Present Global Scenario & Challenges in Higher Education
Present Global Scenario & Challenges in Higher Education
Present Global Scenario & Challenges in Higher Education
Dr. Subhash. P.Jadhao
Professor & Head Department of Commerce
R.A.Arts, Shree.M.K.Commerce & Shree. S.R.Rathi.Science College,Washim.
The education sector in India is poised to witness profit or quasi for-profit, represent the fastest-
major growth in the years to come as India will growing sector worldwide.
have world’s largest tertiary-age population and Countries with over 70% private
second largest graduate talent pipeline globally enrolment include Indonesia, Japan, the
by the end of 2020. The education market in Philippines and the Republic of Korea. The
India is currently valued at US$ 100 billion and private sector now educates more than half the
is expected to nearly double to US$ 180 billion student population in such countries as Mexico,
by 2020.* Currently, the school segment is Brazil, and Chile. Private universities are rapidly
valued at US$ 52 billion and contributes 52 per expanding in Central and Eastern Europe and in
cent to the education market in India, higher the countries of the former Soviet Union, as well
education contributes 15 per cent of the market as in Africa. China and India have significant
size, text-book, e-learning and allied services private sectors as well. The private sector is
contribute 28 per cent and vocational education growing and garnering more attention in Africa.
in manufacturing and services contributes 5 per Conclusion
cent. Higher education system in India has For India to become economically, politically,
undergone rapid expansion. Currently, India’s and socially developed, education is critical. As
higher education system is the largest in the a result the government must assume the
world enrolling over 70 million students while in responsibility for providing and financing
less than two decades, India has managed to education, especially basic education. Today,
create additional capacity for over 40 million India already produces some of the most talented
students. It witnesses spending of over Rs 46,200 and intelligent students and workers, but
crore (US$ 6.93 billion). questions related to quality, access,and equity
Diversified Education System still challenge educational planners. In
Mass enrolment created the need for diversified corroboration, a recent study titled
systems - hierarchies of institutions serving Effective Education for Employment
different needs and constituencies. In future the (EEE) by Edexcel stated that there is a huge
private sector will be an important aspect of mismatch between what is being taught in
diversification. It will continue to expand in schools, colleges and universities and the
many nations, because public institutions will knowledge, skills and behavior businesses and
not keep up with student demand. For instance, organizations are looking for, in new recruits.
India, Pakistan, Malaysia have many such Even students felt that their education lacked
institutions at higher education. Some private relevance to the jobs they were hoping to apply
institutions might emerge as semi elite or elite for in the future which reinforces the missing
research universities, but care must be taken to element "linking education to careers".
ensure that private, especially for-profit, The role of higher education as a
institutions maintain standards and serve society. public good continues to be fundamentally
"New technologies and new providers have only important and must be supported. The multiple
just begun to diversify opportunities and this and diverse responsibilities of higher education
trend will certainly continue in the coming are ultimately key to the well-being of modern
decades. society, but this expanded role adds considerable
PRIVATISATION OF HIGHER complexity and many new challenges.The higher
EDUCATION:- education enterprise should provide strong,
The growth of private higher education vibrant postsecondary institutions to support the
worldwide has been one of the most remarkable knowledge economy as well as to provide the
developments of the past several decades. Today knowledge necessary for the social mobility and
some 30% of global higher education enrolment economic progress essential to societies across
is private. While private higher education has the globe.
existed in many countries - and has traditionally
been the dominant force in such East Asia References
countries as India,Japan, the Republic of Korea, 1. Collis, B.(2002). Information
and the Philippines - it has formed a small part of technologies for education and training. In
higher education in most countries. Now, private Adelsberger, H.,Collis,B, &
higher education institutions, many of them for- Pawlowski, J. (Eds.) Handbook on