RPA Interview Questions
RPA Interview Questions
RPA Interview Questions
We have compiled a set of Robotic Process Automation interview questions to help you prepare for
your RPA job interview. The topics included are RPA solution architecture, RPA lifecycle, UiPath
tool, Citrix automation, creating RPA bots, screen scraping, RPA vs. macros, detailed activities
performed by UiPath, Blue Prism Vs. UiPath, single block activity in UiPath and more. Learn RPA
from Intellipaat RPA course and fast-track your career.
2. What is RPA?
Robotic process automation (RPA) is a type of software that is used to do automation of
fundamental tasks in software applications like how a human performs it. The software robot can be
trained for a workflow/process with different steps & application. It could be for example, taking
received forms, sending a receipt message, checking the forms for completeness, documenting the
form in a folder and updating a spreadsheet with the form name, the date recorded, etc. RPA
programming is intended to diminish the weight of monotonous, straightforward tasks/work on
3. List the different types of tools in RPA.
1. Blue Prism
2. UiPath
3. Automation Anywhere
4. Work Fusion
5. Openspan
Record a task
9. What is the difference between TaskBot, MetaBot and IQBot in RPA tool?
Robots Macros
Learns and enhances itself from the repetitive process Does not learns from the repetitive process
Can act Autonomously Cannot act autonomously
Responds to external stimuli and reprograms itself Does not respond to external stimuli.
Highly secured automation Security is not a high priority here
15. What are the different automation frameworks in software automation testing?
1. Modular automation framework
2. Keyword driven framework
3. Hybrid automation framework
4. Data driven framework
23. What are the important aspects to be considered in the planning phase of automation?
1. Selecting the right RPA tool
2. Selecting the right framework
3. Various items such as In scope and Out scope based on task
4. Test environment
5. Identification of deliverables
24. If the Organization Infrastructure is not aligned with RPA then what needs to be done?
RPA does not have compatibility issues, they can be simply enabled in existing organization’s
infrastructure to keep in phase. It can be modified, and it is flexible enough to make it aligned easily
with the organization.
Desktop automation
Image automation
Background automation
In the Arguments panel, select an argument or right click on the argument and press Delete.
31. What are the different types of Logs and what are the log fields?
There are two different types of Logs –
Default logs
1. Execution start
2. Execution end
3. Transaction start
4. Transaction end
5. Error log
6. Debugging log