AB BC : Part A
AB BC : Part A
AB BC : Part A
(C) The QRS complex occurs during Explanation: 109 (c) Endolymph should have
ventricular depolarization higher K+ concentration as compared to Na+
and Na+ concentration should be higher in
(D) Q T interval indicates plateau portion of parilymph for the excitation of hair cells. Also
auricular action potential the displacement of stereo cilia is
Select the combination with INCORRECT maintained by mechanically sensitive cation
statements from the following options. channels
(a) A and B (b) B and C 110. The peaks of the compound action
potential (i.e., A, B and C) recorded from a
(c) C and D (d) B and D mammalian mixed nerve were affected
Explanation: 108 (d) The normal ECG consists after application of increasing pressure on
of a P wave, a QRS complex, and a T wave. the nerve. Some probable changes of
A wave representing repolarization of the compound action are stated below:
atria cannot be seen because it occurs (A) ‘A’ peak was inhibited by lower intensity
during the QRS complex. The time between of pressure
the beginning of the P wave and the
beginning of the QRS complex is the PQ or (B) ‘C’ peak was inhibited by higher of
PR interval, during which the atria contract pressure
Explanation: 121 (b) In Bryophyta, reddish- (D). Pectoral girdle iv. Sigmoid notch
brown, multicellular, branched rhizoids are Which one of the following options gives the
found and also numerous chloroplasts are correct match of the bones with their specific
present per cell. Stomata are only present in features?
sporophyte capsule. In marchantiophyta
rhizoids are one-celled and unbranched but (a) A (iii), B (i), C (iv), D (ii)
cells contain numerous chloroplast. Stomata (b) A (ii), B (i), C (iii), D (iv)
is absent in both generations. In
anthocerotophyta, one-celled/unicellular (c) A (iv), B (ii), C (i), D (iii)
rhizoids are present. The gametophyte cells (d) A (i), B (iii), C (iv), D (ii)
contain one or few chloroplasts. The
stomata are present on the capsule wall and Explanation: 123 (a) The correct match of the
widely separated from each other. They two columns is given below:
arise from median longitudinal division of Axis verebra (Second cervical vertebra) -
sporophytic epidermal cells. Thus A- odontoid process
Bryophyta, B-Marchantiophyta and C-
Anthocerotophyta Pectoral girdle- Acromion process (bony
process of scapula)
122. Following table shows a list of clades and
plants: Ulna - Sigmoid notch/cavity
(A). Basal (i). Black pepper 124. The figure belows shows the nervous
angiosperms system of Mollusca with ganglia and the
connecting nerves. The connecting nerves
(B). Megnolids (ii). Orchid are labelled as A, B, C and D
(C). Monocots (iii). Star anise
(D). Eudicots (iv). Strawberry
Which one of the following is a correct
match for the above?
(a) A (iii), B (iv), C (ii), D (i)
(b) A (ii), B (i), C (iii), D (iv)
(c) A (ii), B (iv), C (iii), D (i) Which one of the following options has
(d) A (iii), B (i), C (ii), D (iv) correct labelling of A, B, C and D?
Explanation:122 (d) Star anise belongs to the (a) A Cerebral commissure; B Left Cerebro-
third clade of basal angiosperms. Black pedal connective; C Pedal -
pepper belongs to the clade Magnolids. commissure; D Left Pedal-visceral
Orchid belongs to the clade Monocots while connective
strawberry belongs to the clade Eudicots. (b) A Cerebral connective; B Left Cerebro-
pedal commissure; C Pedal -
(b) 14
C (ii) 15.1 (y)
(c) 24
C (iii) 20 min