Publication of CBM
Publication of CBM
Publication of CBM
Product Catalogue
World Class Innovations in Condition Monitoring
CMT is a specialised manufacturer for on-line and on-site condition monitoring solutions. Our equipment enables onsite
engineers to make on the spot informed decision helping with the daily maintenance job.
CM Technologies, formerly known as Kittiwake GmbH help prevent unplanned breakdown and maximise plant availability. There
are various different on-the-run tools available for condition monitoring:
• Condition monitoring for operating fluids (lubricants, fuel, water / on-site or in a lab)
• Vibration Analysis, Acoustic Emission or Sound
• Monitoring physical properties (speed, rpm, temperature, pressure, power ....)
Most of the condition monitoring technologies can be used as online or offline version whereas both variants do not provide the
same results.
The CMT-Team
Vibration Monitoring
1. Vibration Meter������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
2. Vibration Analyser��������������������������������������������������������������� 44
3. Vibration Monitor���������������������������������������������������������������� 49
4. Software������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 51
1. Basic Oil Seminar������������������������������������������������������������������ 95
2. Marine Potable Water Tests�������������������������������������������������� 96
3. Cylinder Drain Oil Management������������������������������������������� 97
4. Monitoring with Vibration Analysis�������������������������������������� 98
5. Diesel Performance�������������������������������������������������������������� 99
Oil Condition Monitoring
Oil Condition Monitoring
1. Onsite Oil Test & Solutions
CMT test kits are supplied either in durable aluminium cases or in wall
mounted steel cabinets. Our multi-parameter test kits contain all of the
necessary equipment and consumable for your oil condition monitoring
On-site oil analysis equipment provides your chance to monitor the condition
of your oil between laboratory checks. Based on our experience in oil
condition monitoring our kits are made to be used by anyone because no
training or special knowledge is needed. Important oil parameters can be
measured in a few minutes. Step by step instructions and on screen user
guides make using the kits as simple as ever.
Some of our test devices need chemicals for the test routines. CMT continually
invests in new developments to reduce the number of chemicals needed.
As a result of this we are currently in the position to supply most of our test kits
without reagents which are hazardous for shipping. All our water in oil test devices
use non-hazardous reagents. At the same time they still work with any old style
reagents offered on the market. On the other hands our reagents can be used in any
other test device availabel o the market. With this backward compatibility the user
enjoys a great deal of flexibility when it comes to buying refill reagents or any new or
replacement test device.
Patent pending
New Iron II Test (EP 14 156 620.8)
The main indicator for wear in 2 stroke diesel engines remains iron.
Testing cylinder drain oil for iron content and residual base number (BN)
Ordering Information
is a very commonly applied technique for screening drain oil samples on- OTK-CT-11219
board seagoing vessels. CM Technologies now introduces a complete new Electronic Iron II Test Kit
technology for testing Iron onsite. The new & improved Iron Test has become Range: 50 - 1000 ppm
much faster, easier and much more accurate than anything else currently corrosive iron: 0 - 100 % of total
The simple test procedure just takes 3 Together with the CMT CDO BN Test
Download Option Console
minutes to achieve an accurate iron test Kit the Electronic Iron Analysis Kit
License for Datadownload
result. For higher iron readings the user allows to monitor the most important
can do a second test to test for corrosive OTS-CT-13034
parameters of the drain oil on site
iron only. This will provide the values for Iron II Test Reagent Pack (Version II)
total, corrosive and abrasive iron. providing the user with the necessary No. of Tests: 50 drain oil samples
information to optimize the feed rate Reagents: non hazardous
of the cylinder oil and at the same
time to avoid unnecessary wear of the Iron Test Reagent Pack (Version I)
individual cylinder liners. Both kits are No. of Tests: 50
also available as a combined CDO Test Reagents: non hazardous
Kit. OTS-CT-13029
Glass Tubes Pack (for S/N > 400)
CMT also offers a complete Cylinder Glass Tubes 100
Drain Oil Service which includes the
onsite CDO Test Kit and a periodical Vial Cleaner
onshore independent laboratory oil Size 250 ml
analysis providing complete results Reagent: non hazardous
about wear, contamination, oil OTS-CT-13025
condition and additives together with a Iron Test Consumables Pack (Version I)
Vials (blue caps): 24
diagnostic statement from our tribology
Iron Test Vial after filtration Set of Syringes
and engine experts.
Your benefits:
IR Analyser (ATR)
With the newly developed CMT decreases and degradation products
IR Analyser, based on attenuated emerge. This oil aging mechanism is
total reflection, a new chapter of IR being indicated by the concentration
spectroscopy is opened in the middle of molecules with central ions of zinc,
infrared spectral range. Due to the molybdenum, phosphorus, calcium,
no-moving-parts design, applications magnesium, barium or sodium.
Oil Condition Monitoring
Water in Oil
Base Number (BN)
Measure the alkaline reserve in
Ordering Information
engine oils is important to maintain
the ability of the lubricant to
neutralize acids resulting from
Standard BN Test Kit (for system oil)
Range: 5-70 BN
Oil Condition Monitoring
Download Option TouchCell
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Compatibility Tester
Test Kit Cleaner
Density Meter
Patent pending
New Econ and Electronic Cat Fines II Test (EP15177929)
Cat Fines, primarily chemical Electronic Cat Fines II Analyser Your benefits:
aluminum and silicon compounds, - accurate high end device • Revolutionary new system
are catalysts, which are used to Although the amount of Cat Fines in • Allows multiple tests at different
optimize the cracking process in the bunkered fuel is normally known sampling points
the refineries for the production of from the documentation provided by the • Low costs per test
supplier, the Cat Fines content before
Econ Cat Fines Reagent Pack (30)
500 ml Fuel Oil Sample Bottle Pack
Insoluble are a build up in combustion engines due to the burning fuel in the
engine. They are combustion related debris and oxidation products within
the lubrication oil.
Regular monitoring of insoluble helps to prevent lacquer formation on hot surfaces,
sticking of piston rings, wear of cylinder liner and bearing surfaces.
Oil Condition Monitoring
The detergent property of the oil will also decrease, speeding further deterioration.
• Detect insoluble from diesel engine combustion such as partially oxidized fuel,
carbon, fuel ash, oil oxidation products and used lubricant additives.
• Simple and quick to use even for untrained people.
• The insoluble tests give you actionable results, helping to maintain your engine.
For sea-water cooled systems on Especially in four-stroke engines water Ordering Information
older vessels it is essential to know evaporates over time but the salt stays in
the source of the water in the oil. the oil resulting in corrosion problems. OTK-CT-11003
The CMT Salt Water Test does allow Salt Water Contamination Test Kit
• P rovides a fast indication if salt is
the user to identify whether the
present, even if all the water has
water contamination of the oil is sea- Range: go / no go
been evaporated already.
or freshwater. Use the Salt Water Application: Lubricating oil, fuel,
• Fast and easy to understand results
Contamination Test together with water
within minutes.
the Electronic Water in Oil Kit to Test Time: 1 hour (unattended)
• Usable for all oils
identify the problem clearly. No. of Tests: 25
Reagents: Non hazardous
Acid Number (AN)
Acid Number or AN is an important Ordering Information
oil parameter for hydraulic systems
and gas engines. It is a measure OTK-CT-11209
of the organic and inorganic acids Electronic Acid Number Test Kit
present within the oil. Range: 0-6 AN
Accuracy: +/- 0.1 AN
Fuel Bacteria Test
Vial Cleaner
Size 250 ml
The Export Tool is a powerful soft-
ware tool which allows the down-
load and evaluation of measured
data from all devices of our newest
Your Benefits:
• Save all readings to create a
comprehensive trend on your com-
• Evaluate your measurements with
the Export Tool
• Graphic display of the values for
easy trending and identification of
• Adjustable graphs allow to custom-
ize the display as per your needs
• Detect even slow developing
performance issues and impending
Multi Parameter Combinations - Test Kits
Water in Oil Cell Density Hydrometer Low Range Falling Ball Free Fatty Acid Visual Test
Viscometer Test/ AN Test (Cleanliness)
Electronic Cylinder Drain Oil Test Kit Engine Oil Test Kit
Multi Parameter Combinations - Cabinets
2 Cylinder Drain Oil Management
While in the past abrasive wear was the predominant particles in the oil is composed of the abrasive wear and the
wear meachnism creating problems like scuffing or corrosive wear. It is important to monitor both parameters, BN
Oil Condition Monitoring
sudden severe wear these days corrosive wear has and iron content closely to avoid damage to the cylinder liner.
become the predominant wear in the new generation
of engines, whereas abrasive wear is no longer the Laboratory oil analysis provides a detailed insight into the
predominant problem for the new generation of engines condition at the time of sampling. Until the sample
engines. report has arrived on the vessel a considerable amount of time
may have passed due to the logistics of landing and sending
Main parameters influencing the corrosive wear in the
the sample and later the analysis itself.
combustion chamber are the sulphur in the fuel, part load
optimisation such as T/C-cut out, the load pattern and naturally Furthermore laboratory oil analysis can only be done in longer
the lubrication rate and the BN level of the cylinder oil. The time intervals. With permanently changing conditions in the
corrosive wear will be indicated by the BN values and the iron engine just a laboratory oil analysis would not offer in time
content of the drain oil from the cylinder lube oil. enough insurance that a reduced feed rate does not harm the
Sulphuric acid forms during the combustion of sulphur
The CMT Cylinder Drain Oil Service does consist of two
containing fuels. The sulphuric acid may condensate on the
important major components:
cylinder liner wall depending on the temperature of the wall
and the pressure in the cylinder. In modern engines the dew • Frequent on board oil tests of BN (base number) and
point of sulphuric acid may be as low as 280°C leading to a iron content. For the on board iron measurements, it is
higher amount of acid condensation compared to an older essential to measure all the iron – both iron from corrosion
design engine with the same fuel consumption. and from abrasion and adhesion.
• Periodical onshore independent laboratory oil tests
The measured BN in the drain oil is an indication of the
providing a complete result about wear, contamination,
oils remaining ability to neutralise this acid. A low BN value
oil condition and additives together with a diagnostic
indicates that the oils alkalinity reserve is close to exhaustion
statement from our tribology experts.
and therefore the protection of the engine from the acid
corrotion might be insufficient. The concentration of iron
This chart shows the relation between total iron content and remaining BN in the
drain oil from the scavenge space.
Patent pending
New On-Site Drain Oil Analysis Kit (EP 14 156 620.8)
By analysing scrape down oil collected from the scavenge space shipboard Ordering Information
personnel are able to monitor the condition of the engine’s cylinders, avoid
corrosive or abrasive wear by means of launching corrective actions and OTK-CT-11220
detect changes as they occur. Cylinder Drain Oil Analysis Kit
Iron II Test
Range: 50 - 1000 ppm
Iron Glass Tubes Pack
Glass Tubes 100
Base Number Reagent Pack
No. of Tests: 50
Reagents: non hazardous
Test Kit Cleaner (250 ml)
Size 250 ml
Reagent: non hazardous
Vial Cleaner
Size 250 ml
Reagent: non hazardous
Electric Shaker
Battery for TestCell
On-site Drain Oil Analysis Kit
Download Option Console
On board oil tests are designed to measure only single parameters. Use
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them as a essential supplement to the Laboratory Oil Test - not as a
substitute. A comprehensive laboratory oil analysis together with the SW-C00004-CT
frequent onboard test is essential as part of an effective cylinder drain oil Download Option TouchCell
monitoring. License for Datadownload
Patent pending
(EP 14 156 620.8)
On-Site Drain Oil Analysis Kit New
The Cylinder Drain Oil Analysis Set Feed Rate Optimization
consists of two different tests:
Optimization means reducing to the
• Analysis of the total iron content minimum level which still ensures
(corrosive and abrasive) good lubrication and at the same time
sufficient neutralisation of combustion
• Analysis of the remaining alkalinity
Oil Condition Monitoring
Piston Rings Manpower Pistons Cylinder Liners Cylinder Oil
This chart shows that the cost of cylinder oil and the liner itself are the biggest
cost factors when operating a main engine. Existing installations have proved that
significant cost savings can be achieved with return on investment achieved in less
than a year in some cases. .
Cylinder Drain Oil Laboratory Oil Service
Laboratory scrape down oil analysis from CMT provides comprehensive testing of the oil samples with a full set of data and a
diagnostic statement from a tribology engineer.
• 100 ml sample-bottle (prepaid)
• Addressed envelope to return the sample bottle
to our lab
Oil Condition Monitoring
individual comment. The new SDA laboratory report contributes substantially to the cost-effective and reliable operation of your
engine. The informative laboratory reports are prepared in a clear and well structured form.
They contain not only the data for the current samples, but also the values of up to the four previous examinations. This provides
the user with a basic overview of the operation of the engine and the performance of the cylinder oil.
3. Independent Laboratory Oil Test
The oil itself is an excellent data medium which is full of valuable Ordering Information
information if tested correctly and the findings actioned. This information
It is possible to get the current lab
reports even faster and to have, at
the same time, a comparison with
earlier analysed samples.
If you require your results sooner,
instead of waiting for an e-mail, fax or
Oil Condition Monitoring
The Independent Marine Oil Laboratory Test Service works with the following test methods for standard engine oils.
Optical Emission Spectroscopy accord- Wear-, contamination- and additive elements mg/kg = ppm DIN 51396-3 ASTM-D 6595
PQ-Index Index for ferrous magnetic particles Index OPV-9-16
FT-Infrared-Spectroscopy Contamination: Water, Soot, variation to the H2O and Soot in % JOAP and reference meth-
fresh oil reference ods
FT-Infrared-Spectroscopy Oil Condition: Oxidation, Nitration, Sulfation A/cm DIN 51451 DIN 51452
Viscosity Index (VI) VI for the viscosity/temperature behaviour Index DIN ISO 2909
Base Number (BN) Alkalinity reserve (compared to the fresh oil) mgKOH/g ISO 3771
4. Online Oil Sensors
While maintenance costs increase and production Now more than ever it is necessary to get the most out
capacity and equipment performance is optimized of the machinery, to minimize downtimes, streamline
the demand for on-line machinery and oil condition maintenance and to avoid unnecessary costs.
monitoring is increasing permanently. CMT had designed
Online oil sensors are a great addition to your offline oil
a range of instruments to accomplish the primary
analysis program giving you an early alert about critical
Water Monitor
The effect of water ingress into an oil system can be rapid and catastrophic.
The Water Monitor removes the risks associated with periodic off-line testing
and potential human error. In comparison to other techniques for water
monitoring, CMT´s Water Monitor measures the total concentration of water
in oil, not just the dissolved water. CMT´s Water Monitor already has been
installed on a multitude of seafaring vessels, where it proves its worth every
single day!
A robust design with an IP65 housing ensure that CMT´s Water Monitor can provide
permanent, repeatable accurate and reliable real time data in harsh marine and
industrial environments.
Continuous on-line monitoring provides the most representative picture of oil
condition. Changes are highlighted as they occur and not just at scheduled
laboratory analysis. Preventative action can then be taken before a significant
damage can occur.
Water Monitor provides accurate feedback of the water concentration in your oil
system. With local and optional remote alarms, Water Monitor instantly puts the
information enabling the engineers to act accordingly.
In order to enable a long-term record of data, the sensor is equipped with internal
data storage unit which can be read out over the serial interface.
Combined Oil Condition and Moisture Sensor
Metallic Particle Sensor
Using a so called drip sampler is the Selecting the Correct Size of Drip
most common and economic way Type Bunker Sampler
to obtain a representative sample
Select the nearest size Bunker Sampler
according MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI.
with an outer diameter smaller than
Our bunker samplers are: the flanges Pitch Circle Diameter minus
the flanges Bolt Hole Diameter.
• manufactured under strict ISO 9001
quality assurance standards. The inner diameter must be larger
than the Nominal Pipe Size of the flange.
• compliant with IMO MARPOL 73/78
Annex VI helping you to stay within
the legal requirements for bunker
fuel sampling.
• weight optimized.
• simple to install on all common
flanges between 2” and 14”.
• one size sampler can be used on
most common different standard
flanges even for different pressure.
Stainless Steel 1.4571 / 316Ti
Nominal Flange Thickness: 25/26 mm
In cases when you have a negative
Total Thickness
pressure at the point of sampling
(Including gaskets): 31/32 mm
please use our automatic samplers.
Ordering Information Flange (other sizes are available on request) - Material: Stainless Steel 1.4571 / 316T
SAM-CT-10004 100 mm/4” 116 mm 157 mm 4.3 kg BS 4504 PN16, BS10 D, E, F ANSI B16.5 150, 300
SAM-CT-10005 125 mm/5” 144 mm 188 mm 5.0 kg JISB2210 5K, 10K, 16K, BS 4504 PN16, BS10 D, E, ANSI B16.5 150
SAM-CT-10006 150 mm/6” 171 mm 216 mm 5.5 kg JISB2210 5K, 10K, 16K, BS 4504 PN10, PN16, BS10 D, E, F, ANSI B16.5
150, 300
SAM-CT-10007 175 mm/7” 194 mm 241 mm 6.2 kg JISB2210 5K, 10K
SAM-CT-10008 200 mm/8” 221 mm 266 mm 6.5 kg JISB2210 5K, 10K, 16K, BS 4504 PN10, PN16, BS10 D, E, F, ANSI B16.5 150
SAM-CT-10010 250mm/10” 281 mm 328 mm 7.1 kg JISB2210 10K, 16K, BS 4504 PN10, PN16, BS10 D, E, F, ANSI B16.5 150,
SAM-CT-10011 275mm/11” 319 mm 361 mm 7.2 kg JISB2210 10K, BS 4504 PN10, PN16, BS10 d, E
SAM-CT-10012 300mm/12” 340 mm 401 mm 7.5 kg JISB2210 16K, BS10 F, ANSI B16.5 150, 300, BS 4504 PN10, PN16, BS10
D, E, F
SAM-CT-10014 350mm/14” 375 mm 420 mm 8.0 kg ANSI B16.5 150,300
Fuel Sampler
Normally samplers are installed at It can easily be removed for cleaning.
Ordering Information
the ships manifold between the After initial installation the fuel line can
manifold flange and the flange from be used with or without the sampler
the bunker hose. being inserted.
Fuel Sampler
However, sometimes it is more Benefits:
practical to install the sampling device Size: 2” - 14”
• Designed specifically for fuel oils
permanently at a different place. 50 - 350 mm
• Easy retrofit
The CMT Fuel Sampler is designed to be • Service pipes from 2 inch up to 14
Weight: 2.0 kg
installed direct into an existing fuel pipe inch
anywhere in the supply line. • Compliant with ISO 3170
MARPOL Bunker Cabinet
Automatic Fuel Sampler
Especially bigger vessels are facing the problem of the sampler can either be mounted on a trolley or permanently
negative pressure at the bunker manifold. Traditional installed next to the manifold.
Drip Samplers cannot be used here. They need a positive
The standard version works as time proportional sampler
pressure to allow the sample to flow into the sample
ensuring a representative sample. For applications with
container by gravity. The solution is the Automatic Fuel
changing flow rates we also offer a flow proportional version.
Oil Condition Monitoring
• High flexibility and reliability.
• Easy integrated flush system for cleaning purposes.
• Sample container is always filled after bunkering.
• Size: 350 x 250 x 500 [mm]
• With trolley: 1100 x 500 x 500 [mm]
• Weight: 15 kg (40 kg with trolley)
• Material: AISI 316
• Max pressure: 12 bar
• Min pressure: - 0.4 bar (- 0.8 bar)
• Working air: 6 – 8 bar
Sample Bottles and Cubitainer
Material: HDPE
sample bottles for fuel oil and lubricants.
They are designed to allow oil sampling SAM-CT-70070
of warm oils direct from the equipment. 1000 ml Sample Bottle Pack (70)
Neck: 54 mm
Sample Bottles are supplied in following
1000 ml sample bottles Material: HDPE
- 50 ml SAM-CT-70041
500 ml Sample Bottle and Mailer Kit (40)
- 100 ml
Neck: 54 mm
- 120 ml Material: HDPE
- 500 ml
- 1000 ml 500 ml Sample Bottle Pack (70)
Neck: 54 mm
Standard bottle neck is 38 mm to fit on
Material: HDPE
the CMT vaccum sampling pump. For all
other sizes we provide adapters allowing
to sample with the CMT vaccum
120 ml Sample Bottles, (250)
sampling pump.
Neck: 38 mm
50 / 100 / 100 / 120 ml sample bottles.
Material: PETG
50 ml Sample Bottles, (360)
Neck: 28 mm
Cubitainer with caps
Material: HDPE
Cubitainers - 5 litre (24)
Neck: 38 mm
Material: HDPE
Cubitainers - 10 litre (24)
Neck: 38 mm
Material: HDPE
Sampling Accessories
Machinery Condition Monitoring
Vibration Monitoring
1. Vibration Meter����������������������������������������38
2. Vibration Analyser����������������������������������� 44
3. Vibration Monitor�������������������������������������49
4. Software���������������������������������������������������51
1. Vibration Meter
Bearing problems are the most common cause for are incurred without eliminating the problem. Therefore it is
machine and plant damage. essential to find the cause of the problem. Just changing a
bearing where an imbalance or a misalignment is causing the
Slight misalignment or imbalance creates significant
problem does not solve the problem and the bearing will fail
greater than expected load for a bearing. Very
shortly again creating more cost.
often bearing lubrication is found insufficient. All of
these factors reduce the service life of bearings. The Statistics show that insufficient bearing lubrication is the
identification of insufficient lubrication or a source for highest cause for most bearing damages. Finding lubrication
a bearing damage is no great matter and done in a few problems is simple and fast with the CMT vibration and
minutes. ultrasonic devices. A single measurement of only a few
seconds gives information about the lubrication of the bearing.
A detailed problem analysis is important. So it happens that
Avoid bearing damage and unnecessary costs without much
engineers suspect a bearing damage, but gear problems
are actually present. The bearings are replaced now, costs
the acoustic evaluation of the bearings. • All results obtained can be directly Ordering Information
Using the headphones an experienced used and understood by the user on
board. VIB-CT-50035
user is able to spot problems in seconds.
CMT Vibration Meter Marine
• Set the measuring limits according to (including one acceleration sensor)
Your benefits:
the specific of your machinery
• Specifically made for the needs and CMT Vibration Meter Marine PLUS
challenges of the Marine industry with Memory and PC software
Available Test Modes
• Easy & fast trending (including one acceleration sensor)
• FASIT Expert Systhem
• Quick diagnosis of the machines VIB-CT-50005
• RMS Vibration Level Acceleration Sensor 100 mV/g
condition via a simple traffic light
system • Bearing Lubrication VIB-CT-50011
Standard Measuring Pad 10 pcs.
• Optional route measurements with Additional Features
free supplied software customized VIB-CT-50018
• IR-Temperature Epoxy Metal Glue for Measuring Pads
for the Marine sector
• Stroboscobe / Speed
• Easy to understand, easy to use VIB-CT-50017
• torch PELTOR Heavy Duty Headphone
• headphones
Already at the first measurement simple With this unique measuring device,
pictograms show whether a lubrication unskilled users can perform following
problem, an unbalance, loose parts or a additional measurements:
bearing damage is present. • IR-Temperature
This single meter undertakes: • Stroboscobe / Speed
• torch
• FASIT Expert Systhem
• headphones
• RMS Vibration Level
• three band spectrum In addition it incorporates a handy
inspection torch.
• Time Wave Form
• FFT spectrum
Vibration Meter is a revolutionary instrument with a completely new design! Ordering Information
The operation of the instrument is so easy that anybody can learn to use it very
quickly. The instrument uses the colours green, yellow and red to display the status. VIB-CT-50001
Determination of individual machine or bearings defect types is done directly during CMT Vibration Meter
operation, without a need to use a computer or software. (including one acceleration sensor)
CMT Vibration Meter is sold as complete set with a quality accelerometer, coiled
cable, magnetic base, transit case and optional headphones. You can connect VIB-CT-50031
headphones to this instrument and listen to vibration signals. Do not consider this CMT Vibration Meter Ex
Machinery Condition Monitoring
method out of date! If you measure transmissions or slow-running bearings, you will (including one acceleration sensor)
quickly understand its usefulness.
Instruments in this cost-effective category have been able to measure only total Acceleration Sensor 100 mV/g
vibration values so far. But the Vibration Meter is different. For each point on the
machine this device produces many different measurements: VIB-CT-50011
Standard Measuring Pad with
Plastic Cover a 10 pcs.
Some examples of the different Unbalance, looseness and
modes: misalignment, lubrication and
bearing damages
Epoxy Metal Glue for Measuring Pads
This screen is all you need for a quick
diagnosis. It gives an overview by VIB-CT-50017
traffic light of unbalance, looseness, PELTOR Heavy Duty Headphone
misalignment, lubrication condition and
damages of the bearing.
RPM is automatically detected and
displayed at the bottom of the screen.
This screen has been introduced
especially for users with no or limited
experience in vibration analysis.
Vibration Spectrum (FFT) Using Headphones
Vibration Meter measures the FFT The device does allow connecting
spectrum in the range of 0-200 Hz and headphones to this instrument and
displays the most three dominates peaks listen to vibration signals. Do not
including the velocity value in mm/s. The consider this method out of date! If
information is useful for detection of you measure transmissions or slow-
unbalance and looseness. running bearings, you will quickly
understand its usefulness. With a little
II Non-mining
2 Zone 1
G Gas atmosphere
Principle of protection:
Ex ib Intrinsic Safety En 60079-11,
Zone 1
Gas group - Acetylene,
T4 Temperature class 135°C
Equipment Protection Level -
Zone 1 (high protection)
CMT Vibration Meter Plus
Grease Meter
The Grease Meter is a plant tool The instrument helps to ensure that Ordering Information
used for monitoring and control of Bearings will not be under or over
the lubrication process. It measures lubricated. VIB-CT-50023
the actual bearing lubrication status CMT Grease Meter
The use of the Grease Meter extends
and informs the operator when the (including one acceleration sensor)
the bearings life and avoids wasting
2. Vibration Analyser
Specification Vibration Analyser VA3 Pro
Measurement of 2 channels
simultaneously gives a lot of flexibility in
fault diagnosis.
For instance, you can get a good insight
of the alignment by measuring the radial
and axial vibration across the coupling of
the motor and pump.
8 GB allows continuous recording of 2
channel raw signals up to 25.6 kHz. Even
under pressure, you don’t have to worry
that important data could be missed.
Vibration Analyser VA4 Pro
CMT Vibration Analyser is a professional and robust 4 channel Vibration Analyser / Recorder, which is a valuable tool
for maintenance engineers for fault diagnosis, balancing and data collection / recording.
Vibration Analyser contains these measurement modes:
Machinery Condition Monitoring
• Signal Recorder
• Signal Analyser
• Data Collector (Route measurements)
• Run Up (Coast Down) measurements
• Balancer
• FASIT – Fault Source Identification Tool
• Lubrication Control
• Octave Analysis
Key features:
Measurement of 4 channels simultaneously gives a lot of flexibility in fault diagnosis. For instance, you can get a good insight of
the alignment by measuring the radial and axial vibration across the coupling of the motor and pump.
120GB allows 35 hours continuous recording of 4 channel raw signals up to 25.6 kHz. Even under pressure, you don’t have to
worry that important data could be missed
FASIT is a handy tool even an experienced vibration analyst. Example shown on the
left indicates a fault in the bearing; and also an unbalance which usually happens in
later stage of bearing fault.
Simultaneous Measurement
Readings can be taken in parallel for a single measurement point on 4 channels plus
the speed probe, which saves time and improves consistency of the gathered data
especially when the machine speed or running condition varies with time.
Vibration Analyser provides a professional 2-plane balancing function.
The whole balancing process will be on screen guided with easy-to-understand
diagrams and instructions.
The weights will be automatically splitted and calculated for machinery where
available locations for the weights are limited, e.g. a fan.
Pocket Analyser
recording of vibration signals.
Acceleration Sensor 100 mV/g
The instrument is enhanced by modules
for dynamic balancing, measurement VIB-CT-50006
of run up and coast down and acoustic Laser Tacho Probe
measurement mode.
The instrument is equipped with an
Standard Measuring Pad with
expert system which automatically
Plastic Cover a 10 pcs.
detects machinery faults.
The instrument is powered directly by VIB-CT-50018
USB connection so no external power is Epoxy Metal Glue for Measuring Pads
3. Vibration Monitor
The A3750 software is designed for the control of the data collection and archiving. Setting up the program allows to easily
configure the required measurements. The software A3760 enables the real time online display of the current measurement
values on the predefined channels. The DDS software system is designed for the follow up processing and archiving of all the
collected data.
Acquisition Control is executed by the A3750 software package. The user defines time controlled groups (TCG). Each group is
the set of measurements, which are taken in specified time intervals. By this way the user can collect some measurements every
second, other every minute and others in next different time intervals. TCG is free run or can be triggered by any measurement,
which exceeds the pre-defined limit. The data are finally saved to MS SQL Server database.
Optional a real time display with monitor, keyboard and mouse is available. This can display the overall values, frequency bands,
time waveforms, spectra and amplitude- and phase values on speed frequencies.
Computer mit
›› Sowohl die Einrichtung als auch die Datenaufzeichnung
EINRICHTUNG UND funktionierten über die DDS-Software. Nie war die Einrichtung
eines so komplexen Systems einfacher. Lediglich der „Baum“
mit Maschinen und Messpunkten sowie den zu ermittelnden
Messwerten muss einmalig eingerichtet werden. Diese werden
dann den entsprechenden Kanälen des Vibration Monitors
zugeordnet. Nach dem Starten werden die Messwerte automatisch
aufgezeichnet und in der Datenbank abgelegt.
›› Alle Daten werden kontinuierlich und permanent aufgezeichnet.
Machinery Condition Monitoring
RPM Channels Data Viewer for Control Rooms
Number: 4 independent rpm inputs
Speed range: 0,8 Hz - 1000 Hz
5 m Extension Cable for Sensor or Tacho
Input impedance: 80 kOhm
Input type: voltage VIB-CT-50010
Input range: + 10V (only one range, no gains) 10 m Extension Cable for Sensor or Tacho
Accuracy: <0.5 %
Triggering: positive or negative VIB-CT-50011
Standard Measuring Pad with
Trigger level: 0.1 -9.9 V, user defined
Plastic Cover a 10 pcs.
Input protection: 48 V
Static Channels (DC) Epoxy Metal Glue for Measuring Pads
Number: 16 DC
Input range: +/- 24 V or 4-20mA
Input impedance: 100kOhm (VDC), 250 Ohm (mADC)
A/D Resolution: 12 bit input
Accuracy: 0.1% fsd
Input protection: 30 V
Measurement Functions
Triggering: free run / impulse / external (voltage)
Data acquisition: overall values / time signal / real-time FFT /
envelope demodulation
Time waveform samples: 256 - 65536
Spectrum ranges: 25 - 25600
Spectrum lines: 100 - 25600
Processor: Intel Core2 - 2.5 GHz
Internal data disk: 250 GB
Interface: Ethernet 1GB RJ45
Power supply: AC 110-240V, 45-65Hz
Operating temperature: -10 ¡C - +50 ¡C, 15¡F-120¡F
EMC: CE tested
Dimensions: 482 x 87 x 326 [mm]
Weight: 9 kg
4. Software
Ordering Information
ADS Animated Deflection Shapes
Data Diagnostic Software
Ordering Information
DDS Data Diagnostic Software
Oil Condition Monitoring
Diesel Performance Analyser
Diesel Performance Analyser
Sea-going vessels require large amounts of fuel to operate. Therefore diesel engine performance is paramount to a ships
owner’s bottom line. Most marine diesel engines operate on lower-quality fuels that can cause ignition delays and incomplete
combustion. CMTs Diesel Performance Analysers can provide early detection of worn or damaged engine components such as
piston ring leakage, burnt piston crown, exhaust valve leakage and much more. It also ensures that the engine is well balanced
and the injection timing is correct. An optional feature is an acoustic emission sensor that measures fuel injection without
penetrating the fuel system. This option delivers enhanced engine performance by utilizing some of the latest technological
Oil Condition Monitoring
CMT does provide six different systems all with the same high accuracy:
• Peak Pressure Indicator: Easy, simple and efficient tool to measure peak pressure
• Diesel Indicator: Economic and simple device with no display on the indicator unit.
• Electronic DieselSCOPE/Premet C: Portable unit with direct graph, bar and table visual mode on a high resolution display.
• Diesel Combustion Analyser – Single Sensor: Similar to the DieselSCOPE functionality but permanently wired up.
• Electronic Combustion Analyser 24/7 Multi senor: measures continuously the performance of the main engine.
The CMT Peak Pressure Indicator is an easy, fast and cost effective
way to maintain your diesel engines. Ordering Information
Peak Pressure Indicator Types:
It measures the maximal firing pressure and the compression pressure of
two and four stroke combustion engines. It helps balancing and optimiz- DPA-CT-00140
ing your engine and with that you will be able to make the most out of Peak Pressure Indicator 140
your engine and fuel. Range: 0-140 bar
By cutting the fuel for one cylinder Peak Pressure Indicator 180
for a short time you can easily de- Range: 0-180 bar
tect any possible blow by to avoid DPA-CT-00220
unwanted loss of energy.
Peak Pressure Indicator 220
Optimizing your engine cannot be Range: 0-220 bar
easier with the help of the CMT DPA-CT-00250
Peak Pressure Indicator. Peak Pressure Indicator 250
Range: 0-250 bar
We have designed the new CMT
Peak Pressure Indicator with the DPA-CT-02000
engineer on site in mind. Peak Pressure Indicator 2000
It has been designed for easy Double Scale
operation and to protect its user in Range: 0-150 bar
case of excessive cylinder pressure. 0-2000 Psi
A safety glass gauge and Peak Pressure Indicator 3000
protection by a blow out back Double Scale
wall are just two examples for our Range: 0-225 bar
features to avoid accidents during 0-3000 Psi
the usage.
Spare part set for Peak Pressure
Every single device will be tested Benefits:
and calibrated according to our ISO
9001 quality standards and will be • The tool to optimize the • High accuracy at all speeds and
supplied with a calibration certifi- performance of your engine pressure ranges
cate proving the accuracy of the
device. • Prevents unbalanced operation • Easy and simple operation
of your engine
• Extremely robust and low
• Detect blowbys maintenance
• Made in Germany • Steel-gauge in safety
2. Premet C
The pressure inside the cylinder of a diesel engine indicates the efficiency
level of your engine. The Premet® C has been developed to show these
important data of your diesel engine during operations. This device gives
you the opportunity to fine tune your engine to higher efficiency resulting
in lower costs.
Compatible with engines on low-, medium- and high-speed the Premet® C is the
perfect system to optimize your fuel injections.
Optimizing your fuel injection does not only help with fuel consumption but also
helps to avoid repairs and demages.
Premet® C, Made in Germany, is using high-quality materials and is equipped with
the newest sensor from Kistler Switzerland supplying you with the most exact results
possible. Its compact build and stability ensure it will withstand the harsh conditions
on board.
With an easy to understand Software and intuitive operation interface the Premet®
C could not be easier to use. The results are easy to understand for all users and
reshown immediately on the high resolution colour display.
The results can be saved in the large internal memory and can be exported via an
USB connection. CMT provides the WPREMET or PREMET Performance Analyser
(PPA) software to analyse the results on a computer.
For more accuracy a TDC-Sensor can be equipped with the Premet® C. The TDC
allows to check the mean indicated pressure (MIP) and the indicated power to give
you the more detailed information about of your engine. (XL)
For low speed 2-stroke engines the TDC Sensor can be delivered with a multisensory
wheel to detect the crank angle in 360°. (XLMS)
Specification Ordering Information
ignition pressure range 0-250 bar
injection Pressure Range (only for option fuel) <1600 bar
PREMET C (internal sensor)
speed range 40-1800 rpm
max. number of cylinders 20 PREMET C (external sensor)
max. number of strokes per cylinder 30
Oil Condition Monitoring
manufactured according to ISO 9001 P
PREMET TDC Sensor (XL Option)
compensation of temperature P
USB connection P DPA-CT-12004
PREMET TDC Sensor & MS Wheel
stainless steel housing with isolated thermogrip P
(XLMS Option)
high resolution colour display P
accuracy better than class 1.6 DPA-CT-12005
PREMET Performance Analyser
3. Diesel Indicator
The Diesel Indicator is a portable unit that monitors The unit works for about four hours using two standard
the combustion process of diesel engines. It allows you AA batteries.
to tune the engine and detect faults or irregularities in
The nonvolatile memory stores one engine configuration and
their early developing stages.
indicated diagrams up to 20 cylinders.
The system consists of a robust metal handle unit including
The Electronic Diesel Indicator can measure with and without
cylinder pressure sensor, connected to the indicator valve
pickups and measures very accurate. The angle precision is 0.1
of the cylinder being measured and a magnetic, optical or
deg and the pressure resolution is 0.1 bar.
inductive pick-up(s) fitted on the flywheel.
The PC Software is installed on the flash memory of the Diesel
It is easy-to-use and very intuitive thanks to the very simple
Indicator. There is no need to install drivers or software on the
design: just two buttons and a simple display.
PC. Just connect your Diesel Indicator via USB. Your PC will
The Diesel Indicator was designed as a measuring unit easy to recognize the Diesel Indicator as USB device.
be connected to PC USB port. No hardware drivers or special
IT knowledge is required for the software installation.
4. DieselSCOPE
Ordering Information
DieselSCOPE Standard
1. D
ieselSCOPE handheld unit
230x105x40mm, 500 gr, 20 hours
battery life
The DieselSCOPE is supplied with a PC software package called DieselSCOPE View. 2. Kistler Pressure Sensor
The transfer of measurement records and engine data files to a PC is done via USB 3. Thompson Adapter
connection. 4. PC to DieselSCOPE USB Cable
5. Battery Charger
The DieselSCOPE View software helps to analyse the combustion process, store the
6. “DieselSCOPE View” Software Package
measurements in data files, print diagrams or complete reports, sent data files by
7. Instruction Manual
E-mail to the office.
The DieselSCOPE View facilitates the evaluation of the engine condition. Variety of Optional Parts
diagrams, bar plots and tables present the measurements and the manually entered
data in a user-friendly way. DPA-CT-17730
TDC Pick-up for 4 Stroke Engines
The DieselSCOPE View makes it easier to compare current with previously taken
reference data and thus to detect worn parts or incorrect adjustment.
The DieselSCOPE helps to reduce the engine’s operating cost. Cylinder-to-cylinder Pick-up for 2 Stroke Engines (Pair)
load balancing and correct fuel injection settings will optimise engine performance
and minimize specific fuel oil consumption. DPA-CT-17733
Acoustic Emission Sensor
Optional Fuel Sensor
Emission (AE) waves are commonly defined as transient The Acoustic Emission Sensors is a piezoelectric sensor with
elastic waves within a material caused by the release built-in amplifier and signal conditioning. It is optimised to
of localized stress energy. Hence, an event source is the detects waves in the range of 300 to 700 KHz , which are
phenomenon which releases elastic energy into the caused by the injection of the fuel through the nozzle, exhaust
material, which then propagates as an elastic wave. gas flow through the valve, impact of the injector needle,
closing and opening of the fuel pump spill.
AE events that are commonly studied among material failure
Oil Condition Monitoring
processes include the extension of a fatigue crack, or fibre The AE sensor is used to measure the angle at which these
breakage in a composite material. events occur and to detect deviations in injection timing, late
burning of fuel in the cylinder, leaking injectors.
AE is also related to an irreversible release of energy that
can be generated from sources not involving material failure The optional Acoustic Emission (AE) Sensor can be used for
including friction, cavitation and impact. Acoustic emissions the DieselSCOPE, the Combustion Analyser and the Electronic
can be detected in frequency up to 100 MHz. Combustion Analyser 24/7. It is not suitable for the use with
the ECON Diesel Indicator.
Specifications Benefits:
Frequency Range: 200-700 KHz (Acoustic Emission) • No penetration of the fuel system
Operating Temperature: 130 °C • Eliminates possible fuel leakage
Power Supply: 5.00 +/- 0.25 VDC • Applicable for 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines
Output Signal: 0.5-4.00 VDC
Ordering Information
Attachment: Alnico Magnet, 5.2 kg pull force
Diameter: 26 mm DPA-CT-17733
Acoustic Emission Sensor
Connector: Neutrik, NC4MP-BAG
Leaking nozzle
5. Diesel Performance Analyser - Single Sensor
Powered by the PC
• isolated pressure measurement
• eliminates 220/110 voltage problems
Ordering Information
customized system
- please contact our office to discuss details -
6. Diesel Performance Analyser - 24/7 Multi-Sensor
The Electronic Combustion Analyser 24/7 Multi Sensor is the most advanced
Ordering Information
system for continuous diesel engine performance. It has been developed to
be used for one Main Engine Only. It can monitor up to 12 cylinders and log
customized system
the data permanently. The Electronic Combustion Analyser is a comprehensive
- please contact our office to discuss details -
system for continuous engine performance measurement and monitoring which
will provide the key knowledge for obtaining optimum and reliable engine
performance data. Using the combustion information you will have minimum
engine wear, an optimum emission and fuel consumption.
• Longer lifetime of components Measuring Range: A24 (0...200bar), A14 (0...103 bar), A34 (0...300bar)
• Optimized maintenance planning Sensitivity: A24 (50 µA/bar), A14 (100 µA/bar), A34 (33,3 µA/bar)
Overload: 300 bar
• Early fault detection
Connector (IP67): M12x1
• Increased operational safety
Linearity at 23°C: < ± 0,75 %FSO
• Lower fuel consumption Mounting Torque: 15 N • m
Water Condition Monitoring
Water Condition Monitoring
Marine Water Test Kits
Offshore installations and vessels have a variety of
systems that require monitoring for either optimal
performance, meeting current or forthcoming legislation
and to minimize the risks for the crew or visitor’s Health
and Safety on board.
Water Condition Monitoring
Potable water is our most important nutrient and is used for CMT provides a complete training for Marine Portable
both drinking and cooking. The water being used for personal Water Tests to ensure the attendee is qualified to perform
hygiene and all types of cleaning requires the same high all test according the legislations. At the end of the training
quality. It is therefore important to have enough water of each attendee will get a certificate proving the respective
satisfactory quality to cover all types of usage. qualification.
International regulations regarding the Potable Water Quality The CMT Marine Water Test Solutions comply with:
Monitoring and Control were driven by the World Health
• MLC (2006)
Organization (WHO) via its International Health Regulations
(IHR). Soon enough adapted for on-board potable water, as • WHO International Health Regulations (2005)
part of the overall Ship Sanitation Certificate.
• ILO 178 (2009)
MLC 2006 does apply to all seagoing vessels and is coming
• European Drinking Water Regulations
into force on 20th August 2013.
• Norwegian Drinking Water Regulations (applies for ALL
Monitoring and control compliance procedures are laid out in
ships calling Norwegian ports!)
the Guide for Ship Sanitation detailing:
the systems that require monitoring,
the method and frequency of monitoring
the record keeping requirements
Simple regular assessment and testing of the potable water
system for microbiological activity, biocide (disinfection
control) and implementing a correct control scheme (i.e.
temperature monitoring), will ultimately reduce the risk of a
disease and save lives.
The CMT Marine Potable Water Test Kits were developed to
offer rigs and vessels the complete monitoring solutions for
their water systems, with the option of additional extras if
required. Suitable control schemes with adequate testing &
monitoring will aid with the compliance of the current ILO
MLC (2006). These test kits provide real time analysis and
simple to perform tests which require no specialist training.
According to ILO MLC (2006) also a qualified person is
required on board the vessel or rig to perform the test.
Potable Water Test Kit
Potable water can contain Microbes
Ordering Information
that cause infectious disease or
food poisoning, such as bacteria,
viruses and parasites. Recent high
Marine Potable Water Test Kit
profile legionella outbreaks on
board ships has highlighted issues
of crew and passenger health and
Marine Potable Water Test Cabinet
safety, particularly in respect of
microbiological contamination. r ef
pH Test Strips
Options for Potable Water Test Kits
is used on-board.
Colour: 0 - 500 APHA
Once the potable water is produced or Turbidity: 5 - 500 JTU
bunkered it is essential to keep the water Iron (50): 0 - 5 ppm
free of bacteria. There are different ways Copper (50): 0 - 5 ppm
of treating the water. One common Test Time: 1 minute
way is to use an ultraviolet light source
Iron Reagent (50): WTK-CT-85006
to remove any possible bacteria before
Turbidity Test Tube Reagents: non hazardous
the water is distributed and consumed.
Alternatively the water can be ionized Copper Reag. (50): WTK-CT-85007
with Silver Ions with the advantage Reagents: non hazardous
of keeping silver ions in the water to
deal with any possible bacteria until WTK-CT-80004:
the water is consumed. Most effective Chlorine Comparator Option
and also very common is to treat the Range free Cl: 0 – 1.0 / 0-3.5 ppm
water with chemicals to keep it free of Range total Cl: 0 – 3.5 / 0-125 ppm
bacterial growth during storage and Accuracy: +/- 5%
distribution. Most common on-board Test time: 2 / 4 min free / total Cl
seagoing vessels is Chlorine or Chlorine Reagents: non hazardous
dioxide. Reagent Pack (HR): WTK-CT-85008
Reagent Pack (LR): WTK-CT-85009
If you use chemicals as sanitizer you will
need in addition one of our sanitizer
options – depending on what chemical
Chlorine Dioxide Option
you are using. CMT also provides an
Range : 0 – 0.7 / 0-2 / 0-7 ppm
Chlorine / Chlorine Dioxide Option option to test for Hardness or Chloride.
Accuracy: +/- 10%
There are four sanitizer options available: Test time: 2 minutes
Reagents: non hazardous
Chlorine Comparator Option
Reagent Pack: WTK-CT-85010
Chlorine Drop Test Option
Chlorine Dioxide Option
Free Silver Option/ Consumables
Silver Ion Option Range: 0 – 100 ppb
Accuracy: +/- 20%
To measure the effectiveness of
Test time: 3 minutes
treatment chemicals it is important to
Reagents: non hazardous
measure the amount of active chemical
to deal with the bacteria.
Therefore CMTs test devices allow to Enterococci Option/ Consumables
measure the free Chlorine and the free Range: presence/absence
Silver Ions what is not possible in a Accuracy: go/ no go
laboratory since the free ions will have Sampling Prep.: 1 minute
reacted before the sample has arrived Incubation: ca. 16-24 hrs
in the lab. Therefore it is essential to Reagents: non hazardous
measure this on-board. In a lab it is only
possible to measure the combined or
total chemical which can be measured
Enterococci Option on board as well to avoid any health risk
or bad taste of the water.
Legionella is a bacteria which can Ordering Information
cause a pneumonia-like disease
called “Legionnaires’ Disease”. WTK-CT-80010
Infection occurs when the bacteria CMT Legionella Field Test Kit (10)
is inhaled from aerosols of Detection Limit: 100 CFU/ml
contaminated water. Aerosols can Operator Time: < 2 min
be produced anywhere water is Development Time: 25 min
splashed or sprayed but some of the Shelf Life: min 12 month
Single Legionella Test most common sources associated Sample Parameter: pH 5 – 10 /
Incubator Option
CMTs new portable incubator brings Ordering Information
lab like conditions to the field of onsite
testing of bacterial contamination.
Digital Incubator
To create reliable and repeatable
Capacity: 3.2 l
incubation conditions when in the
Dimensions: 215 x 161 x 170 mm
field has been a problem in the past
Operating Temp.: 35 °C - 45 °C
because small and portable but on the
Power: 100 / 240V AC 50/60 Hz
other hand reliable and temperature
Weight: 4 kg
stable incubators were not available.
A bacteriological analysis demands an
incubator to create repeatable results.
CMTs incubator offers a reliable,
temperature stable environment for the
incubation of bacteriological samples
Portable Incubator for Bacterial Test and that while being portable and
• Applicable for testing of a multitude
of different parameters
• Portable and therefore useable in
the field and in the lab
• Digitally adjustable temperature
with real time display of the actual
inside temperature
• Clear viewing lid
CMT has developed further options for Ordering Information
the Marine Potable Water Test Kit to test
water properties.
Conductivity is an indirect Conductivity / TDS Meter
measurement of total dissolved solids. Range: 0 – 2000 µS; 2-20mS
Typical value (approximately) for 0 - 13000 ppm
untreated distillates is 50 µS/cm. Water Accuracy: +/- 2%
from shore sources should have around Test time: < 1 min
Water Condition Monitoring
h az w n o
ar d n
Hardness below 60 mg/l poses high ou
risk of copper corrosion. Too low
Chloride / Hardness Option Potable Hardness Option/ Consumables
hardness should trigger evaluation of
Range: 0.5 - 60 ppm
corrosive processes in the piping and
Test time: 3 minutes
existing of heavy metals in the potable
Reagents: UN 3267
water due to corrosion.
2. Marine Sewage Water Test Kits
MARPOL Annex IV, as adopted ISPPC (International Sewage Pollution Ordering Information
in resolution MEPC.115(51), Prevention Certificate) are issued upon No
ha w n
z ar on
which entered into force on 27th successful inspection and are valid for 5 WTK-CT-80011 do
September 2008, applies to ships on years. Marine Sewage Effluent Cabinet us
international voyages which are: Range:
Requirements from MARPOL Annex IV
Nowadays tests in the market are complicated and comprehensively. The Chief-Engineers almost need to have a chemist-degree
in order to understand and execute the time consuming tests. The CMT Sewage Effluent Test Kit is simple and very user-friendly.
The discharge of raw sewage into the
Ordering Information
sea can create a health hazard, while in
coastal areas sewage can also lead to
oxygen depletion and an obvious visual
Chlorine (free) Drop Test
Range free Cl: 0 – 30 ppm
Environmental issues are still a hot topic Accuracy: +/- 10%
these days. The shipping community Test time: 2 / 4 min
expresses its concern about the Reagents: non hazardous
Water Condition Monitoring
Regular testing will allow rapid corrective action to take place if required, helping to
maintain optimum operating conditions, minimum downtime and reducing costs.
Ultimately the CMT Marine Effluent Cabinet will aid compliance with MARPOL
Annex IV.
The CMT Marine Water Test Solutions comply with:
• MARPOL Annex IV: Resolution MEPC.2 (IV)
• MARPOL Annex IV: Resolution MEPC.115 (51)
• MARPOL Annex IV: Resolution MEPC.159 (55)
In line with new IMO / MARPOL regulations, CMT has developed a simple
and effective way to test sewage water onboard. The test is a requirement to
be executed before you are allowed to enter many ports today, also it will be
compulsory across the whole globe.
3. Ballast Water Test Kit
As everyone in the industry viable count of any bacteria in the ballast Ordering Information
knows, ballast water exchange is water.
an important process, but it’s one WTK-CT-80031:
The Ballast Water Performance Standard
which involves several complex Ballast Water Test Kit
and the Ballast Water Health Standard
processes. There are a number of Content:
have two phases. Phase one is in place
4. Cooling and Boiler Water Test Kits
Engine cooling systems contain CMT supply treatment test kits for
Ordering Information
carefully blended additives that engine cooling water and steam
prevent scale deposits and corrosion boiler water. The kits are very simple N o
of engine waterways. It is very to operate and will enable the ships
WTK-CT-80015 h az w n o
Cooling Water Test Kit
ar d n
important that the concentration engineer to monitor scale and corrosion ou
100 x Chloride LR (20-400 ppm)
Water Condition Monitoring
Water Condition Monitoring
Benefits: To measure Chloride in cooling water
Ordering Information
treated with the corrosion inhibitor
• Optimise operating conditions
Glysacorr G-93/94 the standard Chloride
• Reduce energy costs test, also from other suppliers, will not
Glysacorr Chloride Test
work. To specifically serve our customers
• Measure key boiler and cooling Range: (50-300 ppm)
using Glysacorr G-93/94 as additive, the
water inhibitors
new Glysacorr Chloride Test Kit has been
• Simple step-by-step instructions developed.
Glycol Refractometer
To measure the level of Glycol in cooling Range: 0-70%
water CMT also provides a Glycol
Refractometer. The refractometer allows WTK-BW-80026
easy tests of the level for Propylene and BRIX Refractometer
Ethylene Glycol up to 70% securing a Range: 0-10 BRIX
protection down to -50 °C.
pH Meter
Range: pH: -2 - 16
Temp: 0 - 90 °C
Accuracy: +/- 0.02 pH / 0.3 °C
Test time: < 1 min
Reagents: non hazardous
Buffer Solution 4.0: WTK-CT-85014
Buffer Solution 7.0: WTK-CT-85015
Buffer Solution 10.0: W TK-CT-85016
Complete Monitoring Solutions
Complete Monitoring Solutions
Condition Monitoring System
Regular condition monitoring of machinery is key to effective predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance
techniques help determine the condition of in-service equipment in order to predict when maintenance should be
performed. A carefully planned condition monitoring system prevents machinery failure and avoids damages to your
business operation.
At least for the foreseeable future it is unlikely that there will be a complete condition monitoring solution, monitoring oil and
Complete Monitoring Solutions
engine condition and detecting problems at an early stage using a single sensor with a simple display. The combination of different
condition monitoring systems into one system allows more cost-effective predictive maintenance. The best overall machinery
monitoring program is one that utilizes multiple, integrated monitoring technologies.
This is why we have developed the CMT Monitoring System combining well known sensor technologies into a product monitoring
your assets 24/7.
The CMT Condition Monitoring System is an integrated and flexible condition based maintanance (CBM) solution for critical plant
such as a wind turbine gearbox, oil rigs, thruster systems and other. Designed to be easily installed the CMT Monitoring System
offers multi tiered alarms alerting the user of any problems instantly. Greatly flexible the system is fully scalable allowing monitoring
of a lot of different machinery. It allows the integration of existing CM systems and can even be easily upgraded to include further
additional critical systems afterwards.
The solution is based on the proven range of CMT condition monitoring products and services, including robust on-line technology
for vibration analysis, lubricant monitoring and data gathering. CMTs services include turnkey installation, commissioning, remote
data analysis, draft of machinery condition reports, as well as suggestions for reliability improvements based on the gathered data.
CMTs Monitoring System helps operators because it provides the basis for proactive
maintenance and operational decisions based on the actual machinery condition.
The CMT Monitoring Solution is a modular system which allows an adaption to your
requirements and system conditions. The main components are:
• PLC Based Central Unit (1 per system)
• Control Panel (1 .... n per system)
• Vibration Monitor (0 .... n per system)
• Oil Sensor Box (0 .... n per system)
• Torque Meter (0 .... n per system)
Additionally it can read any existing performance data from your plant.
The Central unit is the hub of the system and therefore each solution needs one of
these. All other components can be duplicated as needed. The Vibration Monitor, the
Torque Meter and the Oil Sensor Box are optional.
Complete Monitoring Solutions
1. PLC Based Central Unit
The Siemens PLC based Central Unit is the heart of the CMT Monitoring
System. It collects all information and controls the entire system. The
gathered data is being pre-processed and then data packages and access are
being provided to the CMT Control Panel.
CMTs latest generation of monitoring systems comes with a rugged enclosure, high
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and a protection rating up to IP65. The Central
Unit is highly vibration and shock resistant thanks to the used components like for
example SSD drives. Connectors and card retainers are all lockable.
With its diverse product features and the available additional system upgrades the
Central unit ensures a long term plant availability and cost effectiveness while also
reducing any follow up costs.
The modular unit allows maximum flexibility for any requirements our customers may
have. Almost any number and type of inputs can be processed with the new Central
PLC Based Central Unit (Source: SIEMENS)
Unit. This also allows an easy extension of the system at a later stage.
2. Control Panel
functionality also includes to set up the entire system including alarm levels etc.
The 19 inch touchscreen allows easy control of all information. The main functions of
the CMT Control Panel are:
• Displaying the current condition of the equipment monitored
• Highlighting any problems, setting and controlling alarms
• Data storage and display of historical data
• Data export for example via USB or as email to preset recipients to enable remote
Control Panel data analysis and control
• System set up
Industrial PCs from Siemens veritably comply with the highest quality standards
associated with the “Made in Germany” label. This is ensured by German developed
main boards and innovative technologies for reliable continuous operation in an
industrial environment. Integrated quality assurance concept - maximum quality right
from the start.
3. CMS Options
Condition Monitoring tools have become smaller, lighter, faster handled by options which can be combined freely according to
and more sophisticated in recent years. Functionality that our customers needs.
once was limited to a computer in an office can now be easily
Currently available standard options are:
done in the field with the right CM analysis tool. It is now
possible to do complete equipment analysis at the machine. • Lubrication oil parameters
• Vibration Monitoring
Vibration Monitor
Ordering Information
CMT Vibration Monitor (16 Sensors)
Complete with
16 x Vibration Sensors
18 x Cable Assembly
2 x Tacho Probe
Acceleration Sensor 100 mV/g
Vibration monitoring is the most The Vibration Monitor can measure the VIB-CT-50006
common method for condition acceleration in up to 16 different places Laser Tacho Probe
monitoring. However, also this simultaneously. At the same time it can
technology does have its limitations measure up to 4 different rotational SEN-CT-16910
and should therefore be only one speeds. A real time spectral analysis is Inductive Tacho Sensor
part of a complete monitoring provided to get the acceleration and
system. velocity in a high resolution spectrum VIB-CT-50011
with up to 56,000 lines. Furthermore Standard Measuring Pad with
Each Vibration Monitor module Plastic Cover a 10 pcs.
the enveloped signal is analysed.
contains 16 AC, 16 DC and 4 TACHO
inputs. All 16 channels are measured Data is transferred via an OPC server to VIB-CT-50018
simultaneously. The CMT condition the Control Panel. At the control panel Epoxy Metal Glue for Measuring Pads
monitoring system can operate with RMS values are shown only at a very
several Vibration Monitor units. For a narrow band at fault frequencies for the
high number of vibrational measuring bearings or at the gear mesh frequency.
points CMT does provide a Multiplex To detect threats to the general system
unit allowing to connect up to 64 condition like imbalances, loose feet or
vibration sensors to one Vibration misalignments the velocity is monitored
Monitor unit. With the Multiplex unit at nominal, double and triple rotational
4 times 16 points are measured in speed frequency.
This allows the end user to trend single
he Vibration Monitor can measure the numbers instead of evaluating expert Vibration sensor with pad, connector and cable
acceleration in up to 16 different places level FFT diagrams. A customisable
simultaneously. At the same time it can traffic light alarm system is being used
measure up to 4 different rotational for a simple and understandable display
speeds. A real time spectral analysis is of the condition.
provided to get the acceleration and
velocity in a high resolution spectrum
with up to 56,000 lines. Furthermore
the enveloped signal is analysed.
Oil Sensor Box
Consisting of a combination of oil sensors, the Oil Sensor box has been
developed to offer real-time monitoring of oil on critical plant such as a wind
turbine gearbox. The Sensor Box makes frequent inspections of remote oil
and machine health a feasible option. The risk of sampling error is eliminated
and data from the sensors can be streamed via any network system, allowing
Complete Monitoring Solutions
Torque Meter
4. Application Specific Solutions
The CMT Condition Monitoring System is modular and flexible customers as off the shelf solution if they do not want to
and can be used for monitoring most equipment. On the other invest in a fully customized system.
hand this means a lot of customising for each application
Although specifically put together they still can be modified to
taking time and adding cost to the system.
meet your exact monitoring requirements. At the same time
To help our customers to find the right solution for their they combine our experience from previous similar monitoring
CMT Thruster Monitor
The CMT Thruster Monitor is an
integrated and flexible condition
based maintenance solution for
propulsion and positioning thrusters
(tunnel and azimuth thrusters) in the
marine and offshore industry.
CMT’s Thruster Monitor keeps you
informed about the thruster condition
and gives real-time feedback on the
CMT Offshore Wind Turbine Monitor
Engineered Products and Service
Engineered Products and Service
1. Torque Meter��������������������������������������������85
2. Installation and Commission Service����������87
3. Ultrasonic Cleaning���������������������������������� 88
4. Robot R19�������������������������������������������������91
Engineered Products and Services
Condition Monitoring ist the basis for condition based maintanance. CMT
does not stop at providing condition monitoring technologies but does go a
step beyond to provide also services to get a CM system running and also to
keep the equipment in a good condition.
Engineered Products and Service
CMT offers a broad range of modernization and optimization solutions that keep the
vessel competitive and prolong its profitable lifecycle. Retrofit options are provided to
enhance productivity, safety, energy efficiency and environmental impact. By choosing
CMT you gain a dedicated partner with capability for consulting, implementing and
overseeing the complete modernization project.
Services available include turnkey installation, commissioning, remote data analysis
and reporting, as well as suggested reliability improvements based on the monitored
CMT does also provide a series of engineered products related to condition
monitoring for automation of condition monitoring devices but also cleaning
solutions for oil filter cartridges or engine components.
Knowing that every condition monitoring technology is only as good as the
information source CMT has developed a wide range of oil sampling equipment for
heavy fuels on the marine industry but also for simple but representative sampling of
lubricants and hydraulic oil.
Ordering Information
Torque Meter
• Sensor: Contact-free
2. Installation and Commission Service
Our long experience with installation and commissioning on board seagoing
vessels ensures cost-effective retrofit or new building installations including
final commissioning that are carried out with a minimum on interruption to
your business. As a turn-key supplier we can handle every phase of a project
from design and engineering to installation, commissioning and training.
The expanding world fleet operates in an uncertain environment, with ever tougher
competition and increasing price pressures, which puts the spotlight on safe and
cost-effective ship operation. This requires a partner able to maintain the new,
more advanced vessels as well as keeping the ageing fleet operating safely, more
efficiently, and up to date to stricter standards. Off-hire must be mitigated or
We have teams of experienced and qualified technicians to provide you with support
for the turnkey installation and commissioning of condition monitoring systems
purchased from CMT.
When we provide installation and commissioning services – whether for a control
systems or a complete package – our technicians work alongside the project
managers and engineers to ensure smooth and efficient installation to the highest
In the early stages of your system life we want to ensure you get everything you
need to meet project time lines and site needs. Our services include:
• Installation
• Pre-commissioning and Commissioning
• Site Acceptance Testing
• Personnel Introductory Training
• Support at system start up
• Operating and Maintenance Documents
• Spares installation / repair
• Fault Finding
A tailored commissioning visit proposal can also be produced (if not offered as part
of the original contract) based on a set of specific terms and conditions. CMT service
engineers regularly travel the World, keeping our valued overseas clients equipment
in full working order. In most cases seven days notice is needed to arrange a
commissioning visit.
Even if the condition monitoring equipment was not installed by CMT, our team
will be happy to quote for a commissioning visit, safety inspection, or full material
handling service contract. Just make a request and we’ll take care of your condition
monitoring equipment service needs.
CMT has developed commissioning routines that ensure the work is carried
out safely and effectively, and that your crew has the knowledge and
confidence to operate the vessel to a high standard.
All CMT Automation products are designed with easy installation and commissioning
in mind and will have passed comprehensive testing at the factory before they reach
the shipyard or the vessel. The commissioning process follows established routines
that ensure the work is carried out effectively, safely, and to a high standard which
will provide the foundation for reliable life cycle performance.
Engineered Products and Service
Your benefits:
• Worldwide Service with flying crew.
• System installations and commissioning of systems are undertaken with
minimum interruption to your facility
• Flexibility for challenging vessel schedules, weekend or evening work
• Method statements and risk assessments carried out
• Special training programmes undertaken - see Training section for more
We are always happy to discuss specific requirements and our business is based on
tailoring services to your exact needs - please contact us for any further information
you require.
3. Ultrasonic Cleaning
Over the past, CMT’s precision ultrasonic cleaning systems have been incorporated
on many seagoing vessels all over the world. Our ultrasonic cleaning tanks range in
size from 20 litre baths to larger powerful ultrasonic cleaners tailored to individual
customer requirements.
• material: stainless steel ASTM A240 / DIN 1.4571
• 2 mm thickness completely welded
• working frequency: 30 kHz
• Power Supply: 230 or 440 (380) V 50/60 Hz
• integrated or external generator
Engineered Products and Service
Part Number Type Volume inner Dimensions Power US power Heating Weight external Level
(L x W x H) [mm] Supply [V] effective [W] Element [W] [kg] Generator Sensor
MUS-CT-20434 USB 434 20 400 x 250 x 250 230 300 1200 25
MUS-CT-20535 USB 535 38 500 x 300 x 300 230 400 1800 40
MUS-CT-40535 USB 535-4 38 500 x 300 x 300 440 400 1800 40
MUS-CT-20536 USB 536 60 500 x 300 x 400 230 400 1300 40
MUS-CT-20645 USB 645 50 550 x 350 x 300 230 500 1800 45
MUS-CT-40645 USB 645-4 50 550 x 350 x 300 440 500 1800 45
MUS-CT-40756 USB 756-4 80 600 x 400 x 400 440 300 3000 60
MUS-CT-40867 USB 867-4 170 750 x 500 x 500 440 1000 4500 80 X
MUS-CT-00867 USB 867 LT 170 750 x 500 x 500 440 1000 4500 80 X
MUS-CT-40868 USB 868 LT 200 750 x 500 x 600 440 1000 5400 90 X
MUS-CT-68068 USB 868 LTX 200 750 x 500 x 650 440 1000 5400 90 X X
MUS-CT-41168 USB 1168 LT 250 1000 x 500 x 600 440 1200 5400 115 X
MUS-CT-61168 USB 1168 LTX 250 1000 x 500 x 650 440 1200 5400 115 X X
MUS-CT-21480 USB 1480 LTX 350 1250 x 500 x 650 440 1800 6000 125 X X
MUS-CT-80440 OCTAMAR 370 550 x 550 x 900 230 / 440 2400 5400 150 X X
MUS-CT-80690 OCTAMAR 690 370 550 x 550 x 900 690 2400 5400 170 X X
4. Robot R19
The Robot R19 is ideal for highly The Robot R19 will allow you to decrease unnecessary costs, increase productivity
accurate, bench top handling of and save labour, provide more results with greater consistency and eliminate human
samples and is the perfect way error. The Robot R19 will soon become a irreplaceable part of your laboratory.
to get more from your PQ device.
Henry Ford said:”If you need a
The system comprises 2 main units:
machine and don’t buy it, then
you will ultimately find that you • The Robot: With a cylindrical workspace and a nominal reach of 550mm, the robot
have paid for it.” Do not make this is driven by stepper motors and controlled by intelligent micro-stepping metal
mistake in your laboratory. oxide semiconductor (MOS) power drives with incremental encoder feedback. A
choice of grippers is available; either pneumatic or electric. The pneumatic gripper
The function of the computer is to: is operated by compressed air from 5 to 7 bar (the compressor is included as part
of the kit).
– Program the Controller
• The Controller: Making instant decisions by reading real time signals from all
– Copy (back up) the contents of
associated equipment, the controller manages the complete movement and testing
Controller RAM to disk
process. Once programmed, it is capable of running without a host computer, but
– Perform a supervisory role, sending is normally connected to a computer which supervises robot operation and logs
commands to the Controller through PQ measurements. The controller may also be connected to a computer or
the serial interface. LIMS system.
CMT Training
CMT Training
Listed below are some skills and courses our engineers offer:
To conduct half day to full day sessions on basic to advanced monitoring topics
for vessel / office engineering / maintenance personnel involved with monitoring
To share CMTs engineering and monitoring expertise with your personnel to improve
operation, avoid break downs and / or comply with legislations.
To training in our modern seminar rooms in one of our world wide offices.
Alternatively we offer external training on-board your ships, in your office or any
other location like hotel conference rooms.
To adapt the training to meet your specific needs in terms of content and
To emphasize application, technical issues, problem identification and resolution
rather than products.
To use an interactive problem solving approach to involve training participants in
knowledge building.
To create an awareness of the impact of poor and good monitoring practices.
• T raining on basic to advanced monitoring topics, professionally delivered by
knowledgeable CMT personnel and, as appropriate, by external speaker.
• Certificate to participants documenting the content of the training provided.
• Detailed seminar documentation for later reference.
• Small groups for most effective training.
Potential Benefits:
• Increase competency and value of personnel
• Increase equipment life, reliability and availability trough effective and efficient
monitoring practices
• pportunity for engineering / maintenance personnel to learn and exchange
useful information
• pdated on most current industry knowledge and experience as well as on
latest legislation
1. Basic Oil Seminar
Oil is used in various different applications and does have different tasks to
Lubrications oil is use to avoid friction between moving parts. Hydraulic
oil is used to transmit forces. Oils are also expected to cool or to avoid
CMT Training
contaminations to harm the engine. Oils in modern equipment are complex
and expensive liquids. It is therefore important to understand and maintain
the oil.
Oil can tell us long stories about the performance of the equipment. It is essential
to be able to read and understand this valuable information. It also tells us a story
about itself. Oil does age and might need to be replaced when it does come to the
end of its lifetime. However, similar to a human there is no predefined lifetime for an
oil. It is a waste of money to change oil too early and a big risk to wait too long. Only
the oil itself can tell us whether it is still fit for further use or should be replaced.
Potable water is our most important nutrient and is used for both drinking
and cooking.
The water being used for personal hygiene and all types of cleaning requires
the same high quality. It is therefore important to have enough water of
satisfactory quality to cover all types of usage.
CMT Training
Training Topics
• Introduction into potable water
• Risks for fresh water supply and making on board
• Hazardous contaminations (microbes / chemical elements)
• Different methods of disinfection
• Legionella and other bacteria
• Legislation framework (MLC 2006 / IHR)
• Risk Management and Water Safety Plan
• Ship owners / masters duties
• Water testing: What, When, Where, Why?
• How to use on-board test kits
Monitoring and control compliance procedures are laid out in the Guide for Ship
Sanitation detailing:
• the systems that require monitoring,
• the method and frequency of monitoring
• the record keeping requirements
The draft guidelines were created in close collaboration with the International Labour
Organisation (ILO) and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
Alongside SOLAS, MARPOL and the STCW Convention the MLC, 2006 has been
introduced as the fourth pillar of the regulatory regime of IMO. It will require an
MLC 2006 certificate and enters into force 2012.
3. Cylinder Drain Oil Management
Cylinder oil in a main engine has two main tasks. It should lubricate the
engine to have an acceptable low wear level and it has to neutralize the
sulphuric acid to avoid unexpected acid corrosion in the liner.
By analysing scrapedown oil collected from the scavenge space shipboard
personnel are able to monitor the condition of the engine’s cylinders and
CMT Training
detect changes as they occur.
Improve the efficiency of your engine!
Training Topics
• Introduction into Cylinder Drain Oil Management.
• Cylinder Oil
• ow is a cylinder lubricated / piston running conditions / different lubrication
• Cylinder wear, types of wear and how is it detected and measured / monitored
• L ow / high sulphur fuel – what does sulphur in respect of the lubrication regime?
• The sulphur / base balance – optimise the feed rate
• Cylinder Drain Oil Analysis – onshore / on board
• Sampling the drain oil, how and when
• Interpreting results and taking actions
• Field experience
• Open discussion
OEM Testimonial:
“It is MAN’s experience that, in addition to regular scavenge port inspections; drip
oil analysis can be a very useful tool to monitor combustion and cylinder condition.
Drip oil analysis can detect changes in cylinder liner wear and help with cylinder oil
feed rate optimization programs.”
Wärtsilä Switzerland: “Measuring the total iron content of piston underside oil
provides a very valuable feedback of the piston running conditions in each cylinder,
and allows the operator to optimise cylinder oil feed rates for a specific set of
operating conditions.”
4. Monitoring with Vibration Analysis New
CMT Vibration Analysis Sensors and Condition Monitoring Systems are
designed for harsh marine environments. Vibration analysis can be easily and
quickly applied by engineers on board your vessel!
Vibration monitoring can be classified in three categories, Broad band
vibration (ISO 10816), Vibration analysis in the frequency domain and
CMT Training
Training Topics
• Introduction into Vibration Analysis Monitoring
• Differences between Vibration and Acoustic Monitoring
• Finding lubrication problems
• Instant “health” checking – finding equipment problems
• Confirming repair success
• Air leaks detection
• Hands-on training with VA portable instruments
• Using the View software for trend analysis
• FFT Frequency analysis and data export
• Field experience
• Open discussion
The power of Vibration Analysis lies in the fact that it directly detects the physical
processes such as friction, impacts and metal removal associated with failure. CMT
Vibration Analysis testing can be applied to virtually any rotating machinery. This
includes those equipment traditionally difficult to measure such as slow speed
machinery and complex gearboxes.
5. Diesel Performance
CMT Training
Monitoring diesel engine performance by conventional “draw card”
methods, along with planimeter calculations, is time consuming and subject
to human error. Unfortunately engine efficiency still suffers from timing
problems and load imbalances that occur and remain undetected between
scheduled maintenance.
Slow or late combustion is one of the most common problems in diesel
engine operation. Balancing the cylinder load extends engine life, increases
efficiency, and reduces emissions to assist with environmental compliance.
Proper ignition timing reduces the exhaust gas temperature and rate of
excess carbon build-up. Tuning the engine may reduce specific fuel oil
consumption resulting in significant savings.
Improve the efficiency of your engine!
Training Topics
• Introduction into Diesel Engine Performance Analysis
• Defining different pressures and angles calculate indicated power
• Identification of problems by using the pressure / angle and pressure /
volume diagram
• Cylinder load balance
• What influences the ignition time?
• What are the results of late ignition and how can it be identified?
• Slow or late combustion. What are the results and how can it be identified?
• Differences between different diesel performance analysers
• Interpreting results and taking actions.
• Field experience
• Open discussion
CM Technologies GmbH
Marie-Curie-Str. 5
25337 Elmshorn, Germany
Tel: +49 (4121) 700890