Emmas Crazy Day PDF
Emmas Crazy Day PDF
Emmas Crazy Day PDF
The English language seems like it is full of a lot of crazy pronunciations and spelling. While a small amount of
English must be rote learned due to exceptions from rules, much of it can be decoded using phonics. When you
know phonics, you are like a detective following clues to solve a mystery. In this series, we use only words that
your little reader will be able to break down into standard phonemes. This will build reading confidence while
strengthening their phonics foundation.
Special Words
This book has some special words that you should take your reader through before you begin. Many special words are
those that we use in day-to-day conversation. Unfortunately, a lot of their phonetic structures do not conform to rules
that your reader has learned. These words can be frustrating and confusing, but they are also a part of natural reading,
writing, and conversation.
Say each word to your reader a few times so that they can get used to its sound. Get them to repeat it back to
you. Afterwards, see if your reader can think of any words that rhyme with this sound in order to help lock in
how to pronounce it. Finally, think of some basic sentences that use this word. For example, if the word is ‘the’
you can create basic sentences with a subject, verb, and object: “The hat is on the table.”
Emma gets a big, square
present. Emma tears the
wrapping off.
It is a box.
It is a very big box.
It is Emma’s birthday. Emma picks off tape.
Emma gets a present.
It is a scooter!
A new scooter!
A big kid scooter!
Best of all, it is a pink scooter.
It is stickers!
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