Amara Raza - 29 - 1
Amara Raza - 29 - 1
Amara Raza - 29 - 1
Amra Raza
University of Punjab, Lahore.
Acclaimed, at the turn of the millennium by Indian poet and critic Vinay
Dharvadkar for his style as the “enfant terrible of contemporary Pakistani Poetry
in English” (245), and acknowledged as “The most widely published and well-
known English -Language poet from Pakistan” (Coppola 214), Alamgir Hashmi
has come to be recognized as “a major world poet…a cosmopolitan
writer”(Goodwin vi). A close reading reveals that Hashmi’s poetry is replete with
spaces which are layered in terms of historical and cultural inscription, erasure and
reinscription. The discussion focuses on this Pakistani poet’s palimpsest reading
of inscriptions on the Subcontinent by various conquerors such as the Aryans,
Ashoka, Tamerlane, Alexander the Great and Muhammad Bin Qasim in order to
illustrate the cultural accretion which has made the Sub continent such a rich area
of historical study. This paper seeks to explore how Hashmi blends the accuracy of
a historian and the skills of an archaeologist with the rich metaphors of a poetic
consciousness, The result is a reconstruction of the multilayered socio cultural
experience of the Subcontinent and a restoration of the historical erasure of culture
and civilization wrought by conquest and colonization.
The study is divided into separate sections .The first section briefly traces the
evolution of the term ‘Palimpsest’ from the ancient to modern ,from manuscript to
metaphor. This is followed by the analysis of three of Hashmi’s contemporaries
namely Shuja Nawaz 1, M. Athar Tahir2, Salman Tarik Kureshi 3,who also attempt
palimpsest readings of the historical inscriptions on the Sub continent ,and thereby
forge links between the rise and fall of civilizations in this region. The comparison
would facilitate a literary overview of the context in which Hashmi reworks the
Palimpsest . The succeeding sections explore individual poems by Alamgir
Hashmi drawing on other Pakistani poets writing in English ,such as Adrian A.
Husain4 and Zulfikar Ghose 5 who also share Hashmi’s desire to establish a
connection with their multicultural heritage. This comparison highlights the fact
that Hashmi’s stylistic method is more complex and comprehensive in terms of
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the readings it generates. This is because the process of exposing constitutional
layers of a solid body is facilitated by cutting a cross section, and then examining
it under a microscope .In the same manner, Hashmi takes a slice of history and
presents it under the poetic lens revealing all the different layers of cultural and
social accretion which may otherwise have been ignored or passed over as
insignificant. Thus it is Hashmi alone who attempts to replicate the form of a
palimpsest on the poetic page so that the layering of history and the erasures
wrought by conquest or colonization can be seen simultaneously.
At the literal level the word ‘Palimpsest’ is derived from ancient Greek
meaning “scraped again”( OED 393) and refers to “Paper, parchment or other
writing material prepared for writing on and wiping out again like a slate”( OED
393). The reference is to valuable papyrus, or vellum which was used as a writing
surface in ancient times and had to be partially erased in order to be used again.
However, in most cases the lower layers on such surfaces can be restored by
archaeologists and are partially still visible under its recent use or overwriting.
This word appeared in the seventeenth century when British historians used it for
discussing ancient writing tools and manuscripts, and McDonagh in Writings on
the Mind notes that “the palimpsest became a recurrent metaphor in the nineteenth
century for the human psyche and for history” (208). It was however in the
twentieth century that ‘Palimpsest’ began to be used metaphorically when applied
to literature, film and theatre “to refer to the multiple meanings of any word and
the multiple layers or levels of meaning in any text” (Murfin and Ray 264)
implying a process of looking beyond surface meaning in order to see the deeper
The palimpsestic readings of inscription on the Subcontinent by various
conquerors has been a subject of interest to quite a few Pakistani poets writing in
English. In his poetic travelogue titled “Journeys” Shuja Nawaz identifies the dual
role of the Pakistani poet as that of an archaeologist and engraver of history so that
“A poem is a stone raised/from shafts sunk into the memory” ( IV. 85-86) in order
to inscribe “The marble that rings with each chisel stroke/of his mind” (IV.106-
107).This excavation of the Collective Unconscious is further explicated through
the journey metaphor. This implies that the individual perspective has to be
abandoned for the collective and communal.He begins with a reference to the
Indus basin settlement on a tract of land between the rivers Jhelum and Chenab in
the Punjab region where “History sprouted in the Chaj Doab”( I. 24)and then
refers to the conquest of Sindh by Muhammad bin Qasim as “The north wind took
the seed /of our struggle to the Sindh”( I. 25-26) .The historical reading of this
topography acknowledges the erasure of the Indus Valley civilization by the
Aryans and the invasion of Alexander the Great in “And when we speak, a voice/
emerges that brings back from the curving/ hills sounds that had been carried/ by
travelers from Greece, the steppes, and sands/ of Arabia.”( II. 41-45).
Other than conquest, ,history is also inscribed in the linguistic. This seems to
be a major concern of M. Athar Tahir in “A Certain Season” where “Sanskrit,
Greek, Turkish, and Persian/And tongues now scratched on rock faces/Or pressed
Amra Raza The Subcontinent Palimpsest
into seals were as common as pipal leaves” (18-20).He too reads historical writing
and rewriting on the Subcontinent beginning with the “Dravidian burden of reed
bows” (87 ) connecting it to “the Aryans/ set them in motion” (50-51) .However
,Tahir is also able to read the erasures wrought by colonial occupation with the
“White Man” (35 ) followed by the “convoy of jeeps, trucks /and anonymous
might /on the move” ( 58-60 ).
Another Pakistani poet, Salman Tarik Kureshi, highlights the
contemporariness and relevance of such palimpsest reading in one of six poems
for Rudyard Kipling( well known as the great apologist for the British colonial
occupation of the Sub continent) titled “A Better Man Than I ”.Kureshi addresses
Kiplingand talks of the city of Lahore “(where the subcontinent began;
where/invaders paused/by the banks of the Ravi,” ( III. 25-27) .Later in the same
poem he redefines the British perspective of colonial occupation referring to the
savage Druid ancestry of the British at a time when the Indus Valley Civilization
had already flourished and been destroyed .
The concern with spatiality and the palimpsest is a necessity of the metaphysical
consciousness emerging from Alamgir Hashmi’s choice of genre and language of
expression ,both of which he addresses in his talk to the 62nd World Congress of
International PEN(1995):
Amra Raza The Subcontinent Palimpsest
against the state of Kalinga left more than a million dead. Thus a layer of cruelty
rein scribes another, and history repeats itself.
The fifth section of “A Topical Poem” begins the reconstruction of another
fragment of Indo Pak history which surfaces with the mention of the Macedonian
king, Alexander the Great.His motivation for the invasion of India was very
different from that of the Muhammad bin Qasim because:
… Alexander Did not find himself daru, coming
out To India, through the undulations Of
coniferous valleys, for the sweet elixir of Hunza
home-bound he had shaken hands with defeated
kings only to die later. (V.47-53)
It is through the use of the technique of embedding the Hindi fragment “daru”
(V.48) referring to “potent distilled alcohol derived from the flowers of the mahwa
tree” (Carstairs 220), into an English poem by a Pakistani poet that Hashmi
reconstructs the multilayered socio cultural experience of the history of the Sub
Continent, which in its diversity, must have left its traces on the Greek invader
who dreamt of uniting the Subcontinent and Europe .Alexander even married a
Persian princess encouraging the mixing of Greek and oriental ideas and customs.
Another example of the same technique is the similar use of an Urdu word in ‘The
Lay of the Lost Minstrel’ (49-50) where Hashmi refers to the forced and violent
colonial occupation of land and property in terms of “a spitting image/of maidans
rumpled by jackboots” (38-39).The Urdu word functions as a trace of the original
writing which has been erased and overwritten during 350 years of colonial
occupation by the British of the Subcontinent .It stands for the gradual erasure of
indigenous languages by English. This seems to be synonymous with the erosion
of cultural and social diversity in this region as a result of colonial occupation. At
the same time the use of the indigenous word in a Hashmi poem also becomes the
space, which in defying translation, resists submission. Thus the poet seems to be
reclaiming his heritage and initiating a process of decolonization. English no
longer remains the ‘pure’ heritage (or even legacy)of the Colonizer, instead it is
tainted by its contact with the colonized .Instead of ‘repelling’ indigenous words it
‘absorbs’ them and the bicultural space engendered becomes the equivalent of a
mongrel mutation.
In “ A Topical Poem” the feats of the Macedonian invader of the Indian Sub
Continent are scraped away to reveal traces of the Vedic period beginning with the
Aryans entering India through the Khyber Pass in 1500 B.C. and settling in
different regions of northwestern India. The poet writes:
I do not know if the Aryans
Floundered along the way down:
When they came down from the mountains,
They saw their skins had changed colour
And they had the same, ordinary, local faces. (V. 55-56 , 61-63)
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The racial synthesis, indicated in these lines, became the basis for the social
and cultural adaptation of these foreign invaders to the agrarian lifestyle of the
local indigenous people. And, whereas the historian has to remain objective in his
reporting of facts, it is the superimposition of various layers of historical conquest
in palimpsest space that allows the poet to satirize elements such as the Aryan’s
invention of the caste system “So the dictate came:/the degree of your touch ability
will/slide from the relevant point/of descent from the Himalayas” (V. 64-67).What
gradually becomes obvious is that:
Any cultural experience is itself an accretion of many
layers, and the term is valuable because it illustrates the
ways in which pre-colonial culture as well as the
experience of colonization are continuing aspects of a
post-colonial society’s developing cultural
identity…The concept of the palimpsest is a useful way
of understanding the developing complexity of a
culture, as previous ‘inscriptions’ are erased and
overwritten, yet remain as traces within present
consciousness. This confirms the dynamic, contestatory
and dialogic nature of linguistic, geographic and
cultural space as it emerges in post –colonial
experience. (Ashcroft, Griffiths and Tiffin 175-176)
The idea that sometimes the underwriting on a palimpsest affects the legibility
of the overwriting is a point that Hashmi illustrates towards the end of “A Topical
Poem”. We are informed of an ambivalent political relationship between the Sikhs
and Muslims: :
The Sikhs are wonderful: their wisdom
Is their own, we divided the Panjab
And the Panjabi with them in 1947.
Their hair and turbans
black out what’s going on beneath,
so did the Air Force in the last war.
well, they blackout
And come west for the Guru each year. (VI. 73-80)
Despite the enmity the Sikhs are accommodated amicably once every year
when they make their annual pilgrimage to the shrine of Guru Nanak in Nankana
Sahib, Pakistan. Thus military secrets and political enmity are put aside, or
deliberately forgotten at cultural and religious events.
Amra Raza The Subcontinent Palimpsest
palimpsest reading. Both poems are divided into sections or layers, however,
whereas the segments of the latter explore the historical past of this region through
inscriptions of invaders on the Indian Sub Continent, the former is more personal,
focuses on the future of a newly born country, and voices the hope and aspirations
attending the new birth through seasonal images of growth and harvest.
“Pakistan Movement” begins with the chaos and turmoil which characterized
the withdrawal of Britain from India after the partition. The opening lines of the
poem are indicative of how the poet plays with layers of connotations:
Movement , sure. Millions moving
From that side to this side
From this side to that side, and back again sometimes,
across the thoughtful moment
wherein stood those who were undecided, and suspect,
like border- posts signifying the mid-century frontier.( I.1-6 )
The term “Pakistan Movement” is an expression applied to the political
struggle of the Muslims for a separate homeland on the basis of religious and
cultural differences with the Hindus. As the title of Hashmi’s poem, in addition to
the high patriotic and Islamic ideals of the Muslims voiced in the Two Nation
Theory, the term also becomes connotative of the chaos and confusion
characterizing cross border migration at the time of partition, when displaced
Hindus and Muslims tried to reach the territories, which according to British
subdivision, constituted their own countries.
Hashmi begins an evocation of images from the Collective Unconscious in
order to reconstruct the historical past of the partition of the Sub continent “The
sultry summer ---if you know what I mean—behind us./The blistering journeys on
foot, the grinding oxcart/expeditions, the slow, steamy railways/and their
marauders behind us.”( I.7-10) With each phrase a memory of suffering,
bloodshed, colonial betrayal, and destruction surfaces until the partition trauma is
reconstructed in its entirety, “The slit throats of the nobility, the
malfunctioning/desire, England’s fond promises/and snuffed-out love of the
communal streets;/their moonlight shadows of lead, the changing of the
colours/and ‘47’s burning streets behind us.” (I.11-15 )And although many of the
readers may not have been a direct witness or victim of the withdrawal of the
British from the Subcontinent it is possible to retrieve the experience from
palimpsest traces as the poet states “I have surely come across it before, /in one of
the books, or what I imaged on an alien shore/perhaps appointed by time for a
landfall” (II.21-23). Such traumatic historical experiences are not forgotten and
erasure or editing of incidents from short term or long term memory are not
counted as losses because they can be retrieved from the Collective Unconscious
and thus repossessed.
The dreams, hopes and aspirations of nations also leave traces on the
Collective Unconscious, so that Allama Iqbal’s patriotic poetry, and Muhammad
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bin Qasim’s conquest all form a logical connection in Hashmi’s poem which itself
also assumes a link in the historical chain as:
Think this is where we wanted to be from the
beginning of our time; a land as beautiful as a poet’s
dream; or ever before he found it, the Arab sailor’s act
f faith. (“Pakistan Movement” I.16-20 )
It seems that these aspirations have allayed earlier trepidations when the poet
had affirmed in “On Being Called ‘Alienated’ and Other Names” that “The reason
is not obvious, for I have/known the wrath and the grace of this land” (32-33).
The second section of the poem “Pakistan Movement” increases the structural
coherence of movement and migration through concurrent images of rising and
falling. There is a gradual build up of rising energy, paradoxically, without any
movement at all in “That’s my boat, these oars: the sail’s down. / The movement’s
upwards from the south/and the choice considerable” ( II.24-26 ).The global
overview of landscape described emphasizes the cyclical movement of history
.This is achieved by combining the aerial perspective of migratory birds with the
seasonal as “The sea lions skid on imaginary ice, transfixing the world/with a new
axis of summer ,…/…the people rising everywhere, free to grow /how they will, if
they will.”(II.30-31, 38-39 ).
In the last section of the same poem, Hashmi’s vision fuses metaphors of
surging and slow moving water, sowing and reaping, as well as topography and
flora to demonstrate that the future is worth investing in and hoping for. Time
becomes a palimpsest layered by erasures of history ,geography and cartography
as the poet concludes with “…the cyclical crops I was looking at--/and the
interminable deltas of hope, /where the rivers are either in torrent or endless flow,
/the past being a curious valley, the present tense./Future’s is the only flower
worth tending in this earth” (III.40-44).
Amra Raza The Subcontinent Palimpsest
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In tracing the historical background of Peshawar, a city in the North West Frontier
Province of Pakistan, Alamgir Hashmi in the poem titled “A Guide Map of the
Northwest” attempts to map a region known for its cultural diversity in which
“The unruly Swat River, /for instance tosses out history/like a squirming
catch/which must sell” (20-23) and demonstrates that geography is a succession of
erasures and over writings which have transformed the globe. The region, which
the poet has chosen to excavate the historical details of, is a very rich one, as it has
absorbed the culture and traditions of various empires which it has been annexed
with. The area which came to be known as Peshawar was a part of many empires
such as the Gandhara Empire, the Persian Achaemenid Empire and then the
Hellenic Empire of Alexander the Great, followed by the Maurya Empire. It was
ruled by Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Parthian kings, the Mughals, Iranian invaders
and the Sikhs. From 1849 to 1947 it remained under British rule..
The appropriation of colonized space as a major thematic concern is hinted at
in the opening two lines of the same poem quoted directed from the famous
Bombay born English poet and novelist Rudyard Kipling’s poem “The Ballad of
the King’s Jest” (1.5-6).The intertextuality generated, also creates a multi textural
effect which substantiates that “The Palimpsest introduces the idea of erasure as
part of a layering process. There can be fluid relationship between these layers.
Texts and erasures are superimposed to bring about other texts or erasures. A new
erasure creates text: a new text creates erasure” (Galpin). Hashmi’s narratology
attempts to redirect the reader’s attention from the margin to the centre and from
the colonial to the post colonial. In a “A Guide Map of the Northwest” ‘As the
snow -bound trade of the North comes down/To the market square of Peshawur
town’, /I quote from Kipling/… the Pathans-/In English idiom pre-‘47/Had to
rhyme with ‘batons’”( 1-3 , 6-8 ).
It is in this naming that the historical past of the city can be retraced. The
Kushans, a tribe from central Asia, founded the city called Purushapura(also
known as ‘Lotus Land’) that would become Peshawar, which was the name given
to it by the Mughal emperor Akbar (meaning ‘The Place at the Frontier’ in
Persian).In the lines quoted above the allusion to the colonial pronunciation of
Pathans rhyming with “batons” (8), the spelling of “Peshawur” (2), as well as the
reference to “had to” (8) signify the ‘imperial’ construction of native identity
through ‘naming’ which “is one of the mechanisms used by colonizers to inscribe
themselves upon the land in an act of ownership” (Cryderman).Vacant space
becomes place when it is named because “. Place itself, in the experience of the
post-colonial subject, is a palimpsest of a process in language: the naming by
which imperial discourse brings the colonized space ‘into being’ (Ashcroft,
Griffiths and Tiffin 175).
When the poet arrives in Peshawar, the reader is given the first hint that what
is undertaken as a walk through the main market of the city, is in fact a journey
through history, time and space leading to discoveries about cultural identity.
Amra Raza The Subcontinent Palimpsest
Hashmi explains, “Once you are here, you find /stunning extremes prevail:/old
ambuscades echo in the space/gnarled like mountains./(You are hearing
The poet employs the technique of embedding Peshawar’s pre- colonial past
in its post colonial present. This creates the impression that the past is still very
much alive in the commerce of the city. The fact that Peshawar was a commercial
and trade centre advantageously situated on the Silk Road is acknowledged by the
poet as “From the silk we have or can borrow, /a ribbon now ties, Pindi to Kashgar
;”( 37-38). This strategic position facilitated it in becoming a centre of trade and a
main crossroad of various cultures between Afghanistan, India, the Subcontinent,
Central Asia and the Middle East. But all the hustle and bustle of trade has
deteriorated “…the rubble lost its shine/in these parts, no caravans of silk,/furs,
and gold thread from Samarkand and/Bukhara now;”(30-33 ) and the flow of
cultural and commercial exchange has been stemmed because “our cloth, indigo,
tea, and mascara/we keep ourselves”(34-35).
A slice of history may be recaptured as “time seems tied in the same knot”
(38) and relived through commercial transaction, which is a reliable gauge of the
cultural. The exploration, which is conducted through a catalogue of detail, is very
oriental in its sensibility as the auditory and olfactory complement the visual, in an
attempt to replicate the confusion and mystery .We are told that Peshawar is “A
place of winding alleys,/noise and intense aromas,/dense with shops, cyclists,
horse-drawn/tongas ,carts pulled by water buffaloes/and put-putting”(41-45).
The last lines of the poem plot the deterioration of this grand city from a hub
of trade and commerce, to an arms manufacturing stronghold “…. Out in
Dera,/shotguns sell disguised as canes/and a ballpoint pen can kill!”(48-50 ).The
arms culture prevalent in this region is evident in the fact that even today a tribal
system operates here in defiance of rule by the Pakistani government .The military
bent of mind of the local people may be traced back to the reality that they have
had to defend their territory against many European invaders who came through
Kabul via the Khyber Pass identified by Adrian A. Husain in “Khyber” where
there are “…signs /of an unyielding:/…pickets----derelicts of the Empire---/quite
at home on these hills.(16- 17, 23-24 ).
Moreover, the determination of the border called the Durand line between
Afghanistan and Pakistan by the British in 1893 resulted in the partition of
Pakhtun territories and border conflicts followed for reunification. However,
Hashmi is careful not to ignore the rich creative tradition of Peshawar manifest in
its various markets trading in a wide assortment of the artistic, ranging from a
prolific oral narrative tradition, and the crafts, to metal ware merchandising,
denture development and furniture. The description of the main city in “A Guide
Map of the Northwest” is rendered in terms of a maze of at least four
interconnected markets with distinct functions and attractions for avid shoppers.
There is the “…Qissa Khawani,/the Street of Storytellers,”(51-52 ),the “ Misgaran
Bazar for copper and brass goods./Or you can turn into Namakmandi,/the salt
South Asian Studies 29 (1)
market,/also home to the false teeth makers;”(54-57 )and then there is the
possibility that “…you are/looking for grass prayer- mats of Pathan Bazar/or
pitchforks made of bent sticks,/and charpoies”(59-62) .This description depicts the
accretion of cultural change as a reservoir of Hindko culture.
As a conclusion it may be said that the journey of the Pakistani poet writing in
English into the future lies through the acknowledgement and celebration of a
multicultural and multilingual heritage. Hashmi’s excavation of layers of cultural
accretion reveals connections between apparently divergent civilizations ,cultures
and religions such as the Muslim, Indian, Buddhist ,Mauryan , Dravidian
,Macedonian, Persian and even the British, inhabiting the same topographical and
geographical territories at different points in the continuum of time.
It is in this Palimpsest space that history unveils its layered construction, and
the x-ray vision of the poet facilitates a perspective which becomes mutually
inclusive in that it is not only cross cultural, but also cross national. The
exploration of the palimpsest in Alamgir Hashmi’s poetry reveals that the
Subcontinent has absorbed the impact of cross cultural trends and left its mark on
the oriental poetic consciousness. This stratification invites engagement and
exploration in order to discover new realities and relations with the past. It
cultivates a perspective which encourages viewing events in terms of a continuum
,and not in isolation. The attempt to read traces of historical writing , overwriting
and erasure is also the attempt to restore lost fragments and severed connections.
Hashmi’s construction of palimpsest space not only reveals the rich multicultural
and multilingual heritage of the Subcontinent, but also attempts to replicate the
palimpsest stylistically on the poetic page in terms of embedding indigenous
words and place names which are absorbed as readily into the English Language
as the experience of conquest and colonization is integrated into the layering of
End notes
1. Shuja Nawaz was born in Jhelum , the Pothowar region of the northeast Pakistan. He
received a postgraduate degree in Journalism from Columbia University, and settled in
suburban Alexandria ,Virginia. Besides writing poetry, he has worked on translating
Punjabi poetry into English.
2. M.Athar Tahir was the Rhodes Scholar for Pakistan at Oriel College ,Oxford
(1974),the Rotary International Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania (1979) and
the Hubert Humphrey Fellow at the University of Southern Clifornia(1984).He is also
an elected Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and writes short stories,
translations ,essays and poetry .
3. Salman Tarik Kureshi(b.1942) received his education in Lahore and later from the
London School of Economics. He was a founing member of ‘Mixed Voices’ forum for
poetry and prose.
4. Adrian A.Husain (b.1942)was born in Kanpur,India.He received his education in
England, Switzerland, Italy and at New College, Oxford .He received his Ph.D from
the University of East Anglia and a recipient of the Guiness Poetry Prize (1968) .In
1979 he founded,a multilingual and multi cultural forum called ‘Mixed Voices’ for
creative writing.
Amra Raza The Subcontinent Palimpsest
5. Zulfikar Ghose was born in Sialkot ,Pakistan in 1935.He migrated to England in 1952
and later settled in Austin ,Texas.(1969).He has published poetry,literary criticism and
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Biographical Note
Dr. Amra Raza is Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature,
University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan.