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4.1 Data Hasil Percobaan
Tabel 4.1 Data Hasil Percobaan

∆H (m)

Ukuran Pipa Reducing

Q (m³/s) Elbow Valve Coupling Enlargement
pipa lurus coupling
(1-2) (3-4) (6-7) (9-10)
(5-6) (8-9)

4.81928E-05 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.3

6.96379E-05 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.4
6.84463E-05 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.3
7.3046E-05 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.4
7.20981E-05 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.4
0.00008 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.4
8.66551E-05 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.4
1' 9.7561E-05 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4
0.000103734 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3
0.000104932 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.5
0.000117509 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
0.000115875 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4
0.000125 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
0.000132802 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4
0.000139665 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4
4.61042E-05 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5
6.22278E-05 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2
7.11744E-05 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4
7.32601E-05 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.3
7.84929E-05 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.3
8.77963E-05 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3
0.000104384 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5
3/4'' 0.00011236 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.5
0.000113636 0.8 0.5 0 0.3 0.7 0.3
0.00013459 1 0.7 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.3
0.000138504 0.9 1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2
0.000131752 1 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.4
0.000127551 1 0.8 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2
0.000134228 1.2 1 0.3 0.8 0.8 0.2
0.000138504 1.1 1 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.3
4.2 Data Hasil Perhitungan
Tabel 4.2.1 Data Hasil Perhitungan Pressure Drop

∆P V
Q (m³/s) Pipa Reducing
pipa Elbow Valve Coupling Enlargement
lurus (5- coupling (m/s)
(1-2) (3-4) (6-7) (9-10)
6) (8-9)

4.82E-05 48.8868 19.5547 9.7774 9.7774 48.8868 29.3321 0.0952

6.96E-05 29.3321 19.5547 19.5547 9.7774 39.1095 39.1095 0.1376

6.84E-05 19.5547 0.0000 19.5547 9.7774 58.6642 29.3321 0.1353

7.3E-05 29.3321 19.5547 29.3321 19.5547 39.1095 39.1095 0.1444

7.21E-05 39.1095 0.0000 19.5547 9.7774 48.8868 39.1095 0.1425

0.00008 29.3321 19.5547 19.5547 9.7774 39.1095 39.1095 0.1581

8.67E-05 19.5547 19.5547 39.1095 9.7774 29.3321 39.1095 0.1713

1' 9.76E-05 19.5547 19.5547 39.1095 19.5547 29.3321 39.1095 0.1928

0.000104 29.3321 0.0000 19.5547 19.5547 19.5547 29.3321 0.2050

0.000105 9.7774 19.5547 19.5547 29.3321 29.3321 48.8868 0.2074

0.000118 9.7774 0.0000 19.5547 19.5547 19.5547 19.5547 0.2322

0.000116 9.7774 19.5547 29.3321 19.5547 19.5547 39.1095 0.2290

0.000125 9.7774 0.7648 29.3321 29.3321 29.3321 29.3321 0.2470

0.000133 9.7774 19.5547 29.3321 29.3321 29.3321 39.1095 0.2625

0.00014 9.7774 0.0000 39.1095 39.1095 29.3321 39.1095 0.2760

∆P V
Q (m³/s) Reducing
pipa Elbow Valve Pipa lurus Coupling Enlargement
coupling (8- (m/s)
(1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (6-7) (9-10)

4.61E-05 9.7774 0.0000 19.5547 19.5547 39.1095 48.8868 0.0911

6.22E-05 19.5547 0.0000 19.5547 29.3321 9.7774 19.5547 0.1230
7.12E-05 39.1095 0.0000 19.5547 29.3321 19.5547 39.1095 0.1407
7.33E-05 48.8868 0.0299 19.5547 39.1095 19.5547 29.3321 0.1448
7.85E-05 39.1095 0.0748 19.5547 39.1095 9.7774 29.3321 0.1551
8.78E-05 39.1095 0.0000 19.5547 39.1095 39.1095 29.3321 0.1735
0.000104 39.1095 0.0000 29.3321 48.8868 48.8868 48.8868 0.2063
3/4'' 0.000112 48.8868 0.0000 29.3321 48.8868 68.4416 48.8868 0.2221
0.000114 78.2189 0.0000 0.0000 29.3321 68.4416 29.3321 0.2246
0.000135 97.7737 0.0000 9.7774 48.8868 19.5547 29.3321 0.2660
0.000139 87.9963 0.0000 19.5547 19.5547 39.1095 19.5547 0.2737
0.000132 97.7737 0.0000 29.3321 29.3321 58.6642 39.1095 0.2604
0.000128 97.7737 0.0000 19.5547 58.6642 39.1095 19.5547 0.2521
0.000134 117.3284 0.0000 29.3321 78.2189 78.2189 19.5547 0.2653
0.000139 107.5510 0.0000 29.3321 58.6642 48.8868 29.3321 0.2737
Tabel 4.2.3 Hasil Perhitungan koefisien Friksi

Koefisien Friksi
Ukura V
Q (m³/s)
n Pipa (m/s)

Elbow Valve (3- Pipa lurus Coupling Enlargement
(1-2) 4) (5-6) (6-7) (9-10)

4.81928E-05 5.4050 148.4052 0.0091 127.2044 233.2081 84.8030 0.0952

6.96379E-05 2.5886 71.0758 0.0044 60.92211 111.6905 40.6147 0.1376
6.84463E-05 2.6796 73.5721 0.0045 63.06182 115.6133 42.0412 0.1353
7.3046E-05 2.3527 64.5981 0.0040 55.3698 101.5113 36.9132 0.1444
7.20981E-05 2.4150 66.3080 0.0041 56.83541 104.1982 37.8903 0.1425
0.00008 1.9615 53.8558 0.0033 46.16216 84.6306 30.7748 0.1581
8.66551E-05 1.6718 45.9012 0.0028 39.34392 72.1305 26.2293 0.1713
1' 9.7561E-05 1.3189 36.2127 0.0022 31.03943 56.9056 20.6930 0.1928
0.000103734 1.1666 32.0307 0.0020 27.45492 50.3340 18.3033 0.2050
0.000104932 1.1401 31.3039 0.0019 26.83193 49.1919 17.8880 0.2074
0.000117509 0.9091 24.9616 0.0015 21.39563 39.2253 14.2638 0.2322
0.000115875 0.9349 25.6705 0.0016 22.00329 40.3394 14.6689 0.2290
0.000125 0.8034 22.0594 0.0014 18.90802 34.6647 12.6053 0.2470
0.000132802 0.7118 19.5435 0.0012 16.75159 30.7112 11.1677 0.2625
0.000139665 0.6436 17.6701 0.0011 15.1458 27.7673 10.0972 0.2760
Koefisien Friksi
Q (m³/s) V (m/s)
Elbow Pipa lurus Coupling Enlargement
Valve (3-4) coupling
(1-2) (5-6) (6-7) (9-10)
4.61042E-05 5.9058 162.1556 0.0100 138.9905 254.8159 92.6603 0.0911
6.22278E-05 3.2419 89.0112 0.0055 76.2953 139.8747 50.8635 0.1230
7.11744E-05 2.4781 68.0402 0.0042 58.32016 106.9203 38.8801 0.1407
7.32601E-05 2.3390 64.2212 0.0039 55.04671 100.9190 36.6978 0.1448
7.84929E-05 2.0375 55.9438 0.0034 47.9518 87.9116 31.9679 0.1551
8.77963E-05 1.6286 44.7157 0.0027 38.32777 70.2676 25.5518 0.1735
0.000104384 1.1521 31.6333 0.0019 27.11422 49.7094 18.0761 0.2063
3/4'' 0.00011236 0.9944 27.3019 0.0017 23.40163 42.9030 15.6011 0.2221
0.000113636 0.9721 26.6918 0.0016 22.8787 41.9443 15.2525 0.2246
0.00013459 0.6930 19.0279 0.0012 16.30961 29.9010 10.8731 0.2660
0.000138504 0.6544 17.9675 0.0011 15.4007 28.2346 10.2671 0.2737
0.000131752 0.7232 19.8562 0.0012 17.01961 31.2026 11.3464 0.2604
0.000127551 0.7716 21.1858 0.0013 18.15926 33.2920 12.1062 0.2521
0.000134228 0.6967 19.1305 0.0012 16.39754 30.0622 10.9317 0.2653
0.000138504 0.6544 17.9675 0.0011 15.4007 28.2346 10.2671 0.2737

4.3 Pembahasan

y = 1976.3x - 1E-15
0.25 R² = 1
v (m/s)

y = 1976.3x + 7E-16
R² = 1


0 0.00005 0.0001 0.00015
Q (m3/s)

4.1 Grafik Hubungan Laju alir dan v

0.35 y = 45.195x + 0.2893
R² = 0.9859
Ws (J/s)

0.2 y = 1305.7x + 0.1455 Q

0.15 R² = 0.329 Ws

0.1 Linear (Q)

0.05 Linear (Ws)

0 0.00005 0.0001 0.00015
Q (m3/s)

Grafik 4.2 Hubungan Laju alir dan Daya pompa

y = 0.0003x + 3E-05
0.00012 R² = 0.329
Efisiensi (%)

Linear (Q)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Q (m3/s)

4.3 Grafik Hubungan Laju alir Efisiensi pompa

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