Glosario Ingles (2019-I)
Glosario Ingles (2019-I)
Glosario Ingles (2019-I)
Section: 01
Mixture of organic components (alcohols) and petroleum byproducts, preserving all their
qualities. In the provinces of northern and central Argentina consumed alconafta produced
from sugar cane. It can also be made with beet, cassava, graniferous and other vegetale
Surface Outcrop:
Liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons that when leaving the surface leave traces that allow us to
presume the existence of an accumulation of hydrocarbons.
Installation that has one or more tanks for the purpose of collecting liquid and gaseous
Acronym for American Petroleum Institute, which is a US oil industry association, which
sponsors a division of oil production in the city of Dallas, Texas. The institute was founded in
1920 and became the organization with the highest regulatory authority for oil drilling and
production equipment. t publishes codes that are applied in different oil areas and elaborates
indicators, such as the specific weight of the crude oil that is called "API degrees".
Arabian Light:
Light Middle Eastern oil whose price is taken as a reference in many oil trading
transactions. For medium crude prices, Arabian Medium is used.
Central Area:
Area that in Argentina, by convention, is applied to the one that produces or exceeds 200
cubic meters of crude oil per day.
Oil area:
Zone where hydrocarbons are exploited. An area may comprise several sites, each site
being a geological entity.
In our country, by administrative convention applies to the oil area that produces less than
200 cubic meters per day.
Solid, semi-solid or viscous hydrocarbon, and of variable color between brown and black. It
is a petroleum derivative obtained by vacuum distillation of atmospheric distillation residues. It
has adhesive and insulating properties, and it is used in road construction.
Joint venture of several firms with a limited purpose sharing risks. In the oil industry, this
inter-company practice is common.
Unit of volumetric measurement used in several countries, among them E.E.U.U. A barrel
of oil is equivalent to 159 liters, or one cubic meter of oil equals 6.29 barrels.
Equipment that is placed over a productive well and that is intended to regulate the flow of
Fuel supplied to offshore vessels. It does not include the provision of fluvial or cabotage
transport or aircraft that cover even international routes. It is fuel oil, gas-oil and diesel-oil.
Residual coal:
Solid, black and bright product obtained by cracking heavy oil residues. It is also called
petroleum coke. It is a first class fuel for metallurgy and the ceramic industry. It is also used in
the manufacture of dynamos and abrasives, and in the aluminum and paint industries. Not to
be confused with coke, this is a mineral coal that is used as fuel in steel mills.
Process by which a mixture of cement is pumped into the well, which, when set or
hardened, provides support to the casing, giving tightness against the filtration of formation
Mixture of hydrocarbons destined to feed jet engines. Its components and properties must
be subject to national specifications.
Integrated company:
It refers to a large company that includes many sectors of the oil industry: exploration,
production, transportation, refining, and product sales.
Compression (installations):
They are intended for the compression of a gas and are composed of compressors,
measurement and control devices and accessories, power distribution installations, pipes,
adjoining facilities, safety devices and civil engineering works.
Machine that increases the pressure or speed of the gas with a view to its transport or
Exploitation Grant:
Government decision that gives the right to exploit or use a thing or public good. In mining,
it is a title that grants the right to exploit following the discovery of a tradable field.
The exclusivity of exploration rights entails the exclusivity of exploitation rights. This
contractual regime gives the concessionaire the ownership of the hydrocarbons and the
usufruct of the deposits.
Condensate Gas:
Hydrocarbon that remains in gaseous state under the conditions of its natural deposit but
due to the high pressures it liquefies under normal surface conditions. In other countries it is
known as natural gas liquid.
Normal Gas Conditions:
Volume and other physical properties of dry gas measured at ambient pressure and at 15 °
C temperature.
Procedure that allows to reduce the content of monoxide (carbon dioxide and hydrogen) of
a combustible gas by means of a catalytic transformation in the presence of water vapor.
Transformation by rupture of the large molecules of crude and gases to obtain them
smaller in order to increase the proporsión of light and volatile products.
They are distinguished in thermal and catalytic cracking. The thermal is made only by the
action of heat and pressure, while catalytic cracking uses catalysts that allow, equal
temperature, greater transformations.
Sedimentary basin:
Area of earth crust that can cover extensive regions that have suffered subsidence where
important deposits of sedimentary rocks accumulate in superimposed layers that can reach
up to more than 10,000 meters thick.
Are the products obtained directly by distillation of oil. A refinery manufactures three
Classes of Derivatives:
Depending on the nature of the end products, distillation is carried out at atmospheric
pressure or vacuum distillation.
Vacuum Distillation:
Distillation carried out in a fractionation tower at a pressure below atmospheric. The crude
oil reduced by atmospheric distillation is the one subjected to vacuum distillation.
Atmospheric Distillation:
First distillation of crude oil in order to obtain naphthas, kerosene, diesel and the heaviest
products. It is always done at atmospheric pressure.
Well Deviation:
Down Stream:
English idiom that, like the term "upstream", is fashionable in our country to refer to the
industrialization, transport, marketing and distribution oil activities. Its literal translation is
current or downstream.
Oil Ecology:
Branch of the ecology destined to prevent the negative consequences of the exploration,
extraction, transport, industrialization, distribution and consumption of the crude, gases and
their derived products.
Resolution 105/92 of the National Energy Secretariat includes the oil industry within those
that affect the environment.
Gas Enrichment:
Operation aimed at raising the caloric power of a gas by eliminating inert elements or
through the incorporation of a gas with higher caloric power.
Fire Station:
Installation located on the route of an oil pipeline designed to drive the fluid. Its number
along the same depends on the viscosity of the product transported, the geographical relief of
the traversed regions and the diameter of the pipe.
Service Station:
Center for the sale of fuels and oils, which provides customers with other services and sale
of accessories.
It is the search for oil and gas deposits and includes all those methods designed to detect
commercially exploitable deposits.
It includes the superficial reconnaissance of the terrain, the prospection (seismic, magnetic
and gravimetric), the drilling of exploration wells and the analysis of the information obtained.
Exploitation (Production):
Operation that consists in the extraction of oil and / or gas from a deposit.
Recovery Factor:
Percentage of oil extracted from a deposit in relation to the total volume contained in it.
Public company of the Province of Santa Cruz. Its acronym means Mining Promotion of
Santa Cruz Society of the State.
Way to artificially open a formation to increase the permeability and the flow of oil to the
bottom of the well.
Fuel Oil:
It is a liquid product of petroleum refining used mainly in industrial plants and in thermal
power plants that generate electricity.
Acid (Or Sour) Gas:
Natural gas that contains hydrogen sulfide (hydrogen sulphide), carbon dioxide (carbon
dioxide, carbon dioxide) or other corrosive components and that must be treated before use.
Gas Associated With Oil:
Gas that appears in the deposits next to oil. It can be in the deposit as a free layer, also
mixed with oil and presented as a condensate forming a single liquid face with it under certain
conditions of temperature and pressure. The condensate occurs in many deposits of the
Province of Santa Cruz.
Carbon Gas:
Fuel gas produced by gasification of mineral coal by air or air mixture saturated in water
It was formerly used in urban lighting; it is still used as fuel in countries that have large
reserves of coal, such as South Africa and others.
Refinery Gas:
Wet Gas:
It is generally commercial propane and butane for domestic and industrial uses. It is a
product of oil refining. With the same name and generally referred to as LPG, propane and
butanes are also identified from natural gas, which also has ethane.
Large container trucks are used in cylindrical form, pipelines and specially conditioned
Natural Gas:
Gas that occurs naturally in the subsoil and is mainly methane. Natural gas has several
components, being the most abundant methane (80%), which is used in household,
commercial and industrial consumption.
On the other hand, butane (2.5%) and propane (6%) are used as liquefied gas provided in
different types of cylinders. Ethane (7%) is used in the petrochemical industry as ethylene raw
Natural gas that does not contain liquefied petroleum gas and whose basic content is
Non-Corrosive Gas:
Natural gas that does not contain sulfur components and that can be used without prior
Pipe for the transport of natural gas at high pressure and great distances. Gas pipelines
can be national and international, and supply one or several regions. Argentina has three
large gas pipeline systems.
Byproduct of oil refining basically used by trucks, buses and agricultural machinery.
Natural Gasoline:
Dry Gas:
Natural gas whose water content has been reduced by a process of dehydration.
They are the microphones installed in the terrestrial surface to detect seismic waves
Science that studies the structure, origin, history and evolution of the earth through
analysis and examination of rocks, structures and fossils.
Just as water is made up of two chemical elements: hydrogen and oxygen, hydrocarbons
are made up of carbon and hydrogen. According to the number of carbon atoms, the
properties of hydrocarbons will vary.
In spite of the great diversity of the composition of the hydrocarbons present in each crude
oil, the proportion of carbon and hydrogen is almost constant: 83% to 86% of carbon and 11%
to 13% of hydrogen.
Presence of crude oil or gas in the samples, cylindrical witnesses, gravel and injection mud
from a drilling well.
Mix of clay, water and certain chemicals injected continuously during drilling operations.
The mud serves to evacuate the cutting or detritus, lubricate and cool the trephine, support
the walls of the wells and balance the pressure of the fluids contained in the formations
Operation that consists of transforming the natural gas in the zone of the deposit to its
liquid face with the purpose of transporting it.
Parts of natural gas recovered in liquid state in the separators and gas treatment facilities.
Natural gas liquids include ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes, natural gasoline, and
condensates. They may also contain, in small quantities, products other than hydrocarbons.
Liquid distillates extracted by distillation of a crude oil. According to the types of oils
(paraffinic, naphthenic or aromatic) will be the properties of lubricating oils.
Long-Term Market:
It is the markets where contract agreements are agreed, which are long term. Most of the
international trade in hydrocarbons, under normal conditions, is carried out in this market,
obviously, with more stable prices.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) regulates a large part of
the market in the long term.
It is the market where short-term crude sales are negotiated. These are marginal amounts
that are not included in the contractual regulations between countries and / or companies. Its
price is extremely fluctuating due to the short-term tensions of this market.
Cubic Meter:
Measurement of the volume of oil and gas used in Argentina. In other countries the barrel
or the ton is used. The cubic meter of oil contains 6.29 barrels.
Displacement of oil through the rocks. The primary migration is the movement of crude
from the parent rock to storage rock. The secondary migration consists in the displacement of
oil from the storage rock to the trap where it accumulates.
Common And Super Naphtha:
They are petroleum refining products that are used as automobile fuels. The super naphtha
gives more power to the engines because they are higher octane. Lead-free naphthas are
known as SP or green naphthas.
Virgin Naphtha:
It is a refinery derivative and its use is not energetic. It is a raw material of the
petrochemical industry.
Index of a conventional scale used to identify, by means of numerical values, the antiknock
properties of naphthas.
Pipeline generally underground to transport oil at short and long distances. In the latter,
pumping stations are used.
Acronym corresponding to the Federal Organization of States Producers of Hydrocarbons,
integrated by the 10 provinces that have hydrocarbons: Tierra del Fuego, Santa Cruz,
Chubut, Neuquen, Rio Negro, La Pampa, Mendoza, Salta, Jujuy and Formosa.
Its function is the defense of federal interests in the field of oil and gas industry.
Off Shore:
English term that means offshore. It refers to oil activities carried out on the continental
shelf and in international waters.
On Shore:
Today its influence is very limited but in the 70s it was a factor in the international rise in the
price of crude oil.
The paraffins have various applications: floor waxes, waxes for other purposes, protection
of groceries, cosmetics, ointments.
Peak Shaving:
English term used to refer to reservoirs, natural or artificial, suitable for storing gas and
ensuring its provision during critical periods or peaks of consumption. Literally means slicing
or brushing a cusp or a peak.
Registration that takes place in the well after drilling using electrical, sonic and nuclear
measuring instruments that transmit information on the composition of the rocks, the content
of the fluids (oil, gas, water), porosity or permeability as well as the depths to which they are
found. The logging is done by specialized companies.
Operation that consists of drilling the subsoil with the help of appropriate tools to find and
extract hydrocarbons.
It is the conductivity of a porous body to the fluids or ability of the fluids to move between
the spaces that connect the pores of a porous mass.
Scan permission:
Authorizes the owner to perform all the necessary work to find a deposit. In general, these
permits are exclusive, authorizing only the owner to search in the assigned area. In the same
way, in case of discovery the beneficiary has the right of exploitation.
The API grade is set by a scale adopted by the American Petroleum Institute to measure
the density of crude oils. The scale generally varies between 10 ° (equivalent to a density of
1,0000) and 100 ° (equivalent to a density of 0,6112) in relation to water at 4 ° C temperature.
Acid Oil:
Mixed Oil:
Petroleum in which the hydrocarbons of the paraffinic and cycloparaffinic series do not
predominate. It has approximately equal proportions of both bases.
Naphthenic oil:
Paraffinic Oil:
It contains a predominant hydrocarbon base of the paraffinic series. There are also
aromatic and sulphurous oils.
Swimming Pools or Pools:
Surface cavities, natural or built in the vicinity of wells or water separators where the
mixtures of crude and salt water originating in spills during drilling or in oil purges during
extraction are deposited.
Jack-Up Platform:
Drilling platform in shallow water that does not rest on the seabed.
Semisubmersible Platform:
Drilling platform for deep water that does not rest on the seabed.
Caloric Power:
Pipes to transport refined or petrochemical products from the plants to the distribution and
market or shipping centers.
Percentage of the total volume of a rock made up of empty spaces. The effective porosity
is the total volume of the interconnected porous spaces in order to allow the passage of fluids
through them.
Water Well:
There are numerous types of wells, including exploration, advanced and exploitation.
Abandoned Well:
Closed Well:
Advanced Well:
It is the one that is drilled near another producer to determine the limits of the deposit.
Exploration Well:
It is the one that is drilled in a new area. Exploration or development well: It is the one that
is drilled in an already delimited field.
Injection Well:
Well through which water is injected to maintain the pressure of a reservoir in the
secondary recovery operation
Uncontrolled Well:
The lack of control of the well consists in the violent and uncontrolled eruption of liquid or
gaseous hydrocarbons, produced as a result of the loss of control of a well during drilling
operations or due to failures during exploitation.
Dead Well:
Well that has not found reserves of hydrocarbons economically expotables and that
frequently is flooded with groundwater
Well Completed:
The completion of the well is the set of operations that is carried out after the drilling to
make possible its putting into operation, through the placement of permanent production
Reference Price:
Price of a reference crude oil from which the prices of the other crude oils are calculated.
Generally Arabian Light oil is the reference.
Gas Pressure:
According to the natural pressure level, the gas is classified as low, medium and high
Electric prospecting:
Method that is used in exploration wells to define the properties of rocks that contain
Gravimetric Prospection:
Exploration method that uses gravitational field variations to define the characteristics of a
sedimentary basin.
Magnetic Prospecting:
Method that uses the variations of the terrestrial magnetic field to define the characteristics of
the subsoil.
Seismic Prospecting:
Prospecting method that makes possible a vision of the subsoil and its geological
structures with a view to the location of exploration wells.
It consists in emitting a signal on the surface (for example, a small explosive charge or the
fall of a weight) to cause a shock wave that propagates through the layers of the subsoil,
reflecting in each one of them the ones registered when returning to the surface.
Distillate of petroleum partially used in domestic consumption and as fuel for certain types
of internal combustion engines.
Primary Recovery:
Natural inflow of oil or gas from the reservoir to the surface due to the difference in
pressure. The circulation of the fluid can be natural (rising well) or by pumping.
Secondary Recovery:
Operation that involves injecting water into the reservoir in order to displace larger volumes
of oil to the surface. This operation also includes the combustion "in situ" of heavy oils.
The method allows to recover up to 25% more oil.
Tertiary Recovery:
The types of tertiary recovery procedures consist of injecting in the reservoirs miscible
solvents, hydrocarbon gases or carbonic gas as well as water with soda, surfactants or water-
soluble polymers.
Integrated gas pipeline system of a country, region or province. See gas pipeline
Set of industrial processes used to transform crude oils into by-products; naphtha, gas-oil,
kerosene, solvents, lubricants, asphalt.
Proportion of the value of crude oil or gas measured at the wellhead that is recognized to
the owner, provincial or national estado, as appropriate, of the deposits.
Volume of gas produced simultaneously by a well in relation to each cubic meter of oil.
Hydrocarbon Reserves:
They are the volumes of liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons existing in the subsoil and that
have been objects of evaluation.
Possible Reservations:
They are located in areas where no hydrocarbons have been found after carrying out
exploration wells. However, the geological characteristics allow to presume the presence of
Probable Reserves:
Reserves whose presence in a given area are clearly demonstrated but which current
technical and economic conditions prevent extraction, either due to the high cost of extraction
or due to the low fluidity of the petroleum.
Proved Reserves:
Rock Warehouse:
Rock Closing:
Series of impermeable rocks superimposed on the storage rocks that prevent the escape
of hydrocarbons and their dispersion towards the surface of the ground.
Rock Mother:
Sedimentary rock containing a large amount of organic matter that caused the formation of
appreciable amounts of oil and / or gas.
Use of infrared photography and color television, frequently taken from the air, to detect
mineral deposits.
Water Separation:
Operation that consists in eliminating the condensed water contained in a natural gas.
"Separation of gasoline" is the operation that eliminates the water vapor contained in
combustible gases.
Apparatus placed between the well and the beach of tanks to separate crude oil from natural
gas and water.
Apparatus recording the vibrations of the subsoil used in the search for hydrocarbons.
Distillation by-products that are used essentially as solvents. Its use is conditioned by its
rapid evaporation.
Owner of the land where the search, exploitation and transportation of hydrocarbons are
carried out.
Organic Theory:
Hypothesis by which oil originated from fossil plants and animals under high pressures.
Navy Terminal:
Reception or dispatch facilities located on land or at sea to allow access by oil tankers,
when the equipment is located at sea, the loading or unloading buoys are attached to the
storage tanks on the coast, through underwater pipelines.
Tool used for the mechanical disintegration of rocks in order to drill the subsoil in search of
Coating Pipes:
Series of tubes that are placed in the well while progressing the drilling to prevent landslides
of the walls and for the extraction of hydrocarbons in the production phase.
Up Stream:
Term in English that refers to the first activities of the petroleum industry: Exploration and
exploitation. The idiomatic turn means current or upstream.
Wellhead Value:
Reference price of oil and gas at the outlet of the well and that in our country is used to
calculate oil royalties.
Gas venting:
It consists in the non-use of gas from an oil production well, which is burned (torch type) for
safety reasons.
The deposits are commercial accumulations of oil or gas that occupy an independent
deposit under a single pressure system. There are also mixed deposits with different gas / oil