Agri Business and Export Knowledge Centre, UAS, Dharwad: Genesis of The Centre
Agri Business and Export Knowledge Centre, UAS, Dharwad: Genesis of The Centre
Agri Business and Export Knowledge Centre, UAS, Dharwad: Genesis of The Centre
The importance of marketing in agriculture is being realized increasingly for the past few
years. It is being recognized that to achieve success in agri-marketing, the earlier fragmented
approach covering research mostly on production aspects will have to be changed to a holistic
approach, addressing production to consumption systems with a higher priority among others, to post-
harvest processing, quality management, nutrition issues, etc. Such a system will also have backward
linkages with the input-supply system and forward linkages with food-chain aspects, covering
consumption by human beings as well as animals. Such a systems approach, particularly to cater to
small and marginal farmers and contribute to the efficient use of scarce resources, has to harness
synergies among R & D actors through a consortium or collaborative mode.
In this endeavour, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad thought of establishment of
centre which can provide the technical guidance to farmers, act as liaison agent with several
developmental departments and agencies, address the problems related to marketing, agri business
and export of agriculture and horticulture products, overall, the objective is to cater to the needs of
farming community and other stakeholders in linking the farmers with markets.
Genesis of the Centre
Dr.S.A.Patil, Hon‟ble former Vice-Chancellor, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
and presently the Chairman, Krishi Mission, Government of Karnataka thought of establishing Agri
Business and Export Knowledge Centre to cater to the needs of farming community and other stake
holders involved in agricultural related forward and backward linkage activities. The Government of
Karnataka considering the merit of the proposal was kind enough to extend financial assistance for the
proposed centre to initiate the activities in 2007. The successive Hon‟ble Vice- Chancellors
Dr.J.H.Kulkarni, Dr. H.S. Vijayakumar, and Dr. R.R.Hanchinal have taken the keen interest in
shouldering the responsibility of implementing the plans and programmes in a most befitting manner
for the benefit of all the stake holders.
Staff Faculty:
Dr. S.B.Hosamani, receiving “Best Publication Award” Dr. S. B. Hosamani receiving “Best Export Facilitator
from Award” instituted by KCCI, Hubli from Dr. S. A. Patil,
Sri. S.Selva kumar, IAS, Director Hon’ble Director IARI, New Delhi and
KarnatakaState Agriculture Marketing Board, Dr. J. H. Kulkarni, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, UAS,
Bangalore on 26.12.2007 Dharwad on 26.11.2006
Dr. S.B Hosamani receiving the “Special recognition Quality Production and Export of Chilli Seminar was
Award” inaugurated
instituted by Food and Agricultural Organisation, Rome By Dr. S. B. Dandin, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, UHS,
and Common Fund for Commodities, USA from Dr. Bagalkot
William Dar, Director General, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, which was organised by Dr. S. B. Hosamani on 26th
on 18th March 2009, for his services in Linking of March, 2012
Farmers to Markets
Briefing about the Grading and Packing of Mangoes in Dr. M. B. Chetti, Dean, College of Agriculture, UAS,
the Training Programme by Dr. S. B. Hosamani, Head, Dharwad
Agri Business and Export Knowledge Centre, UAS, Inaugurating the Quality Production and Export of
Dharwad Mango Seminar organised by Dr. S. B. Hosamani on
jointly organised with NIAM, Jaipur on 27th April, 2012 17th February, 2012
jointly with NIAM & other Exporters
Dr. S. B. Hosamani, Head, Agri Business and Export Seminar on Production and marketing of pomegranate
Knowledge Centre on 22-10-2007 at Bagalkot
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
is demonstrating grading of mango fruits without
damage for export