Computer Numerical Control (CNC) : Developed AT
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) : Developed AT
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) : Developed AT
Sr. D.G.M.(HRD)
BHEL, Jhansi(UP)
United institute of
Roll No.-1228431050
This is to certify that the project entitled “COMPUTER NUMERIC CONTROL” which
is submitted by “Preeti Umrao” in partial fulfillment of the requirement of award of
degree of “Bachelor Of Technology” in “ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION
ENGINEERING” Uttar Pradesh techniqual university, Lucknow is a record of
candidate own work under my supervision. The matter embodied in this is original
and has not been submitted for award of any other degree.
I am highly thankful to B.H.E.L. engineers and technical staff for providing us vital
and valuable information about the different facets of an industrial management
We express our gratitude to Human Resource and Development department for
giving us a chance to feel the industrial environment and its working in B.H.E.L. and
we are thankful to Mr. Vijay Verma, Sr. Engineer for giving his precious time and help
us in understanding various theoretical and practical aspect of our project on PLC
under whose kind supervision we accomplished our project. We are also thankful to
Mr. M.K. Nagayach for his kind support.
B-Tech 3 rd
year (Electronics &
Communication Engineering)
The summer training is an integral part of the B.Tech degree program.
During the course of training, the trainees are expected to use and apply their
academic knowledge and gain valuable insight of cooperate cultures with all its
environment operational complexity, the said training offers, a valuable of the
trainees to meet their academic knowledge with the real world situation.
6-Applications 62
7-References 63
VISION: A global engineering enterprise providing solutions for a better tomorrow.
LOYALTY: We are loyal to our customers, to our company and to each other.
TEAM WORK: We work together as a team to provide best solutions & services to
our customers. Through quality relationships with all stakeholders we deliver value
to our customers.
BHEL caters to core sectors of the Indian Economy viz., Power Generation &
transmission, Industry, Transportation, Telecommunication, Renewable Energy,
Defense, etc. The wide network of BHEL’s 17 manufacturing divisions, four Power
Sector regional centers, over 100 project sites, eight service centers and 18 regional
offices, enables the company to promptly serve its customers and provide them with
suitable products, systems and services-efficiently and at competitive prices. BHEL
has already attained ISO 9000 certification for quality management, ISO 27000 for
Information Technology and ISO 14001 certification for environment management.
OIL AND GAS: BHEL’s products range includes Deep Drilling Oil Rigs, Mobile Rigs,
Work Over Rigs, Well Heads and X-Mas Trees, Choke and Kill Manifolds, Full Bore
Gate Valves, Mud line Suspension System, Casing Support system Sub-Sea Well
Heads, Block valves, Seamless pipes, Motors, Compressor, Heat Exchangers etc.
BHEL is growing concern to meet the changing needs of the nation has taken it
beyond power into the total gamut of energy, industry and transportation BHEL is
able to offer a service in each of this fields. It;s manufacturing capability is supported
by a corporate R&D division at Hyderabad works closely with the research and
development cells at various units and Welding Research Institute at Tiruchinapalli.
Industrial fans.
Electrostatic precipitators.
Heat Exchangers.
Porcelain/Ceramics insulators.
Power systems.
AC/DC locomotives.
T.G. sets.
Power devices.
Solar Cells.
Gas Turbines.
Drive Turbines.
Oil rigs.
Wind mills.
By the end of the fifth year plan, it was envisaged by the planning commission that
the demand for the power transformer would raise in the coming years. Anticipating
the country’s requirement BHEL decided to set up a new plant, which would
manufacture power and other type of transformer in addition to the capacity available
at BHEL in Bhopal. The Bhopal plant was engaged in the manufacture transformers
of large rating and Jhansi unit would concentrate on power transformer, traction
transformer for railway etc.
The unit at Jhansi was established in 9 Jan, 1974 and it is situated around in 15 kms
from the city on the national highway number 26 i.e. Jhansi-Lalitpur road. It is called
second generation plant of BHEL it was setup in 1974 and estimated cost of Rs
16.22crores inclusive of Rs 2.1crores for township. Late Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the
prime minister laid the foundation on 9 th Jan 1974. The commercial production of the
unit began in 1976-77 with an output of Rs 53 lacs, since then there has been no
looking back for BHEL Jhansi.
(3 Phase).
Main aim behind the rotation of various departments is that one can understand the
working of each and every department and to see that how people (workers, middle
level executive, top officials) work in corporate environment.
Main departments of BHEL Jhansi
There are separate stores for different type of material in the BHEL
There are three sections in store;
Control Receiving Section
Custody Section
Scrap Disposal Section
Fabrication is nothing but production. It comprises of three bays i.e. Bay 0, Bay 1,
Bay 2.
BAY – 0
It is the Preparation shop while the other two bays form the
assembly. This section has – the following machines:
Planer machine – Two reduce thickness.
Shearing machine.
CNC/ANC Flame cutting machine – To cut complicated shaft using Oxy-
Acetylene flame.
Bending machine.
Rolling machine.
Flattening machine.
Drilling machine.
Nibbling machine.
Pantograph flame cutting machine.
It is an assembly shop where different parts of tank come from bay 0. Here welding
processes are used for assembly, after which a rough surface is obtained Grinder
operating at 1200 rpm, is used to eliminate the roughness.
It is assembly shop dealing with making different object mentioned below:
Tank assembly
Tank cover assembly
End frame assembly.
Foot assembly.
Cross feed assembly.
Core clamp assembly.
Pin and pad assembly.
Before assembly, short blasting (Firing of small materials i.e. acid picking) is done on
different parts of jobs to clean the surface before painting.
After assembly some tests are known as NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTS:
Ultrasonic Tests: To detect the welding fault on the CRO at the fault place high
amplitude waves are obtained.
Die Penetration Tests: Red solution is put at
the welding & then cleaned. After some time white solution is put. Appearance of a
red spot indicates a fault at the welding.
Magnetic Crack Detection: Magnetic field is created & then iron powder is put at
the welding. Sticking of the iron powder in the welding indicated as a fault.
BAY – 3
Here are basically three sections in the bay:
1. Machine Section.
2. Copper Section.
3. Tooling Section.
MACHINE SECTION : The operations to form small components of Power & Traction
Transformers are done in section. The shop consists of following machines:
CENTRAL LATHE: It consist one tailstock, headstock low part of tailstock is fixed &
tailstock spindle is moving. On this machine facing, turning & threading is done.
TURRET LATHE: Its function is same as central lathe but it is used for mass
production. Here turret lathe is used in presence of tailstock because turret lathe
contains many tailstocks.
a) Horizontal milling machine – It is used for making gear and cutting operations.
b) Vertical milling machine – By this machine facing, cutting & T slot cutting is done
COPPER SECTION: All the processes related to copper are done here.
TUBE SLITTING MACHINE: This machine is developed here & is used for cutting
the tube along its length & across its diameter. Its blade thickness is 3 mm.
SHEARING MALCHINE: It is operated hydraulically & its blade has V-shape & a
thickness of 15 mm.
DIE AND PUNCHING MACHINE: It is also hydraulically operated & has a die &
punch for making holes.
HYDRAULIC BEINDING MACHINE: It is used for bending job up to 90 degree.
BEND SAW MACHINE : This machine is used for cutting job having small thickness.
It is circularly operated blade, around 1.5 m long.
WATER COOLED BRAZING MACHINE: It contain two carbon brushes. The sheet is
put along with a sulfas sheet & the carbon brushes are heated. A lap joint is formed
between the sheets as the sulfas sheet melts.
LINCING BELT MACHINE: It creates a smooth surface.
SOLDER POT MALCHINE: It has a pot that contains solder. Solder has a
composition of 60% Zn & 40% Pb.
BLADE SHAPE MACHINE: It sharpens the blade using a circular diamond cutter.
Blade of CNC, cropping line machine is sharpened here.
TOOL & SURFACE GRINDING MACHINE: This is specially used to grind the tool
used in Bay 7.
BAY – 4
It is the winding section.
1) Reverse section winding.
2) Helical winding
3) Spiral winding.
4) Interleaved winding.
5) Half Section winding.
There are four TYPES OF COIL fixed in a transformer.
They are:
1) Low voltage coil (LV)
2) High voltage coil (HV)
3) Tertiary coil.
4) Tap coil.
The type of winding depends on job requirement also the width and thickness of the
conductors are designed particulars & are decided by design department.
Conductors used for winding is in the form of very long strips wound on a spool, the
conductor is covered by cellulose paper for insulation.
For winding first the mould of diameter equal to inner diameter of required coil is
made. The specifications of coils are given in drawing. The diameter of is adjustable
as its body is made up of wooden sections that interlock with each other. Interlocking
can be increased or decreased to adjust the inner diameter of coil.
BAY – 5
It is core and punch section. The lamination used in power, dry, ESP transformer etc.
for making core is cut in this section.
CRGO (Cold rolled grain oriented) silicon steel is used for lamination, which is
imported in India from Japan, U.K.Germany. It is available in 0.27 & 0., 28 mm thick
sheets, 1 m wide & measured in Kg. The sheets are coated with very thin layer of
insulating material called “carlites”.
For the purpose of cutting & punching the core three machines are installed in shop.
BAY – 6
Single – traction transformer for AC locomotives is assembled in this section. These
Freight locomotive transformers are used where there is frequent change in speed.
In this bay core winding & all the assembly & testing of transformer is done.
These three phase transformer for ACEMU are also manufactured in this section.
The supply lines for this transformer are of 25 KV & power of the transformer is
6500 KVA.
BAY –7
This is the insulation shop. Various types of insulation are:
BAY – 8
Basically two types of transformers are assembled in this bay:
In power lines current & voltage handled is very large & therefore dire
measurement are not possible as these current & voltage are for too large
for any other of reasonable size & cost. The solution lies in steeping down
the current & voltage with instrument transformers that would be mattered
with instruments of moderate size. The transformers are also used for
protective purpose.
In B.H.E.L. Jhansi transformers from 11 KV class to 220 KV are manufactured.
BAY – 9
In this bay power transformer are assembled. After taking different input from
different bays 0-9 assemblies is done.
Power Transformer is used to step & step down voltages at generating & sub-
stations. There are various ratings 11 KV, 22 KV manufactured, they are
a) Generator Transformer
b) System Transformer
c) Auto Transformer
3) Unlacing & Core Coil Assembly:- The yoke of this core is removed using
crane. Bottom insulation in form of 50 mm thick UDEL sheets is placed PCB &
press board are also used for filling the gap & to provide a good base for the
coil to rest. The coil are then lowered primary, secondary, tertiary & tap in that
4) Replacing & End-frame Mounting:- After lowering a coil the top insulation
similar to the bottom one is provided. The removed yoke is placed end-frame
bolted back into its position. The connections are then made as per drawing.
All the conductors are insulated using crepe paper. Brazing copper makes the
connections. For brazing sulfas is used.
5) H.V.T.G. & L.V.T.G. :
Terminals gears are accessories provided at high voltage. The upper portion
of the OLTC contains mechanism by which tapping is changed .There is
switch which changes tap in very small type (Microseconds). But there is a
possibility of sparking. To get rid of it, OLTC is filled with oil. The bottom part
houses the terminals and the mechanism, which makes automatic
connections. The terminals are made of thick Al strops.
The objective of this department is to interact with the customers. It brings out
tenders & notices & also responds to them. It is department that places the contracts
of building the transformers & after delivery further interacts with the customer
regarding faults, this department does failure & maintenance. All such snags are
reported to them & they forward the information to the concerning department.
The works of the commercial department are :
1) Tenders and Notices.
2) Interaction with design department.
This unit was started in 1985. This department of Jhansi consists of two sections the
first is manufacturing & other is design. The diesels, AC, AC/DC locomotive are
manufactured here.
Salient features:
Salient features:
a) Operate on 25 KV AC Single-phase lines.
b) Driving cab at both ends.
c) Corridors on both sides for maintenance.
d) All pneumatic valves at one place.
e) Automatic wheel slip detection & correction.
f) Multiple unit operation up to three locomotives.
g) Fault display on driver’s desk.
h) VCB in AC circuit.
i) Air & Vacuum brakes.
As the name suggest this section deals with services & maintenance. It has following
B) Services: This section deals with air, steam & Power equipments.
C) Telephone Exchange.
This sections deals with stores & new machines procurement & other general things.
There are three maintenance centers at bay-2, substation 1 & Loco. This section is
also responsible for Power distribution in B.H.E.L.
1) HT Power Distribution:- This is at 11 KV, OCB are used for protection. There are
four substations for this distribution.
2) LT Distribution:- This is for the auxiliary in each shop & other section of B.H.E.L.
It uses OCB/OVC/BHEL BHOPAL, 800 KVA 415V Transformer & ACB
(English Electro).
QUALITYIt is the extent to which products and services satisfy the customer needs.
QUALITY ASSURANCEAll those plants and systematic action necessary to provide
adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy the given requirement is
called quality assurance.
QUALITY CONTROLThe operational technique and activities that are used to fulfill
requirement for quality are quality control.
A PLC hardware block diagram is shown in Figure. The programming terminal in the
diagram is not a part of the PLC, but it is essential to have a terminal for
programming or monitoring a PLC. In the diagram, the arrows between blocks
indicate the information and power flowing directions.
Input Output
Module CPU Module
Power Supply
Like other computerized devices, there is a Central Processing Unit (CPU) in a PLC.
The CPU, which is the “brain” of a PLC, does the following operations:
Updating inputs and outputs. This function allows a PLC to read the status of its
input terminals and energize or deenergize its output terminals.
Performing logic and arithmetic operations. A CPU conducts all the mathematic
and logic operations involved in a PLC.
Communicating with memory. The PLC’s programs and data are stored in
memory. When a PLC is operating, its CPU may read or change the contents of
memory locations.
Memory is the component that stores information, programs, and data in a PLC. The
process of putting new information into a memory location is called writing. The
process of retrieving information from a memory location is called reading.
The common types of memory used in PLCs are Read Only Memory (ROM) and
Random Access Memory (RAM). A ROM location can be read, but not written. ROM
is used to store programs and data that should not be altered. For example, the
PLC’s operating programs are stored in ROM.
A RAM location can be read or written. This means the information stored in a RAM
location can be retrieved and/or altered. Ladder logic programs are stored in RAM.
When a new ladder logic program is loaded into a PLC’s memory, the old program
that was stored in the same locations is over-written and essentially erased.
The memory capacities of PLCs vary. Memory capacities are often expressed in
terms of kilo-bytes (K). One byte is a group of 8 bits. One bit is a memory location
that may store one binary number that has the value of either 1 or 0. (Binary
numbers are addressed in Module 2). 1K memory means that there are 1024 bytes
of RAM. 16K memory means there are 16 x 1024 =16384 bytes of RAM.
A PLC is a control device. It takes information from inputs and makes decisions to
energize or de-energize outputs. The decisions are made based on the statuses of
inputs and outputs and the ladder logic program that is being executed.
The input devices used with a PLC include pushbuttons, limit switches, relay
contacts, photo sensors, proximity switches, temperature sensors, and the like.
These input devices can be AC (alternating current) or DC (direct current). The input
voltages can be high or low. The input signals can be digital or analog. Differing
inputs require different input modules. An input module provides an interface
between input devices and a PLC’s CPU, which uses only a low DC voltage. The
input module’s function is to convert the input signals to DC voltages that are
acceptable to the CPU. Standard discrete input modules include 24 V AC, 48 V AC,
120 V AC, 220 V AC, 24 V DC, 48 V DC, 120 V DC, 220 V DC, and transistor-
transistor logic (TTL) level.
The devices controlled by a PLC include relays, alarms, solenoids, fans, lights, and
motor starters. These devices may require different levels of AC or DC voltages.
Since the signals processed in a PLC are low DC voltages, it is the function of the
output module to convert PLC control signals to the voltages required by the
controlled circuits or devices. Standard discrete output modules include 24 V AC, 48
V AC, 120 V AC, 220 V AC, 24 V DC, 48 V DC, 120 V DC, 220 V DC, and TTL level.
Power Supply
PLCs are powered by standard commercial AC power lines. However, many PLC
components, such as the CPU and memory, utilize 5 volts or another level of DC
The PLC power supply converts AC power into DC power to support those
components of the PLC
In simple terms, Numerical Control (NC) means control by numbers. These numbers
are arranged in the form of blocks of series, which carry specific instruction. This is
known as prepared programme. Numerical Control of machine tools is
programmable automation where in the operating functions of the machine tool are
controlled by coded numbers and letters.
CNC, or computer numerical control, allows a computer to dictate the moves a
machine makes to perform cutting function. Originally, all machines were operated
manually with the distinct possibility of mistakes.
The CNC machine performs these same actions with more precision as well as more
speed. The first CNC machines were manufactured in the 1970s to speed up
production at large manufacturing plants and were very expensive and difficult to
"A system in which actions are controlled by direct insertion of Numeric data .The
system must automatically interpret at least some portion of data."
A Machine Tool
Feedback Devices
Feedback Devices
The feedback allows the control system to compare the machine's actual position
with the command value.
While there are exceptions to this statement, CNC machines typically replace (or
work in conjunction with) some existing manufacturing processes. Take one of the
simplest manufacturing processes, drilling holes, for example.
A drill press can of course be used to machine holes. (It's likely that almost everyone
has seen some form of drill press, even if you don't work in manufacturing.) A person
can place a drill in the drill chuck that is secured in the spindle of the drill press. They
can then (manually) select the desired speed for rotation (commonly by switching
belt pulleys), and activate the spindle. Then they manually pull on the quill lever to
drive the drill into the work piece being machined.
As you can easily see, there is a lot of manual intervention required to use a drill
press to drill holes. A person is required to do something almost every step along the
way! While this manual intervention may be acceptable for manufacturing companies
if but a small number of holes or workpieces must be machined, as quantities grow,
so does the likelihood for fatigue due to the tediousness of the operation. And do
note that we've used one of the simplest machining operations (drilling) for our
example. There are more complicated machining operations that would require a
much higher skill level (and increase the potential for mistakes resulting in scrap
work pieces) of the person running the conventional machine tool. (We commonly
refer to the style of machine that CNC is replacing as the conventional machine.)
By comparison, the CNC equivalent for a drill press (possibly a CNC machining
center or CNC drilling & tapping center) can be programmed to perform this
operation in a much more automatic fashion. Everything that the drill press operator
was doing manually will now be done by the CNC machine, including: placing the
drill in the spindle, activating the spindle, positioning the workpiece under the drill,
machining the hole, and turning off the spindle.
It is a software based system, in which the computer replaces the control unit of the
conventional NC. It does not carry the hard wired logic systems and all their
functions for controlling the machine tool are performed by the software programme
of the computer. That is why it is known as software based system.
The main objective of using this system is to simplify the hardware of conventional
NC and replace it with the software to the maximum possible extent.
The program is entered into the computer through a tape or keyboard and stored in
its memory, which can be called whenever a part is to be machined. Also it is easy to
edit and modify the program.
The machine, known as CNC cropping line, is meant for cutting lamination pieces
out of C.R.G.O. (Cold Rolled Grain Oriented) steel rolls. The basic machine consists
of three installations, namely, the de-coiler, the cutting table, the diverting unit and
the sheet stackers. The machine derives its name (Cropping Line) from the basic
fact that its cutting table comprises a series of tools, like punching units, V-notching
units, and shearing units in a sequential line so as to produce the lamination out of
the steel sheet running through the sheet guides of the cutting table. The input
material, i.e., CRGO steel roll is loaded on the de-coiler of the machine. In between
the de-coiler and the cutting table, there is a loop pit.
The input sheet steel is made to form a loop in the loop pit before it enters the cutting
table. The loop pit is equipped with electronic sensors to ensure availability of
material before the cutting table. The cutting table is equipped with a set of top &
bottom feed rollers at its entry so as to grab the input sheet and ensure further
movement of the sheet along the sheet guides of the cutting table. Tools for various
operations, as described already are located on either side of the sheet guides to
execute respective operations. In automatic mode , the line will go on producing
laminations as per the shape and dimensions defined in the particular cutting
program, out of the CRGO steel sheet and will ensure proper stacking of the cropped
lamination in a pair of top & bottom stackers located at the end of the machine.
CNC Mills
These machining centers use computer controls to cut different materials. They are
able to translate programs consisting of specific number and letters to move the
spindle to various locations and depths. Many use G code, which is a standardized
programming language that all CNC machines understand, while others use
proprietary languages created by their manufacturers. These proprietary languages
are often simpler than G code, but not transferable to other machines.
CNC Lathes
Lathes are machines that cut metal that is often turning at fast speeds.
CNC lathes are able to make fast, precision cuts using indexable tools and drills with
complicated programs for parts that normally cannot be cut on manual lathes. These
machines often include 12 tool holders and coolant pumps to cut down on tool wear.
CNC lathes have similar control specifications and can read G code as well as the
manufacturer's proprietary programming language.
CNC Grinders
Grinding metal is a process that uses a coated wheel that slowly removes metal to
create a part. Through the years, grinding was done on a manual machine, but with
the advent of CNC technology, the grinding process has advanced dramatically.
Enter the program, which includes the various passes that the wheel will make, and
hit start. It is one of the easiest types of CNC machines to work with as they often
only contain a single grinding wheel.
CNC machines offer many benefits over manual machines of the same type.
Since the machines are using complicated programs, many parts that were not
previously possible are now being created with 3D computer-aided manufacturing
You can design a part and convert the dimensions to G code.
You can often do this right at a CNC control and run the program immediately.
These machines save time and money, resulting in cost saving due to lower amounts
of waste from mistakes
CNC lathes are comprised of several integral components. The foundation of a CNC
lathe is referred to as its bed. The machine's chuck features jaws that hold workloads
in place. A spindle allows for workload rotation. Other key components include a
headstock, tailstock and a series of gears. CNC Information claims that many CNC
lathes utilize tools that are constructed out of carbide to grind or cut a workload.
To prevent workload chips and debris from flying about a workspace, CNC lathes
employ shields that are either fixed or removable depending on the manufacturer.
Employing eye goggles is a further safety measure that CNC operators may choose
to employ even if shields are in place. Proper safety measures and correct
operational procedures are typically listed in a CNC lathe's instructional manual.
The CNC machine was invented by John T. Parsons in the late-1950s and
revolutionized the manufacturing industry by creating parts with pinpoint accuracy.
Because the cutting tools are controlled by a computer, you can within .0001 inches
as long as your tooling is sharp and the conditions of the spinning material on the
lathe are set to optimize the cutting process. A CNC lathe can cut many parts before
the tooling will need to be change and each one will be identical. The only possible
errors are related to human interaction. If the program is off or the tooling is set
improperly, damage and inaccuracies can occur. The machine will only do what it is
told through the control unit, so if the material is not properly set up by a human, the
CNC control will not be aware of that fact.
CNC lathes are not only accurate but can be run very fast. This leads to increased
efficiency and more parts per hour. Humans have limited feed rate ability on manual
lathes. Because CNC lathes often have 12 or more tools in a turret, they can change
to another tool rather quickly. Most manual lathes have one tool that can be used at
a time, severely limiting the speed of the machining process if more than one tool is
necessary to complete the part. The CNC lathe can also change tools in a fraction of
a second and can feed into the parts fast thanks to power motors seen on modern
CNC lathes.
Cost Effectiveness
Although CNC lathes can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, their overall speed
and accuracy make them a very cost effective choice, as many operations can take
place within them. Whereas you may need two or three manual lathes and a manual
mill to get a part done, you can do all of those operations and more in a well-
equipped CNC lathe. This leads to a substantial savings on cost per part over
manual machines. Also, the accuracy contributes to less waste through human error.
Your labour costs may seem higher due to the high cost of trained CNC lathe
programmers and machinists, but if you break it down by part, it could be
substantially lower.
Sign Making
Adhesive vinyl signs are made by cutting letters out of large sheets of vinyl and
applying them to a backing. These letters are cut out using a CNC sign cutter with a
very fine blade attached. The machine is accurate enough that it can cut through the
vinyl without cutting through the backing behind the vinyl. Keeping the backing in one
piece means the letters don't fall apart after the CNC cutter has created them.
Machinery Components
CNC cutting machines can create in three dimensions as well as two. More
complicated and expensive CNC machines feature cutters that are mounted on
heads that are affixed to dual axes, allowing them to rotate vertically, horizontally and
laterally. The cutter is then capable of machining three-dimensional parts for
machines and equipment to very high tolerances. In some cases, the CNC machine
will mill the basic shape of a component. The component will then be transferred to
another machine to have holes drilled into it or finer details added.
In addition to technical and construction applications, CNC machines are capable of
aesthetic pursuits as well. A CNC machine can be programmed to engrave on the
surface of wood, metal, plastic or other materials, enabling manufacturers to
decorate and beautify their products in an efficient and consistent way. Engraving
can range from subtle accenting on a piece of fine furniture to identifying serial
numbers etched into the surface of machine parts
The existing control system is known by the machine manufacture’s brand name,
called “MODAC”
(Modular Axis Control system),this control platform is built around a real time
operating system named OS9. As shown in the block diagram, the basic control
system consists of three fundamental building blocks, named “MASTER”, “MOTION”,
and “PLC”. Inter communication among these three blocks is handled by a special
piece of hardware called “TPR” (Triple ported Ram). The core control software of the
machine resides in a hard disk drive connected to the “MASTER”. During every
power on of the machine, this core control software gets loaded to the system RAM
of the “MASTER” from the hard disk drive (HDD).
The PLC software usually resides in some EEPROM of the “PLC” block. During
power on booting this gets loaded to some RAM area in PLC. In case of any editing
of the “PLC” software, the same needs to be saved in the EEPROM of the PLC, if
the changes are of permanent nature. Temporary changes in the PLC program can
be tried on the machine even without saving it in the EEPROM of the PLC. Detailed
description of the three key modules is as follows:
The master module is connected to two PCs, known as “the user PC” and “the Fault
Win” PC over an Ethernet network, thus forming the “HMI” (Human Machine
Interface) of the CNC system. All operational inputs are keyed in by the operator
through the “user PC” to run the machine. Message log of the events occurring in the
machine including fault messages are conveyed to the operator by the CNC system
through the “Fault Win PC”. All the machine operations in the “manual” “set up” and
“automatic” are carried out by the operator using the “user PC” and some functional
switches given on the operator’s desk. Apart from the Ethernet link the “user PC’ is
also connected to the “Master” of the “MODAC” by a RS-232C serial link. The main
control software of the machine under the RT-OS9 resides in side the “master” and
from here the task specific data are carried to and from the other two function
specific blocks, i.e., “PLC” and “SERVO” over the “TPR” (TRIPLE PORTED RAM).
This functional block is responsible for carrying out all the position specific data
received from the “Master” by activating the specific servo motor – drive
combination. This block is having 10 analogue command ports for the servos out of
which 7 have been used in the machine to command the 7 specific servo drives. The
7 servo axes of the existing control are the “Feeder-1” and “Feeder-2”, the “Tip Cut
Unit-1”, the “Tip cut Unit-2”, the “V-Cut Unit”, the “Stacker Top” and the “Stacker
Apart from commanding the servo axes, this block has a unique feature of
commanding 16 motor-drive combinations, used for positioning of guides and some
tools over a RS 422 bus through a special bit of hardware called “Soemax” cards.
There are 16 “soemax” cards, connected to the RS 422 bus, each having a unique
address. The “Servo” places the address of the specific “Soemax” along with the
task it is required to perform on the bus.
The “Process Machine Interface (PMI)” which includes handling of all process related
inputs and outputs of the machine are taken care of by this block. Apart from digital
inputs and outputs there are three analogue outputs and one analogue input which
needs to be handled by the PLC. The PLC is capable of handling 164 direct digital
inputs and 164 direct digital outputs. Apart from this it also supports a “CAN” bus to
which a number of PLC sub modules, each having 32 inputs and 32 outputs can be
connected. In the existing configuration of the machine, 30 digital sub modules, 1
analogue input module and one 3 channel analogue output modules have been
used. The PLC has got its own CPU. Through a serial port (RS-232c) on PLC board
it is possible to access the PLC, using the “Fault Win “PC for troubleshooting as well
as up/down loading of PLC programme.
To and fro Communication between “PLC” and “Master” is again taken care of by the
“TPR”. The single analogue input module of the “PLC” is meant for sending the
analogue signal of the “sonar” device placed beneath the position of the de coiler
head in use. With feeding of material in the machine, the diameter of the CRGO coil
loaded on the decoiler goes on decreasing resulting in more distance between the
“Sonar” sensor and the coil in use. According to this change in the level of the
analogue sensor, the decoiler motor driven by one of the analogue output channels
of the PLC increases its speed so as to maintain the uniformity in feeding of sheet to
the machine. It needs no saying that with reduction in diameter of the loaded coil the
de coiler needs to rotate more to maintain the feeding rate of sheet.
Apart from the single analog input & the two analog outputs (Two for two de coiler
heads), the third analog out put is used for rotating the turn head for selection of de
coiler head. Since the machine is quite long the “PLC” sub modules are placed
practically all over the machine. Each sub-module usually handles the inputs and
outputs of the location around it. However there are some high priority inputs &
outputs which are directly connected to the PLC.
In similar fashion, all kinds of turning operations like facing, boring, turning, grooving,
knurling, and threading are done on CNC turning centers.
There are all kinds of special "off-shoots" of these two machine types including CNC
milling machines, CNC drill and tap centers, and CNC lathes.
Grinding operations of all kinds like outside diameter (OD) grinding and internal
diameter (ID) grinding are also being done on CNC grinders. CNC has even opened
up a new technology when it comes to grinding. Contour grinding (grinding a contour
in a similar fashion to turning), which was previously infeasible due to technology
constraints is now possible (almost commonplace) with CNC grinders.
In the metal fabrication industry.
CNC back gages are commonly used with shearing machines to control the length of
the plate being sheared. CNC lasers and CNC plasma cutters are also used to bring
plates to their final shapes.
Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is the process of removing metal through the
use of electrical sparks which burn away the metal. CNC EDM comes in two forms,
vertical EDM and Wire EDM. Vertical EDM requires the use of an electrode
(commonly machined on a CNC machining center) that is of the shape of the cavity
to be machined into the work piece. Picture the shape of a plastic bottle that must be
machined into a mold. Wire EDM is commonly used to make punch and die
combinations for dies sets used in the fabrication industry. EDM is one of the lesser
known CNC operations because it is so closely related to making tooling used with
other manufacturing processes.
As in the metal removal industry, CNC machines are heavily used in woodworking
shops. Operations include routing (similar to milling) and drilling. Many woodworking
machining centers are available that can hold several tools and perform several
operations on the work piece being machined.
2. CNC machines are programmed with a design which can then be manufactured
hundreds or even thousands of times. Each manufactured product will be exactly the
3. Less skilled/trained people can operate CNCs unlike manual lathes / milling
machines etc. which need skilled engineers.
4. CNC machines can be updated by improving the software used to drive the
5. Training in the use of CNCs is available through the use of ‘virtual software’. This
is software that allows the operator to practice using the CNC machine on the screen
of a computer. The software is similar to a computer game.
8. One person can supervise many CNC machines as once they are programmed
they can usually be left to work by themselves. Sometimes only the cutting tools
need replacing occasionally.
9. A skilled engineer can make the same component many times. However, if each
component is carefully studied, each one will vary slightly. A CNC machine will
manufacture each component as an exact match