The Legal Profession in Romania
The Legal Profession in Romania
The Legal Profession in Romania
This report deals with the exertion in Romania of this profession by the
lawyers which have obtained their professional qualification in one of the European
Union member states and the European Economic Area. The articles also analyses the
matter of exerting the legal profession from the perspective of the compared law.
Exerting the legal profession by the foreign lawyers in Romania The exertion
in Romania of the legal profession by the lawyers who have obtained their
professional qualification in one of the European Union member states and the
European Economic Area is regulated by the Law related to the organization and
exertion of the legal profession, in Chapter VII inserted through Law no. 201/2004
regarding the acknowledgement of the degrees and professional qualifications for the
professions regulated in Romania, whose stipulations have found their applicability
related to the legal profession on the date Romania has acceded to the European
Union. For a more exact understanding of the stipulations of this chapter, the key-
terms used by the legislator in this article are defined in article 802 . According to the
provisions of article 805 , align. 1 of Law 51/1995 modified and completed,
“irrespective of the form of exerting the activity on the Romanian territory, the
lawyers working under the professional title from the their member state of origin,
can anytime request the acknowledgement of their degrees, in order to be admitted
for the profession of lawyer and its practice under the professional title in Romania.”
The legislator has provided two ways of acknowledging the degrees, while the
applicant can choose between an exam testing their knowledge and the performance
of a time of probation in the field of the Romanian law, which would take place for a
term of three years. The structure of the evaluation commission, content and way the
exam or probation would take place, are aspects related to the structure of the
National Union of the Romanian Bars, which has the task of previously check
whether the professional experience of the applicant can partly or entirely replace the
existing differences between the Romanian law and the law of the member state of
origin, in which the degree has been obtained. As for the lawyers working under their
professional title from their member state of origin, who “effectively and regularly”
perform their activity for a period of at least 3 years in Romania, as the legislator
states, in the field of the Romanian or community law, shall be admitted in the legal
profession in Romania, while the compliance with the conditions imposed by article
805 to which we referred above is not mandatory in this respect. In exchange, the
requirements regulated by the Law related to the organization and exertion of the
legal profession regarding the practice of the civil and political rights must be
complied with also in the case of this category of lawyers. The legal stipulations
related to non-dignity and incompatibility shall equally be applicable to them. In
order to test the regularity of the development on the territory of our country, during
the three years of performing their activity in the above-mentioned fields, the
Romanian law, and the community law, the lawyers have the task to submit
information accompanied by justificatory documents related to the number and
nature of the causes in which they offered legal counseling. For the same purpose, the
Romanian competent authority is entitled to ask the lawyer for explanations in
writing or verbally related to the information and documents to which we have
referred, when this is imposed by the analysis of the actual situation. This is
practically a way of checking the effectiveness and regularity of the activity
performed by the lawyer, made available to the Romanian authority by the legislator,
and which can be used whenever necessary. The law providing the organization and
exertion of the legal profession also refers to the lawyers working under the
professional title from the member state of origin who have regularly and effectively
performed a professional activity on the territory of our country for a term of 3 years,
but for a shorter term in the field of the Romanian law; they can be admitted for the
lawyer profession in Romania, provided that they observe the procedure established
by the law. The legal stipulations aiming at the conditions of exerting the civil and
political rights, as well as those related to the non-dignity and incompatibility cases,
shall also be applicable in their case. Provided that the compliance with the
conditions that we have referred to above has not been proved, the authority
competent in pronouncing their opinion on the automatic enlisting of the lawyers
working under the professional title from their member state of origin, shall issue a
decision of rejecting the automatic enlisting. This decision is motivated and is to be
communicated both to the applicant, and to the Bar; it can also be subject to legal
ways of attack provided by the professional rules. The Romanian competent authority
shall proceed in the same way of rejecting the granting of the legal professional title
in Romania, when they consider that this way the public order is damaged, in the
light of the availability of certain professional violations committed by the applicant
lawyer, of complaints or other similar incidents referring to him.
The referred contains a short view over the conditions requested according to
the Romanian legal system for exerting the legal profession by the foreign lawyers in
our country. When speaking about foreign lawyers we refer to the lawyers from the
European Union Member States and the European Economic Area. We discussed
about their possibility to request the acknowledgement of their degrees in our country
and the two ways of acknowledging their degrees according to the Romanian