301 BasisVerbal
301 BasisVerbal
301 BasisVerbal
At birth, most people have vocal cords, which produce sounds. As a child
grows it learns how to form these sounds into words. Some words may be
imitative of natural sounds, but others may come from expressions of emotion,
such as laughter or crying. Words alone have no meaning. Only people can
put meaning into words. As meaning is assigned to words, language develops,
which leads to the development of speaking.
Over 3,000 languages and major dialects are spoken in the world today. The
development of languages reflects class, gender, profession, age group, and
other social factors. The huge variety of languages usually creates difficulties
between different languages, but even within a single language there can be
many problems in understanding.
The other major area of speaking is public speaking. From the origin of time, it
has been obvious that some people are just better public speakers than
others. Because of this, today a good speaker can earn a living by speaking to
people in a public setting. Some of the major areas of public speaking are
speaking to persuade, speaking to inform, and speaking to inspire or motivate.
To learn more about verbal communication in the previously mentioned areas,
just follow these links:
Interpersonal Speaking
Verbal communication is an essential part of business and when it is executed
correctly, good things happen. Here are a few different ideas and styles to
remember when speaking to anyone in a business setting.
Speaking can be used as a tool to accomplish your objectives. But, first you
must break the habit of talkingspontaneously withougt planning what you’re
going to say or how you’re going to say it. You must learn to manage the
impression you create by consciously tailoring your remarks and delivery style
to suit the situation. Here are some things which will make you an effective
Remember that various situations call for different speaking styles, just as
various writitng assignments call for different writing styles. Here are four
different styles that will suit every occasion:
For example: "No way am I going to let that nerd force an incentive-pay plan on
UPS workers."
For example: "Stacy Lee might be able to present the plan more favorably."
For example: "We seem to be ahving a hard time agreeing on the specifics of
the incentive-pay plan."
Following these few helpful tips will increase your communication awareness
which will ultimately increase your value as an employee. Nice communicating
with you!
Hierarchical Communication
Have you ever noticed how people communicate differently to their bosses
than they would communicate to their coworkers? This difference in
communication is due to the chain of command. Managers or "bosses" are
typically in an influential position over their employees. Managers have
authority or the right to give orders and expect the orders to be obeyed. Many
employees may feel that any bad attitude or disagreement with their superior
may result in a bad relationship with the boss and therefore create a bad work
environment or job description.
The last type of difference in communication is between the male and female
sexes. It was found that when men talk, they do so to emphasize status and
independence. Women are found to talk to create connections and intimacy.
Women speak about a problem as a means of promoting closeness and to gain
support and connection while men talk to solve a problem or give advice.
Identify yourself, with your first and last name, when answering the
Return phones calls within 24 hours, and apologize if the call is late.
Identify yourself when you place a call. Say your name, the company,
business or department you represent. Then state the nature of your call.
If you do not identify yourself, expect to be asked and do not take
3. Voice Mail
4. Call-Waiting
Unless you are expecting an urgent call and say so, it’s impolite to
continually put the person to whom you’re speaking on hold while you
take another call. Say, "I have another call, can you hold just a second?"
Take the other call, explain you’re on another line and will call back
shortly. Then quickly return to your first caller.
5. Speakerphones
6. Cellular phones
Try to remove yourself from a public area to a quiet corner of the
room so as not to bother others.
Make sure it’s for a good reason, such as pulling the person’s file or
answering another line.
Ask the person if he or she will hold, and wait for a response rather
than assuming the answer is yes.
Never keep a caller on hold for more than a minute. If you have to
take longer than that, return to the person and tell them that you
absolute have to take a few minutes longer, and ask if she wouldn’t
prefer that you call her back."
Public Speaking
The first step in making a speech is choosing a topic. We will assume you
already have a topic since your qualifications, the audience, or the occasion
usually determines it.
If you do not have a topic, your most effective speeches will come from a topic
you are familiar with or that you want to learn more about.
The second step is to define the purpose of your speech. Are you speaking to
persuade your audience, inform your audience, or a combination of the two?
And, what are you persuading your audience to do, or what are you informing
them about? The answers to these questions will define the purpose of your
The third step is to get to know your audience. Get to know the demographic
features of your audience. You want to know how large the audience will be,
what sort of setting or conditions you will be speaking in, how the audience
feels about the topic, and how the audience feels about you as the speaker.
Gauge how important these factors will be on the speaking situation and adjust
your speech accordingly. Keep in mind the audience is the focus of your
speech, and you re looking for a positive response from them.
The fourth step is to gather information for your speech. There are countless
sources of information, but here are a few: interviews, the Internet, scholarly
journals, government documents, newspapers, and magazines. This
information can be used in your speech in a variety of ways. It may be used to
supply examples for supporting your ideas, or as statistics to quantify your
The fifth step is to organize your speech. Start by identifying the main points
you want to make, and then put them in an order that makes sense to your
topic. You can order them chronologically if your topic covers a sequence of
events; spatially if you are describing something from top to bottom, east to
west, or according to some other avenue; or, problem-solution order if you are
presenting a problem followed by a solution.
The seventh step is adding a conclusion to your speech. First, signal to the
audience that your speech is coming to a close by using phrases such as "In
conclusion," In closing," and "Let me end by saying." Second, reinforce the
main point of your speech. You can do this by simply restating your main
points, ending with a quotation that summarizes your main points, or by
making a dramatic statement that emphasizes your main points.