M648 Chemical Engineering
M648 Chemical Engineering
M648 Chemical Engineering
4 Introducing Manchester
6 Chemical Engineering
at Manchester
10 Course details
24 Career Prospects
26 Find out more online
Chemical Engineering 3
Our University
Making things happen
Influential, forward-thinking and down-to-earth,
we’ll give you an amazing university
experience rooted in a rich academic heritage.
We turn enthusiasm into achievement and
groundbreaking theory into practice.
We accomplish feats of global significance, from
splitting the atom to giving the world graphene –
the two-dimensional wonder material that is one
atom thick but 200 times stronger than steel.
With more Nobel laureates on our staff than any
other UK university, and strong links to industry
and public services, we vitalise our undergraduate
courses with pioneering research.
Join us at the heart of Britain’s most popular
student city.
Learn more about us:
Our city
Always moving forward
Manchester lives on the edge of tomorrow,
ever a step ahead in science, industry, media,
sport and the arts. The Mancunian character,
exemplified by the city’s central role in the
industrial revolution, strives for excellence in
all walks of life.
This is a city of many accents, having become
a cosmopolitan magnet for students and
professionals eager to experience its can-do
attitude, independent spirit and cultural wealth.
Never content to live on past glories,
Manchester has a passion for progress.
Discover what makes Manchester unique:
4 Chemical Engineering
Your experience
More than just a degree
From the flexible, 24/7 learning environment
of the Alan Gilbert Learning Commons to
the personal development opportunities and
specialist support services we offer, we will
empower you to be your best.
We’re well underway with the biggest
investment programme ever seen in UK
higher education, having invested £750
million in our facilities since 2004, with
another £1 billion to follow. Away from your
studies you’ll have access to the UK’s largest
student union, almost 300 student societies,
and excellent sports and fitness facilities.
The only thing you won’t experience
is boredom.
Hear from some of our students,
graduates and staff:
Your career
On a course to success
We are one of the UK’s most targeted
universities by employers – 92% of our
graduates go straight into employment
or further study.
We design our courses with your
employability in mind. Our problem-based
approach to learning inspires you to think
critically, creatively, and independently. You’ll
also be able to learn new skills through
volunteering, personal development
programmes and study abroad pathways.
We have the UK’s best careers service,
providing advice and mentoring services, and
connecting you with employers who’ll put
you on a path to career success.
Take control of your career:
Chemical Engineering 5
Chemical Engineering
at Manchester
A chemical engineering degree from The
University of Manchester will give you great
choice in your future career and a significant
advantage when you start to look for a job.
As the birthplace of the discipline of chemical
engineering, we have a long tradition of
innovation and excellence. Here, George E Davis
delivered the first series of lectures on the
subject in 1887 and published the first-ever
chemical engineering book.
Our students consistently tell us that our School of Chemical
Engineering and Analytical Sciences is a very friendly place to
study. We have around 660 undergraduate students, plus a
thriving postgraduate community, all of whom benefit from
our distinguished reputation and our high standards of
teaching and research.
Chemical Engineering 7
Chemical Engineering at Manchester
8 Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate brochure 2014
Course details
You will have access to computer clusters across
the campus and in halls of residence, as well as
more than 180 computers in our School dedicated
to Chemical Engineering students.
You will use our University Library, one of the largest
academic libraries in Britain, with more than four
million books and journals. This includes general
and specialist materials, as well as a variety of
electronic resources.
Scholarships and bursaries
A range of scholarships and bursaries are available for
students who choose to study chemical engineering
at The University of Manchester.
Several industrial scholarships are available once you
have started the course.
Further details are available on request from our
admissions team.
For international students, our School will award
up to ten Morton Scholarships for International
Excellence, worth up to £4,000 (£1,000 per year
of the course), for those international students
who demonstrate overall academic excellence.
The University’s Faculty of Engineering and Physical
Sciences also offers scholarships of £2,000 per year
for well-qualified international undergraduate
students. For details of eligibility, see:
Chemical Engineering 9
Course details
Chemical Engineering BEng 3yrs Chemical Engineering with Environmental
UCAS Code H800 Technology MEng 4yrs
UCAS Code H8F8
Chemical Engineering MEng 4yrs
Chemical Engineering (Business
UCAS Code H801 Management) MEng 4yrs
Chemical Engineering with UCAS Code HN82
Biotechnology MEng 4yrs Chemical Engineering (Energy and
UCAS Code H8C5 Environment) MEng 4yrs
Chemical Engineering with Industrial UCAS Code H8F4
Experience MEng 4yrs
UCAS Code H803
Entry requirements Chemical Engineering with Chemistry
GCSE or equivalent MEngn 4yrs
C English Language UCAS Code H8F1
GCE A-level / unit grades
AAA including Maths and a science subject Entry requirements
GCE AS-level acceptability GCSE or equivalent
Acceptable only in combination with A-levels or C English Language
Advanced Highers GCE A-level / unit grades
GCE A-level double award AAA Including Maths and Chemistry
The double award is welcomed; applicants should GCE AS-level acceptability
contact us for further information Acceptable only in combination with A-levels or
GCE AS-level double award acceptability Advanced Highers
Acceptable only in combination with A-levels or GCE A-level double award
Advanced Highers The double award is welcomed; applicants should
BTEC National Diploma contact us for further information
DDD any technical subject, providing Maths and GCE AS-level double award acceptability
Science modules at Level III are included Acceptable only in combination with A-levels or
Welsh Baccalaureate (inc A-levels) Advanced Highers
Pass and AA including Maths and a science subject BTEC National Diploma
Scottish Advanced Highers DDD any technical subject, providing Maths and
AAA including Maths and a science subject Chemistry modules at Level III are included
Chemical Engineering 11
Chemical Egineering
12 Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate brochure 2014
Course details
Their job can focus on any part of the process. In Physics and Mathematics courses at school you will
Examples include: have learned basic heat-transfer (eg, conduction,
convection and radiation) and calculations of motion
• Designing and selecting equipment and momentum. From Chemistry classes you have
probably carried out process operations – such as
• Solving process problems
distillation and filtration – on a small scale, and you
• Carrying out financial calculations may have studied the gas laws and factors
influencing chemical reaction rates. These are some
• Designing procedures to ensure safety and of the issues that chemical engineers study in depth.
minimise environmental impact
For more information about chemical engineering,
• Managing a team of operators see the Institution of Chemical Engineers website:
• Researching new products. www.whynotchemeng.com
Chemical Engineering 13
Chemical Egineering
Studying the BEng Chemical Engineering course at The University of Manchester has been
most enriching and enjoyable. The skills and experience gained from the course have formed a
solid foundation to my future career. I really enjoyed the problem-based learning aspect of the
course, as it provided me with many opportunities to solve complex engineering problems
individually and as a team. I also benefited from the PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions)
programme, both as a participant and as a leader. The teaching and supporting staff were
always very supportive, approachable and willing to help.
“Well known and internationally recognised, the School of Chemical Engineering and
Analytical Science has excellent links with industry. I was privileged to have an internship with
Foster Wheeler during my second-year summer holidays. The practical experience and
exposure has proved to be invaluable.
“Manchester is no doubt an excellent city to live in, having all the buzz of a city, yet it enchants
with its warmth and charm. With its vibrant and diverse student population, there are huge
opportunities to network and to forge friendships with students from different cultures and
backgrounds. I have made many friends from all over the world!
“I graduated in July 2009 and I am now studying an MSc in Petroleum Engineering. Looking
back over the past years at Manchester, I would recommend any student to study Chemical
Engineering at The University of Manchester. The doors of opportunities as a professional
engineer are wide; so come, learn and enjoy!
14 Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate brochure 2014
Course details
The environment plays a crucial role in the day-to-day lives of everyone across the globe –and
humankind continues to adversely affect all aspects of it. This ranges from water pollution all
the way to climate change. As chemical engineers, we have a real opportunity to make a
difference across industries and work towards overcoming these environmental challenges. I
chose to study Chemical Engineering with Environmental Technology to gain the knowledge
and insight so I could do just this.
“The course consisted of various course units that explored many different aspects of
environmental technologies, such as green solvents, law and regulations, aerial emissions and
aqueous systems. The units explored the history, philosophy and application of each
technology, which provided me with excellent background knowledge. I also learnt new skills,
such as dispersion modelling and life cycle assessments, and had the opportunity to really
engage with specialists during group discussions.
“One of the most amazing aspects of the course is how incredibly relevant I still find it. Thanks
to the knowledge I acquired and the skills I developed, I was successful in applying for a job
with an environmental engineering consultancy. I now find that barely a day goes by without
me using not only core chemical engineering skills, like mass and energy balances, but also
some of the things I learnt in environmental technologies. I often have to advise clients of
different technologies and understand the laws and regulation surrounding them. Even just
knowing basic background details is a real boost and it helps me to navigate around my
projects much more easily.
“I think it is fair to say that without studying Chemical Engineering with Environmental
Technology, I wouldn’t have the job that I enjoy so much today.”
Chemical Engineering 15
Chemical Egineering
All our Chemical Engineering Courses If you gain an accredited BEng (Hons) rather than
MEng (Hons) degree, you will have to provide
We offer nine undergraduate courses. In our flexible
evidence of further learning after graduation before
system, you have until the start of your second year
you can achieve IChemE chartered status. This further
to decide in which area you would like to specialise.
study could be achieved during your career through
This means that you don’t need to choose your
work-based learning, a masters qualification (MSc),
specialist area until you have had a chance to find
or a chemical engineering PhD.
out more.
All courses have professional recognition and are Core chemical engineering topics
accredited by IChemE.
Year 1
You will study a range of core topics, incorporating:
Course units cover topics including physical
• Fundamentals of chemical engineering and organic chemistry, engineering maths,
thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics
• Supporting maths and science and information technology. Case studies, project
• Process design, including a design project work and laboratories develop additional material
in each year on process design and economics, reaction
engineering and environmental issues.
• Laboratory work throughout the course, including
some in the pilot-scale laboratory Year 2
• Information technology, including the use Course units cover topics including design of
of computers both as office tools and for separation processes, reaction engineering,
computer-aided design. materials science, biochemistry, engineering maths,
environmental science and technology. Case studies,
project work and laboratories develop additional
IChemE accreditation
material on process modelling, multiphase
All our chemical engineering courses have processing, process control and
professional recognition and are accredited by biochemical engineering.
IChemE. This means that after gaining appropriate
industrial experience, graduates may apply for Year 3
corporate membership and gain professional Course units cover topics including polymers,
recognition as a Chartered Engineer (CEng). biotechnology, fine chemicals, risk analysis, advanced
Chartered status is a benchmark of professionalism reaction engineering, process dynamics and control.
that many chemical, biochemical and process Case studies, project work and laboratories develop
engineers aspire to. Engineers with chartered status additional material, including process synthesis,
earn, on average, £15,000 more per year than their design and economics, process safety and
non-chartered colleagues. sustainable development.
16 Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate brochure 2014
Course details
I recently graduated from The University of Manchester with a First Class MEng in Chemical
Engineering. The experience and skills I gained during the four years allowed me to achieve
great results and obtain an excellent graduate job.
“Following the straight MEng course allowed me to focus on academic work during the
university year and manufacturing internships in the summer holidays. This way I obtained
relevant industrial experience without sacrificing the extra technical detail (and fun!) obtained
from four years of full-time study. It also allowed me to undertake an individual research
project in my fourth year, rather than write a dissertation based on an industrial placement.
This project provided me with the skills to conduct independent research and manage my
time effectively.
“I currently work as a Supply Leader at Procter & Gamble (the world’s largest consumer goods
company, which owns brands such as Pringles, Pantene, Bold, Duracell and Gillette). Although
I do not regularly use the extensive technical knowledge I gained during my course as other
graduate process engineers might do, I apply many other skills that I developed while studying
the straight MEng course.
“For example, the ability to understand a problem, locate the root cause and develop a
solution is integral to every graduate job and is developed and reinforced throughout the
four-year degree. The ability to lead and work in a team of people with different styles of
thinking, from very different backgrounds, is very important in multinational corporations.
The second- and third-year design and laboratory projects and fourth-year group work
undertaken on the straight MEng course helped me to develop this ability and apply it
successfully to the workplace.
“I would thoroughly recommend the four-year straight MEng course. The wide range of
experiences allows each student to determine what they enjoy, are good at and want to
pursue as a career.
Alex Matten, graduate
MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering 17
Chemical Egineering
During the first two years of my course, I studied French alongside the core Chemical
Engineering course; this led on to me studying my third year abroad in Toulouse, where I
studied Process Engineering.
“While in Toulouse, I took lectures and tutorials in French, as well as laboratory projects. At the
end of the year I was also given the opportunity to spend six weeks working with some of the
postgraduates at the school, helping with their research projects.
“Doing the Study in Europe course enabled me to continue to study a language that I had
enjoyed doing at A-level and to improve my ability to a point where I would be confident in
being able to use what I have learnt in a professional setting. The year abroad also gave me an
idea of how a different education system works; it meant that I got to know and work with
people from France and all around the world. I found living abroad, at times, challenging, but
this has now given me more confidence.
“I hope that in the future I will be able to travel further. I hope to be able to find a job that allows
me to work around Europe, or even further afield. Often foreign languages are asked for in job
advertisements, so I hope this will help me to find employment.
“Finally, and possibly most importantly, the year abroad was a great opportunity to enjoy
spending a year meeting loads of people from around the world and to enjoy the sunshine of
southern France!
Kevin Eade, graduate
MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering with Study in Europe
18 Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate brochure 2014
Course details
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Chemical Egineering
20 Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate brochure 2014
Course details
Chemical Engineering 21
Chemical Egineering
I have just graduated from the Chemical Engineering with Industrial Experience degree. I felt
the structure of this course was beneficial to me as it enabled me to gain practical experience
while still doing my degree. My year in industry with BP reinforced what I had learnt in my first
two years, standing me in good stead for the final year. In addition, the placement year
enabled me to accrue skills and knowledge in a very practical way. While on my placement with
BP, I had the opportunity of working with other engineering disciplines and getting to go out
on site visits.
“One big advantage is the money factor – Manchester has an IChemE-accredited, four-year
Industrial Experience course (at most other universities it takes five years). This means you
pay less tuition fees (only half in your placement year) and you are earning a wage. I was able
to afford to go travelling in the summer after my placement, while most of my fellow students
had to work through the holidays.
“In terms of finding a job after your degree, the Industrial Experience course is ideal because
experience in the field helps you to differentiate yourself from other applicants. In particular,
the company you work for in your year out views the placement as a kind of year-long
interview and is much more likely to give you a place on its graduate scheme than an external
“Whatever you want to do after university, a year in industry looks great on your CV and gives
you the opportunity to perform well in the field and get a good reference.
Thomas Davison, student
MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering with Industrial Experience
22 Chemical Engineering
Undergraduate brochure 2014
Course details
Chemical Engineering 23
Career prospects
Ten reasons why Manchester chemical 8 A brand new, state-of-the-art teaching facility
engineering graduates are snapped puts Manchester at the forefront of chemical
up by employers: engineering teaching.
1 Our sterling reputation throughout the world 9 The MEng Chemical Engineering with Business
means that employers know our graduates make Management course is unique and provides
excellent employees. A prestigious qualification additional specialist skills and knowledge for a
from The University of Manchester is a passport to high-level management career.
a great future.
10 The MEng Chemical Engineering with Industrial
2 Courses have a practical focus and use design Experience course is the only one of its kind to
projects, laboratory experiments and problem- have been accredited at MEng level by the
based learning to enhance theoretical work. You IChemE. The course extends and broadens
gain the analytical and problem-solving skills that knowledge and provides you with experience you
are so valuable to employers. can only gain in the workplace.
Chemical Engineering 25
Find out
more online
Accommodation Childcare
Discover your new home: Balancing your studies with your caring
www.manchester.ac.uk/accommodation responsibilities:
IT Services
Online learning, computer access, IT support
and more:
We have one of the UK’s largest and
best-resourced university libraries:
Maps Sport
Find your way around our campus, city and Get active with our clubs, leagues, classes
accommodation: and facilities:
www.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/travel/maps www.manchester.ac.uk/sport
Prospectus Support
Let us help with any academic, personal,
Download or order a copy of our prospectus: financial and administrative issues:
www.manchester.ac.uk/ug/courses/prospectus my.manchester.ac.uk/guest
Students’ Union
Immerse yourself in societies, events,
campaigns and more:
Learn more about us on our YouTube channel:
26 Chemical Engineering www.youtube.com/user/universitymanchester
Undergraduate brochure 2014
For further information about the courses,
or about qualifications, please contact:
Admissions tutor
Dr Stuart Holmes
School of Chemical Engineering and
Analytical Science
The University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Disclaimer Manchester
M13 9PL
This brochure is prepared well in advance of United Kingdom
the academic year to which it relates.
Consequently, details of courses may vary tel +44 (0)161 306 4360
with staff changes. The University therefore email ug-chem-eng@manchester.ac.uk
reserves the right to make such alterations
to courses as are found to be necessary. If For the most up-to-date course
the University makes an offer of a place, it is information, please visit our website:
essential that you are aware of the current www.manchester.ac.uk/ceas
terms on which the offer is based. If you are
in any doubt, please feel free to ask for
confirmation of the precise position for the
year in question, before you accept the offer.
School of Chemical Engineering and
Analytical Science
The University of Manchester
Oxford Road
M13 9PL
United Kingdom