Malinias Vs COMELEC StatConAssignDigest
Malinias Vs COMELEC StatConAssignDigest
Malinias Vs COMELEC StatConAssignDigest
Dominguez was then the incumbent Congressman of Poblacion, Not satisfied with the same, Malinias filed to SC a petition for review
Sabangan, Mountain Province. Corpuz was then the Provincial on certiorari on this case.
Director of the Philippine National Police in Mountain Province while
Tangilag was then the Chief of Police of the Municipality of Bontoc, ISSUE:
Mountain Province.
Did COMELEC abuse its discretion in dismissing the complaint for
The petitioners said that due to said violations, their supporters lack of probable cause?
were deprived from participating in the canvassing of election
returns as they were blocked by a police checkpoint in the course of RATIO DECIDENDI OF SC:
their way to the canvassing site at the Provincial Capitol Building in
Bontoc, Mountain Province. No. SC AFFIRMED the decision of COMELEC and found the
conduct of its investigation and ruling on the case to be in accord
Among the private respondents, only Corpuz and Tangilag with its jurisdiction and duties under the law. In this case,
submitted their joint Counter-Affidavit, wherein they admitted that COMELEC did not commit any grave abuse of discretion as there is
they ordered the establishment of checkpoints all over the province nothing capricious or despotic in the manner of their resolution of
to enforce the COMELEC Gun Ban and its other pertinent rules the said complaint, hence, SC cannot issue the extraordinary writ of
pursuant to COMELEC Res. No. 2968 purposive of the certiorari.
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On the said violations, the only evidence that was successfully prosecute private respondents for alleged violation of Section 232
presented by the petitioner is the mass-affidavits of his supporters, of B.P. Blg. 881 precisely because this is a non-criminal act.
which were considered self-serving and cannot be admitted by the
court thus, the same are not enough to prove his claims. "It is a settled rule of statutory construction that the express mention
of one person, thing, or consequence implies the exclusion of all
Also, the allege violation of the respondents of Sec. 25 of R.A. 6646 others. The rule is expressed in the familiar maxim, expressio unius
and Sec. 232 of B.P. Blg. No. 881 are not included in the acts est exclusio alterius.
defined as punishable criminal election offenses under Sec. 27 of
R.A. 6646 and Sec. 261 and 262 of B.P. Blg. No. 881, respectively. The rule of expressio unius est exclusio alterius is formulated in a
number of ways. One variation of the rule is the principle that what
Here, Sec. 25 merely highlights one of the rights of a political party is expressed puts an end to that which is implied. Expressium facit
or candidate during elections whereas, the violation of Sec. 232, cessare tacitum. Thus, where a statute, by its terms, is expressly
which enumerates the persons who are not allowed inside the limited to certain matters, it may not, by interpretation or
canvassing site, can only be subjected to an administrative construction, be extended to other matters.
disciplinary action and cannot be punished by imprisonment as
provided for under Sec. 264 of the same law.
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