Cui2008 PDF
Cui2008 PDF
Cui2008 PDF
A finite element numerical model has been developed for the simulation of the ground heat exchangers (GHEs) in alternative operation modes
over a short time period for ground-coupled heat pump applications. Comparisons between the numerical and analytical results show that the finite
line-source model is not capable of modeling the GHEs within a few hours because of the line-source assumption. On the other hand, the
experiments with respect to the alternative cooling and heating modes have been undertaken during a short-time period. The comparisons show a
reasonable agreement between the numerical and the measured data. The results illustrate that the finite element numerical model can be used to
simulate the heat transfer behavior of the GHEs in short time scales instead of the typical finite line-source model. Finally, the variation of the U-
tube pipe wall temperatures demonstrates that the discontinuous operation mode and the alternative cooling/heating modes can effectively alleviate
the heat buildup in the surrounding soil.
# 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
where rp;in ¼ r p;in =r b ; rp;out ¼ r p;out =r b ; s ¼ s=r b ; rfar
r far =r b s means the space between the pipe center and the
borehole center and rfar means the far-field boundary away from
the borehole center.
Fig. 2. (a) Meshed model of the borehole domain. (b) Magnification of the mesh adjacent to the U-tube.
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Table 1 The relative error achieves the greatest value of nearly 100% at
Dimensionless parameters for the test case
the beginning of the simulation. The significant relative error
kp ¼ 0:25 ap ¼ 0:23 kg ¼ 0:8 ag ¼ 0:67 proves that the finite line-source method is not accurate enough
rp;in ¼ 0:24 r p;out ¼ 0:29 H/r = 2000
rfar ¼ 73 for the simulation or design of the GHEs for short time
operation. However, after a few hours the deviation between the
two values is rapidly decreasing, which indicates that the
influence of the line-source assumption on the heat transfer
process is reduced gradually with time. The maximum relative
error is found to be less than 4% after the short-time of the
initiative period. This indicates that the finite line-source
method is completely acceptable for the practicable engineer-
ing except for the case of short-time simulation/design.
4. Experimental validation
Fig. 4. relative error profile between the numerical and analytical results. Fig. 5. An on-site photo of the project.
1064 P. Cui et al. / Energy and Buildings 40 (2008) 1060–1066
Fig. 7 presents the average heat transfer rate per unit length
of the borehole with operating time, where the heat rejection is
shown as positive and heat extraction as negative. A higher heat
Table 2
Operating schedule of the system during the experiments
No. Operating Time Operating mode
I 17th 11:00–14:27 Cooling mode
II 17th 14:32–14:58 Heating mode
III 17th 15:00–16:54 Cooling mode
IV 17th 16:55–18th 8:59 Off-time
V 18th 9:00–10:55 Cooling Mode
VI 18th 11:07–11:39 Heating mode
Fig. 9. Comparison of the predicted and measured down pipe wall tempera-
VII 18th 12:44–16:00 Cooling Mode
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6. Conclusions
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