Pharmaceutical Care&Pembahasan CKD, CHF, HT, CAP
Pharmaceutical Care&Pembahasan CKD, CHF, HT, CAP
Pharmaceutical Care&Pembahasan CKD, CHF, HT, CAP
No SIK : ………………………………………….
TanggalResep : 05/05/2011
AlamatPasien : Jl. Bantulan Kelurahan Argomulyo, Kecamatan Sedayu, Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta
Umur : 65 tahun
2. Gemfibrozil 2 dd I
3. Digoxin 1 dd I
4. Exenatid 2 dd I
5. Insulin garglin
6. Fenfluramin
Kesimpulan :
Resep : Legal
Lembar-2 :Riwayatpasien
Address : Jl. Bantulan Kelurahan Argomulyo, Kecamatan Sedayu, Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta
Phone : 08157996116
Name / strength Directions Start date Stop date Physician Purpose Effectiveness
Problem Y N Problem Y N
Kidney problem - √ Sores on Legs or feet - -
Urunary Infection - - Blood clot problems - -
Difficulty with urination - - Leg pain or swelling - -
Urination at night frequently - - Unusual bleeding or bruising - -
Hepatitis / liver problem - √ Anemia - -
Trouble eating certain food - √ Thyroid problems - -
Nausea / Vomit - √ Known hormone problem - -
Constipation / diarrhea - √ Arthritis or joint problem - -
Bloody or black bowel movement - √ Muscle cramps or weakness - -
Abdominal pain or cramps - - Memory problems - -
Frequent heatburn or indisgestion - - Dizziness √ -
Stomach ulcer in the past - - Hearing or visual problem - -
Short of breathness √ - Frequent headache √ -
Coughing with sptum - - Rash or hives - -
Chest pain √ - Change in appetite or taste - -
Fainting spell - - Walking or balanced problem - -
Racing heart or thumping - √ Other
Medical History Have you or any blood relative had ( mark al that aplly )
Asthma - - Stroke - -
Diabetes √ - Other
Social History Please indicate your alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and dietary habbits
……… pack per day for …. years ………. drink per day
Location/Room :
Pharmacist :
Date :
Presence of Drug
Type of Problem Assessment Comments/notes
Related Problem
1. A problem exist.
2. More information
Therapeutic is needed for a
Are there any therapeutic duplication? determination
3. No problem exist
or an intervention
is not needed
Is the patient allergic to or intolerant of 1. A problem exist.
any medicines (or chemically related 2. More information
Drug allergy or medications) currently being taken? Pasien alergi β-laktam
is needed for a
intolerance determination
Is the patient using any method to alert
3. No problem exist
health care providers or the
or an intervention
allergy/intolerance (or serious medical
is not needed
2. Hypertensi
3. DM
4. Udem pulmo
5. Acites
C. Monitoring
Konseling :