Parts of Speech PDF
Parts of Speech PDF
Parts of Speech PDF
English grammar books usually refer to the 8 Parts of Speech: Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives,
Adverbs, Verbs, Conjunctions, Prepositions, and Interjections.
If you do not know what part of speech a word is, you are more likely to use it incorrectly. This
is especially true with words which can be more than one part of speech. Let’s begin by looking
at each part of speech:
Let’s look at the sentences below to find out more about parts of speech:
The fast lasts for forty days. = Here, fast is a noun. We can guess because it is A) at the
beginning of the sentence, and B) it is preceded by an article. These are two clues.
He fasted for forty days. = Here, we can understand fasted is a verb because it is the main
action of the sentence, has been conjugated, and it follows the pronoun he.
He runs fast. = Here, we know fast is an adverb because it answers a question about the verb
run. How does he run? Fast! He runs fast.
Try to decide what part of speech the underlined words are. Write the part of speech in
the space provided.
Well (n.):
Well (adv.):
Last (v.):
Last (adj.):
Last (adv.):
Perfect (adj.):