivity of the control system: 50 mHz
Chapter equipped steam turbines in new plants with the new- ■ Time to reset the safety system is relatively high
Scope & Products
ly developed control & safety system S 90, which has ■ Difficult access to the trip and test solenoid valves
central 2 - out - of - 3 tripping and control valve actua- in the front bearing pedestal
Customer Needs
tors with directly mounted electrohydraulic convert- ■ Repair of the trip and test solenoid valves is not
Parts & Field Service
ers, and a new electronic governor and protection possible during operation.
Performance Improvement
Depending on the customer specification, all me-
Service Contracts
chanical-hydraulic control and safety devices, which
are not longer required, will be removed. They will
be replaced by a redundant governor and a protec-
tion system in 2 - out - of - 3 logic with hydraulic inter-
face devices like a central tripping block and new
Learning Tips
electrohydraulic converters.
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05
Control and Safety System Upgrading (2)

Customer Benefits of the new Technology The implementation of this product requires the in-
■ Automatic run-up and loading of the steam turbine volvement of an engineering department and, de-
■ OEM know - how ensures mechanical and ther- pending on the scope, a minimum time of 6 -12
modynamic integrity month for the engineering, purchasing and delivery
Power Service

■ Redundant governor and 3 channel protection of the equipment on site after order.
■ Integration of the turbine control in the overall More than 120 turbine control upgrades were in-
power plant I & C system stalled by ALSTOM Power during the last 10 years.
■ Online monitoring and human - machine - interface For new steam turbines the same system
■ Increased safety, availability, reliability and op- ■ Hydraulic safety system S90
Chapter erational flexibility ■ Control actuators with integrated EHC’s
Scope & Products
■ Reduced wear and stressing due a better opera- ■ Electronic governor and protection systems
tional control is used and is already sold about 120 times over the
Customer Needs
■ Electronic overspeed protection without mechani- last 8 years.
Parts & Field Service
cal back up device, real overspeed test not neces-
Performance Improvement
■ Lower maintenance costs due to the reduced num- Steam
Steam turbine
Service Contracts
ber of components and reduced spare part stock safety control system
■ Governor and protection based on programma- Control
ble electronic system
■ Tailor made electronic protection system, (safe,
available and economic by a mix of the normally Stop valve
Learning Tips 2 out of 3
energized and de-energized principles) Block diagram of the trip block
e-Book Guide
■ Tripping elements can be tested (and repaired) in S90 electro-hydraulic control Speed
Feedback and safety system (example: probes
operation. speed measurement)
Control fluid supply

Version 1.0 10/05
Steam Path Upgrade (1)

In order to maintain the high operating efficiency normed

Steam gradual without shroud with shroud
necessary to succeed in today’s competitive energy efficiency
markets, plants that have been operating for 10 or 1,00

20 years may face the need for modification and
Power Service

modernization of their equipment. Upgrading the

turbine with new blades is one possibility of mod- 0,90
ernization. The three main improvement possibilities
Summary 0,85
include integral milled blade designs, blades with 3D design
Exercises Cylindrical design
shrouds and enhanced 3D profiles. In addition, 0,80
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Date of
Chapter ALSTOM has further developed the designs for the introduction

Scope & Products

last stage blading.
The progress made in recent years in steam tur- Development of steam turbine blading profile types

Customer Needs
bine blade technology, especially with respect to the
airfoil shape and mechanical integrity, allows sig- The higher efficiency originated from continuous de-
Parts & Field Service
nificantly higher efficiencies. Power output can be velopment and optimization of the profile geometry,
increased as well, while at the same time reducing culminating in today’s 3D - shaped airfoils, as well as
Performance Improvement
emissions. Easy to install during a routine overhaul, the introduction of shrouds with sealing strips. The
Service Contracts
the improved blade designs offer outstanding perfor- mechanical integrity of the blading has also been
mance under all service conditions and lend older considerably improved by the introduction of inte-
machines a new lease of life, reducing costs in both gral blades, milled from the solid, which have re-
Links placed the former cold - drawn airfoils and spacers.
the operating and maintenance. Several plants have
Learning Tips Over the same period, the blade materials were also
already been upgraded with the enhanced blading
e-Book Guide continuously developed, resulting in the very - high-
designs described below and show excellent operat-
Feedback grade steels that are used today.
ing results.

Version 1.0 10/05
Steam Path Upgrade (2)

Significant progress has been made in other areas, The main Benefits of the Upgrade include
too, for example in the hardening of the leading edg- ■ Increased efficiency and power output
es of the last - stage blades. The table below gives an ■ Lower emissions
overview of the blade designs currently installed in ■ Increased availability and operational safety
Power Service

the field and the individual improvement solutions of- ■ More flexible operating mode
fered by ALSTOM, respectively: ■ Extended useful life
■ Reduced operating and maintenance costs
Summary Existing blade design Improvement possibilites
■ Shorter inspection and overhaul times
Exercises Integral Design
Profile milled with Profile ■ Reduced overhaul frequency
series Version design shrouds upgrade ■ Simpler maintenance and operability
200 with spacer ■ Better adaptation to changed operating and out-
Scope & Products - 8001 without shroud
✗ (✗) 3
put data
with spacer
Customer Needs without shroud
✗ ✗ (✗) 3 ■ Lower specific heat rate.
Parts & Field Service without spacer
10001 without shroud
✗ (✗) 3
Performance Improvement without spacer

with shroud
Service Contracts
with spacer
✗ ✗
with shroud 2
Extras without spacer
80001 without shroud
✗ ✗
Learning Tips without spacer

with shroud
e-Book Guide 1
Higher numbers of the profile series means newer design
Feedback 2
Stationary blade only
To be evaluated on a site - specific basis Hardening of last stage blade

Version 1.0 10/05
Reduction of Start - Up Times (1)

The changing environment in the power generation remaining lifetime, while making full use of the exist-
sector often calls for changes in the way existing ing lifetime resources.
plants operate. Older plants, which were originally
designed for base - load operation, are now being Background
Power Service

used increasingly for medium or peak load opera- Steam turbine components with operating tempera-
tion, with a correspondingly high number of starts. tures of >350°C have a finite lifetime. This is con-
Within a survey framework, ALSTOM provides sumed by creep damage during steady-state opera-
an analysis of cyclical operation conditions and the tion and by load - cycle fatigue (LCF) at start - up and
identification of opportunities for optimization. This shut - down. The operating instructions for older steam
Chapter can lead to higher availability, increased flexibility in turbines prescribed moderate start-up procedures as
Scope & Products
plant operation, cost reduction potential at start - up start - up, with mainly baseload operation, was of
and shorter start - up times for plants with a defined secondary importance only.
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
Improved methods of calculation, combined with
Performance Improvement
physical models for the recording of cyclical opera-
Service Contracts
Future tion, provide the opportunity of reducing start - up
times without an increase in lifetime consumption.
Load steps
In plants with a defined remaining operational life,
LCF Warm starts
the lifetime resources still existing are determined as
Links Cold starts
regards start-up behaviour and baseload mode, ac-
Learning Tips
cording to expected operation.
e-Book Guide Creep Steady state
Accumulated material fatigue

Version 1.0 10/05
Reduction of Start-Up Times (2)

Product Description Customer Benefits

ALSTOM provides a survey aimed at optimizing ■ Reduced start - up times resulting in cost reduc-
start - up processes by means of modern methods and tions
adapts these processes to the individual requirements ■ Increased flexibility in plant operation
Power Service

of the plant. The survey includes the following: ■ Optimized use of remaining component lifetimes
■ Analysis of the actual lifetime consumption of the ■ Increased availability
components (e.g. HP and IP rotor in the inlet section) ■ Early determination of measures necessary within
■ Determination of start - up limits specific to the the framework of planned overhauls.
load collective, setting out from the future load
Chapter collective and, as the case may be, the planned
0 20 40 60 80 100 Time for synchronization (in %)
Scope & Products
remaining lifetime 100
■ Drawing up recommendations for implementing
Customer Needs
proposals for optimization.
Parts & Field Service
Possible Recommendations for optimized Start-up
Performance Improvement
■ Modification / renewal of the turbine governor 50
Service Contracts
for change - over to modified operating modes.
■ Modification and/or partial renewal of stressed
components in order to improve thermal flexibility.
■ Renewal of components with a high degree of Mass flow rate
fatigue, if necessary. 0
Learning Tips 0 20 40 60 80 100
e-Book Guide Time for load increase (in %)
The measures necessary can be evaluated individu- – up to 1982 – up to 2002 – since 2002
ally and adapted to the respective requirements. Comparison between modern and earlier start-up instructions

Version 1.0 10/05
Performance Improvement – Summary

The progress made in recent years in steam turbine Possible performance improvements could be:
technology has led to significantly ■ Control – and safety – system upgrading
■ Higher efficiency ■ Steam path opgrade (especially in the blade tech-
■ Reduced emissions nology an enormous progress has been made).
Power Service

■ Higher reliability and availability ■ Lifetime assessment, which can be utilized to adapt
■ Increased operational flexibility e.g. the start - up instructions (quicker start - up) and
■ Better operating conditions (increased safety, sim- to calculate the remaining component lifetime.
pler operation)
■ Improved maintenance conditions.
Scope & Products
In order to restore or even increase (upgrade) the
original efficiency, older steam turbines and their
Customer Needs
auxiliaries may face need for modification and mod-
Parts & Field Service
Although the customer has to invest money, he will
Performance Improvement
get benefits out of these modifications. The invest-
Service Contracts
ment is getting paid in a relatively short time.

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05
Performance Improvement – Exercises

What are the main design features for the steam Optimized start - up processes by means of modern
path upgrade leading to benefits e.g. increased ef- calculation methods can shorten the start - up time sig-
ficiency, extended useful life and lower specific heat nificantly. The comparison between modern (2005)
rate? Enumerate at least 3 improvement possibilities and earlier start - up instructions (1982) shows
■ that the time for synchronisation could be reduced
Power Service

Content by about 0 % A
Summary ■ and that the time for loading could be reduced by
Exercises about 0 %. A

Chapter A
Scope & Products The control and safety system upgrading with the
Components What are the advantages of a 2 - out - of - 3 logic for new system S90 allows the use of identically con-
Customer Needs turbine protection? structed control valve actuators for one valve group
Parts & Field Service Three channels act faster than one, because the (live steam valves, intercept valves). What is the rea-
Consultancy supervision tasks are shared son for this important simplification?
Performance Improvement The availability is higher One EHC for each single actuator, integrated in
Service Contracts A disturbance of one measurement does not the actuator itself
cause a trip One single EHC for one valve group
Extras Disturbed measurements can be repaired during All valves of one valve group can open simulta-
Links normal operation nously A
Learning Tips The safety of the plant is increased because the
e-Book Guide turbine immediately trips when all three channels
Feedback indicate a exceeding of the allowable limits A

Version 1.0 10/05

Power Service


Scope & Products
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05
Long-Term Service Agreements (LTSA)

A Long - term service agreement (LTSA) is a multiyear Advisor On - Site Inspections

contract for the execution of service activities by Advisor on - site inspections are carried out once per
original equipment manufacturers (OEM). An LTSA year to get an up - to - date picture of the condition
can cover OEM equipment or third party equipment of the equipment covered by the LTSA. Depending
Power Service

applying the OEM‘s technical know-how. ALSTOM on the particular contract scope, ALSTOM service
can provide a variety of LTSA solutions to satisfy the engineers execute a defined inspection program dur-
specific needs of our customers. ing operation or short system shut - down. A measur-
■ The basic package for an LTSA could consist of ing and testing program is conducted, and logged
regularly executed advisor on - site inspections for alarms and records of the control system are evalu-
Chapter ALSTOM‘s OEM delivery and /or 24 hours on - - ated together with the customer. The results of these
Scope & Products
call services together with on - site emergency sup- investigations are used to analyze the present condi-
port. tion of the equipment, to check for changes to earlier
Customer Needs
■ On a more advanced level an LTSA can also inspections and to compare and benchmark them
Parts & Field Service
offer planned maintenance to components, sys- with those of the OEM fleet. The customer receives
tems or even complete power stations for OEM a report on his equipment and recommendations for
Performance Improvement
or third party equipment. The service works are further operation or maintenance.
Service Contracts
performed in accordance with the inspection and
overhaul instructions of the OEM or adapted to
a specific outage program to optimize the total
plant outage planning.
■ In addition to the above packages, the most com-
Learning Tips
prehensive LTSA includes maintenance and repair
e-Book Guide
works caused by unplanned outages during plant

Version 1.0 10/05
Range of Solutions (1)

On - Call Support Service and On - Site Emer- Planned Maintenance

gency Support The planned maintenance is executed according to
To support the customer in trouble shooting and emer- the inspection recommendations of ALSTOM. The
gency cases, ALSTOM provides a 24 hours / 7 days schedule for the LTSA period is based on the equiva-
Power Service

a week on - call service, which gives the customer the lent operating hours (accumulated at the beginning
access to commissioning service resources at any of the agreement) and the planned operating con-
time. This service package ensures immediate sup- ditions for the power plant and / or equipment. The
port of ALSTOM‘s commissioning specialists in case downtime duration for planned maintenance will be
of technical problems or unplanned outages to re- fixed in the contract. Detailed planning of the start of
Chapter duce unit downtime and loss of production. The reac- the projected maintenance activities is carried out in
Scope & Products
tion time for on - ste emergency support can be fixed close cooperation with the customer well in advance
in such a LTSA (e.g. 24h). To meet these reaction of the execution.
Customer Needs
time requirements ALSTOM has appointed standby The long - term nature of such contracts and the
Parts & Field Service
commissioning engineers. regular advisor on - site inspections allows us to split
In combination with implemented “remote access” the planned maintenance activities into modules that
Performance Improvement
the customer has all the advantages mentioned un- can be arranged in a way to cover customer specific
Service Contracts
der chapter 5 “consultancy”. All detailed conditions constraints with respect to down time and / or inspec-
have to be fixed in the “on call contract”, e.g.: tion intervals.
■ Scope of supply
■ Course of action
■ Mode and scope of support
Learning Tips
■ Reaction time
e-Book Guide
■ Prices
■ Contact persons.

Version 1.0 10/05
Range of Solutions (2)

LTSA and Parts Logistics ■ The storage of semi-finished parts and raw mate-
Parts logistics is a key issue for power producers that rial to accelerate the manufacturing in emergen-
strongly influences plant availability and commercial cies
result. Keeping a stock of all spare parts could some- ■ The split between parts to be stored on - site by
Power Service

times compensate the risk of extended unplanned out- the customer or in a global store by ALSTOM or
age duration in case of equipment damages. How- other appropriate alternatives.
ever, this is not a cost - effective measure. An LTSA
could have an impact to the spare parts concept of Finally, our goal is to develop the best fitting spare
the power plant as a result of continuous inspections parts concept for each of our customers.
Chapter and operation data assessment together with the
Scope & Products
OEM‘s experience with a definite pooling concept.
Finding the right spare parts concept requires a
Customer Needs
detailed risk assessment for each plant component.
Parts & Field Service
The experience of ALSTOM as the OEM enables us
to carry out detailed investigations on failure prob-
Performance Improvement
ability and the consequential repair efforts and time.
Service Contracts
This is based on the service feedback from our world-
wide installed fleet and our know - how in engineer-
ing and logistics. Together with our customers we
can develop solutions tailored to their needs.
One possibility for the customer is the participation
Learning Tips
in spare parts pooling with other power producers or
e-Book Guide
just with ALSTOM. This could also include:

Version 1.0 10/05
Contract Concepts

Long - term service agreements are covered by dif- Customer Benefit

ferent contract concepts, depending on the scope of Customer benefit in a power plant LTSA is the con-
services: tribution of the OEM fleet experience with service
■ for clear defined scopes like planned mainte- activities in achieving an optimized shut - down of the
Power Service

nance, advisor on - site inspection and on - call power station. Additionally, continuous cooperation
service, a fixed price approach with regular in- between the plant‘s operation staff and ALSTOM
stallments is established helps the customer with:
■ Unplanned maintenance is not predictable, from ■ Long - term maintenance planning
either the timing nor from the financial costs. It ■ Immediate reaction for troubleshooting
Chapter requires a separate approach for pricing. De- ■ Optimization of spare parts procurement, stor-
Scope & Products
pending on the definition of unplanned activities, age and logistics
respective options with fixed prices can be quot- ■ Providing fixed costs benefits by optimizing the
Customer Needs
ed. customer‘s workforce assignment planning.
Parts & Field Service
It is also possible to integrate unplanned maintenance
Performance Improvement
into an LTSA and to share technical risks resulting from
Service Contracts
unplanned maintenance between the customer and
ALSTOM. In such contract type ALSTOM would par-
ticipate in the technical risks caused by unexpected
events, like findings during inspections or damages,
but only up to a defined limit. The precondition for
Learning Tips
such a contract model is the procurement and avail-
e-Book Guide
ability of a defined package of strategic spare parts
to reduce waiting times and resulting delays.

Version 1.0 10/05
Service Contracts – Summary

A Long - term service agreement (LTSA) is a multiyear ■ Optimized maintenance planning and work flow
contract for the execution of service activities by orig- resulting in reduced down time over the years
inal equipment manufacturers (OEM). An LTSA can based on the gained experience of both partners
cover OEM equipment or third party equipment ap- through the continuity in service execution.
Power Service

plying the OEM‘s technical know-how.

ALSTOM has experience in design, operation and ALSTOM can provide a variety of LTSA solutions to
maintenance of power plants worldwide as well as satisfy the specific needs of our customers.
in the equipment manufacturing. This experience al- ■ The basic package for an LTSA could consist of
lows ALSTOM to establish service modules for their regularly executed advisor on - site inspections for
Chapter own and third party equipment, systems or complete ALSTOM‘s OEM delivery and /or 24 hours on - -
Scope & Products
plants, which can be implemented into any type of call services together with on - site emergency sup-
LTSA, ranging from trouble shooting or an annual port.
Customer Needs
support program to different levels of maintenance ■ On a more advanced level an LTSA can also
Parts & Field Service
activities. This approach supports one of the main offer planned maintenance to components, sys-
targets of an LTSA: to minimize outage times and tems or even complete power stations for OEM
Performance Improvement
to optimize overhaul periods for economical power or third party equipment. The service works are
Service Contracts
plant operation. performed in accordance with the inspection and
overhaul instructions of the OEM or adapted to
ALST0M offers several advantages in comparison to a specific outage program to optimize the total
ordering service activities on a case by case basis: plant outage planning.
■ Continuous technical support by the OEM ■ In addition to the above packages, the most com-
Learning Tips
■ In - depth observation and benchmarking of the prehensive LTSA includes maintenance and repair
e-Book Guide
OEM equipment works caused by unplanned outages during plant

Version 1.0 10/05

More information on ALSTOM’s steam turbine prod-

ucts and services can be found in the product cata-
log on the ALSTOM services intranet portal. To ac-
cess the portal:
Power Service

■ Link to Service Online intranet homepage:

■ Enter your login and password (If you do not have
a login and password, please click on “New Re-
gistration” on the homepage to register)
Chapter ■ After login click on “About Business” and “Product
Scope & Products
& Services” and you will view the entry page of
the product catalog.
Customer Needs
Parts & Field Service
Performance Improvement
Service Contracts

Learning Tips
e-Book Guide

Version 1.0 10/05

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