2008 Veresov
2008 Veresov
2008 Veresov
Bibliography 4
Introduction 5
This book is really the result of a happy ways considered the Veresov an open-
accident. I had just finished my first ing of dubious lineage. After all, with 1
book for Everyman Chess on the London d4 and 2 Ìc3 White violates one of the
System, when John Emms asked if I biggest taboos in chess, which is don’t
wanted to do a second book – on the block your c-pawn with your knight in a
Veresov. Apparently he had seen several Queen’s Pawn opening. What never oc-
of my games with the Veresov in the curs to Veresov naysayers is the fact that
database. There was only one problem: White isn’t trying for c4, but instead
John had been looking at my younger plays for e4! Diehard Veresovers like
brother Jimmy’s games! The database Jimmy knew better. He would heap po-
had inadvertently posted many of etic praises upon his beloved opening.
Jimmy’s games under my name. Jimmy Not wishing to hurt the lad’s feelings, I
had played the Veresov in the 80’s and indulged him by nodding politely,
had long since retired from tournament coughing, looking up at the ceiling and
play to become a captain of industry, whistling through my teeth, holding
running our family business. I, on the back any criticism of his favourite open-
other hand, had not played a single ing. Now, having thoroughly studied the
Veresov in my life. After confessing this opening, I can state with confidence
to John he gave me the go ahead any- that Jimmy was right and I was wrong.
way. Perhaps John thought Veresov was The Veresov is completely playable, and
in the Lakdawala family genes! if you are a tactician and attacking
The book constituted a real chal- player, it tends to suck your opponent
lenge, and the irony of a London-loving into your realm of power. Nobody both-
chess chicken like me writing a book on ers to study the line as Black. So the
one of the most bloodthirsty openings greatest strength of the Veresov is its
in chess was not lost on me. I had al- own dubious reputation!
A Ferocious Opening Repertoire
A Ferocious Opening Repertoire
For the love of God, man, ...c5! But Deflecting a key defender.
maybe now it is too late. Also, please 28...Íc5 29 Íxc5 Ëxc5 30 Íxg6 fxg6
note how kind I am in awarding most 31 Îxg6+!
of Black’s non-...c5 moves ‘?!’ instead of Obvious but still pretty.
the full ‘?’ that they deserve. 31...Êh8
Here after 19...c5 20 f5 exf5 21 gxf5 Black’s king is utterly overwhelmed.
c4 22 Ìxg7! White has a crushing at- This is how Napoleon must have felt
tack. near the end of the Battle of Waterloo!
20 g5! If 31...hxg6 32 Ëxg6+ Êf8 33 Îg3 and
Planning to entomb Black’s king mate next move.
with a knight sac on f6. 32 f7! 1-0
20...Íb6 21 Ìe2 c5! W________W
Hooray! Perhaps this move should [WDbDrDWi]
be awarded a ‘!!’. Unfortunately, it ar- [4WDWDPDp]
rives too late.
22 Ìf6+!
W________W [WDW0W)WD]
[Dp0p)W)W] W--------W
[WDW)W)WD] Black can’t deal with the double
[DRDBDWDQ] threats of 33 fxe8(Q+) and 33 Ëe5+.
[DWDWDRIW] Summary
W--------W ...c5 was required! Defensive technique
The original maestro of the Veresov has come a long way since 1937. Today,
(the Richter-Veresov?) goes on to give a most club players would reflexively
beautiful demonstration in the art of counter in the centre at the first sign of
attack. a white attack, but one thing remains
22...gxf6 23 gxf6 Ëf8 24 Êh1 cxd4 constant: the Veresov continues to con-
The force of White’s kingside build- fuse Black.
up is revealed in the lines: 24...c4?? 25
Íb4! which traps the queen, and The Tone of this Book
24...Ìc6 25 f5 exf5 26 Íh6 f4 27 Ëh5. I hope the reader will forgive my occa-
25 Îg1 Ìd7 26 Ëh5 Ìxf6 27 exf6 Îa7 sional overly-goofy tone. In the middle
28 Íb4! of a chapter, I may suddenly engage
Chapter Two
The Veresov:
3...Ìbd7 4 Ëd3
1 d4 Ìf6 2 Ìc3 d5 3 Íg5 Ìbd7 4 Ëd3 e) 4...c5 when Black will capture on
This is a sounder alternative to the d4 with greater central control, but
chaos of 4 f3 from the first chapter. your development lead in the open po-
W________W sition could make life tough for Black.
[WDWDWhWD] Game 15
[DWDpDWGW] Zagreb 2006
[DWHQDWDW] 1 d4 Ìf6 2 Ìc3 d5 3 Íg5 Ìbd7 4 Ëd3
[P)PDP)P)] c6 5 Ìf3
[$WDWIBHR] W________W
W--------W [rDb1kgW4]
In this chapter, we deal with: [0pDn0p0p]
a) 4...c6 from which you get mostly
Caro-Kann style positions;
b) 4...e6 where you deal with French
c) 4...h6?! usually leads to inferior [DWHQDNDW]
French positions; [P)PDP)P)]
d) 4...g6 leads to a hybrid Caro/Pirc [$WDWIBDR]
position; and W--------W
A Ferocious Opening Repertoire
GM Prié considers this the mainline his pieces while White owns c5.
of the 4 Ëd3 Veresov. White takes a 8 axb4 Ía6 9 b5!
wait-and-see approach and refrains W________W
from an immediate e4. One drawback [rDW1kgW4]
is that White loses the option of slowly [DWDn0p0p]
building his centre with f3 and e4.
Blind ambition! Black launches an
attack even before White commits his
king to the queenside. Instead, after [DWHQDNDW]
5...g6 6 e4 dxe4 7 Ìxe4 Íg7 (the game [W)PDW)P)]
looks like it arose from some kind of [$WDWIBDR]
Gurgenidze Pirc) 8 Íe2 h6 9 Ìxf6+ W--------W
Ìxf6 10 Íf4 White has a little extra 9...cxb5?
space but Black stands solidly, A.Zubov- After this Black experiences serious
N.Papenin, Simferopol 2003. difficulties. He should enter the line
6 a3! 9...Íxb5! 10 Ìxb5 dxe4 11 Ëe3! cxb5
White remains flexible, changes (11...exf3?? 12 Ìd6 mate would be a
gears and plans to castle kingside. pleasant surprise for White) 12 Ìd2
6...a5!? Ëb6 13 Ìxe4 Ìd5 14 Ëd3 e6 when
If you are brave and stubborn White stands a tad better due to his
enough, you can actually still castle bishop pair, but Black’s queenside play
queenside: for example, 6...h6 7 Íh4 e6 gives him counterplay.
8 e4 dxe4 9 Ìxe4 Íe7 10 Ìxf6+ Ìxf6 10 Ìxd5 Ìxd5 11 exd5 b4 12 Ëb3
11 0-0-0!? 0-0 12 Ìe5 (the key for Íxf1 13 Êxf1 Ëb6
White is central play, since he is slower Brkic had probably intended
if he begins to attack Black’s king) 13...Ìb6?! 14 c4! bxc3 15 bxc3, but
12...Íb7 13 Íe2 a5 14 Íf3 Ìd5?! then realized that he couldn’t recap-
(14...b4!) 15 Íxe7 Ëxe7 16 Íxd5 cxd5 ture: 15...Ìxd5?? 16 Ìe5! and Black is
17 Ëxb5! Îfc8?! 18 Ëd7! and White helpless to stop Ëb5+ or Ëa4+.
was up a pawn in the ending but later 14 Ëa4!
botched it, M.Pogromsky-A.Pugachov, Pinning the knight and preparing c4.
Internet 2004. 14...f6 15 Íd2 Îc8 16 Êe2!
7 e4 b4!? Very brave. He sees that d1 is actu-
Or 7...Ía6 8 b4 axb4 9 axb4 dxe4 10 ally a secure spot for the king. Black
Ìxe4 Íb7 11 Îb1 e6 12 Íe2 with an simply doesn’t have the attackers to do
interesting position where White stands the job. An alternative plan is to play
just a shade better. Black controls d5 for h3 and walk the king to h2.
The Veresov: 3...Ìbd7 4 Ëd3
The opening has been a disaster for After 24...Ëxg4 25 Îh2 everything is
Black. Let’s assess: covered and White remains two pawns
W________W in the plus column.
[WDrDkgW4] 25 Ëc2!
[DWDn0W0p] Simplifying into an easily won end-
game. Black can’t dodge the trade.
25...Ëxc2+ 26 Êxc2 Îxg2 27 Íe3 f5?
[0WDPDWDW] 27...Îc8 28 Êd3 Ìb6 29 Ìd2 is also
[Q0W)WDWD] hopeless.
[DWDWDNDW] 28 Ìh4 1-0
[$WDWDWDR] Summary
W--------W White takes a waiting approach with 5
1. He is down a pawn; Ìf3. He eventually plays for e4 no mat-
2. Not only is Black behind in devel- ter how Black responds.
opment, but the d5-pawn clogs Black’s
even further;
3. White’s king is safe and comfort- Game 16
able in the middle since Black doesn’t J.Bosch-A.Kabatianski
have enough attackers; Dutch League 2009
4. The a5-pawn is weak and hang-
ing; and 1 d4 Ìf6 2 Ìc3 d5 3 Íg5 Ìbd7 4 Ëd3
5. Black is stuck in an annoying pin c6 5 Ìf3 g6
on the a4-e8 diagonal. A more sober approach than 5...b5.
16...g5 17 c3 Ëa6+ 18 Êd1 bxc3 19 W________W
bxc3 Ëd3 20 Ëxa5 Îb8 21 Ëa2! Ëf5 22 [rDb1kgW4]
h3 Îg8 23 c4 g4 24 hxg4 Îxg4 [0pDn0pDp]
W________W [WDpDWhpD]
[DWDWDNDW] W--------W
[QDwGW)PD] 6 e4 dxe4 7 Ìxe4 Íg7 8 0-0-0 0-0 9
W--------W Moving the king to b1 is almost a
A Ferocious Opening Repertoire
The Veresov: 3...Ìbd7 4 Ëd3
16...Íxc4 17 Ëxc4 Ëb6 18 Íh6 Íxh6? 22 a3 Îab8 23 Êa1 Ìg4 24 Îxh8 Îxh8
There was no reason for Black to 25 Îe1 e6 26 Ëd2 Ìgf6
give White a free move to double on Black has equalized. The mutual
the h-file. He should play 18...Îfb8! 19 weaknesses on d4 and c6 cancel each
Ëc1 Íh8. other out.
19 Îxh6 Êg7 20 Îdh1? 27 Ìe5?!
A critical moment in the game. His d-pawn needs support: 27 Îc1
White’s move allows Black to challenge c5 28 Ëc3 cxd4 29 Ëxd4 e5 30 Ëc4
the h-file with his rooks. White missed Ëxc4 31 Îxc4 is balanced but still
the more subtle 20 Ëc1! and Black sharp due to the opposite-wing pawn
must be very careful. For example: majorities.
a) 20...Îh8?? 21 Ìf5+! mates. 27...Ëd5 28 f3 Ìc5
b) 20...Îfb8?? 21 Ìf5+! and once Threatening to land on b3, but this
again White mates in five. isn’t the strongest move. Black should
c) 20...Îg8! (the only move) 21 Ìe5 go for 28...c5! 29 Ëxa5 Îa8 30 Ëb5
Êf8 22 Ìxd7+ Ìxd7 23 Ìe4 Îb8 24 Ëxd4 31 Ìxd7 Ìxd7 (threatening to
Îh7 and Black’s king is in a precarious take on a3) 32 Ëb3 Îb8 33 Ëc2 Ìe5
situation; Ìg5 is in the air. with the initiative.
W________W 29 Êb1 Ìb3
[rDWDW4WD] W________W
[W1pDWhp$] [DWDWDpiW]
W--------W [DKDW$WDW]
20...Ëb5! W--------W
A terrific defensive move. Black cov- 30 Ëe3?
ers the critical f5-square and deprives Meekly submitting to the loss of a
his opponent of opportunities to sac on pawn. White misses an opportunity to
f5. This allows Black time to challenge counterattack and target f7 with the
the h-file with equality. line 30 Ëf4! Ëxd4 (Black is in big trou-
21 Ëc1 Îh8 ble after 30...Ìxd4? 31 Ìe4 Ìf5 32 g4
No more Ìf5+ tricks, so Black con- Îh4 33 Ìg5) 31 Ìe4! Ìd2+! 32 Ëxd2
fronts White on the h-file. Ëxe5 33 Ìxf6 Ëxf6 34 Ëxa5, which
A Ferocious Opening Repertoire
The Veresov: 3...Ìbd7 4 Ëd3
A Ferocious Opening Repertoire
The Veresov: 3...Ìbd7 4 Ëd3
A bolt of lightning from a blue, pawn down, but the damage to his
summer sky! Black’s king is a lot less structure is too much to overcome.
safe than he believed.
17...bxc6 18 Íc5+ Êe8 19 Îde1! Summary
A sting at the end. Black has no Be prepared to go into an odd, Smyslov
choice but to return the piece to get line of the Caro if you choose to play a
out of the crossfire. quick e4 against 4...c6.
After 19...Îd5! 20 Íxg4+ Êd8 21
Íxc8 Îxc5 22 Íg4 the factor of oppo- Game 18
site-coloured bishops gives Black some M.Khachian-I.Koniushkov
hope of survival. Moscow 1996
20 Íxg4+ Êc7 21 Íxc8 Îaxc8 22 Íe7!
W________W 1 d4 d5 2 Ìc3 Ìf6 3 Íg5 Ìbd7 4 Ëd3
[WDr4WDWD] c6 5 e4
[0WiWGp0W] If you castle, you can sometimes
transpose to the 4...g6 line: 5 0-0-0 g6 6
f3 Íg7 7 e4 dxe4 8 fxe4 Ëa5 9 e5 Ìd5
[DWDWDWDW] 10 Ìxd5 cxd5 11 Ëb3 sees White lead
[WDWDW)W)] in development and space, J.Hector-
[DWDWDWDW] H.Olsen, Swedish Team Championship
[P)PDWDPD] 2006.
[DWIW$WDR] 5...Ìxe4 6 Ìxe4 dxe4 7 Ëxe4 Ëa5+
W--------W This is an annoying manoeuvre bor-
22...Îd7!? rowed from the Caro, which forces
Deliberately allowing his pawns to White to back off for a few moves.
sustain damage, but banking on coun- W________W
terplay down the g-file. Black should [rDbDkgW4]
lose the rook ending after 22...Íxe7 23 [0pDn0p0p]
Îxe7+ Îd7 24 Îxd7+ Êxd7 25 Îe1
Îb8, since White is up a clear pawn
and has multiple targets: a7, c6 and
possibly even g7 with the plan Îe3, h5
and Îg3. [DWDWDWDW]
23 Íxf6 gxf6 24 g3 h5 25 Îe3 Îg8 26 [P)PDW)P)]
Îd1 1-0 [$WDWIBHR]
The five isolanis are driftwood scat- W--------W
tered along a beach. Black is only one 8 Íd2 Ëd5 9 Ëe3