ROS Course Slides Course 1
ROS Course Slides Course 1
ROS Course Slides Course 1
Introduction to ROS
Course 1
▪ Course 2 ▪ Course 4
▪ ROS package structure ▪ ROS services
▪ Integration and programming with Eclipse ▪ ROS actions (actionlib)
▪ ROS C++ client library (roscpp) ▪ ROS time
▪ ROS subscribers and publishers ▪ ROS bags
▪ ROS parameter server
▪ RViz visualization
Exercise 5 Intro.
01.03.2019 at 08:45, HG G1
▪ Peer to peer
Individual programs communicate over defined API (ROS messages, services, etc.).
▪ Distributed
Programs can be run on multiple computers and communicate over the network.
▪ Multi-lingual
ROS modules can be written in any language for which a client library exists (C++, Python,
MATLAB, Java, etc.).
▪ Light-weight
Stand-alone libraries are wrapped around with a thin ROS layer.
▪ Free and open-source
Most ROS software is open-source and free to use.
More info
float64 x std_msgs/Header header
float64 y uint32 seq
float64 z time stamp
string frame_id
geometry_msgs/Pose pose
geometry_msgs/Point position
sensor_msgs/Image.msg float64 x
std_msgs/Header header float64 y
uint32 seq float64 z
time stamp geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
string frame_id float64 x
uint32 height float64 y
uint32 width float64 z
string encoding float64 w
uint8 is_bigendian
uint32 step
uint8[] data
Whenever you build a new package, update your environment More info
The source space contains The build space is where The development (devel)
the source code. This is where CMake is invoked to build the space is where built targets
you can clone, create, and packages in the source are placed (prior to being
edit source code for the space. Cache information and installed).
packages you want to build. other intermediate files are
kept here.
setup in the
More info provided installation.
Note: You could also directly clone to your catkin workspace, but using a
common git folder is convenient if you have multiple catkin workspaces.
More info
talker_listener.launch ! Attention when copy & pasting code from the internet
More info
Dominic Jud | 18.02.2019 | 30
ROS Launch
Including Other Launch Files
range_world.launch (simplified)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<arg name="use_sim_time" default="true"/>
<arg name="world" default="gazebo_ros_range"/>
▪ Include other launch files with <include> tag to <arg name="debug" default="false"/>
organize large projects <arg name="physics" default="ode"/>
More info
Dominic Jud | 18.02.2019 | 31
Gazebo Simulator
Object tree Toolbar (to navigate and new objects)
▪ Simulate 3d rigid-body dynamics
▪ Simulate a variety of sensors including noise
▪ 3d visualization and user interaction
▪ Includes a database of many robots and
environments (Gazebo worlds)
▪ Provides a ROS interface
▪ Extensible with plugins