Financial Statements and Disclosure of Information
Financial Statements and Disclosure of Information
Financial Statements and Disclosure of Information
5.1 Introduction
Every business organization has to submit its annual working results to
various agencies like Banks, Government Departments like Income Tax, VAT,
Professional Tax and others. For that every business organization prepares
Balance Sheet as at the year end date and profitability statement for the period
covered. There are various types of organizations and some of the organizations
are governed by the provisions of specific statutes. E.g. Co-operative Societies,
Trusts, Private and Public Limited Companies, Banking Organisations,
Insurance Companies etc. All these business organizations are covered by
different special statutes and they have to follow specific provisions of the
relevant act for the preparation and presentation of financial statements. For
companies, the provisions of Companies Act, 1956 specify detailed provisions
relating to preparation of Financial Statements and Audit thereof. All companies
have to statutorily comply with those provisions.
Accounting policy
According to accounting assumption of consistency same
accounting policies should be followed for similar transactions and these should
be followed consistently. Consideration in selection of accounting policies
1. Prudence
2. Substance over form
3. Materiality
(Rs. In ………….)
Figures as at Figures as at
the end of the end of
Particulars current Previous
reporting reporting
period period
1 2 3
I. Sources of Funds
1 Shareholders' funds
(a) Share capital
(b) Reserves and surplus
2 Loan Funds
(a) Secured Loans
(b) Unsecured Loans
II. Application of Funds
1 Fixed assets
(a) Gross Block
(b) Less: Depreciation
(c) Net Block
(d) Capital work-in-progress
2 Investments
3 Current Assets, Loans and Advances
(a) Inventories
(b) Sundry Debtors
(c) Cash and Bank Balances
(d) Other Current Assets
(e) Loans and Advances
Less: Current Liabilities and provisions
(a) Liabilities
(b) Provisions
Net Current Assets
4 (a) Miscellaneous expenditure to the
extent not written off or adjusted
(b) Profit and Loss Account
Table 5.2 Format of Profit and Loss Account specified in Schedule VI
Name of the Company- ___________________________
Profit and loss statement for the year ended __________ . (Rs. In ….)
Figures Figures
for the For the
current previous
reporting reporting
period period
Cash paid for
Repurchase of stock (treasury stock)
Repayment of loans
Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities
Net Increase in Cash
Cash at End of Year
5.4 Conclusion
In case of companies, the provisions of Companies Act, 1956 play a vital
role in preparation of Financial Statements. The detailed provisions govern each
and every aspect of accounting and auditing. Accounting provisions specify the
format of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account in Schedule VI. Two
types of formats are given. Schedule XIV specifies in detail the depreciation
rates to be applied while preparing Financial Statements. Again two
depreciation methods are allowed and different rates are specified for both the
methods. Accounting Standards are also specified and it is also specifically
mentioned that deviation or non-compliance should be disclosed. Auditing
provisions include qualification and disqualification of auditors, procedure for
appointment and removal of auditors, duties and responsibilities of auditors etc.
CARO specifies the points to be specifically looked into and to be answered by
the auditors and it should form part of the Audit Report. In short, Companies
Act has taken due care of the accounting formalities to be completed by the
companies and every minute aspect of the same is also covered in various
sections of the said statute.