Scratch Programming For Teens
Scratch Programming For Teens
Scratch Programming For Teens
A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of organic liquid formulations on
growth and yield of capsicum at Agricultural Research Station, Arsikere, Karnataka. India.
The experiment consisting 12 treatment combinations with three factors viz., Jeevamrutha
Keywords (2 levels), Cow urine (2 levels) and Panchagavya (3 levels). Among different organic
liquid formulations, application of jeevamrutha recorded significantly higher fruit yield
Liquid formulation,
(32.26, 39.55, 51.63, 121.20, 100.28, 86.40, 50.05 q ha -1 at 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and
Panchagavya, 120 DAT, respectively), N-fixers (23.86, 24.49 at 60 DAT and 16.79, 17.37 X 103 at
Jeevamrutha, Cow harvest during kharif and summer, respectively) and P-solubilizer (27.90, 31.50 at 60 DAT
urine, N-fixers, P- and 26.68, 30.43 X 103 at harvest during kharif and summer respectively). Significantly
solubilizer. higher fruit yield (30.76, 38.0, 48.52, 117.73, 97.15, 84.33, 48.44 q ha-1 at 60, 70, 80, 90,
100, 110 and 120 DAT, respectively), N-fixers (23.18, 25.03 at 60 DAT and 16.48, 18.27
Article Info X 103 at harvest during kharif and summer, respectively) and P-solubilizer (28.91, 31.18 at
Accepted: 60 DAT and 27.26, 30.34 X 10 3 at harvest during kharif and summer, respectively) were
28 August 2017 recorded with the application of cow urine. Panchagavya 6 per cent spray recorded
Available Online: significantly higher fruit yield (30.25, 37.49, 48.91, 118.91, 96.15, 86.29, 47.81 q ha-1 at
10 September 2017 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120 DAT, respectively), N-fixers life (23.68, 25.59 at 60 DAT
and 17.77, 17.18 X 103 at harvest during kharif and summer, respectively) and P-
solubilizer (28.43, 33.04 at 60 DAT and 27.46, 34.53 X 10 3 at harvest during kharif and
summer, respectively).
Organic farming is a holistic way of farming Organically produced fruits, vegetables,
with the aim of conserving the natural spices and condiments, crops, medicinal and
resources. Indian agriculture has a better aromatic plants etc have good keeping quality
chance to convert itself as organic agriculture than that of conventionally grown products.
because, the per capita and per ha Sustainable agriculture practices can
consumption of chemical fertilizers and effectively prevent the entry of pesticides and
pesticides in the country is much lower than toxicants in the food chain and prevent soil
the global estimates. and water pollution. It is adopted with a blend
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(9): 3226-3234
soil). Soil samples were collected from the 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120 DAT, respectively)
rhizosphere of plants for counting microbial whereas, minimum yield of capsicum per
load at 60 DAT and at harvest. Ten gram of hectare were observed in without cow urine
soil was serially diluted upto 10-6 by using (28.05, 34.05, 41.58, 107.62, 87.61, 78.54,
sterilized distilled water and cell count per 43.24 q ha-1 at 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and
gram of rhizosphere soil was enumerated for 120 DAT, respectively). This is in conformity
P-solublizers (103) and free living N-fixer with Reddy et al., (2010) who have reported
(103) by Pikovaskaya‟s media (Himedia) and higher yield levels obtained with application
Waksman No.77 (Aneja, 2003) respectively of biodigester liquid manures to many field
by following serial dilution plate count crops. Similarly, Siddaram, (2012) have also
technique. reported increased yield levels of rice with
biodigester liquid manures. Panchagavya
Results and Discussion spray influenced significantly on yield of
capsicum per hectare.
Yield of capsicum (q ha-1)
Spraying of 6 % panchagavya recorded
Yield per hectare of capsicum at different capsicum yield per hectare of 30.25, 37.49,
phonological stages differed significantly due 48.91, 118.91, 96.15, 86.29, 47.81 q ha-1 at
to application of liquid organic formulations 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120 DAT,
(Tables 1a AND 1b). Fruits yield per hectare respectively and lower capsicum yield per
varied significantly due to the application of hectare of 28.41, 34.51, 41.78, 106.20, 88.91,
jeevamrutha. 77.11, 43.82 at 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and
120 DAT, respectively were noticed in
Higher yield per hectare was recorded with without panchagavya spray. This might be
jeevamrutha (32.26, 39.55, 51.63, 121.20, due to adequate supply of nutrients at
100.28, 86.40, 50.05 q ha-1 at 60, 70, 80, 90, different growth stages of the crop as well as
100, 110 and 120 DAT, respectively) while, presence of growth regulators in Panchagavya
lower number of plants were observed in contributing to higher yield (Sridhar et al.,
without jeevamrutha (26.54, 32.50, 38.47, 2001 and Somasundaram et al., 2003 and
104.16, 84.48, 76.67, 41.62 q ha-1 at 60, 70, Natarajan, 2007).
80, 90, 100, 110 and 120 DAT, respectively)
application. The yield of any crop plants depends on the
assimilatory surface of the plant system. A
The beneficial effects of Jeevamrut reported sound source in terms of plant height, LAI,
by Palekar (2006), Vasanthkumar (2006) and number of branches to support and the leaves
Devakumar et al., (2008) was attributed to are logically able to increase the dry matter
higher microbial load and growth harmones and its distribution in different parts is
which might have enhanced the soil biomass important for determination of total yield of
thereby sustaining the availability and uptake the crop (Krishnamurthy, 2012). Number of
of applied as well as native soil nutrients fruits per plant did not differ significantly due
which ultimately resulted in better growth and to the interaction effect of jeevamrutha and
yield of crops. Significant differences in yield cow urine, jeevamrutha and panchagavya and
of capsicum per hectare were observed with cow urine and panchagavya. Yield per hectare
application of cow urine. Maximum yield of of capsicum did not vary significantly due to
capsicum per hectare were observed with the interaction effect of jeevamrutha and cow
application of cow urine (30.76, 38.0, 48.52, urine, jeevamrutha and panchagavya and cow
117.73, 97.15, 84.33, 48.44 q ha-1 at 60, 70, urine and panchagavya.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(9): 3226-3234
Table.1a Effect of Panchagavya, Jeevamrutha and cow urine application on fruit yield per hectare (q) of
capsicum pooled data of two seasons
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(9): 3226-3234
Table.1b Effect of Panchagavya, Jeevamrutha and cow urine application on fruit yield per hectare (q) of
capsicum pooled data of two seasons
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(9): 3226-3234
Table.2 Effect of Panchagavya, Jeevamrutha and cow urine application on N-fixing microorganisms at
60 DAT and after harvesting of capsicum
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(9): 3226-3234
Table.3 Effect of Panchagavya, Jeevamrutha and cow urine application on P-solubilizing microorganisms at
60 DAT and after harvesting of capsicum
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(9): 3226-3234
Microbial properties
P-solubilizers (No. x 103 cfu g-1 soil)
Nitrogen fixers (N-fixers) (No. x 103 cfu g-1
soil) Phosphorus solubilizers at different growth
stages as influenced by different organic liquid
Application of different organic liquid formulations (Table 3). Significant difference
formulations influenced nitrogen fixer’s observed in P-solubilizers due to the application
population at different growth stages (Table 2). of jeevamrutha. Higher P-solubilizers were
Significantly higher nitrogen fixers were observed with jeevamrutha (27.90, 31.50 at 60
observed due to the application of jeevamrutha. DAT and 26.68, 30.43 at harvest during kharif
Higher nitrogen fixers were observed with and summer, respectively) and lower was
jeevamrutha (23.86, 24.49 at 60 DAT and recorded in without jeevamrutha (25.35, 29.72
16.79, 17.37 at harvest during kharif and at 60 DAT and 24.05, 28.37 at harvest during
summer, respectively) and lower was recorded kharif and summer, respectively). The results of
in without jeevamrutha (20.65, 24.37 at 60 DAT the study are in accordance with Devakumar et
and 14.97, 15.63 at harvest during kharif and al., (2008). Higher bacteria, fungi,
summer, respectively). Jeevamruth contains actinomycetes, N – fixers and P–solubilizers
enormous amount of microbial load which were reported in organic liquid formulations
multiply in the soil and acts as tonic to enhance such as jeevamrutha and panchagavya. There
microbial activity in soil (Palekar, 2006). There was significant difference in P-solubilizers with
was significant difference in Nitrogen fixers application of cow urine application. Maximum
with application of cow urine application. P-solubilizers were observed with application of
Maximum nitrogen fixers were observed with cow urine (28.91, 31.18 at 60 DAT and 27.26,
application of cow urine (23.18, 25.03 at 60 30.34 at harvest during kharif and summer,
DAT and 16.48, 18.27 at harvest during kharif respectively) whereas, minimum was observed
and summer, respectively) whereas, minimum in without cow urine (24.33, 30.03 at 60 DAT
was observed in without cow urine (21.33, and 23.47, 28.47 at harvest during kharif and
23.83 at 60 DAT and 15.28, 14.73 at harvest summer, respectively). Yadav and Mowade
during kharif and summer, respectively). (2004) opined that this increase might be due to
Panchagavya spray influenced significantly on cumulative effect of liquid organic inputs in
nitrogen fixers. Spraying of 6 % recorded increasing organic carbon content of soil which
higher Nitrogen fixers (23.68, 25.59 at 60 DAT acted as carbon and energy source for microbes
and 17.77, 17.18 at harvest during kharif and and in quick buildup of heterotrophic microflora
summer, respectively) and lower was recorded and fauna. Similar results were obtained by
in without panchagavya spray (20.59, 22.46 at Shwetha (2008), who reported the nutrient
60 DAT and 14.70, 15.49 at harvest during management through organics in soybean-wheat
kharif and summer, respectively). The organic cropping system and found that the application
liquid manures viz., Panchagavya, Beejamruth of organic manures supplemented with
and Jeevamruth prepared by using cow products fermented organics resulted in the significant
are known to contain beneficial microflora like improvement of soil microbial population and
Azospirillum, Azotobacter, phosphobacteria, enzymatic activity. Panchagavya spray
Pseudomonas, lactic acid bacteria and influenced significantly on P-solubilizers.
Methylotrophs in abundant numbers and also Spraying of 6 % recorded higher P-solubilizers
contain some useful fungi and actinomyctes (28.43, 33.04 at 60 DAT and 27.46, 34.53 at
(Sreenivasa, 2009 and Palekar, 2006). Nitrogen harvest during kharif and summer, respectively)
fixers did not differ significantly due to the and lower was recorded in without panchagavya
interaction effect of jeevamrutha and cow urine, spray (25.19, 27.85 at 60 DAT and 23.73, 23.42
jeevamrutha and panchagavya and cow urine at harvest during kharif and summer,
and panchagavya. respectively). The foliar spray of panchagavya
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(9): 3226-3234
Boraiah, B., N. Devakumar, S. Shubha and Palanna, K.B. 2017. Effect of Panchagavya,
Jeevamrutha and Cow Urine on Beneficial Microorganisms and Yield of Capsicum (Capsicum
annuum L. var. grossum). Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(9): 3226-3234.