Cap1 - Engineering in Time

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April 7, 2004 16:52 WSPC/Book Trim Size for 9in x 6in Chap01


About Engineering
Identifying a Framework

1.1 A Capsule History

The first documented reference to a term suggestive of the presently

conventional meaning of the word engineer or engineering can be traced
to early Roman times when the Latin expression ingenium was used to
suggest some ingenious attribute of an object or a person. Soon after,
this term was specialized to characterize an ingenious device useful for
exceptional and important purposes. Eventually, its derivative ingeniator
was applied to a person possessing an innovative mind and skillful hands
in the making of such devices.
Though the Romans may be credited with assigning a label to indi-
viduals who were both clever and dexterous in the making of useful
devices, they did not invent the practice of making ingenious devices.
The primal instinct for innovative artifacts and the skills required in their
making, had emerged during the earliest stirrings of the human imagina-
tion. Indeed, one may identify a long and systemic progression of such
activities as suggested by the following: from prehistoric making of stone
tools to the building of ancient pyramids; from medieval construction of
cathedrals and fortresses to the intricate crafting of mechanical clocks
and moveable-type printing; from isolated discoveries of glass lenses
and iron casting to the development of the tower mill and steam power;
from automobile assembly plants to modern jet aircraft manufacture, and
more recently to deep-space probes and microchips. Throughout this vast
range of adaptive progressions, innovative thought and skilled actions in
the making of ingenious devices were essential to the emergence of com-
munities, cultures, and civilizations. Hence, one may well assert that by
demonstrated practice rather then by specific label, ingeniatore have a
long and stimulating history.

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4 Engineering in Time

About 400 years ago, the designation engineer as a substitute for

ingeniator gradually appeared in common use. Then, some 200 years
ago, a movement arose to endow the theory and practice of engineer-
ing with a more visible form of organized professionalism. With time,
this included an emphasis on engineering identity, sharing of technical
knowledge, standardization of practice, systematized instructional cur-
ricula, and projection of a public service function. These and similar
considerations continue to evolve even today.
Engineering is now a highly technical and continuously evolving aca-
demic and professional discipline taught at universities and polytech-
nic institutions. Its foundational knowledge rests on parts of the natural
sciences, its methodological foundations is based on rational thought,
its obligatory justification relates to a societal interest, and its special-
ized professional practice is circumscribed by accreditation and licensing
provisions. A variety of industrial organizations have emerged simulta-
neously and synergistically with the evolution of engineering, thereby
providing a vast range of products and services to individuals and insti-
tutions. Indeed, engineering may now claim to be both a shaper and a
reflector of contemporary times.

1.2 Core of Engineering

The innovative Roman ingeniatore were evidently engaged not only in

tactile actions but also in a cognitive process. They must have thought
about properties of natural materials, considered devices for specific pur-
poses, proceeded by trial and error, and learned from failures. Now and
then a particularly useful and ingenious device emerged and was duly
noted by some writers of the day. Thus, an ingenium came about because
of the thought and actions of some innovative ingeniator who had become
familiar with the properties of natural materials and then imaginatively
shaped and assembled them in particular ways so as to yield a device of
particular utility. An astute observer could conclude that this interactive
endeavor constituted a technical process involving naturally available
materials which an ingeniator, by thought and skill, shaped and com-
bined to create an ingenium of subsequent interest. This dynamic could
be modeled as an input-output process

materials → ingeniator → ingenium (1.1)

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About Engineering 5

with the rectangle suggesting creative thought and skilled actions of the
ingeniator in combining natural materials and phenomena into an inge-
nious and useful device. Note however that this symbolic depiction is
evidently both primal and universal since even for Stone Age Man we
may write

natural human action stone

→ → , (1.2a)
stone of stone chipping tool

as well as for a contemporary engineer

natural engineering thought and actions computer

→ → . (1.2b)
materials of design and manufacture chip

Hence, and with considerable generality, a progression of much engi-

neering relevance, may be typically characterized as

natural materials creative thought ingenious and

→ → (1.3a)
and their properties and skilled actions useful device

with the rectangular enclosure omitted. A label and component listing is

suggested by
materials thought ingenious
Nature → Engineering → Devices ,
phenomena actions useful

or, to explicitly recognize time as the pervasive variable and using a

functional notation to be used hereafter, we write
materials thought ingenious
N(t) → E(t) → D(t) .
phenomena actions useful
Finally, we represent these various expressions in compact form as

N (t) → E(t) → D(t). (1.3d)

We take this three component dynamic relation as primal to engineer-

ing and comment on the meaning of these constituent terms, as perceived
in contemporary times, in the following sections. But first a comment
about notation.
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6 Engineering in Time

1.3 Symbolic Notation and Engineering

The preceding has introduced some conceptual constructions and asso-

ciated symbolic notation of particular relevance to Engineering in Time.
Such symbolic notation is useful in our context for three reasons:

(a) Familiarity
It represents aspects of thought and actions in graphical form which
are familiar to students of all engineering disciplines.
(b) Empiricism
It constitutes a practical way of depicting complex processes of cen-
tral importance to the theory and practice of engineering.
(c) Heuristics
It suggests useful and efficient means of organizing and exploring
the historical progression and contemporary context of engineering.

We emphasize that symbolic and graphical notation has long proven

to be a most effective and powerful instructional and operational tool in
engineering. While such notation can take many forms — for example
force diagrams, circuit representations, electromagnetic field depictions,
vector notation, phase-plane projections, etc. — its pedagogical power
rests in the effectiveness of graphical-geometrical depictions providing
a valuable cognitive focus for complex physical phenomena and pro-
cesses. Indeed, engineers have become particularly adept at this type of
visual and imaginative thinking and it is for this reason that symbolic
and graphical notation is commonly introduced and will be also here be
used, adapted, and expanded† .

1.4 Essential Components

The leading term N(t) in Eq. (1.3d) represents nature as the basic starting
point of a most relevant progression. For purposes of elucidating this
progression, N(t) may be characterized by several attributes:

(a) Nature constitutes the resource of basic materials essential to

the practice of engineering (e.g. stone, wood, fiber, water, metal,
petroleum, . . .).

†Appendix A provides a brief discussion of mathematical ideas and notation in history.

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About Engineering 7

(b) Nature embodies the physical phenomena of foundational impor-

tance to the theory of engineering (e.g. hardness, diffusion, heat,
elasticity, friction, turbulence, . . .).
(c) Nature possesses autonomous dynamical features of relevance to the
performance of engineered devices (e.g. earthquakes, water cycle,
hurricane winds, flash floods, . . .).

In Sec. 9.7, we add two additional but highly personal and private fea-
tures to this list: nature may induce a transcendental sense of engagement
and it may also stimulate a deep sense of place-attachment.
The term D(t) in Eq. (1.3d) identifies engineered devices — the inge-
nious and useful human-made objects so judged by common pragmatic
criteria. Contemporary engineering practice suggests the following as
helpful working definitions for this term:

(a) A device may be an artifact, constructed or adapted but invariably

based on considerations of synthesis; it may be a hardware object
such as a tool, prosthesis, sensing instrument, interactive machine,
small-scale appliance, large-scale assemblage, adapter/converter,
passive/dynamic network, etc., or it may be a cognitive object such as
a strategic idea, optimal process, action program, information man-
agement schema, heuristic algorithm, software package, experimen-
tal know-how, etc.
(b) A device may be associated with a commodity providing selected
functions: projection of information (e.g. book, clock face, moni-
tor display, . . .), means of transportation (e.g. wagon, parachute, air-
craft, . . .), serve the needs of sustenance (e.g. water pipe, cutlery,
flour mill, . . .), supply entertainment (e.g. guitar, video, dynamic
art, . . .), provide physical comfort (e.g. furnace, lawn chair, mosquito
spray, . . .), etc.
(c) A device may also be characterized as a synthesized object which
engages, stimulates and enables its makers and users.
(d) A device may further be viewed as a convenient unit of engineering
theory and practice.

These four characterizations evidently span considerable breadth

and hence provide much opportunity for association with specific
With N(t) and D(t) so characterized, it is evident that engineering
E(t) constitutes the central and uniting connection in the progression
from N(t) to D(t), Eq. (1.3d). A definition and two corollaries for
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8 Engineering in Time

engineering may now be introduced:

(a) Definition
Engineering represents creative thought and skilled actions asso-
ciated with the use or adaptation of natural materials and natural
phenomena in the conceptualizing, planning, designing, develop-
ing, manufacture, testing, implementing, improving, and disposing
of devices.
(b) Corollary I
Engineering may be interpreted as the rational activity concerning
specifics of how to make devices and how they might be made better.
(c) Corollary II
Engineering constitutes the domain of thought and action which uses
what is to create what may be.
Note that these characterizations evidently define engineering not only as
a creative activity but also as a goal-seeking activity. Table 1.1 provides
a summary characterization of the primal.
Table 1.1 Component characterization of the primal N(t) →
E(t) → D(t).

N(t) E(t) D(t)

1. Resource 1. Creative thought 1. Material artifact
2. Phenomena 2. Skilled actions 2. Cognitive object
3. Dynamics 3. Commodity support
4. Engagement 4. Maker/user stimulant
5. Attachment 5. Engineering unit

1.5 Change and Engineering

All contemporary professions need to consider change and all describe

change in terms which are specific to their interests. Thus, economists
speak of business cycles, chemists have found the notion of reaction
chains useful, human resource managers consider career progressions,
physicists express a number of dynamical processes using the concept
of phase transitions, historians have identified sequences of historical
causation, environmentalists have found cascading sequences as vital,
biologists have for the past century devoted much effort to biological
evolution, and mathematicians have introduced a specialty known as
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About Engineering 9

stochastic methods. Even popular terminology makes use of chains of

events and the recognition that the only constant in life is change. Indeed,
changes are foundational to life and living.
For engineers, the term progression is especially informing in the
characterization of some important changes in their work. To begin, rela-
tions (1.1) to (1.3) suggests features well-known in engineering such
as input → output processes involving materials, energy, ingenuity,
and information. Our interest here, however, is more extensive and we
view such relations and associated expressions as a catalyst to suggest
other time-ordered connected terms central to our conceptualization of
Engineering in Time. To clarify this emphasis we consider four classes
of progressions.

1.5.1 Homogeneous Progressions

As a first illustration, consider an aircraft cleared for take-off. Evidently
it may have its subsequent dynamical features specified by the homoge-
neous progression

zero speed intermediate speed take-off speed

→ → → ··· . (1.4a)
at time t0 at time t1 at time t2

As another illustration, the sequential changes of the mean temperature

in a reaction vessel in the process of start-up or shut-down may be rep-
resented in general as

T (t0 ) → T (t1 ) → T (t2 ) → T (t3 ) → T (t4 ) → · · · . (1.4b)

These two examples represent homogeneous progressions and involve

some specific measurable variable X(t) at successive time coordinates;
in complete generality we may write for such changes in time

X(t0 ) → X(t1 ) → X(t2 ) → X(t3 ) → · · · . (1.4c)

Thus, homogeneous progressions describe the magnitude of a time-

dependent variable which is associated with some device or devices. Note
that in a homogeneous progression each term possesses the same units.
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10 Engineering in Time

1.5.2 Heterogeneous Progressions

The practice of engineering involves many informing progressions which
are not fully describable by one homogeneous variable, Eq. (1.4). Con-
sider the following three historical examples:
chariots → wagons → trains → automobiles → · · · , (1.5a)

shadow water weight-driven pendulum spring

→ → → → → ··· ,
clocks clocks clocks clocks clocks

animal water wind steam

power → power → power → power → · · · .
(∼104 BP† ) (∼3000 BP) (∼700 CE) (∼1700)
In addition to these explicit retrospective expressions, some general
engineering projective progressions are suggested by the following:
opportunity → invention → enhancement → · · · , (1.5d)
innovative design prototype device
→ → → → ··· , (1.5e)
proposal study testing modification
emerging responding engineering plans
societal → government → project → and → ··· .
interest policies organization proposals
In distinction to the general homogeneous progression (1.4c), the pro-
gressions (1.5a)–(1.5f) are evidently heterogeneous and may be written
in the general form of
A(t0 ) → B(t1 ) → C(t2 ) → D(t3 ) → · · · . (1.5g)
While the meaning of the terms of homogeneous progressions (1.4c)
generally follow from some appropriate differential equation, no com-
parably compact and explicit defining expression can be specified for
the terms of the heterogeneous progressions (1.5g). What can however
be done is to enumerate some relevant features of such heterogeneous

† BP: Before Present in units of years, Appendix B.

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About Engineering 11

progressions of specific interest to engineering and to our objectives in

this text:

(a) The initial stimulant A(t0 ) generally determines the nature of the
(b) The terms may relate to a class of devices, a class of functions, or
various combinations
(c) The terms may possess a range of sequential dependencies or strength
of connections
(d) The terms may relate to specifics of experience and/or knowledge-
base of participating individuals
(e) The terms may be influenced by the extent of cooperation or compe-
tition among various participating or affected individuals
(f) The terms may reflect upon selective preferences associated with
affected societal institutions and motivating political ideologies.

Note also that what is actually flowing in a heterogeneous progression

is a combination of forms of matter, energy, information, ingenuity, and
Then, to further amplify the distinction between these two types of
progressions, one may also conclude that homogeneous progressions
generally tend to possess a predictive and inorganic character, while het-
erogeneous progressions possess a probabilistic and organic character;
that is, heterogeneous progressions display the contingent role of the
human imagination and community preferences.
Finally, observe that heterogeneous progressions are also used in other
dynamical contexts; this includes business plans, strategic procedures,
resource explorations, institutional development, optimality scheduling,
and critical-path programming.
It is becoming increasingly essential that engineers think in terms of
heterogeneous progressions for such evolutions invariably characterize
important aspects of the practice of engineering.

1.5.3 Primal Progression

For our purposes here, we assign a very special meaning to the family
of heterogeneous progressions represented by Eqs. (1.1)–(1.3). These
three-node progressions with engineering explicitly indicated as E(t) in
Eqs. (1.3b)–(1.3d), or implicitly suggested as in Eqs. (1.1), (1.2), and
(1.3a), will be labeled the engineering primal progression — or simply
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12 Engineering in Time

the primal:

N(t) → E(t) → D(t). (1.6)

We will repeatedly encounter this short progression as a focus for


1.5.4 Connectivity Progression

Further, there are good reasons to expand on the primal progression (1.6)
by the addition of terms which suggest processes such as feedback, feed-
forward, recursion, and branching; this expanded formulation will take
on the appearance of a directed graph and, for purposes of terminological
consistency, will be labeled the engineering connectivity progression —
or simply connectivity:

N(t) → E(t) → D(t) → (additional terms) . (1.7)

(additional processes)

Note that while both Eqs. (1.6) and (1.7) are progressions, the pri-
mal (1.6) will serve as the enduring kernel of the connectivity (1.7).
Table 1.2 provides a summary table of the four progressions of interest
Table 1.2 Summary tabulation of engineering progressions.

Label Functional Form

Homogeneous X(to ) → X(t1 ) → X(t2 ) → X(t3 ) → · · ·
Heterogeneous A(to ) → B(t1 ) → C(t2 ) → D(t3 ) → · · ·
Primal N(t) → E(t) → D(t)
Connectivity N(t) → E(t) → D(t) → (additional terms)
(additional processes)

We emphasize that engineering consists not only of a chronology of

invention, innovations and specific engineering events — traditionally
described in literary form — but also of a simultaneously evolving
and increasingly complex pattern of the workings of engineers, well
described by a connectivity based on considerations of heterogeneous
progressions. A combined literary and symbolic connectivity description
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About Engineering 13

offers a more informing characterization of the state and evolution of


1.6 Engineering and Time

Engineering has, over time, become increasingly identified by association

with classes of devices: Civil Engineering with civic devices, Mechanical
Engineering with mechanical devices, Chemical Engineering with chem-
ical processing devices, Electrical Engineering with electrical–electronic
devices, and so on. The association between a specific engineering dis-
cipline and associated class of devices may be indicated by subscript
notation to the primal progression,

N(t) → Ei (t) → Di,j (t) (1.8)

to suggest therefore the time-varying workings of an engineer associated

with the ith engineering discipline in the making of ingenious j -type
An evidently significant feature of the primal (1.8) is now apparent:
devices Di,j (t) do not appear in isolation but emerge from a broad histor-
ical context and relate to conceivable engineering projections about the
future. To highlight this creative and goal-seeking feature of engineering,
we introduce the following explanatory interconnection:

N(t) → Ei (t) →Di,j (t)

Historical evolution   Future development
of devices which relate →Di,j (t)→ of devices which relate .
to and predate Di,j (t)   to and postdate Di,j (t)

Thus, the primal progression embodies a unique evolutionary past and

a contingent future, establishing thereby a distinctive temporal com-
plexity to the evolution of engineering. Engineers need to understand
the related past for their creative thoughts and skilled actions become
operational in the future. An important component of professional
engineering relates to the depth and breadth of understanding of this
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14 Engineering in Time

Evidently then, the range of heterogeneous progressions of interest

here provides for a domain of preserved knowledge and experience so
Engineering is Cumulative.
Then, the emergence and implementation of new devices is influenced
by a variety of uncertain developments and therefore
Engineering is Contingent.
And finally, the simultaneous accommodation of selected domains
of cumulative knowledge and experience in anticipation of a contingent
future suggests a third feature, namely that
Engineering is Dynamic.
Engineering is thus a profession of considerable breadth and depth —
and therein lies the challenge which has long attracted creative and skilled

1.7 To Think About

• Consider common devices such as bicycles, cars, household appli-

ances, aircraft, etc. What events or developments have enhanced or
could have frustrated their particular evolution?
• Progression (1.3d) appears like a conventional input → output model
applicable to many areas of engineering. Explain the reasons for
this similarity emphasizing in particular the thoughts and actions of
• Homogeneous progressions are generally describable using the calcu-
lus; in contrast, heterogeneous progressions are equally common but
very difficult to describe analytically. Why? In addition to particular
device developments, consider also specific historical subjects such as
biography, corporate histories, national evolutions, etc.

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