Future of Digital Money
Future of Digital Money
Future of Digital Money
Will It Crash?
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Even if the bitcoin value declined over a duration of time, it still came back! The speculation of bitcoin crash by leading banks seems to be due
to their vested interests. Bitcoin is strongly about empowering an individual and eliminating the bank. The very presence of bitcoin and its
increasing adoption rate have created a risk for the conventional banks or currencies. With adoption by government and presence of
regulations around bitcoin, by control on scams and volatility, bitcoin is likely going to stay here in the digital era.
The transactions are recorded on the blockchain and cannot simply disappear. Since 2011, there had many a few crashes in bitcoin price, but
only to return stronger. In a long term, still one notices a trend where the price continues to rise despite of the devastating crashes.
Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into
lines of code. The code and the agreements contained therein exist across a distributed, decentralized blockchain network. Smart
contracts permit trusted transactions and agreements to be carried out among disparate, anonymous parties without the need for a
central authority, legal system, or external enforcement mechanism. They render transactions traceable, transparent, and
The term smart contract had been coined long before the inception of bitcoin. An American cryptographer named Nick Szabo is credited with
the coining of this term. The self-executing contracts work in a similar way as digital currencies operate on the blockchain, in terms of their
digital form, storage, replication, and validation on the system. Smart contracts gain importance to exchange money, property, or anything of
value by eliminating the third-party middleman. Various other applications of smart contracts are toward financial derivatives, insurance
premiums, execution of wills, and legal processes.
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Ethereum is widely used to encode smart contracts because of its unlimited processing capability. Solidity is the language to write smart
contracts. In simple words, a smart contract can be regarded as a virtual agreement for a transaction that may or may not involve money, and
without involving any third party.
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