Technical Paper Molluscs
Technical Paper Molluscs
Technical Paper Molluscs
Molluscs, Univalve, Bivalve, Marketing Strategy, Threats
1. INTRODUCTION distributed in marine which is around 1000
species, land which is around 110 species and
Molluscs belong to an extremely freshwater which is around 40 species the Gulf of
abundant and diverse group. Majority of them Mannar, including the Coromandel Coast, and
live in all levels starting from the intertidal zone Lakshadweep have 428 and 424 species,
down to the abyssal depths. Marine waters are respectively. Gulf of Kutch or the Gujarat coast
home to bivalves. and the Orissa coast account for 350 and 337
The biggest group in the species, respectively. The diversity in these areas
phylum Mollusca, gastropods include more than is mainly due to preponderance of marine
65,000 animal species under the class Molluscs. As far as land Molluscs are concerned
Gastropoda. Snails, which are protected by shells diversity is concentrated in the North eastern
from which the animal can literally withdraw, India and Western Ghats (
and the slugs-snails the shells of which have been Website, 2015).
downgraded to an internal fragment or totally The diversity of molluscs in Mindanao
lost in the process of evolution also belong to Island, south of the Philippines is noticeably
class Gastropoda. Just like the plight of other scarce. The spatial structure and diversity of
marine species, there are threats to their survival Molluscs in the shorelines of Padada, Davao del
such as habitat destruction or alteration, Sur along the coastline area create a transect with
exploitation, introduced species, pollution, and an interval of 50 meters at the least. Ten transects
over collecting. Molluscs are also turned into were perpendicularly installed along the
food and accessories to many people living shoreline. Each transect was comprised of 10
adjacent the coastal area but still, many of the plots with a measurement of 1 meter by 1 meter.
threats to them are caused by people who benefit Lake Taal, which is situated at around
from such awesome creations. 60 kilometers south of Manila, Philippines, is a
Globally, Europe was the one of the distinct environment owing to its geographical
biggest country that has a big number of and geological features. The molluscan fauna has
molluscs populations. There‟s about about always been regarded as a significant feature of
44 percent or 373 species of freshwater the lake. In terms of ecology, these animals are
Molluscs and 20 percent or 246 species of perhaps the leading benthic invertebrate group.
the selected terrestrial molluscs are threatened, In terms of economy, they are significant as
while at the European Union 27 level in 2011, a some species are harvested for human and animal
slightly higher percentage is observed consumption.
with 50 percent or 273 species of freshwater
Molluscs and 21 percent or 235 species of the 2. OBJECTIVES
selected terrestrial Molluscs are being threatened.
A further nine percent of freshwater and The objective of identifying the
15 percent of the selected terrestrial molluscs are commonly found molluscs in their coastal area is
considered nearly threatened at the European to make people able to know if this species is
level. Europe is the biggest country that has a big available in their area. Also to found out if the
number of populations of molluscs worldwide. behavior of the people can cause threats on the
There is a lack of good population trend molluscs population and to have knowledge on
data and a vast majority of the assessed non- taking care of their responsible coastal areas. The
marine Molluscs species have unknown other one is to identify if this species can be
population trends or 83 percent for the freshwater source of income and to know on what help can
Molluscs and more than half – 53 percent – for we suggest in molluscs gatherers on what they
the terrestrial Molluscs, whilst in both cases, less need in order to improve the uses of they
than one percent of species are seen to be gathered molluscs. The last objectives is on
increasing ( Website, Aquatic Resources Management Framework to
2010). help in scaling up the production initiative for
India is one of the 11 countries that molluscs and also to helping people by giving
belong to Asia, and there is an island there that is them knowledge on how to manage properly
rich in diversity Molluscs population. Andaman their coastal area to protect the population of
and Nicobar Islands have a rich molluscan molluscs.
diversity, which include about 1150 species
3. LITERATURES REVIEW Calatagan is politically subdivided into
twenty five (25) barangays. These are the
3.1 Conceptual Literature following barangays: Poblacion 1, Poblacion 2,
Poblacion 3, Poblacion 4, Bagong Silang, Baha,
Molluscs. Clams, snails, and the squid- Balibago, Balitoc, Biga, Bucal, Carlosa,
octopus group belong to a large category or Carretunan , Encarnation, Gulod, Hukay,
phylum of animals called Molluscs. Their name Lucsuhin, Luya, Paraiso, Quilitisan, Real,
means “soft-bodied,” but that only means there Sambungan, Santa Ana, Talibayog, Talisay,
are no bones and their meat they have a thick, Tanagan.
muscular body with lots of complex organ inside; The interface between the land and
a nervous system with a brain or some-times water are called coastal areas. These zones are
threel and some sense organs four smell and important because a majority of the world‟s
often for sight or eyes; a complete digestive population inhabit such zones. Coastal zones are
system with many organs; and systems for continually changing because of the dynamic
circulation like the arteries, veins, and one or interaction between the oceans and the land.
more hearts, for excretion like kidneys, and for Waves and wind along the cost are both eroding
respiration like gills for breathing or on land. rock and depositing sediment on a continuous
Seashells belong to the Phylum basis, and rates of erosion and deposition vary
Mollusca, one of the most diverse groups of considerable from day to day along such zones.
animals, second only to the arthropods. Estimates The energy reaching the coast can become high
on the number of the living species vary from a during storms, and such high energies make
very conservative count of known species, 52, coastal zones areas of high vulnerability to
and 525. Seashells are the calcareous exoskeleton natural hazards. Thus, an understanding of the
produced by marine Molluscs. Although not all interaction of the oceans and the land is essential
Molluscs have a shell, and other organisms in understanding the hazard associated with
produce a molluscan-large shell such as coastal zones. Tides, currents, and waves bring
foraminifera, polychaetes, barnacles, energy to the coast.
brachiopods. Marketing Strategies. There are
Coastal Areas of Calatagan, numerous strategy gurus, each with a favorite
Batangas. The Municipality of Calatagan lies in approach to framing business and marketing
the southwestern most part of the Province of situation. Look at the most popular frameworks.
Batangas, in a peninsula approximately one Marketers take more responsibility for increasing
hundred ten (110) kilometers south of the City of sales revenues and tend to pass much of the
Manila. It is bounded on the north by the responsibility for decreasing cost to the
municipalities of Lian and Balayan, on the south operational side of the business. So it will come
by the Verde Island Passage, on the east by as no surprise that these strategic perspectives
Pagapas and Balayan Bays and on the west by follow suit, emphasizing increased sales more
West Philippine Sea. The Municipality is located than decreased costs.
at coordinates 13 degree 50 hour latitude and 120 The first positioning strategy to be used
degree 38 hour longitude. The seat of the is selecting the right target market. A target
municipal government of the town of Calatagan market is determined by recognizing that
is exactly 125 kilometers by road from the different groups or segments of the market have
Capital City of Manila. It is 70 kilometers from different needs and wants. Whether person
Batangas City, which is the seat of the provincial categorize the segment by age, gender, location,
government. The western shoreline of the occupation or income level, the principle remains
Municipality is bounded by reef and relatively the same. No matter how the segment of market,
shallow water, where low fish corrals are set up. a result must come out of the analysis. The
The entrance at Sitio Balong Bato has to go person must be able to bring together people who
through the barrier of reefs. On eastern side, the share a common interest and perspective of a
entrance is through Balabatican and Punta product, and have a common need the product
Buaya. The extreme southern part of the would fill. After doing so, people need to decide
peninsula is similar to most promontories which segments of a market are going the target.
bordering the sea and it is called Cape Santiago. May be all or half. However, people must make
sure to choose the most suitable segments for the
product, to ensure most effective and cost worldwide, imperiled status. Each valid genus
efficient marketing. was assigned to the lowest possible level in
The next step in order to position one‟s classification derived from the study, recent
business very effectively is to apply these two phylogenetic analyses. Based upon consensus of
concepts, namely Unique Selling Proposition or numerous regional works, global estimate of
USP and brand name USP is making the product freshwater mussel diversity is 840 species. The
unique and distinct from the other products found largest family is the Unionidae, with 674 species.
in the market. It also tells what specific niche you However, the classification of that taxon is
want to fill. currently influx, and many genera corresponding
Aquatic Resource Management to 225 species.
Framework. A subset of tasks, processes, tools Guo, et al.'s (2016) study identified the
and templates used in combination by the infectious diseases affecting marine Molluscs.
management team to get insight into the major The experimental research design was used in the
structural elements of the project in order to study. The exact transmission mechanisms are
initiate, plan, execute, control, monitor, and not well understood, human activities and
terminate the project activities throughout the associated environmental changes often correlate
management life-cycle. Project Management with increased disease prevalence. Although
framework allows using various methodologies people might be tempted to downplay the role of
and approaches to plan and schedule the major immunity in invertebrates, recent advances in
phases of the lifecycle. Regardless of the type, genomics have provided insights into host and
size and nature of project, a typical Project parasite genomes and revealed surprisingly
Management framework includes micro and sophisticated innate immune systems in
macro phases, templates and checklists, Molluscs. All major innate immune pathways are
processes and activities, roles and found in Molluscs with many immune receptors,
responsibilities, training material and work regulators and effectors expanded. The expanded
guidelines- all this information is organize and gene families provide great diversity and
systematized into a structure allowing managers complexity in innate immune response, which
and planners to control progress of their projects may be key to Molluscs defense against diverse
throughout the lifecycle. pathogens in the absence of adaptive immunity.
Assessment methods should be selected Jumawan, et al.'s (2015) study was
to produce the types of outputs needed for provided an analysis in the diversity and spatial
management purposes, and to utilize the structure of shoreline molluscs found in Padada,
available data to the maximum extent possible. Davao del Sur. The descriptive research design
The data available for hard-to-age species was employed in the study. The finding of study
typically include catch time-series often from a revealed that sampling was conducted along the
variety of “fleets”, and indices of relative coastline area by establishing a transect with
abundance, including those based on sampling of interval of at least 50 meter. The results
commercial catches and form fishery- identified a total of 31 species coming from class
independent sources. Gastropoda or 17 species and Bivalvia or 14
3.2 Research Literature species. Diversity indices and species importance
Graf, et al.'s (2018) study reviewed the values were determined. The data is the first
secondary literature and developing a attempt to provide baseline information on
comprehensive taxonomic data base. The mollusk diversity and community structure in the
descriptive research design was utilized in the study area.
study. The locale were the researches gathered Picardal, et al.'s (2014) study obtained a
information for data base are in the following baseline information on species richness of
places geographical regions such as Nearctica, gastropods and bivalves in two protected bays
Neotropica, Afrotropica, Palearctica, Indotropica, namely Turtle and Binunsalian in Puerto Princesa
and Australasia and one or more sub region. The City, Philippines before the establishment of the
findings of the study revealed that fresh water proposed mega resort facilities. The descriptive
mussels or the Bivalvia: Unionoida are research design was employed in the study. The
interesting because of their unique lifecycles, respondents of the study include two rare miters,
global aggregate distribution and ancient origin. seven recently described species and first record
They are also of practical importance due to their of Timocleaimbricata (Veneridae) in Palawan.
The findings of study revealed that a total of 108 response while the present study underscored the
species were recorded, around 19 bivalves and 89 threats that beset Molluscs farms.
gastropods. Threatened species were note Jumawan, et al.‟s study runs parallel
countered during the survey suggesting that both with present study owing to the fact that both
bays had been over fished. Turtle Bay had very dealt with the sampling conducted along the
low visibility; low coral cover substantial signs coastal areas. However, they differ because the
of ecosystem disturbances and shift from coral to previous study focused on diversity and spatial
algal communities. Although Binunsalian Bay structure of shoreline Molluscs found in Padala,
had clearer waters and relatively high coral Davao del Sur, while the present study centered
cover, associated fish and macro benthic on the diversity and spatial structure of shoreline
invertebrates were of low or no commercial Molluscs found in Calatagan, Batangas.
values. Upon the establishment and operations of Picardal, et al.‟s study is in congruence
their sort facilities, follow up species inventories with the present study in the sense that both dealt
and habitat assessment are suggested to evaluate with baseline information on species richness of
the importance of private resorts in biodiversity gastropods and bivalves. However, they differ
restoration. because the previous study focused not only on
3.4 Synthesis Molluscs but also relatively high coral cover,
With reference to the first construct, the associated fish and macro benthic invertebrates
insights of Parker et al., Bouchet, provided the where of low or no commercial values while the
necessary content as regards the definition and present study highlighted only the information
identification of Molluscs. The insights and about Molluscs.
discussion on Molluscs provided structural bases
for the first construct.
Relative to the second construct, which 4. MATERIALS AND METHODS
is centered on the municipal planning and
development office, the Website The study employed the quantitative
Description, Description and other information method of research. For the quantitative research,
from selected websites afforded the researchers the study used the validated questionnaire as
necessary data to show coastal areas of data-gathering instrument. It also used
Calatagan, Batangas. registration method by referring to the authorized
The third construct made use of offices (Municipal Environmental and Natural
Iacobucci and Garcia insights on definition and Resources office) to gather suppelemental
techniques on study resulted from the information. For the Quantitative Data Analysis,
aforementioned advances on marketing the statistical treatment was used.
Finally, with regard to the fourth and 5. RESULTS AND DISSCUSSION
final construct, McConnell and Punt ideas on
definition afforded insightful discussion/outline The Common Species of Molluscs
in understanding the meaning of these construct. that are Found in the Coastal areas of
Likewise,, insights on resource Calatagan, Batangas in terms of univalves.
assessment provided additional concepts in the Univalve are members of class Molluscs. In
discussion on management framework. Philippines it has approximately 22, 000 of
Graf, et al.‟s study is analogous with the molluscs species and 68 percent of it is
present study because both dealt with some univalves, including the marine, freshwater and
economically important Molluscs. However, they land snails they are called univalve because
differ because the previous study focused on they have one valve or shell. Some of this was
diversity of freshwater Molluscs while the used this as a food and sometimes their shells are
present study centered on the diversity of marine used as home decorations. Philippines were truly
water Molluscs. a paradise of molluscs because every year there
Guo, et al.‟s study is in consonance were a new species and new records of molluscs
with the present study because both dealt with identified.
the factor that affects Molluscs. However, they
differ because the previous study centered on
infectious disease of marine Molluscs and host
Table1. Most Common Species of Univalve According to the respondents, the Turbo
Molluscs that are Found in Coastal Areas in petholatus, Conus muriculatus and Tegula
Calatagan, Batangas rogusa species are the commonly found univalve
molluscs in their coastal areas. The respondents
also commented that those species easily
reproduce and they also have good resistance to
diseases. Those species are restricted to the
extreme low water in the intertidal zones, where
it is located in the rocky substrata under stones
and on weeds. They are found at depths of up to
80 m in the subtidal on rock, muddy area similar
to the coastal areas of Calatagan, Batangas. This
finding is in consonance with Fretwell, et. al‟s
(2013) findings, which states that the red turban
snails are One of the larger, more striking marine
snails found in central coast of Australia. It has a
wide rounded base that tapers quickly to the
point, giving the shell wide cone shape. This
species is often found on rocky, exposed
shorelines. It lives in intertidal zone to 80 m
On the other hand, the species named
Haliotis diversicolor, Buccinum undatum and
Bolinus brandaris have been identified as the
least of the univalve molluscs populations in the
coastal areas. Some of the respondents said that
these species can only be seen in the deepest
areas and others was belong to over collection
cases because of their high market values. The
resistance to diseases of those species also not
that good so they easily die. The findings of this
study are consonance with
Website, 2018 findings which state that this
specie lost in over and illegal harvesting.
Abalone is easily over harvested because of slow
growth and variable reproductive success. Initial
high harvests cannot be sustained. Some people
ignore the regulations enacted to protect abalone
because abalones bring high prices.
This table shows most common species of
bivalve molluscs that are found in coastal areas
in Calatagan, Batangas. According to the
respondents, the species named Pinctada maxima
and Tridac nagigas have been the dominant
bivalve species. This species are well-known as
filter feeder molluscs because they can easily
adapt to a polluted water. The specie population
grows well because these species reproduce well
and faster on warm water through broadcast
On the contrary, this table also showed
This table shows most common species that Mytilus edulis and Argopectan irradians are
of univalve molluscs that are found in coastal the least dominant species. These species can be
areas of Calatagan, Batangas, Philippines. easily affected by red tide and are over-collected.
Mussels lost their population in coastal area of
Calatagan due to lack of clean water supply. This table shows most common species
Some coastal barangays do not give full attention of bivalve molluscs that are found in coastal
in the cleanliness of the water that causes the lost areas in Calatagan, Batangas. According to the
of the population of this specific species. respondents, the species named Pinctada maxima
The Common Species of Molluscs and Tridac nagigas have been the dominant
that are Found in the Coastal areas of bivalve species. This species are well-known as
Calatagan, Batangas in terms of bivalves. The filter feeder molluscs because they can easily
name bivalve refers to the two-part shell that adapt to a polluted water. The specie population
characterizes these molluscs species. Some grows well because these species reproduce well
bivalve molluscs are filter feeders. That gets food and faster on warm water through broadcast
through the currents of water that flow on them spawning.
and they caught them by the used of gill mucus. On the contrary, this table also showed
Some of them are hermaphroditic which mean that Mytilus edulis and Argopectan irradians are
have male and female sex organs and some of the least dominant species. These species can be
them have separate sex organ. easily affected by red tide and are over-collected.
Mussels lost their population in coastal area of
Table2. Most Common Species of Bivalve Calatagan due to lack of clean water supply.
Molluscs that are Found in Coastal Some coastal barangays do not give full attention
Communities in Calatagan, Batangas in the cleanliness of the water that causes the lost
of the population of this specific species.
The Identified Threats that Beset the
Molluscs Population in Terms of Human
Activities. Molluscs are probably the most
familiar invertebrate. Most of them are valued by
man, however people exploit, pollute, alter their
habitats, introduce species, and over-collect them
that affects their survival rate.
The Identified Threats that Beset the Molluscs
Population in terms of Human Activities