Clinical Practice Guidelines For Physical Therapy in Patients With Osteoarthritis of The Hip or Knee
Clinical Practice Guidelines For Physical Therapy in Patients With Osteoarthritis of The Hip or Knee
Clinical Practice Guidelines For Physical Therapy in Patients With Osteoarthritis of The Hip or Knee
EMHM Vogels,I HJM Hendriks,II ME van Baar,III J Dekker,IV M Hopman-Rock,V RAB Oostendorp,VI
WAMM Hullegie,VII H Bloo,VIII WKHA Hilberdink,IX M Munneke,X J Verhoef.XI
I Lisette Vogels, physical therapist and social scientist, Department of Research and Development, Dutch National Institute of Allied health
Professions (NPi), Amersfoort, the Netherlands
II Erik Hendriks, physical therapist, epidemiologist, and program leader for physical therapy clinical guideline development, Department of
Research and Development, Dutch National Institute of Allied health Professions (NPi), Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Department of
Epidemiology, Maastricht University, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
III Margriet van Baar, movement scientist and epidemiologist, Institute of Social Healthcare, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
IV Joost Dekker, head of the research department of the Netherlands Institute of Primary Health Care Research NIVEL), and professor in
paramedical care, Institute for Research in Extramural Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Vrije Universiteit Medical Center, Amsterdam, the
V Marijke Hopman-Rock, epidemiologist, biologist and psychologist, TNO Prevention and Health Care, Leiden, the Netherlands.
VI Rob Oostendorp, Director of the Dutch Institute of Allied Health Professions (NPi), Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Professor in paramedical
care, Center for Quality-of-Care Research, University Medical Center, Catholic University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Professor at the
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacology, Department of Manual Therapy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium.
VII Wim Hullegie, physical therapist, physical therapy prcatice, Enschede, the Netherlands.
VIII Hans Bloo, physical therapist, physical therapy practice, Veenendaal, the Netherlands. Physical movement scientist, Roessingh Research &
Development, Enschede, the Netherlands.
IX Wim Hilberdink, physical therapist, physical therapy practice, Groningen, the Netherlands.
X Marten Munneke, physical therapist, movement scientist, University Medical Center, Leiden, department of phyisical therapy and
ergotherapy, the Netherlands.
XI John Verhoef, physical therapist, movement scientist, University Medical Center, Leiden, department of phyisical therapy and ergotherapy,
the Netherlands.
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
Currently in the Netherlands, there are no accepted reduced aerobic capacity. Most often, pain
uniform or general criteria for the diagnosis of predominates. Pain can start when certain
osteoarthritis. Primary care physicians diagnose movements begin and mostly occurs when weight
osteoarthritis on the basis of clinical symptoms, the load on the joint increases. Pain persists during long
location of the joint deformations and the patient’s walks and decreases with rest. In osteoarthritis of the
age. On occasion, an X-ray is made. hip, pain is mainly located in the groin and in the
frontal and lateral areas of the hip joint. Pain can also
Prognostic factors occur locally or can radiate towards the thigh and
Osteoarthritis is a multifactorial disorder whose knee. In osteoarthritis of the knee, pain is located in
origin is often unknown. One important prognostic and around the knee joint, mainly on the dorsal side.
factor for osteoarthritis of the hip or knee is obesity. Pain can also occur in the thigh and hip.
Other prognostic factors are: trauma involving joint
damage; a hip or knee operation (for example, on the The various impairments can lead to diverse
meniscus); developmental disorders (such as disabilities such as walking, climbing stairs, getting in
dislocation, Perthes disease, epiphysiolysis of the hip and out of a car, cycling and putting on shoes. For a
joint, genu varum or genu valgum; and participation few patients, osteoarthritis can have an influence on
in a physically demanding occupation or sport in their social participation. These patients experience
which the patient has to kneel, squat, or lift heavy problems with their family life, environment,
loads (for example, agricultural work or professional occupation and education. This is especially the case
ballet). Usually, the prognosis of osteoarthritis of the for patients who not only suffer from osteoarthritis of
hip joint is worse for women than men. If the caput the hip or knee but also from other disorders that
femoris migrates ventrally in the acetabulum or if the lead to disabilities and participation problems.
osteoarthritis has an atrophic character (i.e. bone
deterioration), the prognosis for the hip is poor. Natural course
Factors that influence the progression of The outlook in persons with osteoarthritis of the hip or
osteoarthritis of the knee include old age, obesity and knee is variable. In the beginning, pain is intermittent.
general arthritis. Consequent future disabilities There can be a few episodes of exacerbation a year that
depend on current prognostic factors, on progression do usually not last longer than a few weeks. During
of the arthritis, and on any psychosomatic factors progression of the osteoarthritis, pain can worsen,
present. In addition, the existence of a co-morbid both flexibility of the hip or knee joint and muscle
disease and of inappropriate pain behavior can both strength can slowly deteriorate, and walking distance
have an effect. Inadequate pain coping strategies can can decrease. It is possible for the pain to alleviate even
negatively influence the patient’s suffering, quality of though joint flexibility continues to decrease and the
life and psychosomatic functioning. The prevention patient’s level of functioning becomes more limited.
of trauma and reduction in overweight may have a Sometimes these patients can even function without
positive impact on the development and course of pain or complaints. A smaller group of patients have
osteoarthritis. The prevention of stress and strain on serious disabilities and participation problems and they
joints can prevent exacerbation. may suffer from pain during the night. Night pain is
usually a sign of joint inflammation or very serious
Health problems arthritis. Because symptoms are variable, many
The most frequent problems resulting from patients find it difficult to estimate how much they
osteoarthritis are damage to and deterioration of joint can participate in normal daily activities and to judge
tissues and reactive uncontrolled bone growth in the the prognosis and rate of progression of their
joints. These phenomena can be coupled to joint osteoarthritis.
inflammation. The most important impairments of
osteoarthritis of the hip or knee are pain, morning Coping with symptoms
stiffness, crepitations, reduced flexibility, reduced Patients who look for distraction from their pain
muscle strength and stability, joint deformation, and symptoms tend to take part in self-initiated activities
KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
Table 1. Problem areas recognized in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip and knee.
* Fear of movement is, according to the International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and
Handicaps (ICIDH), defined as an impairment in movement functions.
and strive for an active lifestyle. These people have an the complaint as being non-threatening to regarding
adequate way of coping with pain. In contrast, those it as being very threatening. The more threatening
who, because of pain, do not exercise, stop taking the complaint appears, the more inadequately the
part in certain activities and think that rest is the best patient will cope. In terms of control, the patient will
strategy for tackling pain have an inadequate coping experience a large degree of control if he has
strategy. The way in which an individual copes with knowledge about the complaint and has the feeling
his* complaints depends on the patient’s that it can be influenced.
characteristics. In addition, interaction between the
patient and his environment also plays an important Interaction between patient and environment
role. This includes the interaction between patient The physical therapist’s attitude and the way he
and the physical therapist. attributes to the patient’s complaints has an influence
on the course of the complaints. For example, paying
Patient’s characteristics too much attention to pain during a treatment
The patient’s characteristics make a distinct session and not encouraging independence enough
difference. On the one hand, there is the meaning a can have negative influences on prognosis. Social
patient gives to his complaint and, on the other, factors, such as the reactions of people in the
there is the degree of control the patient has over the patient’s environment, for example, a partner or
complaint. A large part of the emotional load on a employer, play also a part.
patient is determined by the meaning he gives to the
complaint and the way in which he allows himself to Health profiles
feel. This attributed meaning can vary from regarding In these clinical guidelines, six distinct health
* The combination ‘he/she’ and ‘his/her’ have been avoided in these guidelines to facilitate readability. The terms ‘he and ‘his’ should be
understood to apply to both sexes.
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
Table 2. Three distinct profiles of patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee.
problem areas are recognized in patients with not only the diagnosis, but also the reasons for
symptoms resulting from osteoarthritis of the hip or referral. Supplementary referral information can
knee: (I) inflammatory impairments; (II) pain; (III) include details of any medicine prescribed and of
movement impairments; (IV) disabilities; (V) possible co-morbid conditions. The physical therapist
participation problems; and (VI) inadequate pain also works with practitioners of other disciplines.
behavior. See Table 1.
History taking
Three distinct patient profiles are described in these Through history taking, the physical therapist will
clinical guidelines (Table 2). They are based on gain information on and an insight into the
problem areas that are central to progress of the following:
disorder. These profiles provide global descriptions of • The complaint, the most important complaints,
patients that can be used during assessment and and the patient’s expectations, including activity
which highlight specific aspects of treatment. and participation goals.
• The health problem, with regard to their nature,
Diagnosis progression and prognosis, including:
The aim of the diagnostic process is to document the - the severity and nature of impairments,
severity, nature and extent of the health problem. disabilities and participation problems;
The starting point is the patient’s testimony, - how the complaint commenced;
including details of the most important complaints. - any long-term, chronic or repeating episodes
The physical therapist makes an assessment of the of the complaints;
problem areas of most immediate concern to the - prognostic factors, including causative factors
patient; decides which of the patient profiles listed in and helpful or hampering factors, such as the
Table 2 best fits the patient; makes a prognosis; patient’s degree of control over the complaint,
assesses whether the pain in the hip or knee is a the patient’s motivation, the balance between
direct result of osteoarthritis or is due to some other (general and local) load and the patient’s load-
disorder (for example, bursitis); and assesses the bearing capacity, and psychosomatic factors;
patient’s need for knowledge and information. and
- details of previous diagnoses, treatment and
Referral and first physical therapy visit the results of treatment.
These clinical guidelines assume that the referral of a • The current situation:
patient with genu osteoarthritis or coxa osteoarthritis - the severity and nature of impairments,
comes from a primary care physician or medical disabilities and participation problems that
specialist. Referral documentation should describe accompany osteoarthritis;
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
- the present general health situation, including determine the extent of pain and disability at initial
the patient’s functioning, activities, and level assessment, during treatment, and in the middle and
of participation; at end of individual treatment sessions. The Patient-
- personal factors; Specific Complaint questionnaire can be used to
- current treatment, whether prescription document the most important complaints.
medicine or other treatment; and
- the patient’s need for knowledge and Assessment
information. Assessment comprises inspection, palpation and
functional assessment. Inspection involves observing
Examples of questions that focus on the patient’s the patient, with most attention being given to the
coping strategy: back, pelvis, hips, knees and feet. During inspection
How have you been able to cope with the complaint and palpation, the physical therapist assesses whether
so far? there are any deformations in joint position or any
What have you personally done to reduce your indications of active inflammatory processes. In
complaints? addition, he will evaluate muscle tone in the lumbar
To which extent are you able to predict the onset of extensors and the hip adductors (for hip
your complaints? osteoarthritis). Functional assessment evaluates how
How often have you been able to prevent the well the patient is able to participate in a number of
development of your complaints? daily activities, such as standing, standing on one leg,
Which form of treatment do you think will help most walking, sitting down, getting out of a chair, climbing
and why? stairs, bending at the knee (for knee osteoarthritis),
Which hindrances and difficulties do you experience picking up an object from the ground, and putting
in performing your daily activities and which would on shoes (for hip osteoarthritis). The physical
you like to overcome? therapist assesses which impairments any functional
problems are related to by evaluating joint movement
History-taking also includes documenting severity of and stability, muscle tone, muscle strength, and the
pain and pain tolerance. The working group that flexibility of the affected leg and the other leg. How
developed these guidelines decided to use a pain extensive the functional assessment is depends on
visual analogue scale (VAS) to do this. In order to the seriousness on the health problem. During the
record the extent of pain and disabilities, it is evaluation of activities, the physical therapist takes
recommended that the algofunctional index for into account how well the patient is coping with the
osteoarthritis is used. This index gives measures of complaints. For example, the therapist determines
pain, maximum walking distance, and the level of whether the patient has developed a fear of
activity in daily life (Table 3). The patient’s total score movement. The physical assessment registers the
on the algofunctional index gives an estimate of the patient’s situation at that moment in time. It must be
level of disabilities the patient experiences in seen in the context of daily activities. When the
performing activities in daily life (ADL): > 14: disease follows a very variable course, it can be useful
extremely severe disabilities; 11-13: very severe that evaluations of osteoarthritis are repeated (see the
disabilities; 8-10: severe disabilities; 5-7: moderate section on evaluation below). Use of evaluation
disabilities; 1-4: minimal disabilities. instruments such as the hand-held dynamometer and
the goniometer are recommended for physical
Recommended measuring instruments assessment.
• The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) to assess the
severity of pain and pain tolerance. Analysis
• The Algofunctional index for osteoarthritis to Making a decision on whether physical therapy is
assess the pain and disabilities. indicated is based on interpreting the information
gained during history taking, the medical referral
The algofunctional index and the VAS can be used to data, and the results of the physical assessment. The
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
Maximum walking distance (pain allowed) Maximum walking distance (pain allowed)
Unlimited 0 Unlimited 0
More than 1 km, but with restrictions 1 More than 1 km, but with restrictions 1
Approximately 1 km (in about 15 min) 2 Approximately 1 km (in about 15 min) 2
Between 500–900 m (in about 8–15 min) 3 Between 500–900 m (in about 8–15 min) 3
Between 300–500 m 4 Between 300–500 m 4
Between 100–300 m 5 Between 100–300 m 5
Less than 100 m 6 Less than 100 m 6
With a cane or crutch 1 With a cane or crutch 1
With two canes or crutches 2 With two canes or crutches 2
* In the assessment of daily activities: without difficulty: 0; with little difficulty: 0.5; with moderate difficulty:
1; with great difficulty: 1.5; and unable to perform: 2.
following questions should be answered during active inflammatory processes, pain, a reduction
analysis: in functional activities related to movement
• Which problem areas are most important to the difficulties (but not including the fear of
patient? For example, impairments related to movement), disabilities, participation problems,
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
or inadequate pain behavior. optimized. For patients fitting any of the three
• What is the prognosis? The prognosis should be patient profiles, the general sub-goals are to provide
evaluated in terms of timescale, course of patient’s insight into the disorder the treatment. The following
complaints and functioning, activities, items should be covered: the nature and course of
participation, and should take into account the osteoarthritis; the details of therapy, including
influence of promoting and hampering factors. therapeutic goals, type of treatment and estimated
• Which patient profile does the patient fit? That is, treatment duration; risk factors; and prognostic
A, B or C, as described above. factors. The physical therapist’s approach to
• Can the current problem areas be influenced by treatment should take into account: disabilities, for
physical therapy? If so, to what extent? example, in walking, bending over or sitting down;
• Is the patient motivated to participate in physical any existing participation problems, such as problems
therapy? taking part in housework or paid employment;
Conclusion: Is there an indication for physical impairments, such decreased mobility, atrophied
therapy? And can the patient be treated in muscles or poorer stamina; and an inadequate coping
accordance with the clinical guidelines? strategy. During the therapeutic process, the physical
therapist will evaluate the treatment goals
If there is no indication for physical therapy, the systematically (see the section on evaluation below).
physical therapist should contact the referring
physician for consultation and advice. If necessary, Central aims of the therapeutic process are:
the patient could be referred to another medical • to stimulate the patient’s functioning, activities
specialist. and level of participation; and
• to encourage the adoption of an adequate way of
Treatment plan dealing with the complaint.
After answering the above questions, a treatment
plan should be formulated in consultation with the The results that can be achieved by physical therapy
patient. If the patient is currently receiving treatment depend on the patient profile and the central
from a practitioner of another discipline (for problem areas. During all phases of treatment, the
example, an occupational therapist), then the physical therapist must pay attention to the patient’s
treatment being received will have be adjusted. coping strategy. The adoption of a behavioral
Treatment goals depend on the timescale of approach is important in treating patients with
treatment, which is determined by the patient profile inadequate pain behavior (see therapy details for
and the patient’s central problem areas. The most patient profile C, described below). Instruction on
important treatment activities are giving information time management, the need for rest periods, and
and advice, and exercise therapy. The starting points relaxation is essential for patients who take on too
for planning information provision are the patient’s many activities.
needs for information, advice and coaching, which
would have become apparent during the diagnostic The adoption of a behavioral approach is important
process. The information plan can be split into four in treating patients with inadequate pain behavior
parts: informing, instructing, educating and guiding.
In practice, these four activities will overlap. Patient profile A: osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
with arthritis or synovitis
In this patient profile, treatment is directed at the
Therapy first two problem areas: the impairments are
The central goal of physical therapy is to decrease the associated with an active inflammatory process and
problems associated with osteoarthritis: to reduce pain (see Table 1, above). The presence of night pain
pain, to decrease disability and to lessen any resulting and an inability to bear weight on a joint, when
participation problems. In other words, the patient’s standing or lying on one side, indicates the existence
levels of activity and participation should be of an active inflammatory process. In knee joints
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
specifically, swelling and an increase in temperature • exercise therapy in which the load applied is
are associated with active inflammatory processes. within the limits of the joint’s load-bearing
During this active phase, physical therapy focuses on capacity (involves passive, guided active and
teaching the patient how to deal with the active movement);
inflammatory process (i.e. how to prevent strains and • giving instruction, if necessary, on the use of
how to balance load and the load- bearing capacity of walking aids;
the joint) and on encouraging activities compatible • applying traction to the joint (hip or knee) in a
with the load-bearing capacity of the joint. When the resting position to reduce pain, if necessary.
inflammation decreases, the focus of treatment can
be shifted to coping strategies, if necessary, and to The use of TENS is advised only in problem area 1, in
pain reduction (see details of therapy for patient osteoarthritis of the knee. Scientific research shows
profile C, described below). that the use of other forms of electrotherapy, such as
ultrasound therapy or laser therapy, does not result in
Problem area 1: impairments related to active improvement, and therefore these forms of
inflammatory processes electrotherapy are not recommended in these
Objectives: to ameliorate impairments related to guidelines.
inflammatory processes and to increase the patient’s
insight into the relationship between joint load and Patient profile B: osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
joint load-bearing capacity. ‘without’ arthritis but with episodic pain and
Interventions: Here, treatment is directed at the third and fourth
• informing and advising the patient about the problem areas: movement impairments and
relationship between joint load and joint load- disabilities. If necessary, therapy may also focus on
bearing capacity; inadequate pain behavior (see details of therapy for
• exercise therapy in which the load applied is patient profile C, described below). The physical
within the limits of the joint’s load-bearing therapist guides the patient through the process of
capacity (involves passive, guided active and regaining control during ADL, sport, hobbies and
active movement); work. Monitoring the patient and following his
• giving instruction, if necessary, on the use of progress over time during this process form central
walking aids, such as a crutch or a cane in the components of treatment. Therapy is directed at
contralateral hand; stimulating functions and activities, and, if necessary,
• giving transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation helping the patient to cope with the complaints.
(TENS) for pain reduction in the knee, if necessary;
and Problem area 3: movement impairments (but not
• applying short cold-pack treatment to the knee including fear of movement)
when there is an indication of severe Objective: to reduce movement-related impairments
inflammation, or to lessen pain. by improving muscle strength, capsular and
myogenic flexibility, muscle stability and
Problem area 2: pain coordination.
Objectives: to reduce severity of pain, to improve the
patient’s pain tolerance, to increase joint load-bearing Interventions:
capacity, and to prepare the patient for resuming • informing and advising the patient on how to
normal activities. build up joint load relative to joint load-bearing
capacity and on how to build up joint load over
Interventions: time;
• informing and advising the patient about the • providing functional stimulation (which involves
relationship between joint load and joint load- muscle strength, joint mobility and stability, for
bearing capacity; example) while building up joint loading duration
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
and intensity to achieve optimal extension; participation and discuss the therapy plan.
• physically moving joints in the direction of the Practitioners of any other disciplines involved and
impairment to increase movement capacity, if the patient’s employer should be consulted, if
necessary (doing this under traction is a necessary.
• giving instruction, if necessary, on the use of Problem area 5: participation problems
walking aids and drawing attention to other Objective: to optimize the patient’s participation in
possible aids, such as support or correction inlays, housework, education and sport, and in his
that help postural deformations. It is necessary to occupation, various duties, hobbies and recreational
obtain advice from the referring physician before activities.
treatment is carried out by a practitioner of
another discipline, such as a podiatrist, Interventions:
occupational therapist or rehabilitation physician. • informing and advising the patient about
participation in activities such as housework or
Problem area 4: Disabilities those necessary for carrying out his profession;
Objective: to improve the performance of activities • increasing, through exercise, the level of activity
such as bending over, kneeling, walking, climbing associated with daily tasks, sport and hobbies
stairs, washing, dressing, using the toilet, cleaning while building up joint loading duration and
and cooking. intensity;
• giving instruction, if necessary, on the use of
Interventions: walking aids and drawing attention to other
• informing and advising the patient on how to possible aids and to alterations that could be
build up joint load relative to joint load-bearing made in the patient’s home or work environment
capacity and on how to build up joint load over (see problem area 3 above).
• encouraging activities while building up joint Problem area 6: inadequate pain behavior
loading duration and intensity; Objective: to encourage the patient to adopt an
• giving instruction, if necessary, on the use of appropriate way of coping with his condition. The
walking aids (see problem area 3 above). patient will then experience his condition as being
less threatening, will understand it better, and will
Patient profile C: osteoarthritis of the hip or knee feel that he can influence it.
‘without’ arthritis but with chronic pain and
disability Interventions:
Here, treatment is directed at the fourth and fifth • informing and advising the patient about the true
problem areas: disabilities (see patient profile B) and significance of his complaints while, at the same
participation problems. In those patients who time, encouraging the patient to gain control over
experience their complaints as being threatening or the complaints. It is important that the right
who do not have sufficient control over their information (see below) is given and that
complaints, the treatment will also be directed at the ambiguity is avoided. If the patient’s partner
sixth problem area, inadequate pain behavior. appears to be very concerned, it is advisable to
Increasing self-control is an important aspect of provide information and advice for the partner as
treatment. The patient will have to learn the skills well.
needed to resolve problems by himself and to learn to • encouraging compliance with therapy. The
‘feel’ how to cope with the complaints accompanying learning process involves continuously bringing
osteoarthritis. The starting point for therapy involves the functions, activities and movement behavior
establishing a baseline measurement. The physical learned in daily life back into the therapy sessions;
therapist and the patient together formulate goals • encouraging activities with an increase in the load
regarding the desired levels of activity and (duration and intensity), at set times, regardless of
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
the pain (time-contingent) and in a graded changes are found, the physical therapist should
manner (‘graded activity’). The physical therapist estimate the degree of improvement expected in the
should create a comfortable atmosphere during subsequent period of treatment. A final evaluation
exercises. Exercise therapy should start at a level should take place after a minimum of six weeks.
below the lowest level determined during baseline During this final evaluation, measurements obtained
measurement; using the VAS and the Algofunctional Index can be
• changing aspects of the patient’s environment compared with the values obtained at the beginning
from acting as a barrier to acting as a facilitator by, of treatment.
for example, involving the patient’s partner or
employer. If the partner pays attention only to Treatment duration and frequency
pain behavior and to what ‘can’t be done’ because A minimum of six weeks’ treatment is advised to
of pain, the partner will have to learn to focus ensure that patients experience some benefits of
more on encouraging adequate pain behavior. treatment and undergo behavioral changes. For
patients fitting patient profile A, the treatment
Examples of providing the ‘right information’ include frequency depends on the amount of guidance
saying: “Based on the information I have, you can do needed. For those fitting patient profile B, the
more than you think and that’s what we are going to frequency should as low as possible, usually only a
work on together”; or “Scientific research proves that few visits is needed. For those fitting patient profile
exercise helps”; or “Increasing pain may be felt at the C, the treatment frequency is usually low and the
beginning of movement and pain may occur after the treatment duration longer. One important aspect of
end of the therapy session, but that doesn’t therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or
necessarily mean that something is wrong.” knee is encouraging the continuation of exercise both
during and after treatment. It is advisable to spread
Evaluation treatment sessions out over a reasonable period of
The results of therapy should be evaluated every two time in order to give patients a chance to make
weeks on the basis of the goals and objectives that follow-up appointments. This increases patients’
were set (in terms of impairments, disabilities and motivation to hold on to the improved condition
participation problems) and on the basis of the they have achieved and the new behavior (or
patient’s level of activities. The evaluation will take condition) they have adopted.
into account the patient’s history, observations of the
patient’s mobility, and any measurements taken, for One important aspect of therapy in patients with
example, using a goniometer or a hand-held osteoarthritis of the hip or knee is encouraging the
dynamometer. If necessary, treatment goals and continuation of exercise both during and after
therapeutic activities can be updated on the basis of treatment.
the results of the evaluation. An increase in the level
of complaints during therapy can be the result of Treatment conclusion and reporting
active inflammatory processes. The physical therapist The referring physician will receive a final report and
should then assess the severity of the inflammation also, if necessary, a report during treatment. In these
and, if necessary, send the patient back to the reports, he will be informed about the treatment
referring physician or medical specialist for the goals, the results of treatment, and advice given by
consideration of other treatments, such as anti- the physical therapist. Information on reporting is
inflammatory medications. Patients with chronic given in the KNGF-guidelines ‘Communication and
complaints must undergo a thorough evaluation six information report to the primary care physicians’.
weeks after the treatment started using the The written report should be made according to the
Algofunctional Index and the VAS. The physical KNGF-guidelines ‘Physical therapeutic documentation
therapist should determine whether any changes and report’. To ensure good communication and
have occurred in the patient’s level of complaints and information exchange between primary care
whether it is worthwhile continuing therapy. If no physician and physical therapist, the following five
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
At the end of the treatment, the physical therapist
should encourage the patient to continue being
active, to walk and to cycle. Over the long term, it is
easier for patients to continue exercising weekly if it
is in a form that the patient enjoys and it is carried
out in a group setting. The physical therapist can
refer the patient to any local exercise or self-help
classes that have been specially developed for patients
with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee. In the
Netherlands, these programs go under such titles as
‘Hup met de heup’, ‘Omgaan met artrose’ and
‘Bewegen voor ouderen’ (preferably in heated water).
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
Results from research show that there is a large Formation of the mono disciplinary working
variation between the therapy goals, interventions group
and the magnitude of physical therapy care.5 Besides In May 1998 a mono disciplinary working group of
the above mentioned goals, the KNGF-guidelines are professionals was formed to answer these clinical
explicitly meant to: questions. In the formation of the working group an
• change the care in the desired direction based on attempt was made to achieve a balance in
current scientific research and improve the professionals with experience in the area of concern
quality and the uniformity of this care. or with an academic background. All members of the
• assure insight into tasks and responsibilities and working group have stated that they had no
to stimulate cooperation. conflicting interests what so ever in relation to the
• Support the physiotherapist in the decision development of the KNGF- guidelines. The
making with regard to treatment or no treatment development of the guideline took place from May
and applying the diagnostic and therapeutic 1998 until June 2000.
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
Procedure of the mono disciplinary working group for assessment. The comments and remarks from the
The guidelines have been developed according to the physical therapists are documented and discussed in
‘Methods for the Development and Implementation the working group and if possible and/or desired
of Clinical Guidelines’.2-4,6 This method includes included in the final guidelines.
practical instruction of the strategies used to collect The recommendations for the practice are the result
literature. In the continuation of the review of of the available evidence, the above mentioned other
evidence in these guidelines the specific terms used aspects and the results of testing the guidelines
for the search, the sources used, the period in which amongst the intended users.
the literature was published, and the inclusion or
exclusion criteria for the literature are mentioned. Systematical methods to search the scientific
The recommendations for the therapeutic process are evidence
almost solely based on scientific evidence. If there To support the recommendations related to the
was no scientific evidence available, the diagnostics, use of measuring instruments and the
recommendations were formulated based upon therapy, the literature is collected via computer-aided
consensus within the working group or group of searches in Medline, Cochrane and DocOnline of the
professionals. The recommendations are commented Dutch Institute of Allied Health Professions over the
upon by external professionals. After finishing the period 1990-1999.
concept of the guidelines this was sent off to external
professionals and/or occupational organization Constitution, products and implementation of the
(secondary working group) for comments on the guidelines
recommendations and agreement and consensus with The guidelines constitute of three parts: the practical
other occupational organizations and/or other mono guidelines, a schematic layout of the main points of
or multidisciplinary guidelines. Also the wishes and the guidelines (summary) and the review of evidence
preferences of patients are taken into account by section. All parts of the KNGF- guidelines can be read
representation of the ‘Confederation of Rheumatic individually. Aside from the publication and
Patients’. distribution of the guidelines amongst members of
The members of the working group have individually the KNGF, there is a segment promoting
selected and graded the proceedings attaining to the professionalism developed and published to stimulate
scientific evidence. Although the members of the the use of the guideline in daily practice.7 The
working group have individually or in small subgroups guidelines are implemented according to a standard
selected and graded the scientific evidence, the result is of implementation strategies which are described in
laid out and discussed within the whole working. The the method.2,3,6,8
scientific evidence is then summarized in a conclusion,
including the extent of the evidence. Besides the Introduction
scientific evidence there are other important aspects In this section, the approach adopted in the KNGF-
for making the recommendations such as: reaching a guidelines for physical therapy in patients with
general consensus, efficiency (costs), resource osteoarthritis of the hip or knee is explained in detail.
availability, necessary expertise and education, Recommendations on treatment are evidence-based,
organizational aspects and the attempt for agreement where possible. A search of the literature, from 1990
with other mono or multidisciplinary guidelines to 1999, was carried out using the MEDLINE,
Cochrane Library and DocOnline databases, and a
Validation by the intended users database belonging to the Documentation Center of
Before publication and distribution, the guidelines the NPi (Dutch National Institute of Allied health
are reviewed and systematically tested by the Professions). The following keywords were used in the
intended users (validation). The concept of the KNGF- search, in Dutch and English: osteoarthritis, clinical
guidelines ‘osteoarthritis of the hip or knee’ was sent guidelines, randomized clinical trial (RCT), meta-
off to a randomly selected group of 45 physical analysis and physical therapy. Additional literature
therapists working in different working environments was also obtained from professionals and through
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
literature referrals in articles. same movement chain and because there are many
similarities in the diagnostic and therapeutic processes,
The guidelines issued by the Dutch College of General especially with regard to the patient’s level of activity
Practitioners on non-traumatic adult knee problems1 and participation. Osteoarthritis of the ankle is not
advises guided exercise therapy by a physical therapist included. For ankle problems, the reader should refer
if the advice and medication given by the primary to the KNGF guidelines entitled ‘Chronic ankle sprains’.
care physician has not produced the expected results. Moreover, the present guidelines provide no
Providing exercise therapy and giving information information on physical therapy that is given either
and advice to patients are also of central importance before or after treatment involving arthroscopy,
in the KNGF- guidelines discussed here. The physical osteotomy or a joint replacement operation.
therapist treats, guides and coaches the patient and
encourages the adoption of appropriate pain and Target group
movement behavior. The interventions used are tuned These guidelines are written primarily for physical
to the specific problem areas and patient profile, as therapists working in the primary and secondary
described in Tables 1 and 2 above, that apply to the healthcare sectors who are dealing with patients with
patient being treated. The KNGF- guidelines are based health problems that are treated in a similar way to
on the English and American guidelines entitled the problems associated with osteoarthritis of the hip
“Guidelines for the diagnosis, investigation and or knee. These patients can also suffer from general
management of osteoarthritis of the hip or knee” and arthritis, that is, arthritis affecting three or more
“Guidelines for the medical management of joints. The therapeutic principles described in these
osteoarthritis of the hip or knee”, respectively.9-11 The guidelines can also be applied during hydrotherapy in
guidelines encapsulate the following elements of the a group setting. The guidelines do not cover the
total healthcare process: guided exercise therapy by a assessment or treatment of hip or knee arthritis in
physical therapist; advice, information and education those who need intensive rehabilitation in a
for patients, including the use of self-help programs; multidisciplinary setting. For these patients,
nutritional advice for obese patients; and advice on treatment should provided by a rehabilitation team.
orthopedic aids. Consequently, the treatment strategy may differ from
that presented in these guidelines.
Impairments, disabilities and participation
problems Physical therapists who treat patients with
Physical therapists describe the health problems osteoarthritis of the hip or knee must have specific
associated with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee in knowledge and experience. Knowledge is attained
terms of (impairments in) functions and structures, through a bachelor degree program and follow-up
(disabilities in) activities and participation workshops and courses, and experience is gained by
(problems). Definitions of these terms are given in working with this patient group. The physical
the International Classification of Impairments, therapist must have knowledge about: the natural
Disabilities and Handicaps.12 An example of a course of arthritis, including the pathologic and
functional impairment is decreased joint mobility. physiologic processes involved; the principles of
Primary care physicians use the term dysfunction, relating load to load-bearing capacity; the influence
which has a broader meaning and focuses more on of behavioral factors on pain; behavioral aspects of
disabilities and participation problems. functional mobility; and how to provide to
information to patients. A professional approach to
Defining health problems giving information to patients depends on having
These clinical guidelines describe the diagnostic and knowledge of and an insight into the information
therapeutic processes involved in providing physical involved and on being able to present it in a way that
therapy for patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the is appropriate to the context. Furthermore, the
hip or knee. The hip and the knee are covered by one physical therapist should keep up to date with the
set of guidelines because both joints form part of the relevant scientific and clinical literature.
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
osteoarthritis of the hip joint is frequently worse in can cause mechanical restrictions and swelling of the
women than men. In addition, if the caput femoris joint capsule. Osteophytes can increase joint pressure.
has migrated ventrally in the acetabulum or the In the beginning, the pain and pathologic changes
osteoarthritis has an atrophic character (i.e., it seen in osteoarthritis have an intermittent character.
involves bone deterioration), a worse prognosis is The pain is a so-called ‘starting pain’ that decreases
indicated in the hip.35 Factors that influence the when the patient moves longer and eventually
progression of osteoarthritis of the knee include old increases again when the joint is strained or remains
age, obesity and general arthritis.36 There is no in motion for a long period of time. In later stages,
evidence that losing weight leads to an improvement pain can be constant, lasting 24 hours a day.45,46
in osteoarthritis.37 The existence of a co-morbid Then, pain worsens when the patient is mobile and
complaint, such as a heart or lung disorder, makes the decreases with rest.
risk of disabilities in patients with osteoarthritis of One possible origin of pain is the accumulation of
the knee greater than that in patients with waste material, which can cause inflammation,
osteoarthritis alone.38 The results of prospective leading, in turn, to prostaglandin formation in the
studies39 also show that patients who have joint.45 Pain could also result from the stimulation of
osteoarthritis of the hip or knee along with other nerves with nociceptors. Pain is usually the patient’s
disorders that limit mobility are more likely to main complaint. In osteoarthritis of the hip, pain is
experience pain and joint problems that limit daily mainly located in the groin and in the frontal and
activities, and more psychosocial problems which lateral hip areas. It may be local or radiate to the
may lead to a decline in quality of life. Other factors lateral thigh or knee area. In osteoarthritis of the
that influence pain are the patient’s feelings of knee, pain is located inside and around the knee,
helplessness, educational level, and body mass especially on the dorsal side. It may also be located in
index.40 There is evidence that moderate and, for the the thigh or hip area.47 Specifically associated with
patient, sensible movement activities and adequate osteoarthritis of the knee are the occurrence of local
pain behavior have a positive effect on, on the one pressure points on osteophytes and at the joint
hand, the patient’s complaints41 and, on the other, interface and the observation of crepitations while
joint function. Catastrophizing42 and somatic moving.
complaints43 are associated with worse prognosis. Abnormal strain on joint ligaments can lead to
muscle atrophy, to a decrease in muscle strength and
Prevention flexibility, to postural deformities, and to
It is possible that preventing trauma and reducing instability.45,48 Stiffness is also a frequent and
weight could have a positive influence on the important symptom of osteoarthritis. Eventually, the
development and the natural course of patient’s performance of daily activities such as
osteoarthritis.15,44 The risk of osteoarthritis is greater walking, dressing, washing and using the toilet
when there is long-term repetitive local strain such as becomes limited.49 Decreased muscle strength results
occurs in professional ballerinas and those who in increased pain and limits daily activities.50,51
perform hard physical labor. Preventative actions may Decreased joint mobility also leads to a decrease in
also decrease the number of exacerbations.44 activities.51 Coping behavior and psychological
factors such as depression, fear, negative affect and
Health problems avoidance behavior can influence pain and
The most important characteristic of osteoarthritis is impairments in movement functions, and
the resulting damage to and loss of joint cartilage.45 disabilities.50,52–54 Osteoarthritis can lead to absence
Damage may not be spread evenly over the whole from work and to claims for disability insurance
joint surface. Along with cartilage loss, there is also payments.55 Impairments and disabilities can lead to
the risk that cartilage fragments are deposited in the a decline in quality of life.56 Patients who, in addition
joint cavity, that changes in bone tissue can lead to to osteoarthritis, also have other disorders that cause
the formation of osteophytes, and that synovial fluids functional limitations are in a more fragile condition
may be affected by inflammation. Loose fragments because they usually have more pain, experience
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
more influence of the symptoms in daily life and others to control pain and the disabilities is a form of
more psychosocial problems, all of which lead to a passive coping.58 These latter individuals do not
decline in quality of life.56 ‘Seeking social support’as a exercise, avoid certain activities, and adopt a strategy
way of coping strategy appears to be a more of resting to lessen pain. A physically active lifestyle
important predictor for the quality of life than the has a positive effect on pain; the use of rest as the
chronicle pain or physical disabilities. Individuals only means of decreasing pain can have a negative
who have difficulty in opening up and talking about effect.44,54,59,60 The way in which a patient deals with
their health problems with others have the poorest pain is dependant on (A) the patient’s characteristics,
quality of life.56 on (B) the interaction between patient and physical
therapist, and on (C) the patient’s interaction with
Natural course his or her environment.
Very little systematic research has investigated the
natural course of osteoarthritis. It appears that A. Patient’s characteristics
symptoms are variable and are worsened by strain The patient’s characteristics determine how he gives
and unusual joint movements.15 Exacerbations occur meaning to the complaint and how much control he
a few times a year and last no longer than a couple of has over the complaints. It also determines whether
weeks. As osteoarthritis progresses, pain can increase, there is inappropriate cognition about pain.61 The
and the mobility and strength of the hip or knee can term cognition refers to subjective perceptions and to
decrease, thereby leading slowly to disabilities. the interpretation of stimuli. A distinction is made
However, pain can also decrease despite an increase between attribution and expectation. Attribution
in functional impairments and despite the involves interpreting events and searching for
disabilities.15 Patients may, therefore, be able to possible explanations for the present situation. If the
function without complaints and pain. There is a interpretation of stimuli or the present situation does
small group of patients with severe disabilities and not coincide with reality, the patient is making a
participation problems, and in whom pain is logical error. One of the most common logical errors
constant for 24 hours a day. The occurrence of occurs when the patient regards the pain and the
constant pain that is present in the middle of the situation producing it as being very threatening, a
night and while resting is usually a sign of very severe catastrophe. Expectations, on the other hand, may
osteoarthritis, which may require an operation.34 involve anticipating pain and experiencing a degree
Complaint variability can make patients uncertain of control over pain. The locus of control is defined
about how they should perform their daily activities as ‘the point where the person has control over the
and about the natural course and prognosis of their event’.62 If the patient experiences his or her
osteoarthritis. behavior as being controlled internally, for example
because he or she has control over his or her own
Coping with complaints healthcare, there is said to be an internal locus of
People can cope with complaints in either a positive control. If behavior is felt to be controlled externally,
or a negative way. The way a patient copes with pain because someone else, perhaps the physical therapist,
determines the relationship between chronic pain or some situation is regarded as controlling the
and the resulting disabilities.41 Coping can be active patient’s healthcare, there is said to be an external
or passive and has been defined as ‘the cognitive and locus of control.63 An internal locus of control is
behavioral means of dealing with internal or external often combined with active coping and leads,
influences that are created by stress and which the therefore, to a more successful way of dealing with
individual must understand, reduce and tolerate’.57 pain.58 Motor behavior depends on both attribution
Continuing, or trying to continue, to function and expectation. A patient with avoidance behavior
despite substantial pain is referred to active coping. It will avoid certain situations because pain is
can be achieved, for example, by seeking out anticipated on the basis of past experience.61 If a
activities that distract attention from the pain and by patient engages in catastrophic thinking, avoidance
maintaining an active lifestyle. Being dependant on can lead to fear of movement, that is, to fear that
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
movement will lead to the recurrence of pain or inflammatory processes predominate. The most
injury. This fear does not have a so much to do with important complaints are pain and impairments
pain intensity but it results from catastrophic related to mobility of the hip or knee. The presence
thinking. Details are given in the ‘cognitive- of night pain and an inability to bear weight on a
behavioral model’ of chronic pain proposed by joint, when standing or lying on one side, indicates
Vlaeyen et al.61 This model describes how the the existence of an active inflammatory process. In
experience of pain is more likely to result in a fear of knee joints specifically, swelling and an increase in
movement and avoidance behavior in patients who temperature are associated with active inflammatory
tend towards catastrophic thinking. Fear of processes.
movement then leads to greater movement
avoidance. Patient profile B. This type of patient has
impairments related to movement which gradually
B. Interaction between patient and physical results in disabilities as well as episodes of pain.
therapist Normally the patient seeks solutions for his problems
The physical therapist’s attitude and the way he deals on his own and he has a high level of self-control.
with the patient’s complaint can influence the Only during these episodes, the patient has contact
natural course of the condition. For example, paying with (para)medical services.
too much attention to pain during treatment and not
encouraging independence enough can have negative Patient profile C. This type of patient has a long-
influences. lasting, chronically recurring complaint, meaning
that the patient has had complaints for longer than
C. Interaction with the environment twelve weeks. Of central importance are disabilities
Social support provides help in times of difficulty and and participation problems. Often, the patient has
when the patient is getting used to changes. The very little feeling
most important source of support is the patient’s of control and does not make an active effort to solve
partner. Individuals suffering from back pain who his problems.
receive social support recover and pick up the pieces
of their life faster. On the other hand, social support Diagnosis
can contribute to the maintenance of complaints. For A methodical approach to providing physical therapy
example, if the patient’s partner takes responsibility is based on a problem-solving process.65 There are a
for everything, this can lead to the continuation of number of different phases in treatment. Firstly, there
errors in logical thinking.64 is the referral from the primary care physician or
medical specialist and the patient’s testimony. Next
Patient profiles comes history taking, followed by assessment, and
There are six problem areas for patients suffering then formulation of the physical therapy diagnosis.
from osteoarthritis of the hip or knee: (i) impairments The physical therapist decides whether treatment is
related to active inflammatory processes; (ii) pain; necessary or not. If there is an indication for therapy,
(iii) impairments related to movement; (iv) a treatment plan is made. Evaluations take place both
disabilities; (v) participation problems; and (vi) during and at the end of the course of therapy. The
inadequate pain behavior. In addition, the physical final phase is terminating therapy and reporting back
therapist can classify patients as having one of three to the referring physician.66-68
defined patient profiles on the basis of their problem
areas and the natural course of their complaint. Each The aim of the diagnostic process is to document the
of the three patient profiles given below describes the severity and the nature of the health problem and the
patient as he or she appears during assessment and extent to which it can be influenced. The starting
provides a context for treatment. point is the patient’s testimony, including the most
important complaints. The physical therapist
Patient profile A. In this type of patient, active determines which problem areas are most important
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
to the patient, decides which patient profile best fits also works with practitioners of other disciplines.
the patient, assesses whether pain in the hip or knee
is a direct result of osteoarthritis or is the result of History taking
another disorder (for example, bursitis), and Table 4 provides a detailed description of the history-
determines the patient’s need for information. taking process in patients with osteoarthritis of the
hip or knee.
Referral and first physical therapy visit
These clinical guidelines assume that the referral of a The advice given in the guidelines is to make use of
patient with genu osteoarthritis or coxa osteoarthritis the pain visual analogue scale (VAS) and the
comes from a primary care physician or medical Algofunctional Index to assess patients quantitatively.
specialist. Referral documentation should describe Both these methods can provide reference values for
not only the diagnosis, but also the reasons for following the patient’s progress over time. The
referral. Supplementary referral information can patient’s level of pain and disabilities in ADL can be
include details of any medicine prescribed and of measured during assessment, during therapy and at
possible co-morbid conditions. The physical therapist the end of a course of therapy. Progress can then be
Table 4. Questions to be answered during history taking in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee.
Investigation of health problems in terms of their cause, natural course and prognosis
• What is the natural course in terms of severity and nature (i.e. impairments, disabilities or participation
• Does the patient have a history of hip or knee complaints?
• When did the complaints start, what is the course over time in terms of complaints and functioning?
• Are complaints episodic, long-lasting, recurrent or chronic (i.e., longer than three months’ duration)?
• Prognostic factors:
Causal factors:
- How did the complaint start?
- Is there a birth disorder that affects the hip or knee?
- Are there any hereditary (genetic) factors that could influence osteoarthritis?
- Is there a history of trauma that could have caused joint damage in the hip or knee? If so, how long
ago and how well did the patient recover?
- Is the patient overweight?
- Does the patient take part in heavy labor or in a sport that strains the hip or knee?
- If there is joint damage or rapid disease progression: Is there a history of other joint disorders
affecting the hip or knee (e.g., trauma involving damage to the meniscus, a meniscus operation, or
rheumatoid arthritis)?
Positive and negative influences:
- What does the patient do for himself to improve his condition?
- Does the patient have the feeling that this helps?
- Does the patient have an active lifestyle? Does the patient rest if pain occurs?
- What amount of movement does the patient would damage the joint? Is he afraid to move or afraid
of falling?
- Is the patient motivated to exercise?
- Are there any co-morbid complaints?
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
- Do factors in the patient’s environment (e.g., the patient’s partner or the work situation) have a
positive or negative influence on the patient’s condition?
• Diagnosis, treatment and the results of treatment:
- What is the diagnosis (if known)?
- Which instructions has the patient followed, in terms of resting and exercising or keeping warm or
cool, and have they helped?
- Has the patient had any previous treatment? What type of treatment was it and what were the
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
understood by people from a wide range of different good reproducibility and responsiveness.78–80 The
cultures. It can be used frequently and repeatedly and total score on the Algofunctional Index represents the
requires no specific training. One drawback of the VAS patient’s degree of limitation in ADL: ): > 14:
is that patients must be able to understand that a line extremely severe disabilities; 11-13: very severe
can represent an abstract concept like pain.75–77 disabilities; 8-10: severe disabilities; 5-7: moderate
disabilities; 1-4: minimal disabilities. A total score
Algofunctional Index greater than 11 or 12 can indicate that an operation
The Algofunctional Index has been specially may be necessary and provides sufficient reason for
developed and validated for patients with contacting the referring physician.
osteoarthritis of the hip or knee. It provides measures
of pain, maximum walking distance and the patient’s Assessment
level of activity in daily life. It takes 3- 4 minutes to Assessment comprises inspection, palpation and
fill in. The method enables patients’ progress to be functional assessment. Inspection involves observing
followed over time in parallel with their general the patient, with most attention being given to the
perception of improvement, as determined by the back, pelvis, hips, knees and feet. The assessment
patients themselves. It is a valid instrument with provides a record of the patient’s situation at that
Table 5. Details of the assessment process in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee.
• Where is the pain located?
• Where is the swelling located? Is there, at present, mild, moderate or severe swelling? Is the swelling
• Are there any structural changes?
• Are there any postural changes involving the knee, hips, pelvis or spine?
• Are there any postural changes in the lower leg that affect the thigh (e.g., genu varum or genu valgum)?
Are there any postural changes in the foot? Are there any postural changes in one leg relative to the
• Does the circumference of one leg differ from that of the other?
• Is there any swelling?
• Is there an increase in joint temperature?
• Is there synovial expansion? Is palpation painful?
• What is the muscle strength of the lumbar extensors and hip adductors (for osteoarthritis of the hip)?
Functional assessment
• How much strain can the patient put on the hip or knee while, for example, standing, standing on one
leg, or walking?
• During active assessment, patients are asked about their ability to perform flexion, extension and
rotation of the knee, and flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, external rotation and internal
rotation of the hip.
• Passive assessment gives an indication of the total range of motion, of sensation at the end of joints, and
how pain is provoked.
• What is the muscle strength and tone (e.g., of the quadriceps and gluteus), and the stability and
flexibility of both legs?
• How is balance on both legs during walking?
• How well are any orthopedic aids used?
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
moment in time. It must be seen in the context of medical specialist. Factors that have a positive
daily activities. It is important that evaluations of influences include an adequate way of coping and a
osteoarthritis are repeated regularly so that there are supportive environment. The physical therapist
enough time-points to assess progress (see the section makes a prognosis, and decides whether the patient is
on evaluation below) when the disease has a very sufficiently motivated to participate in physical
variable natural course. Table 5 provides more details therapy, whether there is an indication for such
of the assessment process in patients with therapy, and whether the patient can be treated
osteoarthritis of the hip or knee. If, during according to the guidelines. If there is no indication
assessment, other symptoms are found that are not for physical therapy, the patient is sent back to the
characteristic of osteoarthritis, for example long- referring physician with, if necessary, advice that a
lasting intense pain, the physical therapist should referral should be made to a medical specialist. After
contact the referring primary care physician. discussing the analysis with the patient, a treatment
plan is formulated.
Diagnosis according to Cyriax’s tests
A capsular pattern in a joint is an indication of Treatment plan
arthritis or arthrosis. The guidelines do not The goals of physical therapy can be formulated once
recommend using the results of Cyriax’s tests in the nature of the factors influencing the health
osteoarthritis of the hip or knee.81 This is because the problem are known. Only then, can goals be
significance of finding a capsular pattern in a hip or formulated in terms of removing, reducing and
knee joint is still under discussion.82,83 preventing impairments, disabilities and participation
problems. In other words, formulated in terms of
During functional assessment, a hand-held improving the patient’s functioning, levels of activity
dynamometer can be used to measure muscle and participation. The treatment plan provides a
strength and a goniometer to measure movement. structure for the treatment process, and enables it to
The hand-held dynamometer must be used in be controlled and evaluated. In addition, the
accordance with a standard method. treatment plan determines individual treatment
goals, the conduct of therapy, treatment strategies,
Analysis and the tasks to be carried out by the patient and
The patient’s condition is analyzed on the basis of the physical therapist. The treatment plan is primarily
information provided by the referral and collected based on the results of the diagnostic process and the
during the first physical therapy visit, history taking identified problem areas in the appropriate patient
and assessment, as described above. It is then profile, as shown in Table 6.
described in terms of impairments, disabilities and
participation problems. Examples are: pain
complaints, morning stiffness, decreased muscle Therapy
strength, walking limitations, difficulty in putting The central goal of physical therapy here is to counter
shoes on, fear of movement, and being unable to the effect of osteoarthritis by decreasing the patient’s
work. The end result is to reach a decision about the pain, disabilities and participation problems. In other
patient’s central problem areas, which characteristic words, to optimize the patient’s levels of activity and
patient profile fits best, and how physical therapy can participation in life. The main areas treated by
help. A number of factors have negative influences physical therapy are: disabilities, for example, in
on the condition: obesity, an inadequate way of walking, bending over and sitting down; if necessary,
coping, and co-morbid complaints. On occasion, participation problems such as taking part in
these factors may make it necessary to discuss the household and occupational tasks; the causal
situation with the referring physician during impairments, such as muscle atrophy, decreased
treatment or to involve another type of healthcare movement flexibility and decreased stamina; and
worker in the treatment plan, for example, a inadequate coping strategy. Of central importance to
nutritionist, podiatrist, occupational therapist or the therapeutic process are: providing information
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
Table 6. Summary of the physical therapy process, showing treatment goals and actions based on identified
problem areas within the three characteristic patient profiles.
1. Impairments related to • Reduce pain, hydrops and • Provide information and advice
active inflammatory impairments in movement on the relationship between
processes • Gain insight into the load and load-bearing capacity
relationship between the • Provide exercise therapy within
patient’s joint load and the limits set by joint capabilities
load-bearing capacity • Instruct on the use of orthopedic
• Provide cryotherapy (only for the
• Provide TENS (only for the knee)
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
6. Inadequate pain behavior • Optimize an adequate way • Provide information and advice
of coping on methods of coping with pain,
and emphasize the importance of
continuing to exercise (if
necessary, in a group)
• Provide exercise therapy while
giving positive feedback and
encouraging positive experiences
• Teach coping strategies (if
necessary, in a group)
• Help the patient’s environment
to have a positive rather than
negative influence
and advice; exercise therapy and encouraging a B, the accent is on encouraging greater activity and
positive way of coping with the complaints. The better functioning. Monitoring the patient over time
adoption of a behavioral approach is important for is a central part of the therapeutic process. The
treating patients who have an inadequate way of physical therapist guides the patient during his or her
coping with the complaints. During the therapeutic recovery of control in ADL, hobbies, sport and work.
process, the physical therapist will evaluate treatment In patients fitting patient profile C, treatment is
goals systematically. based on building up the level of ADL, hobbies, sport
and work. One important aspect of treatment is that
In patients fitting patient profile A, the role of the the patient should regain a sense of control. The
physical therapist is to decrease pain and the patient will have to learn problem-solving techniques
impairments related to active inflammatory and the appropriate way of dealing with the
processes. The recommended therapeutic approach is complaints of osteoarthritis. If necessary, the physical
based on consensus. In patients fitting patient profile therapist may contact the practitioners of any other
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
disciplines involved in treating the patient or the caused by osteoarthritis of the hip than on other
patient’s employer. forms of pain. However, the evidence presented in
this study is of limited value because the quality of
There follow reviews of the various therapeutic the experimental method is poor.
practices and techniques that can be used for treating
patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee, along Group therapy
with descriptions of any relevant consequences for A number of studies show that group therapy has
the guidelines. The conclusions reached are based on positive effects.71,92–96,142 In the Netherlands, two
the literature reviews and meta-analyses available, group programs have been developed, entitled ‘Hup
and on recently published RCTs. met de heup’ and ‘Omgaan met artrose’. ‘Hup met de
heup’ is an exercise program for people with
Exercise therapy osteoarthritis of the hip. It results in decreased pain,
A search for literature on the effectiveness of exercise which improves the patient’s quality of life.96
therapy resulted in eight reviews59,84-90 and one ‘Omgaan met artrose’ is an age-dependant program
overview study.15 The systematic review by van for persons with osteoarthritis of the knee. It helps
Baar84 on the efficacy of exercise therapy provided them develop an effective way of dealing with
the starting point for these guidelines. The review osteoarthritis.71
covered 11 randomized clinical trials. The following
criteria were used during selection: therapy had to be Optimal type of exercise program
randomized, and relevant outcome measures, such as There is insufficient evidence to draw conclusions
the level of pain, reported disabilities, observed about the optimal type of exercise therapy. Individual
disabilities, and patients’ testimony, had to have been therapy, group therapy, and hydro-aerobic exercises
used. The conclusions of the review were based on in combination with other forms of therapy, such as
two research studies in which the methodical quality psychoeducational interventions, all have positive
and statistical power were sufficiently high.42,91 These effects on osteoarthritis of the hip or knee. Exercises
studies indicated that exercise therapy has a small that involve loading, that are functional, that focus
positive effect on pain, small positive effects on on strengthening muscles (e.g., the musculus
observed and recorded levels of activity, and a quadriceps femoris), and that improve stamina all
medium to large positive effect on patients’ seem to have positive effects.
perceptions. The effects of individual aspects of
therapy, such as exercise therapy or encouraging Patient subgroups
active coping, are unclear. The results of At present, little is known about which subgroup of
implementing care interventions in osteoarthritis of patients would benefit most from exercise
the hip or knee that were recorded in the overview therapy.35,59,84
study by Schouten and van der Linden15 are included
in earlier reviews by Marks88, Dekker et al.59 and Consequences for guidelines
Puett et al.85 Schouten and van der Linden concluded During the active phase of treatment in patients
that the authors of the various reviews were positive fitting patient profile A, the guidelines recommend
about the effects of exercise therapy, which may exercise therapy at a level such that the load is within
result in a 10–30% improvement in pain and the joint’s load-bearing capacity. This advice is based
disabilities. on practical experience and was also agreed by
consensus. It is important that it is followed so that
Hydrotherapy active inflammatory processes do not increase.
Two RCTs report that hydro-aerobic exercises carried Bunning and Materson97 recommend that
out in combination with other forms of therapy have medication should also be used in the active phase
positive effects on osteoarthritis of the hip or and that exercise therapy should start at a low load,
knee.92,93 The review by Hoving et al.86 concludes which can be slowly increased later. When
that hydrotherapy has a greater effect on the pain inflammatory processes ameliorate, therapy should
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
concentrate on pain reduction and exercise therapy social functioning and pain behavior.
should be adjusted according to the symptoms
produced by the strain involved. Therapy in patients Providing information and advice
fitting patient profile B is based on encouraging The main goals of informing and advising patients
better functioning and increasing ADL, while building are:
up exercise intensity and duration. In those fitting 1. to provide knowledge about osteoarthritis and its
patient profile C, there should be a further increase in therapy;
activities associated with daily life, sport, hobbies and 2. to influence compliance with therapy; and
work, while exercise intensity and duration is 3. to promote an appropriate way of coping with the
increased. Moreover, behavioral techniques should complaints, including any associated
also employed. Similarly, if changes in exercise impairments, disabilities and participation
behavior are needed in patients fitting patient profile problems.
A or B, it is recommended that behavioral principles
should be followed. These guidelines do not prescribe 1. Providing knowledge about osteoarthritis and its
a specific approach to providing exercise therapy. therapy
Patients with osteoarthritis need information and
Behavioral principles support. Their main problems are pain, tiredness,
Behavioral principles can be used in patients who uncertainty about the future, depression, lifestyle
have an inadequate way of coping with the changes, and adjusting to the disorder.35 According to
complaints of osteoarthritis. Here, the main focus is Dutch research, persons suffering from osteoarthritis
not on the underlying pathology (impairment) but of the hip or knee know little about the disorder.99 In
on the inappropriate behavior and on the situations this study, approximately half of all elderly patients
in which this behavior occurs.61 Other aspects of reported that they knew that controlled moderate
treatment are the patient’s level of active exercise is not harmful. Only a quarter reported that
participation and a time-contingent approach (time they knew that associations for patients with
determines the therapeutic interventions). In rheumatism are also for osteoarthritis patients and
behavioral treatment, three main approaches are that having osteoarthritis does not necessarily lead to
distinguished: the operant approach in which the being confined to a wheelchair.
main focus is on pain behavior; the respondent
approach in which the central focus is on recognizing 2. Influencing compliance
and reducing stress; and the cognitive approach in In addition to providing exercise therapy, the
which the focus is on influencing the perception and physical therapist must also try to ensure patient
expectation of pain.61 For the physical therapist, the compliance, or in other words, to encourage the
operant approach is recommended. With pain patient’s desire to participate in therapy.35,41,85,100,101
behavior of central concern, the operant approach Compliance is often very low at the end of
focuses on increasing healthy behavior, such as therapy.102 Two of the most important factors leading
walking, cycling and working, and on decreasing to non-compliance are, firstly, obstacles encountered
pain-related behavior, such as the overuse of by patients – for example, exercise therapy may not
orthopedic aids and movement inhibition. In this fit into their daily routine or may not be appropriate
way, the influence of the environment is brought to their situation – and, secondly, an absence of
under control. The use of ‘graded activity’ also helps positive feedback in their normal environment. To
achieve the targets of increasing the patient’s level of overcome these obstacles, it is important that the
activity and decreasing his or her pain-related exercises and advice given are adjusted to each
behavior. Morley et al. conducted a systematic review patient’s individual situation and that any problems
and a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of applying the patient experiences with the exercises or with
behavior principles in adults with chronic pain.98 The behavioral changes are dealt with regularly. In
use of behavioral principles proved to have a positive addition, the physical therapist should regularly give
influence on the patient’s pain perception, mood, positive feedback.102
26 V-06/2003/US
KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
Knibbe and Wams103 described a systematic way of techniques, and encouraging the integration of
increasing the patient’s compliance to therapy. A new knowledge and skills into daily life.
distinction is made between short-term and long- The main goal of psychoeducational interventions is
term therapy. Influencing compliance over the long to decrease the patient’s complaints, such as pain,
term involves changing how the patient evaluates the disabilities and depression. In a review of the
advantages and disadvantages of therapy and effectiveness of psychoeducational interventions in
increasing the patient’s feeling of personal efficacy. patients with osteoarthritis, Lorig105 concluded that
Changing how the patient evaluates the advantages effectiveness is greater when the interventions
and disadvantages of therapy depends on influencing ‘include or emphasize endurance exercise, coping,
the patient’s reasoning. Increasing the personal self-efficacy and problem solving’ than it is in
efficacy involves actively giving the patient the interventions in which the emphasis is on movement
feeling that he is able to control the situation and the flexibility or ‘joint protection’.35
associated behavior.
Schouten and van der Linden35 carried out an
3. Promoting an appropriate way of coping overview study of the effects of psychoeducational
complaints with the condition, including interventions in patients with osteoarthritis. The
impairments, disabilities and participation overview included two meta-analyses,106,107 two
problems systematic reviews105,108 and a meta-analysis of
Two important aspects of successful therapy are psychosocial interventions in chronic disease.109 In
decreasing the strategy ‘resting’ if there are general, all the reviews and meta-analyses showed
complaints and increasing the patient’s activity level that psychoeducational interventions had positive
in normal daily life. Both aim to decrease physical effects, especially on pain and depression. Their
disabilities.54 A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of efficacy in decreasing functional limitations is
instilling cognitive coping strategies showed positive unclear, but there is possibly a small effect. There was
results. Of the 51 studies analyzed, 85% reported a 10-20% greater decrease in pain than in the control
improvements in measures such as pain tolerance, group and a 15-20% greater decrease in depression.106
pain intensity and pain threshold.104 Changing a The group of patients that experienced the greatest
passive coping style into an active coping style seems effect was not accurately defined. Schouten and van
to make a significant difference. It is important that der Linden recommend that the Kovar et al. study92
exercise therapy starts with a controlled loading force should also be taken into account in planning
that is beneficial for and not damaging to the joint. treatment. In this latter study, the therapeutic
program included exercise therapy (i.e., a walking
Recent literature indicates that adopting a program), a focus on self-efficacy, and an
psychoeducational approach is important in patients informational approach based on behavioral
suffering from osteoarthritis of the hip or knee. There psychology.
are two forms of psychoeducational intervention:14 Van Baar110 also concluded that an optimal approach
1. Self-help programs. Information and support is to exercise therapy should involve psychoeducational
given while the patient learns and engages in new interventions. Patients learn how they can plan their
activities such as exercising, relaxing and carrying day on the basis of their symptoms and they are
out ‘energy saving’ actions. The patient learns and provided with techniques that enable them to handle
practices new skills, such as being assertive with a range of different situations and to make individual
health professionals and family members, decisions on the basis of their needs. The patients’
managing time, and solving problems. Self ability to manage themselves is increased if they can
efficacy is also important and interactions with make realistic and attainable goals and if they receive
fellow sufferers can be helpful. feedback. The information provided must be matched
2. Cognitive-behavior therapy. This intervention to the individual’s specific situation.
comprises teaching about pain theory, teaching
new skills, such as relaxation and cognitive
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
joint manipulation. The working group consensus situations, it is recommended that the referring
was that joint manipulation should be included in physician is consulted.
the guidelines. For details of treatment, readers are
referred to the Dutch handbook: ‘Extremiteiten’.136 Steps in the patient education process
Van der Burgt and Verhulst138 carried out an
Patient education plan overview of all the education models used in
The patient education plan forms part the overall healthcare and translate these into a model of patient
treatment plan. Formulating the education plan starts education that could be applied in paramedical
with an analysis of the patient’s need for practice. They integrated the Attitude, Social
information, which was identified during history Influence and Personal Efficacy determinant model139
taking. The physical therapist should consider with Hoenen et al.’s Information Ladder Model.140
questions such as: What does the patient know about The Attitude, Social Influence and Personal Efficacy
the disorder and its treatment? How is the patient determinant model is based upon the assumption
coping? Does the patient know how to influence the that willingness to change behavior is determined by
complaints? What do the patient and the patient’s the relationship between the patient’s Attitude (how
partner expect from treatment? the individual perceives behavioral change), Social
influences (how others see behavioral change) and
Dekkers137 divided the process of patient education the patient’s Personal efficacy (whether the patient
into four tasks: informing, instructing, educating and thinks it will work or not). The Information Ladder
guiding. These four tasks can defined hierarchically: Model proposed by Hoenen et al. visualizes a number
• Informing: providing the patient with facts about of distinct phases: ‘being open’, ‘understanding’,
the disorder, its treatment and patient care. ‘wanting’ and ‘doing’. With a view to application in
• Instructing: providing concrete guidelines that the paramedical practice, van der Burgt and Verhulst
patient must follow in order to influence the added two extra phases: ‘being able’, and ‘keep
treatment process. doing’. Another phase, designated ‘the person’, was
• Educating: providing detailed explanations of the added, in which the patient’s individual
disorder and its treatment from which the patient characteristics were identified. Van der Burgt and
learns about the background to the disorder and Verhulst regard patient education as a process in
its consequences and from which the patient can which the last phase is behavioral change. This last
learn what to do on their own to keep the phase can only be reached if the other phases are
disorder under control. Any independent skills completed first. For details, see Table 7.
acquired by the patient should be practiced, if
necessary. It is important to take into account the patient’s
• Guiding: providing emotional support so that the character and abilities during the patient education
disorder and its consequences can be accepted and process, including such personal factors as:
emotionally processed by the patient. 7. the locus of control, i.e., how much influence the
patient believes he or she has over the situation;
In practice, these four tasks will often overlap. 8. attribution, i.e., the factors that the patient
However, it is important that the tasks are kept believes are influencing his or her life situation;
separate during patient education if specific goals are 9. coping style, i.e., how the patient reacts to
to be met. In addition, there are practical differences important incidents in his or her life; and
between the four tasks, in terms of the time, 10. emotional state: the patient may be in an
educational aids and skills needed. Educating patients emotional state that does not permit him or her
requires a higher level of didactic skills and more to be open to new information at that time. The
educational aids than simply informing patients. If patient’s emotional states may also determine the
there are indications that the patient does not accept way he or she reacts to the situation.
the consequences of his or her disorder, then
guidance becomes very important. In these Attention must be paid to the patient’s concerns
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KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
Table 7. The six steps in the process of patient education (source: van der Burgt and Verhulst.(138)
1. Being open
The physical therapist adapts the educational methods to the patient’s perceptions, expectations,
questions and concerns. Important questions are: What are the patient’s main concerns? Which
problems hamper the patient’s ability to be open to new information and behavioral change?
2. Understanding
Information must be presented in such a way that the patient will understand and remember it. It is
important not to provide too much information at one time. It is necessary to decide what information
is needed first and what can be saved until later. The message should be repeated, in another form if
necessary, and explained with the help of educational aids, such as pamphlets and videos. The physical
therapist determines whether the patient has understood the information given.
3. Wanting
The physical therapist determines what motivates the patient to take action. Here, it is of value to
understand how important performing the exercises is to the patient, to find out whether the patient
feels supported or discouraged by people in his or her environment, and to determine whether the
patient feels that he or she has an influence on the situation. The physical therapist will offer support
and provide information about alternatives. Achievable goals are set.
4. Being able
The patient must be able to perform the prescribed behavior. Functional skills must be practiced. It is
important to investigate the practical problems the patient anticipates and to decide how to overcome
5. Doing
The new behavior is practiced. The physical therapist makes clear, concrete and attainable agreements
and sets concrete goals. If possible, positive feedback is given.
6. Keep doing
The patient must continue the learned behavior after treatment has ended. During therapy, the physical
therapist discusses with the patient whether continuation of the learned behavior is possible. It is
important to recognize the patient’s potential, to identify what stimulates the patient, to see if any short-
term or long-term goals can be achieved, and to find out what helps the patient to recover after a ‘dip’ in
during every step of the educational process. The important that patients continue to exercise and to
educational model described above can provide an practice the mobility and flexibility they have
insight into the problems a patient may have with achieved. Van Baar recommends that therapy should
compliance to therapy. be less frequent during the final phase of treatment
so that patients can receive guidance over a longer
Treatment duration and frequency period of time. Another option is to follow up
The guidelines advise that the treatment of patients treatment with a number of appointments for check-
with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee should last for a ups, as advised in the English guidelines.9 This
minimum of six weeks. According to van Baar52, the ensures that compliance is greater and, consequently,
effects of exercise therapy are of short duration. It is that exercise therapy has a positive effect.
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32 V-06/2003/US
KNGF-guidelines for physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
ADL Activities of Daily Life NPi Dutch National Institute of Allied health
ICIDH International Classification of Impairments, RCT Randomized controlled trial
Disabilities and Handicaps
KNGF Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy TENS Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
NHG Dutch Society of Primary Care Physicians VAS Visual Analogue Scale
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