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III. GROUNDING TRANSFORMER SIZING However, for consistency with standard practice, that factor is
not considered here, and its exclusion will lead to a
A. Procedure
conservative design recommendation for the grounding
1) Fundamental considerations transformer.
Consider the generic distribution feeder shown There are several ways of obtaining the needed zero-
schematically in Figure 1. The utility source is at the left, and sequence path. One way is to connect the DG to the feeder
it serves the feeder through a substation transformer that using a Yg-delta distribution transformer, with the Yg on the
grounds the feeder, marked here as a delta-Yg. For simplicity, feeder side and probably grounded through a grounding
no loads are shown. At the right end of the distribution feeder reactor to control the fault current contribution. When viewed
is an inverter-based DG (a PV plant in this case), assumed from the Yg (feeder) side, this transformer provides a zero-
here to be tied to the feeder through a Yg-Yg distribution sequence path to ground through its delta winding [3] and
transformer. The PV plant has a grounding transformer, prevents GFO for faults on the distribution feeder. In this
shown here as a Yg-delta but which could also be a zigzag. configuration, a ground fault on the 480 V bus will result in a
GFO driven by the utility source. Thus, in this case it might
still be necessary to include a grounding transformer on the
distribution transformer LV bus.
provide the finite zero sequence shunt impedance needed to result is obtained. Then, the grounding transformer reactance
mitigate GFO. It is assumed that the grounding transformer is and resistance, Xg and Rg, are found using these relationships:
connected on the LV side of the distribution transformer.
The grounding transformer must have sufficient current- (2)
handling capability to survive three sets of conditions: the
fault current that flows after the fault strikes but before the
utility breaker opens, the fault current that flows after the (3)
utility breaker opens but before the PV trips, and the steady-
state circulating current that will flow in the grounding
transformer due to phase-phase voltage imbalance under For example, a 500 kVA (500 kW) inverter connected at 480
normal unfaulted operating conditions. Inverter fault current V has a Zbase,PV of 0.4608 , so the required Xg of the
contributions are limited; during the fault, the inverter current grounding transformer would be 0.276 , and the grounding
will typically be on the order of 1.2 times the inverter’s rated transformer’s Rg value can be anything less than or equal to
current [6], meaning that the PV fault current contribution will 69.1 m. The value of 60% of Zbase,PV corresponds to a
be much smaller than the utility-driven fault current that flows steady-state fault current contribution of about 167% of the
before disconnection. Thus, the fault current flowing after PV nominal current, which is a conservative value. In this
initiation of the fault but before the utility breaker opens will document, we will assume that Rg = Xg/4 (i.e., the maximum
be the current that determines the short-term current handling allowed Rg value), because this minimizes the grounding
capability the transformer must possess. The steady-state transformer size without violating the requirements for TOV
circulating current can also be sizeable, depending on the prevention. In general, one should also allow for a tolerance
transformer impedance and the level of phase-phase voltage band on these impedances, so in this paper a ±10% tolerance
imbalance expected on the feeder. on the impedance values is assumed.
Figure 1 shows a representation of a generic distribution
2) Grounding transformer electrical specification feeder with a PV plant and a grounding transformer on the PV
To electrically specify the grounding transformer, one must plant’s 480 V bus. This is the configuration that will be
specify six parameters: the transformer’s nominal terminal considered throughout this document. This basic
voltage (assumed here to be 480 VLL,RMS), the zero-sequence configuration is the same whether a zigzag or Yg-delta
current required and its duration (taken here to be 2 sec), the grounding transformer is used.
continuous circulating current the transformer must endure
due to steady-state phase-phase voltage imbalance on the B. Grounding Transformer Sizing Results
feeder, and the transformer’s zero-sequence impedances R0 1) Calculation of the steady-state circulating current
and X0. The strategy used here is to first find the transformer rating
impedances, and then use those to calculate the transformer’s The steady-state circulating current in the grounding bank
needed fault current and continuous current withstand arises because of the zero-sequence component of the
capabilities. unbalanced distribution feeder phase voltages. Denote the
There are two methods by which the transformer impedance circulating current by Ig’. Looking at Figure 2, the DG
is commonly specified. One is from IEEE-142 [7] and appears on the right of each of the sequence networks. It is
involves setting the grounding transformer impedances (R0 usually assumed that the DG current is entirely positive
and X0) so that the ratios of R0/X1 and X0/X1 of the circuit sequence, so the DG current source becomes an open circuit in
without the utility connected result in a TOV of 120% or less. the negative and zero sequences. Because we are concerned
This process involves drawing the sequence network circuit, with the time period between the initiation of the fault and
and the R0, X0 and X1 values referred to in the ratios are those opening of the utility breaker, we will assume that the DG
of the circuit, again with the utility disconnected. Usually, the inverter’s shunt impedances in the sequence domain, Z1,inv,sh
recommended values for the ratios are X0/X1 ≤ 3, and R0/X1 ≤ and Z2,inv,sh, are large enough at 60 Hz relative to the other
1. However, this definition can be difficult to use with impedances in the circuit that the currents through them can be
inverters because it is difficult to properly define the inverter’s neglected while the utility is still connected.
positive- and negative-sequence impedances. Because of the open circuit at the far right of the zero-
The other means for finding the transformer impedances sequence network, the DG’s zero-sequence impedance is
appears in an appendix to draft standard IEEE 1547.8 [8]. In entirely determined by the impedance of the grounding
this approach, one first finds the impedance base of the transformer. Also, notice that the grounding transformer only
inverter, Zbase,PV, as follows: appears in the zero sequence network. Because the grounding
transformer is not serving load on its secondary windings
(1) (which is usually, but not always, true), there is an open circuit
on the secondary side of the grounding transformer’s positive
and negative sequences, so only zero sequence currents can
where VPV is the line-to-neutral PV plant terminal voltage and flow in the grounding transformer.
SPV is the plant’s rated output apparent power per phase in VA. Because the impedance of the grounding transformer is
Note that 1) SPV usually equals PPV because PV plants known from Equations (2) and (3), it is now possible to find
normally operate at unity power factor; and 2) if one uses the the circulating current Ig’ by determining the zero-sequence
line-line voltage and total three-phase SPV, the same numerical voltage across the grounding bank as a function of the phase-
Figure 6. Distribution feeder with a Yg-Yg distribution transformer, Figure 8. Sequence networks for an SLG fault on the LV bus, including the
grounding transformer, and an SLG fault on Phase A. impedances to remote earth.
In addition, it is important to realize that when the Equation (13) is obviously not a new result [10], but many of
distribution transformer’s H-side and X-side neutrals share the the newer reference books used today, especially by younger
same grounding electrode, which is commonly the case, the power engineers trying to understand transformers and
zero-sequence impedance of the distribution transformer, symmetrical components, do not cover this case of a Yg-Yg
Zadisttx0, as seen from the MV side, is given by [10]: transformer with a common H-X neutral.
If the inverter-side voltage of the PV distribution
transformer is 480 V and the feeder-side voltage is 12.47 kV,
then N 26, so that
Because ZG will have a value of several ohms in most cases The yellow block at the far right end of the feeder contains
and is multiplied by 3, neglecting this term can introduce a a PV plant and grounding transformer. The contents of that
significant error into the calculated zero-sequence impedance. yellow block are shown in Figure 11, in which the orange
block at the center is the Yg-Yg generator step-up transformer,
the yellow blocks at the upper left are the PV inverter
modules, and the solid green block is the grounding
transformer. Using switches and the red blocks at the bottom
of Figure 11, an SLG fault can be applied directly to the MV
or LV bus of the distribution transformer.
Figure 11. Contents of the yellow block at the right in Figure 10.
The authors gratefully acknowledge a) the financial support of
Advanced Energy and Gerlicher Solar, and b) the invaluable
technical assistance of Tom Yohn, Michael Beanland, Marc
Johnson, Matthew Charles, and Lou Gasper.
[1] H. B-L. Lee, S. Chase, R. Dugan, “Overvoltage Considerations for
Interconnecting Dispersed Generators With Wye-Grounded Distribution
Feeders”, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol.
PAS-103 No. 12, December 1984, p. 3587-3594.
[2] M.E. Ropp, M. Johnson, D. Schutz, S. Cozine, “Effective Grounding of
Distributed Generation Inverters May Not Mitigate Transient and
Temporary Overvoltage”, Proceedings of the 2012 Western Protective
Relay Conference, September 2012.
[3] P. M. Anderson, Analysis of Faulted Power Systems, originally
published by Iowa State University Press 1973, republished by IEEE
Press 1995, ISBN 9780780311459. (This book is now available online
free of charge from the IEEE.)
[4] J. Blackburn, Symmetrical Components for Power Systems Engineering,
CRC Press 1995, ISBN 9780824787676.
[5] J. Glover, M. Sarma, T. Overbye, Power System Analysis and Design,
5th ed., Cengage Learning 2012, ISBN 9781111425777.
[6] Microgrids: Architectures and Control, ed. N. Hatziargyriou, pub. IEEE
Press 2014, ISBN 9781118720684. See page 123.
[7] IEEE Std 142-2007, “IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems” (the Green Book).
[8] See IEEE 1547.8, Draft 2.0, November 2011, Appendix C, pg 147.
[9] IEEE Standard 367-2012: “IEEE Recommended Practice for
Determining the Electric Power Station Ground Potential Rise and
Induced Voltage from a Power Fault”.
[10] Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, pub.
Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 1964. See Table 7, page 804, entry
[11] J. Acharya, Y. Wang, W. Xu, “Temporary Overvoltage and GPR
Characteristics of Distribution Feeders with Multigrounded Neutral”,
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 25(2), April 2010, p. 1036-1044.
Chris Mouw received the BSEE from South Dakota State University in 2008.
Mr. Mouw is presently with Northern Plains Power Technologies, Brookings,
SD, where he works on all aspects of modeling of electric power systems with
power electronics, automation of modeling, and many types of studies for