Quiz 02: Solar and Sidereal Day
Quiz 02: Solar and Sidereal Day
Quiz 02: Solar and Sidereal Day
71. True or false: The sun is directly overhead (Alt = 90°) on 06/21 at precisely noon (12:00) for every location on the Earth.
72. For our location here in Conway, when is the sun is directly overhead (Alt = 90°)?
A) At 13:11:44 on 06/21. C) At 12:08:14 on 12/21. E) Never. The sun never actually
B) At 13:02:36 on 09/21. D) At 13:16:50 on 03/21. reaches Alt = 90° in Conway.
73. True or false: When the sun crosses the meridian on 06/21/16, it will appear directly overhead (alt ≅ 90°) if you are standing on the Earth’s
equator (latitude = 0°).
74. At precisely noon (12:00) on 09/21/16, where is the sun located in the sky? Choose the answer which most closely matches your
A) Az = 121°59’20” Alt = 70°32’47” C) Az = 153°48’45” Alt = 52°18’33”
B) Az = 148°26’10” Alt = 51°03’13” D) Az = 177°47’22” Alt = 31°26’33”
75. At what time does the sun cross the meridian on 12/21/16? Choose the answer which most closely matches your own data.
A) 12:00. Noon is noon, no matter B) 12:08:14 D) 13:11:44
what/no matter where! C) 13:02:36 E) 13:16:50
76. When the sun crosses the meridian on 03/21/17, what is its altitude? Choose the answer which matches your observation most closely.
A) 31°29’ B) 45° C) 55°26’ D) 78°21’ E) 90°
79. A star trail on a photograph is measured to have an angle of arc θ = 75.5°. The exposure time of the photograph is known to be t = 300
minutes. Use this information to calculate the length of a sidereal day in hours. Submit your answer numerically, with a single decimal
and no units (XX.x).
⎛ 360° ⎞ ⎛ 360° ⎞
day = ( t )⎜ ⎟ = ( 300min)⎜ ⎟ = 1430min
⎝ θ ⎠ ⎝ 75.5° ⎠
hours = = 23.8h
( )
60 hour
80. Is this experimental value a little longer or a little shorter than the known length of a sidereal day?
A) A little bit longer. B) A little bit shorter.