HEA10003 FMS Coaching Plan Template
HEA10003 FMS Coaching Plan Template
HEA10003 FMS Coaching Plan Template
ACTIVITY 1- Effective Catching Move around the group and ensuring Equipment
Aim of session- Introducing catching, and develop all students are developing the skill • 13 netballs
10 min the fundamental skill. correctly, giving positive feedback Space
always. • Large flat surface
Divide children into pairs, if there is an odd Safety
number make a group of three. Teaching points • watch out for incoming balls.
Give each pair a netball. When catching the ball focus on: Organisation
Tell students to face their partner’s two ◾keeping eyes on the ball • Get peers into partners promptly
metres apart. ◾Extend hands forward with fingers • Use a clear and loud voice when
Allow peers to practise throwing and spread making a “W” with thumbs explaining rules
catching the ball back and forth until they behind the ball Demonstrate how to catch a ball correctly :
are confident with catching the ball, using ◾Pull the ball towards your body Eyes on ball
the correct technique. Make a “W” shape with hands
When peers have gained the skill introduce Dividing student into different pairs Pull ball towards chest
a competition, first pair to pass and catch from skill one allows, students with
the ball 10 times without dropping win. more skills
If students are developing the skill,
modify it by telling peers to take a two
or three step back to challenge
Repeat competition, with peers further
away from each other.
10 min • Divide children into different pairs, if there Teaching points Equipment
is an odd number make a group of three. Be sure to move around and 13 netballs
Peers face one another two metres apart, watch pairs practice skills to 39 cones
placing one cone two metres either side of give positive feedback and Space
one of the students. correction. • Large flat surface
The receiver turns their back on the feeder Be sure that peers are still • watch out for incoming balls
and awaits their instructions. correctly catching the ball, Organisation
even when moving. • set up cones prior to beginning
When the feeder gives the command, Dividing student into different session
shouting left, right, above (their head) or pairs from skill one allows • Use a clear and loud voice when
center (into the player's body) the receiver students to engage with explaining rules
must quickly turn around and be prepared everyone, allowing students
to receive the ball, where necessary taking with advanced skills to help
two to three small but fast steps to the side develop theirs peers.
in preparation for receiving the pass.
When catching the ball focus on:
Left right/ front back ◾keeping eyes on the ball
◾Extend hands forward with
Catch ball when they drop it fingers spread making a “W” with
thumbs behind the ball
◾Pull the ball towards your body
Netball Coaching: Ball catching skills and quick movement. (2016). Sportplan. Retrieved 10 August 2016, from
Warm-Up | Elementary PE Games. (2016). Pegames.org. Retrieved 10 August 2016, from http://www.pegames.org/warm-up.