Answer Logic
Answer Logic
Answer Logic
Explanation : Start with the top left clockface, and move around the others in
a clockwise direction. The value pointed to by the hour hand
equals the value pointed to by the minute hand, subtracting 4
for the first clockface, 5 for the next, then 6 etc.
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Answer : 5:23
Explanation : The sum of the separate digits on each watch increases by 2
as you move to the right.
Answer : Hour hand is pointing to 2.
Explanation : Multiply the hour hand value by 2 and add the minute hand
value. This total is always 15.
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Answer : 6:20
Explanation : On each watch, the sum of the digits shown equals 8.
Answer : The hour hand points to the 4.
Explanation : The sum of the values pointed to by the hands on each clock
equals 12.
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Answer : To the 6
Explanation : Starting with the top left clockface and working clockwise
around the others, the sum of the numbers pointed to by the 2
hands starts at 3 and increases by 2 each time
Answer : 11:01
Explanation : Taking the hour and minute values on each watch separately,
as you move to the right the hour value increases by 1, 2, 3
and 4, and the minute value decreases by 11, 22, 33 and 44.
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Answer : 6:45
Explanation : As you move from left to right, add 1 to the value of each digit
on the watch, and rotate the digits one place to the left.
Answer : 3:36
Explanation : On each watch, the time shown contains two digits that are the
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Answer : To the 8
Explanation : Start with the top clockface and move clockwise around the
others. The sum of the numbers pointed to by the 2 hands
follows the sequence 5, 10, 15, 20.
Answer : 9 of Clubs
Explanation : Taking red cards as positive values and black cards as
negative values, in each column of the diagram, the lower card
value equals the sum of the two upper card values. The suits
are used alternately in each column.
Answer : D
Explanation : The number of black dots in each grid increases by 1 each
time, starting with the top left grid and working to the right, top
row then bottom row.
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Answer : Q
Explanation : Adding the three numbers in each square together gives the
numerical value of the letter at the centre of each square.
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Answer : Hammer
Explanation : The Hammer = 1, the File = 3 and the Axe = 5
Answer : U
Explanation : Multiply the numerical values of the letters in each pair to give
the 3 digit result in the spaces above.
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Answer : 12
Explanation : The value at each corner of the diagram equals the difference
between the sums of the numerical values of the letters in the
boxes adjacent to the corner.
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Answer : C
Explanation : [NIL]
Answer : Alarm clock
Explanation : The Alarm clock = 7, the Adaptor = 5 and the Bulb = 2
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Answer : A
Explanation : Working from left to right, top row then bottom row, the first grid
contains a sequence of 2 black dots and a sequence of 3. The
next grid contains one of 3 and one of 4. Continue, adding 1 to
each sequence every time.
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Answer : 3
Explanation : In each diagram, the numerical value of the left hand letter
equals the product of the upper and lower left hand numbers,
and the right hand letter equals the product of the upper and
lower right hand numbers. The numerical value of the central
letter equals the sum of the numerical values of the left and
right hand letters.
Answer : B
Explanation : In each row of the diagram, the reverse alphabetical value of
the central letter equals the sum of the left and right hand
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Answer : G
Explanation : Convert each letter to its numerical value, and read each pair
of values as 2 digit numbers. In each row, the number in the
centre equals the difference between the 2 digit values on the
left and right.
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Answer : Y
Explanation : Start in the top left hand corner and move anti clockwise
around the perimeter of the square. Letters are written in
alphabetical order, skipping 1 letter, then 2 letters, then 3 etc.
Answer : A
Explanation : [NIL]
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Answer : E
Explanation : In each row, the left hand grid is symmetrical around a vertical
axis, the central grid is symmetrical about a horizontal axis, and
the right hand grid is symmetrical about a diagonal axis,
running bottom left to top right.
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Answer : Carriage
Explanation : The Carriage = 2, the Car = 3 and the Bus = 6
Answer : C
Explanation : [NIL]
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Answer : 4
Explanation : Split the left and right hand circles into 2 halves vertically. The
numerical value of the letter in the upper left segment of the
central circle equals the sum of the numbers in the left half of
the left hand circle, and the letter in the lower left equals the
sum of the numbers in the right half of the left hand circle.
Repeat this pattern for the right hand circle.
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Answer : 3
Explanation : Starting on the left and working to the right, take pairs of
dominoes and calculate the sum of the dots they are
displaying. This sum follows the sequence 3, 6, 9 and 12.
Answer : Doughnut
Explanation : The Doughnut = 4, the Eclair = 6 and the Bun = 7.
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Answer : F
Explanation : In each diagram, the black circles join together to make straight
sided polygons. Working from left to right, top row then bottom
row, the number of sides in each polygon increases by 1 each
time, from 3 to 8.
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Answer : Z
Explanation : In each row, multiply the numerical values of the left and right
hand letters, putting the result in the centre.
Answer : F
Explanation : In each diagram, convert each letter to its numerical value, and
read the top and bottom pairs of letters as complete 2 digit
values. Multiply these values together to give the 3 digit result
written in the centre spaces.
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Answer : C
Explanation : [NIL]
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Answer : 3
Explanation : As you move from left to right, the spot total on each domino
increases by 3 then decreases by 1 alternately.
Answer : B Grid
Explanation : Working in rows, left to right, top row then bottom, one black
circle is added each time, with the positions of the circles
moving (1/4) turn clockwise each time.
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Answer : 6
Explanation : In each row of the diagram, the numerical value of the middle
letter equals the sum of the left and right hand numbers,
subtracting 3.
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Answer : A
Explanation : In each diagram, there are 2 lines of black dots, joining two
sides together. The sides joined by the dots moves 1/4 turn
clockwise as you move from left to right.
Answer : M
Explanation : In each column, add up each number and put the letter with
this sum in the bottom circle.
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Answer : 0
Explanation : In each row, the left hand number equals the total of the even
valued letters in the middle box, and the right hand number
equals the total of the odd valued letters in the middle box.
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Answer : C
Explanation : In each row, calculate the difference between the 2 numbers in
the left hand column, and the 2 numbers in the right hand
column. Multiply these differences together to give the
numerical value of the letter in the centre.
Answer : B
Explanation : [NIL]
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Answer : 4
Explanation : Split the left and right hand circles in half vertically. The letter
with the numerical value of the sum of the digits in the left half
of the left hand circle is placed in the top left segment of the
central circle, and the letter with the numerical value of the sum
of the digits in the right half of the left hand circle is placed in
the top right segment of the central circle. Repeat this formula
for the 2 halves of the right hand circle, putting the resulting
letters in the lower segments of the central circle.
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Answer : Anchor
Explanation : The Binoculars = 1, the Anchor = 3 and the Buoy = 5
Answer : A
Explanation : Working in rows, if you superimpose the pattern of spots in the
left and right hand grids you get the pattern in the central grid.
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Answer : O
Explanation : Working in rows, add up the digits in each row and put the
letter with this numerical value in the centre of the row.
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Answer : 5
Explanation : In each row, add together the numerical values of the 3 central
letters to give a 2 digit sum, and put this 2 digit sum in the left
and right hand boxes at the end of the rows.
Answer : P
Explanation : Working in rows, add the left and right hand numbers together,
and put the letter with the reverse alphabetical value of this
sum in the central box.
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Answer : B
Explanation : [NIL]
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Answer : B
Explanation : In each row, the left hand grid contains one line of black dots,
the central one contains 2 lines and the right hand one contains
3 lines.
Answer : C
Explanation : In each circle, multiply the inverse alphabetical value of the
upper left hand letter by the regular alphabetical value of the
upper right hand letter to give the value in the lower segment.
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Answer : 5
Explanation : Splitting the diagram in half both horizontally and vertically,
each quarter contains a pattern of black squares, representing
the letters W, X, Y and Z.
The objective of sudoku is to enter a digit from 1 through 9 in each cell, in such a way that:
Each horizontal row (shown in pink) contains each digit exactly once.
Each vertical column (shown in yellow) contains each digit exactly once.
Each subgrid or region (shown in green) contains each digit exactly once.
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