Site Master File Guidance
Site Master File Guidance
Site Master File Guidance
The Site Master File (SMF) is prepared by the manufacturer containing specific and factual
GMP information about the production and/or control of pharmaceutical manufacturing
operations carried out at the named site. If only part of a pharmaceutical operation is carried out
on the site, a SMF need only describe those operations eg. analysis, packaging etc. These
guidance notes have been prepared for the manufacturers to prepare the SMF.
A SMF should be succinct, and where possible not more than 25-30 pages long. It is expected
that the SMF will be upgraded and improved upon over the years to both facilitate inspection
and to allow this preliminary work to be completed by companies prior to inspections and at
times of their own choosing.
These guidance notes on SMFs have been laid out in such a manner that each chapter and
paragraph is noted under "REQUIREMENT" followed by "GUIDANCE" which gives details of
how the requirements may be interpreted.
The SMF should be submitted as loose individually numbered A4 sheets. Each sheet should
have an edition number and/or an effective date. Each chapter (1 to 9) should start on a new
sheet so that updates can be provided and the relevant sheets replaced. The format and headings
should follow those given in the guidance notes.
Wherever possible simple plans, outline drawings or schematic layouts should be used instead of
a narrative. These plans etc, should fit on A4 sheets of paper. A deliberate limit has been set on
the length of the narrative. If more detailed information is required, this will be taken up by the
Inspector. Where available, a SMF can be submitted electronically
For small companies, particularly those with a small product range the SMF may well be below
25 pages.
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Requirement SMF Para Ref Application Para Ref
General Information
Specific Information
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C.1.1 Brief information on the firm (including name and address), relation to other sites and,
particularly, any information relevant to understanding the manufacturing operations.
C.1.1 In not more than 250 words (one A4 size) outline the firm's activities, on other sites in
addition to the site which is the subject of this report.
C.1.2 Quote the relevant document as issued by the Competent Authority. State period of
validity of such a manufacturing licence document.
C.1.4 Name and Exact Address of the Site, Including Telephone, Fax and 24 Hrs Telephone
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C.1.5 Type of actual products manufactured on the site and information about specifically toxic
or hazardous substances handled, mentioning the way they are manufactured (in dedicated
facilities or on a campaign basis).
C.1.5.2 Note any toxic, hazardous or sensitising substances handled e.g. antibiotics,
hormones, cytotoxics. Note whether the products are manufactured in a
dedicated facility or on a campaign basis.
C.1.5.3 State if human and/or veterinary products are both manufactured on the
C.1.6 A Short Description of the Site (not more than 250 words/one A4 page).
C.1.7 Number of employees engaged in production, quality control, storage and distribution.
C.1.7 (Note: Include employees working only part-time on full time equivalent basis.)
C.1.7.1 Production
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C.1.8 Use of outside scientific, analytical or other technical assistance in relation to
manufacture and analysis (if so, see chapter 7 for technical details required).
C.1.8.4 Brief outline of the activity being undertaken in not more than 100
words (half an A4 page).
C.1.9 Short description of the quality management system of the firm responsible for
C.1.9.5 Describe how the results are reviewed to demonstrate the adequacy of
the quality system in relation to the objective i.e. quality, efficacy and
safety of the product.
C.1.9.6 Record if standards such as ISO 9001-9004 are used by the company to
assess or audit the quality assurance system within the company, or by
the company to assess its suppliers.
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assessed, give details of how this is done, e.g. by questionnaires,
preliminary visits, routine audits, selection of suppliers to ISO standards
with or without relevant codes of practice.
C.2.1 Organisation chart showing the arrangements for quality assurance, including
production and quality control.
C.2.3 Outline of arrangements for basic and in-service training and how records are
C.2.3 Outline of Arrangements for Basic and In-Service Training and Records are
Give brief details of the training programme and include induction and continuous
training, as follows:
C.2.3.3 State the form of training eg in-house, external, and how practical
experience is gained.
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C.2.4 Health Requirements for Personnel Engaged in Production
C.2.4.3 Are employees routinely checked from time to time depending on nature
of their work?
C.2.4.4 Is there a system for reporting sickness or contact with sick people
before working in a critical area?
C.2.4.6 Are those who work in sterile areas subject to additional monitoring?
C.2.5.2 Is the clothing suitable for the activity undertaken? Briefly describe the
C.2.5.3 Are there clear instructions on how clothing should be used and when it
should be changed? Detailed procedures are not needed.
C.3 Premises
C.3.3 Brief description of ventilation systems. More details should be given for critical
areas with potential risks of airborne contamination (schematic drawings of the
systems are desirable). Classification of the rooms used for the manufacture of sterile
products should be mentioned. Room classification should be given in accordance
with the grading system outlined in the EC/PIC Guide to GMP.
C.3.4 Special areas for the handling of highly toxic, hazardous and sensitizing materials.
C.3.5 Brief description of water systems (schematic drawings of the systems are desirable),
including sanitation.
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C.3.7 Brief description of major production and control laboratories equipment (a list of
equipment is not required).
C.3.10 Availability of written specifications and procedures for cleaning manufacturing areas
and equipment.
C.3.1 Premises
C.3.1.2 Provide a simple plan of each production area with indication of scale.
Label areas and annotate plan with names.
C.3.1.4 For sterile product areas indicate room and area classification and
pressure differentials between adjoining areas of different
C.3.2.1 To reduce narrative for a large complex plant, the details should be
limited to critical areas.
C.3.2.2 These areas must include all processing and packaging areas.
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C.3.3 Brief Description of Ventilation Systems etc
(500 words/two A4 pages)
Note 1: More details should be given for critical areas with potential risks of
airborne contamination. This will include sterile product areas as well
as areas for processing powders, granulation and tabletting. For sterile
product areas a summary of the results of the most recent
qualification/requalification should be given.
C3.4 Special Areas for the Handling of Highly Toxic Hazardous and Sensitizing Materials
C.3.5.1 The schematic drawing back to the mains city supply system.
C.3.5.2 The capacity of the system (maximum quantity produced per hour).
C.3.5.5 If water is stored and circulated, the temperature at the point of return.
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C3.5.6 The specification of the water produced
a) chemical
b) conductivity
c) microbiological
C.3.6 Maintenance and Servicing of the Air Handling and Water Systems (250 words/one
A4 page)
Note: For the purpose of this guide "maintenance" is carried out by the manufacturer
and "servicing" by an outside contractor.
C.3.6.2 Are there written procedures and suitable reporting forms for
maintenance and servicing? Do the documents record type/frequency of
services/checks, details of service, repairs and modifications?
C.3.6.3 Are the maintenance routines that could affect product quality clearly
Note: Makes and model numbers of equipment are not required however the
following points should be addressed.
C.3.7.2 Have other materials been suitably validated e.g. polypropylene, chrome
plated brass, PVC, non reactive plastic materials?
C.3.7.4 Only a general description is required e.g. a rotary tablet press etc. If
the equipment has additional devices, these should be recorded e.g.
automatic weighing machines with printer; a labeller incorporating a
bar code reader for the label; a lot number and expiry date over printer;
a freeze drier equipped with a steam sterilisation facility.
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C.3.7.7 In particular give brief information on the use of computers,
microprocessors etc. in the factory.
C.3.8.2 Are there written procedures and contractual details for outside work?
C.3.8.3 Are maintenance routines which could affect product quality clearly
C.3.9.1 Briefly describe the Company's general policy, and protocols for
qualification, prospective and retrospective validation.
C.3.9.4 Describe the system for the release for sale or supply of development and
validation batches.
C.3.9.5 What are the arrangements for computer validation, including software
C.3.9.6 Describe equipment calibration policy and records kept. (See also para
C.3.10 Sanitation
C.3.10.1 Are there written specifications and procedures for cleaning, cleaning
agents and their concentration for the method of cleaning and the
C.3.10.3 Have the cleaning procedures been validated and what was the method
of evaluating the effectiveness of cleaning?
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C.3.10.4 Are cleaning methods monitored routinely by chemical and/or
microbiological methods?
C.3.10.5 What are the cleaning methods (and their frequency) for the water supply
system, air handling system and dust extraction system?
C.4.2 Any other documentation related to product quality which is not mentioned elsewhere
(eg. microbiological controls on air and water).
Note: This section refers to all documentation used in manufacture, as defined in the
Guide to GMP.
C.4.1 Arrangements for the Preparation and Revision and Distribution of Documentation
1. Product/Process Specifications
2. Raw material specifications
3. Packaging component specifications
4. Standard process instructions including packaging
5. Batch records including packaging
6. Analytical methods
7. QA release procedures.
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C.4.2 Other Documentation related to Product Quality
C.4.3.1 List and briefly explain the use of any additional standard documentation
used routinely.
C.5.1 Brief description of production operations using, wherever possible, flow sheets and
charts specifying important parameters.
C.5.2 Arrangements for the handling of starting materials, packaging materials, bulk and
finished products, including sampling, quarantine, release and storage.
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This narrative should be kept to a minimum and schematic layouts used where
possible. The following points should be addressed.
C.5.1 Describe the operations capable of being carried out at the site with the existing
facilities and specify the categories of medicinal products. (See Annex for types of
products manufactured).
When packaging only is undertaken, give a brief description only, eg. labelling, filling
etc, and the nature of containers used eg. sachets, tamper evident glass containers.
Describe the production operations using flow charts if possible. Technical details
are not required.
C.5.2 Arrangements for handling Starting Materials, Packaging Materials, Bulk and
Finished Products including Sampling Quarantine Release and Storage
Sampling plans.
Checking methods.
In process checks.
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C.5.2.2 Packing
In process checks.
C.5.2.4 Explain the role of the Authorised Person(s) and/or Qualified Person(s).
C.5.3.1 Are reject materials clearly labelled? Are they stored securely in a
dedicated store?
C.5.3.2 Describe arrangements for sentencing the materials and their disposal.
Is destruction recorded?
C.6.1 Description of the Quality Control system and of the activities of the Quality Control
Department. Procedures for the release of finished products.
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C.7.1 Description of the way in which the GMP compliance of the contract acceptor is
C.7.1 Describe briefly the details of the technical contract between the contract giver and
acceptor and the way in which the GMP compliance is assessed to ensure product
compliance with the Marketing Authorisation.
C.8.1.8 Does the despatch order ensure first in/first out and identify the lot
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C.8.2 Records of Distribution
Do the retained records permit full batch traceability from the factory to the customer,
in terms of the date of sale, customer details and quantity despatched?
C.8.3 Complaints
1. Logging;
2. Classifying;
3. Investigating complaints.
C.9.1 Short description of the self inspection programme. (See also para 1.9.4.)
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C.9.1 Describe how the self inspection system verifies that those activities that have a
bearing on quality comply with the planned arrangement.
C.9.3 Are there documented procedures for the self inspection system and for the follow-up
C.9.4 Are the results of the self inspection system documented, brought to the attention of
the personnel having responsibility for the area and activities inspected?
C.9.5 Does the system ensure that those responsible for the area or activity take timely
corrective action on the deficiencies found?
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A. Sterile Products
A.4.2 Freeze-dried
B. Non-sterile Products
C. Biological Products
C.1 Vaccines
C.2 Sera
C.4 Other: eg. hormones, enzymes of human or animal origin, genetically engineered
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D. Specifically Toxic and Hazardous Substances
D.1 Penicillins
D.2 Cephalosporins
D.3 Hormones
D.4 Cytostatics
E. Packaging Only
F.1 Acceptor
F.2 Giver
G. Contract Analysis
G.1 Acceptor
G.2 Giver
I. Others
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