Power System Analysis and Stability Intro Compiled Notes
Power System Analysis and Stability Intro Compiled Notes
Power System Analysis and Stability Intro Compiled Notes
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The Power system or energy system is one of the tools for converting and
transporting energy which is playing an important role in meeting the following
1.To improve industrial growth.
2. To improve standard of people.
3. To discover new sources of energy.
4. To obtain an essentially inexhaustible supply of energy.
5. To make energy available wherever needed.
6. To convert energy from one form to another
without carrying pollution.
system by means of simple symbols for each component resulting in what is called a one
line diagram.
ZG In= 0
+ Ea Zn
N Eb n
+ ZG Ib ZL
ZG +
This chapter discusses the calculation of fault current at different periods and explains the changes in
reactance and internal voltage of a synchronous machine as the current changes.
Since each of the original unbalanced phasors is the sum of its components, the original phasors expressed
in terms of their components are
Vb = Vb1 + Vb2 + V bo
Since any unsymmetrical faults causes unbalanced currents to flow in the system, the method of
symmetrical components is very useful in an analysis to determine the currents and voltages.
* Transient
* Dynamic
* Steady state
Stability studies using the swing equation
2H d2 δ
Pm - Pe unit
ωs dt2
ωs Synchronous speed
δ Angular displacement of the rotor
Pm = Mechanical power
Pe = Electrical power
Text- References:
1. WD Stevenson, Elements of Power System Analysis, MH.
2. IJ Nagrath and DP Kothari, modern Power System analysis,
Prerequisite Subjects:
[CONTENTS: One line diagram, impedance diagram, reactance diagram, per unit quantities,
per unit impedance diagram, formation of bus admittance & impedance matrices, examples]
represent all the components of the system on a single frame. The complexities could be in terms of various
types of protective devices, machines (transformers, generators, motors, etc.), their connections (star, delta,
etc.), etc. Hence, for the purpose of power system analysis, a simple single phase equivalent circuit is
developed called, the one line diagram (OLD) or the single line diagram (SLD).
Thus an SLD is the concise form of representing a given power system. It is to be noted that a given SLD
will contain only such data that are relevant to the system analysis/study under consideration. For example,
the details of protective devices need not be shown for load flow analysis nor it is necessary to show the
Example system
For illustration, consider a sample example power system and data as under: Generator 1: 30 MVA, 10.5
KV, X”= 1.6 ohms, Generator 2: 15 MVA, 6.6 KV, X”= 1.2 ohms, Generator 3: 25 MVA, 6.6 KV,
X”= 0.56 ohms, Transformer 1 (3-phase): 15 MVA, 33/11 KV, X=15.2 ohms/phase on HT side,
Transformer 2 (3-phase): 15 MVA, 33/6.2 KV, X=16.0 ohms/phase on HT side, Transmission Line: 20.5
ohms per phase, Load A: 15 MW, 11 KV, 0.9 PF (lag); and Load B: 40 MW, 6.6 KV, 0.85 PF (lag). The
corresponding SLD incorporating the standard symbols can be shown as in figure 2.
Here, it is observed that the generators are specified in 3-phase MVA, L-L voltage and per phase Y-
equivalent impedance, transformers are specified in 3-phase MVA, L-L voltage transformation ratio and
per phase Y-equivalent impedance on any one side and the loads are specified in 3-phase MW, L-L voltage
and power factor.
1.2 Impedance Diagram
The impedance diagram on single-phase basis for use under balanced conditions can be easily drawn from the SLD. The following
assumptions are made in obtaining the impedance diagrams.
1. The single phase transformer equivalents are shown as ideals with impedances on appropriate side
2. The magnetizing reactances of transformers are negligible,
3. The generators are represented as constant voltage sources with series resistance or reactance,
4. The transmission lines are approximated by their equivalent π-Models,
5. The loads are assumed to be passive and are represented by a series branch of resistance or reactance
6. Since the balanced conditions are assumed, the neutral grounding impedances do not appear in the
impedance diagram.
Example system
Based on the assumptions as above and with reference to the system of figure 2, the impedance diagram can be obtained as shown in
figure 3.
Additional assumptions:
The resistance is often omitted during the fault analysis. This causes a very Resistances are negligible
Loads are Omitted
Transmission line capacitances are ineffective &
Magnetizing currents of transformers are neglected.
Example system
Based on the assumptions as above and with reference to the system of figure 2 and figure 3, the reactance diagram can be obtained as
shown in figure 4.
Note: The impedance & reactance diagrams are also refered as the Positive Sequence Diagrams/ Networks.
Definition: Per Unit value of a given quantity is the ratio of the actual value in any given unit to the base
value in the same unit. The percent value is 100 times the pu value. Both the pu and percentage methods
are simpler than the use of actual values. Further, the main advantage in using the pu system of
computations is that the result that comes out of the sum, product, quotient, etc. of two or more pu values is
expressed in per unit itself.
In an electrical power system, the parameters of interest include the current, voltage, complex power (VA),
impedance and the phase angle. Of these, the phase angle is dimensionless and the other four quantities can
be described by knowing any two of them. Thus clearly, an arbitrary choice of any two base values will
evidently fix the other base values.
Normally the nominal voltage of lines and equipment is known along with the complex power rating in
MVA. Hence, in practice, the base values are chosen for complex power (MVA) and line voltage (KV).
The chosen base MVA is the same for all the parts of the system. However, the base voltage is chosen with
reference to a particular section of the system and the other base voltages (with reference to the other
sections of the systems, these sections caused by the presence of the transformers) are then related to the
chosen one by the turns-ratio of the connecting transformer.
If Ib is the base current in kilo amperes and Vb, the base voltage in kilovolts, then the base MVA is, Sb =
(VbIb). Then the base values of current & impedance are given by
Base current (kA), Ib = MVAb/KVb
= Sb/Vb (1)
Base impedance, Zb = (Vb/Ib)
= (KVb2 / MVAb) (2)
Hence the per unit impedance is given by
Zpu = Zohms/Zb
= Zohms (MVAb/KVb2) (3)
In 3-phase systems, KVb is the line-to-line value & MVAb is the 3-phase MVA. [1-phase MVA = (1/√3) 3-
phase MVA].
It is observed from equation (3) that the pu value of impedance is proportional directly to the base MVA
and inversely to the square of the base KV. If Zpunew is the pu impedance required to be calculated on a
new set of base values: MVAbnew & KVbnew from the already given per unit impedance Zpuold,
specified on the old set of base values, MVAbold & KVbold , then we have
On the other hand, the change of base can also be done by first converting the given pu impedance to its ohmic value and then
calculating its pu value on the new set of base values.
Frames of Reference:
Bus Frame of Reference: There are b independent equations (b = no. of buses) relating the bus vectors of
currents and voltages through the bus impedance matrix and bus admittance matrix:
Rule of Inspection
Consider the 3-node admittance network as shown in figure5. Using the basic branch relation: I = (YV), for all the elemental currents
and applying Kirchhoff’s Current Law principle at the nodal points, we get the relations as under:
At node 1: I1 =Y1V1 + Y3 (V1-V3) + Y6 (V1 – V2)
At node 2: I2 =Y2V2 + Y5 (V2-V3) + Y6 (V2 – V1)
At node 3: 0 = Y3 (V3-V1) + Y4V3 + Y5 (V3 – V2) (8)
These are the performance equations of the given network in admittance form and they can be represented in matrix form as:
I1 = (Y1+Y3 +Y6) -Y6 -Y3 V1
I2 = -Y6 (Y2+Y5 +Y6) -Y5 V2
0 = -Y3 -Y5 (Y3 +Y4+Y5) V3 (9)
In other words, the relation of equation (9) can be represented in the form
Where, YBUS is the bus admittance matrix, IBUS & EBUS are the bus current and bus voltage vectors
By observing the elements of the bus admittance matrix, YBUS of equation (9), it is observed that the matrix elements can as well be
obtained by a simple inspection of the given system diagram:
Diagonal elements: A diagonal element (Yii) of the bus admittance matrix, YBUS, is equal to the sum total of the admittance values of
all the elements incident at the bus/node i,
Off Diagonal elements: An off-diagonal element (Yij) of the bus admittance matrix, YBUS, is equal to the negative of the admittance
value of the connecting element present between the buses I and j, if any.
This is the principle of the rule of inspection. Thus the algorithmic equations for the rule of inspection are obtained as:
For i = 1,2,….n, n = no. of buses of the given system, yij is the admittance of element connected between buses i and j and yii is the
admittance of element connected between bus i and ground (reference bus).
Note: It is to be noted that the rule of inspection can be applied only to those power systems that do not
have any mutually coupled elements.
1.7 Examples
Problem #1:
Two generators rated 10 MVA, 13.2 KV and 15 MVA, 13.2 KV are connected in parallel to a bus bar.
They feed supply to 2 motors of inputs 8 MVA and 12 MVA respectively. The operating voltage of motors
is 12.5 KV. Assuming the base quantities as 50 MVA, 13.8 KV, draw the per unit reactance diagram. The
percentage reactance for generators is 15% and that for motors is 20%.
The one line diagram with the data is obtained as shown in figure P1(a).
Problem #2:
Draw the per unit reactance diagram for the system shown in figure below. Choose a base of 11 KV, 100
MVA in the generator circuit.
The one line diagram with the data is considered as shown in figure.
Selection of base quantities:
100 MVA, 11 KV in the generator circuit(Given); the voltage bases in other sections are: 11 (115/11.5) =
110 KV in the transmission line circuit and 110 (6.6/11.5) = 6.31 KV in the motor circuit.
Calculation of pu values:
XG = j 0.1 pu, Xm = j 0.2 (100/90) (6.6/6.31)2 = j 0.243 pu.
Xt1 =Xt2 = j 0.1 (100/50) (11.5/11)2 = j 0.2185 pu.
Xt3 =Xt4 = j 0.1 (100/50) (6.6/6.31)2 = j 0.219 pu.
Xlines = j 20 (100/1102) = j 0.1652 pu.
Eg = 1.0∠00 pu, Em = (6.6/6.31) = 1.045∠00 pu
Problem #3:
A 30 MVA, 13.8 KV, 3-phase generator has a sub transient reactance of 15%. The generator supplies 2
motors through a step-up transformer - transmission line – step-down transformer arrangement. The motors
have rated inputs of 20 MVA and 10 MVA at 12.8 KV with 20% sub transient reactance each. The 3-phase
transformers are rated at 35 MVA, 13.2 KV-∆ /115 KV-Y with 10 % leakage reactance. The line reactance
is 80 ohms. Draw the equivalent per unit reactance diagram by selecting the generator ratings as base
values in the generator circuit.
The one line diagram with the data is obtained as shown in figure P3(a).
Calculation of pu values:
XG = j 0.15 pu.
Xm1 = j 0.2 (30/20) (12.8/13.8)2 = j 0.516 pu.
Xm2 = j 0.2 (30/10) (12.8/13.8)2 = j 0.2581 pu.
Xt1 =Xt2 = j 0.1 (30/35) (13.2/13.8)2 = j 0.0784 pu.
Xline = j 80 (30/120.232) = j 0.17 pu.
Eg = 1.0∠00 pu; Em1 = Em2 = (6.6/6.31) = 0.93∠00 pu
Thus the pu reactance diagram can be drawn as shown in figure P3(b).
Problem #4:
A 33 MVA, 13.8 KV, 3-phase generator has a sub transient reactance of 0.5%. The generator supplies a
motor through a step-up transformer - transmission line – step-down transformer arrangement. The motor
has rated input of 25 MVA at 6.6 KV with 25% sub transient reactance. Draw the equivalent per unit
impedance diagram by selecting 25 MVA (3φ), 6.6 KV (LL) as base values in the motor circuit, given the
transformer and transmission line data as under:
Step up transformer bank: three single phase units, connected ∆–Y, each rated 10 MVA, 13.2/6.6 KV with
7.7 % leakage reactance and 0.5 % leakage resistance;
Transmission line: 75 KM long with a positive sequence reactance of 0.8 ohm/ KM and a resistance of 0.2
ohm/ KM; and
Step down transformer bank: three single phase units, connected ∆–Y, each rated 8.33 MVA, 110/3.98 KV
with 8% leakage reactance and 0.8 % leakage resistance;
The one line diagram with the data is obtained as shown in figure P4(a).
1. Determine the reactances of the three generators rated as follows on a common base of 200 MVA, 35
KV: Generator 1: 100 MVA, 33 KV, sub transient reactance of 10%; Generator 2: 150 MVA, 32 KV, sub
transient reactance of 8% and Generator 3: 110 MVA, 30 KV, sub transient reactance of 12%.
[Answers: XG1 = j 0.1778, Xg2 = j 0.089, Xg3 = j 0.16 all in per unit]
2. A 100 MVA, 33 KV, 3-phase generator has a sub transient reactance of 15%. The generator supplies 3
motors through a step-up transformer - transmission line – step-down transformer arrangement. The motors
have rated inputs of 30 MVA, 20 MVA and 50 MVA, at 30 KV with 20% sub transient reactance each. The
3-phase transformers are rated at 100 MVA, 32 KV-∆ /110 KV-Y with 8 % leakage reactance. The line has
a reactance of 50 ohms. By selecting the generator ratings as base values in the generator circuit, determine
the base values in all the other parts of the system. Hence evaluate the corresponding pu values and draw
the equivalent per unit reactance diagram.
[Answers: XG = j 0.15, Xm1 = j 0.551, Xm2 = j 0.826, Xm3 = j 0.331, Eg1=1.0 ∠00, Em1 = Em2
= Em3 = 0.91∠00, Xt1 = Xt2 = j 0.0775 and Xline = j 0.39 all in per unit]
3. A 80 MVA, 10 KV, 3-phase generator has a sub transient reactance of 10%. The generator supplies a
motor through a step-up transformer - transmission line – step-down transformer arrangement. The motor
has rated input of 95 MVA, 6.3 KV with 15% sub transient reactance. The step-up 3-phase transformer is
rated at 90 MVA, 11 KV-Y /110 KV-Y with 10% leakage reactance. The 3-phase step-down transformer
consists of three single phase Y-∆ connected transformers, each rated at 33.33 MVA, 68/6.6 KV with 10%
leakage reactance. The line has a reactance of 20 ohms. By selecting the 11 KV, 100 MVA as base values
in the generator circuit, determine the base values in all the other parts of the system. Hence evaluate the
corresponding pu values and draw the equivalent per unit reactance diagram.
[Answers: XG = j 1.103, Xm = j 0.165, Eg1=0.91∠00, Em= 1.022∠00, Xt1 = j 0.11, Xt2 = j
0.114 and Xline = j 0.17 all in per unit]
4. For the three-phase system shown below, draw an impedance diagram expressing all impedances in per
unit on a common base of 20 MVA, 2600 V on the HV side of the transformer. Using this impedance
diagram, find the HV and LV currents.
2.1 Preamble
Any disturbance in the normal working conditions is termed as a FAULT. The effect of fault is to
load the device electrically by many times greater than its normal rating and thus damage the
equipment involved. Hence all the equipment in the fault line should be protected from being
overloaded. In general, overloading involves the increase of current up to 10-15 times the rated
value. In a few cases, like the opening or closing of a circuit breaker, the transient voltages also
may overload the equipment and damage them.
In order to protect the equipment during faults, fast acting circuit breakers are put in the lines. To
design the rating of these circuit breakers or an auxiliary device, the fault current has to be
predicted. By considering the equivalent per unit reactance diagrams, the various faults can be
analyzed to determine the fault parameters. This helps in the protection and maintenance of the
Faults can be symmetrical or unsymmetrical faults. In symmetrical faults, the fault quantity rises
to several times the rated value equally in all the three phases. For example, a 3-phase fault - a
dead short circuit of all the three lines not involving the ground. On the other hand, the
unsymmetrical faults may have the connected fault quantities in a random way. However, such
unsymmetrical faults can be analyzed by using the Symmetrical Components. Further, the
neutrals of the machines and equipment may or may not be grounded or the fault may occur
through fault impedance. The three-phase fault involving ground is the most severe fault among
the various faults encountered in electric power systems.
The maximum momentary current, imm thus corresponds to the first peak. Hence, if the decay in the
transient current during this short interval of time is neglected, then we have (sum of the two peak values);
imm = [√2V/Z] sin (θ-α) + [√2V/Z] (10)
now, since the resistance of the transmission line is very small, the impedance angle θ, can be taken to be
approximately equal to 900. Hence, we have
imm = [√2V/Z] cos α + [√2V/Z] (11)
This value is maximum when the value of α is equal to zero. This value corresponds to the short circuiting
instant of the voltage wave when it is passing through zero. Thus the final expression for the maximum
momentary current is obtained as:
imm = 2 [√2V/Z] (12)
Thus it is observed that the maximum momentary current is twice the maximum value of symmetrical short
circuit current. This is refered as the doubling effect of the short circuit current during the symmetrical fault
on a transmission line.
Immediately after the short circuit, the symmetrical short circuit current is limited only by the leakage
reactance of the machine. However, to encounter the demagnetization of the armature short circuit current,
current appears in field and damper windings, assisting the rotor field winding to sustain the air-gap flux.
Thus during the initial part of the short circuit, there is mutual coupling between stator, rotor and damper
windings and hence the corresponding equivalent circuit would be as shown in figure 4. Thus the
equivalent reactance is given by:
Xd” = Xl +[1/Xa + 1/Xf + 1/Xdw]-1 (14)
Where Xd” is called as the sub-transient reactance of the synchronous machine. Here, the equivalent
resistance of the damper winding is more than that of the rotor field winding. Hence, the time constant of
the damper field winding is smaller. Thus the damper field effects and the eddy currents disappear after a
few cycles.
In other words, Xdw gets open circuited from the model of Figure 5 to yield the model as shown in figure 4.
Thus the equivalent reactance is given by:
Xd’ = Xl +[1/Xa + 1/Xf ]-1 (15)
Where Xd’ is called as the transient reactance of the synchronous machine. Subsequently, Xf also gets open
circuited depending on the field winding time constant and yields back the steady state model of figure 3.
Thus the machine offers a time varying reactance during short circuit and this value of reactance varies
from initial stage to final one such that: Xd > Xd’ > Xd’
The currents and reactances during the three zones of period are related as under in terms of the intercepts
on the oscillogram (oa, ob and oc are the y-intercepts as indicated in figure 6):
RMS value of the steady state current = I = [oa/√2] = [Eg/Xd]
RMS value of the transient current = I’ = [ob/√2] = [Eg/Xd’]
RMS value of the sub transient current = I = [oc/√2] = [Eg/Xd”] (16)
Also shown in figure 7, are the circuit models to be used for short circuit current calculations when a fault
occurs at the terminals of the generator, for sub-transient current and transient current values. The induced
emf values used in these models are given by the expressions as under:
The synchronous motors will also have the terminal emf values and reactances. However, then the current
direction is reversed. During short circuit studies, they can be replaced by circuit models similar to those
shown in figure 7 above, except that the voltages are given by the relations as under:
The circuit models shown above for the synchronous machines are also very useful while dealing with the
short circuit of an interconnected system.
2.6 Examples
Problem #1:
A transmission line of inductance 0.1 H and resistance 5 Ω is suddenly short circuited at t = 0, at the far end
of a transmission line and is supplied by an ac source of voltage v = 100 sin (100πt+150). Write the
expression for the short circuit current, i(t). Find the approximate value of the first current maximum for
the given values of α and θ. What is this value for α=0, and θ=900? What should be the instant of short
circuit so that the DC offset current is (i)zero and (ii)maximum?
Figure P1.
Consider the expression for voltage applied to the transmission system given by
v = Vm sin(ωt+α) = 100 sin (100πt+150)
Thus we get: Vm = 100 volts; f = 50 Hz and α = 150.
Consider the impedance of the circuit given by:
Z = R + jωL = 5 + j (100π) (0.1) = 5 + j 31.416 ohms.
Thus we have: Zmag=31.8113 Ohms; θ=80.9570 and τ=L/R=0.1/5=0.02 seconds.
The short circuit current is given by:
i(t) = [Vm/Z] sin (ωt+α-θ) + [Vm/Z] sin (θ-α) e-(R/L)t
= [100/31.8113] [sin (100πt+150-80.9570) + sin(80.9570-150) e-(t/0.02)]
= 3.1435 sin(314.16 t – 65.96) +2.871 e–50t
Thus we have:
i) imm = 3.1435 + 2.871 e–50t
where t is the time instant of maximum of symmetrical short circuit current. This instant occurs at (314.16 tc – 65.960) = 900 ; Solving
we get, t = 0.00867 seconds so that imm = 5 Amps.
ii) imm = 2Vm/Z = 6.287 A; for α=0, and θ=900 (Also, imm = 2 (3.1435) = 6.287 A)
iii) DC offset current = [Vm/Z] sin (θ-α) e-(R/L)t
= zero, if (θ-α) = zero, i.e., θ = α, or α = 80.9570
= maximum if (θ-α) = 900, i.e., α = θ - 900, or α = - 9.0430.
Problem #2:
A 25 MVA, 11 KV, 20% generator is connected through a step-up transformer- T1 (25 MVA, 11/66 KV,
10%), transmission line (15% reactance on a base of 25 MVA, 66 KV) and step-down transformer-T2 (25
MVA, 66/6.6 KV, 10%) to a bus that supplies 3 identical motors in parallel (all motors rated: 5 MVA, 6.6
KV, 25%). A circuit breaker-A is used near the primary of the transformer T1 and breaker-B is used near
the motor M3. Find the symmetrical currents to be interrupted by circuit breakers A and B for a fault at a
point P, near the circuit breaker B.
Consider the SLD with the data given in the problem statement. The base values are selected as under:
Figure P2(a).
Selection of bases:
Sb = 25 MVA (common); Vb = 11 KV (Gen. circuit)- chosen so that then Vb = 66 KV (line circuit) and Vb = 6.6 KV (Motor circuit).
Pu values:
Xg=j0.2 pu, Xt1=Xt2=j0.1 pu; Xm1=Xm2=Xm3=j0.25(25/5)=j1.25 pu; Xline=j0.15 pu.
Since the system is operating at no load, all the voltages before fault are 1 pu. Considering the pu reactance
diagram with the faults at P, we have:
Figure P2(b).
Figure P3.
Sb = 1 MVA; Vb = 0.44 KV (common)- chosen so that Xm(each)=j0.1 pu, Em = 1.0∠00, Xline=j0.05
(1/0.442) = j 0.258 pu and Xlarge-system -= (1/8) = j 0.125 pu.
Thus the prefault voltage at the motor bus; Vt = 0.4/0.44 = 0.909∠00,
Short circuit current fed to the fault at motor bus (If = YV);
If = [0.125 + 0.258]-1 + 2.0 }0.909 = [20.55 pu] [1000/(√3(0.4))]
= 20.55 (1.312) KA = 26.966 KA.
Problem #4:
A generator-transformer unit is connected to a line through a circuit breaker. The unit ratings are: Gen.: 10
MVA, 6.6 KV, Xd” = 0.1 pu, Xd’ = 0.2 pu and Xd = 0.8 pu; and Transformer: 10 MVA, 6.9/33 KV, Xl =
0.08 pu; The system is operating on no-load at a line voltage of 30 KV, when a three-phase fault occurs on
the line just beyond the circuit breaker. Determine the following:
(i) Initial symmetrical RMS current in the breaker,
(ii) Maximum possible DC off-set current in the breaker,
(iii) Momentary current rating of the breaker,
(iv) Current to be interrupted by the breaker and the interrupting KVA and
(v) Sustained short circuit current in the breaker.
Consider the base values selected as 10 MVA, 6.6 KV (in the generator circuit) and 6.6(33/6.9) = 31.56 KV(in the transformer
circuit). Thus the base current is:
Ib = 10 / [√3(31.56)] = 0.183 KA
The pu values are: Xd” = 0.1 pu, Xd’ = 0.2 pu and Xd = 0.8 pu; and XTr = 0.08 (6.9/6.6)2 = 0.0874 pu; Vt = (30/31.6) = 0.95∠00 pu.
Initial symmetrical RMS current = 0.95∠00 / [0.1 + 0.0874] = 5.069 pu = 0.9277 KA;
Maximum possible DC off-set current = 2 (0.9277) = 1.312 KA;
Momentary current rating = 1.6(0.9277) = 1.4843 KA; (assuming 60% allowance)
Current to be interrupted by the breaker (5 Cycles) = 1.1(0.9277) = 1.0205 KA;
Interrupting MVA = 3(30) (1.0205) = 53.03 MVA;
Sustained short circuit current in the breaker = 0.95∠00 (0.183) / [0.8 + 0.0874]
= 0.1959 KA.
1. The one line diagram for a radial system network consists of two generators, rated 10 MVA, 15% and
10 MVA, 12.5 % respectively and connected in parallel to a bus bar A at 11 KV. Supply from bus A is fed
to bus B (at 33 KV) through a transformer T1 (rated: 10 MVA, 10%) and OH line (30 KM long). A
transformer T2 (rated: 5 MVA, 8%) is used in between bus B (at 33 KV) and bus C (at 6.6 KV). The length
of cable running from the bus C up to the point of fault, F is 3 KM. Determine the current and line voltage
at 11 kV bus A under fault conditions, when a fault occurs at the point F, given that Zcable = 0.135 + j 0.08
ohm/ kM and ZOH-line = 0.27 + j 0.36 ohm/kM. [Answer: 9.62 kV at the 11 kV bus]
2. A generator (rated: 25MVA, 12. KV, 10%) supplies power to a motor (rated: 20 MVA, 3.8 KV, 10%)
through a step-up transformer (rated:25 MVA, 11/33 KV, 8%), transmission line (of reactance 20 ohms)
and a step-down transformer (rated:20 MVA, 33/3.3 KV, 10%). Write the pu reactance diagram. The
system is loaded such that the motor is drawing 15 MW at 0.9 leading power factor, the motor terminal
voltage being 3.1 KV. Find the sub-transient current in the generator and motor for a fault at the generator
bus. [Answer: Ig” = 9.337 KA; Im” = 6.9 KA]
3. A synchronous generator feeds bus 1 and a power network feed bus 2 of a system. Buses 1 and 2 are
connected through a transformer and a line. Per unit reactances of the components are: Generator(bus-
1):0.25; Transformer:0.12 and Line:0.28. The power network is represented by a generator with an
unknown reactance in series. With the generator on no-load and with 1.0 pu voltage at each bus, a three
phase fault occurring on bus-1 causes a current of 5 pu to flow into the fault. Determine the equivalent
reactance of the power network. [Answer: X = 0.6 pu]
4. A synchronous generateor, rated 500 KVA, 440 Volts, 0.1 pu sub-transient reactance is supplying a
passive load of 400 KW, at 0.8 power factor (lag). Calculate the initial symmetrical RMS current for a
three-phase fault at the generator terminals.
[Answer: Sb=0.5 MVA; Vb=0.44 KV; load=0.8∠–36.90; Ib=0.656 KA; If=6.97 KA]
1. When a 1-phase supply is across a 1-phase winding, the nature of the magnetic field
produced is
a) Constant in magnitude and direction
b) Constant in magnitude and rotating at synchronous speed
c) Pulsating in nature
d) Rotating in nature
2. The damper windings are used in alternators to
a) Reduce eddy current loss
b) Reduce hunting
c) Make rotor dynamically balanced
d) Reduce armature reaction
3. The neutral path impedance Zn is used in the equivalent sequence network models as
a) Zn2
b) Zn
c) 3 Zn
d) An ineffective value
[CONTENTS: Preamble, L-G, L-L, L-L-G and 3-phase faults on an unloaded alternator without and with
fault impedance, faults on a power system without and with fault impedance, open
conductor faults in power systems, examples]
4.1 Preamble
The unsymmetrical faults will have faulty parameters at random. They can be analyzed by using the
symmetrical components. The standard type of unsymmetrical faults considered for analysis include the
following (in the order of their severity):
Further the neutrals of various equipment may be grounded or isolated, the faults can occur at any general
point F of the given system, the faults can be through a fault impedance, etc. Of the various types of faults
as above, the 3-φ fault involving the ground is the most severe one. Here the analysis is considered in two
stages as under: (i) Fault at the terminals of a Conventional (Unloaded) Generator and (ii) Faults at any
point F, of a given Electric Power System (EPS).
Consider now the symmetrical component relational equations derived from the three sequence networks
corresponding to a given unsymmetrical system as a function of sequence impedances and the positive
sequence voltage source in the form as under:
Va0 = - Ia0Z0
Va1 = Ea - Ia1Z1
Va2 = - Ia2Z2 (1)
These equations are refered as the sequence equations. In matrix Form the sequence equations can be
considered as:
Va0 0 Z0 0 0 Ia0
Va1 = Ea – 0 Z1 0 Ia1
Va2 0 0 0 Z2 Ia2 (2)
This equation is used along with the equations i.e., conditions under fault (c.u.f.), derived to describe the
fault under consideration, to determine the sequence current Ia1 and hence the fault current If, in terms of Ea
and the sequence impedances, Z1, Z2 and Z0. Thus during unsymmetrical fault analysis of any given type of
fault, two sets of equations as follows are considered for solving them simultaneously to get the required
fault parameters:
A conventional generator is one that produces only the balanced voltages. Let Ea, nd Ec
be the internally generated voltages and Zn be the neutral impedance. The fault is
assumed to be on the phase’a’ as shown in figure 1. Consider now the conditions under
fault as under:
Ib = 0; Ic = 0; and Va = 0. (3)
Now consider the symmetrical components of the current Ia with Ib=Ic=0, given by:
Ia0 1 1 1 Ia
Ia1 = (1/3) 1 a a2 0
Ia2 1 a2 a 0 (4)
Solving (4) we get,
Ia1 = Ia2 = Ia0 = (Ia/3) (5)
Figure 2. Connection of sequence networks for LG Fault
on phase a of a Conventional Generator
The equation (7) derived as above implies that the three sequence networks are connected
in series to simulate a LG fault, as shown in figure 2. Further we have the following
relations satisfied under the fault conditions:
1. Ia1 = Ia2 = Ia0 = (Ia/3) = [Ea/(Z1 + Z2 + Z0)]
2. Fault current If = Ia = 3Ia1 = [3Ea/(Z1 + Z2 + Z0)]
3. Va1 = Ea - Ia1Z1 = Ea(Z2+Z0)/(Z1+Z2+Z0)
4. Va2 = - EaZ2/(Z1+Z2+Z0)
5. Va0 = - EaZ0/(Z1+Z2+Z0)
6. Fault phase voltage Va = 0,
7. Sound phase voltages Vb = a2Va1+aVa2+Va0; Vc = aVa1+a2Va2+Va0
8. Fault phase power: VaIa* = 0, Sound pahse powers: VbIb* = 0, and VcIc* = 0,
9. If Zn = 0, then Z0 = Zg0,
10. If Zn = ∞, then Z0 = ∞, i.e., the zero sequence network is open so that then, If=Ia=0.
Consider a line to line fault between phase ‘b’ and phase ‘c’ as shown in figure 3, at the terminals of a
conventional generator, whose neutral is grounded through a reactance. Consider now the conditions under
fault as under:
Ia = 0; Ib = - Ic; and Vb = Vc (8)
Now consider the symmetrical components of the voltage Va with Vb=Vc, given by:
Va0 1 1 1 Va
Va1 = (1/3) 1 a a2 Vb
Va2 1 a2 a Vb (9)
Solving (4) we get,
Va1 = Va2 (10)
Further, consider the symmetrical components of current Ia with Ib=-Ic, and Ia=0; given by:
Ia0 1 1 1 0
Ia1 = (1/3) 1 a a2 Ib
Ia2 1 a2 a -Ib (11)
Solving (11) we get,
Ia0 = 0; and Ia2 = -Ia1 (12)
Using equation (10) and (12) in (2), and since Va0 = 0 ( Ia0 being 0), we get,
0 0 Z0 0 0 0
Va1 = Ea – 0 Z1 0 Ia1
Va1 0 0 0 Z2 -Ia1 (13)
Pre-multiplying equation (13) throughout by [0 1 -1], we get,
Va1-Va1 = Ea – Ia1Z1 – Ia1Z2 = 0
Or in other words,
Ia1 = [Ea/(Z1 + Z2)] (14)
The equation (14) derived as above implies that the three sequence networks are connected such that the
zero sequence network is absent and only the positive and negative sequence networks are connected in
series-opposition to simulate the LL fault, as shown in figure 4. Further we have the following relations
satisfied under the fault conditions:
1. Ia1 = - Ia2 = [Ea/(Z1 + Z2)] and Ia0 = 0,
2. Fault current If = Ib = - Ic = [√3Ea/(Z1 + Z2)] (since Ib = (a2-a)Ia1 = √3Ia1)
3. Va1 = Ea - Ia1Z1 = EaZ2/(Z1+Z2)
4. Va2 = Va1 = EaZ2/(Z1+Z2)
5. Va0 = 0,
6. Fault phase voltages;Vb = Vc = aVa1+a2Va2+Va0 = (a+a2)Va1 = - Va1
7. Sound phase voltage; Va = Va1+Va2+Va0 = 2Va1;
8. Fault phase powers are VbIb* and VcIc*,
9. Sound phase power: VaIa* = 0,
10. Since Ia0=0, the presence of absence of neutral impedance does not make any difference in the
Consider a double-line to ground fault at the terminals of a conventional unloaded generator, whose neutral
is grounded through a reactance, between phase ‘b’ and phase ‘c’ as shown in figure 5, Consider now the
conditions under fault as under:
Ia = 0 and Vb = Vc = 0 (15)
Now consider the symmetrical components of the voltage with Vb=Vc=0, given by:
Va0 1 1 1 Va
Va1 = (1/3) 1 a a2 0
Va2 1 a2 a 0 (16)
Solving (4) we get,
Va1 = Va2 = Va0 = Va/3 (17)
Consider now the sequence equations (2) as under,
Va0 0 Z0 0 0 Ia0
Va1 = Ea – 0 Z1 0 Ia1
Va2 0 0 0 Z2 Ia2 (18)
We get,
Va1 0 Z0 0 0 Ia0
Z-1 Va1 = Z-1 Ea – Z-1 0 Z1 0 Ia1
Va1 0 0 0 Z2 Ia2 (20)
Using the identity: Va1= (Ea – Ia1Z1) in equation (19), pre-multiplying throughout by [1 1 1] and finally
adding, we get,
Ea/Z0 - Ia1(Z1/Z0) + (Ea/Z1)- Ia1 + Ea/Z2 - Ia1(Z1/Z2) = (Ea/Z1) – (Ia0+Ia1+Ia2)
= (Ea/Z1) - Ia
= (Ea/Z1) (21)
Since Ia = 0, solving the equation (21), we get,
Ia1 = { Ea/ [Z1 + Z2Z0/(Z2+Z0)] } (22)
The equation (22) derived as above implies that, to simulate the LLG fault, the three sequence networks are
connected such that the positive network is connected in series with the parallel combination of the
negative and zero sequence networks, as shown in figure 6. Further we have the following relations
satisfied under the fault conditions:
1. Ia1 = {Ea/ [Z1+Z2Z0/(Z2+Z0)]}; Ia2= -Ia1Z0/(Z2 + Z0) and Ia0 = -Ia1Z2/(Z2 + Z0),
2. Fault current If: Ia0=(1/3)(Ia+Ib+Ic) = (1/3)(Ib+Ic) = If/3, Hence If = 3Ia0
3. Ia = 0, Vb=Vc=0 and hence Va1=Va2=Va0=Va/3
4. Fault phase voltages;Vb = Vc = 0
5. Sound phase voltage; Va = Va1+Va2+Va0 = 3Va1;
6. Fault phase powers are VbIb* = 0, and VcIc* = 0, since Vb=Vc=0
7. Healthy phase power: VaIa* = 0, since Ia=0
8. If Z0=∞, (i.e., the ground is isolated), then Ia0=0, and hence the result is the same as that of the LL
fault [with Z0=∞, equation (22) yields equation (14)].
Consider a three phase to ground (LLLG) fault at the terminals of a conventional unloaded generator,
whose neutral is grounded through a reactance, between all its three phases a, b and c, as shown in figure 7,
Consider now the conditions under fault as under:
Va = Vb = Vc = 0, Ia + Ib + Ic = 0 (23)
Now consider the symmetrical components of the voltage with Va=Vb=Vc= 0, given by:
Va0 1 1 1 0
Va1 = (1/3) 1 a a2 0
Va2 1 a2 a 0 (24)
Solving (4) we get,
Va1 = Va2 = Va0 = 0 (25)
Thus we have
Va1 = Ea1 – Ia1Z1 (26)
The equation (26) derived as above implies that, to simulate the 3-phase ground fault, the three sequence
networks are connected such that the negative and zero sequence networks are absent and only the positive
sequence network is present, as shown in figure 8. Further the fault current, If in case of a 3-phase ground
fault is given by
If = Ia1= Ia = (Ea/Z1) (28)
It is to be noted that the presence of a neutral connection without or with a neutral impedance, Zn will not
alter the simulated conditions in case of a three phase to ground fault.
Thus, for all the cases of unsymmetrical fault analysis considered above, the sequence equations are to be
changed as under so as to account for these changes:
Va0 0 Z0 0 0 Ia0
Va1 = Vf – 0 Z1 0 Ia1
Va2 0 0 0 Z2 Ia2 (29)
When one or two of a three-phase circuit is open due to accidents, storms, etc., then unbalance is created
and the asymmetrical currents flow. Such types of faults that come in series with the lines are refered as the
open conductor faults. The open conductor faults can be analyzed by using the sequence networks drawn
for the system under consideration as seen from the point of fault, F. These networks are then suitably
connected to simulate the given type of fault. The following are the cases required to be analyzed (ref.
(i) Single Conductor Open Fault: consider the phase ‘a’ conductor open so that then the conditions under
fault are:
Ia = 0; Vbb’ = Vcc’ = 0
The derived conditions are:
Ia1 + Ia2 + Ia0 = 0 and
Vaa1’ = Vaa2’ = Vaa0’ = (Vaa’/3) (34)
These relations suggest a parallel combination of the three sequence networks as shown in fig.11.
It is observed that a single conductor fault is similar to a LLG fault at the fault point F of the system
(ii) Two Conductor Open Fault: consider the phases ‘b’ and ‘c’ under open condition so that then the
conditions under fault are:
Ib = Ic = 0; Vaa’ = 0
The derived conditions are:
Ia1 = Ia2 = Ia0 = Ia/3 and
Vaa1’ = Vaa2’ = Vaa0’ = 0 (35)
These relations suggest a series combination of the three sequence networks as shown in fig.12. It is
observed that a double conductor fault is similar to a LG fault at the fault point F of the system considered.
(iii) Three Conductor Open Fault: consider all the three phases a, b and c, of a 3-phase system conductors
be open. The conditions under fault are:
Ia + I b + I c = 0
The derived conditions are:
Ia1 = Ia2 = Ia0 = 0 and
Va0 = Va2 = 0 and Va1 = Vf (36)
These relations imply that the sequence networks are all open circuited. Hence, in a strict analystical sense,
this is not a fault at all!
ure 13. Stubs Connections for faults through fault impedance Zf.
Let phase ‘a’ be on fault at F through Zf, so that then, the c.u.f. would be:
Ib = 0; Ic = 0; and Va = 0.
Let phases ‘b’ and ‘c’ be on fault at F through Zf, so that then, the c.u.f. would be:
Ia = 0; Ib = - Ic; and Vb = Vc
Let phases ‘b’ and ‘c’ be on fault at F through Zf,, so that then, the c.u.f. would be:
Ia = 0 and Vb = Vc = 0
(iv) Three Phase Fault at any point F of a given Power system through Zf
Let all the 3 phases a, b and c be on fault at F, through Zf so that the c.u.f. would be:
Va = IaZf
LG Fault LL Fault
The connections of the sequence networks for all the above types of faults through Zf are as shown in figure
4.7 Examples
Problem #1:
A three phase generator with constant terminal voltages gave the following currents when under fault: 1400
A for a line-to-line fault and 2200 A for a line-to-ground fault. If the positive sequence generated voltage
to neutral is 2000 volts and the positive sequence reactance is 2 ohms, find the reactance offered to the
negative and zero sequence currents.
Case a) Consider the conditions w.r.t. the LL fault:
Problem #2:
Two identical alternators are running in parallel. Their sequence impedance values are Z1=Z2=j0.2 p.u. and
Z0=j0.15 p.u. Only one of the alternator neutrals is grounded. A LLG fault occurs at the generator terminals
on no load and at 1.0 p.u. rated voltage. Find the sequence currents in each generator and the fault current,
I f.
Consider the SLD with the data given in the problem statement.
The positive, negative and zero sequence networks as seen from the fault point F and the corresponding Thevenin equivalent circuits
are as shown below.
Z1 = j 0.1 p.u. with Ea1 = 1.0 p.u, Z2 = j 0.1 p.u. and Z0 = j 0.15 p.u.
For a LLG fault, the three networks thus obtained are connected as shown below.
Thus the sequence currents are given by: Ia1 = {Ea/ [Z1+Z2Z0/(Z2+Z0)]} = -j6.25 pu
Ia2= -Ia1Z0/(Z0 + Z2) = j3.75 pu and Ia0 = -Ia1Z2/(Z0 + Z2) = j2.5 pu
The sequence currents are shared by the two generators in parallel. Hence we have the individual currents
of the generators given by:
Ia1(G1) = Ia1(G2) = Ia1/2 = 3.125 pu.
Ia2(G1) = Ia2(G2) = Ia2/2 = 1.875 pu.
Ia0(G1) = 2.5 pu and Ia0(G2) = 0 (since it has an isolated Y-neutral connection)
Fault current, If = 3Ia0 = 7.5 p.u.
Problem #3:
For the system shown, find the sequence components of fault current if a line to ground fault occurs at the
point F, given that: Z1=j0.6 pu; Z2=j0.4 p.u. and Z0=j0.15 p.u. for all the generators and Ea1=0.95 pu.
Consider the SLD with the data given in the problem statement. The positive, negative and zero sequence networks as seen from the
fault point F and the corresponding Thevenin equivalent circuits are as shown below.
Z1 = j 0.15 p.u. with Ea1 = 0.95 p.u, Z2 = j 0.1 p.u. and Z0 = j 0.0375 p.u.
For a LG fault, the three networks thus obtained are connected as shown below.
Problem #4:
A dead fault occurs on one conductor of a 3-conductor cable supplied by a 10 MVA alternator with earthed
neutral. The alternator has +ve, -ve and 0-sequence components of impedances per phase respectively as:
(0.5+j4.7), (0.2+j0.6) and (j0.43) ohms. The corresponding LN values for the cable up to the point of fault
are: (0.36+j0.25), (0.36+j0.25) and (2.9+j0.95) ohms respectively. If the generator voltage at no load (Ea1)
is 6600 volts between the lines, determine the (i)Fault current, (ii)Sequence components of currents in lines
and (iii)Voltages of healthy phases.
There is LG fault on any one of the conductors. Consider the LG fault to be on the conductor in phase a. Thus we have:
Problem #5:
A generator rated 11 kV, 20 MVA has reactances of X1=15%, X2=10% and X0=20%. Find the reactances in
ohms that are required to limit the fault current to 2 p.u. when a a line to ground fault occurs. Repeat the
analysis for a LLG fault also for a fault current of 2 pu.
Case a: Consider the fault current expression for LG fault given by:
If = 3 Ia0
i.e., 2.0 = 3Ea / j[X1+X2+X0]
= 3(1.0∠00) / j[0.15+0.1+0.2+3Xn]
Solving we get
3Xn = 2.1 pu
= 2.1 (Zb) ohms = 2.1 (112/20) = 2.1(6.05)
= 12.715 ohms.
Thus Xn = 4.235 ohms.
Case b: Consider the fault current expression for LLG fault given by:
If = 3Ia0 = 3 { -Ia1X2/(X2 + X0+3Xn)}= 2.0,
where, Ia1 = {Ea/ [X1+X2(X0+3Xn)/(X2+X0+3Xn)]}
Substituting and solving for Xn we get,
Xn = 0.078 pu
= 0.47 ohms.
Problem #6:
A three phase 50 MVA, 11 kV generator is subjected to the various faults and the currents so obtained in
each fault are: 2000 A for a three phase fault; 1800 A for a line-to-line fault and 2200 A for a line-to-
ground fault. Find the sequence impedances of the generator.
Case a) Consider the conditions w.r.t. the three phase fault:
If = Ia = Ia1 = Ea1/Z1
i.e., 2000 = 11000/ (√3Z1)
Solving, we get, Z1 = 3.18 ohms (=1.3 pu, with Zb = (112/50) = 2.42 ohms).
Case b) Consider the conditions w.r.t. the LL fault:
Problem #7:
An unsymmetrical fault condition gave the following data at the point of fault: Ea1=1.0∠00, Ia1Z1=0.2,
Ia2Z2=0.2 and Ia0Z0=0.6 all in pu. Find the phase and LL voltages at the fault. Specify the type of fault.
Va1 = Ea - Ia1Z1 = 1.0∠00 – 0.2 = 0.8 pu
Va2 = - Ia2Z2 = - 0.2 pu and
Va0 = - Ia0Z0 = - 0.6 pu.
Va = Va0+Va1+Va2 = zero,
Vb = Va0+a2Va1+aVa2 = 1.25∠-136.10,
Vc = Va0+aVa1+a2Va2 = 1.25∠136.10.
Problem #8:
For the unloaded system shown below, find the fault current for i) LLG Fault ii) LG Fault and iii) LL fault,
at the mid point ‘F’, of the line-2, choosing a base of 100 MVA, 115 kV in the transmission line circuit, and
the Pre-fault voltage as 115 kV, given the ratings as under: Gen.: 11 kV, 100 MVA, Z1=Z2=0.2, Z0=0.1 pu;
Motor: 6.6 kV, 90 MVA, Z1=Z2=0.2, Z0=0.1 pu; Lines: Z1=Z2=j 20 Ω, Z0=j35 Ω; Tr.T1 & T2 =11.5/115
kV, 50 MVA, Z1=Z2=Z0=0.1 pu and Tr.T3 & T4=115/6.6 kV, 50 MVA, Z1=Z2=Z0=0.2 pu.
Consider the SLD of the system given with all the details shown on the diagram as in figure below:
Bases: 100 MVA, 115 kV(line); 11.5 kV (Gen.) and 6.6. kV (motor).
Per unit values:
With the equivalent impedances thus arrived at, the three sequence networks are interconnected as required
by the type of fault for fault current calculations as under:
Case(b) LG Fault
The sequence networks are connected as follows:
We have from the fig. above, Ia1 = Ia2 = Ia0 = Ia/3 = Ea/ (Z1+Z2+Z0) = -j1.28 pu
Fault current, If = 3Ia1 = 3.84 p.u.
2. During fault on a generator at its terminals, the sequence components of voltages are: VA1=0.643, VA2=-
0.5 and VA0=-0.143 pu, Ea1=1.0 pu, IA1=-j1.4, IA2=-j1.0 and IA0=-j1.2 pu. Find the sequence impedances.
[Answer: Z1=j0.255, Z2=j0.5 & Z0=j0.12 pu ]
3. Three 6.6 kV, 10 MVA, 3-phase alternators are connected to a common bus-bar. Each have a +ve
sequence reactance of 15% and –ve and 0-sequence reactances respectively equal to 75% and 30% of their
+ve sequence value. For a LG fault ot ‘F’, find the fault current if: (i) All the alternator neutrals are solidly
grounded, (ii) Only one alternator neutral is solidly grounded and (iii) One alternator neutral is grounded
through a resistance of 0.3 Ω and the other two neutrals are isolated.
[Answer: 25.6, 19.81 and 10.7 all in kA]
4. A generator supplies a motor through a Y-∆ transformer, with the generator connected to the Y-side of
the transformer. A fault occurs between the motor terminals and the transformer. The symmetrical
components of sub-transient currents in motor flowing to the fault are: Ia1=-0.8-j2.6, Ia2=-j2 and Ia0=-j3 pu;
The components of sub-transient currents from the transformer towards the fault are: Ia1=0.8-j0.4, Ia2=-j1
and Ia0=0 pu; Assuming X”= X2 for both the motor and generator: (i) Describe the type of fault, (ii) find the
pre-fault current if any, in line ‘a’, and (iii) The sub-transient fault current in pu.
[Answer: LG Fault, Ia=-j9 pu and If=-j9 pu.]
5. A simultaneous fault consisting of LG fault on phase-A and LL fault between phases B & C occurs at the
load end of a radial line. The current in phase-A is (–j5) pu and that in phase-B is (-3.46) pu. If Ea=1.0 pu,
Z1=j0.25 pu, determine the impedances Z2 and Z0. [Answer: Z2=j0.2475 pu and Z0=j0.1
6. A 10 MVA, 6.9 kV generator X1=X2=15% and X0=5%, its neutral being grounded through a reactor of
0.381 Ω. The generator is operating at 6.9 kV on no-load and is disconnected from the system when a LG
fault occurs at its terminals. Find the sub-transient current in the faulted phase.
[Answer: If=4.2546 kA]
3.1 Introduction
Power systems are large and complex three-phase systems. In the normal operating conditions, these
systems are in balanced condition and hence can be represented as an equivalent single phase system.
However, a fault can cause the system to become unbalanced. Specifically, the unsymmetrical faults:
open circuit, LG, LL, and LLG faults cause the system to become unsymmetrical. The single-phase
equivalent system method of analysis (using SLD and the reactance diagram) cannot be applied to such
unsymmetrical systems. Now the question is how to analyze power systems under unsymmetrical
conditions? There are two methods available for such analysis:
1. Kirchhoff’s laws method
2. Symmetrical components method
The method of symmetrical components developed by C.L. Fortescue in 1918 is a powerful technique
for analyzing unbalanced three phase systems. Fortescue defined a linear transformation from phase
components to a new set of components called symmetrical components. This transformation
represents an unbalanced three-phase system by a set of three balanced three-phase systems.
The symmetrical component method is a modeling technique that permits systematic analysis and
design of three-phase systems. Decoupling a complex three-phase network into three simpler networks
reveals complicated phenomena in more simplistic terms.
Consider a set of three-phase unbalanced voltages designated as Va, Vb, and Vc. According to
Fortescue∟ theorem, these phase voltages can be resolved into following three sets of components.
1. Positive-sequence components, consisting of three phasors equal in magnitude, displaced
from each other by 1200 in phase, and having the same phase sequence as the original
phasors, designated as Va1, Vb1, and Vc1
2. Negative-sequence components, consisting of three phasors equal in magnitude, displaced
from each other by 1200 in phase, and having the phase sequence opposite to that of the
original phasors, designated as Va2, Vb2, and Vc2
3. Zero-sequence components, consisting of three phasors equal in magnitude, and with zero
phase displacement from each other, designated as Va0, Vb0, and Vc0
Since each of the original unbalanced phasors is the sum of its components, the original phasors
expressed in terns of their components are
The synthesis of a set of three unbalanced phasors from the three sets of symmetrical components is
shown in Figure1.
The relation between the symmetrical components reveals that the phase displacement among them is
either 1200 or 00. Using this relationship, only three independent components is sufficient to determine
all the nine components. For this purpose an operator which rotates a given phasor by 1200 in the
positive direction (counterclockwise) is very useful. The letter ‘ a ’ is used to designate such a complex
operator of unit magnitude with an angle of 1200. It is defined by
If the operator a is applied to a phasor twice in succession, the phasor is rotated through 2400.
Similarly, three successive applications of a rotate the phasor through 3600.
In matrix form,
va 1 1 1 va 0
v = 1 a 2 a v (3.4)
b a1
vc 1 a a 2 va 2
va va 0 1 1 1
Let Vp = vb ; Vs = va1 ; A = 1 a 2 a (3.5)
vc va 2 1 a a 2
1 1 1
A −1
= 13 1 a a 2 (3.6)
1 a 2 a
With these definitions, the above relations can be written as
Since the sum of three balanced voltages is zero, the zero-sequence component voltage in a balanced
three-phase system is always zero. Further, the sum of line voltages of even an unbalanced three-phase
system is zero and hence the corresponding zero-sequence component of line voltages.
where Va , Vb and Vc are voltages to neutral at the terminals and Ia , Ib, and Ic are the currents flowing
into the system in the three lines. In matrix form
* T *
I a Va I a
S = [va vb
v ] Ib
= Vb
I c Vc I c
S = [A V]T [AI]*
S = VT AT A* I*
1 1 1 1 1 1
I a0
S = [va 0 va1 va 2 ]1 a 2 a 1 a
a I
1 a a 2
1 a 2 a
I a 2
or, since A T A* is equal to 3U where U is 3x3 unit matrix
I a0
S = 3 [va 0 va1 va 2 ] I a1
I a 2
Thus the complex three-phase power is given by
Here, 3Va0Ia0, 3Va1Ia1, and 3Va2Ia2 corresponds to the three-phase power delivered to the zero-
sequence system, positive-sequence system, and negative-sequence system, respectively. Thus, the
total three-phase power in the unbalanced system is equal to the sum of the power delivered to the
three sequence systems representing the three-phase system.
The HT terminals of three-phase transformers are marked as H1, H2 and H3 and the corresponding LT
side terminals are marked X1, X2 and X3. In Y-Y or Δ-Δ transformers, the markings are such that
voltages to neutral from terminals H1, H2, and H3 are in phase with the voltages to neutral from
terminals X1, X2, and X3, respectively. But, there will be a phase shift (of 300) between the
corresponding quantities of the primary and secondary sides of a star-delta (or delta-star) transformer.
The standard for connection and designation of transformer banks is as follows:
1. The HT side terminals are marked as H1, H2 and H3 and the corresponding LT side terminals
are marked X1, X2 and X3.
2. The phases in the HT side are marked in uppercase letters as A, B, and C. Thus for the
sequence abc, A is connected to H1, B to H2 and C to H3. Similarly, the phases in the LT
side are marked in lowercase letters as a, b and c.
3. The standard for designating the terminals H1 and X1 on transformer banks requires that the
positive-sequence voltage drop from H1 to neutral lead the positive sequence voltage drop
from X1 to neutral by 300 regardless of the type of connection in the HT and LT sides.
Similarly, the voltage drops from H2 to neutral and H3 to neutral lead their corresponding
values, X2 to neutral and X3 to neutral by 300.
Figure 3.2 Wiring diagram and component voltage phasors of a Y-Δ transformer with Y connection on the HT side.
Consider a Y- Δ transformer as shown in Figure a. The HT side terminals H1, H2, and H3 are
connected to phases A, B, and C, respectively and the phase sequence is ABC. The windings that are
drawn in parallel directions are those linked magnetically (by being wound on the same core). In
Figure a winding AN is the phase on the Y-side which is linked magnetically with the phase winding
bc on the Δ side. For the location of the dots on the windings VAN is in phase with Vbc. Following the
standards for the phase shift, the phasor diagrams for the sequence components of voltages are shown
in Figure b. The sequence component of VAN1 is represented as VA1 (leaving subscript ‘N’ for
convenience and all other voltages to neutral are similarly represented. The phasor diagram reveals that
VA1 leads Vb1 by 300. This will enable to designate the terminal to which b is connected as X1.
Inspection of the positive-sequence and negative-sequence phasor diagrams revels that Va1 leads VA1
by 900 and Va2 lags VA2 by 900.
From the dot convention and the current directions assumed in Figure a, the phasor diagram for the
sequence components of currents can be drawn as shown in Figure c. Since the direction specified for
IA in Figure a is away from the dot in the winding and the direction of Ibc is also away from the dot in
its winding, IA and Ibc are 1800 out of phase. Hence the phase relation between the Y and Δ currents is
as shown in Figure c. From this diagram, it can be seen that Ia1 leads IA1 by 900 and Ia2 lags IA2 by 900.
Summarizing these relations between the symmetrical components on the two sides of the transformer
Figure 3.3 Current phasors of a Y-Δ transformer with Y connection on the HT side.
Figure 3.4 Portion of three-phase system representing three unequal series impedances.
Consider the network shown in Figure. Assuming that there is no mutual impedance between the
impedances Za, Zb, and Zc, the voltage drops Vaa’, vbb’, and Vcc’ can be expressed in matrix form as
Vaa '0 Z a 0 0 I a0
A Vaa '1 = 0 Zb
0 A I a1 (3.13)
Vaa '2 0 0 Z c I a 2
Thus, the symmetrical components of unbalanced currents flowing in balanced series impedances (or
in a balanced Y load) produce voltage drops of like sequence only. However, if the impedances are
unequal or if there exists mutual coupling, then voltage drop of any one sequence is dependent on the
currents of all the sequences.
Similarly, the impedance of a circuit to negative-sequence currents alone is called the impedance to
negative-sequence current or simply negative-sequence impedance, which is generally denoted as Z2.
The impedance of a circuit to zero-sequence currents alone is called the impedance to zero-sequence
current or simply zero-sequence impedance, which is generally denoted as Z0.
In the analysis of an unsymmetrical fault on a symmetrical system, the symmetrical components of the
unbalanced currents that are flowing are determined. Since in a balanced system, the components
currents of one sequence cause voltage drops of like sequence only and are independent of currents of
other sequences, currents of any one sequence may be considered to flow in an independent network
composed of the generated voltages, if any, and impedances to the current of that sequence only.
The single-phase equivalent circuit consisting of the impedances to currents of any one sequence only
is called the sequence network of that particular sequence.
Thus, the sequence network corresponding to positive-sequence current is called the positive-sequence
network. Similarly, the sequence network corresponding to negative-sequence current is called
negative-sequence network, and that corresponding to zero-sequence current is called zero-sequence
The sequence networks are interconnected in a particular way to represent various unsymmetrical fault
conditions. Therefore, to calculate the effect of a fault by the method of symmetrical components, it is
required to determine the sequence networks.
The negative- and zero-sequence networks are composed of only the respective sequence impedances
as there is no corresponding sequence emf. The reference bus for the positive- and negative-sequence
networks is the neutral of the generator.
The current flowing in the impedance Zn between neutral and ground is 3Ia0 as shown in Fig. Thus the
zero-sequence voltage drop from point a to ground, is (-Ia0Zg0 – 3Ia0Zn) where Zg0 is the zero-
sequence impedance of the generator. Thus the zero-sequence network, which is single-phase
equivalent circuit assumed to carry only one phase, must have an zero-sequence impedance of Zo =
(Zg0 +3Zn).
From the sequence networks, the voltage drops from point a to reference bus (or ground) are given by
Va1 = Ea - Ia1Z1
Va2 = - Ia2Z2
Va0 = - Ia0 Z0 (3.15)
Figure 3.6 Sequence current paths in a generator and the corresponding sequence networks.
Eq. 3.15 applicable to any unloaded generator are valid for loaded generator under steady state
conditions. These relations are also applicable for transient or subtransient conditions of a loaded
generator if Eg’ or Eg” is substituted for Ea.
The positive- and negative-sequence impedances of linear, symmetrical, static circuits are identical
(because the impedance of such circuits is independent of phase order provided the applied voltages
are balanced).
The sequence impedances of rotating machines will generally differ from one another. This is due to
the different conditions that exists when the sequence currents flows. The flux due to negative-
sequence currents rotates at double the speed of rotor while that the positive-sequence currents is
stationary with respect to the rotor. The resultant flux due to zero-sequence currents is ideally zero as
these flux components adds up to zero, and hence the zero-sequence reactance is only due to the
leakage flux. Thus, the zero-sequence impedance of these machines is smaller than positive- and
negative-sequence impedances.
The positive- and negative-sequence impedances of a transmission line are identical, while the zero-
sequence impedance differs from these. The positive- and negative-sequence impedances are identical
as the transposed transmission lines are balanced linear circuits. The zero-sequence impedance is
higher due to magnetic field set up by the zero-sequence currents is very different from that of the
positive- or negative-sequence currents ( because of no phase difference). The zero-sequence reactance
is generally 2 to 3.5 times greater than the positive- sequence reactance.
It is customary to take all the sequence impedances of a transformer to be identical, although the zero-
sequence impedance slightly differs with respect to the other two.
In the method of symmetrical components, to calculate the effect of a fault on a power system, the
sequence networks are developed corresponding to the fault condition. These networks are then
interconnected depending on the type of fault. The resulting network is then analyzed to find the fault
current and other parameters.
The positive-sequence network is obtained by determining all the positive-sequence voltages and
positive-sequence impedances of individual elements, and connecting them according to the SLD. All
the generated emfs are positive-sequence voltages. Hence all the per unit reactance/impedance
diagrams obtained in the earlier chapters are positive-sequence networks.
The negative-sequence generated emfs are not present. Hence, the negative-sequence network for a
power system is obtained by omitting all the generated emfs (short circuiting emf sources) and
replacing all impedances by negative-sequence impedances from the positive-sequence networks.
Since all the neutral points of a symmetrical three-phase system are at the same potential when
balanced currents are flowing, the neutral of a symmetrical three-phase system is the logical reference
point. It is therefore taken as the reference bus for the positive- and negative-sequence networks.
Impedances connected between the neutral of the machine and ground is not a part of either the
positive- or negative- sequence networks because neither positive- nor negative-sequence currents can
flow in such impedances.
Zero-Sequence Networks:
The zero-sequence components are the same both in magnitude and in phase. Thus, it is equivalent to a
single-phase system and hence, zero-sequence currents will flow only if a return path exists. The
reference point for this network is the ground (Since zero-sequence currents are flowing, the ground is
not necessarily at the same point at all points and the reference bus of zero-sequence network does not
represent a ground of uniform potential. The return path is conductor of zero impedance, which is the
reference bus of the zero-sequence network.).
If a circuit is Y-connected, with no connection from the neutral to ground or to another neutral point in
the circuit, no zero-sequence currents can flow, and hence the impedance to zero-sequence current is
infinite. This is represented by an open circuit between the neutral of the Y-connected circuit and the
reference bus, as shown in Fig. 3.6a.
If the neutral of the Y-connected circuit is grounded through zero impedance, a zero-impedance path
(short circuit) is connected between the neutral point and the reference bus, as shown in Fig. 3.6b.
If an impedance Zn is connected between the neutral and the ground of a Y-connected circuit, an
impedance of 3Zn must be connected between the neutral and the reference bus (because, all the three
zero-sequence currents (3Ia0) flows through this impedance to cause a voltage drop of 3Ia0 Z0 ), as
shown in Fig. 3.6c.
A Δ-connected circuit can provide no return path; its impedance to zero-sequence line currents is
therefore infinite. Thus, the zero-sequence network is open at the Δ-connected circuit, as shown in
Fig.3.7 However zero-sequence currents can circulate inside the Δ-connected circuit.
The zero-sequence equivalent circuits of three-phase transformers deserve special attention. The
different possible combinations of the primary and the secondary windings in Y and Δ alter the zero-
sequence network. The five possible connections of two-winding transformers and their equivalent
zero-sequence networks are shown in Fig.3.8. The networks are drawn remembering that there will be
no primary current when there is no secondary current, neglecting the no-load component. The arrows
on the connection diagram show the possible paths for the zero-sequence current. Absence of an arrow
indicates that the connection is such that zero-sequence currents cannot flow. The letters P and Q
identify the corresponding points on the connection diagram and equivalent circuit.
1. Case 1: Y-Y Bank with one neutral grounded: If either one of the neutrals of a Y-Y bank is
ungrounded, zero-sequence current cannot flow in either winding ( as the absence of a path
through one winding prevents current in the other). An open circuit exists for zero-sequence
current between two parts of the system connected by the transformer bank.
2. Case 2: Y-Y Bank with both neutral grounded: In this case, a path through transformer
exists for the zero-sequence current. Hence zero-sequence current can flow in both sides of
the transformer provided there is complete outside closed path for it to flow. Hence the points
on the two sides of the transformer are connected by the zer0-sequence impedance of the
3. Case 3: Y- Δ Bank with grounded Y: In this case, there is path for zero-sequence current to
ground through the Y as the corresponding induced current can circulate in the Δ. The
equivalent circuit must provide for a path from lines on the Y side through zero-sequence
impedance of the transformer to the reference bus. However, an open circuit must exist
between line and the reference bus on the Δ side. If there is an impedance Zn between neutral
and ground, then the zero-sequence impedance must include 3Zn along with zero-sequence
impedance of the transformer.
4. Case 4: Y- Δ Bank with ungrounded Y: In this case, there is no path for zero-sequence
current. The zero-sequence impedance is infinite and is shown by an open circuit.
5. Case 5: Δ-Δ Bank: In this case, there is no return path for zero-sequence current. The zero-
sequence current cannot flow in lines although it can circulate in the Δ windings.
The zero-sequence equivalent circuits determined for the individual parts separately are connected
according to the SLD to form the complete zero-sequence network.
Figure 3.8 Zero-sequence equivalent networks of three-phase transformer banks for various combinations.
1. For the given condition (steady state, transient, or subtransient), draw the reactance diagram
(selecting proper base values and converting all the per unit values to the selected base, if
necessary). This will correspond to the positive-sequence network.
2. Determine the per unit negative-sequence impedances of all elements (if the values of
negative sequence is not given to any element, it can approximately be taken as equal to the
positive-sequence impedance). Draw the negative-sequence network by replacing all emf
sources by short circuit and all impedances by corresponding negative-sequence impedances
in the positive-sequence network.
3. Determine the per unit zero-sequence impedances of all the elements and draw the zero-
sequence network corresponding to the grounding conditions of different elements.